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Playas are shallow ephemeral lakes that form in arid and semi-arid regions. Iran has a large number of playas such as Meyghan Playa, which is located in the northeast of Arak city that borders the central Iran and Sanandaj-Sirjan zones. This study aims to investigate the mineralogical, sedimentological, and geochemical characteristics of the playa sediments. In order to determine the palaeoenvironment, we carried out X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies. Meyghan Playa sediments consist of very fine-grained sediments and contain both evaporite and clastic minerals. The evaporite minerals include calcite, gypsum, halite, glauberite, and thenardite, whereas clastic minerals are quartz and clay. The calcite abundance decreases from the margin to the central portion of the playa but gypsum and halite abundances show an increasing trend from the margin to the center. This observation is consistent with the general zonation of other playas. Variations of calcite and gypsum concentration profiles present increasing and decreasing trends with depth, which could be ascribed to the changes in climatic factors. These factors include brine chemical modifications owing to changes in evaporation and precipitation rates and variations in relative abundance of anions-cations or in the rate of clastic and evaporite minerals due to variations in the freshwater influx (climatic changes) with time. A decrease in calcite and increase in sulfate minerals (especially gypsum) with depth is probably due to the higher water level and rainfall, a more humid climate, and salinity variations.  相似文献   

Glauberite is the most common mineral in the ancient sodium sulphate deposits in the Mediterranean region, although its origin, primary or diagenetic, continues to be a matter of debate. A number of glauberite deposits of Oligocene–Miocene age in Spain display facies characteristics of sedimentologic significance, in particular those in which a glauberite–halite association is predominant. In this context, a log study of four boreholes in the Zaragoza Gypsum Formation (Lower Miocene, Ebro Basin, NE Spain) was carried out. Two glauberite–halite lithofacies associations, A and B, are distinguished: association (A) is composed of bedded cloudy halite and minor amounts of massive and clastic glauberite; association (B) is made up of laminated to thin‐bedded, clear macrocrystalline, massive, clastic and contorted lithofacies of glauberite, and small amounts of bedded cloudy halite. Transparent glauberite cemented by clear halite as well as normal‐graded and reverse‐graded glauberite textures are common. This type of transparent glauberite is interpreted as a primary, subaqueous precipitate. Gypsum, thenardite or mirabilite are absent in the two associations. The depositional environment is interpreted as a shallow perennial saline lake system, in which chloride brines (association A) and sulphate–(chloride) brines (association B) are developed. The geochemical study of halite crystals (bromine contents and fluid inclusion compositions) demonstrates that conditions for co‐precipitation of halite and glauberite, or for precipitation of Na‐sulphates (mirabilite, thenardite) were never fulfilled in the saline lake system.  相似文献   

