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简述脉冲星发现和计时观测的概况。文中概述脉冲星计时的物理模型和计算用的各种钦件,特别是全球广泛应用的TEMPO2软件,并描述脉冲星计时阵的概念和国际脉冲星计时阵。对脉冲星计时观测应用:建立脉冲星时标、改进行星历表(包括外行星质量测定和海外天体的发现)、检测引力波、测定脉冲星的旋转和天体测量参数、脉冲星自主导航、相对论引力理论的验证等作了介绍。最后,对我国开展此项工作的情况给予简要描述,并提出若干建议。  相似文献   

国家天文台正在研制的50m射电望远镜将投入脉冲星观测与研究,推动我国的脉冲星工作。本文回顾了自第1颗脉冲星发现后35年来脉冲星观测取得的成果,和理论研究获得的重大进展,并讨论我国脉冲星工作可能开展的观测与研究。当今世界脉冲星观测与研究虽然还有许多遗留问题,但是作为中子星基本观测事实已被确认。脉冲星的应用也已经走上了历史舞台。如果利用50m射电望远镜对脉冲星的特殊活动现象进行观测与研究,可能获得突破性的进展。  相似文献   

为了研究脉冲星本质与磁层动力学过程,如何从观测限定脉冲星辐射区域的部位和几何结构是其中一个基本且关键的问题.介绍了目前各种脉冲星辐射区几何限定方法的主要思想和结果,并对其异同和各自的优势作了比较和评述;根据已有的限定结果总结了其对辐射束结构、加速区模型和射电辐射机制等理论问题研究的帮助和启示;从各种方法的发展过程来看,完善能够限定脉冲星多波段辐射区域三维结构的方法,并与辐射区和加速区等理论问题的研究更紧密地结合是该领域的重要发展方向.  相似文献   

脉冲星时稳定度及可能应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
给出了毫秒脉冲星长期计时观测最新结果和脉冲星时与原子时频率稳定度的比较。指出脉冲星时频率稳定度的提高受到计时观测误差的限制,讨论了提高毫秒脉冲星计时观测精度的方法。随着脉冲星计时阵的实施,脉冲星时的应用已为期不远。可能的应用包括毫秒脉冲星与原子钟结合守时、建立综合脉冲星时和用脉冲星计时阵检测原子时误差等方面。  相似文献   

关于脉冲星脉冲到达时间转换方程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
较详细地介绍了脉冲星脉冲到达时间(TOA)转换方程,讨论了脉冲星TOA转换方程在航天器导航算法中的具体应用问题。同时,对导航用的脉冲星脉冲TOA转换方程与地面射电计时观测用的脉冲星脉冲TOA转换方程进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

现在,脉冲星被普遍认为是在超新星爆发中产生的中子星,本文就此观点综述了超新星遗迹和脉冲星关系的研究状况。观测资料表明,流行的观点不足以解释脉冲星和超新星遗迹在成协性、诞生率和分布上的分歧。文中对这些分歧的各种可能的解释作了讨论。  相似文献   

基于实测数据的综合脉冲星时研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了脉冲星计时在几个重要方面的应用,给出了脉冲星时间尺度的简要定义.基于澳大利亚PARKES天文台的毫秒脉冲星实测计时数据,建立了基于4颗毫秒脉冲星的综合脉冲星时,并将其稳定度σz与原子时进行比较,最后分析了影响综合脉冲星时的几个重要因素及其对脉冲星计时精度的影响与应用.  相似文献   

脉冲星具有自转非常稳定的特性,在空间自主导航中有重要的应用前景.选择和研究一组适合于脉冲星导航使用的候选目标源非常重要,决定脉冲星导航精度的主要因素有:导航目标源X射线流量强度、目标源的位置精度和旋转参数精度.对可用于导航的一些X射线源进行了讨论研究,并对最适合做导航研究的转动能驱动的X射线脉冲星进行统计分析.  相似文献   

