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北京市区老年人口休闲行为的时空特征初探   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:33  
孙樱  陈田  韩英 《地理研究》2001,20(5):537-546
大城市老龄化及由此带来的城市社会问题已引起社会的普遍关注。北京、上海等一些大城市市区,老龄人口的比重已经占到城市市区总人口的20~30%,部分老龄化社区也初见端倪。然而,目前学术界对老年人口问题的研究,主要集中在老年人口的贫困、医疗保健以及老龄公寓等经济和社会问题方面。对老年人口的精神慰藉及休闲健身活动的要求缺乏研究。本文通过对北京市区50个退休老人四季休闲行为的跟踪调查,采用时间地理学的研究方法,揭示大城市老年人口日常生活行为、休闲活动的基本特征及其时空分异规律,为大城市规划中的休闲空间的组织与布局提供科学依据。  相似文献   

深圳市人口分布的细网格动态特征   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
深圳是中国人口密度最高的城市,为应急处置自然灾害等突发事件,需要实时获取高分辨率的人口动态分布信息。本文利用"基于移动基站的人口分布动态监测系统"提供的时间分辨率1 h,空间分辨率1 km的人口密度信息,分析了深圳市人口细网格动态特征。深圳城市移动用户总人口是1082.59万人,平均人口密度5545人/km2,最高16.5万人/km2,超过5.0万人/km2高密度人口主要分布在商业中心、海关口岸、火车站和居民集中居住区。最高人口密度的数值与选择的网格尺度有关,1000 km2网格和1 km2网格之间可以相差18倍。在深圳50%的人口聚集在10%的空间范围内,60%的人口分布在海拔高度50~100 m的土地上;网格上的建筑密度、道路密度与人口密度线性相关,建筑密度增加1%,对应人口增加约1000人,道路密度增加0.01%,人口增加约2000人。城市总人口在一定时期内是相对固定,变化幅度在4%以内,逐日之间变幅在1%左右。深圳是个典型的移民城市,春节期间由于大量人口返乡或外出旅游,总人口净减少48%。本文选择9个典型网格分析人口日变化规律:海关口岸属于早高峰型,大量的出境、出行、出游人员在早晨8时前后集中;城镇集市区属于午高峰型;商业中心区属于晚高峰型,高峰前后每小时的净流入 (出) 人员可达2万人;居民区属于午低谷型,周末与周日相比各时段人口均偏多;政府行政办公和公共服务区,周末比周日人口明显减少,春节期间减幅75%;工厂区因错峰用电,夜间4时形成人口高峰;郊野公园春节期间人数不减反增;偏僻乡镇人口日变化振幅很小;农业区在上午9时形成人口低谷,与日出而作的传统习惯相对应。  相似文献   

程东亚  李旭东 《地理研究》2020,39(6):1427-1438
研究流域人口分布与地形的关系,有助于了解地理环境对人口分布的影响。以贵州省乌江流域为研究区,基于DEM数据和人口数据,提取海拔、坡度、起伏度等地形因子,研究人口分布与地形因子的关系。研究结论:① 人口数量在海拔800~1400 m的地区超过60%,人口密度在1000~1200 m的地区最高。② 人口数量与人口密度随着坡度上升总体呈下降趋势。③ 人口密度在起伏度小于50 m的地区超过1000人/km 2,人口密度随着起伏度上升总体呈下降趋势。  相似文献   


In this study, we examine the relationship between neighborhood-based social capital and residents’ life satisfaction by considering resident heterogeneity. Using a database of the city of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, we find a small but significant positive association between neighborhood-based social capital and individual life satisfaction. However, we also find considerable differences among residents because neighborhood-based social capital is important mainly for people who are more likely to spend considerable time in the neighborhood or who are more neighborhood dependent (i.e. less-educated people, people who live on welfare, people with poor health, retired people, and those who are divorced or widowed). Our results confirm the importance of neighborhood-based social capital for residents’ life satisfaction in terms of both actual social contacts with neighbors and the perceived social cohesion within a neighborhood. At the same time, the importance of neighborhood-based social capital varies among different groups of residents. These findings have important implications for policy-makers.  相似文献   

