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南方典型灌区农田地表径流氮磷流失特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
洪林  李瑞鸿 《地理研究》2011,30(1):115-124
农田地表径流氮磷流失与土地利用、土壤和灌溉方式有着极为重要的联系,而且具有十分明显的地域特点。本文选取我国南方丘陵地区典型灌区——湖北省漳河灌区的水旱作物(分别为水稻和玉米)作为研究对象,开展了农田地表径流N素和P素流失特性及其影响因素的试验研究。结果表明:土地利用类型对地表N素流失量的影响显著,地表TN流失量表现为旱地>水田;土地利用类型对地表P素的流失量有较大影响,但差异性未达到显著水平,地表TP流失量表现为水田>旱地。随着降雨强度的增大,铵态氮和硝态氮浓度均呈减小的趋势,有机氮的比例由3.2%增至69.7%,无机氮比例由96.8%降至30.3%,更多的有机氮随地表径流流失;随着降雨强度的增大,农田排水总磷和磷酸磷也呈增加的趋势。采用节水灌溉方式,降雨利用率提高了14%~23%,节水率达15%,降雨排水量减少20~25 mm左右,能够有效降低农田氮、磷等养分流失对地表水的污染。作物生育期和地形地势差异也会影响降雨径流特征和农田养分流失。  相似文献   

北京密云水库小流域非点源污染负荷估算   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
根据不同类型的非点源污染发生区,选择若干径流小区,进行降雨、径流量、径流水质同步监测,分析不同土地利用类型小区地表径流和泥沙中氮、磷的流失情况。根据地貌特征和土地利用情况,利用通用土壤流失方程和SCS法分别计算不同土地利用类型区土壤侵蚀量和径流量,分析氮、磷的流失特点。结果表明:坡耕地和荒草坡单位面积土壤流失量比较严重;村庄中溶解态氮的流失量最多;村庄和坡耕地是氮、磷流失的重点区域。  相似文献   

该文通过太行山几种土壤类型模拟降雨实验,研究其自然状态的土壤总氮、可溶态氮、总磷、可溶态磷的流失量及流失浓度。研究表明,自然状态土壤氮、磷流失初始浓度最高,随后呈缓慢降低趋势;总氮、总磷及可溶态磷浓度与土壤中氮磷含量有一定相关性,但受其它因素影响也较大;可溶态氮浓度与土壤中氮含量关系不大;各土壤累积产流量大小与土壤渗水性、表层结构及地表植被覆盖有很大关系,总氮、总磷累积流失量大小依次是棕壤土>石灰性褐土>褐土>淋溶褐土>酸性粗骨土。  相似文献   

北京地区农田氮素养分随地表径流流失机理   总被引:74,自引:1,他引:74  
田间模拟降雨径流试验研究了北京地区农田暴雨径流氮素流失与雨强、作物覆盖、施肥因子的关系,以及侵蚀泥沙的粒径分布特征和对氮的富集作用。结果表明:(1)降雨强度越大,地表径流模数和侵蚀模数增大,氮素流失越多;作物覆盖有效地减少地表水土和颗粒态氮流失;(2)颗粒态氮浓度占径流全氮浓度的88.9%(施尿素)和98%以上(未施氮肥),是农田径流氮损失的主要形态;(3)施用化学氮肥增大了农田径流溶解态氮浓度,化学氮肥容易通过地表径流流失;(4)侵蚀泥沙的团聚体组成和原来土壤有很大差异,粒径<0.25mm的团聚体,尤其是含氮量较高的<0.045mm团聚体的富集是侵蚀泥沙富集氮的主要原因。减少地表径流和土壤侵蚀,降低表土速效氮含量是减少农田地表径流氮养分流失的关键。  相似文献   

地表径流挟带土壤氮进入水体是造成水体面源污染的主要途径之一。本研究依区域年降雨量的差异,将抚仙湖磷矿开采区年降雨量分别为1200-1300mm和1000-1100min的区域划分为东大河流域磷矿区和帽天山磷矿区两个研究单元,通过设置野外径流小区,在自然降雨状态下对磷矿开采废弃地与矿区现有主要植被类型土壤营养元全氮随径流流失量进行比较研究。研究结果表明:降雨强度是矿山废弃地产流的关键因子,在大、暴雨状态下矿山废弃地土壤TN流失量远大于各植被类型,对抚仙湖水质产生不利的影响。各植被类型土壤TN随径流流失量主要取决于地表径流量,径流中TN含量对其影响不大,流失总量次序与径流总量次序相一致,表现为:灌草丛〉云南松灌丛〉云南松混交林〉华山松林〉竹林〉桉树林,除灌草丛外各植被类型均能对土壤TN流失起到较强的截留作用。  相似文献   

