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辛良杰 《中国地质》2005,32(1):55-61
大沙河沿岸阶地、山麓地带广泛发育厚度不一的黄土层堆积,笔者对张夏黄土剖面研究后认为,张夏黄土物质来源复杂,既有西风漂流、西北气流、莱州湾气流搬运来的物质,又有近地生成的颗粒,堆积期间又经过明显的水流作用。张夏黄土、古土壤的堆积、发育与晚更新世气候变化相吻合,同时又受到当地微地貌的影响,缺失黑垆土和全新世堆积。张夏、淄博均在山东省中部,其黄土成分较细,使山东黄土在宏观上没有规律可循,更加显示出黄土的复杂多样。  相似文献   

新近堆积黄土,是指全新世(Q_4)近期形成的黄土。因为全新世分早期和近期,所以都用Q_4~2来表示新近堆积黄土。 新近堆积黄土(以下简称Q_4~2)一词的提出,是近几年在生产实践中,反复认识才被确认的。 Q_4~2黄土的成因类型,以坡积、洪积为主,其次为冲积、洪积-坡积及洪积-冲积。主要分布在河漫摊、低级阶地、山间洼地、洪积扇、坡积地带以及黄土塬、梁、峁的坡底等处。岩性为灰、褐黄、黄褐、  相似文献   

辽东海岸带黄土   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
本文论述了辽东海岸带黄土的成因,它主要由低空气流搬运的近源物质组成,其次为高空气流携带的内陆远源物质,主要物源地是辽东湾。冰期时,海平面下降,辽东湾干口渤海裸露成陆而发生沙漠化,海底沉积物经强劲的西北风作用,被搬运到东侧海岸带沉降下来,与大气环流系统自内陆携带而至的风尘物质混合在一起,形成海岸带黄土。  相似文献   

阜平大沙河段位于太行山中北部地区,黄土类型与西部黄土高原一致,是黄土高原向东延伸的一部分。构成黄土高原的东部边缘,该区黄土复杂多样,厚度变化较大,成点状或片状分布。阜平沙河沿岸阶地之上、山麓背风地带、断裂带出露区发育有厚度不一的黄土层堆积。阜平沙河黄土物质来源复杂、既有西北风搬运来的物质,又有近地表生成的颗粒,堆积期间又经过明显的流水作用的干扰。大沙河黄土、古土壤的堆积、发育与更新世气候变化关系密切,同时又受到本区地貌和构造的影响。  相似文献   

沉积矿物是记录物源信息和古气候变迁的良好载体。通过显微镜碎屑矿物鉴定和黏土矿物X射线衍射峰能谱分析对芝罘岛黄土状黄土2 个剖面13 个样品进行处理, 并对数据进行数学统计分析。结果表明, 芝罘岛黄土状黄土矿物种类、矿物形态特征、磁铁矿和岩屑的高含量等都揭示了黄土来源的多源性和近源性, 末次冰期时的海底平原沉积物以及洪积、残积物是芝罘岛黄土状黄土的重要物源, 而西北内陆沙漠吹来的细颗粒物质相对较少。普通角闪石、绿帘石含量较高的黄土堆积后期是以远源沉积为主, 且以风力搬运为主; 磁铁矿、岩屑含量较高的早、中期是以近源沉积为主, 搬运动力较复杂。根据黄土状黄土的剖面层序特征, 碎屑矿物以及黏土矿物垂相变化特征, 说明黄土堆积的早期, 气候是相对温暖湿润的, 之后变得寒冷干燥, 后来又逐渐回暖, 然后再转冷, 呈现出末次冰期该地冷暖交替的气候旋回。  相似文献   

