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《Urban geography》2013,34(5):414-439
The “racial” reproduction of labor forms the central concern of this paper, which comprises an investigation of low-income African-American and Anglo-American wome's engagement in waged and unwaged reproductive activities in a downtown area of Grand Rapids, Michigan. A snowball sample was conducted with 97 women. n“Race” was shown to structure options in relation to occupations, access to transportation, and child care provision, as well as formal and informal community networks. An emphasis on the practices underlying the creation of social constructions of gender and “race” reveals that even within the same geographical location women have different experiences of urban poverty.  相似文献   

社会文化地理知识生产的表征与非表征维度   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
郭文  朱竑 《地理科学》2020,40(7):1039-1049
采用文献归纳和理论思辨法,对社会文化地理知识生产的表征和非表征表达、关系转换及权力政治等内容进行了系统分析。研究认为,表征的本质是作为替代品指代实物符号化的实践,非表征是动态性隐蔽对象显性化的实践。表征与非表征是社会文化地理知识生产的重要维度,两者具有同构性和互补性;出于差异化的逻辑抽象方式,两者又存在较大的表达区分。表征主要是对特殊意义“知识节点”的关注,具有共享性、社会性、说明性和稳定性;非表征主要是对非稳定性流动知识、活力性知识和关联性知识的关注,具有经验性和情境性、具身性和体验性、结构性和交互性;表征与非表征不仅具有内在关联性,也存在转换的必要性,这是人们积极应对社会文化地理知识认识论危机的一种可能方案,也是人们更加精确认识地理知识生产的前提和基础;随着后现代地理学语境的兴起,以及人们对话语、身份等要素的关注,社会文化地理知识生产的表征与非表征方式受到了权力政治因素的影响,这使表征和非表征实践具有了表达协商的意蕴,这一研究发现将创新并拓展对表征和非表征的传统理解。未来研究应多聚焦在表征和非表征的内涵解读、内容和方法呈现层面,这既有利于丰富社会文化地理知识生产的表达方式,也有利于人们科学指导地理实践。  相似文献   

Contemporary political trends associated with the rise of Donald Trump seem to confound traditional regional designations in the United States. Yet the concept of region remains salient in popular discourse. This is especially true with respect to “the South,” which appears in several recent nonacademic works as the source of troubling social and political currents. More surprising, given decades of critique of “Southern exceptionalism,” has been the reappearance of the South as a focus of analysis in the scholarly literature on immigration. This scholarly literature works to deessentialize the South by highlighting the vagaries and instabilities of Southern identities, institutions, and landscapes. It can, however, subtly and inadvertently reinforce Southern exceptionalism by identifying the South as a place marked by uniquely fraught histories of racial exclusion. This article critically assesses how the South as a regional concept has located the problem of race in the United States in a specific time and place. This leads to a broader discussion of the persistence of regional imaginaries in the discipline of geography and the need for more deliberate consideration of the geographical concepts that guide our analyses of societal change.  相似文献   

As visions of ecological crisis mark the daily headlines, industrial spaces of intensive energy and material consumption become a more intense object of political and social concern. In this article, I attempt to situate geography's relative neglect of the ecological underpinnings of industrial capitalism within the context of the history of geographical thought. I argue that the ways in which geographers read the hyphen in the phrase “nature‐society” reveals epistemological limits to their object of study. I then offer three dramatically different readings of the hyphen and discuss how they have affected the lineages and trajectories of geographical research—Barrows's human ecology, Sauer's cultural landscape, and critical theories of social nature. I conclude by suggesting that geography needs to let go of its empirical and conceptual fixation on “nature”.  相似文献   

领域与地盘:中西方权地观之比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侯璐璐  刘云刚 《地理科学》2019,39(7):1055-1062
通过对中西权地观中情感属性、权力属性、空间属性对比,提出地盘作为关系的空间投影发挥作用。根据塑造地盘的关系属性的不同,将地盘分为情感型地盘、工具型地盘及混合型地盘3类。地盘体系中讲究人情、信任与求和,通过模糊正规权力的空间边界对抗空间阻力,形成缓冲我与非我的圈层结构。  相似文献   

刘长生  董瑞甜  简玉峰 《地理科学》2020,40(12):2073-2084
基于新古典经济增长理论,构建旅游业发展的产业结构效应理论分析模型,建立旅游业发展产业协同与荷兰病效应的评价指标,利用Theil指数及嵌套分解分析其时空差异的演变格局。以“胡焕庸线”为地理区域边界、以优秀旅游城市为关键节点,基于2000—2017年中国60个优秀旅游城市的面板数据进行实证分析显示:旅游业发展对第一、二、三产业的产业协同与荷兰病效应同时显著存在,总体上分别表现为荷兰病效应、较差的产业协同效应、较强的产业协同效应;时空演变的总体差异显著,呈现出“平稳递增?快速递减?平稳递减”的变化规律;旅游业快速发展的产业结构效应空间差异显著,不能有效突破“胡焕庸线”锁定的旅游经济地理格局。  相似文献   