Sedimentologic and petrographic analyses of outcroping and subsurface calcretes, palustrine carbonates, and silcretes were carried out in the southern Paraná Basin (Uruguay). The aim of this work is to describe the microfabric and interpret the genesis of these rocks through detailed analyses, since they contain significant paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic evolution information.The main calcrete and silcrete host rock (Mercedes Formation) is represented by a fluvial thinning upward succession of conglomerate and sandstone deposits, with isolated pelitic intervals and paleosoils. Most of the studied calcretes are macroscopically massive with micromorphological features of alpha fabric, originated by displacive growth of calcite in the host clastic material due to evaporation, evapotranspiration and degassing. Micromorphologically, calcretes indicate an origin in the vadose and phreatic diagenetic environments. Micrite is the principal component, and speaks of rapid precipitation in the vadose zone from supersaturated solutions. The abundance of microsparite and secondary sparite is regarded as the result of dissolution and reprecipitation processes.Although present, brecciated calcretes are less common. They are frequent in vadose diagenetic environments, where the alternation between cementation and non-tectonic fracturing conditions take place. These processes generated episodes of fragmentation, brecciation and cementation. Fissures are filled with clear primary sparitic calcite, formed by precipitation of extremely supersaturated solutions in a phreatic diagenetic environment. The micromorphological characteristics indicate that calcretes resulted from carbonate precipitation in the upper part of the groundwater table and the vadose zone, continuously nourished by lateral migration of groundwater.The scarcity of biogenic structures suggests that they were either formed in zones of little biological activity or that the overimposed processes related to water table fluctuations produced intense recrystallization completely obliterating the biogenic fabric.Limestone beds containing terrestrial gastropods are geographically restricted. Situated at the top of the calcrete successions, they exhibit brecciated and peloidal-intraclastic textures but lack lamination, edaphic structures, aggregates and vertical rhizoliths. This indicates they correspond to low-energy palustrine deposits, generated in shallow, local and ephemeral ponds developed in topographic depressions. When water table levels dropped, the palustrine deposits were exposed. This favours the presence of terrestrial gastropods, seeds and insect nests. The combination of calcretes and palustrine carbonates indicates periods and areas with a reduced clastic input and a predominantly semiarid climate, with well-defined humid and dry seasons.Characteristics of the later developed massive and nodular horizons of silcretes, such as, preservation of the internal structure of the host rock, the small areal extent, the formation of massive lenses, the complex pore infillings and the lack of a columnar upper section, indicate that they were generated from groundwaters. Every silcretized horizon shows different positions of the groundwater table and relates to the dissection of landscape.The age of calcretization and silcretization is bracketed between the Late Cretaceous (Campanian–Maastrichtian) and the Early Eocene. Paleoclimate indicates changing conditions from warm and humid at the end of the Cretaceous (Mercedes Formation) to semiarid and seasonal during Paleocene (groundwater calcretes and palustrine deposits) and subtropical and seasonal in the early Eocene (Asencio Formation).  相似文献   

A suite of unusual highly skeletal halite pseudomorphs is described from the lower Middle Cambrian rocks that crop out at Ardmore in the Georgina Basin, northern Australia. The pseudomorphs are preserved as both moulds and casts within a dark and light colour-banded chert. They are orientated parallel to bedding and represent halite crystal growth within a brine pool. Laterally equivalent rocks are characterized by sedimentary textures and structures indicative of periodic emergence and desiccation. Laboratory grown halite crystals are also described and compared with the pseudomorphs from Ardmore. Experimentally produced halite crystals formed from either: (1) brine solutions obtained as residues after organic matter extraction from phosphate rocks, or (2) solutions of NaCI and distilled water. Both pyramidal rafted hoppers and floor nucleated cuboids formed in solutions containing only NaCI and distilled water; whereas in the residue solutions, that contained humic acids, rafted pyramidal forms were absent and crystal nucleation was restricted to the floor of the evaporative dish. As brine depth decreased the halite precipitation rate increased and resulted in a suite of excrescent, highly skeletal crystals that formed as a result of brine evaporation to dryness. The variable crystal morphology depended upon both the brine depth and slope of the evaporative dish floor. Horizontally orientated chevron halite crystals formed where the evaporative dish was inclined and precipitation preferentially occurred on cube faces. Pagoda, reticulate ridge and dendritic forms represent an increasingly skeletal crystal suite characterized by the preferential precipitation of NaCI on cube edges and corners rather than faces. Using the experimentally grown crystals as analogues the pseudomorphs at Ardmore are interpreted as forming in very shallow brine pools that evaporated to dryness.  相似文献   

