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This is the second in a series of reports on Japanese geographic research prepared in cooperation with the Association of Japanese Geographers (AJG). Like the report on historical geography, which appeared in the August issue, this report on geomorphology has been modified for the English-speaking readership of THE PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER. As an indication of the relative importance of geomorphology in Japanese geography, at the April 1979 annual meeting of the AJG in Tokyo 30 percent of the 138 papers presented were devoted to geomorphology.—H. Jesse Walker, Member, U.S. National Committee, IGU  相似文献   


This is the third in a series of reports on Japanese geographic research prepared in cooperation with the Association of Japanese Geographers (AJG). Like the two previous reports, which appeared in the August and November issues, it has been modified for the English-speaking readership of THE PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER. However, unlike the previous articles, each of which aimed at providing data regarding Japanese research on specific geographic topics, this paper is intended to supply the reader with an inventory of those materials that will be needed for the conduct of research in Japan. —H. Jesse Walker, Member, U.S. National Committee, IGU.  相似文献   

新时代自然地理学发展的思考   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
自然地理学是地理学的基础学科,也是地理学综合研究的基石。本文在梳理自然地理学主要研究进展的基础上,思考了新时代自然地理学的发展方向。在全球环境变化驱动下,自然地理学及其分支学科在传承中得到新的发展。自然地理学近年来的研究进展主要表现为自然地理过程综合与深化、陆地表层系统集成、陆海相互作用和区域生态环境管理应用等方面。自然地理学及其分支学科的发展需要面向全球环境变化和人类需求,探索应用新技术新方法,开展多要素多过程集成研究,发展并完善地理模型,模拟和预测环境变化与可持续发展,服务于国家重大需求和政府决策。在发展过程中,亟待关注以下前沿领域与方向:①地貌学需要重点加强地貌学与全球环境变化及人类活动关系研究;②生物地理学有待深化属性地理学、全球变化生物地理学等前沿领域的探索,连接变化背景下的生物地理空间分布与人类需求;③水文学需要开展多要素、多过程、多尺度的综合集成研究,发展生态水文学、社会水文学、水文形态学等新兴学科领域;④自然地理学有待全方位介入气候变化研究,在气候变化国际重大研究计划、气候变化框架公约等方面发挥更加积极的支撑功能;⑤综合自然地理需要面向国家重大需求,聚焦人地系统耦合研究,在资源环境承载力评估、生态安全格局与生态文明建设等领域作出积极贡献;⑥自然地理学需深化耦合自然与人文要素及过程研究,建立发展复杂系统模拟模型,分析和模拟变化环境下的自然、人文要素耦合机制和陆地表层系统动态变化规律。  相似文献   

This is the third in a series of reports on Japanese geographic research prepared in cooperation with the Association of Japanese Geographers (AJG). Like the two previous reports, which appeared in the August and November issues, it has been modified for the English-speaking readership of THE PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER. However, unlike the previous articles, each of which aimed at providing data regarding Japanese research on specific geographic topics, this paper is intended to supply the reader with an inventory of those materials that will be needed for the conduct of research in Japan. —H. Jesse Walker, Member, U.S. National Committee, IGU.  相似文献   

赵亮  张争胜  南文龙 《地理学报》2016,71(3):515-523
曾昭璇先生是中国著名的地理学家,地貌学家和教育家.他在学术生涯的不同阶段对地貌学,自然地理学,历史地理学,人类地理学等学科领域均有积极的探索,他对南海地理问题的研究贯穿他的一生,为中国南海地理研究作出重要贡献.他深入研究南海海岸地貌,珊瑚礁地貌,主张采用"地形类型分析法"划分海岸类型,将中国海岸类型划分为山地港湾岸,台地岸与平原岸;他与梁景芬等合著《中国珊瑚礁地貌研究》,系统论述中国珊瑚礁探测史和石珊瑚的种属,生态,地貌特征与发育,并将中国珊瑚礁划分为四大区,六种地貌类型;他完善了珊瑚礁地貌土地名分类,根据《更路簿》划分南海珊瑚岛礁分布区,绘制珊瑚岛礁探测图;他利用历史文献资料考证"石塘"等南海诸岛古地名;他从地质学与地貌学角度论证南海诸岛与中国大陆的陆缘关系,还利用历史地理与地方志等资料佐证了南海诸岛自古以来就是中国的固有领土.  相似文献   

