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In 1995 and 1996 we undertook surveys to identify the status, perspectives, and contributions of women and men in physical geography and geosciences/geology, and to study the evolution of our fields. This paper presents the results of the physical geography survey, and considers the following questions: How have academic men and women physical geographers' professional development experiences differed? Do men and women in physical geography emphasize different research areas? Do their research methods differ from one another? Gender differences were identified most strikingly in rank and tenure status, research topics and methodologies, and professional satisfaction. Generational differences by academic rank were identified in professional satisfaction and in pull factors. Minor gender differences were found in dual career couple status, but this status had major effects on career choices and opportunities for both men and women. This paper is part of our larger project aimed at comparing and contrasting geoscience/geology and physical geography, and at including the earth sciences in gender and science studies that have long focused on mathematics, chemistry, biology, and physics.  相似文献   

Women, science and identity: interviews with female physical geographers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clare Madge  Anna Bee 《Area》1999,31(4):335-348
Summary Interviews with female physical geographers show that although the significance of gender in influencing a woman's position and identity in physical geography is contested, gender still remains an important social relation that structures the personal relations, institutional practices and material outcomes of academic physical geography.  相似文献   

This paper presents the initial findings of a survey of geographers working on fixed-term or other temporary contracts (FTCs), with particular reference to their characteristics, achievements and employment conditions. The results suggest that job satisfaction among contract geographers is related to career stage, and that structural features of the academic labour market combine to restrict many highly qualified academic staff to FTCs for longer than may be appropriate. This phenomenon is highly gendered, with women over-represented among the more junior ranks of contract staff and men dominating the senior ranks. Prolonged employment on FTCs can result in negative effects on the health, welfare and personal finances of many contract staff, and also on staff morale and productivity. The paper concludes that underlying structural inequalities in the academic labour market need to be addressed.  相似文献   

BITNET is a telecommunications network for higher education. The network's general characteristics, services, the availability of BITNET to academic geographers, and their use of the system are examined. Although more than 80% of geography faculty in the United States and Canada are at BITNET-supported institutions, a survey of AAG Specialty Group chairs suggests that geographers' actual use of BITNET is relatively low.  相似文献   

An analysis of the presence of women geographers in Spanish universities indicates that women lecturers are a minority, especially in the top posts. The written contributions of women geographers in geographical journals published by geography departments, and in unpublished M.A. theses and doctoral dissertations are proportionally fewer than the corresponding percentage of staff members.  相似文献   

BITNET is a telecommunications network for higher education. The network's general characteristics, services, the availability of BITNET to academic geographers, and their use of the system are examined. Although more than 80% of geography faculty in the United States and Canada are at BITNET-supported institutions, a survey of AAG Specialty Group chairs suggests that geographers' actual use of BITNET is relatively low.  相似文献   

The third and final article in this series about employment conditions in geography addresses the issue of future demand in both academic and nonacademic settings. To gain an understanding of future demand conditions in colleges and universities, we projected the retirement of AAG members by topical specialty and then matched these retirement trends with a profile of new faculty searches as reported by geography department chairs. We assessed the likely future demand for geography teachers at the precollegiate level through a survey of Geography Alliance Coordinators about teacher certification requirements and the education environments in their respective states. We speculated on how the kinds of jobs geographers do will be affected by changes now underway in the national and global economies. And finally, we conducted a small telephone survey of AAG corporate sponsors to determine how future business trends will affect the demand for geographers.  相似文献   

Physical geographers are often confronted with the decision of whether to publish in geography or nongeography journals. The present study seeks to quantify the number of articles with a significant hydrology content published in geography versus hydrology journals by physical geographers from 1997 to 2002 using the ISI Web of Knowledge electronic database. Of 690 articles published in the 10 selected geography and hydrology journals during the period of study, over four‐fifths were published in hydrology journals. Based on our interpretation of the data, the comparatively smaller audience in geography and the risk of acquiring fewer citations compels physical geographers to publish in hydrology journals for increased visibility. A critical mass of physical geographers should consider publishing some of their work in physical geography journals to elevate the status of geography in the academy.  相似文献   

杜芳娟  周越  庄淑蓉  叶仕安 《地理学报》2019,74(11):2243-2259
西南地区以其独特的地理现象一直为国内外地理学者所关注。通过对《地理学报》创刊以来85年间西南地区研究的载文分析,可以管窥其研究脉络,并予未来研究以启示。结果表明:① 232篇论文囊括了地理研究的若干主题,但以地貌、气象气候、综合自然地理和生态环境发文量最大,而城市、民族、交通、健康则关注较少;② 研究经历了传统区域研究、任务带学科、承上启下和多元化发展4个阶段;③ 论文在数量和内容上的阶段性变化,既受国家时事格局影响,也受地理学科研究范式发展变化影响;④ 《地理学报》有关西南地区的载文具有很高的研究水平,无论是在学术视野还是研究方法手段上,区域的自然、人文、社会经济与生态环境等诸多研究都站在了学术研究前沿,代表了学界对西南地理的研究情况;⑤ 但西南地理研究论文增长速度远赶不上《地理学报》载文量增长,外来研究机构占比很大,本土力量弱;相较自然地理,人文地理研究也少而弱。可见,西南地理研究当从新区域地理视角重新审视这一地区传统与现代的碰撞、边界的接触与冲突和区际的联系与竞争,继续成就西南地区重要的地理意义。  相似文献   