An exceptional flood in January 1990 led to the formation of a large ephemeral lake on the Chott el Djerid, a salt playa in southern Tunisia. Repeated observations made during 1990 show that the ephemeral lake underwent four evolutionary stages: (1) initial flooding, (2) evaporative concentration of lake waters, (3) the movement of concentrated brine pools over the playa surface as a result of wind action, and (4) total desiccation of the lake by September 1990. During all four stages the brine chemistry of the lake was monitored. Water inflow into the Chott el Djerid basin was found to have a consistent Ca-SO4-Cl-rich and HCO3-CO3-poor chemistry, reflecting the recycling of homogeneous assemblages of Cretaceous, Mio—Pliocene and Quaternary evaporites within the catchment. As the ephemeral lake shrank, these waters produced an Na-Mg-K-Cl-SO4 brine which was similar to modern sea water. Mineral saturation data show that, during the desiccation of the lake, saturation with respect to both gypsum and halite was achieved and that the most concentrated brines were ultimately saturated with respect to potash phases. After the desiccation of the lake the main mineral phases found on the Chott included gypsum and halite. In addition, ephemeral deposits of carnallite (observed as carnallitite,3KMgCl6H20 + NaCl) were found. This assemblage is that which would be expected to form if the waters had undergone salt norm evaporation at 1 bar pressure at 25°C (SNORM) in the evaporation model proposed by Jones and Bodine (1987). The nature of both the brine chemistry and evaporite mineralogy provides a new and rare example of marine-like potash-bearing evaporites being formed in a contemporary continental playa.  相似文献   

Lake Tyrrell is a large ephemeral salt lake, the level of which is controlled by climate and groundwater. Up to a metre of water fills the basin during the wetter and cooler winter season, but evaporates during the summer, precipitating up to 10 cm of halite. Each year essentially the same pool of ions is redissolved by this annual freshening. The small percentage of gypsum precipated (< 2%) in the surface salt crust reflects the low calcium content of the brine which, in turn, is a function of the negligible net discharge of calcium from the groundwater system. The small influx of fine‐grained clastic sediment to the lake floor comes from surface runoff, wind, and reworking of older sediment from the shoreline.

The Lake Tyrrell basin lies in a setting in which three different groundwater types, identified by distinct salinities, interact with surface waters. A refluxing cycle that goes from discharging groundwater at the basin margin, to surface evaporation on the lake floor, to recharge through the floor of the lake, controls the major chemical characteristics of the basin. In this process, salts are leached downward from the lake floor to join a brine pool below the lake. This provides an outlet from the lake, especially under conditions that have been both drier and wetter than those of today. Enhanced discharge occurs under drier conditions, when the enclosing regional groundwater divide is lowered, whereas a rise in lake level increases the hydraulic head over that of the sub‐surface brine and promotes an increase in brine loss from the lake.

Sulphate‐reducing bacteria in a zone of black sulphide‐rich mud beneath the salt crust help prevent gypsum from being incorporated into the recent sedimentary record. However, below the upper 5 to 10 cm zone of bacterial activity, discoidal gypsum is being precipitated within the mud from the groundwater. These crystals have grown by displacing the mud and typically “float” in a clay matrix; in some zones, they form concentrations exceeding 50% of the sediment. The occasional laminae of more prismatic gypsum that occur within the upper metre of mud have crystallised from surface brines. The scarcity of these comparatively pure prismatic‐crystal concentrations probably is a function of unfavourable chemical conditions in the lake brine and of the role that sulphate‐reducing bacteria have played.  相似文献   

