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通过对哈尼梯田形成自然条件、生态特征以及旅游开发利用中利益分配带来的老百姓生存发展与地方经济发展矛盾的分析,探讨了旅游可能引发的对哈尼传统文化及其道德观念的冲击和影响。同时,分析了四素同构复合生态系统中森林植被破坏及植被恢复中树种单一、过分追求经济利益而忽视水源涵养功能的问题,揭示了开展旅游必须考虑哈尼梯田不仅是景观资源,更是物质生产生活资料,是当地老百姓世世代代生存发展的物质基础,其所产生的附带价值在没有对其增加实际投入的情况下,应该归梯田的主人所有这一基本属性。提出了建立和健全梯田入股的利益分配机制和梯田多种生态服务功能综合管理的对策,建议科学地保护恢复植被及其传统文化。  相似文献   

云南省红河州哈尼梯田已成为世界重要农业文化遗产之一,哈尼梯田作为传统农业具有丰富的农业甚至生态知识和深厚的文化底蕴,很值得关注和研究。从哈尼梯田自然地理特征及形成、生物多样性、生态系统与景观方面、水资源、哈尼梯田文化与旅游5个方面总结了目前关于哈尼梯田的研究。在回顾相关研究的基础上,展望哈尼梯田方面今后的研究,对现有研究表明关于哈尼梯田的研究还有很大的发展空间。哈尼梯田的进一步研究,将对促进哈尼梯田的遗产价值和文化多样性的保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Agri-cultural Heritage Systems (AHS) have not only various values but also important enlightening roles for modern agriculture. With agro-scientific and technological progress, the traditional agriculture that has lasted for thousands of years is declining gradually, thus is attached the importance of exploring and protecting our AHS. As a traditional agricultural system for 1300 years, the Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System (HHRTS) has many significant characteristics such as beautiful landscapes, distinctive rice varieties, ecologically clean agricultural production systems, systematic methods of managing water and soil and special ethnic culture. It was designated successively as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS) in 2010 and as a World Heritage (WH) in 2013. In this paper, taking HHRTS as an example, we analyzed the economic, ecological, aesthetic, cultural, and social values, as well as the research values, of the GIAHS. We conclude that the restrictions on increasing peasant earnings and improving their living standards are difficult with the low efficiency of traditional planting patterns and the single-industry structure of farming in rugged terrain. However, these restrictive factors are beneficial for developing some industries like green agriculture, organic agriculture or ecological food production because of the clean farmland environment. In the end, we propose the basic approaches to protect the Hani terraces agriculture system should include the local governments to encourage the development of ecotourism, organic agriculture and featuring agriculture by multi-mode economic compensation. It is very important for protecting terraces to coordinate benefits among corporations, governments and villagers by making reasonable policies of compensation.  相似文献   

Agricultural biodiversity has a high importance in social-cultural, economic, and environmental aspects, and can help in adapting to and withstanding climate change. Conserving the GIAHS sites and the important components within them can help conserve the agricultural biodiversity and traditional agricultural culture of the whole country. This study considered Ifugao Rice Terraces, Dong’s Rice-Fish-Duck System, and Hani Rice Terraces System as three examples which show that traditional culture can be used to protect agricultural biodiversity, while as a carrier of traditional culture, agricultural biodiversity also conveys and protects the traditional culture of the nation. According to the analyses, through several years of efforts, the status of agricultural biodiversity and traditional culture in them has improved. Then, to further promote agricultural biodiversity conservation and traditional culture protection, several suggestions are made, such as establishing community seed banks; documenting and preserving traditional farming methods, techniques, and tools and developing participatory activities which encourage more farmers to participate in the protection work.  相似文献   

哈尼梯田景观空间格局与美学特征分析   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
以地处哀牢山南段的元阳哈尼梯田景观为研究区,应用FRAGSTATS计算景观格局指标,运用ArcView计算并统计斑块粒度以及景观各类型间的空间邻接长度和数目比例,并分析了景观格局与美学特征的关系。结果表明:1)旱地、有林地、灌木林和水梯田的比例较高,并形成耕地与林地面积都超过景观总面积40%的优势格局,缺乏水域、裸岩或裸地等景观组分;2)居民地具有斑块数目多且小而分散的格局特征;旱地形状最复杂,分布最集中,天然草地和其他园地斑块数少且分布最分散;景观中既有处于绝对优势的巨斑块,又有数目众多的中等斑块,两者相间分布形成相对破碎和连通度中等的格局特征;3)景观中各类型间的邻接类型数、邻接边长度和数目百分比的差异非常显著,绝大多数类型都与旱地的邻接比例较高,受旱地影响强烈;4)景观中水梯田面积比重大,平均斑块面积大且斑块间距小,是形成梯田规模美的重要格局特征;5)耕地与林地在景观中的均衡构架,林寨田的立体分布格局是梯田格局和谐美的重要表征;6)景观空间邻接和斑块规模特征是景观格局的重要特征,探讨景观格局特征与美学特征的关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

With Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) increasing in number around the world, their conservation has become a new international research theme. From the perspective of combining theoretical analyses and practical case applications, this study examines the Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (IAHS) conservation pathways and operation mechanisms through industrial integration development (IID). First, the theoretical framework of IID in IAHS sites was constructed according to the requirements of IAHS conservation, which include analyses of the connotation and basic principles of IID, the necessity of IID for IAHS sites, the resource conditions, and the IID pathways. And then based on the theoretical framework, the IID of Longji Terraces in Guangxi, Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System in Yunnan (HHRTS), Aohan Dryland Farming System in Inner Mongolia (ADFS), and Huzhou Mulberry-dyke & Fish-pond System (HMFS) in Zhejiang are analyzed systematically. The main finding is that IID is an effective pathway for IAHS conservation. However, the IID in IAHS sites must stress the ecological and cultural values of the resources; IID should be based on local resource advantages; and IID should attach importance to the combination of different policies and coordination between different stakeholders.  相似文献   

聚落格局是乡村地理学研究的基础,也是人地地域系统的重要组成部分,更是目前地理学研究的热点之一。科学分析、揭示、刻画少数民族等脆弱地区的聚落格局,对合理、高效推进该区域新型城镇化道路建设,实现民族团结和繁荣,全面建成小康社会具有重要意义。而目前,对于少数民族、尤其是多民族共生区的聚落格局研究还不足。论文以中国西南少数民族聚居的哈尼梯田区为例,从聚落分布的空间位置特征、民族格局特征、区位环境特征及其主控因子等方面,刻画了哈尼梯田区哈尼、彝、壮、汉、苗、瑶、傣等7个民族的聚落格局特征。结果表明:① 在空间位置上,哈尼梯田区68%的聚落分布在区内西中部,主要以哈尼、彝、壮为主。② 在民族格局上,形成了以哈尼—彝混居的大格局,以壮、汉、苗、瑶、傣混居的小格局。③ 在区位环境上,7个民族在海拔、坡度、气温、降水量、与河流距离、聚落规模、耕地面积、与行政中心距离和粮食单产等区位环境特征上具有显著差异。④ 在主控因子上,壮、苗、瑶聚落分布的主控因子为经济、行政、旅游中心距离,贡献率分别为86.4%和75.3%、92.8%;彝族聚落布局的主控因子为气温(贡献率为52.0%);汉、哈尼、傣聚落布局的主控因子为降水量,贡献率分别为98.7%、52.2%、97.0%。⑤ 整体而言,哈尼梯田区聚落格局在垂直向上,形成了多民族共生的立体格局,在水平向上形成了多民族互嵌格局。研究可为少数民族地区新农村建设、聚落格局优化、精准扶贫、全面建设小康社会提供科学参考。  相似文献   

孙庆祥  周华荣 《干旱区地理》2020,43(5):1327-1336
以阿尔泰山森林生态系统为研究对象并依据《森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》(LY/T 1721—2008),通过利用空间分析的方法对阿尔泰山森林资源二类调查数据处理分析,得到了阿尔 泰山不同类型森林生态系统的生态服务价值和阿尔泰山生态服务价值的影响因素。结果表明:阿 尔泰山森林生态服务价值量为 47 957.79×106 元·a-1,价值量的大小为:涵养水源>固碳释氧>保护 生物多样性>净化大气环境>保育土壤>积累营养物质,其中涵养水源是主导服务功能;不同林 龄的生态服务价值量呈现为:成熟林>过熟林>近熟林>中龄林>幼龄林;按照林场划分,各个林 场的生态服务价值呈现富蕴林场>阿勒泰林场>新疆阿尔泰山两河源自然保护区>布尔津林场 >青河林场>哈巴河林场>福海林场的顺序。  相似文献   

