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In the face of protracted refugee situations worldwide, peaceful co-existence with host populations is necessary to ensure a meaningful life for refugees. Refugees need assistance to survive, especially in the emergency phase of their arrival in host communities. However, establishing refugee camps in predominantly rural communities with poor living conditions questions the type of assistance that should be offered in order to avoid resentment from rural hosts. The article explores the implications of humanitarian assistance to refugees in Krisan Refugee Camp in Ghana for refugee–host relations. Where assistance to refugees is perceived to be above average living conditions in the host communities, there is likely to be resentment among hosts. This may create antagonism between refugees and hosts, thereby jeopardising peaceful co-existence. It is concluded that assistance should also take the needs of local populations into consideration in order to create a congenial atmosphere for co-existence.  相似文献   

史丽  熊理然  蒋梅英 《热带地理》2022,42(3):499-508
基于联合国难民署的动态监测数据,对2018年1月至2020年9月期间的缅孟边境罗兴亚难民人口规模、人口结构及其对区域地缘政治关系的影响进行分析。研究表明:1)缅孟边境罗兴亚难民规模大且呈不断增长的态势;女性难民多于男性,难民年龄结构趋于年轻型,以18岁以下的未成年人为主,青壮年难民占总人口比重次之且增长快速;在空间分布上表现出典型的“距缅孟边境的距离衰变规律”,即难民营地向西部扩张,难民规模呈现自东向西递减的分布规律。2)罗兴亚难民的人口规模及结构对区域地缘政治关系产生了显著影响。一是深刻影响着缅甸的民主化进程;二是对缅孟边境安全形成挑战,导致缅孟关系趋于紧张;三是引发了多地缘行为体的介入与关注,进而引发了围绕难民问题的地缘政治博弈,导致东盟内部的分化及其地缘政治的外溢效应。3)相较于部分西方国家及国际组织,中国提出的“三步走”解决方案符合缅孟两国的实际情况,在中缅孟联合工作组机制下,罗兴亚难民问题正朝着合作共商的道路积极推进解决。  相似文献   

Drawing on recent research in the Horn of Africa, emerging patterns of managing forced migration in the post-Cold War landscape are identified and analyzed. While camps continue to house refugees, the meaning and value of ‘refugee’ have changed dramatically since the Cold War. Efforts to prevent people from crossing political borders to seek safety are increasing, giving rise to a new set of safe spaces. These new spaces are expressions of a distinct geopolitical discourse and take the names ‘UN protectedarea’, ‘preventive zone’, and ‘safe haven’. Their significance as a challenge to state-centric geopolitics both within conflict zones and as refugee camps is explored in the Kenya-Somalia context.  相似文献   


Drawing on recent research in the Horn of Africa, emerging patterns of managing forced migration in the post-Cold War landscape are identified and analyzed. While camps continue to house refugees, the meaning and value of ‘refugee’ have changed dramatically since the Cold War. Efforts to prevent people from crossing political borders to seek safety are increasing, giving rise to a new set of safe spaces. These new spaces are expressions of a distinct geopolitical discourse and take the names ‘UN protectedarea’, ‘preventive zone’, and ‘safe haven’. Their significance as a challenge to state-centric geopolitics both within conflict zones and as refugee camps is explored in the Kenya-Somalia context.  相似文献   

王晓梦  刘晨  程杨  王锦  陈雅薇  周尧 《地理学报》2018,73(10):2031-2049
欧洲是“一带一路”倡议的重点覆盖地域,是亚欧大陆经济走廊的重要组成,维护其地区安全稳定,排除干扰中欧两大市场合作互联的潜在安全隐患,对于“一带一路”倡议的稳固推进十分必要。基于地理学视角,考虑难民安置政策因素,采用灰色关联分析、层次分析、多目标规划等方法对2015-2017年欧洲难民危机时空演变过程及迁移格局优化进行分析。① 时空演化分析显示难民集中于2015年登陆欧洲,欧洲各国登陆难民、接收难民数量极化突出,双重失衡;② 灰色关联分析显示难民迁移决策具有福利优先、收入优先的导向,各国难民政策调整为迁移决策带来不确定性,既有迁移格局难以长期维持;③ 层次分析显示北欧西欧国家难民宜居性较高,东欧南欧国家宜居性相对较差,部分避难国承担安置难民数量与其宜居性不符;④ 多目标规划的优化格局显示,由于欧洲各国忽视全球化背景致使难民政策指向错误,迁移网络更加混乱失衡,优化后来自土耳其、乌克兰的难民迁移趋势向西欧集中,来自希腊、匈牙利的难民迁移趋势在空间上更加平均分散,来自意大利的难民迁移趋势向西欧南欧呈扇形分散。优化后迁移格局有助于缓解地区安全局势、为“一带一路”建设创造良好的政治、经济环境,平衡劳动力资源配置,为建设投资提供潜在市场。最后在研究结果的基础上提出若干协同合作调整难民迁移格局的危机缓解措施。  相似文献   

