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Migration to domestic and international destinations has become an emblematic feature of Nepal’s societal changes. Part of this development is education migration from rural to urban areas within the borders of Nepal, an often overlooked but increasingly important aspect of contemporary migration flows. By focusing on these educational migrants, this paper explores how they connect to their rural homes. Guided by a critical reading of the migration-development scholarship, the paper examines how migrants and their relatives make sense of educational migrants’ remitting and returning practices, and by comparing three groups of educational migrants, the migrants’ reasons for staying connected and sending remittances are scrutinized. The paper finds that although educational migrants do not generate extensive economic remittances for local development in Nepal, they stay connected to their rural homes and partake in important social remittance practices that represent a vision for impacting local development.  相似文献   

自新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情肆虐以来,全球国际移民流动按下暂停键。我国也面临着同样的情况,部分城市内部聚集着因疫情难以回国的国际移民,这对于地方政府的移民管治提出了巨大挑战。通过结合运用地理学与人类学的跨学科视角,在福柯的权力与异端辩证关系框架的基础上,加入了“管治-响应”的逻辑思路进行重组,并采用该分析框架,以广西阳朔为例,讨论后疫情时代国际移民管治与个体生存策略。通过结合参与式观察法与网络民族志法,结果发现:首先,为避免疫情防控中政治尺度跃迁引发的国际舆论事件,地方政府在国际移民群体中寻找权力代理人,并与之形成权力联盟,对移民个体进行管治,包括“规训/照料”“医治/隔离”“监控/放任。这种转换将原本权力关系中的地方政府与移民个体之间的矛盾转化为权力代理人与移民个体之间的矛盾,有效地规避了尺度跃迁问题。其次,移民个体结合自身的社会资本,采用特有的响应策略,包括“权力代理人”“顺从/搭便车”“治疗/自我管治”“不合作/破坏”。这些发现有利于加深对国际移民社会融合的理解,为地方政府的移民管治提供新思路。  相似文献   

基于北京、深圳、成都和中山4个具有代表性的城市抽样调查监测数据,采用计量模型探讨了新生代流动人口的回流意愿与区位选择特征及影响因素。结果表明:1)新生代流动人口具有较强的回流意愿,且不同类型(智力型、投资型和劳力型)在回流意愿和区位选择上存在显著差异。2)其回流意愿受个体“客观属性”(人口学因素、经济因素)与“主观感知”(经济地位感知、社会心理感知)双重影响,特别是人口学因素和社会心理感知。3)就回流区位选择而言,人力资本是影响其回流至户籍地所在省会城市最显著的因素;主观感知中的城市社会适应、家庭“心理成本”和家乡生活方式认同与其选择回流至户籍地所在的地级市显著相关;客观属性中的人口学因素(性别和年龄)、在外务工时间主要影响其回流至户籍地所在的县(市、区)或乡镇;经济因素中的个人收入对各类回流地的选择均有显著的影响。不同回流区位的选择是综合“生存”与“发展”两方面需求的结果。建议未来精准施策,尤其要注意地级市的人口回流;在重视吸引人才的同时,要进一步关注流动人口的社会适应问题,完善公共服务设施尤其是医疗、养老、子女入学等,推进城镇化持续健康发展。  相似文献   

"This paper reports the findings of a field survey conducted in Dongguan and Meizhou, two cities in Guangdong Province with contrasting economic characteristics. The data clearly demonstrate that the permanent migrants and the temporary migrants belong to two very different segments of the population. Striking similarities are revealed for the permanent migrants in very different settings. However, there are signs that even in this tightly controlled sector, economics will soon take precedence over politics as the main driving force underlying migration."  相似文献   

Haiti and other developing countries have increasingly turned to emigrant remittances as a potential source of development capital. There is a vigorous debate in the development community about the impacts of remittances, however, with concerns about dependence challenging the optimism about a potential new development engine. Based on interviews with forty-two remittance recipients in Haiti and forty-five corresponding senders in New York State, we find that the remittance economy in Haiti is indeed productive and has the potential to generate employment and other important development benefits. That said, there are important limitations created by broader political–economic conditions and deeply entrenched inequalities.  相似文献   

在“大众创业、万众创新”的时代背景下,流动人口机会型创业的发生机制是亟待深入研究的问题。论文通过关注个体资本禀赋和城市环境2个层面因素,对比跨省、省内跨市和市内跨县3类不同范围的流动群体,剖析了中国城市流动人口机会型创业的影响机制。结果表明:① 中国城市流动人口的总体机会型创业率较低,但跨省流动人口的创业率高于省内跨市和市内跨县流动人口;② 不同资本禀赋对3类流动人口机会型创业产生了差异化影响。社会资本与经济资本之间存在互补关系,随着流动范围的扩大,社会资本对流动人口机会型创业的影响不断增强,经济资本的影响则逐渐减弱;③ 城市环境解释了10%~20%的流动人口机会型创业决策变异,流动范围越大,流动人口对外在环境的变化越敏感,尤其劳动力市场分割状况显著影响了跨省流动人口的创业决策。此外,个体资本禀赋与城市环境的相互作用对机会型创业的影响同时存在着负向和正向2种效应。针对不同流动范围人口机会型创业的影响机制及其差异性的探讨,可为完善城市创业支持体系提供科学依据。  相似文献   

