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Sphalerite oxidation is a common process under acid-mine drainage (AMD) conditions and results in the release of , Zn and potentially toxic trace metals, which can pollute rivers and oceans. However, there are only a few studies on the mechanisms of aerobic sphalerite oxidation. Oxygen and S isotope investigations of the produced may contribute to the understanding of sphalerite oxidation mechanisms so helping to interpret field data from AMD sites. Therefore, batch oxidation experiments with an Fe-rich sphalerite were performed under aerobic abiotic conditions at different initial pH values (2 and 6) for different lengths of time (2–100 days). The O and S isotope composition of the produced indicated changing oxidation pathways during the experiments. During the first 20 days of the experiments at both initial pH values, molecular O2 was the exclusive O source of . Furthermore, the lack of S isotope enrichment processes between and sphalerite indicated that O2 was the electron acceptor from sphalerite S. As the oxidation proceeded, a sufficient amount of released Fe(II) was oxidized to Fe(III) by O2. Therefore, electrons could be transferred from sphalerite S sites to adsorbed hydrous Fe(III) and O from the hydration sphere of Fe was incorporated into the produced as indicated by decreasing δ18OSO4 values which became more similar to the δ18OH2O values. The enrichment of 32S in relative to the sphalerite may also result from sphalerite oxidation by Fe(III).The incorporation of O2 into during the oxidation of sphalerite was associated with an O isotope enrichment factor εSO4–O2 of ca. −22‰. The O isotope enrichment factor εSO4–H2O was determined to be ?4.1‰. A comparison with O and S studies of other sulfides suggests that there is no general oxidation mechanism for acid-soluble sulfides.  相似文献   

Lead speciation in many aqueous geochemical systems is dominated by carbonate complexation. However, direct observations of Pb2+ complexation by carbonate ions are few in number. This work represents the first investigation of the equilibrium over a range of ionic strength. Through spectrophotometric observations of formation at 25 °C in NaHCO3-NaClO4 solutions, formation constants of the form were determined between 0.001 and 5.0 molal ionic strength. Formation constant results were well represented by the equation:

Gypsum precipitation kinetics were examined from a wide range of chemical compositions , ionic strengths (4.75-10 m) and saturation state with respect to gypsum (1.16-1.74) in seeded batch experiments of mixtures of Ca2+-rich Dead Sea brine and -rich seawater. Despite the variability in the experimental solutions, a single general rate law was formulated to describe the heterogeneous precipitation rate of gypsum from these mixtures:

Dissolution kinetics at the aqueous solution-calcite interface at 50 °C were investigated using in situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) to reveal the influence of magnesium concentration and solution saturation state on calcite dissolution kinetics and surface morphology. Under near-equilibrium conditions, dissolved Mg2+ displayed negligible inhibitory effects on calcite dissolution even at concentrations of . Upon the introduction of , the solution saturation state with respect to calcite, , acted as a “switch” for magnesium inhibition whereby no significant changes in step kinetics were observed at Ωcalcite<0.2, whereas a sudden inhibition from Mg2+ was activated at Ωcalcite?0.2. The presence of the Ω-switch in dissolution kinetics indicates the presence of critical undersaturation in accordance with thermodynamic principles. The etch pits formed in solutions with exhibited a unique distorted rhombic profile, different from those formed in Mg-free solutions and in de-ionized water. Such unique etch pit morphology may be associated with the anisotropy in net detachment rates of counter-propagating kink sites upon the addition of Mg2+.  相似文献   

