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Orbitolinid foraminifers are reported for the first time from lower Barremian shallow marine carbonate deposits of the Moghan area, NW Iran. According to geologic map of the Razi, these rocks were previously assigned to general age of the Early Cretaceous. The early Barremian age is documented based on stratigraphic range of the marker Valserina turbinata (Foury). Other orbitolinids such as Eopalorbitolina charollaisi Schroeder, Eopalorbitolina pertenuis (Foury), Paleodictyoconus cf. cuvillieri (Foury), Montseciella cf. alguerensis Cherchi and Schroeder, Paracoskinolina cf. maynci (Chevalier), Orbitolinopsis cf. buccifer Arnaud-Vanneau and Thieuloy, and Dictyoconus? pachymarginalis Schroeder also coexist. Obtained biostratigraphic data suggest that the range of Dictyoconus? pachymarginalis, hitherto known from the Aptian, has to be extended into the early Barremian. Most of the orbitolinid taxa are well known in Europe as northern Tethyan margin endemic forms. Therefore, the study area can be considered as part of the northern Tethys margin during the Barremian. This study also extends the palaeobiogeographic distribution of northern Tethyan orbitolinids eastwards as far as northwest Iran.  相似文献   

The Jahrum Formation (Upper Paleocene to Middle Eocene) is composed of carbonate and dolomitic carbonate rocks in the Zagros Basin. The Zagros is located at the boundary between the Arabian and Eurasian lithosphere plates and represent the orogenic response to a collision between Eurasia and advancing Arabia during the Cenozoic. The study area is located in the northern part of Kuh-E-Tudej, ~175 km southeast of Shiraz in the Folded Zagros Zone. The Jahrum Formation at Kuh-E-Tudej, with a thickness of 190 m, consists of medium to massive bedded limestone. The following foraminiferal index species are identified in the studied section: Fallotella alavensis, Kathina sp., Miscellanea sp., Lockhartia sp.,Orbitolites shirazeinsis, Nummulites sp., Opertorbitolites sp., Dictyoconus cf. egyptiensis, Orbitolites cf. complanatus, Dictyoconus sp., Coskinolina sp., Somalina stefaninii, Discocyclina sp., Praerhapydionina sp., Coskinolina cf. liburnica, Nummulites cf. globulus, Nummulites cf. aturicus, and Alveolina sp. The age of the studied sediments ranges from Upper Paleocene to Middle Eocene. The microbiostratigraphic studies revealed four biozones based on the foraminifers identified in the studied section.  相似文献   

The Qom Formation in the Central Iran Basin contains not only relatively abundant calcareous nannofossils and a small number of dinoflagellate cysts, but also a number of stratigraphically significant benthonic foraminifers and ostracods. Calcareous nannofossils reported for the first time from this formation include Coccolithus pelagicus, Cyclicargolithus abisectus, C. floridanus, Dictyococcites bisectus, D. scrippsae, Helicosphaera euphratis, Ericsonia fenestratus, Pontosphaera sp., Reticulofenestra dictyoda, R. minuta and Sphenolithus moriformis. Dinoflagellates include Homotryblium plectilum, Hystrichokolpoma rigaudiae, Operculodinium centrocarpum, Palaeocystodinium golzowense, Spiniferites pseudofurcatus and Thalassiphora pelagica. Benthonic foraminifers include Assilina aff. spira, Discocyclina sp., Neodiscocyclina cf. barkeri, Nummulites aff. variolarius, Operculina sp. and Orbitolites sp. Among the ostracods recovered are Alocopocythere dhansariensis, Asymmetricythere samalutensis, Bairdia montiformis, Cytherella jonesiana, Cytheretta virgulata, Cytheridea cf. bundensis, C. cf. scruposa, C. sp., Eopaijenborchella sp., Hermanites cf. grafica, Krithe oryza, K. cf. pernoides, Loxoconcha sp., Paracypris sp., Propontocypris zongbuensis, P. sp. and Xestoleberis sp. This assemblage indicates that the Qom Formation is Eocene in age instead of Middle-Late Oligocene to Early Miocene as previously determined.  相似文献   