Knowing our own history? Geography department archives in the UK   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents an analysis of the returns to a questionnaire survey on the state of department archives within UK departments of geography. The results of the survey are discussed in relation to recent work in geography which has examined the archive as a site for knowledge's making but seldom in its own terms as a resource for the history of geography, and studies within the archival sciences which have considered the archive as something more than a 'storehouse' for collective memory. The paper reveals that the archival record for the history of British geography is at best uneven, and in many departments non-existent, although information on departmental history is held, often as memory, by individual geographers. The paper considers the survey's implications for the future histories of British geography and addresses the nature of the UK geography department archive as resource and responsibility.  相似文献   

吴秋涛  王维锋 《地理学报》1989,44(1):111-116
区域开发整治中的政策研究主要包括对现行政策进行效果评价和影响分析,并预测其对区域开发整治可能产生的积极和消极作用,从而为现行政策修正以及新政策的制定提供依据,供决策机构参考。区域开发整治政策具有地方性、阶段性和稳定性特征。地理学在区域开发整治中重点研究的应是自然、经济和社会相互联结的综台性政策问题,主要有资源利用政策、环境保护政策、生产布局政策以及城市发展政策等等。  相似文献   

朱季文  倪绍祥  蒋长瑜 《地理研究》2012,31(7):1163-1172
李春芬(1912~1996)是我国著名的老一代地理学家,从事地理学研究和教学近60年,为我国地理学尤其是区域地理学的发展作出了重大贡献。其学术思想的最精辟之处,是关于地理环境结构的整体性和差异性、"共性"与"个性"的科学论述,并成功地将其应用于相关研究和教学工作。本文论述了李春芬学术思想的形成背景、基本内容、科学价值及现实意义。李春芬的学术思想和创新见解,对于深化资源环境规划与管理、区域可持续发展等研究与实践有重要的现实指导意义,并对拓展和深化地理学的人地关系研究有重要推动作用。  相似文献   

A survey of 176 authors who published in the Annals between 1988 and 1993 provides insights into why authors submitted their research to the journal, what support they received, and the impacts of the publication on their careers. Most decided themselves to submit their work, and one-third received support from research grants; cartographic assistance and graduate assistants were less important. The major benefits of publishing in the Annals were visibility in one's department, contact with other geographers, and requests for reprints. Most authors presented their ideas at professional meetings prior to submission. Promotion and salary Inc.reases were benefits for women, assistant professors, associate professors, and physical geographers. Authors considered their articles as original examinations that yielded new results, contributed to theory, stimulated debate, and helped bridge gaps inside and outside of geography. These results are useful in helping individual authors and for administrators in identifying the kinds of research support needed by authors publishing in the Annals.  相似文献   

本文基于多种资料,梳理了1912—1949年中国地理学者姓名、生卒年、籍贯、领域、教育与工作经历等数据,从来源、增长、结构3个层面讨论当时中国地理学者发展进程。研究发现1912—1949年间:① 地理学者在来源层面可分舆地学者、外聘地理学者、现代学制培养地理学者(含有交集关系的国内培养学者、留学培养学者、跨学科学者)3种类型,不同类型群体对地理学者发展的影响差异明显;② 地理学者数量发展可分1912—1927年波动增长,1928—1939年持续增长,1940—1941年急速增长和1942—1949年放缓增长4个时期;③ 中国地理学者学科结构、领域结构、学缘结构、地域结构、年龄结构、性别结构等方面均表现为失衡但失衡程度趋于降低的态势;④ 地理学者发展与地理教学、研究机构发展关系密切,特别是高等地理教学机构对地理学者发展有多重影响。1912—1949年中国地理学者的发展为中国科学地理学的持续进步奠定了人才基础,其过程同时是中国近现代地理学转型的一个侧面。  相似文献   