Microbiological reduction of a biogenic sulfated green rust , was examined using a sulfate reducing bacterium (Desulfovibrio alaskensis). Experiments investigated whether could serve as a sulfate source for D. alaskensis anaerobic respiration by analyzing mineral transformation. Batch experiments were conducted using lactate as the electron donor and biogenic as the electron acceptor, at circumneutral pH in unbuffered medium. transformation was monitored with time by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Transmission Mössbauer Spectroscopy (TMS), Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The reduction of sulfate anions and the formation of iron sulfur mineral were clearly identified by XPS analyses. TMS showed the formation of additional mineral as green rust (GR) and vivianite. XRD analyses discriminated the type of the newly formed GR as GR1. The formed GR1 was as indicated by DRIFTS analysis. Thus, the results presented in this study indicate that D. alaskensis cells were able to use as an electron acceptor. , vivianite and an iron sulfur compound were formed as a result of reduction by D. alaskensis. Hence, in environments where geochemical conditions promote biogenic formation, this mineral could stimulate the anaerobic respiration of sulfate reducing bacteria.  相似文献   

The concentration and distribution of Pt and Au in a fluid-melt system has been investigated by reacting the metals with S-free, single-phase aqueous brines (20, 50, 70 wt% eq. NaCl) ± peraluminous melt at a confining pressure of 1.5 kbar and temperatures of 600 to 800 °C, trapping the fluid in synthetic fluid inclusions (quartz-hosted) and vesicles (silicate melt-hosted), and quantifying the metal content of the trapped fluid and glass by laser ablation ICP-MS. HCl concentration was buffered using the assemblage albite-andalusite-quartz and fO2 was buffered using the assemblage Ni-NiO. Over the range of experimental conditions, measured concentrations of Pt and Au in the brines (, ) are on on the order of 1-103 ppm. Concentrations of Pt and Au in the melt (, ) are ∼35-100 ppb and ∼400-1200 ppb, respectively. Nernst partition coefficients (, ) are on the order of 102-103 and vary as a function of (non-Henry’s Law behavior). Trapped fluids show a significant range of metal concentrations within populations of inclusions from single experiments (∼ 1 log unit variability for Au; ∼2-3 log unit variability for Pt). Variability in metal concentration within single inclusion groups is attributed to premature brine entrapment (prior to metal-fluid-melt equilibrium being reached); this allows us to make only minimum estimates of metal solubility using metal concentrations from primary inclusions. The data show two trends: (i) maximum and average values of and in inclusions decrease ∼2 orders of magnitude as fluid salinity () increases from ∼4 to 40 molal (20 to 70 wt % eq. NaCl) at a constant temperature; (ii) maximum and average values of increase approximately 1 order of magnitude for every 100°C increase temperature at a fixed . The observed behavior may be described by the general expression:

Chloride complexation of Cu+ controls the solubility of copper(I) oxide and sulfide ore minerals in hydrothermal and diagenetic fluids. Solubility measurements and optical spectra of high temperature CuCl solutions have been interpreted as indicating the formation of CuCl, , and complexes. However, no other monovalent cation forms tri- and tetrachloro complexes. EXAFS spectra of high temperature Cu-Cl solutions, moreover, appear to show only CuCl and complexes at T > 100 °C. To reconcile these results, I investigated the nature and stability of Cu-Cl complexes using ab initio cluster calculations and ab initio (Car-Parrinello) molecular dynamics simulations for CuCl-NaCl-H2O systems at 25 to 450 °C. Ab initio molecular dynamic simulations of 1 m CuCl in a 4 m Cl solution give a stable complex at 25 °C over 4 ps but show that the third Cl is weakly bound. When the temperature is increased along the liquid-vapour saturation curve to 125 °C, the complex dissociates into and Cl; only forms at 325 °C and 1 kbar. Even in a 15.6 m Cl brine at 450 °C, only the complex forms over a 4 ps simulation run.Cluster calculations with a static dielectric continuum solvation field (COSMO) were used in an attempt directly estimate free energies of complex formation in aqueous solution. Consistent with the MD simulations, the complex is slightly stable at 25 °C but decreases in stability with decreasing dielectric constant (ε). The complex is predicted to be unstable at 25 °C and becomes increasingly unstable with decreasing dielectric constant. In hydrothermal fluids (ε < 30) both the and complexes are unstable to dissociation into and Cl.The results obtained here are at odds with recent equations of state that predict and complexes are the predominant species in hydrothermal brines. In contrast, I predict that only complexes will be significant at T > 125 °C, even in NaCl-saturated brines. The high-temperature (T > 125 °C) optical spectra of CuCl solutions and solubility measurements of Cu minerals in Cl-brines need to be reinterpreted in terms of only the CuCl and complexes.  相似文献   