In this study, we analyze the structure of paths within two refugee camps (Calais, France, and Zaatari, Jordan) as a preliminary study examining posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) stressors within such camps. We do so through a geospatial analysis of intersections and viewsheds within the camps. Given that anxiety, and the avoidance associated with it, is a primary characteristic of PTSD, refugees might prefer built environments with fewer stressors or anxiety triggers. This study provides a baseline for analyzing basic stressors in a way to test whether design supports anxiety-based avoidance. The planned structure of Zaatari shows a high prevalence of spatial PTSD stressors with lower visibility and a more maze-like structure than that of Calais. This suggests a coping strategy taken by refugees to produce a more suitable and less stressing labyrinth structure. To properly treat PTSD in geographical space, we suggest a need for consideration of this in the planning, function, and very existence of refugee camps and settlements.  相似文献   


Small scale cross-border trade on the Thai–Lao border has come under increasing pressure with the construction of a new Mekong bridge that has expanded formal trade between the two countries. Most small-scale traders are women who, with assistance from family and friends, have developed small businesses from childhood, and created social networks across the border with other traders, and relevant actors such as drivers and government officials. Such networks, trust, experience and familiarity enabled superior access to information and trading concessions that have enabled the continued success of small-scale trade, the maintenance of complex cross-border livelihoods, and the ability of traders across an increasingly regulated border to deal with constraints and risks. A few established traders have developed trade networks and social relationships involving supply chains across several countries.  相似文献   

The year 2018 saw a moral panic in the United States in the media and among many citizens over the treatment of refugees/asylees at the U.S. southern border, particularly the separation and detention of children apart from their parents. This happened in the context of a period in U.S. political history in which “immigration,” without much discernment about different types of immigration, was central to political discourse. In fact, in terms of numbers, there was no immigration crisis at the border. Undocumented migration from Mexico across the southern border of the United States has been in decline for many years, and the irregular movement of people from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras is currently small by historical standards. The only crisis, to which the U.S. panic was a response, has been a human rights crisis. Families and children seeking asylum from horrendous civil‐rights conditions in their countries of origin were criminalized and denied their right to asylum hearings. The panic points both to the extreme politicization of immigration in the United States, particularly since Donald Trump's entry into national politics in 2015, and to popular confusion over categorizing different types of immigrants. But it also raises questions about the nature of the U.S. southern border in relation to the United States’ place in the world. Rather than thinking about the United States as simply the rich destination country of unfortunate people coming from poor origin countries, the refugee panic of 2018 brings into the focus the fact that the United States itself is complicit in the conditions in those countries that produce so many refugees in the first place.  相似文献   

Using the case of Berlin, this article examines civil society actors in relation to local bordering practices following the large number of refugee arrivals in 2015. Combining critical border, migration, and urban studies and adopting a Foucauldian lens, the article aims to illustrate to what extent civil society actors have challenged and transformed local bordering practices vis‐à‐vis refugees within a specific urban space. The analysis illustrates that civil society actors have created new spaces of inclusion for refugees and brought new political and normative challenges to the established notions of belonging. On the other hand, they have also reproduced bordering practices either by their integration into formal state structures or by reinforcing hierarchical categorizations and unequal power relations embedded in the notion of humanitarianism. Finally, the article argues that these de/re‐bordering practices of civil society actors should be understood in line with the constraints that established bordering processes and the existing political and structural dynamics placed on them.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that older refugees are particularly vulnerable to the stresses of resettlement in developed countries. However, to date the voices of older refugees have largely been missing from the body of refugee resettlement research. Using in‐depth interviews and thematic analysis, this paper explores the personal resettlement experiences of three former refugee elders from the Bhutanese community in Palmerston North. The findings suggest that culture, religion and social connections are of vital importance to the well‐being of these Bhutanese elders and their ability to foster a sense of self and place in a foreign land.  相似文献   