转型期广州市居民职住模式的群体差异及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张济婷  周素红 《地理研究》2018,37(3):564-576
职住关系是城市研究领域重要的议题之一。体制改革后中国社会分层结构特殊,检验不同阶层居民在职住地选择偏好的差异,有助于理解居民职住格局形成的内部机制。利用广州市入户问卷调查、建成环境和人口普查等数据,采用两步聚类和多项logistic回归,对广州市居民进行阶层划分,对比居民职住模式的群体差异及其影响因素。结果表明:职住决策时,体制外工薪阶层追求低生活成本,受职住地建成环境影响显著;体制内阶层习惯于传统单位制下社会关系密切的社区,受邻里环境影响显著,还受个人属性影响;无固定工作者决策自由和平衡程度高,受少量建成环境因素影响。研究有助于了解居民职住格局形成的制度性机制,为优化居民职住格局提供思路。  相似文献   

桂西北喀斯特山区人口分布特征及其与自然因素的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择第六次全国人口普查的最小行政单位——乡(镇)为基本单元,利用Lorenz曲线和空间相关分析方法分析桂西北喀斯特山区乡(镇)级尺度下的人口空间分布特征,运用地理探测器方法探测自然因素单独和叠加作用后对区域人口空间分布的影响强度。结果表明: 乡(镇)级研究尺度下的人口空间分布具有不均衡性特征,呈现一般显著正相关和一定的聚集性; 各自然因素空间分布对人口分布的影响呈现显著差异,研究区西北和中南部没有喀斯特分布的乡镇,人口密度随有利于人类居住因素的增加而增加,但平均人口密度仅79人/km 2。东部和南部有喀斯特分布的乡镇,人口密度与自然因素空间分布并非简单的增减关系,其随喀斯特分布面积的变化呈现起伏波动。 地理探测器的因子探测结果显示对人口空间分布的影响强度最大的为海拔高度,交互探测结果显示,任意两个自然因素叠加交互作用后的影响强度呈现非线性增强和双因子增强。可见,桂西北喀斯特山区与其他地区类似,海拔高度是影响人口空间分布的最主要因素之一,但喀斯特山区的河网密度及特有的地质地貌等因素对其人口的空间分布具有较强的催化作用,与其他因素叠加交互作用可进一步加强对人口分布的影响。  相似文献   

河北省未来耕地养育力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章利用联合国粮农组织的农业生态区域法等方法,测算了河北省未来时期作物潜力总产,预测了人口数量,计算了温饱型,宽裕型,小康型营养水平下2005年和2020年的耕地人口养育量,用耕地养育力指数揭示了人口养育潜力,并在此基础上分析了各市的区域差异,提出了提高耕地养育力,实现耕地可持续利用的对策。  相似文献   

青藏高原人口地域分异规律及“胡焕庸线”思想应用   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
戚伟  刘盛和  周亮 《地理学报》2020,75(2):255-267
青藏高原是中国乃至全球典型的人口稀疏区之一,但内部人口地域分异明显。通过构建青藏高原乡镇街道尺度的人口空间数据集,系统核算青藏高原人口数量及其空间密度,从经度、纬度、极向和垂直4个维度解析青藏高原人口地域分异规律,并基于“胡焕庸线”思想,提出青藏高原的“祁吉线”人口地理划分方案。结论包括:① 青藏高原人口空间分布不均衡,具有“东南密、西北疏”的总体空间分布特征,距离“寒旱核心区”近疏远密的极向地域分异明显;② 青藏高原人口地域分异与海拔、土壤、水资源、气候、植被等自然环境本底具有高度耦合关系,自然因素间交互作用加强了人口地域分异;③ 青藏高原人口地域分异可以通过连接祁连县与吉隆县的“祁吉线”体现,两侧地域面积大致相同,但是东南半壁与西北半壁人口比例达到93∶7的悬殊;④ “祁吉线”长期稳定,但是东南半壁人口持续微降,西北半壁人口持续微增,未来时期,东南半壁依然是青藏高原城镇化及人类活动的主要区域,而西北半壁应当重视人口增长与生态环境压力的矛盾。  相似文献   