Comparative concentrations of carbonate and hydroxide complexes in natural solutions can be expressed in terms of reactions with bicarbonate that have no explicit pH dependence (). Stability constants for this reaction with n = 1 were determined using conventional formation constant data expressed in terms of hydroxide and carbonate. Available data indicate that stability constants appropriate to seawater at 25 °C expressed in the form are on the order of 104.2 for a wide range of cations (Mz+) with z = +1, +2 and +3. Φ1 is sufficiently large that species appear to substantially dominate MOHz−1 species in seawater. Evaluations of comparative stepwise carbonate and hydroxide stability constant behavior leading to the formation of n = 2 and n = 3 complexes suggest that carbonate complexes generally dominate hydroxide complexes in seawater, even for cations whose inorganic speciation schemes in seawater are currently presumed to be strongly dominated by hydrolyzed forms (). Calculated stability constants, and , indicate that the importance of carbonate complexation is sufficiently large that carbonate and hydroxide complexes would be generally comparable even if calculated Φ2 and Φ3 values are overestimated by two or more orders of magnitude. Inclusion of mixed ligand species in carbonate-hydroxide speciation models allows cation complexation intensities (MT/[Mz+]) to be expressed in the following form:

Ammonium fixed in micas of metamorphic rocks is a sensitive indicator both of organic-inorganic interactions during diagenesis as well as of the devolatilization history and fluid/rock interaction during metamorphism. In this study, a collection of geochemically well-characterized biotite separates from a series of graphite-bearing Paleozoic greenschist- to upper amphibolite-facies metapelites, western Maine, USA, were analyzed for ammonium nitrogen () contents and isotopic composition (δ15NNH4) using the HF-digestion distillation technique followed by the EA-IRMS technique. Biotite separates, sampled from 9 individual metamorphic zones, contain 3000 to 100 ppm with a wide range in δ15N from +1.6‰ to +9.1‰. Average contents in biotite show a distinct decrease from about 2750 ppm for the lowest metamorphic grade (∼500 °C) down to 218 ppm for the highest metamorphic grade (∼685 °C). Decreasing abundances in are inversely correlated in a linear fashion with increasing K+ in biotite as a function of metamorphic grade and are interpreted as a devolatilization effect. Despite expected increasing δ15NNH4 values in biotite with nitrogen loss, a significant decrease from the Garnet Zones to the Staurolite Zones was found, followed by an increase to the Sillimanite Zones. This pattern for δ15NNH4 values in biotite inversely correlates with Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios in biotite and is discussed in the framework of isotopic fractionation due to different exchange processes between or , reflecting devolatilization history and redox conditions during metamorphism.  相似文献   

Thermal water samples from Yellowstone National Park (YNP) have a wide range of pH (1-10), temperature, and high concentrations of fluoride (up to 50 mg/l). High fluoride concentrations are found in waters with field pH higher than 6 (except those in Crater Hills) and temperatures higher than 50 °C based on data from more than 750 water samples covering most thermal areas in YNP from 1975 to 2008. In this study, more than 140 water samples from YNP collected in 2006-2009 were analyzed for free-fluoride activity by ion-selective electrode (ISE) method as an independent check on the reliability of fluoride speciation calculations. The free to total fluoride concentration ratio ranged from <1% at low pH values to >99% at high pH. The wide range in fluoride activity can be explained by strong complexing with H+ and Al3+ under acidic conditions and lack of complexing under basic conditions. Differences between the free-fluoride activities calculated with the WATEQ4F code and those measured by ISE were within 0.3-30% for more than 90% of samples at or above 10−6 molar, providing corroboration for chemical speciation models for a wide range of pH and chemistry of YNP thermal waters. Calculated speciation results show that free fluoride, F, and major complexes (, AlF2+, and ) account for more than 95% of total fluoride. Occasionally, some complex species like , FeF2+, , MgF+ and may comprise 1-10% when the concentrations of the appropriate components are high. According to the simulation results by PHREEQC and calculated results, the ratio of main fluoride species to total fluoride varies as a function of pH and the concentrations and ratios of F and Al.  相似文献   