The Dvuyakornaya Formation section in the eastern Crimea is described and subdivided into biostratigraphic units based on ammonites, foraminifers, and ostracodes. The lower part of the formation contains first discovered ammonites of the upper Kimmeridgian (Lingulaticears cf. procurvum (Ziegler), Pseudowaagenia gemmellariana Olóriz, Euvirgalithacoceras cf. tantalus (Herbich), Subplanites sp.) and Tithonian (?(Lingulaticeras efimovi (Rogov), Phylloceras consaguineum Gemmellaro, Oloriziceras cf. schneidi Tavera, and Paraulacosphinctes cf. transitorius (Oppel)). Based on the assemblage of characteristic ammonite species, the upper part of the formation is attributed to the Berriasian Jacobi Zone. Five biostratigraphic units (zones and beds with fauna) distinguished based on foraminifers are the Epistomina ventriosa-Melathrokerion eospirialis Beds and Anchispirocyclina lusitanica-Melathrokerion spirialis Zone in the upper Kimmeridgian-Tithonian, the Protopeneroplis ultragranulatus-Siphoninella antiqua, Frondicularia cuspidiata-Saracenaria inflanta zones, and Textularia crimica Beds in the Berriasian. The Cyrherelloidea tortuosa-Palaeocytheridea grossi Beds of the Upper Jurassic and Raymoorea peculiaris-Eucytherura ardescae-Protocythere revili Beds of the Berriasian are defined based on ostracodes. A new biostratigraphic scale is proposed for the upper Kimmeridgian-Berriasian of the eastern Crimea. The Dvyyakornaya Formation sediments are considered as deepwater facies accumulated on the continental slope.  相似文献   

Diverse thoracican cirripedes from the Hauterivian of the Hannover district of northern Germany are described, including seven species, belonging to five genera. Of these, a new genus belonging to the Scalpellidae, Jaegerscalpellum, includes one Hauterivian species, J. elegans sp. nov., an Aptian species, J. comptum (Withers, 1910) and an Albian species, J. politum (Darwin, 1851) are also referred to it. A new Cretiscalpellum, C. mutterlosei sp. nov. is described from the Hauterivian, and C. matrioni sp. nov. is described from the Middle Albian of France. The oldest record of the Unilatera Gale, 2018, Pedupycnolepas pulcher sp. nov. is described from the Hauterivian; this displays typical shell structure of the group, retained by living Verrucidae. Finally, four species of Zeugmatolepadidae, subfamily Martillepadinae, are recorded from the Hauterivian, including Martillepas hausmanni (Koch and Dunker, 1836), M. decoratus sp. nov., M. auriculum sp. nov. and Etcheslaepas borealis (Collins, 1990). The Hauterivian fauna from Hannover shows affinities both with Late Jurassic and later Cretaceous (Aptian-Cenomanian) forms, and includes the earliest scalpellids, unilateran (Pedupycnolepas) and Cretiscalpellum species known. It constrains the age of the Cretaceous cirripede evolutionary radiation to the earliest Cretaceous.  相似文献   

在粤西云开地区东冲组内发现以双壳类占绝对优势的中奥陶世动物群,包括双壳类:Praenucula cf.sharpei Babin and Gutierrez-Marco,P.sp.,Homilodonta regularis(Portlock),Similodonta similis(Ulrich),S.cf.cerys Cope,S.sp.,Trigonoconcha acuta Sanchez,Concavodonta sp.,Arcodonta sp.,Sthenodonta cf.eastii(Tata),S.sp.,Nuculites cf.cylindricus(Portlock),N.sp.,Phestia sp.,Cardiolaria? sp.,Inaequidens cf.davisi Pojeta and Gilbert-Tomlinson,I.sp.,Mytilarca? sp.,Cyrtodonta sp.,Modiolopsis spp.,Carminodonta sp.,Famatinodonta sp.等及若干未命名的新属,同层产出的还有三叶虫和腕足类等.双壳类化石个体小、丰度高、分异度高,以古栉齿类占绝对优势,该发现丰富了我国及世界中奥陶世双壳类动物群,为研究区中-上奥陶统的划分对比以及华南板块古地理重建增添了新的古生物学证据,特别是为研究双壳类的早期演化和奥陶纪早期双壳类辐射演化提供了关键信息.   相似文献   