Bristol Dry Lake, a 155 km2 continental-sabkha playa basin in the Mojave Desert of south eastern California, is filled with at least 300 m of interbedded terrigenous clastics, gypsum, anhydrite, and halite. Evaporite facies conform approximately to a bull's eye pattern with gypsum and anhydrite surrounding a basin centre accumulation of halite. Transects through Bristol Dry Lake, from the alluvial fan to the centre of the playa, reveal: (1) crudely-bedded, alluvial fan clastics interfingering with (2) playa-margin sand flat and wadi sand and silt, followed by (3) gypsum, anhydrite, chaotic mud halite, and clay of the saline mud flat, and (4) salt-pan halite beds. Terrigenous clastics were deposited in Bristol Dry Lake by sheetflow and by suspension settling from ponded floodwater. Some sediment has been reworked by aeolian processes to form barchan dunes around the playa margin. Thin nodular-like beds of anhydrite and several types of gypsum occur across most of the playa. Giant hopper-shaped halite cubes are suspended in saline mud flat facies, suggesting that they grew displacively in brine soaked sediment just below the surface. Thick beds (4 m) of halite, in the playa centre, may have formed through a complex alternating history of subaqueous and intrasedimentary precipitation under the influence of periodic floods, intense evaporation and brine-level lowering, and capillary discharge of brines. The stratigraphy in the playa centre is cyclic. An ideal cycle consists of: (1) chaotic mud halite at the base overlain by (2) green to red clay with abundant, giant hoppers, and at the top (3) red clay, gypsum, and anhydrite with flaser- to wavy-bedded sand and silt. This type of cycle probably records a gradual progradation of mud-flat facies over salt pans. Bristol Dry Lake sediments are nearly identical to some of the Permian evaporites of the Permian Basin region, U.S.A. and they can serve as modern analogues for ancient-sabkha facies analysis.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地昆特依盐湖含杂卤石地层高分辨率矿物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柴达木盆地昆特依盐湖杂卤石资源丰富,是开展现代内陆盐湖杂卤石成因机制研究的良好载体.精细刻画沉积特征对阐释沉积矿床成因具有重要作用.本研究以昆特依盐湖大盐滩矿区ZK3608钻孔岩芯14.08-25.48 m段碎屑-杂卤石沉积韵律为研究对象,开展高分辨率矿物学研究,结合石盐流体包裹体化学组成和石盐中微量元素分析,尝试从高分辨率沉积学和矿物学的角度探讨杂卤石的成因.研究结果显示,石盐层产出的杂卤石含量低但分布范围广,为原生矿物;碎屑层中的杂卤石主要为次生矿物.石盐层与碎屑层之间存在一个过渡层位,该层位的杂卤石高度富集且矿物组成复杂,推测是由于原生与准同生杂卤石短时间内先后形成导致的.结合石盐流体包裹体化学组成所代表的古卤水变化特征分析表明,Ca-Cl型深部油田卤水的补给对研究区不同时期杂卤石的形成有重要影响.地球化学特征综合分析指示,石盐层的原生杂卤石由富钾镁的浓缩卤水与Ca-Cl型深部油田卤水混合直接生成;而过渡层位的杂卤石受到气候变化与Ca-Cl型深部油田卤水补给的共同作用.  相似文献   

Gypsum and anhydrite fabrics observed in trenches and deep (500 m) cores from Bristol Dry Lake, California, USA, exhibit a vertical alignment of crystals similar to the fabric seen in bottom-nucleated brine pond gypsum. However, geochemical and sedimentological evidence indicate that the gypsum formed in Bristol Dry Lake precipitated displacively within the sediment where groundwater saturated with respect to gypsum recharges around the playa margin (groundwater-seepage gypsum). Evidence for displacive growth of gypsum is: (i) the geometry of the deposit, (ii) stable isotopic data and the water chemistry of the brine, and (iii) inclusions of matrix which follow twin planes and completely surround crystals as they grow. The bulk of the gypsum precipitated in the playa occurs around the edges of the playa in the playamargin facies and completely rings the lake. Sulphate concentrations in the groundwater increase toward the gypsum zone in the playa margin. Basinward of this zone, sulphate concentrations decrease sharply to trace element levels in the basin centre brine. Authigenic gypsum is rare in the centre of the playa. Stable (δ18O values measured for gypsum waters of crystallization (GWC) are similar to the values calculated for groundwater in the playa margin and alluvial fan sediments (?– 6%0), whereas measured brine δ18O values range from + 0·5 to + 3·7%0. Deuterium values measured for groundwater are ?– 70%0, GWC are ?– 60 to – 65%0 and brine values are ?– 57%0. The geometry of the deposit and the chemical data suggest that the water precipitating the gypsum is more closely associated with the groundwater than the brine. However, some mixing between groundwater and brine is likely. Within 100 m of the surface, the gypsum dehydrates to anhydrite, although the same vertically aligned fabric is retained through the diagenetic process. The similarity of displacive vertically aligned gypsum and anhydrite fabrics seen in Bristol Dry Lake to subaqueously deposited gypsum in modern brine ponds indicates that the criteria used to define subaqueous fabrics must be better constrained.  相似文献   

