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中央一号文件提出要支持农民建房,农民建房必然要占用土地,在我国耕地资源日渐短缺的背景下,农民建房要走出一条不占耕地甚至增加耕地的路子。  相似文献   

一、当前农民建房存在的问题 在农村,违法用地、乱占滥用耕地现象虽然得到了有效遏制,农民建房也正走上依法管理的轨道,但是由于各地的地理位置、自然条件不同,目前农民建房中还存在着不少的问题。这主要表现在以下几个方面。  相似文献   

正两部门联合发文:疏堵结合遏制农村新增违法占用耕地建房行为近日,自然资源部、农业农村部联合印发《关于农村乱占耕地建房"八不准"的通知》和《关于保障农村村民住宅建设合理用地的通知》,疏堵结合采取措施,遏制新增违法占用耕地建房行为。近年来,一些地方农村未经批准违法乱占耕地建房问题突出且呈蔓延势头,尤其是强占多占、非法出售等恶意占地建房行为,触碰  相似文献   

正浙江:多管齐下遏制乱占耕地建房行为近日,浙江省自然资源厅、浙江省农业农村厅发出《关于坚决遏制农村乱占耕地建房问题的通知》。《通知》要求,各地要依托"三改一拆"治违拆违防控平台和执法综合监管平台,充分发挥乡镇人民政府、街道办事处、村(居)委会及基层治理网格的作用,运用卫星遥感监测、日常巡查、举报线索、信访舆情分析等多种手段,及时发现新增乱占耕地违法建房行为,依法依规严厉惩处乱占耕地建房行为。《通知》强调,要采取有力措施,坚决遏制新增乱占耕地建房行为。要坚持"零容忍"的态度,对新增占用永久基本农田建房、强占多占耕地违法建房、在流转买卖的耕地上违法建房、在承包耕地上违法建房、巧立名目占用耕地违法建房、违反"一户一宅"规定占用耕地违法建房,以及非法出售、  相似文献   

<正>近两年,通过国家卫星遥感监测发现的违法用地图斑中,很大一部分图斑涉及农民违法占地建房问题。农民违法占地建房,特点是占用耕地比例高,分布集中。主要分布在市、县的城郊接合部,尤其是被纳入城镇规划区,因国家征收集体土地而被撤去村民委员会的邻近村屯。城郊结合部农民违法占地建房主要原因  相似文献   

正近年来中国城市化和工业化进程不断加快,农村人口不断减少,引起了一系列重大的社会经济变迁,其中最重要的变迁之一是农村人口与土地关系的变化以及农村正在进行根本性的结构变革。寻找建立新型农村宅基地制度的创新性办法和途径,对于合理开发利用土地资源,切实保护耕地,建设社会主义新农村具有十分重要的意义。实际上,严格限制宅基地使用权的流转并不能有效地保护耕地。农民超占宅基地建房,未经批准任意在承包地上建房,1.不能发挥土地的完整使用性能。当前我国农村宅基地使用权流转制度存在的问题  相似文献   

土地管理在农村中最头痛的是农民建房用地问题。农民宅基地使用违法严重。如果不及时采取有效措施加以引导、规范,将会导致耕地更快地减少,最终将会损害农民的切身利益,破坏“十分珍惜、合理利用土地和切实保护耕地”的基本国策。  相似文献   

<正>近日,宁陵县逻岗国土资源所所长顾伟有一件烦心事,就是他在执法巡查时发现张庄村东头耕地旁边新堆一车砂石,不用说是想占地搞什么建筑的,奇怪的是他还未开口问,50多岁的村民何某便自找上门。"顾所长,别看我拉一车砂石放在地头,可我也不占耕地,谁不知道那是咱农民的‘饭碗田’。这表明我要建房,眼看小儿的婚期就到了,不建房又不中。我知道村里的空  相似文献   

“空心村“治理好大一片天   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来,随着农村经济的迅速发展,富裕后的农民改善居住条件成为一种普遍愿望,于是出现了一股建房热。由于一些群众土地法制观念淡薄,宅基地私有观念浓厚,农村宅基地超占、多占现象普遍存在。“一年地,二年场,三年变成农民房”,大量耕地被农村住宅建设变相占用。在农民新建住宅的过程中,由于村庄规划严重滞后等原因,农村居民点用地往往不能合理、  相似文献   

陈炜  邱祥云 《国土资源》2004,(10):35-37
我国农村宅基地无限期的无偿使用,使农村土地宛如取之不尽用之不竭的“大锅饭”。这也在客观上不断加固了农民传统的宅基私有观念。不少地方特别是城乡结合部,未批先建、少批多占、建新不拆旧的建房行为时有发生而难于遏止,造成耕地破坏和土地资源的严重浪费,农村土地管理难的局面不同程度存在。  相似文献   