在我国西南南盘江地区广泛分布着二叠系生物礁。可分为两种类型:1)堤礁;2)孤立礁。前者一般沿碳酸盐台地的边缘分布,后者发育于盆地内孤立碳酸盐台地的边缘。广南生物礁的礁后灰岩由浅灰色块状骨架岩组成。造架生物以串管海绵、纤维海绵、tabulozoans等为主,往往有蓝绿藻包覆。骨架生物之间有极为发育的纤状方解石胶结物。本文共描述了串管海绵8属12种,它们是Waagenella salinaria irregalaris Zhang,Waagenella sp., Rhabdactinita of columnaria Yabe and Sugiyama, Rhabdactinia sp., Intrasporeocoelia hubeiensis Fan and Zhang,Intrasporeocoelia sp., Uvanella guangnanensis sp. nov., Girtycoelia sp., Colospongia of dubia Laube, Colospongta sp., Verticillites sp.,Lichuanospongta typica Zhang.  相似文献   

Diverse small shelly fossils and other associated fossils were recently recovered from the Cambrian Hanaeri section, southwestern Mungyeong, Korea. The fauna includes conoidal problematica, poriferans (sponge spicules), coeloscleritophorans (chancelloriids), brachiopods, monoplacophorans, trilobite (?) fragments, echinoderms, and conodonts. A preliminary assessment of faunal associations, stratigraphic implications, and the correlation of these skeletal fossils is given, based on occurrences of Actinotheca cf. mira (He), Microcornus sp., Torellela laevigata (Linnarsson), Torellela sp., Archiasterella quadratina Lee, Chancelloria sp., Lingulella sp., Prototreta sp., Phakelodus tenuis (Müller), Phakelodus elongates (An), Hertzina sp., and Furnishina sp.  相似文献   

Two coralgal patch reefs of the Hauterivian Llàcova Formation (Maestrat Basin, eastern Spain), exposed at two consecutive stratigraphic levels within a single section, have been studied to document taxonomic implications of a changing environment. These two reefal palaeocommunities differ substantially in coral taxonomic composition, microbialite formation pattern and in abundance and composition of encrusters and bioeroders. Of a total of 14 coral species, just one (Stylina parvistella) occurs in both reefs, yet is abundant in the (lower) reef A and rare, occurring near the reef base, in the reef B assemblage. Reef A is dominated by a phototrophic fauna and coral species with small corallites and imperforate septa (a stylinid-thamnasteriid-heterocoeniid-actinastreid association), along with an encruster association dominated by Bacinella and Lithocodium. Reef B is characterised by a balanced phototrophic-heterotrophic fauna that gradually passes into a heterotrophic-dominated assemblage. During this latest growth stage, microsolenid corals dominated the assemblage. The encruster fauna is characterised by sponges, polychaetes and bryozoans. Moderate deepening during a transgressive systems tract (TST) depositional sequence and elevated nutrient supply are interpreted to represent the driving environmental parameters that caused faunal compositions to differ between these two reefal palaeocommunities. Nine coral taxa, previously known only from younger (Barremian–Cenomanian) strata, have been identified, namely Dimorphocoenia? rudis, Eocomoseris raueni, Eocomoseris sp., Holocoenia jaccardi, Latusastrea irregularis, Mesomorpha sp., Microsolena kugleri, Polyphylloseris mammillata and Polyphylloseris sp. This observation emphasises the importance of the Hauterivian Stage as a period of evolutionary transition in Late Jurassic–Cretaceous coral faunas.  相似文献   

伊朗中伊朗盆地库姆组地层的时代   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对伊朗中伊朗盆地卡尚地区库姆组的微体化石样品分析 ,不仅发现了新的有孔虫和介形虫化石组合 ,而且还首次发现了较丰富的钙质超微及少量的沟鞭藻化石。依据这些化石的组合面貌 ,认为库姆组含始新世地层无疑 ,修正了以往认为库姆组地层时代为中—晚渐新世至早中新世的观点。  相似文献   

