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Using primary data collected from 5 villages in the Bist Doab, this study analyzes migration patterns of the scheduled caste population in rural areas of this region of Punjab. During 1971-1981, the rural scheduled caste population recorded a growth rate of 28.37% as compared to the corresponding growth rate of 13.32% among the rural nonscheduled castes. The proportion of the scheduled caste population showed striking intervillage variations from 52.85% in Khark Balhra to 87.45% in Bhoyapur. It was found that the rate of in-migration of the general population was quite low; the scheduled castes were no exception. Male in-migration has been primarily due to economic reasons; female in-migration was due largely to the change of marital status. It is only in Bhoyapur that about 44% of male in-migrants came as a result of rehabilitation programs undertaken by the state government after 1947. In all the villages, the scheduled caste males have out-migrated at a far slower pace than their nonscheduled caste counterparts. Economic reasons for males and marriage for females are almost the only 2 determinants of out-migration. Scheduled caste males and females differ from each other not only in terms of their motives for migration, but also with respect to the distance of the move; compared to the short distance migration among females, males experience relatively long range migration. Scheduled caste and nonscheduled caste difference is widest in terms of gross emigration; emigration among the scheduled castes is small in volume and more recent in origin. This is directly related to their meager incomes, low literacy rates, and lack of awareness of opportunities.  相似文献   

基于城市夜间灯光数据的中美两国城市位序规模分布对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业革命以来,人类开启了大规模的城市化进程。城市随着交通和通讯技术的发展不断突破原有的规模限制,城市规模不断变大。以人口为指标的城市规模分布服从齐普夫法则。不同城市化发展阶段,其城市位序规模分布存在差异。城市夜间灯光数据一般可用来衡量城市的经济活动、建成区面积、人口密度、发展水平等。本文以同源的城市夜间灯光数据代表城市规模,在国家尺度和省州尺度研究中美两国城市规模位序分布,并比较其异同。研究表明,在国家尺度,2013-2016年间,中美两国城市规模均变得集聚,而中国城市规模分布比美国更为分散,齐普夫指数相差约0.1。在省州尺度,不同省州的城市规模分布存在差异,中国和美国分别有44%和84%的省份或州的齐普夫指数大于1,中国城市规模分布分散型省份占一半以上,而美国的集中型的州则占有84%,总体而言,中国城市的规模分布更为分散。中美两国高位序城市实际值远低于拟合值,理论上仍然具备很大的发展潜力。中国高位序城市需要进一步提高城市经济活动的聚集程度,使得城市规模体系更趋完善与成熟。  相似文献   

An analysis of rural-urban migration in Thailand is presented, with particular reference to environmental and noneconomic factors such as physical accessibility, levels of external contact, and household density. Data are from a longitudinal study and a community-level survey conducted by the Institute of Population Studies at Chulalongkorn University in 1969 and 1972, together with additional data collected in 1982. The need to improve physical and social conditions in rural areas to decrease the motivation to migrate is noted.  相似文献   

高更和  李小建  乔家君 《地理研究》2009,28(6):1484-1493
对农户打工区位的研究是认识农民工流动空间规律的基础。通过对河南省南阳市三个不同类型样本村的实证研究,发现打工者不同的个人特征、家庭特征和社区特征对其打工地的选择具有重要影响。其中,个人特征中的性别对打工空间、年龄对打工距离及打工空间具有显著影响;家庭特征中的家庭类型对打工距离、家庭代数和家庭上学子女数量对打工距离和打工空间具有显著影响;社区特征中的村经济发展水平、村地形对打工空间具有显著影响,农户关系网络对打工地的选择具有关键作用。农户对打工地的选择是在能够预期取得一定收入的前提下,综合考虑个人、家庭和社区因素的结果,地理环境因素对打工地的选择具有重要影响。  相似文献   