缅甸果敢难民涌入对中国边境地区的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缅甸果敢冲突爆发,大量难民为躲避战争纷纷涌入中国云南省的边境地区。进入中国的果敢难民生活拮据,但在中国政府及民众的帮助下,基本生活得到保障。虽然果敢人民与中国边境地区的人民语言相通,生活方式相似,双方人民间隔阂较小,但大量涌入的果敢难民对边境地区造成的影响依然不可忽视,以免因难民问题酿成祸患。研究通过实地考察、问卷调查、深度访谈等方法分析此次冲突对中国边境地区造成的影响。结果表明,难民的涌入使得边境地区的双方贸易往来受损,治安压力增大,生态环境受到威胁,但也为边境地区带来了新的劳动力和经济收入来源。同时,政府针对难民问题也出台了一系列切实有效的措施。总体来说,果敢难民的涌入对中国边境地区的影响在可控范围内,并没有引起边境地区的社会失调。  相似文献   

While the geopolitical legacies of the World War I peace negotiations are widely recognized, this article examines the often overlooked connection between the WWI Paris Peace Conference's spatial and geopolitical logics and contemporary refugee‐border dynamics. We argue that the spatial and geopolitical logics that framed the WWI Paris Peace Conference—the creation of new states, the propagation of the Western ideal of bounded sovereign states, the nationalist goals of self‐determination and homogeneous ethnic nations, and the establishment of a system of international governance—continue to impact refugee‐border dynamics and “crises” today. The categories, ideals, and practices of the international refugee regime that emerged over the last one‐hundred years stem in great part from these logics. In this paper, we urge critical contemplation about how these foundations—including the establishment of the post of High Commissioner for Refugees in 1921, the resultant Nansen Passports, the post‐WWI minority treaties, and lastly the 1933 Convention Relating to the International Status of Refugees—connect to contemporary human (im)mobility and border violence. We also introduce the articles in this special issue and highlight key themes and future directions for research in critical migration studies.  相似文献   

梁海艳  代燕  骆华松 《热带地理》2018,37(2):193-202
利用宏观县区政府统计资料和定性个案访谈资料,对滇桂边境地区跨境通婚进行调查分析,结果发现:滇桂边境地区跨境通婚数量在不断增长,地理通婚圈由边境向内地延伸,通婚辐射范围越来越广,一部分跨境婚姻即将演变为内地跨国婚姻;婚入人口性别结构严重失衡,边境国家女性嫁入中国的数量远远多于中国边境女性嫁到邻国;跨境婚姻中夫妇双方整体教育文化素质偏低,多以小学和初中为主,呈现出教育资源的弱弱结合;跨境通婚的结婚登记率较低,大多以“事实婚姻”的方式在中国组成家庭,并且这些家庭早婚多育现象比较严重,不利于中国计划生育的有序执行;夫妇年龄差偏大以及跨境通婚具有代际传承等特征。进一步分析发现:导致滇桂边境地区的跨境通婚不断增长的原因与地理空间的邻近性、跨境民族文化圈子的同源性、等级通婚圈的封闭性、边境邻国→中国边境→中国内地的二级经济阶梯推动性、中越两国人口性别结构的互补性、不同国家婚姻制度“错位性”和边境地区政治形势的不稳定性存在密切的关系。  相似文献   

There is less than a decade left to accomplish the goal of ending global poverty by 2030. This paper investigates global poverty dynamics and finds a shift in the world's poverty gravity center from South Asia to Africa in the period 1990–2015. Sub-Saharan Africa has become the main battlefield for poverty reduction in the world. Global poverty reduction has been accompanied by political instability and local conflicts, economic marginalization, rural decline, and natural hazards as well as climate change which are jointly impacting the least developed areas and making the world's poverty reduction vulnerable to external shocks. The "STAR" scheme, including maintaining political stability, promoting targeted poverty alleviation, implementing regular assessments of poverty reduction initiatives, and revitalizing rural and poverty-stricken areas, is proposed with specific measures to enhance the resilience capacity of poverty alleviation in the world.  相似文献   

经济全球化与区域一体化是21世纪区域合作的核心动因,跨边界合作议题备受学界关注。欧盟在区域一体化实践方面有丰硕的理论与实证成果,其发展经验为粤港澳大湾区协同治理提供了指引,二者均涉及到跨制度、边界的协作和权力的尺度重组。文章基于Web of Science(WOS)数据库和中国知网(CNKI),运用Citespace文献计量方法,系统分析了1993—2020年欧盟跨边界合作研究动向。结果发现:1)欧盟跨边界合作研究主要集中在边界区域互动、跨边界合作模式、跨边界合作领域、跨边界合作障碍等方面;2)欧盟跨边界合作的发展得益于国家之间政治上的互动互信、正式与非正式的制度协调和合作范围的扩大与深入,然而在双边差异、跨边界可达性、移民和安全等方面仍存在不足;3)欧盟跨边界合作的实践经验对粤港澳大湾区协同治理具有重要启示作用,增强价值与文化认同,创设特殊制度安排,构建多尺度合作空间与多维度治理体系是实现大湾区协同发展的核心支撑。  相似文献   