坡地土壤氮素与降雨、径流的相互作用机理及模型   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
坡地土壤氮素径流损失表现为两种形式 ,溶解于径流中的矿质氮随径流液流失 ,吸附于泥沙颗粒表面以无机态和以有机质形式存在的氮素。坡地土壤氮素流失过程实际上是表层土壤氮素与降雨、径流相互作用的过程 ,土壤氮素流失的多少主要受相互作用的限制。从分析土壤与降雨、径流相互作用入手 ,分析了土壤氮素与降雨、径流相互作用过程及机理 ,并对相互作用模型进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文以Landsat TM/ETM+图像为主要的数据源,提取了土地利用/覆被信息,利用单窗算法反演了地表温度,结合渭库绿洲近几年的土地利用/覆被变化研究成果,分析了2001~2013年间渭库绿洲土地利用/覆被变化及其对地表温度的影响,同时利用像元分解模型得出绿洲植被覆盖度,并分析了其与地表温度的关系。结果表明:在2001~2013年的12年期间,渭库绿洲耕地的面积增加了1588.83 km~2。水体、盐渍地、林地与其他土地类型的面积减少了2811.47 km~2,绿洲地表温度升高了8.4℃。植被覆盖度与地表温度呈明显的负相关关系。渭库绿洲土地利用/覆被变化改变了该区域的植被覆盖度和地表温度的空间分布特征,总体上研究区地表温度的空间分布与土地利用/覆被的空间变化格局存在明显的一致性。本文为渭库绿洲生态环境规划、农业生产、经济可持续发展等提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

上海旱地农田氮磷随地表径流流失研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
选择上海宝山罗店镇具有代表性的旱地蔬菜农田生态系统,从2004年3月到8月的近半年时间里,通过对径流及径流中侵蚀泥沙的氮磷流失情况的连续监测,研究了旱地农田施肥与氮磷流失污染之间的关系,探讨了农田氮磷的迁移特征及环境效应,主要结果表明:当季施用化肥的地表径流总流失量,总氮为32.77kg/hm^2,总磷为8.1kg/hm^2,随径流排出农田的氮素中有37.7%是当季施用的氮素化肥,磷素中有26.9%是当季施用的磷素化肥;从过量施肥与环境污染之间的“因”与“果”来看,减量15%施肥区相比常规施肥区的茄子的产量减少2.7%,但是其污染负荷却减少了13.4%,表明在化肥利用的有效性上或增施化肥与控制环境污染之间,应该寻找一个最佳的平衡点。  相似文献   

紫色丘陵区典型小流域氮素迁移及其环境效应   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
选择四川盆地中部紫色土丘陵区典型小流域,通过2002~2004年3 a对主要土地利用地类氮素流失、小流域地表水和井水氮素迁移形态、途径与通量的连续观测,研究非点源氮素的来源、去向、迁移特征及其环境效应。结果表明,紫色土坡地氮素主要通过径流与泥沙迁移,坡耕地、居民点氮素流失是小流域非点源氮的主要贡献者,其氮素流失负荷分别为150.4kg、73.84 kg,占小流域氮素迁移总负荷的52.4%、25.7%;紫色丘陵区小流域地表水已呈现明显氮索富营养化特征,地下水硝酸盐污染较为严重,应重视该地区非点源污染控制;小流域氮素迁移的尺度差异明显,坡地以颗粒态氮为主,小流域以硝酸盐为主,氮素迁移的尺度效应可能导致非点源氮污染的异地效应,从而加剧长江三峡水体富营养化压力。  相似文献   

通过模拟降雨试验,研究粤北地区不同石漠化程度的灌丛坡地地表径流水中钙离子含量的变化。结果表明,在不同雨强下,不同石漠化灌丛坡地地表径流量、地表径流水钙离子浓度和地表径流水钙离子总量随石漠化程度的加重呈逐渐上升后又降低的倒“U”型趋势;在同一雨强下,潜在、轻度和极重度石漠化坡地径流水钙离子流失量远低于中度和重度石漠化坡地;地表水中的钙离子流失总量和地表径流量、土层厚度、岩石裸露率均有较高的相关性,其中与地表径流量达到显著性相关。  相似文献   

Five typical land covers in West Tiaoxi catchment of China, including mulberry garden, bamboo forest, pinery, vegetable plot and paddy field, were studied on nitrogen loss in artificial rainstorm runoff and sediment. Triple duplication experiments have been carried out under the artificial rain condition with an intensity of 2 mm.mm−1 and lasting 32 minutes in 3 m2 field. Export of various species of nitrogen in runoff and sediment were investigated. The results show that nitrogen loss amount and rate are quite different among five kinds of land covers. The loss of total nitrogen in runoff of mulberry is the largest and that of paddy field is the smallest. Particle nitrogen accounts for 70–90% of total nitrogen in runoff of various kinds of land covers. Loss of dissolved nitrogen in pinery is much higher than in other kinds of land covers, which are similar among them. More detailed species of dissolved nitrogen show their respective features among various land covers. Total amounts of nitrogen loss from the top 10 cm layer of 5 kinds of soils are estimated as high as 4.66–9.40 g.m−2, of which nitrogen loss through sediment of runoff accounts for more than 90%. The rate of total nitrogen losses are ranged in 2.68–14.48 mg.m−2.min−1 in runoff, which is much lower than that of 100.01–172.67 mg.m−2.min−1 in sediment of runoff.  相似文献   