林李月  朱宇  林坤  柯文前 《地理学报》2021,76(6):1350-1365
流动人口的城镇购房意愿和空间偏好直接关系到流动人口市民化的路径选择与城镇化的高质量发展.基于2016年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据和统计数据,对比研究了流动人口流入地和流出地城镇购房意愿的空间特征和影响因素.研究发现:①流动人口城镇购房意愿具有层次性和两栖性特征,还有小部分流动人口拥有多地城镇购房意愿.②流入地和流出地...  相似文献   

王强  周侃  林键 《地理学报》2022,77(2):457-473
能源转型是中国如期实现碳中和、碳达峰目标的必然路径,也是缩小城乡居民能源消费差距、实现能源平等的关键举措。基于2013年和2017年的家庭追踪调查数据,运用基尼系数、局部加权回归以及逐步回归等方法,在揭示中国城乡家庭能源平等的时空特征、能源转型效果基础上,定量评价影响地区间、城乡间家庭能源平等的驱动因素。结果表明:① 中国城乡家庭的能源消费水平总体呈明显不平等特征,但随着能源转型政策实施以及城乡融合进程加速,城乡家庭间能源不平等程度有所减小。② 对10609个城乡家庭样本、9类分区的比较显示,除长三角地区的家庭能源平等性较高外,其他地区均呈不同程度的非均衡性,尤其在云贵等西南地区的家庭能源不平等现象尤为突出。③ 家庭收入、家庭规模、城乡居住区位、气候条件以及现代化能源可获得性显著影响家庭能源支出,进而对区域间的家庭能源平等性造成影响,而当地的能源资源禀赋对家庭能源支出的影响并不显著。④ 尽管农村地区气态能源、电力资源普及有效推动了城乡家庭能源转型,但农村家庭需担负相较于城镇家庭居民更大的能源转型经济压力。  相似文献   

Changes in world capitalism caused prices of traditional raw materials to fall and new energy demands to arise at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. The Andean countries witnessed the fall in the value of their exports and began to receive large flows of foreign investment in mining and industry. Consequently, urban economies were strengthened and demographic patterns were changed. This led to the internal migrations and to a process of social change. These consequences are summarized from relevant studies focusing on Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. Since the 1960s a compendium of information has become available which highlights the causes of the migration, migration patterns, the composition of migratory movements, and the mechanisms that the migrant uses to establish himself/herself in the city. Preston (1969) distinguished 2 migratory patterns in Ecuador: rural to urban, with migratory flows from the rural areas to urban centers and new industrial cities that experienced development and high demand for unskilled labor at comparatively high wages: and rural to rural, based on the movement of population from depressed rural areas to other areas in which programs for colonization or commercial agriculture have been promoted. In a study of Colombia, McGreevey (1968) identifies the lack of cultivatable land, rural violence in certain departments, and other economic and family causes as the principal factors that induced migrations to the cities. The study emphasizes that the predominant model of movement relates to "fill in" migration. The spatial mobility of the Venezuelan Andean population was initially outlined in a voluminous report on economic and social problems of the region (1954). The study indicates that during the intercensal period 1941-50 cities grew much more rapidly than rural "municipos" and that the drive to find employment and earn a living were the most important motives in the movement of peasants to the cities. All of the studies identified that use demographic, economic, or phychosocial approaches have provided partial explanations of the current status of Andean migrations. The explanations they offer, by not transcending the current reality of the migrants, overlook the historical traits of internal migration. Migratory flows do not spring up suddenly. They result from specific socio-political circumstances which, when closely linked to demographic evidence, serve as a basis for understanding the process. Review of studies on internal migration in the Northern Andes, as presented here, reveals a series of distinguishing characteristics: there are 5 migratory patterns--rural to rural, rural to urban, urban to urban, seasonal worker migration, and return migration, and the predominant pattern has been rural to urban; the demographic data show the importance of rural migrants to urban growth in the region and a complementary loss of population in the rural areas; depopulation of the countryside has been selective; and there is a marked disparity in employment remuneration between rural and urban areas.  相似文献   