Active participation in the outdoors not only provides enjoyment and adventure, but it is also important for health and promoting conservation values. The latter is particularly important for young people as they are at an impressionable stage in their lives. Geographical accessibly of recreation opportunities can be a major barrier to utlization of the New Zealand outdoors. While it would be ideal to have a variety of opportunities available to everyone regardless of residence, the distribution of opportunities is constrained by the extent of suitable lands. This research provides a population based assessment of the geographical accessibility of recreational opportunities. Accessibility has many dimensions and includes cultural, financial, and geographical barriers; therefore this research is only addressing one dimension of accessibility. Geographical Information Systems is used for the analysis, which involves a function called least-cost path analysis. This identified the travel time (using a private vehicle) via the quickest route from where people live (represented by census enumeration points) to the entry point of the recreation sites. The outputs of this research are maps and spatial statistics on the travel times to a range of recreation opportunities for different parts of New Zealand. This information is important for recreation planning. In addition, the information also provides research opportunities for modelling recreation use, especially when accessibility information is combined with landscape experience information and recreation usage statistics.  相似文献   

The American Great Plains is a region dominated by a flat, treeless, semiarid environment that has challenged population settlement for over 140 years. As railroad companies successfully attracted pioneers to settle the land, state governments established hundreds of counties. Following Jeffersonian ideals, many of the counties were small in area so they could better serve the local agricultural‐based population. When states established these counties, they envisioned that the population would continue to grow and the Great Plains would become the breadbasket of North America. Unfortunately that did not materialize. A succession of hardships combined with serious environmental constraints has discouraged large‐scale settlement in the region. Many counties reached their maximum population in the early 1900s and their totals have decreased ever since (in some counties by as much as 60 percent to 80 percent). This has led a number of government officials to consider consolidating counties much like school districts have been combined. Using Logan and Gove counties in western Kansas as a case study, our purpose is to understand how attached people are to the county in which they live. Employing multiple methods, we gathered information about how different segments of the population regard their local county. We learned that changing computer technology and the Internet has the biggest impact on peoples' attachment to the county seat.  相似文献   

With the degeneration of environment and acceleration of urbanization,human environment has attracted great attention worldwide.This paper sets up the Human Settlements Environment Index(HEI) model and evaluates the natural environment suitability for Human Settlements in China based on GIS technology.The results show that the HEI of China decreases from southeast to northwest in general,HEI is significantly correlated with population density at grid size and the correlation coefficient(r) between them reaches 0.93,which indicates that natural environment suitability for Human Settlements has a significant influence on population distribution.Most people in China mainly concentrate in areas with high natural environment suitability.The total suitable area is 430.47×104 km2,which accounts for nearly 45% of the total land area in China,while the proportion of people living in the area reaches 96.56%.With a population density of 18 people per square kilometer,the critical area is the transitional region for people to live in China.The critical area covers 225.11×104 km2 with a population of 41.12 million.The non-suitable area covers 304.42×104 km2 with a population of only 2.49 million.  相似文献   

基于居住空间属性的人口数据空间化方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董南  杨小唤  蔡红艳 《地理科学进展》2016,35(11):1317-1328
精细尺度的人口分布是当前人口地理学研究的热点和难点,在灾害评估、资源配置、智慧城市建设等方面应用广泛。居住建筑物尺度作为精细尺度的重要内容,其人口数据空间化日益引起学术界的关注。本文以居住建筑斑块面积、斑块内建筑面积比重、建筑物层数、公摊率等居住空间属性为人口分布数量的指示因子,以居住建筑的轮廓斑块为人口分布位置的指示因子,利用街道界线和街道常住人口数据为控制单元,建立线性模型,获得了2015年宣城市宣州区6个街道的居住建筑物尺度的人口分布矢量数据,刻画了城市市区人口空间分布的细节信息。结果表明:①以居住空间属性作为人口空间分布的指示因子,获取的人口空间数据精度高,结果可信。29个社区(村)估算人数的相对误差绝对值的平均值低于7%,其中25个社区(村)的相对误差绝对值低于10%。在1102个居住建筑斑块中,估算人数在合理区内的斑块个数占比高于74%,轻微低估区(-10%, 0)和轻微高估区(0, 10%)的斑块总数占比高于9%;②由斑块面积和建筑物层数共同表征的建筑物体积,是建筑物尺度上影响人口空间分布的关键因素;斑块内建筑面积比重属性能进一步提高模型精度;公摊率属性具有“降高升低”作用,但将估算人数调节到合理区的“能力”较弱。  相似文献   