湖南花垣渔塘地区层控型铅锌矿床成因初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
彭国忠 《地质科学》1986,(2):179-186
有关本区矿床成因先后有同生沉积、低温超低温热液、沉积改造等不同看法。本文根据宏观、微观资料的初步分析认为,本区铅锌矿床属于后成深循环热卤水成因——后成层控矿床。本文将对这一问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

罗布泊盐湖钙芒硝岩孔隙中蕴藏有超大型规模的卤水钾矿,富钾卤水成因一直备受关注。罗北凹地从统一的罗布泊大湖区中分隔出来后,成盐过程中其湖水仍以南部大湖的补给为主,罗北凹地卤水化学演化与"大耳朵"湖水密切相关。"大耳朵"湖区含石膏碎屑层普遍储藏有卤水,应该是罗北凹地盐湖的"源卤水",钾离子(ρ(K~+)为3.12 g/L左右)已初步富集,平均矿化度为198.83 g/L。为了查明该卤水的化学演化趋势及析盐序列,笔者于2009年、2010年两次采集了大量卤水样品,分别进行室内等温蒸发和自然蒸发实验。蒸发实验结果表明:随着卤水浓缩首先析出(硬)石膏,随后析出大量石盐,最后出现少量钾石盐和光卤石,与EQL/EVP卤水蒸发模型模拟结果相似。将碎屑层卤水蒸发过程中化学组成变化与罗北凹地卤水进行对比,结果显示罗布泊古湖水蒸发至石膏沉积之后,在罗北凹地水化学组成明显发生变化,没有大量石盐沉积,而以钙芒硝沉积为主。推测应是受到深部"富钙水"的持续补给,而"大耳朵"湖起到"预备盆地"的作用,罗布泊古湖水经"大耳朵"湖蒸发浓缩后,钾离子得到初步富集,在流入罗北凹地后与深部"富钙"水混合,强烈蒸发浓缩,大量钙芒硝矿物析出,最后形成富钾卤水。  相似文献   

Stable chlorine isotopes are useful geochemical tracers in processes involving the formation and evolution of evaporitic halite. Halite and dissolved chloride in groundwater that has interacted with halite in arid non-marine basins has a δ37Cl range of 0 ± 3‰, far greater than the range for marine evaporites. Basins characterized by high positive (+1 to +3‰), near-0‰, and negative (−0.3 to −2.6‰) are documented. Halite in weathered crusts of sedimentary rocks has δ37Cl values as high as +5.6‰. Salt-excluding halophyte plants excrete salt with a δ37Cl range of −2.1 to −0.8‰. Differentiated rock chloride sources exist, e.g. in granitoid micas, but cannot provide sufficient chloride to account for the observed data. Single-pass application of known fractionating mechanisms, equilibrium salt-crystal interaction and disequilibrium diffusive transport, cannot account for the large ranges of δ37Cl. Cumulative fractionation as a result of multiple wetting-drying cycles in vadose playas that produce halite crusts can produce observed positive δ37Cl values in hundreds to thousands of cycles. Diffusive isotope fractionation as a result of multiple wetting-drying cycles operating at a spatial scale of 1–10 cm can produce high δ37Cl values in residual halite. Chloride in rainwater is subject to complex fractionation, but develops negative δ37Cl values in certain situations; such may explain halite deposits with bulk negative δ37Cl values. Future field studies will benefit from a better understanding of hydrology and rainwater chemistry, and systematic collection of data for both Cl and Br.  相似文献   