赵思敏  芮旸  杨钰华 《地理研究》2022,41(3):810-829
学前和义务教育阶段学生由乡到城的跨尺度流动影响教育资源配置和社会治理,事关乡村振兴和教育公平。解析乡村学生跨尺度流动的内涵并构建其研究框架,融合县级统计数据和调查访谈数据对陕西省淳化县进行实证分析。结果表明:① 淳化县乡村学生存在跨尺度流动现象并趋于加剧,突出表现为跨县域的跳跃流动成为主体和流动时间提前至幼儿园阶段,乡村义务教育设施的小规模化趋势和学前教育设施“城挤乡空”的潜在风险因此出现。② 乡村学生跨尺度流动的影响因素呈4级递阶结构,进城落户和随迁就学政策是深层动因,教育资源配置、父母文化程度与学校教学质量、家庭经济资本、父母籍贯分别为中层与浅层影响因素,父母工作地、家庭购房情况、学校寄宿条件和上学距离是表层直接影响因素。③ 推力因素和家庭心理门槛的消除促使乡村学生流出,但实现流动需克服“人、钱、居”三大中间阻力和路径门槛,流入地的最终确定则受拉力因素和区位门槛的共同作用,整个流动过程的发生始终受资源分配不均形成的梯度力和随迁就学等政策的影响。建议多渠道增加乡村优质教育资源供给,扩大省级政府及副省级城市的教育统筹权,推动教育治理模式的流动性转向。  相似文献   

长江经济带新型城镇化协调性的趋同与差异研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李小帆  邓宏兵  马静 《地理科学进展》2015,34(11):1419-1429
近10年来,城镇化进程中暴露的很多问题可以归结为城镇化的协调性问题,本文以“人地关系”理论为基础,从城乡、产城、城镇化区域和城镇化与资源环境协调发展4个方面来衡量新型城镇化的协调性。并以长江经济带为研究区域,运用空间杜宾面板模型(spatial Durbin panel data model, SDPDM)从经验上考察新型城镇化协调性的俱乐部与条件趋同现象,发现制约长江经济带东、中、西部新型城镇化协调性的因素并不一致:东部城市应进一步加强城镇化同资源环境的协调,促进区域间的协同发展;中部城市应改变大拆大建的城市建设模式,着重发展服务业和增强城市间的合作;西部城市应进一步推进市场开放进程,减少政府对市场的干预和城市建设中的攀比,发展服务业和促进本地经济增长。同时,限制城市人口增长的政策对于新型城镇化协调性不存在显著影响,而放开户籍管制,则会促进人口向城市集聚;无论从促进第三产业发展、产城融合或是城乡协调发展,均会对新型城镇化协调性起到正向作用。  相似文献   

李玲 《热带地理》1996,16(1):47-55
本文分析了80年代以来广东省人口城镇化的变化特征,认为以工业化为核心的经济快速发展是广东省城镇化的主要动力。指出今后庆充分发挥地区优势,以产业结构的深入高速为动力,引导劳动力的合理流劝,促进各区域城镇化的协调发展。  相似文献   

采用第六次中国人口普查数据,基于全面二孩实施背景,预测未来中国与省际城乡人口规模以及省际人口迁移规模;采用2010年人口数据和2020年预测人口数据,从对比视角分析了中国省际人口迁移格局变化及其对城镇化发展的影响。研究发现: 城乡全面放开二孩政策不会带来区域人口数量的剧烈反弹; 综合考虑省际人口迁移方向与强度,将中国31个省份划分为4种类型; 省际人口迁移促进了城镇化率的提高及省际差异的缩小,对2010~2020年中国城镇化率的增加的贡献占到了30.77%。  相似文献   