陕西大理河流域土地利用/覆被变化的水文效应   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
近年来,土地利用/覆被变化的水文效应研究已成为国际的前沿和重点。在大理河流域,LUCC(包括水土保持措施)对水循环和水量平衡产生了深远影响,该流域LUCC水文效应的研究势在必行。根据研究区1990年代三期土地利用数据分析了LUCC的时空变化特征,采用特征变量时间序列法及降水-径流模型对LUCC水文效应进行了研究。结果表明:流域土地利用类型以耕地和草地为主,近10年来,耕地和草地面积有所减少,而林地和建设用地面积持续增加;流域年径流和月径流演化过程均表现出明显的下降趋势;LUCC及水土保持具有减少流域年径流、汛期流量以及增加枯季流量的作用,相对于降水因素,人类活动对流域水文的作用占主导地位;在1990~2000年期间,主要由LUCC引起的年均径流减少量达2616.6×104 m3,占该期间实测减水总量的62.19%。  相似文献   

Serious soil erosion is one of the major issues threatening sustainable land use in semiarid areas, especially in the Loess Plateau of China. Understanding the effects of land use on soil and water loss is important for sustainable land use strategy. Two sub-catchments: catchment A (CA) and catchment B (CB) with distinct land uses were selected to measure soil moisture, runoff and soil nutrient loss in Da Nangou catchment of the Loess Plateau of China. The effects of land use patterns on runoff and nutrient losses were analyzed based on soil moisture pattern by kriging and soil nutrients using multiple regression model. The results indicated that there were significant differences in runoff yield and soil nutrient losses between the two sub-catchments. With similar land uses, the CA produced an average sediment yield of 49 kg ha-1 and 22.27 kg ha-1 during two storm events.Meanwhile, there was almost no runoff in the CB with dissimilar land uses during the same events.Buffer zones should be established to re-absorb runoff and to trap sediments in catchment with similar land use structure such as the CA. Moreover, land use management strategy aiming to increase the infiltration threshold of hydrological response units could decrease the frequency of runoff occurrence on a slope and catchment scale.  相似文献   

Serious soil erosion is one of the major issues threatening sustainable land use in semiarid areas, especially in the Loess Plateau of China. Understanding the effects of land use on soil and water loss is important for sustainable land use strategy. Two sub-catchments: catchment A (CA) and catchment B (CB) with distinct land uses were selected to measure soil moisture, runoff and soil nutrient loss in Da Nangou catchment of the Loess Plateau of China. The effects of land use patterns on runoff and nutrient losses were analyzed based on soil moisture pattern by kriging and soil nutrients using multiple regression model. The results indicated that there were significant differences in runoff yield and soil nutrient losses between the two sub-catchments. With similar land uses, the CA produced an average sediment yield of 49 kg ha-1 and 22.27 kg ha-1 during two storm events. Meanwhile, there was almost no runoff in the CB with dissimilar land uses during the same events. Buffer zones should be established to re-absorb runoff and to trap sediments in catchment with similar land use structure such as the CA. Moreover, land use management strategy aiming to increase the infiltration threshold of hydrological response units could decrease the frequency of runoff occurrence on a slope and catchment scale.  相似文献   

1990—2010年黄河宁蒙段所处流域土地利用变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Landsat TM和ETM+遥感影像为基础数据源,应用地理信息系统技术,对黄河宁蒙段所处流域1990-2010年土地利用变化进行了监测,并结合气候变化、人类活动和政策因素探讨了土地利用变化的驱动力,初步分析了土地利用/覆被变化对流域水-沙关系的影响。结果表明:(1)20年来研究区建设用地面积增加了1 310.04 km2,耕地面积增加了611.15 km2,水域和草地面积分别减少了1 499.51 km2和474.93 km2;(2)20年来黄河宁蒙段所处流域土地利用变化速度经历了缓慢变化-显著变化-急剧变化的过程。各土地利用类型在后10 年(2000-2010年)的变化速度均比前10年(1990-2000年)大;(3)研究时段内草地和未利用地转化为林地,草地和耕地被开发为建设用地,未利用地和草地被开垦为耕地;(4)人类活动和政策因素是影响20年来土地利用变化的主要驱动因子,但人口数量的增加、经济的发展及环境政策的调整对研究区土地利用变化的影响更为显著;(5)1990-2010年流域耕地和林地面积分别增加了611.15 km2和543.19 km2,植被覆盖度由1990年的34.7%增加到2010年的40.8%。林地和耕地面积的增加均使得流域总蒸发量增加,灌溉用水增加,从而径流量减少,植被覆盖度的增加使得流域径流量和输沙量均降低。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Soiland waterlossisoneofthe worldwide environm entalissuesthreatening sustainable land use in semiarid areas.However,soiland water loss is highly variable in space and time,and its variability resultsfrom m any factorsoperating ata wide ran…  相似文献   