SUSAN HOVORKA 《Sedimentology》1987,34(6):1029-1054
The interpretation of the depositional environments in which bedded halite is formed is a frontier of evaporite sedimentology. Facies studies, supplemented by geochemical data, define an evaporite shelf depositional environment for the halite of the San Andres Formation of the Palo Duro Basin, Texas Panhandle, that is significantly different from modern and previously described ancient halite-precipitating environments such as playas, salinas, sabkhas, and barred basins. A coastal palaeoenvironmental setting for the San Andres halite is defined by its facies position between normal marine-shelf carbonates and aeolian deposits. The San Andres brine pool extended over more than 10 000 km2 but was very shallow. Perennial brine-pool conditions (thick sequences of halite) alternated with ephemeral brine-pool conditions (halite, haloturbated mudstone-halite, mudstone interbeds, and microkarst). The depositional sequence in the perennial brine pool includes (1) flooding and minor dissolution of previously deposited halite, (2) precipitation of a thin lamina of gypsum, and (3) evaporation and precipitation of halite. Bottom-growth forms of halite, including chevrons and vertically elongated crystals, are well preserved. Cumulates of foundered, floating crystals and rafts were probably abundant but have been almost completely recrystallized. Mudstone interbeds in halite and microkarst features cut into bedded halite record the episodic interruption of brine-pool deposition and the establishment of subaerial conditions. Vertically elongated karst pits originate at the palaeosurfaces, cross-cut primary brine-pool fabrics, and are filled with geopetal sediment and coarse halite cement. Mudstone interbeds and mixtures of mudstone and halite have been haloturbated by the alternating growth and dissolution of halite reflecting conditions of fluctuating salinity. The geochemistry of halite from both ephemeral and perennial brine-pool environments reflects the frequent influx of marine brine, indicating that communication with the marine environments to the south was ‘good’ considering that restriction was sufficient to precipitate halite.  相似文献   

中下扬子区广泛分布着三叠纪滩相、潮坪相和岩溶带三类碳酸盐岩。根据成岩作用类型、成岩组构、孔隙类型和成岩环境等特征对三类岩石进行比较。滩相碳酸盐岩主要成岩作用是在海水渗流、潜流和淡水渗流、潜流成岩环境下产生的胶结、云化和溶解作用。潮坪相交代白云岩和富含石膏的蒸发岩则以高盐度的海水渗流带的准同生毛细管蒸发浓缩云化作用为主。在大气淡水渗流或潜流成岩环境下则以去云化、去膏化和溶解作用为主。岩溶带碳酸盐岩-蒸发盐岩及其岩溶堆积角砾岩主要经历早期海水强烈蒸发作用下准同生云化作用和晚期表生淡水环境下的岩溶作用。上述主要成岩作用使三类岩石次生孔隙率增加。因此,成岩作用对其成为有希望的储层起到了主导作用。  相似文献   

The groundwater discharge zone of central Australia is marked by a chain of playas extending 500 km from Lake Hopkins in Western Australia through Lake Neale, Lake Amadeus and numerous smaller playas to the Finke River in the Northern Territory. This great valley is devoid of surface drainage, and the playas and their associated landforms and chemical sediments are a result of groundwater transmission, and discharge from a large regional flow system. The valley contains extensive groundwater calcrete deposits, which are commonly silicified. The playas contain gypsum and glauberite deposits resulting from the evaporative concentration of discharging groundwater to 250 g/1total dissolved solids. Thin gypcrete crusts have developed on the playa margins and islands as a result of induration of bordering gypsum dunes. Diagenetic changes in the calcrete and gypcrete are caused by dissolution and reprecipitation through groundwater movement.

Calcrete and gypcrete samples from playas near Curtin Springs, NT, dated by electron spin resonance (ESR) — calibrated by 14C dates on calcrete and the uranium content of gypcrete — are mostly in the range 8000–16 000 years BP, and are evidence of groundwater discharge conditions similar to those of the present day. Calcrete in the vadose zone, above the present water‐table, gives ESR dates in the range 22 000–27 000 years BP suggesting episodes of high intensity rainfall at that time. Phreatic calcrete, below the water‐table, with ages in the range 34 000–75 000 years BP, provides evidence of older episodes of calcretization.

