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落石冲击作用下被动柔性防护网整体结构试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对被动柔性防护网受力系统,介绍了被动柔性防护网在国内外的应用和研究现状,阐明了被动柔性防护网的构成和传力机理,揭示其抵抗落石冲击的基本原理。为分析被动柔性防护网整体受力机理和响应特点,进行了在落石作用下被动柔性防护网足尺模型的冲击试验,分析了被动柔性防护网受到冲击之后的整体变形以及减压环、钢柱等关键构件的耗能及其破坏机理,为被动柔性防护网的结构计算分析与设计提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

西南山区水电站两侧陡峻边坡发育有大量危岩体,危岩体滚动滑落、崩塌掉块等现象给电站的大坝、主要建筑物、厂房、道路、支护边坡等的正常运营带来了很大影响。现阶段针对危岩崩塌灾害的预测和防护多是忽略危岩体空间几何形状的二维Rockfall方法和人为截取优势剖面,但实际落石为三维运动,其威胁区域为一个地理上的三维空间。鉴于此,以西南某水电站危岩体隐患排查结果为基础,采用现场调查,机载LiDAR遥感测量技术和无人机倾斜摄影技术,获取研究区高精度的激光雷达点云数据,构建精细危岩体模型和真实三维实景模型,进行历史崩塌落石分布特征、岩体结构产状及崩塌源区危岩体特征和危岩体失稳模式的分析,结合Unity3D三维落石分析方法进行危岩崩落后的运动特征模拟,实现危岩崩落的运动路径及在不同位置上的弹跳高度、冲击能量和滚落区域等参数的获取。结果表明:水电站右岸危岩区块一典型危岩体的弹跳高度最大可达7.92 m,影响范围约145 m,多滚落至大坝,已设置多级被动防护网,不会对电厂内重要设施构成威胁,右岸危岩区块二发育的危岩体崩落后,落石影响范围约为120 m,部分落石会沿着公路护坡滚动到道路上,可能威胁交通要道;左岸...  相似文献   

以远安县瓦坡崩塌区为例,通过地质调查、野外测绘、无人机航拍,建立了瓦坡崩塌区三维模型,基于Rockfall Analyst(RA)分析软件,实现了瓦坡崩塌区大量崩塌落石三维空间下运动路径、高度、能量等要素模拟,探究了崩塌区落石的三维运动特征,开展了崩塌区落石危险性评估,为崩塌落石的防治提供科学参考。研究结果表明:崩塌区危岩主要破坏形式为倾倒式,目前处于欠稳定状态;模拟落石三维运动轨迹与已有落石点基本重合,说明此次模拟结果与实际情况较为吻合;落石运动过程中以碰撞弹跳、自由飞落为主,落石主要集中在崩塌区下部冲沟及公路内,部分落石达到居民区,在崩塌落石区下部公路、冲沟及崩塌区右侧危险性较高;崩塌落石防治工程建议采用危石孤石清除+被动防护网,在公路内侧、斜坡下方分别设置5 m高和3 m高抗冲击力2 000 kJ的被动防护网,可有效拦截落石。  相似文献   

河北省平山县大柳树村崩塌地质灾害治理设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
崩塌与落石是山区常见的一种地质灾害,传统的治理方法多以圬工结构和钢木结构为主,这些方法存在着材料用量大、施工强度大、破坏当地原始生态环境、缺乏可靠的设计技术保障等缺点。为克服传统治理方法的缺点,本文综合考虑平山县大柳树村崩塌发育的地质环境条件,并详细分析地质灾害的发育特征后,进行设计方案比选,采用SNS柔性防护网系统对其进行治理。作者通过现场实际工程地质条件研究,确定基本计算参数和建立计算模型,计算了崩塌落石的运动能量及弹跳高度。根据计算结果,选用5m高RX-050型被动防护网,达到防灾减灾的目的。  相似文献   

重庆某高速公路边坡因岩层裂隙切割、岩体差异风化、岩体卸荷等原因,形成陡崖和危岩。陡崖上发育的危岩崩塌方向均为线路所在方向,严重影响线路安全,因此合理设置防护措施十分必要。由于落石属于概率事件,具有很强的随机性,所以其冲击动能、弹跳高度以及拦石网受到落石冲击时,拦石网与防护对象之间的安全距离难以准确确定。通过现场调查、理论分析、并利用rockfall软件对岩崩落石进行稳定性分析,设定危岩体的碰撞恢复系数、坡面摩擦角度和坡面粗糙度等参数,获得边坡潜在的落石坠落轨迹,为被动防护网的设计防护等级、高度和安装位置提供依据。  相似文献   