新型城镇化背景下流动特征与农民工回流意愿的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用2016年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据,借助描述性分析和多分类Logistic回归模型分析方法,探讨新型城镇化背景下农民工回流意愿的现状与特点、流动特征与回流意愿的关系。研究发现,农民工的回流意愿很弱,有回流意愿并打算近期回流的农民工比例较低,回流地域以原居地为主、户籍地的乡镇和区县政府所在地为辅。模型结果显示,流动特征显著影响农民工的回流意愿:跨省流动者“打算回流”的概率大于省内流动者;流动时间短和非举家流动者“打算回流”“近期回流”“回原居地”的概率分别大于流动时间长和举家流动者;有留守子女者“打算回流”“近期回流”的概率大于没有留守子女者。最后,建议政府实施以“异地市民化”为主、“回流式市民化”为辅的市民化策略;继续深化制度改革,为农民工流动扫清制度壁垒和提供均等化公共服务;促进中西部和东北部地区的经济社会发展,出台鼓励农民工回乡创业和就业的优惠政策等方式来推进以农民工市民化为重点的新型城镇化发展。  相似文献   

林赛南  梁奇  李志刚  庞瑞秋 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1640-1650
进入“新时代”,伴随国家新型城镇化战略的推进,“人的城镇化”的意义愈加重要,对流动人口定居意愿的实证不断增多,但对新趋势“家庭式迁移”的现状与影响尚缺乏系统研究,尤其对于中小城市的实证较少。本文通过对温州流动人口聚居区的深入调查,探讨“家庭式迁移”对流动人口定居意愿的影响。研究发现:流动人口总体定居意愿不强。户籍制度没有显著影响,个人职业、工作稳定性和“家庭式迁移”对流动人口定居意愿具有显著影响。因此,一方面需要强调大城市与中小城市在流动人口定居意愿机制上的差异性,另一方面强调在城市中拥有完整的家庭结构能够有效提升流动人口定居意愿。在新型城镇化和农业转移人口“市民化”背景下,中小城市应抓住“抢人”先机,考虑以家庭为整体的政策设计,激发流动人口定居意愿、提升其定居能力,以此推动实现“以人为本”的城镇化。  相似文献   

林赛南  王雨  马海涛 《地理研究》2022,41(12):3229-3244
进入创新驱动发展的新时代,未取得流入地户籍的高学历流动人口成为各地竞相引进的重要资源。本文基于2017年中国流动人口动态监测数据,结合探索性空间数据分析等方法精细刻画高学历流动人口流动的空间格局,并借助嵌套Logit模型揭示其空间选择机制。结果发现:(1)中国高学历流动人口不断集聚,形成以京、沪为核心的流动网络;各城市流出的人口中高学历人才占比在空间上具有明显的“东高西低、北高南低、中部塌陷”特征,但各城市吸引的流动人口受教育水平在南北方向上的空间分异较小;高学历流动人口流动的空间依赖性显著,呈现出城市群的雏形。(2)在机制方面,个体因素对高学历流动人口的空间选择影响更大;其普遍表现出近距离、跨级别向上流动的倾向;学历越高、户籍所在地行政等级越高、50岁以下年龄越大的人才越倾向于流入一线城市。(3)城市特征变量中,经济因素变量如工资水平、第三产业占比等和地方品质变量如公共服务、高等教育、空气质量等均对高学历流动人口的空间选择具有显著的正向作用。本研究为不同城市制定人才引进政策、促进城市高质量发展提供了实证依据和科学参考。  相似文献   

This paper "summarises some of the major changes which have occurred in international migration to, from, and within Asia in the last two decades....A number of theoretical challenges are put forward regarding the complex interrelationships between international population movements, economic development and social change. The employment of systems approaches, neoclassical economic theory, social networks and institutional approaches, and the potential role of population geography in developing a more comprehensive explanation of the changing dynamics of international migration in the region, are discussed. Also considered are the gender dimension in migration, remittance flows and their consequences, and policy issues."  相似文献   