The influence of solution complexation on the sorption of yttrium and the rare earth elements (YREEs) by amorphous ferric hydroxide was investigated at 25 °C over a range of pH (4.0-7.1) and carbonate concentrations . Distribution coefficients, defined as , where [MSi]T is the total concentration of sorbed YREE, MT is the total YREE concentration in solution, and [Si] is the concentration of amorphous ferric hydroxide, initially increased in magnitude with increasing carbonate concentration, and then decreased. The initial increase of is due to sorption of YREE carbonate complexes , in addition to sorption of free YREE ions (M3+). The subsequent decrease of , which is more extensive for the heavy REEs, is due to the increasing intensity of YREE solution complexation by carbonate ions. The competition for YREEs between solution complexation and surface complexation was modeled via the equation:

The terrestrial mantle has a well defined Sb depletion of ∼7 ± 1 (Jochum and Hofmann, 1997), and the lunar mantle is depleted relative to the Earth by a factor of ∼50 ± 5 (Wolf and Anders, 1980). Despite these well defined depletions, there are few data upon which to evaluate their origin—whether due to volatility or core formation. We have carried out a series of experiments to isolate several variables such as oxygen fugacity, temperature, pressure, and silicate and metallic melt compositions, on the magnitude of . The activity of Sb in FeNi metal is strongly composition dependent such that solubility of Sb as a function of fO2 must be corrected for the metal composition. When the correction is applied, Sb solubility is consistent with 3+ valence. Temperature series (at 1.5 GPa) shows that decreases by a factor of 100 over 400 °C, and a pressure series exhibits an additional decrease between ambient pressure (100 MPa) and 13 GPa. A strong dependence upon silicate melt composition is evident from a factor of 100 decrease in between nbo/t values of 0.3 and 1.7. Consideration of all these variables indicates that the small Sb depletion for the Earth’s mantle can be explained by high PT equilibrium partitioning between metal and silicate melt . The relatively large lunar Sb depletion can also be explained by segregation of a small metallic core, at lower pressure conditions where is much higher (2500).  相似文献   