四川省汶川县城区某斜坡危岩体破坏模式及治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
危岩体是西南地区威胁交通和居民区安全的重要隐患。特别是“5.12”地震造成了原危岩体的崩塌,同时又形成了大量新的危岩体。汶川县城区某斜坡危岩体可归纳为三种破坏模式:拉裂-滑移式、整体剪切错落式和弯折-拉裂-倾倒式。危岩体失稳后,落石将会以弹跳、滚动和滑动方式沿坡体下落。运用能量守恒定律和运动学规律来确定落石的动能、落距和弹跳高度,采取GPS2型主动防护网、RX-075型被动防护网及落石槽相结合的措施,确保213国道和居民区的安全。  相似文献   

桂林市穿山公园西侧存在的危岩隐患共有数十处,根据危岩体结构特征和变形破坏迹象,分析了危岩体的3种破坏机制:拉裂―滑移式、拉裂―坠落式、拉裂―倾倒式三种基本类型。在此基础上,运用能量守恒定律和运动学规律研究危岩体失稳落石运动特征。结合RocFall软件对落石运动进行模拟计算,对崩塌落石的途径、方向、跳跃高度,影响范围进行验证,与理论计算结果吻合。结合施工条件,采用清除浮土及危石,岩壁上安装SNSGPS2主动防护网加固,坡脚安装SNSRX050被动防护网来拦截落石,确保公园内游客安全。  相似文献   

对玉龙铜矿运矿道路区的地形地貌、岩性和地质构造进行调查,获取危岩体的岩体物理力学指标,分析道路两侧的潜在崩塌落石灾害。在对运矿道路两侧边坡地质灾害进行调查的基础上,分析该区的工程地质条件、边坡特征、崩塌落石特点及形成机制。用Rockfall数值软件对落石进行数值模拟,确定落石的运动轨迹、弹跳高度和总动能指标,对防治运矿道路崩塌灾害提供依据。  相似文献   

2008年“5.12”汶川特大地震诱发了大量的震裂山体危岩崩塌灾害。这类危岩发育位置高、冲击能量大,存在主动加固措施难以实施且被动防护网防护能级不足的问题,为此在汶川、芦山、九寨沟地震灾区逐渐广泛使用桩板拦石墙结构用于防治高位崩塌落石,取得了非常好的效果,但同时也存在部分桩板拦石墙墙后因未设缓冲层或挂废旧轮胎而被落石直接撞击并损毁的现象。为避免落石直接与此类钢筋混凝土(RC)板碰撞造成刚性破坏,工程上常采用就地开挖的碎石土、砂土作为缓冲层以减缓落石冲击力,为研究冲击作用下不同类型缓冲层消能效果及RC板的动力响应特征,基于室外搭建的落石冲击试验平台,开展了不同缓冲层及其相互组合的系列落石冲击试验。结果表明,总厚度相同前提下,EPS泡沫-砂土组合缓冲层的消能效果最优,其次为碎石土,砂最差。与其他两种缓冲层消能方式相比,落石锤与组合缓冲层碰撞过程中发生多次反弹且接触时长远大于其他两种;相同的冲击工况下,EPS中心位置压溃并下陷,且产生大量辐射状宽大裂缝;组合缓冲层能够有效减小RC板的跨中位移,在3,5,7 m冲击高度下,比砂作为缓冲层时跨中位移减小了37%~46%。在R4落石锤冲击下,RC板跨中位移显著增加且产生明显塑性位移,随冲击能量增大跨中裂缝自下而上延伸,RC板最终破坏时表现为典型的弯曲破坏特征。  相似文献   