刘云刚  燕婷婷 《地理研究》2013,32(7):1280-1290
改革开放30 多年来,沿海大都市和内陆地方城市之间的发展差距不断拉大,其中人口流动是重要动因。因此,如何吸引人口回流,留住本地人才,是内陆地方城市未来发展的关键。在此背景下,以驻马店为案例地,通过实地调研和问卷访谈,探讨了在深圳市的驻马店籍人口的回流意愿,以及当前驻马店的人口回流状况,并重点对回流创业者与回流购房者的回流动因、地域选择、就业动向及预期等进行了调查分析。研究表明,以驻马店为代表的地方城市已出现了以U-turn 与I-turn 为主的人口回流现象,且回流人口大都从事或打算从事与之前就业行业相关的创业活动。已发现有两种主动回流类型,即创业回流和购房回流。其中,购房回流也可看作是创业回流的前奏,二者可理解为同一回流过程的两个阶段。如果地方政府能够做出积极的政策引导,回流人口及其带动的返乡经济可望成为地方城市摆脱发展困境的一个新战略。  相似文献   

Women form an increasing proportion of migrants and of the non-agricultural labor force in Taiwan. However, many questions regarding female migration in Taiwan have remained unanswered since the focus of the migration literature in the past has been on male migration. This paper examines the decision process of rural-urban migration and adaptation of rural female migrants to the Taipei metropolis. The analysis is based on interviews of 96 female migrants who have moved to Taipei from villages. The reasons for migration are severalfold. With rapid expansion of employment in the manufacturing and urban service sectors, women are attracted to urban occupations, most of which require unskilled labor. Migrants are also motivated by psycho-social reasons. The "glamour" and "convenience" of city and greater chances for further education through work-study programs are all perceived by migrants to provide alternatives to hard and unrewarding farm lives. Though the initiative and final decision to move come from the migrants themselves, most only do so, however, with the consent and advice of their parents. The choice of moving to Taipei, rather than some other city, is mainly influenced by friends or relatives who are alrady there. Their initial jobs and accommodations are arranged by friends and relatives. The majority of women are employed in unskilled or semi-skilled occupations. Even though they change jobs frequently in order to find better employment terms and pay, they experience limited upward mobility. Homesickness, unfamiliarity with the city environment, limited resoureces, and social lives are major problems for the rural female. Freequent home vistits are made in between jobs to relieve themselves of homesickness and the pressures of city life. Once settled, they do not segreate themselves by village origin in their occupation or palces of residence in the city, but they have a tendency to interact socially with other migrants of rural origin rather than city people.  相似文献   

"The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between individual human resource characteristics and the propensity to migrate or not to migrate. The analysis emphasises the individual characteristics that distinguish migrants from the rest of the nonmigrant population at the origin areas of the migrants.... This study adopts a logit specification in analysing the relationships between individual human resource characteristics and the propensity to migrate."  相似文献   

人口回流正成为中国人口流动的重要趋势,并将深刻影响中西部及沿海地区的发展前景。本文从地理学的“距离”视角切入,在传统人口迁移理论的基础上,将两个非经济因素的距离维度,即制度距离和文化距离引入人口回流研究,构建了多维距离影响流动人口回流意愿的理论框架,并运用全国层面的流动人口调查数据进行实证分析。结果发现:与理论预测一致,流入地与户籍地间的多维距离对流动人口的回流意愿具有显著的影响。经济距离抑制了流动人口的回流,而地理距离、制度距离和文化距离均对人口回流产生促进作用。在考虑了解释变量可能存在的测量误差后,这一发现依然稳健。此外,多维距离对回流意愿的影响因流动人口个体及所在城市特征的差异而不同。个体异质性方面,随着流动人口年龄的增长和文化水平的提高,经济距离对回流意愿的影响不断增强,而地理距离的影响则逐渐减弱。城市异质性方面,随着城市人口规模的增加,制度距离对回流意愿的促进作用不断减弱;城市经济水平的提高则弱化了地理距离对回流意愿的正向效应。  相似文献   

The period of highest migration from India to England was 1955-1975. In 1981, the Bradford metropolitan district had about 13,000 Indians. 46% were Punjabis and 43.3% were from Gujarat. Using a 10% sample of Indian households in the Bradford district in 1984 and secondary information, this study examines the impact of the following reasons on decision to migrate: 1) push factors in the area of origin, 2) the 1947 partition of India, 3) strong economic attraction of the destination, and 4) "cultural ethos" and "status competition" among the migrant communities in the areas of emigration. Findings show that 1) Punjab and Gujarat do not have high poverty levels nor very high population densities; 2) the partition of India did not influence migration decisions; 3) the economic well-being of returning migrants and the high conversion rate of English currency did attract migrants to England (39% of surveyed migrants emigrated to England for purely economic reasons); and 4) 60% of the Punjabis and over 50% of the Gujaratis state that local status competition had a significant influence on their decisions to migrate. Thus, the economic attraction of England and the status competition among local families and the community were the dominant factors in migration decision making.  相似文献   