Among the smaller foraminifers from the Lower Permian of Western Tethys (Pamir, Northern Afghanistan, Central and Eastern Iran, Armenia, and Turkey), foraminiferal assemblages characteristic of the Asselian, Sakmarian, Yakhtashian, Bolorian, and Kubergandian stages are distinguished. The first stratigraphic scheme based on smaller foraminifers is elaborated for the Lower Permian (Cisuralian Series) of Western Tethys. Eight biostratigraphic units distinguished in the Lower Permian and one in the Kubergandian Stage are ranked as beds with characteristic foraminiferal assemblages. At particular stratigraphic levels, the beds are recognizable in different paleogeographic provinces of the Tethyan Realm, which enables correlation between deposits concurrently accumulated under dissimilar climatic and facies conditions to be carried. Some of the distinguished beds are recognizable beyond the Tethyan Realm, for instance in the Donetsk basin, Cis-Urals, Pechora coal basin, and Spitsbergen. Among foraminifers that have been studied, 264 species and subspecies, including 16 new taxa, are identified. The following species and subspecies are identified and described for the first time: Hemigordius permicus beitepicus subsp. nov., H. pamiricus sp. nov., Neohemigordius afganicus sp. nov., N. carnicus sp. nov., N. bangi sp. nov., N. zulumarticus sp. nov., N. kubergandinicus sp. nov., Geinitzina grandella sp. nov., G. dentiformis sp. nov., G. bella sp. nov., Pachyphloia paraovata minima sp. nov., P. aucta sp. nov., Frondicularia porrecta sp. nov., Globivalvulina gigantea sp. nov., G. compacta sp. nov., and G. explicata sp. nov.  相似文献   

措勤盆地东部班戈县保吉乡各昌茶玉地区发现晚侏罗世珊瑚化石约10属15种及未定种,分别为Actinaraea?sp.,Allocoenia?sp.,A.matheyi(Koby),Clausastraea?sp.,Hydnophora?sp.,Latiastraea minima(Koby),Latiastraea?sp.,Meandraraea?sp.,Stylosmilia crassitheca Liao et al Li,S.corallina Koby,Thamnasteria?sp.,T.concinna(Goldfuss),Thecosmilia.baojiensis sp.nov.,Thecosmilia?sp.,Trocharaea cf.patelliformis Gregory等。化石指示各昌茶玉剖面第1—41层地层时代为晚侏罗世牛津期—基默里奇期。珊瑚化石产出的层位原来被认为是混杂在中侏罗世蛇绿岩中的中二叠统下拉组,本文根据剖面中化石及岩性组合特点将其修订为上侏罗统萨波直不勒组,并得出了该地区不存在原来所认为的中二叠统下拉组与中侏罗统蛇绿岩构造混杂现象的认识。本次萨波直不勒组与改则县物玛乡抢古村建组剖面相对比,其岩性更细、灰岩夹层更多,珊瑚化石更为丰富,代表了更远离陆源碎屑源区的沉积环境,进一步证明晚侏罗世冈底斯地区地势是从北向南逐渐加深的,措勤盆地在晚侏罗世处于活动型深海-半深海相和上斜坡相的沉积环境中。保吉地区萨波直不勒组顶部存在上斜坡相68 m厚黑色泥页岩,TOC(总有机碳)平均值为0.83%,属于中等-好烃源岩,剖面第20层12 m厚黑色泥岩TOC值为0.65%,属于中等烃源岩。萨波直不勒组顶部为上斜坡相沉积,分布范围应该比上覆的吐卡日组更广泛。经计算,措勤盆地内萨波直不勒组烃源岩的生烃量约为44.373亿吨。萨波直不勒组的泥页岩为措勤盆地提供了充足的油源保障,同时其中的碳酸盐岩夹层也可能是油气有利储层,建议对上侏罗统萨波直不勒组开展钻探取样工作,获取更为翔实丰富的有机地球化学参数。  相似文献   