贵州省内多山地,由于喀斯特地貌特点,崩塌、滑坡等地质灾害发生频繁,是我国地质灾害最严重的省份之一。思南县徐家大塝崩塌历史上曾发生过多次崩塌,现存的危岩体规模大,严重威胁着徐家大塝居民的生命财产安全,开展相应的危险性评估具有紧迫性和必要性。本文通过无人机Lidar技术获取徐家大塝崩塌剔除植被的高精度DEM,并通过三维实景建模技术构建三维地形模型,考虑了落石从两个临空面崩落的情况,选取0.3 m、1.5 m和2.5m 3种典型粒径落石进行随机性数值仿真模拟,获得了3种粒径落石的运动轨迹和动力学特征。选取落石的能量、频率、加速度和弹跳高度4种评价因子对徐家大塝崩塌的危险性进行综合评价。利用熵权法计算各评价因子的权重,基于ArcGIS软件采用空间栅格分析技术将徐家大塝崩塌危险范围划分为4个等级:极高危险区、高危险区、中危险区和低危险区。本文所采用的研究思路和技术方法可为其他单体崩塌灾害危险性评价及范围划分提供参考。  相似文献   

Yu  Zhixiang  Luo  Liru  Liu  Chun  Guo  Liping  Qi  Xin  Zhao  Lei 《Landslides》2021,18(7):2621-2637

Flexible rockfall barriers are commonly constructed on steep hillsides to mitigate rockfall. The evaluation of the dynamic response of proprietary flexible rockfall barriers is conventionally performed using full-scale field tests by dropping a block onto the barriers in accordance with the European test standard ETAG 027. The block typically has a spherical or polyhedral shape and cannot reproduce more complex rockfall scenarios encountered in the field. Little attention has been paid to the effects of the block shape on the impact force and structural response. This paper aims to quantitatively reveal the influence of the block shape on the dynamic response of flexible rockfall barriers. First, an ellipsoidal model is established to approximately simulate the block, and the sphericity is employed as the representative index of the block’s shape. A full-scale test on a typical flexible barrier system is carried out and then used to calibrate an advanced three-dimensional finite element model. Finally, the dynamic responses of flexible rockfall barriers are analyzed and discussed, focusing on the effects of the block’s shape. The numerical results show that the sphericity will obviously influence the maximum elongation of flexible barriers, the peak impact force, the peak force of the upslope anchor cable, the peak force of the lower main support cable, the axial peak force of the post, and the peak shear force at the post foundation. The assumption of spherical or polyhedral blocks in the test standard could lead to the defensive failure of flexible rockfall barriers in some impact scenarios.


Perforation of Flexible Rockfall Barriers by Normal Block Impact   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Flexible rockfall barriers are a common form of protection against falling blocks of rock and rock fragments (rockfall). These barriers consist of a system of cables, posts, and a mesh, and their capacity is typically quantified in terms of the threshold of impact (kinetic) energy at which the barrier fails. This threshold, referred to here as the “critical energy,” is often regarded as a constant. However, several studies have pointed out that there is no single representative value of critical energy for a given barrier. Instead, the critical energy decreases as the block size decreases, a phenomenon referred to as the “bullet effect.” In this paper, we present a simple analytical model for determining the critical energy of a flexible barrier. The model considers a block that impacts normally and centrally on the wire mesh, and rather than incorporate the structural details of the cables and posts explicitly, the supporting elements are replaced by springs of representative stiffness. The analysis reveals the dependence of the critical energy on the block size, as well as other relevant variables, and it provides physical insight into the impact problem. For example, it is shown that bending of the wire mesh during impact reduces the axial force that can be sustained within the wires, thus reducing the energy that can be absorbed. The formulas derived in the paper are straightforward to use, and the analytical predictions compare favorably with data available in the literature.  相似文献   

The Ajanta caves are situated in Deccan Trap basalt and declared as one of the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. The present study aims to investigate and understand the damage of caves and to protect the life of the visitors from the rockfall phenomenon at and around the caves. Information related to the detached rock mass/block was acquired by using Barton–Bandis model in Universal Distinct Element Code. Parameters for rockfall simulation were determined by rigorous field study and laboratory experiment and then calibrated some of the parameters by back analysis. RocFall 4.0 program has been used to calculate maximum bounce heights, total kinetic energies, and translational velocities of the falling blocks of different weights. The maximum bounce height varies from 14.0 to 19.0 m for the weight of the block size ranging from 500 to 2,000 kg, whereas the maximum velocity and maximum kinetic energy are 30.0 m/s and 917.66 kJ, respectively. Finally, the results of simulation have been used to find out the position of the barrier and its capacity to design the protection barrier. The barrier capacity was found to be 325 kJ for 2,000 kg of falling blocks at a height of 50.0 m.  相似文献   