Digital terrain modeling has a micro- and nanoscale counterpart in surface metrology, the numerical characterization of industrial surfaces. Instrumentation in semiconductor manufacturing and other high-technology fields can now contour surface irregularities down to the atomic scale. Surface metrology has been revolutionized by its ability to manipulate square-grid height matrices that are analogous to the digital elevation models (DEMs) used in physical geography. Because the shaping of industrial surfaces is a spatial process, the same concepts of analytical cartography that represent ground-surface form in geography evolved independently in metrology. The surface topography of manufactured components, exemplified here by automobile-engine cylinders, is routinely modeled by variogram analysis, relief shading, and most other techniques of parameterization and visualization familiar to geography. This article introduces industrial surface-metrology, examines the field in the context of terrain modeling and geomorphology and notes their similarities and differences, and raises theoretical issues to be addressed in progressing toward a unified practice of surface morphometry.  相似文献   

Digital terrain modeling has a micro‐ and nanoscale counterpart in surface metrology, the numerical characterization of industrial surfaces. Instrumentation in semiconductor manufacturing and other high‐technology fields can now contour surface irregularities down to the atomic scale. Surface metrology has been revolutionized by its ability to manipulate square‐grid height matrices that are analogous to the digital elevation models (DEMs) used in physical geography. Because the shaping of industrial surfaces is a spatial process, the same concepts of analytical cartography that represent ground‐surface form in geography evolved independently in metrology. The surface topography of manufactured components, exemplified here by automobile‐engine cylinders, is routinely modeled by variogram analysis, relief shading, and most other techniques of parameterization and visualization familiar to geography. This article introduces industrial surface‐metrology, examines the field in the context of terrain modeling and geomorphology and notes their similarities and differences, and raises theoretical issues to be addressed in progressing toward a unified practice of surface morphometry.  相似文献   

中国近40年来地貌学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
地貌学是地理学的一门主要分支学科,其研究成就与发展一直倍受人们关注。本文对中国近60年来的研究状况,尤其近40年来研究历程进行了回顾,从总结经验与发展态势出发,对地貌学科未来发展方向提出了展望。分析认为,中国地貌学科在地貌基本类型、区划以及分支学科:包括动力地貌学(包括冰川地貌、冰缘地貌、风沙地貌、黄土地貌、喀斯特地貌、河流地貌、海岸地貌等)、构造地貌学、气候地貌学、古地貌、岩石地貌学(包括丹霞地貌、花岗岩与流纹岩地貌)、其他地貌类型(包括重力地貌,人工地貌)等方面取得重大进展,地貌学已逐渐发展成为一门拥有完整学科体系的科学。通过回顾认为,应坚持地貌成因、形态相统一的原则发展传统地貌与综合地貌。加强地貌基础理论与综合地貌研究、开展地貌结构及其功能研究、构建全方位资源环境地貌信息系统、加强海岸地貌与海洋地貌研究、加强人才培养和学术团队建设,将是中国实现地貌强国目标的主要途径。  相似文献   

Geomorphology is one of the main subdisciplines of geography. The research achievements and prospects in geomorphology have received considerable attention for a long time. In this paper, a general retrospect of geomorphologic research in China over the past 60 years was firstly addressed, especially the research progress during the last 40 years. Based on a summary of experience and a tendency of development, perspectives of geomorphologic research direction in the future were provided. It is concluded that the discipline of geomorphology has made great progress in the aspects of geomorphologic types, regionalization, as well as their subdisciplines such as dynamic geomorphology, tectonic geomorphology, climatic geomorphology, lithological geomorphology, palaeogeomorphology. We believe that persisting in the unity principle between morphological and genetic types would be conductive for the development of traditional landforms and integrated landforms. In addition, five perspectives aim to enhance China’s geomorphologicl research capacity were proposed. They are: (1) strengthening the research of basic geomorphologic theory and the research of integrated geomorphology to expand the research space; (2) focusing more on the research of geomorphologic structure and geomorphologic function to improve the application ability of geomorphology; (3) constructing a comprehensive resource, environmental, and geomorphologic information system and building a sharing platform to upgrade the intelligent information industry of geomorphology; (4) putting more efforts on the research of coastal geomorphology and marine geomorphology to assist the transformation of China from a maritime country to an ocean power; and (5) cultivating talents and constructing research teams to maintain a sustainable development of China’s geomorphologic research.  相似文献   