近年来,随着气候变化影响的不断加剧,农业发展也正承受着强大的生态环境压力的胁迫,严重威胁到粮食安全及农业的可持续发展。当今农业依托现代化生产技术虽在短期内可以有效降低甚至避免环境胁迫对农业生产的限制和影响,但是,从长期及系统角度考虑也给农业生态系统带来了许多生态危机。为实现农业可持续发展,环境胁迫应对措施必须充分考虑生态保护这一重要前提。农业文化遗产地的传统农业系统依托其独特的农业系统结构,包括土地利用方式、水利设施、传统作物等,较好实现了农业系统与当地自然条件尤其是胁迫因子之间的匹配。基于灾害系统理论,对比分析了农业文化遗产地农业系统及普通农业系统的环境胁迫应对措施。敖汉旱作农业系统(2012年被联合国粮农组织列为全球重要农业文化遗产)的种植结构以与当地水分条件匹配较好的谷黍等耐旱型作物为主,通过降低承灾体(农作物)的脆弱性,较好地在承灾体一环实现了防灾减灾的目的,实现了干旱半干旱地区农业生产与缺水环境的共存。云南红河哈尼稻作梯田系统(2010年被联合国粮农组织列为全球重要农业文化遗产)依托于独特的水土利用方式和林—寨—田—河垂直分布的景观格局,通过重塑孕灾环境,有效避免了旱灾的发生。此外,农业文化遗产地传统农业系统凭借丰富的田间作物多样性、遗产地品牌效应及农业景观资源等,极大地提升了农业系统的经济价值,进而削弱了灾害对生产生活的影响。通过对比分析可见,传统农业系统的胁迫因子应对措施充分考虑了系统的自然调节和自发性,既可较好地避免灾害的发生,又保证了系统生态安全,是立足生态保护基础上实现农业可持续发展的典范。  相似文献   

With the continuous emergence of global development problems, the dynamic conservation and sustainable development of Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (IAHS) have been assigned greater importance. However, due to the complex structure, multi-component, dynamic, and open characteristics of IAHS, there are neglected problems which need to be solved in conservation practice, such as component element ambiguity, obscurity of the conservation redline, etc. This study defined the concept of key elements (KE) of IAHS, put forward a conceptual framework of KE identification, conducted empirical research by taking Honghe County of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System (HHRTS) as an example and analyzed the level of recognition motivations for different stakeholder groups. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) The KE of HHRTS are grain crops, rice species biodiversity, terrace construction and maintenance technique, Hani traditional festivals, Hani traditional foods, and virgin forest; 2) The reasons behind the KE priorities of farmers, businessmen and tourists were at the micro level, the reasons of officers were at the middle level and the reasons of researchers were at the macro level. The empirical study conducted in HHRTS showed that the proposed conceptual framework could identify KE of IAHS effectively, and provided a theoretical perspective for the structuring of and essential need for IAHS research. Moreover, the KE recognition levels of different stakeholder groups reflected their potential action strategies. We should focus on the coherence of policies and measures in both the microscale and macroscale to balance the diversified demands of stakeholders, and to stimulate their enthusiasm for participation in the conservation in order to improve the management level of IAHS sites.  相似文献   

研究了在不同形式人类经济活动下的森林景观变化与西双版纳地区鸟类多样性的关系.同时对发展生产时的用地布局和维护森林景观的动态发展与提高人们生活质量和持续发展的关系进行了讨论.  相似文献   