Flexible steel barriers are commonly constructed on steep hillsides to mitigate rockfall. The evaluation of the dynamic response of proprietary flexible barriers is conventionally performed using full-scale field tests by dropping a weight onto the barriers in accordance with the European test standard ETAG 27. The weight typically has a spherical or polyhedral shape and cannot reproduce more complex rockfall scenarios encountered in the field. A rigid slab may load a barrier over a larger area and its effect has not been investigated. In this study, a calibrated three-dimensional finite-element model was developed to study the performance of vertically and horizontally orientated rockfall barriers under concentrated areal impact loads. A new bilinear force-displacement model was incorporated into the model to simulate the behavior of the energy-dissipating devices on the barriers. The effect of different weight geometries was studied by considering impacts by a rigid single spherical boulder and a rigid slab. Results reveal that areal loading induced by a rigid slab increases the loading on the barrier foundation by up to 40 % in both horizontally and vertically positioned barriers when compared to a concentrated load scenario with a single boulder. This indicates that barriers tested under the current test standard does not give the worst-case scenario in terms of foundation loads, and barrier designers should take into account the possible effect of increased foundation loads by reinforcing the barrier posts and/or increasing their spacing.  相似文献   

Most of the recent research on rockfall and the development of protective systems, such as flexible rockfall barriers, have been focused on medium to high levels of impacting energy. However, in many regions of the world, the rockfall hazard involves low levels of energy. This is particularly the case in New South Wales, Australia, because of the nature of the geological environments. The state Road and Traffic Authority (RTA) has designed various types of rockfall barriers, including some of low capacity, i.e. 35 kJ. The latter were tested indoors using a pendulum equipped with an automatic block release mechanism triggered by an optical beam. Another three systems were also tested, including two products designed by rockfall specialised companies and one modification of the initial design of the RTA. The research focused on the influence of the system’s stiffness on the transmission of load to components of the barrier such as posts and cables. Not surprisingly, the more compliant the system, the less loaded the cables and posts. It was also found that removing the intermediate cables and placing the mesh downslope could reduce the stiffness of the system designed by the RTA. The paper concludes with some multi-scale considerations on the capacity of a barrier to absorb the energy based on experimental evidence.  相似文献   

陈泰江  向欣  章广成 《岩土力学》2022,43(9):2410-2420
落石与坡面或者防护结构接触过程中冲击参量随时间变化特征是描述落石碰撞过程的重要指标,对于揭示落石与坡面相互作用机制以及采取合理的防护措施具有重要的意义。在现有的相关设计规范中,并没有给出关于落石冲击力时程关系的计算方法,仅参照有关规范或经验方法确定一个落石最大冲击力值。为此,首先基于线黏弹性接触理论,建立落石冲击地面力学模型,根据位移-速度组合初始条件以及速度-加速度组合初始条件分别推导得到两种落石冲击特征参量理论解析解;然后基于 ANSYS/LS-DYNA 非线性动力学软件,建立落石冲击地面三维数值模型,研究球体落石冲击地面力学特点;最后将理论结果对比室内试验和已有的研究成果,得出以下结论:(1)Hertz 弹性接触理论结果中各参量变化在加载阶段和恢复阶段均呈现对称的趋势,速度、加速度初始条件下的落石冲击特征参量和动力有限元法非常接近,而位移-速度初始条件组合并不适用于研究落石冲击下的动力特征;(2)不同速度和下落高度下,落石最大冲击力值随落石下落高度和冲击速度的增大而增加,而落石冲击作用时间随下落高度和冲击速度的增加而减小;(3)计算结果得到的落石最大冲击力以及落石冲击作用时间与室内试验结果和已有成果相接近,相比室内试验和有限元结果的震荡性,此结果更能体现落石冲击力变化规律; (4)多种冲击速度下,对比不同方法得到的落石最大冲击力,可知计算结果均在各种冲击力计算结果的范围内,具有很好的可靠性。考虑到现有研究理论的不足,难以求解落石冲击力时程关系,求解结果丰富了落石碰撞理论,可以指导工程有关落石灾害的防护设计。  相似文献   