We performed a series of synthesis experiments at 1 atm pressure to investigate the substitution mechanisms of 1+ and 3+ ions into olivine. Forsterite crystals were grown from bulk compositions that contained the element of interest (e.g. Li) and different amounts of additional single trace elements. By working at constant (major element) liquid composition and temperature we eliminated all compositional effects other than those due to the trace elements. Mineral-melt pairs were then analysed to determine the compositional-dependence of the partition coefficient (D), which corresponds to , and where [element] refers to weight concentration of the element in the respective phase.We find that Li forms a stable coupled substitution with Sc and, at above ∼500 ppm Sc in the crystal, Li+ and Sc3+ ions form an ordered neutral complex ([LiSc]). This complex dissociates at lower trace element concentrations and a second, concentration-independent, mechanism begins to dominate. This second solution mechanism is most likely 2Li+ ⇔ Mg2+ where one of the Li atoms is in an interstitial position in the crystal lattice. Natural olivines show Li contents slightly greater than Sc (on an atomic basis), indicating that both substitution mechanisms are significant. Unlike Sc, Al does not appear to form a stable complex with Li in the olivine structure.Sodium is highly incompatible in olivine with of ∼0.00015-0.03. Olivine-liquid partitioning of Na+ is independent of Sc3+ or Al3+ concentration. This indicates that the coupled substitution of Na+ with any 3+ ions is unlikely. Instead, the relevant substitution mechanism appears to be 2Na+ ⇔ Mg2+. Although independent of 3+ ion concentration, is inversely correlated with the Li concentration of both melts and crystals, implying that Na competes (unsuccessfully) with Li to replace Mg in the olivine structure.Aluminium is highly incompatible in forsterite . Values of are similar for all phase pairs synthesised from starting materials containing between 10 and 100,000 ppm Al. This suggests that Al is principally incorporated in forsterite by replacing one Mg and one Si atom , where the Al atoms on octahedral (Mg) and tetrahedral (Si) sites are dissociated from one another.The incorporation of gallium into forsterite is influenced by the presence of Li. Where Li concentration in the crystal is much greater than that of Ga (on an atomic basis) we find an excellent correlation between and melt Li content. This relationship indicates that Ga3+ and Li+ replace 2Mg2+ on octahedral sites and that the Ga and Li atoms are, like Sc and Li, strongly associated in the crystal structure.The mechanism by which scandium is incorporated into forsterite is strongly governed by the presence Li. As discussed above, ordered complexes form readily in forsterite in Li-rich experiments. Under Li-absent but Sc-rich conditions (Sc in the crystal >∼500 ppm), is proportional to the concentration of Sc in the melt. This indicates that Sc incorporation is charge-balanced by the formation of magnesium vacancies , and that both species are associated . At lower Sc concentrations (<500 ppm in the crystal), the concentration-dependence of partitioning indicates that the complexes dissociate.Our results demonstrate that partitioning of 1+ and 3+ ions into olivine is complex and involves a range of point defects which yield strongly composition-dependent crystal-melt partition coefficients. Since physical and chemical properties of natural olivine, such as diffusion of 6Li and 7Li and H2O solubility, depend on the concentrations of the defects identified in this study, our results provide an important insight into how determining substitution mechanisms can improve our understanding of large-scale mantle processes and properties.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to determine the partitioning of molybdenum, tungsten and manganese among a rhyolitic melt (melt), pyrrhotite (po), and an immiscible Fe-S-O melt (Fe-S-O). Sulfide phases such as these may be isolated from a silicate melt along with other crystallizing phases during the evolution of arc magma, and partition coefficients are required to model the effect of this process on molybdenum and tungsten budgets.We developed an experimental design to take advantage of properties of the phases under study. Careful control of temperature allowed pyrrhotite and magnetite to be stable along with an Fe-S-O melt, and this phase assemblage allowed the composition of run-product pyrrhotite to be used to calculate both fS2 and fO2 for the experiments. At run temperature, (1042 ± 2 °C), a rhyolitic melt can be formed at low pressure, under nominally dry conditions, which removed the need for confining pressure as well as externally imposed fugacities. The silica-saturated melt allowed the charges to be contained in sealed evacuated silica tubes without danger of reaction, and with closed system behavior for molybdenum and tungsten.Experiments were run for durations up to 2000 min. Molybdenite (mb) and wolframite (wo) were added to the experiments as sources for molybdenum and tungsten, respectively. Manganese was added to the system as both a component of the starting rhyolitic pumice, and of Mn-bearing wolframite. Oxygen fugacity in these experiments was fixed at the Ni-NiO oxygen fugacity buffer. Sulfur fugacity was 10−1 bar. Run products were analyzed by EPMA and LA-ICP-MS. Analysis of the run products yielded ( standard deviation of the mean): , , , and . The partition coefficients for manganese in this system are and .Simple Rayleigh fractionation modeling suggests that oxidized felsic melts produced through fractional crystallization may have lost as much as 14% of their initial molybdenum, but only 2% of their initial tungsten, through the removal of an Fe-S-O melt along with crystalline phases. Modeling consistent with conditions of oxygen and sulfur fugacity influenced by assimilation of sulfide (with low concentrations of molybdenum and tungsten) from, for example, sedimentary rock, results in evolved magmas significantly depleted in molybdenum, but only moderately depleted in tungsten. The molybdenum:tungsten ratio can vary by two orders of magnitude. These systematics may help to explain some of the variability in metal ratios of intrusion-related hydrothermal ore deposits.  相似文献   