中国黄土的物质来源及其粉尘的产生机制与搬运过程   总被引:34,自引:10,他引:24  
孙继敏 《第四纪研究》2004,24(2):175-183
长期以来,黄土高原的物质来源被笼统认为来自包括西北三大内陆盆地(准噶尔、塔里木、柴达木)在内的广阔的沙漠、戈壁地区,而且中国黄土被看作“沙漠”黄土的典型代表。但我们最新的研究揭示出,源自准噶尔和柴达木盆地的粉尘主要由低空气流搬运,受下风方向的山脉阻挡,就近堆积成山麓黄土。源自塔里木盆地的粉尘如果被近地面风搬运,则不可能移出盆地,而是堆积在昆仑山北麓,但如果被飙升到高空,则被西风急流携带,移出盆地而降落在北太平洋地区,无论哪种情况,该盆地的粉尘都不可能对黄土高原有重要贡献。因此,西北三大内陆盆地并非黄土高原的重要物源,而蒙古国南部及与之相邻的包括巴旦吉林、腾格里、乌兰布和、库布其、毛乌素等在内的戈壁、沙漠地区才是黄土高原的主要物质来源区,且主要由近地面风(基本在3000m以下)从上述戈壁、沙漠地区搬运而来。中国黄土并不能简单看作“沙漠”黄土,包括冰川研磨作用、山体剥蚀作用、山前冲洪积作用等在内的“高山过程”,才是产生大量粉土级物质的原因,戈壁、沙漠、黄土的带状分布,只不过是近地面风对山前冲、洪积物质的风力分异而已。  相似文献   

黄土高原南缘午城黄土底部火山碎屑的来源和成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一种与多类撞击记录共存的灰黑色碎屑,发现于黄土高原南缘段家坡黄土地层剖面午城黄土底部Ga/M边界(2.48MaB.P.)附近,通过对此碎屑的矿物学和地球化学特征研究,表明它们最初是源自青藏高原北部及其邻近地区碱性玄武质火山喷发的碎屑物,后来又在表生条件下与黄土层一起经历了包括水解、成土化和氧化等作用在内的风化改造。此外,本文更为强调的是,在火山碎屑形成过程中存在具有富Ni和Ce,高Sm/Nd比以及低Eu/Sm比等特点的地外物质的参与,据以论证这种火山活动确系N/Q界面撞击事件引发。在黄土地层中,深入研究各种类型的火山碎屑,无疑对全面探讨第四纪环境变迁有着十分重要的意义。关键词午城黄土底部松山-高斯边界火山碎屑风化作用地外物质新近的研究表明,第四纪气候和环境变迁往往与起因于撞击和火山事件的大量尘埃物质有关[1],而地外物体的撞击又常能引发火山活动[2、3],因此第四纪沉积物中的火山喷发空落堆积物研究,无疑应该引起更大的关注。火山学发展至今,对各种火山碎屑物质,已有十分详尽的研究[4、5]。从国内第四纪火山碎屑的研究现状来看,虽然丁国瑜等早在1964年就曾在河北平原及太行山东麓的黄土地层中,首次发现了火山碎屑堆。  相似文献   

沉积物是地质历史与环境的忠实记录。新疆地区第四纪沉积的特点是厚度大、分布广、类型多、粗碎屑物质为主。晚更新统(Q_3)和全新统(Q_4)沉积物的主要类型为洪积或冲积-洪积戈壁岩屑与砾石,浅黄色或浅红色亚砂土、风积沙、风成沙黄土、盐渍土、冰碛物和火山岩等。由于粗碎屑物  相似文献   

地层岩性、岩土体结构及其工程地质特性为黄土区地质灾害提供了物质基础,黄土斜坡的坡型、坡度、坡高、阶地等地形地貌因素为地质灾害提供了边界条件,人类工程活动和降雨为黄土区地质灾害提供了触发条件。黄土地形地貌、地层岩性、岩土体结构类型及其工程地质特性、水文地质条件等为粘黄土区地质灾害形成的内在因素;降雨、人类工程活动等为其诱发因素。  相似文献   

北京斋堂盆地黄土结构构造与形成环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斋堂盆地的马兰黄土,是我国晚更新世标准地层之一。为了揭示该地黄土的生成及其形成古环境,本文着重对该盆地黄土进行了构造、结构、颗粒成分、碳酸盐以及铁锰集合体等综合研究。研究结果表明,斋堂盆地的马兰黄土同黄河中游的马兰黄土在组织结构、构造以及颗粒成分上极为类似,同属风成沉积;离石黄土同黄河中游离石黄土之间存在明显差异,在其形成过程中,曾经遭受过多次坡洪积作用参与。在马兰黄土中不遭受若干次冻融作用,表明  相似文献   