Explicit notions of “communities”, as key actors in conservation and development projects across the Global South, are common. Narratives about “indigenous people” or “forest-dependent communities” in forest conservation programmes prevail, portraying a picture of “communities” as homogeneous and harmonious entities. In this study, we unfold “communities” as a construct with an empirical example of a community-based forest protection project, Northern Cambodia. Based on qualitative interviews, field observations and document analysis, we examine the “community” construct in terms of establishment of boundaries, geographical composition and social coherence. We not only find that the establishment of forest “community” boundaries are dominated by powerful external actors rather than the “community members” themselves, but that the spatial composition of “communities” is complex, and affects the ability of local people to benefit from the project. We also find that the studied “communities” show low levels of social coherence and mainly consist of migrant farmers, as opposed to common policy narratives. Taking these inconsistencies into account, we discuss implications of constructing “communities” for the success of forest conservation projects, and argue in favour of more discursive and political analyses to better understand, acknowledge and adapt to existing and changing conditions in present and prospective project locations.  相似文献   

杨高  周春山 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1570-1580
基于社会空间辩证法视角,运用质性研究和定量研究相结合的综合分析方法,以深圳“四川村”为例,对中国“同乡村” 的空间生产和社会融合进行研究。研究表明:政府、当地村民、社区组织(流动党支部)和外来农民工共同作用于“四川村”的空间生产,政府和本地村民利用手中的行政权力和资本权力成为“四川村”物质空间生产的主体,追求聚居区的经济效益和和谐优美的社区环境;社区组织依靠跨地域投资、就业机会的供给及纽带作用,成为聚居区和谐环境建设和乡土社会重构的重要辅助力量;外来农民工展现出“扩散-竞争模式”为主的空间聚集,是物质空间实践的驱动力,寻求着自身文化符号的乡土社区,以实现文化认同和传统社会网络的异地构建。“四川村”为农民工提供了就业机会、职业培训和向上社会流动的路径,“四川村”农民工社会融合度相对较高,尤其体现在社区融合、社交融合和心理融合。  相似文献   

从产业扶贫视角出发,选择湖南省湘西土家苗族自治州保靖县为研究案例区,构建自然环境、地理区位、经济基础、人力资本和社会事业5个维度的村域的空间贫困陷阱测度指标体系,运用综合评价方法测度村域产业扶贫面临的空间贫困陷阱,利用核密度方法分析5个维度上空间贫困陷阱密集影响区域,并在此基础上绘制村域产业扶贫的综合空间贫困陷阱地图,提出对应的发展策略,为实现贫困地区产业发展精准帮扶提供科学依据。  相似文献   

赵春雨  苏勤  盛楠 《地理研究》2014,33(8):1503-1514
借鉴时间地理学理论与方法,提出农村劳动力转移就业时空路径概念。以安徽省4个样本村为例,使用ArcGIS、SPSS等软件进行数据分析,得出农村劳动力转移就业时空路径的基本类型与特征:① 农村劳动力依据时空路径特征可分为稳定型、逐步稳定型、漂泊不定型、回流型、逐步开拓型、断续型六种类型;② 4个样本村劳动力打工时空路径演化有明显的地域差异;③ 21世纪初期是农村劳动力全面接受打工就业方式的时期,就业行业主要集中在建筑业、制造业、服务业,“老家亲戚、朋友”是最重要的打工媒介;④ 农村劳动力在打工地和家乡间的流动节律有“春节型”、“节假日型”、“休息日型”、“每日型”四种类型;⑤ 农村劳动力转移就业具有明显的空间指向和粘性特征,家乡是重要的结点空间,社会经济地理位置是地域差异形成的重要原因。  相似文献   

“粤东”是一个被广泛运用的地名,然而在古代与当代的地理意义迥然不同。即使在当代“粤东”也有几种解释,对人们的生产和生活造成一定影响。因此,探寻“粤东”较为合理的地理意义很有必要,能够为相关部门提供参考。文章首先根据历史文献,梳理了古代“粤东”一称地理意义的演变,然后以定量的方法统计当代学术界和媒体界对该词的使用。研究表明:由于古代“粤”的地理意义不断缩小,“粤东”的指代范围随之逐渐变小。当代“粤东”的地理意义至少有4种,以“粤东五市”最为学术界和媒体界认可。结合经济发展和自然地形特征,分析了当代“粤东”几种地理意义的优劣,最后提出“粤东”的统一定义:位于广东东部,包括潮州、汕头、揭阳、汕尾与梅州5市的区域。  相似文献   