Equilibrium mass-dependent magnesium isotope fractionation factors are estimated for a range of crystalline compounds including oxides, silicates, carbonates, and salts containing the solvation complex. Fractionation factors for the gas-phase species Mg and MgO are also presented. Fractionation factors are calculated with density functional perturbation theory (DFPT), using norm-conserving pseudopotentials. The results suggest that there will be substantial inter-mineral fractionation, particularly between tetrahedrally coordinated Mg2+ in spinel (MgAl2O4) and the more common octahedrally coordinated Mg2+-sites in silicate and carbonate minerals. Isotope fractionations calculated for Mg2+ in hexaaquamagnesium(2+) salts are in good agreement with previous fractionation models of based on large molecular clusters (Black et al., 2007), but show possibly more significant disagreement with a more recent study (Rustad et al., 2010). These models further suggest that solvated , in the form of , will have higher 26Mg/24Mg than coexisting magnesite and dolomite. Calculated fractionations are consistent with Mg-isotope fractionations observed in peridotite mineral separates and inorganic carbonate precipitates. Predicted large, temperature-sensitive spinel-silicate fractionations, in particular, may find use in determining equilibration temperatures of peridotites and other high-temperature rock types.  相似文献   

The adsorption of phosphate onto calcite was studied in a series of batch experiments. To avoid the precipitation of phosphate-containing minerals the experiments were conducted using a short reaction time (3 h) and low concentrations of phosphate (?50 μM). Sorption of phosphate on calcite was studied in 11 different calcite-equilibrated solutions that varied in pH, PCO2, ionic strength and activity of Ca2+, and . Our results show strong sorption of phosphate onto calcite. The kinetics of phosphate sorption onto calcite are fast; adsorption is complete within 2-3 h while desorption is complete in less than 0.5 h. The reversibility of the sorption process indicates that phosphate is not incorporated into the calcite crystal lattice under our experimental conditions. Precipitation of phosphate-containing phases does not seem to take place in systems with ?50 μM total phosphate, in spite of a high degree of super-saturation with respect to hydroxyapatite (SIHAP ? 7.83). The amount of phosphate adsorbed varied with the solution composition, in particular, adsorption increases as the activity decreases (at constant pH) and as pH increases (at constant activity). The primary effect of ionic strength on phosphate sorption onto calcite is its influence on the activity of the different aqueous phosphate species. The experimental results were modeled satisfactorily using the constant capacitance model with >CaPO4Ca0 and either >CaHPO4Ca+ or > as the adsorbed surface species. Generally the model captures the variation in phosphate adsorption onto calcite as a function of solution composition, though it was necessary to include two types of sorption sites (strong and weak) in the model to reproduce the convex shape of the sorption isotherms.  相似文献   

Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and its concentration in the atmosphere has increased over the past decades. Methane produced by methanogenic Archae can be consumed through aerobic and anaerobic oxidation pathways. In anoxic conditions found in freshwater environments such as meromictic lakes, CH4 oxidation pathways involving different terminal electron acceptors such as , , and oxides of Fe and Mn are thermodynamically possible. In this study, a reactive transport model was developed to assess the relative significance of the different pathways of CH4 consumption in the water column of Lake Pavin. In most cases, the model reproduced experimental data collected from the field from June 2006 to June 2007. Although the model and the field measurements suggest that anaerobic CH4 oxidation may contribute to CH4 consumption in the water column of Lake Pavin, aerobic oxidation remains the major sink of CH4 in this lake.  相似文献   

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