健康中国战略下,积极应对老龄化、建立健全养老和医疗等相关设施,成为许多城市关注的问题。目前相关研究很少关注西北城市的老龄人口的空间分布及养老资源错位的现象。本研究以西宁市主城区为研究区域,基于2010—2018年西宁市公安局各街镇人口数据和兴趣点(POI)数据,选用老年人口系数、赡养率、增长率和地理集中率四个指标,利用综合老龄化指数(CAI)模型、核密度函数模型和空间错位指数模型对西宁市主城区人口老龄化空间分布及养老资源(医疗资源、老年设施)空间错位现象进行探索分析,结果表明:(1)9年间西宁市主城区人口老龄化程度不断加深,已步入老年型社会。(2)通过老龄化综合指数可知:主城区外围街镇人口老龄化增长速度大于城区中心的街道,其中小桥街道、朝阳街道、马坊街道与乐家湾镇人口老龄化最为严重,2018年综合老龄化指数增长速度超过中心城区街道,西宁市主城区人口老龄化严重程度已从中心街道向外围街镇扩散。(3)通过空间错位指数计算可得知:城中区的养老资源数量充足但过于集中,城北区的养老资源分布合理但是数量较少,行政区之间的养老资源与老年人口分布存在较大空间错位问题。  相似文献   

阶层化背景下的就业空间——以常住人口与流动人口为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林耿  王炼军 《地理研究》2010,29(6):1069-1082
采用2000年第五次人口普查数据,以市辖区(县、市)为基本地理单元,对广东省的21个地级市133个样本进行阶层化背景下的就业空间研究。通过对常住人口和流动人口的就业构成和就业类型区的分析发现:(1)与流动人口相比,常住人口就业空间的分异更显多元化,其就业的体制内特征更为明显。两类人口就业空间没有形成社会极化结果,收入与职业的极化并未导致社会空间极化的出现,但也存在着类社会极化的特征。(2)常住人口和流动人口的就业构成具有中产化特征,在空间上具有中心城市指向性。而就业差异是否导致常住人口和流动人口之间的结构性阶层分异,则需进行后续的深入论证。  相似文献   

The population distribution grid at fine scales better reflects the distribution of residents and plays an important role in investigating urban systems. The recent years have witnessed a growing trend of applying the nighttime light data to the estimation of population at micro levels. However, using the nighttime light data alone to estimate population may cause the overestimation problem due to excessively high light radiance in specific types of areas such as commercial zones and transportation hubs. In dealing with this issue, this study used taxi trajectory data that delineate people’s movements, and explored the utility of integrating the nighttime light and taxi trajectory data in the estimation of population in Shanghai at the spatial resolution of 500 m. First, the initial population distribution grid was generated based on the NPP-VIIRS nighttime light data. Then, a calibration grid was created with taxi trajectory data, whereby the initial population grid was optimized. The accuracy of the resultant population grid was assessed by comparing it with the refined survey data. The result indicates that the final population distribution grid performed better than the initial population grid, which reflects the effectiveness of the proposed calibration process.  相似文献   

复杂网络视角下的城市人流空间概念模型与研究框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗桑扎西  甄峰  张姗琪 《地理研究》2021,40(4):1195-1208
城市内人流特征研究一直是城市地理学和城市空间研究的重要领域之一。针对已有相关研究存在仅侧重于从人口规模、密度视角分析空间分布及格局特征,而对隐藏于空间分布背后,因人流动而建立的空间交互关系关注不足的问题。本文以流空间理论、复杂网络理论、空间行为交互理论为理论基础,立足基于流、网络剖析城市内部空间中各要素间的相互作用及关系,选取人流为观测研究对象,将城市空间、人、设施、服务和地理环境等要素之间的互动关系抽象为网络,提出了基于复杂网络视角的城市人流空间概念模型。在此基础上,进一步构建了城市人流空间研究框架,即基于理论融合、数据支撑与研究方法的整合创新,以探究人流视角下的城市空间特征、功能结构、人流与建成环境时空耦合关系及流动的时空模拟预测为重点的研究内容体系,并探讨其在规划实践业务中的方法技术支撑与应用拓展。以期为未来开展实证研究提供指导,提升城市感知数据在城市空间规划及管理中的应用价值,丰富“以流定形”的理性城市规划方法体系。  相似文献   