综述了前人对于单个脉冲星磁场的起源和演化的研究结果及其最新进展。脉冲星磁场的起源有多种模型,其所对应的初始磁场有两种位形:磁场束缚在核内和磁场束缚在壳层中。脉冲星的磁场如何演化,没有一致的结论。有各种观测证据可能直接或间接表明磁场的演化行为,如根据特征年龄和运动学年龄的差异可以推断出脉冲星磁场按指数规律衰减,而根据特征年龄与超新星遗迹年龄的差异或几颗年轻脉冲星的制动指数可以认为年轻脉冲星的磁场可能是增强的。脉冲星的样本合成研究(数值模拟)是研究脉冲星磁场演化的重要方法。模拟结果表明,假定脉冲星磁场按指数衰减,特征衰减时标必须为10^7yr或更长。而壳层中磁场的欧姆耗散模型数值计算显示脉冲星磁场演化行为因冷却模型和状态方程的取法不同而异,但最终无明显的衰减。由自转变慢诱导的脉冲星核内部磁场向壳层中扩散模型的计算表明脉冲星磁场的衰减只发生在10^7-10^8yr这段时间内,磁场衰减1-2个量级。  相似文献   

脉冲星搜寻是对脉冲星、引力波,以及对快速射电暴(Fast Radio Burst,简称FRB)等暂现源进行研究的基础。搜寻不仅可以扩大脉冲星样本,还可以发现极端性质的致密星。这有助于研究致密天体状态方程、星际介质、脉冲星导航、引力波探测等课题。目前,射电望远镜的单次巡天就可以产生百万数量级的脉冲星候选体。面对这些海量数据,仅仅依赖人工识别筛选,已不能满足数据的时效需求,更不能实现数据的实时处理。机器学习、计算机视觉应用等人工智能技术自诞生以来,其理论和技术已日益发展成熟,并已成功运用到脉冲星候选体筛选等射电天文研究领域。首先将介绍现有脉冲星搜寻的人工智能方法,再统计和分析已有脉冲星候选体筛选方法的性能,最后对FAST脉冲星候选体筛选工作进行展望。  相似文献   

The applications of pulsar timing to several important aspects are introduced and a skeletal definition of the pulsar time scale is given. By taking advantage of the observational timing data of millisecond pulsars obtained at the Parkes Astronomical Observatory, Australia, the ensemble pulsar time based on 4 millisecond pulsars is built up, the comparison of its stability σz, with that of the atomic time is made, and finally a few of important factors which affect the ensemble pulsar time, as well as their influences on the pulsar timing accuracy and application are analyzed.  相似文献   

由单颗脉冲星定义的脉冲星时受多种噪声源的影响,其短期和长期稳定度都不够好.为了削弱这些噪声源对单脉冲星时的影响,可以采取合适的算法对多个单脉冲星时进行综合得到综合脉冲星时,从而提高综合脉冲星时的长期稳定度.文中介绍4种综合脉冲星时算法:经典加权算法、小波分析算法、维纳滤波算法和小波域中的维纳滤波算法,将这4种算法分别应用于Arecibo天文台对两颗毫秒脉冲星PSR B1855+09和PSRB1937+21观测得到的计时残差并作出比较.  相似文献   

脉冲星数据比对分析和可视化系统(PSRDB,URL:http://www.psrdb.net/),由FAST(Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope)早期科学数据中心团队为快速开展脉冲星候选体比对分析和数据管理研发.通过前端数据提交页面,接收和维护来自FAST及其他研究机构的候选体数据.目前,PSRDB已收录自1967年人类发现第1颗脉冲星以来所有公开文献发表的2811颗脉冲星样本,并采集了当前主要巡天项目尚未正式发表的源和候选体,如FAST多科学目标同时扫描巡天(CRAFTS)候选体数据.基于入库基础数据,利用位置、周期、色散等参数进行比对分析,辅助科研工作者在线检索匹配已知星表数据,最后将检索匹配、比对分析结果生成图表供进一步分析.目前,PSRDB已被应用于FAST脉冲星搜寻和候选体数据管理.未来,PSRDB可在新源认证、后随观测、观测计划制定和原始数据处理流程设计等方面提供数据和工具支撑.  相似文献   

Employing multiple pulsars and using an appropriate algorithm to establish ensemble pulsar timescale can reduce the influences of various noises on the long-term stability of pulsar timescale, compared to a single pulsar. However, due to the low timing precision and significant red noises of some pulsars,their participation in the construction of ensemble pulsar timescale is often limited. Inspired by the principle of solving non-stationary sequence modeling using co-integration theory, we put forward an algorithm based on co-integration theory to establish an ensemble pulsar timescale. It is found that this algorithm can effectively suppress some noise sources if a co-integration relationship between different pulsar data exists.Different from the classical weighted average algorithm, the co-integration method provides the chance for a pulsar with significant red noises to be included in the establishment of an ensemble pulsar timescale.Based on data from the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves(NANOGrav),we found that the co-integration algorithm can successfully reduce several timing noises and improve the long-term stability of the ensemble pulsar timescale.  相似文献   