廖文静  毛华松  罗评 《热带地理》2023,43(1):155-167
以巴渝地区形态结构完整且具有代表性的梯田区域遥感图像为研究对象,结合史料分析和田野调查,采用可视化的景观图式语言,对单一的梯田水利技术及其时空组合模式以及梯田人居环境3方面的营建特征进行分析,构建巴渝梯田人居系统的景观图式体系。研究发现:1)响应巴渝山地地貌及“春旱夏涝”降雨特征,形成秋水春用的冬水田、夏季排洪的冲冲田以及四季关水的囤水田等系列在地性梯田水利技术;2)巴渝梯田水利技术在时间上形成适应春旱夏涝的“秋蓄-冬沃-春耕-夏排”水资源管理模式,在空间上形成顺应地貌的“高囤-低灌”组合模式;3)梯田人居环境响应地貌影响下水安全差异性,呈现交叉汇聚梯田基底与涵养林为基底嵌套咬合散点型民居斑块的“有机分散型”低山丘陵区梯田人居模式,和涵养林为基底边缘渗透单向跌落梯田与集中型聚落斑块的“大面集中型”中高山沟谷区梯田人居模式。综上,巴渝梯田水利技术类型、组合方式以及梯田人居在山地地貌的建构模式是契合巴渝特有地理地貌和水文条件的经验集成,对城乡低影响开发建设以及传统营建智慧的保护具有积极借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The scientific evaluation of tourism resources is not only an important prerequisite for the development of agri-cultural heritage tourism (AHT), but it can also promote the conservation and management of Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (IAHS). With the goal of providing scientific support for the sustainable management of tourism resources, this review systematically analyzes the overall situation, research regions, developmental timeline trends, key fields and hot topics of resource evaluation research related to AHT over 2005-2020. With a comprehensive perspective that incorporates both traditional literature review and quantitative literature review, the study revealed four important aspects of AHT research. (1) Relevant articles could be divided into two phases, a development-oriented period (2005-2012) and a conservation-oriented period (2013-2020). (2) GIAHS accounts for the absolute majority (about 66.7%) of relevant studies. In particular, Longji Terraces System, Hani terraces system and Dong’s Rice-Fish-Duck System were the research hotspots IAHS, and Yunnan, Zhejiang and Guangxi were the research hotspot provinces. (3) Terraced landscapes and tea culture were the most popular themes in tourism resource evaluation, while sports tourism, tea culture tourism and study tours are becoming the new trends in IAHS sites. (4) Research methods have undergone a shift from qualitative to quantitative approaches, and a combination of these two in an interdisciplinary manner is becoming a new research trend. By reviewing and prospecting the relevant literature, this study not only makes a unique contribution to the tourism resource evaluation of IAHS, but also helps to enrich the relevant evaluation theories and further promote the sustainable development of heritage tourism from theoretical and methodological perspectives.  相似文献   

Groundwater is a key factor controlling the growth of vegetation in desert riparian systems. It is important to recognise how groundwater changes affect the riparian forest ecosystem. This information will not only help us to understand the ecological and hydrological process of the riparian forest but also provide support for ecological recovery of riparian forests and water-resources management of arid inland river basins. This study aims to estimate the suitability of the Water Vegetation Energy and Solute Modelling(WAVES) model to simulate the Ejina Desert riparian forest ecosystem changes,China, to assess effects of groundwater-depth change on the canopy leaf area index(LAI) and water budgets, and to ascertain the suitable groundwater depth for preserving the stability and structure of desert riparian forest. Results demonstrated that the WAVES model can simulate changes to ecological and hydrological processes. The annual mean water consumption of a Tamarix chinensis riparian forest was less than that of a Populus euphratica riparian forest, and the canopy LAI of the desert riparian forest should increase as groundwater depth decreases. Groundwater changes could significantly influence water budgets for T. chinensis and P. euphratica riparian forests and show the positive and negative effects on vegetation growth and water budgets of riparian forests. Maintaining the annual mean groundwater depth at around 1.7-2.7 m is critical for healthy riparian forest growth. This study highlights the importance of considering groundwater-change impacts on desert riparian vegetation and water-balance applications in ecological restoration and efficient water-resource management in the Heihe River Basin.  相似文献   

云南哀牢山的梯田景观   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
陆玉麒 《热带地理》1994,14(2):180-185
云南哀牢山区哈尼族人创造的独具特色的热带山区梯田景观,在与自然环境的协调过程中,巧妙地解决了农耕中的关键要素水分与肥料,创造了较高的粮生产水平,并以聚落分布的适中高度,均衡建构中介,最终内化为一种独特的文化形态,自然与人文在此所形成的高度协调关系,无疑具有重要的理直学研究意义。  相似文献   

鸟类与环境变迁关系剖析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文所涉及的是将鸟类研究作为一种手段来认识生态环境问题。西双版纳勐仑地区原始森林面积减少以及人为活动对生态环境的影响,鸟种趋于减少,不同生态对策的鸟类情况各异。k-对策者受害最大,而极端r-对策鸟种在人为影响的环境中能获得优势地位。研究表明对环境的保护、自然资源的利用,必须从系统的观点全面考虑,西双版纳地区特别要着重保护好热带原生林。改善人工林层次结构,建立多层次人工生态群落可起到较好的环境保护作用,并能维持更多生物种类,发挥它们在生态环境中的有效功能。  相似文献   