The ESR and 14C dates for the chemical sediments suggest that this groundwater flow system has been an important feature in the region for much of the Late Quaternary. Although there are problems with the interpretation of ESR dating for chemical sediments with diagenetic alteration, the technique shows promise as a dating tool.  相似文献   

云南勐野井钾盐矿床特征,微量元素地球化学及成因探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
勐野井钾盐矿床位于云南兰坪、恩茅拗陷带的南部。该带地处藏滇印支地槽褶皱系中段,点苍山、哀牢山断裂带以西,澜沧江断裂带以东。区内发育有巨厚的中新生代红色碎屑岩和含盐建造,本区的主要含盐层为晚白垩世至老第三纪勐野井组。 勐野井组有上下两套含盐层,中部为棕红色钙泥质粉砂岩,下含盐层在区域上是含膏层;上含盐层为石盐岩夹钾盐透镜体。下覆地层是上白垩统扒沙河紫红色石英砂岩,上覆为老第三系等黑组棕红色粉砂岩。矿区为一向斜构造呈北西—南东向分布,盐矿体呈穹窿状,石盐层平均厚196米,钾盐厚29米,NaCl平均含量71.67% KCl 8.70%,为混有碎屑物的氯化物型钾盐矿床。 本文研究了富钾盐层剖面结构、碎屑物沉积特征、溴、铷、锶、硼等微量元素赋存规律及其在寻找钾盐矿床工作中的标志意义,并探讨了盐矿床的成因。全文蒙袁见齐教授审阅,并提出修改意见,在此表示感谢。  相似文献   

罗布泊罗北凹地第四系上部盐层中蕴藏丰富的卤水,卤水中则富含钾(KCl平均品位为1.40%)。文章通过对罗布泊卤水氢、氧、锶及硫同位素等分析及与塔里木盆地(河流)、柴达木盆地等地区对比研究,确定了罗布泊富钾卤水源于地表水,可能主要是塔里木盆地南北缘河流水;卤水中的硫钾等物质组分主要来源于南天山、塔里木盆地西北、西南部中新生代石膏钙芒硝石盐矿床或地层及其古代地层卤水。由于第四纪期间塔里木盆地西部抬升。  相似文献   

The evolution of magnesium chloride brines with high bromide contents via a multistage reaction and dissolution process has been studied in brine seeps of a German potash mine. The observed chemical trends and phase equilibria can be modeled and interpreted in terms of a NaCl solution (cap rock brine) infiltrating into a potash zone characterized by the metamorphic mineral assemblage kieserite + sylvite + halite + anhydrite. Establishment of a persistent, stable equilibrium assemblage and constant fluid composition in the invariant point IP1 of the six component (Na-K-Mg-Ca-Cl-SO4-H2O) system of oceanic salts is prevented by the perpetually renewed input of NaCl-brine and by the intermittent exposure of incompatible kieserite. Instead, the solutions develop towards the metastable invariant point IP1(gy), with the mineral assemblage carnallite + polyhalite + sylvite + halite + gypsum, where gypsum takes the place of anhydrite (stage I). The temporary exposure of kieserite and the ensuing formation of polyhalite effectively buffer the solutions along the metastable polyhalite phase boundary during stages II and III. Eventually, in stage IV, polyhalite becomes depleted and admixture of more NaCl brine leads to low sulfate solution compositions, which are now only constrained by carnallite + sylvite + halite, and the once hexary system degenerates to a quaternary one (Na-K-Mg-Cl-H2O) in point E. Bromide in brines shows equilibrium partitioning with respect to the wall rock minerals. The pattern of evolving brine compositions may serve as a model for similar brine occurrences, which in some cases may have been misinterpreted as remains of fossil, highly concentrated and chemically modified seawater. Similar magnesium chloride brines of salt lakes (e.g., Dead Sea, Dabusun Lake) show subtle differences and are constrained by fewer mineral equilibria (more degrees of freedom), and their low sulfate contents are due to gypsum precipitation, driven by calcium chloride input from dolomitization reactions. Finally, the observed reaction sequence is generalized, and a model for the formation of magnesium sulfate depleted, chloride-type potash salts and bischofite deposits by leaching of sulfate-type evaporites is proposed.  相似文献   