Marine environments, key life-support systems for the earth, are under severe threat. Issues associated with managing these common property resources are complex and interrelated. Networks of marine reserves can be valuable for mitigating threats to marine systems, yet the successful design and implementation of such networks has been limited. Efficient ways to conserve marine environments are urgently needed. This Focus Section of The Professional Geographer explores the development of marine reserve networks based on geomorphology, fish biology, ecological connectivity, and appropriate governance. The articles in this Focus Section offer examples of the following: (1) distinctive reef geomorphology dictating the spawning locations of reef fishes, which in turn serve as critical source sites for the replenishment of distant reefs by means of larval transport; (2) an example of a simplified oceanographic model that predicts larval transport from fish breeding sites to important nursery areas; and (3) a case study of the development of a marine reserve network that illustrates key elements of a successful strategy. In sum, this Focus Section offers case studies that show the value of marine geomorphology, oceanographic connectivity, and stakeholder involvement as key elements of multidisciplinary geographic studies applied to the design of marine reserve networks. Geographers can further contribute to the conservation and management of coastal and marine ecosystems in many ways that involve subdisciplines of remote sensing and geographic information systems, political and economic geography, political ecology, and ethnography.  相似文献   

中国历史地理研究的新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以往五年间中国历史地理研究几乎在各个分支都取得了坚实的进步。《中国历史地图集》等图集的完成显示了历史地图编绘的成就。政区地理研究和地名考释论著丰富,但对其意义的认识尚显不足。人文地理研究处于起步阶段,必将成为最有希望、最繁荣的分支。自然地理研究较集中在气候、地貌、水文方面,深入挖掘文献资料与新手段的运用是必然的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Sponsored by the Association of Japanese Geographers (AJG) and jointly undertaken by the Geographical Society of China (GSC) and the Korean Geographical Society (KGS) and Kumamoto University, the Second Japan-Korea-China Symposium of Young Geographers was held at Kumamoto University in Japan on October 2-5, 2007. It was a successful continuation after the First China-Japan-Korea Symposium of Young Geographers launched by the GSC and held at Beijing Normal University in China on September 16-18, 2006. The 2007 project was also completed with the aid of Professor Murayama Yuji, from University of Tsukuba and the Kumamoto International Convention and Tourism Bureau.  相似文献   

试论地貌学的新进展和趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地貌变化有内在的规律,对环境保育、资源利用和自然灾害防治有重要影响。作为交叉学科和地理学的重要分支学科,地貌学具有重要理论价值和实际意义。过去10多年来,随着遥感、地理信息技术和沉积物定年、地球物理和地球化学探测以及数值模拟等新技术和新方法的应用,地貌学家的研究视野和深度不断扩大与加深,在构造地貌、气候地貌和人类活动与地貌过程等传统领域有很多新进展,揭示了不同地貌单元的变化规律和机理,极大地推动了地貌学的发展。在新时代,除了继续加强传统地貌单元的深入研究外,地貌学的发展应与全球环境变化和未来地球等重大科学问题(计划)紧密结合;地貌学家要关心人类活动对地貌过程的影响及适应,并利用新技术开展地貌过程的定量重建和数值模拟。同时加强地理学专业学生的地质学基础学习、发展定量地貌学和行星地貌学、系统开展人类活动对地貌过程的影响和适应研究,是提升中国地貌学水平的途径,也可为推动国际地貌学发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

The initial impetus for developing a specialty in ocean geography resulted from the need to resolve applied problems in coastal resources, as opposed to development of oceanographic research methods and concepts. However, the development in the last 10 to 20 years of sophisticated technologies for ocean data collection and management holds tremendous potential for mapping and interpreting the ocean environment in unprecedented detail. With the understanding that ocean research is often very costly, yet deemed extremely important by large funding agencies, geographers now have the opportunity to perform coastal and marine studies that are more quantitative in nature, to formulate and test basic hypotheses about the marine environment, and to collaborate with geographers working in corollary subdisciplines (e.g., remote sensing, GIS, geomorphology, political geography as pertaining to the Law of the Sea, etc.), as well as with classically-trained oceanographers. This article reviews, for the non-specialist, the newest advances in mapping and management technologies for undersea geographic research (particularly on the ocean floor) and discusses the contributions that geographers stand to make to a greater understanding of the oceans.  相似文献   