李春亮  王翔  张炜  曲正钢  杨菁  张君 《现代地质》2022,36(2):655-661
黄土高原表层土壤有机碳在土壤碳循环中具有重要地位,通过土地质量地球化学调查获得的黄土高原甘肃省境内表层土壤有机碳数据,总结了表层土壤有机碳在不同土壤类型、土地利用方式及地形地貌中的分布特征,分析了研究区土壤有机碳密度与全国其他典型地区的差异,并与全省第二次土壤普查成果进行了比较。结果表明:在不同土壤类型中有机碳密度呈灰褐土>高山草甸土>黑钙土>栗钙土>红黏土>灌漠土>灌淤土>黑麻土>黑垆土>黄绵土>灰钙土>风沙土的分布趋势;在不同土地利用方式下土壤有机碳密度呈林地>建设用地>耕地>园地>草地>未利用地的分布趋势;在不同地形地貌单元间土壤有机碳密度呈塬面>梯田>坡地>沟道的分布规律。黄土高原西段表层土壤有机碳密度在全国各典型地区最低,为1.87 kg/m2;有机碳储量为78.56 Mt,较1990年增幅10.54%,近年来土壤有机碳储量呈不断上升趋势。  相似文献   

Cavernous weathering is commonly found on sandstone slopes in different environments. Either a single dominant process or polygenetic agents require to be invoked in order to interpret the development. The Yongningshan hill of the central Loess Plateau is representative of cliff dwellings in Northwest China, which is characterized by well-developed cavernous weathering features and provides a good opportunity for the better understanding of sandstone weathering in the Loess Plateau. Multiple methods, including field survey, in-situ rock strength measurement, along with experiments on samples for microscopic observation, element composition and salt chemistry, were employed to investigate the controlling factors of cavernous weathering. The results show that cavern development is different on the four slopes with the western slope hosting massive honeycombs, tafoni and hardened surfaces. The porous and permeable aeolian sandstones are fundamental, because they provide space and pathways for the transportation of water and salt, honeycombs dominantly aligning within the lamination of cross-beds. The environmental factors such as the seasonal wetting and drying cycle, aeolian salt, moisture and water vapor are key factors for the development of cavernous weathering forms. The northern and northwestern wind-blown dust storms have brought abundant salts, the lengthier dry periods of the wetting and drying cycle being beneficial for salt accumulation within caverns, favoring salt weathering.  相似文献   

黄土高原北部风沙区土地沙漠化问题及防治对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文所研究的黄土高原北部风沙区生态环境脆弱,加上长期以来人类不合理地利用资源,土地沙漠化问题日益严重。沙漠化土地已经以不同的等级类型不连续地散布在整个黄土高原的北部边缘,并有进一步由北向南推进的趋势。其中地表沙性物质基础和干旱多风的动力条件是其发生发展的基本条件,起决定作用;人为因素是外在条件,加速沙漠化的发展。黄土高原北部土地沙漠化的危害,在本区域的表现十分突出。不仅对当地经济的发展和人民生活有严重影响,更为严重的是该地区土地沙漠化的现状、形成及扩展,会使黄河流域土地沙漠化进一步向南推进,对整个黄土高原甚至我国整个北方地区的自然环境都有直接影响。黄土高原北部边缘土地沙漠化问题,不仅是当地经济振兴的严重障碍,而且威胁着整个黄土高原地区资源的开发与利用。因此,如何及时采取有效措施遏制其土地沙漠化势头就成为了一个迫在眉睫,并急需解决的问题。本文在搜集大量原始资料的基础上,对该区土地沙漠化的现状进行了总结,探讨了形成机理,并进一步分析了沙漠化的危害,最后提出了相应的防治对策。  相似文献   

晚新生代黄土高原风尘堆积与粉尘源区干旱化问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于黄土高原风尘堆积的岩性和磁性地层研究 ,计算了晚新生代黄土高原风尘堆积速率变化 ,并与深海沉积记录的粉尘通量变化对比 ,初步探讨了海陆风尘沉积记录的晚新生代亚洲内陆粉尘源区的干旱化过程 ,揭示出自 4 5MaB P 以来粉尘源区干燥度的逐级增加 ,尤其是在 3 6 2 6MaB P 时段黄土高原风尘沉积速率和ODP885 / 886孔粉尘通量的显著增加 ,暗示可能由于青藏高原在此时段加速隆升所造成的亚洲内陆粉尘源区干燥度的急剧加强。  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the stratigraphy, sources, and paleoclimatic significance of Holocene Bignell Loess in the central Great Plains. A broadly similar sequence of loess depositional units and paleosols was observed in thick Bignell Loess sections up to 300 km apart, suggesting that these sections record major regional changes in the balance between dust deposition and pedogenesis. New optical ages, together with previously reported radiocarbon ages, indicate Bignell Loess deposition began 9000–11,000 yr ago and continued into the late Holocene; some Bignell Loess is <1000 yr old. There is little evidence that Holocene Loess was derived from flood plain sources, as previously proposed. Instead, thick Bignell Loess occurs mainly near the downwind margins of inactive dune fields, particularly atop escarpments facing the dunes. Thus, the immediate loess source was dust produced when the dunes were active. Previous work indicates that widespread episodes of dune activity are likely to have resulted from drier-than-present climatic conditions. The regionally coherent stratigraphy of Bignell Loess can be interpreted as a near-continuous record of climatically driven variation in dune field activity throughout the Holocene.  相似文献   