The contents of nearly forty-elements in surface sediments in Jiaozhou Bay were determined using a Neutron Activation Analysis Technique(Grancini,et al.,1976;Li Peiquan et al.,1985,1986;Li Xiuxia etal.,1986).This paper's detailed discussion on only nine elements(Fe,Mn,Co,Cr,Sc,As,Sb,Zn andV)includes their distributions,concentrations,correlationships,material sources,background,etc.Based on Zavaristski's classification method,Fe,Mn,Co Cr and V belong to the second group;As and Sb to theeighth groups:Sc and Zn to the third and sixth groups.It was found that their notably good correla-tionship is mainly due to the similarity of their ionic structures and that their variation is controlled by theFe content(except Mn).The source of sediments is mainly terristrial material,and the composition ofsediment is similar to that of shale and shale+clay.The contents for a large number of ele-ments are within the scope of the background level,but there still is pollution of Zn and Cr,at least in a few stations.  相似文献   

氟、氯、溴、碘等卤族元素与人体健康的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卤族元素是人体的必需元素,正常情况下成人摄入量不超过F4 mg/d、C11.7~5.1g/d、I 100~200μg/d;少年不超过F 3 mg/d,儿童I1μg/kg-d,婴儿Cl0.3~1.2 g/d.过量摄入或缺乏卤族元素,都可能导致疾病的发生.而F含量0.5~1.0mg/L、C1<50mg/L、Br>100μg/L、I 10~100μg/L的饮用地下水,有利于人体健康.  相似文献   

A study was conducted on Cu, Zn, Cd, Fe, Co and Ni levels in Saanich Inlet anoxic seawater. Data on the concentration of these trace metals and H2S, and other oceanographic parameters were obtained in four cruises. Equilibrium models are presented together with in situ data. The results strongly support the assumption that the solubilities of Cu, Zn, Cd, Fe, Co and Ni are controlled by bisulfide and/or polysulfide complexes. The species of Cu, Zn, Cd and Ni are shown to be Cu(S4) 2 3− and Cu(Sn4S5)3−, Zn(HS) 2 0 and ZnHS 2 , Cd(HS) 2 0 and Ni(HS) 2 0 , respectively. The solid species controlling Fe2+ and Co2+ are respectively the pyrohotites FeS and CoS. The data illustrates that thermodynamic equilibrium has been established in the H2S-controlled seawater of Saanich Inlet, and that equilibrium has not been established in the H2S−O2-coexisted seawater of Saanich Inlet. The lack of equilibrium in the H2S−O2-coexisted seawater is a result of the flushing or mixing of oxygenated seawater with anoxic water. The new species of trace metals are still in the processes of reduction and precipitation. Contribution No. 1428 from Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica  相似文献   

Aquaculture production efficiency may increase by using feed additives. This study investigated the effects of different dietary additives [w/w: 2% small peptides, 0.01% probiotics( Bacillus licheniformis) and 0.2% prebiotics(inulin)] on growth performance, digestive enzyme activities, and oxidative stress in juvenile Epinephelus coioides reared in artificial seawater of two salt concentrations(13.5 vs. 28.5). Weight gain rate was significantly higher in fish fed the diet supplemented with small peptides, B. licheniformis, inulin, or synbiotics than that in fish fed the basal diet; the greatest weight gain rate was found in fish fed the small peptide treatment [56.0% higher than basal diet]. Higher feed efficiency was detected in fish fed the diet supplemented with small peptides than that of fish in the other dietary treatments. Total protease activity in the stomach and intestines was highest in fish fed the small peptide-treated diet, whereas lipase activity was highest in those fed synbiotics(combination of Bacillus licheniformis and inulin) than that in fish fed the other treatments. Antioxidant enzyme(total superoxide dismutase and catalase) activities and hepatic malondialdehyde content were higher in fish receiving the dietary supplements and maintained in artificial seawater containing 13.5 salinity compared with those in the control(28.5). Hepatic catalase activity in grouper fed the diets with small peptides or synbiotics decreased significantly compared with that in control fish. Overall, the three types of additives improved growth rate of juvenile grouper and digestive enzymes activities to varying degrees but did not effectively improve antioxidant capacity under low-salinity stress conditions.  相似文献   

这里所指示的大气圈、水圈、岩石圈、生物圈以及人类的作用千变万化,从而对人类的生存造成巨大影响,构成了一个复杂的生态环境,讨论这些问题,对人类生存至关重要。  相似文献   

Monthly investigatiom were made on the population of Chinese freshwater crab, Sinopotamon yangteskiense Bott, 1967 from April, 1984 to Match, 1985. The data on 4413 specimens show that the growth was affected mainly by temperature. During the April to November growth period, the crabs' major development occured from June through October. One year was required for a fine white oocyte to develop into a mature egg. The reproduction period was June-October. Females bearing eggs were taken from June-August, and crabs with young were found from July-October. The females reproduced once a year but could for more than one year. The number of eggs carried by a female varied greatly according to the size of the crab, ranging from 30 to 100 eggs. New-bom crabs become mature after 1-2 yeats. The sex ratio was approximately 1:1 in the overall population. However, the larger crabs are predominantly male. The age distribution of S. yangtsekinese was estimated from size frequency histograms. There were more adult crabs  相似文献   