多样vs.分裂:论中国人文地理学发展的多元性及其挑战   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从哲学、理论、方法和实践4个方面梳理了中国人文地理学内部的多元性,并区分了这些多元性的性质,即哪些是缺乏交流和整合的“散见”、哪些是需要统一和弥合的“歧见”、哪些是认识局限导致的“偏见”。据此建议加强中国人文地理学研究的问题意识和原创性理论研究;减少对“主义”的过度推崇和对方法的盲目崇拜;加强定性方法和定量方法的交流及论证过程的严谨性;在政策取向上取得“求真”和“务实”的平衡;提高学科发展的自信和对不同研究视角的包容。此外,应该在研究选题、杂志建设和奖项设置等操作层面推动人文地理学的理论整合。  相似文献   

评析西方城市土地利用的理论研究   总被引:46,自引:7,他引:46  
刘盛和  吴传钧  陈田 《地理研究》2001,20(1):111-119
综述了西方城市土地利用理论研究的最新进展,较深入地评析了各种研究方法与理论派系的独到功力及其局限性。并结合中国城市土地利用的研究进展,提出今后应加强城市土地利用区位经济的理论与实证研究及城市土地开发过程的政治经济分析  相似文献   

To study the complexities of race and geography, research and analysis should center on the fatally dynamic coupling of power and difference signified by racism. The author considers briefly the theoretical and methodological implications of key frameworks geographers used during the past century to account for racialized power differentials. To illustrate the political, economic, and cultural capacities that historical materialist geographical inquiry ought to consider, the author outlines the background for a new project—a case study of the U.S. during a period of unusually intense state‐building in the mid‐twentieth century. The article concludes that the political geography of race consists of space, place, and location as shaped simultaneously by gender, class, and scale.  相似文献   

This essay is a revision of a paper prepared for an NSF workshop on race and geography. Participants in the workshop were asked to offer their views on the topic and our suggestions for further research. This contribution explores some aspects of the relationship and relevance of geography to the question of race in North America. It touches on three “places” that constitute the discipline: the place of research, the place of teaching, and the workplace. With respect to research, it suggests some promising lines of inquiry. Among these are studies of the relationship of scale to the politics of identity and studies of “passing” in connection with studies of geographies of experience and geographies of power.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This article examines the ways in which oceans were depicted in Japanese geographical writings and maps from the Tokugawa period. It uses these texts to understand how early modern Japanese visions of the Pacific and of maritime Asian waters constructed epistemological frameworks through which the Japanese saw their place in an increasingly complex web of regional and global connections. In the absence of actual adventure on the “high seas,” Japanese writers, artists, and mapmakers used the inventive power of the imagination to fill in the cognitive blank of ocean space. I argue that the definition of early modern oceanic space was profoundly ambiguous, a legacy that, it can be argued, left its mark on Japan's modern relationship with the Asian Pacific region.  相似文献   

This essay is a revision of a paper prepared for an NSF workshop on race and geography. Participants in the workshop were asked to offer their views on the topic and our suggestions for further research. This contribution explores some aspects of the relationship and relevance of geography to the question of race in North America. It touches on three “places” that constitute the discipline: the place of research, the place of teaching, and the workplace. With respect to research, it suggests some promising lines of inquiry. Among these are studies of the relationship of scale to the politics of identity and studies of “passing” in connection with studies of geographies of experience and geographies of power.  相似文献   

旅游影响下民族村寨社会空间结构急剧变迁。研究基于社会空间“物质性与精神性” 的统一,以贵州西江苗寨为例,综合遥感解译分析、GIS空间分析及定性分析等方法,揭示了旅游影响下民族村寨社会空间演化过程与机理。研究发现:①西江苗寨空间形态和功能演化规律与旅游发展线性相关,整体呈现抱团集聚、垂直分异与旅游异质性的特征;村寨从生活自居空间转化为多元势力协商的空间,并逐步演化为以旅游为主导的混合型空间,内部差异显著。②村寨社会空间演化动力源于利益主体对空间资源的占据和生产的“推力”以及游客对异质文化的诉求的“拉力”叠加。③“空间实践、空间再现以及再现的空间”的生产逻辑成为村寨社会空间演化机理。④旅游影响下村寨社会空间演化呈现非均衡性实践特征,权利-资本空间“簇”和“柱”形成,但村寨精神文化空间仍就稳固。该研究为后续社会空间物质性与精神性转换关系、路径以及机制提供一定指引。  相似文献   

This paper argues that in generating perceptual meanings of social actors as data, researchers need to deal with multiple representations, identities and categorisations of their own and those of their informants. The need to also consider power dynamics that develop in the communication process between the “researcher” and the "researched" in the process of generating data is also emphasised. The paper suggests that an analysis of image‐conflicts can be used to reveal the “hidden meanings” during these research encounters and improve the quality of research findings.  相似文献   

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