Increased divorce, declining fertility and mortality, and changing lifestyles have resulted in a consistent decline in average household size in U.S. urban areas. The purpose of this paper is to show that decreases in household size between 1970 and 1975 were spatially variable in metropolitan Phoenix and that this affected the overall pattern of residential density. This is demonstrated by a series of maps depicting average household size in 1970, changes therein between 1970 and 1975, and the relationships between changes in population, numbers of dwelling units, and household size in the study area.  相似文献   

城市生态住宅小区分散式雨水人工湿地处理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以小区为单位的城市雨水分散式收集利用有利于减轻城市洪涝灾害,减小城市排水管网长度和管径,缓解城市供水压力,对改善城市水环境和生态环境具有重要意义。本文提出利用人工湿地处理小区地表径流并回用于城市地下水补给、绿化的思路,论述了城市雨水人工湿地再生处理利用系统中主要工艺的设计计算方法,为缓解城市用水压力提供有效途径。  相似文献   

Climate change in cities has received much focus in the past few decades. Heat stress in urban areas has an adverse effect on human health and is expected to worsen in the future due to the global warming. Vegetation has been shown to mitigate this effect, but introducing ‘green’ areas into the metropolitan space is a challenging task. We assessed the thermal load in terms of surface temperature in Tel Aviv, the biggest metropolitan area of Israel. The thermal effect of four different urban land uses was estimated. Specifically, we compared the cooling effect of residential areas with high vegetation cover (referred here as ‘green’ residential) to that of small to medium size (2–40 ha) public parks. To this end, we used satellite data of land surface temperature (LST) and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), as a surrogate for vegetation cover. High-temporal data were combined with high spatial resolutions data to produce 10-year average LST and NDVI maps at high spatial resolution over Tel Aviv. As expected, industrial areas had the highest LST due to lowest ratio of vegetation to free space area (1%), while ‘green’ areas displayed the lowest LST. Green residential and small-medium public parks had comparable thermal loads, with green residential having slightly lower LST (by 0.5 °C). In general, small-medium public parks displayed higher LST than expected. Inefficient use of free spaces for vegetation, i.e., relatively low vegetation cover to free space ratio, was probably the main cause for this. Public parks had a higher local cooling effect, but a less continuous one on the proximate surrounding (30–90 m from the park), probably due to their relative location in the urban fabric. Our results suggest that ‘greening’ areas within the private urban space should be encouraged at the expense of building new small-medium parks in metropolitan areas that lack the sufficient free space for larger parks. The outcome of this study may have key implications for urban planners seeking to mitigate urban heat island effects under the limitation of existing dense urban layout.  相似文献   

ZG市非接触型诈骗被害相对发生概率的性别差异   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
张春霞  柳林  周素红 《地理科学》2018,38(8):1218-1226
利用ZG市老城区2015~2016年具有个人属性的诈骗警情数据,分析女性和男性遭受非接触型诈骗相对接触型诈骗的发生概率,建立多层次Logit回归模型研究其影响因素的差异。结果表明,两性别非接触型诈骗被害的相对发生概率均受制于个体和社区两个层次因素的影响,且社区层次均发挥主要作用。其中,女性和男性在个体层次的影响因素类似,表现为本地户籍的高水平受教育者在白天更易遭受非接触型诈骗的侵害。但在社区层次的影响因素迥异,在外来人口少、银行网点少、离婚丧偶率低、有高校的本地年轻人为主的社区,女性非接触型诈骗被害相对发生概率高;而在租房比例高、农业人口少、大型零售商业网点少、低教育水平人口比例少的外来中高收入白领为主的社区,男性非接触型诈骗被害相对发生概率则更高。  相似文献   


Changes in the size of urban populations involve the demographic processes of migration and natural change; in many metropolitan areas the balance of births and deaths is more important than the number of in-migrants. Two exercises are described that have been developed from models of population change. These models, in turn, are derived from concepts contained in General Systems Theory. Discussion of these exercises and the results provides a useful introduction to various aspects of urban growth and to the role and nature of models in studying urban processes.  相似文献   