Loess of Central Asia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A. E. Dodonov 《GeoJournal》1991,24(2):185-194
Loess deposits are widespread within the piedmont and intramontane depressions of Central Asia. They cover piedmont plains, river terraces, ridge slopes and watersheds. Loess is a significant component in the piedmonts of Tien Shan, eastern Fergana depression, the Afgan-Tajik depression, piedmonts of Kopetdag, Badchyz and Karabil Hills north of Parapamiz, in the Kashmir valley, on the Potwar Plateau and in the Peshawar Basin.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a serious global environmental problem which limits the survival and development of human beings. In our country, due to the special physical geography and socio-economic conditions, soil erosion intensity is great, which is particularly prominent in Loess Plateau region. Therefore, preventing and controlling soil erosion, as well as reducing soil erosion in Loess Plateau have become the key to solving environmental problems in the region. Soil erosion on Loess Plateau is serious, and grassland vegetation has good effects on soil and water conservation, which can improve ecological environment well. After the implementation of the project about returning farmland to grassland on Loess Plateau, the ecological benefits mainly focused on soil and water conservation benefits, soil improvement benefits, water conservation benefits and species diversity benefits, etc. Grassland vegetation has an irreplaceable role in the construction of the ecological environment on Loess Plateau. Therefore, the role of grassland in preventing soil erosion has received more and more attention. Scholars have done lots of research involved in the relationship between grassland coverage and soil erosion, impacts of grassland on hydrodynamic parameters, effects of grassland on soil properties, reduction effects of grassland on runoff and sediment, and soil erosion process on grassland slope. However, there is little research on erosion effect induced by grassland cover. This paper mainly pointed out the following questions: First, grassland cover is influenced by many factors, but the relationship with soil erosion from the dynamic mechanism is rarely discussed; Second, there is no well-developed theory of overland flow erosion at present, which limits the study of hydrodynamic parameters on grassland slope; Third, establishment of mathematical model between grassland cover and soil resistance can accelerate the quantitative analysis of grassland influence on erosion; Fourth, comprehensive analysis of influencing factors on water reduction and sediment reduction effect on grassland are insufficient; Fifth, there are not many mechanisms to analyze the erosion process of grassland slope by using the hydrodynamic characteristics of slope; sixth, research results on grassland-induced erosion are mainly focused on leading to soil dry layer and we should continue to strengthen in the future. This paper summarized the previous results, and supplemented some studies about erosion caused by grassland, then pointed out the existing problems in current research and the areas that need to be strengthened in the future, aiming at reducing soil erosion on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

将前人对黄土高原黄土地层划分的研究成果进行全面总结、分析,结合洛川、宝鸡、西峰3个经典剖面,利用土壤 地层学、沉积学、磁性地层学、古生物学、年代学、地球化学等研究方法对黄土高原的黄土地层进行详细对比以及进一步 细分。将早、中更新世界线调整为B/M极性倒转开始的对应层位——L9顶部。根据岩性和气候旋回周期的差异性等,将离 石黄土三分,S8/L9作为离石黄土内部划分的一条新界线,S1~L5划分为上离石黄土,S5~S8划分为中离石黄土,L9~L15划分为 下离石黄土。在分析过程中发现关键层位(S0,L1,S1,S5,L9,L15,L33) 的年龄具有差异性。  相似文献   

三趾马红土与西北黄土高原滑坡   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
本文在前人和作者以往研究成果的基础上总结了黄土高原大中型滑坡的形成发育规律;滑坡发生的土体结构效应;指出三趾马红土(N2)是控制和影响黄土高原滑坡形成的重要因素,并对其物质成分、工程特性及古风化带(不整合面)与滑坡的关系,及其在滑坡发生中的作用进行探讨。  相似文献   

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