Flexible barriers have been widely applied in rockfall mitigation in recent years. However, the behavior of flexible barriers under the impact of boulders is still not fully understood. To investigate the interaction between a flexible barrier and a falling boulder, a large-scale physical modeling device has been constructed at a site in Hong Kong. Using this device, large-scale impact tests using boulders with different diameters were conducted. Test results are presented and analyzed in this paper. The motion of the boulder during impact is traced and analyzed. The impact forces on the flexible ring net and the supporting structures are measured and compared. From the comparison, the impact reduction rates (IRR) of boulders with different diameters are calculated. Moreover, a simple approach for estimating the impact loading of a boulder on a flexible barrier is proposed in this study. This approach is calibrated and verified using measured impact forces in the tests.  相似文献   

陈泰江  章广成  向欣 《岩土力学》2022,43(1):277-285
落石冲击棚洞结构作用过程复杂,缺乏统一的落石冲击力表达式。首先,将落石简化为刚性球体,基于Hertz接触理论,推导得到落石冲击力半正弦算法的理论表达式,考虑落石冲击下棚洞的非弹性特征,根据落石与材料碰撞过程中落石加速度曲线特征,采用函数拟合法推导得到落石法向冲击下其冲击力的理论计算方法;然后,基于ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件建立落石冲击棚洞数值计算模型,研究不同冲击速度下落石冲击棚洞动力特征;最后,与现存常见的多种方法进行对比,得出以下结论:Hertz半正弦法得到的落石冲击力远大于函数拟合法和数值法,而函数拟合法和数值法得到的落石冲击力时程曲线相接近,表明函数拟合法更能反映落石与棚洞接触碰撞动力关系;对比其他计算方法可以得到,Hertz算法适用于分析无能量损失下的弹性碰撞问题,而Logistic算法适用于材料大塑性变形的情况,弹塑性接触理论结果和动力有限元结果存在差异,而采用函数拟合推导的计算方法得到的落石最大冲击力和落石冲击作用时间与动力有限元法更接近,更能反映落石冲击棚洞动力响应特征,推导的落石冲击力计算方法可为工程实践中棚洞防护设计提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Prediction of the Bullet Effect for Rockfall Barriers: a Scaling Approach   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
The so-called “bullet effect” refers to the perforation of a rockfall protection mesh by impact of a small block, which has a kinetic energy lower than the design value, where the design value is determined through tests with relatively large blocks. Despite playing a key role in the overall performance of a flexible rockfall barrier, this phenomenon is still poorly understood at present. An innovative approach for quantitatively characterizing this effect based on dimensional analysis is proposed in this paper. The analysis rests on a hypothesis that the relevant variables in the impact problem can be combined into three strongly correlated dimensionless parameters. The relationship between these dimensionless parameters (i.e., the scaling relationship) is subsequently investigated and validated by means of data generated with a finite element model. The validation process shows that the dimensionless parameters are apt and that the proposed scaling relationship characterizes the bullet effect with a reasonable level of accuracy. An example from the literature involving numerical simulation of a full rock barrier is considered, and satisfactory agreement between the calculated performance of the barrier and that predicted by the established scaling relationship is observed.  相似文献   

Reinforced concrete barriers are commonly used as defence measures in hilly areas to contain falling boulders and landslide debris. These barriers are conventionally designed to satisfy the conditions of force and momentum equilibrium with a factor of safety. A major limitation of this approach is that the inertial resistance of the barrier is neglected such that the design could be over-conservative. This paper presents a novel displacement-based approach for the assessment of overturning stability of rigid L-shaped barriers subjected to rockfall impacts. Analytical solutions, which are derived based on conservation of momentum and energy, are used to take into account the contributions of the self-weight and, thus, the inertial resistance of the barrier in resisting an impact. The actual amount of energy transferred from the impacting boulder to the barrier is considered by including the coefficient of restitution between the two objects. The accuracy of the analytical solutions has been confirmed by laboratory impact experiments. Numerical assessments conducted using the new solutions indicate that a reasonably sized rigid barrier, due to its own inertial resistance, may adequately withstand the impact action of a heavy boulder rolling down a hillslope without relying on any anchorage to its support. A range of geometric design of the barriers with L-shaped cross sections also has been considered and analysed. The new approach presented in this paper is easy to apply in practice and will be useful for engineers designing concrete barriers as passive rockfall mitigation measures.  相似文献   

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