李容全  邱维理 《地理学报》2013,68(9):1281-1291
周廷儒院士是我国著名的地理学家、地理教育家,中国新生代地理学创建人。他开拓学科新方向的学术思想与成就,为地理学新一代创新人才的成长提供了典型范例。周廷儒院士为解决中国何以有特殊的江南湿润亚热带和独特的自然环境格局两个区域自然地理学难题,博览古今中外书刊,寻求立足学科前沿的科学答案。他在1960 年提出"以古论今,预见未来"的超前学术思想,开创了探讨区域起源、演变与发展的自然地理学新方向——新生代地理学,使中国的区域自然地理研究迈上新里程,步入世界前列。周先生明确了自然地理学的研究核心为地理环境的演变,确立的地理环境演变的时间起点为新生代初期。他所论述的新生代地理演变研究的基本原理包括:① 水平地带被破坏后产生各级区域;② 地理环境演变受主导因素组合定律控制;③ 驱动演变的能源有内能和外能,以内能占优势。同时,他还对地理环境演变的分析与综合研究方法进行了阐述。周先生的学术成就主要在于明确了中国自然地理原始水平地带遭到破坏的时代在古近纪末,五大自然地理区主要形成在新近纪及其以来,经过第四纪演变,形成现代中国地理环境的格局。他的论著,特别是"中国自然地理——新生代古地理"的出版,标志着中国区域自然地理学时代巅峰研究成果的问世。他提出的"以古论今,预见未来"的定理,已经成为当今及未来自然地理学,特别是区域自然地理学研究的基本指导思想。  相似文献   

陈同斌 《地理研究》1999,18(1):17-23
在黄秉维先生和老一辈地理学家的带领和指导下,我国地理学一直都把农业作为地理学的重点和核心内容,尤其是对以土壤资源合理利用和保护为重点的国土开发整治研究极为关注。因此,土壤环境保护一直都是地理学的一项重要任务。鉴于土壤环境保护在我国地理学中的重要地位,本文着重探讨了黄秉维在土壤侵蚀、土地质量退化和土壤环境保护等方面的学术思想。  相似文献   

In physical geography, systems are seen as a unity of parts and relationships, whereas human geographers using a second-order sociological systems approach define systems in terms of the difference between system and environment. Starting from this, dialogue between physical and human geographers using terms derived from systems theory is mostly in vain. This article explores some of the consequences that follow for dialogue in geography: the differences in defining systems, in the understanding of processes, the problem of system borders, the inconsistent understanding of the 'environment' itself as well as the different epistemology that comes with it (or leads to it). The article tries to bring systems theory back into geography with the decisive aim of enhancing the potentials for interaction between human and physical geographers and, therefore, to explore the possibility of connecting the social with the physical world – deviating from systems theory.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):302-314

This article is a study of early women geography educators between the years 1783 and 1932. Many women were working in the field at that time, but with varying degrees of activity. Twenty-six were especially active in geography contributing significantly to the growth of geography in universities, colleges, and public schools. Some of the women wrote geography textbooks in the pre-professional geography period before 1875. As such, they would be considered geographers, but it was not until the 1890s that women became involved in professional geography. The professional activities of seven women are highlighted as representative of women who were especially active in the discipline.  相似文献   

区域地理与系统地理二元论的演变及其透析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
叶超  蔡运龙 《地理研究》2012,31(5):771-781
地理学是一门追求普适性的学科,还是强调其独特性,这个"普适"与"例外"的问题曾引起地理学史上最大的方法论争论。它反映出系统地理学与区域地理学的二元论。系统地理学家强调地理学追求一般法则,区域学派则认为研究独特的区域是地理学的核心。这种二元论争论在古希腊时代就初见端倪,"舍费尔—哈特向之争"则使其达到顶点。对争论的历史根源和发展演变的分析表明:虽然两个学派的代表人物哈特向和舍费尔都至少在形式上反对只强调系统和区域中的一个而忽视另一个的做法,但是他们的兴趣、价值观导致的偏好和地理学史观的重大分歧,使他们最终对区域地理和系统地理的倾向不一样。20世纪80年代的"哈特—格里奇之争"只是这种二元论的一个余波。其后,多元主义方法论的兴起使得这种二元论争论逐渐淡出人们的视野,但后现代地理学聚焦于"批判的区域研究",实质上仍是这种争论在新时代的变种。中国地理学界缺乏此种争论,原因可能在于"实用主义"的学术导向、学术环境、学术评价体制、折中调和的理论构建方式等。这不利于中国地理学自立于世界学术之林。  相似文献   

钟赛香  曲波  苏香燕  毛鹏  游细斌 《地理学报》2014,69(8):1077-1092
本文基于文献计量方法,分别从成长趋势、关键词、文献作者和研究机构等不同侧面对《地理学报》创刊以来至2013年3月中旬刊载的4420篇文献,进行较为全面的分析。同时,基于地理学三分法对自然地理、人文地理、地理技术等主要分支研究以及地理总论进行探讨,旨在揭示代表中国地理学界最高学术水平的《地理学报》其发展特点与发展趋势。研究表明:①《地理学报》在很大程度上可以反映中国地理学科最高学术水平的最新研究成果;②《地理学报》年发文量存在显著差异,其波动起伏与中国历史的大事件紧密相关;③《地理学报》虽为综合性期刊,但自然地理研究一直占绝大多数;④《地理学报》具有较为稳定的学术研究队伍,老学者居多,需要进一步培养新的学科带头人;⑤《地理学报》具有较强集聚效应,中国地理学研究主体和研究内容具有明显区域性。  相似文献   

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