渔子溪流域水文过程影响因素的特征时间尺度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用渔子溪流域三期遥感影像(1986、1994和2002年)获取该区域的土地利用/覆被资料,并结合实际调查数据、采用斑块驱动模型模拟得到该流域1986~2004年间逐年土地利用变化数据;然后根据该模拟数据以及渔子溪流域不同时间尺度的气象和径流资料,采用逐步线性回归和多元非线性回归方法,对渔子溪流域不同时间尺度下降雨-土地利用-径流系统及其内部各元素之间的关系进行了统计分析,结果表明:(1)不同时间尺度下径流量与降雨量的相关关系具有明显差别,土地利用变化对降雨-径流关系有重要影响,在年尺度上,降雨量对径流量的影响要大于气温对径流的影响,而在月尺度上则相反。(2)不同时间尺度下非线性回归的模拟误差要比线性模拟误差下降1.18%~23.8%,且不同影响因子在不同时间尺度上的非线性程度各不相同。  相似文献   

Causes of land salinization were determined via land cover and hydrological process change detection in a typical part of Songnen Plain. The area of saline land increased from 4627 km2 in 1980 to 5416 km2 in 2000, and then decreased to 5198 km2 in 2015. The transformation between saline land and other land covers happened mainly before 2000, and saline land had transformation relationship mainly with cropland, grassland, and water body. From 1979 to 2007, groundwater depth fluctuated to increase and was mainly deeper than 3.3 m. Spatially, the area of the region where groundwater depth was deeper than 3.3 m increased from 46.7% in 1980 to 84% in 2000, while the area of the region almost occupied the whole region after 2000. Precipitation and evaporation changed little, while runoff decreased substantially. Shallow groundwater, change of cropland, grassland, and water body induced from human activities and decrease of runoff and increase of irrigation and water transfer from outer basin were the main reasons for land salinization before 2000. After 2000, groundwater with relatively great depth could not exert great influence on land salinization. Protection of grassland and wetland prevented the increase of the area of saline land.  相似文献   

贵州麦岗水库沉积物的矿物磁性特征及其土壤侵蚀意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李春梅  汪美华  王红亚 《地理研究》2010,29(11):1971-1980
对取自贵州西南部紫云县麦岗水库的沉积物柱芯MG1-1进行了包括SIRM、ARM、χlf、χfd、IRM-20mT和IRM-100mT等磁性参数的矿物磁性测量,并计算了ARM/SIRM、HIRM和IRM-100mT/SIRM。根据沉积物的这些矿物磁性特征,并结合137Cs、粒度、TOC、C/N分析结果,推测了麦岗水库流域在1960~2007年(47年)间的土壤侵蚀变化情况。研究表明:麦岗水库流域的土壤侵蚀强度变化虽然存在一些波动,但整体上呈现由强到弱到强再到弱的变化过程。结合降水资料和土地利用/土地覆被变化情况,探讨了影响土壤侵蚀变化的主要原因。结果表明,降水量对流域土壤侵蚀变化的影响不大,而人类活动,特别是土地利用的变化可能是引起流域土壤侵蚀变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

In order to advance land use and land cover change (LUCC) research in Nepal, it is essential to reconstruct both the spatiotemporal distribution of agricultural land cover as well as scenarios that can explain these changes at the national and regional levels. Because of rapid population growth, the status of agricultural land in Nepal has changed markedly over the last 100 years. Historical data is used in this study, encompassing soils, populations, climatic variables, and topography. Data were revised to a series of 30 m grid cells utilized for agricultural land suitability and allocation models and were analyzed using a suite of advanced geographical tools. Our reconstructions for the spatiotemporal distribution of agricultural land in Nepal reveal an increasing trend between 1910 and 2010 (from 151.2 × 102 km2 to 438.8 × 102 km2). This expanded rate of increase in agricultural land has varied between different eco, physiographic, and altitudinal regions of the country, significantly driven by population changes and policies over the period of this investigation. The historical dataset presented in this paper fills an existing gap in studies of agricultural land change and can be applied to other carbon cycle and climate modeling studies, as well as to impact assessments of agricultural land change in Nepal.  相似文献   

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