A selachian fauna is described for the first time from the Late Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian) of Senegal. So far, the Campanian Paki Formation has only yielded a single tooth of Rhombodus sp. whereas the Cap de Naze Formation has yielded a more diverse fauna including juvenile Cretalamna cf. Cretalamna biauriculata, Serratolamna serrata, Carcharias cf. Carcharias heathi, ?Carcharias sp., Squalicorax pristodontus, Schizorhiza stromeri, Parapaleobates sp., Rhombodus binkhorsti and Rhombodus andriesi. Teeth of juvenile Cretalamna largely dominate the assemblage. Such an assemblage confirms a Late Maastrichtian age for the unit 3 in the Cap de Naze Formation. The assemblage, although composed of cosmopolitan taxa, is similar to the contemporaneous selachian assemblage from the phosphates of Morocco.  相似文献   

A limestone lens within the Comstock Formation, from low in the Tyndall Group near the Lyell Comstock Mine near Queenstown, western Tasmania, contains a small trilobite fauna. The trilobites include Ammagnostus cf. laiwuensis, Kootenia sp., Sudanomocarina? sp. and a possible member of the Monkaspidae. These suggest an age somewhere in the range from the upper Ptychagnostus atavus Zone to the Lejopyge laevigata Zone, with regional stratigraphic correlations suggesting the latter zone. This is only the second Tasmanian Cambrian fossil assemblage described from limestone; almost all previously described Tasmanian Cambrian faunas are found in siltstones and shales.  相似文献   

论海南岛地区志留系   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
海南岛志留系以往被划分为上、中、下三个统。志留系之上是南好组 ,其层位以往被确定为下石炭统岩关阶 ,并认为它与其下的上志留统足赛岭组呈不整合接触。最近在南好组选层型剖面发现早志留世特里奇期晚期(L ate Telychian)的 Xinanospirifer腕足动物群和三叶虫 L atiproetus cf.latilimbatus (Grabau) ,重新论证了以往被确认为中志留统靠亲山组所产的腕足类、三叶虫和珊瑚化石其实都是特里奇期早至中期的分子。现在以无可争辩的事实证明了久归于下石炭统岩关阶南好组 ,以及其下的、以往被确定为上志留统足赛岭组、中志留统靠亲山组等所谓两个构造层的地层都应改归于下志留统 (L landovery Series)。北区下志留统仅有鲁丹期中期至爱隆期早期的黑色碳质页岩相和泥页岩相沉积 ,未发现任何大化石。南区下志留统发育较全 ,为细至中粗粒碎屑岩相夹碳酸盐岩相沉积 ,产丰富介壳相各门类化石 ;当时该区所生存的动物群与扬子区早志留世的关系非常密切 ,并在早志留世末期与扬子区大部分地区一样上升为陆 ,表明海南岛地区在当时属于扬子地台区范畴。  相似文献   

The Jurassic successions represent a wide distribution in North of the Kerman province. These successions include Ab-Haji, Badamu, and Hojedk formations. The Hojedk Formation contains the plant fossils. The Lenjan section is one of the suitable areas for paleontological studies on the Hojedk Formation. The study section is mostly composed of green sandstone and shale with several interbedded coal veins with different thicknesses. The thickness of the Hojedk Formation is about 200 m in the Lenjan section. In this study, seven genera and 13 species of macro plant fossils were identified and described, including Nilssonia undulata, Nilssonia bozorga, Nilssonia berriesi, Nilssonia sp., Klukia cf. exilis, Klukia exilis, Cladophlebis antarctica, Coniopteris lobata, Coniopteris murrayana, Elatocladus confertus, Podozamites sp., Equisetites sp., and Coniopteris sp. The Bajocian–Bathonian can be attributed to the Lenjan section based on the recognized flora.  相似文献   