Resource Struggles and the Politics of Place in North Lampung, Indonesia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers the difficulties inherent in countering the negative effects of globalisation in Indonesia through an enhanced recognition of place-based cultural communities, which are seen to offer an alternative and more progressive path towards development. Focusing on the local history of resource struggles involving Javanese migrants and local people in North Lampung, the paper examines the ways that different groups of migrants and local Lampung people have dealt with changing resource control mechanisms in the context of the local transmigration ( Translok ) programme and large-scale agro-industrial development in the region. Whilst elites have been able to develop their personal wealth by capitalising on political and economic uncertainty, poor people from both groups have had to contend with conflict and increasing livelihood vulnerability that, if anything, has been intensified through the reassertion of place-based cultures of resource control. In challenging populist narratives of resistance to transmigration that pit migrants against "indigenous" local people, the paper identifies the class-related ambivalences towards development and structures of authority that cut across community and locality in the Translok zone  相似文献   

陈思创  曹广忠  刘涛 《地理研究》2022,41(5):1227-1244
积极推动农业转移人口落户城镇是新型城镇化建设的重点任务。随着多数流入地城市落户门槛的降低和人口流动模式的改变,农业转移人口户籍迁移决策的影响因素从单一制度门槛向人口多元需求转变。本文从家庭决策的视角构建中国农业转移人口户籍迁移的分析框架,重点关注城乡权益交换对户籍迁移家庭化的影响。基于2017年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据的实证研究发现,农业转移人口户籍迁移的决策主体是家庭,决策目标是家庭利益最大化,决策机制是户籍关联的城市和乡村权益间的权衡。具体地,户籍迁移存在“家庭团聚效应”,即夫妻一方获取城市户口会提升另一方落户城市的主观意愿。农村三权都存在降低户籍迁移意愿的“滞留效应”;同时,更多的农村权益意味着乡-城权益互换的成本提升,如果夫妻一方已经获得城市户口,另一方落户城市带来的权益增长将远低于放弃农村户口的权益损失,导致多数农业转移人口家庭在利益权衡之下选择“城乡分离”的户籍策略以实现城乡权益的总和最大化,最终户籍迁移呈现出逆家庭化的特征。  相似文献   

"Using 1990 census data, this paper calculates the flow [of the foreign-born population in the United States] between states and from abroad; also, a multinomial logistic regression model of destination choice is estimated for resettlers and for migrants from abroad. There are three major findings. Firstly, Florida and California are the largest recipients of foreign-born resettlers; New York is the biggest loser of secondary migrants. Secondly, the presence of large communities of Mexicans in California and Cubans in Florida are very attractive to both resettlers and migrants from abroad. Thirdly, immigrants that are most in need of ethnic support networks (i.e. new arrivals or immigrants with low human capital resources) are most likely to choose one of the traditional immigration states as a destination."  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(1):34-57
Tversky's "elimination by aspects'' approach is used as a decision-making model in this survey of the residential choice process of a sample of intraurban migrants. Rather than attempting to examine the covert cognitive operations described in the elimination-by-aspects model, this research seeks to describe overt residential search and selection behaviors which derive from Tversky's approach. The sequence in which information on criterion variables is acquired indicates a general two-stage process for the sample of residential migrants. Residential decision makers exhibit differential use of information sources on specific variables and appear to consult information sources in a selective manner. The sequence in which the information sources are utilized exhibits a diverse pattern for the sample of all intraurban migrants. Disaggregating the sample by significant social groupings reveals several information source strategies for certain groups, along with considerable individual diversity in residential decision making.  相似文献   

以珠三角核心城市广州市和深圳市为例,采用中国劳动力动态调查个体问卷数据(CLDS-2016)并运用线性回归模型,旨在解析城市流动人口心理健康的影响因素及其作用机理,并对比广州市和深圳市流动人口心理健康影响机制的差异。研究发现:1)工作环境特征、社会交往特征、生理健康特征和社会人口特征均对流动人口的心理健康产生影响。其中,工作环境特征中的工作满意度、工作压力与流动人口的心理健康呈显著相关,社会交往特征中的社区信任以及生理健康特征中的自评健康对流动人口的心理健康具有显著影响。2)对于广州市而言,工作环境特征(工作压力)、社会交往特征(社区信任)、生理健康特征(自评健康、饮酒历史、日常锻炼、因伤救治)对流动人口的心理健康影响显著。3)对于深圳市而言,其心理健康的影响因素仅体现为工作环境特征(工作满意度、工作压力)和生理健康特征(自评健康、因伤救治)。实证研究表明,相同因素对于不同城市流动人口的心理健康作用机理存在差异,广州城市规划与治理中应注重打造优质社区并完善休闲健康设施配套,而深圳市则应注重通过改善工作环境来提升流动人口的心理健康。  相似文献   

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