地貌过程研究回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地貌学是现代地理科学的一个重要分支学科。本文对中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所建所以来在地貌研究领域的主要研究成果进行了综述,包括河流地貌、黄土高原与坡地地貌、青藏高原及南极地貌与第四纪、喀斯特与旅游地貌、地貌实验与模拟、地貌制图共六个方面,对地理资源所地貌研究团队目前的研究方向进行了介绍,并就提高地理资源所地貌研究在学科发展和服务国家建设中的作用提出了建议。  相似文献   

G.H. Dury was one of the outstanding figures in postwar geography and geomorphology. Although known chiefly for his research into the impact of climatic change on streams, he made important contributions to the study of pediments, of deep‐weathering, and of climatic extremes and fluctuations. He also did innovative work in historical and regional geography, and contributed greatly to geographical education in both universities and high schools. Dury played a central role in the transformation of the discipline and continued to challenge it after his retirement.  相似文献   


Geography is again becoming an integral part of the premier natural-science agency of the federal government. Geographic research emphasizes the surface of the earth, a portion of the earth system that the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) defines as the “critical zone.” Although geography was part of the USGS from the creation of the agency, in recent years geography in the agency has largely been limited to topographic mapping. Recently, the USGS and an advisory committee of the National Research Council (NRC) reviewed the role of geography at the Survey. The committee's report, along with ongoing decision-making in the federal government, is likely to reshape geography in the USGS. The newly defined USGS has a regional structure and four disciplines: geology, hydrology, biology, and geography. The NRC report emphasizes the need for the creation of a spatial database called the National Map to replace the existing series of paper topographic maps. The report also outlines the need for geographic research in geographic information science (GIScience), nature-society connections, and bridging of science to decision-making. The NRC report has been briefed throughout the USGS, in the federal executive branch, and in Congress. The changing role for geography in the USGS requires change in the agency culture, revised budgetary decisions, and the establishment of a long-term core agenda for research. Academic geographers will need to prepare a new generation of geographers for participation in the USGS and similar agencies.  相似文献   

Geography is again becoming an integral part of the premier natural‐science agency of the federal government. Geographic research emphasizes the surface of the earth, a portion of the earth system that the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) defines as the “critical zone.” Although geography was part of the USGS from the creation of the agency, in recent years geography in the agency has largely been limited to topographic mapping. Recently, the USGS and an advisory committee of the National Research Council (NRC) reviewed the role of geography at the Survey. The committee's report, along with ongoing decision‐making in the federal government, is likely to reshape geography in the USGS. The newly defined USGS has a regional structure and four disciplines: geology, hydrology, biology, and geography. The NRC report emphasizes the need for the creation of a spatial database called the National Map to replace the existing series of paper topographic maps. The report also outlines the need for geographic research in geographic information science (GIScience), nature‐society connections, and bridging of science to decision‐making. The NRC report has been briefed throughout the USGS, in the federal executive branch, and in Congress. The changing role for geography in the USGS requires change in the agency culture, revised budgetary decisions, and the establishment of a long‐term core agenda for research. Academic geographers will need to prepare a new generation of geographers for participation in the USGS and similar agencies.  相似文献   

The authors of this paper suggest several themes in biogeography worthy of increased research attention by geographers: human impacts on biota, disturbance ecology, and certain aspects of biota-environment interactions. Researchers must gain a firmer command of biological as well as geographical concepts and approaches if biogeography is to join geomorphology and climatology in developing a true geography of environments.  相似文献   

This report analyses a decade of geography scholarship student entry and achievement data (n = 10,205) to reveal patterns and trends of high‐achieving school students. The study is an exploratory analysis, the aim of which is to describe where the greatest scholarship success has occurred, as well as attendant demographic characteristics of New Zealand's most capable geography students and their schools. Emerging from the regions is a localised story of students from an extremely narrow number of schools achieving disproportionate scholarship success. This raises questions in the wider geography teaching community about the possibility of a broader constituency achieving scholarship awards.  相似文献   

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