伏牛山地区森林生态系统服务权衡/协同效应多尺度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
森林生态系统服务权衡与协同研究已成为当前相关学科的研究热点和前沿,对服务权衡与协同关系的多尺度分析有助于更加有效地实施森林资源管理。综合森林类型图、NDVI、气象和土壤等多源数据,借助CASA模型、InVEST 3.2模型和ArcGIS 10.2软件,开展伏牛山地区森林生态系统服务评估,运用空间叠置方法从多个空间尺度(区域、南北坡、垂直带)探讨服务权衡与协同效应。结果表明:① 研究区森林生态系统平均蓄积量为49.26 m 3/hm 2,碳密度为156.94 t/hm 2,供水深度为494.46 mm,土壤保持量为955.4 t/hm 2,生境质量指数为0.79。② 区域尺度上,28.79%的森林服务之间存在高协同效应,10.15%的森林存在低协同效应,61.06%的森林存在强权衡和弱权衡效应。③ 南北坡尺度上,南坡服务之间的协同关系优于北坡。垂直带尺度上,南坡中山落叶阔叶林带(SIII)服务之间协同关系最好,北坡低山落叶阔叶林带(NI)协同关系最差。  相似文献   

In order to better understand the developmental conditions and trends of the biodiversity at agricultural heritage sites, the structure and function of the ecosystem and ecological environment in Qingtian Rice-Fish Culture System is examined in the decade since the implementation of the GIAHS project. Through the collection of historical data and sample-plot survey, this study collates the data from 2005 to 2013 related to the heritage site to evaluate the ecological benefit of the Agricultural Heritage System conservation. The results show that: (1) Since the implementation of heritage conservation, the variety of traditional rice grown at the heritage sites basically remains stable, the varieties of other crops basically remain unchanged and the varieties of fruit trees and medicinal plants have developed at faster rates. As the ecological environment at the heritage sites gradually improved, the species and richness of the biodiversity in the ecosystem have increased, especially the increasing growth of egrets and boars. (2) From 2005 to 2013 in the Fangshan Town of Qingtian County, the ecosystem areas identified as river, forest, urban and bare land have increased. The increased area of the urban ecosystem is the largest one of them, which is up to 20.30 ha; while the area of the forest ecosystem has increased to 7.29 ha. The areas of wetland, reservoir, farmland and grassland have been reduced, and the area of grassland ecosystem has been reduced the most with a reduction of 28.87 ha. From the changes in the values of the ecosystem services of different ecosystem types, the values of forest ecosystem services have achieved the most growth, reaching up to 92000 yuan yr-1 and the growth of the river and bare land ecosystem service values are not obvious. (3) Over nearly a decade, the soil nutrients and the water quality of rice fields at the heritage site have not obviously changed and the plant diseases and insect pests in the rice fields have not been aggravated. The monitoring indexes are far better than the standard values. With the great support of the local government, the production and living conditions and the living environments of farmers in the villages of the heritage sites have been greatly improved through road reconstruction, water improvement, toilet enhancements and the greening, brightness and beautification of the villages.  相似文献   

以世界文化遗产的云南红河哈尼梯田为例,基于元阳县自然资源局的土地利用的空间矢量数据,利用地理信息系统技术提取2013-2018年元阳县与梯田核心景区的土地利用类型信息,分析梯田耕作时空演变的总体特征和变化趋势,选取级差地租理论解释梯田耕作的演化逻辑,并通过实地调研说明政府的外力干预效果。结果表明:1)梯田核心区的耕地比例大于整个元阳县的耕地比例,且不同于元阳县内旱地面积大于水田面积,核心区内的水田面积为旱地面积的一倍,表明核心区的水田比非核心区保护得更好;2)在没有外力干预的自然情况下非核心区与核心区水田分别呈现改旱和撂荒趋势,民族内部的文化力量难以可持续抗衡这种变迁。而政府作为市场失灵的调控机关,在遗产保护任务和政治利益激励的诉求下,干预了核心区的梯田演变过程,通过提高级差地租Ⅱ实现核心区的土地增值,集中加大对核心区的资源要素投入,从而有效延缓了梯田遗产消失或变更的进程;而非核心区由于缺乏政府有力的干预,梯田正呈现逐渐消失的趋势。  相似文献   

Intensively managed coniferous afforestation schemes cause profound changes to the components of an ecosystem. This paper reviews the ecological effects of afforestation around Burrator Reservoir, Dartmoor (1916–1990). The human management decisions concerning the development of the plantations are considered, together with the ecological consequences. This research shows that the less intensive management regime for the forests at Burrator has resulted in a woodland ecosystem with a more complicated structure than might have been expected from a more intensively managed scheme. An assessment of the potential changes to forest management following water privatization is also made, together with a consideration of the possible ecological impacts.  相似文献   

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