Monthly investigations were mae on the population of Chinese freshwater crab,Sinopotamon yangtsekiense Bott, 1967 from April, 1984 to March, 1985. The data on 4413 specimens show that the growth was affected mainly by temperature. During the April to November growth period, the crabs' major development occurred from June through October. One year was required for a fine white oocyte to develop into a mature egg. The reproduction period was June–October. Females bearing eggs were taken from June–August, and crabs with young were found from July–October. The females reproduced once a year but could for more than one year. The number of eggs carried by a female varied greatly according to the size of the crab, ranging from 30 to 100 eggs. New-born crabs become mature after 1–2 years. The sex ratio was approximately 1∶1 in the overall population. However, the larger crabs are predominantly male. The age distribution ofS. yangtsekinese was estimated from size frequency histograms. There were more adult crabs (over 70%) from June to October and more immature crabs (over 50%) from November to May.  相似文献   

从石漠化的研究现状出发,依据我国西南岩溶石山地区石漠化特征,着重分析其主要控制介质为岩性、构造、地貌、气候、岩溶、地下水、植被等自然介质因子与森林砍伐、高坡开垦等人为介质因子.石漠化是以岩溶山区脆弱的岩溶生态环境为基础,以内、外地质作用和人类恶性生态地质作用为驱动力,以资源退化和恶化为本质,基岩不断裸露,生态环境不断恶化,周而复始的恶性循环过程.提出对石漠化的研究重点是成因机理研究,对石漠化的防治应着重于对石漠化的驱动力及其主导因子的防治,阐述了治山必须先治水等防治对策与建议.  相似文献   

A study was conducted on Cu, Zn, Cd, Fe, Co and Ni levels in Saanich Inlet anoxic seawaler. Data on the concentrations of these trace metals and H2S, and other oceanographic parameters were obtained in four cruisesEquilibrium models are presented together with in situ data. The" results strongly support the assumption that the solubilities of Cu, Zn, Cd, Fe, Co and Ni are controlled by bisulfide and /or polysulfide complexes. The species of Cu, Zn, Cd and Ni are shown to be Cu(S4)23- and Cu(S4S5)3-, Zn(HS)20 and ZnHS2-, Cd(HS)20 and Ni(HS)20 respectively. The solid species controlling Fe2 + and Co2+ are respectively the pyrohotites FeS and CoS. The data illustrates that thermodynamic equilibrium has been established in the H2S-controlled seawater of Saanich Inlet, and that equilibrium has not been established in the H2S-O2-coexisted seawater of Saanich Inlet. The lack of equilibrium in the H2S-O2-coexisted seawater is a result of the flushing or mixing of oxygenated seawater with anoxic water. The new s  相似文献   

Liu  He  Liao  Renqiang  Zhang  Lipeng  Li  Congying  Sun  Weidong 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(1):64-74
Plate subduction is the largest natural factory that processes elements, which controls recycling and mineralization of a variety of elements. There are three major ore deposit belts in the world: the circumPaci?c, the central Asian, and the Tethys belts. All the three belts are closely associated with plate subductions, the mechanism remains obscure. We approached this problem from systematic studies on the behaviours of elements during geologic processes. This contribution summaries the recent progress of our research group. Our results suggest that porphyry Cu deposits form through partial melting of subducted young oceanic crust under oxygen fugacities higher than ? FMQ ~+1.5, which is promoted after the elevation of atmospheric oxygen at ca. 550 Ma. Tin deposits are associated with reducing magmatic rocks formed as a consequence of slab rollback. The Neo-Tethys tectonic regime hosts more than 60% of the world's total Sn reserves. This is due to the reducing environment formed during the subduction of organic rich sediments. For the same reason, porphyry Cu deposits formed in the late stages during the closure of the Neo-Tethys Ocean. Tungsten deposits are also controlled by slab rollback, but is not so sensitive to oxygen fugacity. Subduction related W/Sn deposits are mostly accompanied by abundant accessory ?uorites due to the breakdown of phengite and apatite. Decomposition of phengite is also signi?cant for hard rock lithium deposits, whereas orogenic belt resulted from plate subduction promote the formation of Li brine deposits. Cretaceous red bed basins near the Nanling region are favorable for Li brines. Both Mo and Re are enriched in the oxidationreduction cycle during surface processes, and may get further enriched once Mo-, Re-enriched sediments are subducted and involved in magmatism. During plate subduction, Mo and Re fractionate from each other. Molybdenum is mainly hosted in porphyry Mo deposits and to a less extent, porphyry Cu-Mo deposits, whereas Re is predominantly hosted in porphyry Cu-Mo deposits and sedimentary sul?de deposits.  相似文献   

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