Recent immigration has been an important factor in the growth and distribution of the United States population. The rising number of immigrants has accounted for up to one-fifth of the annual population growth and they have gone to the already populous urban centers and states. Immigrants must be recognized as an increasingly important element of the urban and population geography of the United States.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):360-382
Many European urban regions have experienced a transformation from a compact monocentric toward a less compact polycentric urban region since the 1960s. The debate on emerging polycentricity in Europe so far tends to be more theoretical than analytical. The trend toward increasingly polycentric urban regions is meanwhile beyond dispute, but the effects of this transformation on urban regions and their components have only been explored to a limited extent. Are the "old" central cities only losing people, functions, and status to the new urban centers, or do these centers complement each other and specialize in terms of economic activities and population composition? This article presents evidence for the Amsterdam urban region regarding population distribution, selective migration, job growth, and economic specializations of the region's subcenters. It will become clear from our data that the Amsterdam urban region has indeed become more polycentric, but also that Amsterdam has managed to remain a vital center. The newer and older urban subcenters have become increasingly important, but rather than competing with Amsterdam, they develop in a complementary way.  相似文献   

林喆  李钢  周俊俊  石金龙  徐锋  王莺莺 《热带地理》2022,42(9):1475-1487
基于Doe Network平台数据,综合运用数理统计、空间分析和地理探测器等方法,探讨了美国1996―2021年失踪人口的基本特征、时空格局与影响机制。结果表明:1)美国失踪多发生在青少年(13~18岁)与成年时期(19~59岁),且失踪人口数量随年龄增长呈先增后减的趋势;男性失踪人数多于女性,但失踪高发年龄略滞后于女性;各种族中黑人面临着最大的失踪风险。2)时间上,自1996年以来,失踪人口的年际变化数量先呈现波浪式上升趋势,2017年达到峰值后大幅下降;受气温和节假日影响,夏季6―8月和冬季12月为失踪高发期,2―4月为失踪的低谷期。3)空间上,失踪人口在州尺度上呈由沿海边境地区向内陆递减的特征,失踪高发区域随时间推移,自东、西沿海地区与南部美墨边境同时向美国内陆推进;县尺度上呈边缘集中成片,内部零星分散的特征。4)失踪人口数量变化是多因素共同作用的结果,主要受地区人口流动性、人均GDP、生育率以及易失踪人群基数影响,人口环境因子与经济、社会因子结合后对美国失踪人口空间分异的解释力增强,达到80%以上。5)人口失踪可用“社会失范理论”解释,社会目标和手段的脱节导致社会失范,进而诱发越轨行为,导致人口失踪概率的上升。  相似文献   

新型城镇化背景下京津冀城市群流动人口特征与格局   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
新型城镇化突出强调实现“人的城镇化”,摸清流动人口的特征与格局是促进人的城镇化的重要前提,也是新型城镇化的核心议题之一。基于2015年流动人口卫生计生动态监测调查数据,探讨京津冀城市群流动人口的年龄结构、教育水平、就业、收支情况等流动特征,以及流动人口的“源”(来源地)、“汇”(流入地)的分布格局。研究发现:流动人口年龄结构以青壮年劳动适龄人口为主,呈现出受教育水平偏低,户口类型以农业为主,并以跨省流动为主等特征;流动原因以务工经商为主,收入水平以低、中收入为主,恩格尔系数高于常住人口平均水平,行业分布多样化,但以中低端商业服务业为绝对主体,其中从事批发零售业、居民服务、修理和其他服务业、制造业以及住宿餐饮业所占比合计达70.7%。从流动人口的“源”、“汇”格局来看,流动人口主要来源于与其地理位置邻近省份和劳动力输出大省,如河北、山东、河南、黑龙江、安徽等省份,占总流动人口的70.75%;京津两市为流动人口的主要流入地,分别占京津冀城市群的37.76%和29.11%。建议加强流动人口的社会保障完善和职业培训教育,提升流动人口融入城市的能力,提高城市的开放性和包容性,增强流动人口的获得感和幸福感。  相似文献   

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