Large pisoliths from the Laguna Pastos Grandes playa in the Bolivian Altiplano have a wide diversity of cortical fabrics and variable mineralogical composition. The cortical laminae are composed of radial calcite bundles, spar calcite, micrite, amorphous silica, mixed micrite-amorphous silica, quartz, gypsum and halite. Diatoms are common in the outer parts of some radial calcite laminae and amorphous silica laminae, but cyanobacterial filaments are rare. Although the organization of the cortical laminae is highly variable, some repetitive sequences of different laminae are present. Cavities in and between pisoliths contain micrite, detrital grains, calcite bundles and peloids morphologically similar to those found in marine reefs. The pisoliths grow in shallow ephemeral pools fed by hot springs. Radial bundles of calcite precipitate rapidly by degassing and photosynthetic removal of CO2 following spring snowmelt. Conditions for micrite precipitation are unclear, but there is evidence to suggest formation in partially stagnant waters, some of elevated salinity. Amorphous silica laminae precipitate mainly by evaporative concentration; quartz may precipitate from warm silica-rich spring waters that remain below amorphous silica saturation. The evaporite minerals form during desiccation of the pools or from spray. The peloids in cavities are probably primary precipitates. Different types of laminae may form simultaneously in different pools because of the highly variable conditions across the playa. Lateral migration of spring locations through time has created a complex carbonate-silica pavement. Large spherical pisoliths form in outflow channels near spring orifices and across discharge aprons where waters are several decimetres deep. With mineral precipitation, channels are filled and become shallow, producing discoid pisoliths and crusts. In shallow waters and on distal aprons only small pisolith gravels form. As spring pools fill with deposits, their locations shift laterally; new pisoliths form elsewhere or precipitation may recommence on older abandoned pisoliths.  相似文献   

In Sicily, Messinian evaporitic sedimentary deposits are developed under a wide variety of hypersaline conditions and in environments ranging from continental margin (subaerial), to basin-margin supratidal, to intertidal, to subtidal and out into the hypersaline basin proper. The actual water depth at the time of deposition is indeterminate; however, relative terms such as ‘wave base’ and ‘photic zone’ are utilized. The inter-fingering relationships of specific evaporitic facies having clear and recognizable physical characteristics are presented. These include sub-aerial deposits of nodular calcium sulphate formed displacively within clastic sediments; gypsiferous rudites, arenites and arenitic marls, all of which are reworked sediments and are mixed in varying degrees with other clastic materials (subaerial, supratidal, and intertidal to deep basinal deposits). Laminated calcium sulphate alternating with very thin carbonate interlaminae and having two different aspects; one being even and continuous and the other of a wavy, irregular appearance (subtidal, intertidal, and supratidal deposits). Nodular calcium sulphate beds, usually associated with wavy, irregular laminated beds (supratidal, sabkha deposits); very coarsely crystalline gypsum beds (selenite), associated with more even, laminated beds (subaqueous, intertidal to subtidal deposits); wavy anastomozing gypsum beds, composed of very fine, often broken crystals (subaqueous, current-swept deposits); halite having hopper and chevron structures (supratidal to intertidal); and halite, potash salts, etc. having continuous laminated structure (subaqueous, possibly basinal). Evidence for diagenetic changes is observed in the calcium sulphate deposits which apparently formed by tectonic stress and also by migrating hypersaline waters. These observations suggest that the common, massive form of alabastrine gypsum (or anhydrite, in the subsurface) may not always be ascribed to original depositional features, to syndiagenesis or to early diagenesis but may be the result of late diagenesis.  相似文献   

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