We present X-ray data of the middle-aged radio pulsar PSR B0355+54. The XMM-Newton and Chandra observations show not only emission from the pulsar itself, but also compact diffuse emission extending ∼50″ in the opposite direction to the pulsar’s proper motion. Our analysis also indicates the presence of fainter diffuse emission extending ∼5′ from the point source. The morphology of the diffuse component is similar to the ram-pressure confined pulsar wind nebulae detected for other sources. We find that the compact diffuse component is well-fitted with a power-law, with an index that is consistent with the values found for other pulsar wind nebulae. The core emission from the pulsar can be characterized with a thermal plus power-law fit, with the thermal emission most likely originating in a hot polar cap.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design, tests and preliminary results of a real-time parallel signal processor built to aid a wide variety of pulsar observations. The signal processor reduces the distortions caused by the effects of dispersion, Faraday rotation, doppler acceleration and parallactic angle variations, at a sustained data rate of 32 Msamples/sec. It also folds the pulses coherently over the period and integrates adjacent samples in time and frequency to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. The resulting data are recorded for further off-line analysis of the characteristics of pulsars and the intervening medium. The signal processing for analysis of pulsar signals is quite complex, imposing the need for a high computational throughput, typically of the order of a Giga operations per second (GOPS). Conventionally, the high computational demand restricts the flexibility to handle only a few types of pulsar observations. This instrument is designed to handle a wide variety of Pulsar observations with the Giant Metre Wave Radio Telescope (GMRT), and is flexible enough to be used in many other high-speed, signal processing applications. The technology used includes field-programmable-gate-array(FPGA) based data/code routing interfaces, PC-AT based control, diagnostics and data acquisition, digital signal processor (DSP) chip based parallel processing nodes and C language based control software and DSP-assembly programs for signal processing. The architecture and the software implementation of the parallel processor are fine-tuned to realize about 60 MOPS per DSP node and a multiple-instruction-multiple-data (MIMD) capability.  相似文献   

随着下一代射电天文望远镜的不断改进和发展,脉冲星巡天观测将发现数百万个脉冲星候选体,这给脉冲星的识别和新脉冲星的发现带来了巨大挑战,迅速发展的人工智能技术可用于脉冲星识别.使用Parkes望远镜的脉冲星数据集(The High Time Resolution Universe Survey,HTRUS),设计了一个14层深的残差网络(Residual Network,ResNet)进行脉冲星候选体分类.在HTRUS数据样本中,存在非脉冲星候选体(负样本)的数目远远大于脉冲星候选体(正样本)数目的样本非均衡问题,容易产生模型误判.通过使用过采样技术对训练集中的正样本进行数据增强,并调整正负样本的比例,解决了正负样本非均衡问题.训练过程中,使用5折交叉验证来调节超参数,最终构建出模型.测试结果表明,该模型能够取得较高的精确度(Precision)和召回率(Recall),分别为98%和100%,F1分数(F1-score)能够达到99%,每个样本检测完成只需要7 ms,为未来脉冲星大数据分析提供了一个可行的办法.  相似文献   

As the next-generation radio astronomical telescopes continuously improve and develop, the pulsar survey will produce millions of pulsar candidates, which pose considerable challenges for pulsar identification and classification. The rapidly evolving artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are being used for pulsar identification and discovery of new pulsars. Using the pulsar data set observed with the Parkes telescope, namely the High Time Resolution Universe Survey (HTRUS), a 14-layer deep residual network has been designed (called the Residual Network, ResNet) for pulsar candidate classifications. In the HTRUS sample data, the number of non-pulsar candidates (i.e., negative samples) is much larger than that of pulsar candidates (i.e., positive samples). The imbalance between the positive and negative samples is prone to result in model misjudgement. By using the over-sampling technique to enhance the data of positive samples in the training set and adjusting the ratio of positive and negative samples, we have solved this imbalance problem. In the training process, the hyperparameters are adjusted by means of 5-fold cross validation to build the model. The test results indicate that the model can achieve a high precision (98%) and recall (100%), the F1-score can reach 99%, and that the implementation of each sample test needs only 7 ms, it has provided a feasible approach for the future big-data analysis of pulsars.  相似文献   

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