美国是全球最大的移民接收国,墨西哥是美国最大的移民来源国,特殊的地缘关系和巨大的发展差距使众多墨西哥人移民美国。墨裔移民为美国提供了充足的劳动力,在美墨边境地区,移民集聚带动了两国边境地区的发展。但族裔矛盾始终是美国主要社会问题之一,特别是“9·11”事件后,少数族裔和非法移民问题加剧美国社会分裂和对立,成为美国国内政治博弈的焦点。基于区域地缘关系的视角来看,美国与墨西哥之间长期不对等的国际关系决定了跨国移民的流入状态和生存境遇,也是美国族群矛盾的主要原因之一。移民问题政治化将持续强化墨裔移民政策的不确定性,使移民个人与家庭面临更大的融入困难。  相似文献   

Communal rangelands provide diverse ecosystem services to millions of pastoralists and agro-pastoralists. Resettling destitute communities into hitherto uninhabited communal rangelands and forests, a common practice throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, is a threat to the sustainable use of range and forest land resources. In order to understand the effect of resettlement on a semi-arid woodland in northwestern Ethiopia, satellite imagery of 23 resettlement villages taken over a period of fourteen years, and woody vegetation floristic data for three old resettlements, three new resettlements, two refugee camps and one protected area were analyzed using ANOVA and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI) and canopy cover around all village types decreased with disturbance gradients, while the magnitude of change varied according to the type of settlement. Limited canopy cover was observed in refugee camps and new resettlements, compared to old resettlements and protected areas. Woody vegetation height class showed a J shaped distribution in all sites except refugee camps (RC), indicating a decline in vegetation. CCA showed that variables like site type, altitude and disturbance gradient significantly affected the diversity of woody species at the different sites. Comparison of individual species responses to disturbances indicated that low fodder value invaders like Dichrostachys cinerea, and many Acacia species were increasing in proportion and coverage at the expense of some multipurpose species including Tamarindus indica, Diospyros mespiliformis, and Pterocarpus lucens. In the absence of regulated vegetation use, resettlements result in a decline in overall vegetation cover and a shift in floristic diversity in favor of invasive species.  相似文献   

李晓丽  吴威  刘玮辰 《地理研究》2020,39(11):2552-2567
国际公路运输作为“一带一路”倡议之互联互通的重要部分,是沿线国家经贸往来的重要载体。本文基于国际公路运输链的角度,结合行车时间和通关耗时,从公路通行能力和通行便捷性两方面分析“一带一路”区域公路通达性。研究表明:① “一带一路”区域公路通行能力分布状况存在不平衡现象,中东欧、中国、印度形成“三极”,通行能力明显高于其他区域,中亚、西亚、东北亚等地区由于公路覆盖率低、缺少高等级公路成为通行能力薄弱区域。② 受累积空间距离、跨境通关时间、公路网的完善程度以及政治局势等因素影响,“一带一路”区域通行便捷性在空间分布上大致呈现“中东欧-中国”双峰结构;区域之间乃至区域内部国家间通行便捷性差异显著,从高通行便捷性到低通行便捷性,通达时间由公路行车时间主导过渡到通关累积时间主导,国家间的通关障碍在很大程度上降低了“一带一路”区域公路运输整体通达性水平。  相似文献   

Cross‐border automobile production and trade is still subject to regulations and restrictions in developed as well as developing political economic spaces. Although global production networks are within this industrial sector are significantly underpinned by political economies at national scales, macro‐scale regulation increasingly influences how and where lead firms operate within the global economy. Within this changing context, this paper outlines the recent regulatory changes in the regional political economy of Southeast Asia with the introduction of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). Drawing on empirical evidence from the Thai industry, and how macroregional automobile production networks are established, the paper focuses on the changes of this free trade policy for component as well as vehicle trade.  相似文献   

Geographic studies of refugee issues have emerged as salient topics of inquiry in the past decade. This spatial analysis of the migration experiences and heterolocal settlement patterns of refugees in an increasingly diverse part of the Pacific Northwest focuses on a place that the Atlantic Monthly recently called the last Caucasian bastion in the United States. Perceived as a region better known for its dense forests, progressive environmental policies, and rural ambience, the Portland metropolitan area and its hinterland in the Willamette Valley now resonate with ethnic and racial diversity. This article analyzes the spatial patterns and related networks of the three largest refugee groups in the region. Findings indicate that an overlapping and interrelated set of political, social, cultural, and economic networks are the most important factors in determining refugee residential patterns.  相似文献   

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