基于对三峡库区外迁移民的实地调查数据,运用Logit模型方法分析了移民家庭决策者(即户主)个人特征、移民家庭特征、移民安置地社会关系和移民政策等相关因素对移民安置地适应性的影响。结果表明:移民家庭决策者的性别、年龄、受教育程度,家庭迁出人口数量、主要收入来源和人均收入等家庭特征,与当地居民的交往程度、与当地人通婚情况等社会关系特征,安置地区、安置区位、安置方式、后期扶持、职业培训等移民政策因素是影响移民适应性的显著因素。未来移民安稳政策的调整方向可以从优先加强对移民家庭户主的教育和职业能力提升、实现移民家庭的整体搬迁、积极引导移民与当地居民的社会交融,把优于迁出地社会经济水平的地区或区位作为移出安置区(点)、在安置方式上更加倾向于移民意愿、强化移民后期扶持的落实等方面着手。  相似文献   

基于河南省45村1072份田野调查数据,采用描述统计分析和多水平多元Logistic回归分析方法,探讨回流农民工的预期购房区位和影响因素。研究发现:中心地层级对回流农民工预期购房区位选择具有重要影响,但影响强度与回流者年龄相关,新生代回流者偏向于较高层级中心地,而第一代回流者则青睐于低层级中心地。整体上,户籍所在地县城为回流农民工预期购房区位的首选区位,其次为地级市主城区和村庄,集镇和省城较少。个体特征、资金积累、成婚是影响预期购房区位选择的核心因素,村庄地理环境对预期购房区位选择具有重要影响。回流农民工具有较高的县城和城市购房居住预期,未来将是新型城镇化,尤其是就地城镇化的重要力量,应当稳定和降低城镇房价,以实现回流农民工真正的城镇融入。  相似文献   

This article was prepared on the basis of on a number of Bayesian probabilistic forecasts according to the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the UN Secretariat. The aim of the research is to forecast the population dynamics in Russia, Asian countries of the CIS, now referred to Central Asia, and East Asian countries from 2015 to 2095. The main research method is multifactorial simulation modeling. Consideration is given the changes in the population size of Russia as a result of the accession of Crimea and the growth of the migration inflow from the Territory of Ukraine. The forecast relies on demographic statistics (birthrates, mortality and migration exchange) in the region’s countries from 1950 to 2015. A brief review is provided for the dynamics of the dynamics of birthrate, mortality and pure migrations for separate countries of the region from the mid-20th century to 2015, and the forecast of these indicators (according to an average scenario) into 2095. Within the entire region, six forecast scenarios are considered, including the main (average) scenario. The first scenario implies the preservation (at the level of the year 2015) of the number of births in the age cohorts of females, the second scenario includes the preservation of mortality unchanged in the age cohorts of females and males, the third scenario involves a balance of migrations at the zero level, and the fourth and fifth scenarios provide a change in the number of pure migrations, with the birthrates and mortality remaining unchanged. The sixth scenario is treated as an average scenario. The population size by the end of the forecast period varies considerably with a particular scenario, but irrespective of the forecast scenario, a significant decrease in the population size is expected in Japan, China, South Korea and Russia. The largest increase in population by 2095 is forecasted for Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

A random sample of 521 male and 481 female migrants surveyed in Salem city in Tamil Nadu, India, during 1980-1981 was analyzed on the basis of a classification related to reasons (association, marriage, distress, and voluntary) for migration. Women were found to outnumber males in associational migration, both in rural to urban and urban to urban streams. They also formed almost all the marriage migrants. They were more numerous in distress migration as well. There were, however, comparatively few women among voluntary migrants. The incidence of illiteracy among migrant women was generally high, except for voluntary migrants who had completed high school. The share of working women was not negligible, but in most cases present work status was achieved after migrating.  相似文献   

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