Three new Lower Cretaceous vertebrate sites (Vadillos-1, Vadillos-2, El Tobar) have been recently discovered and studied in the Cuenca Province (Central Spain). They are located in deposits of “Wealden” facies belonging to the El Collado Sandstone and Clay Formation. In these outcrops, micro and macroremains corresponding to plants, invertebrates and vertebrates have been collected and subsequently assigned to macrophytes, charophytes (e.g., Atopochara trivolvis triquetra, Globator maillardii trochiliscoides, Clavator harrisii harrisii), ostracods (e.g., Cypridea gr. modesta, Cypridea cf. C. isasae, Cypridea sp. aff. C. moneta, Cypridea sp. 1, Cypridea sp. 2), molluscs (Unionoida, Viviparus sp.), fishes, amphibians, turtles (cf. Eucryptodira), crocodyliforms (Neosuchia) and dinosaurs (ankylosaurs, ornithopods, theropods). Among the vertebrate remains, scales, teeth, plates, osteoderms, phalanges, ribs, vertebrae and other incomplete bones, as well as eggshell fragments have been identified. This rich and diverse assemblage was deposited in an upper Barremian alluvial-palustrine muddy floodplain crossed by braided sandy channels.  相似文献   

Abundant Buchiidae (Bivalvia) from the Upper Volgian-Lower Valanginian sediments of the Northern Sikhote-Alin (Russian Far East) were studied in the key section at right bank of the Amur River opposite to Komsomolsk-on Amur. The analysis of the Buchiidae stratigraphic distribution in the section allowed us to reveal the sequence of Buchia-bearing beds: this is well correlated with the Buchia zonal scales of many Arctic regions. Here, from the base upward, there have been recognized the following: beds with Buchia terebratuloides, beds with B. unschensis and B. terebratuloides, beds with B. volgensis, and beds with B. inflata and B. keyserlingi. The beds with B. unschensis and B. terebratuloides also yielded the Berriasian ammonite Pseudosubplanites? sp. of Tethyan affinity. The obtained paleontological data confirm the occurrence of a large syncline in the studied section. The data also permit one to refine the age spans of the local stratigraphic units.  相似文献   

The Coll de Nargó area (Lleida Province, south-central Pyrenees) has yielded thousands of dinosaur eggs distributed in more than 30 levels across 370 m of Upper Cretaceous Tremp Formation deposits. Two stratigraphic units yielding dinosaur eggshells, eggs and clutches, can be distinguished. Multiple eggshells were collected from up to 75 different in situ clutches, located in consecutive stratigraphical levels throughout the Mas de Pinyes section. Four different oospecies have been recognized: Megaloolithus aureliensis, Megaloolithus siruguei, Megaloolithus cf. baghensis and Cairanoolithus cf. roussetensis. In absence of typical biochronological markers, fossil eggshells may have potential as a tool for dating. Based on these ootaxa, three oozones can be established along the stratigraphic section. The lower assemblage is composed by M. aureliensis, M. siruguei and Cairanoolithus cf. roussetensis; the middle one consists only of M. siruguei, while the upper oozone is characterized by M. cf. baghensis. Results suggest that the age of Coll de Nargó rocks ranges from the latest Campanian to the beginning of the Late Maastrichtian. Also reported is the first evidence of the oogenus Cairanoolithus outside of France, where it was regarded as an endemic ootaxon. The Coll de Nargó area is considered to be one of the most important dinosaur nesting areas in Europe recurrently used by several dinosaurs during a long time span. Finally, the presence of fossilized eggshell membrane in several specimens from Coll de Nargó contributes to understanding the taphonomic process of megaloolithid eggs in this area.  相似文献   

Six assemblages of smaller foraminifers are first distinguished and described from sections of the Kalmard tectonic block, Central Iran. The assemblages that have been studied are correlated with concurrent assemblages from the East European platform, Cis-Urals, Darvaz, Northern Pamir, and some other regions of the Tethyan Realm. The results of correlation and available data on fusulinids and conodonts occurring in association with smaller foraminifers are used for dating the assemblages whose distribution ranges span the stratigraphic interval from the early Sakmarian (lower assemblage) up to the Kubergandian (uppermost assemblage). New species Frondina iranica sp. nov. discovered in the study region is described.  相似文献   

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