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A Quaternary volcanic field at Fort Portal, SW Uganda, contains approximately 50 vents that erupted only carbonatite. The vents are marked by monogenetic tuff cones defining two ENE-trending belts. Lava from a fissure at the west end of the northern belt formed a flow 0.3 km2 in area and 1–5 m thick. The lava is vesicular throughout with a scoriaceous top, and probably formed by agglutination of spatter from lava fountains. Phenocrysts are olivine, clinopyroxene, phlogopite, and titanomagnetite enclosing blebs of pyrrhotite. Rims of monticellite, gehlenite, and reinhardbraunsite surround olivine, clinopyroxene and phlogopite, and magnetite is rimmed by spinel. The reaction relations suggest that these phenocryst phases are actually xenocrysts, perhaps from a source similar to that which supplied phlogopite clinopyroxenite xenoliths in the Katwe-Kikorongo volcanic field 75 km SW of Fort Portal. The groundmass of fresh carbonatite lava consists of tabular calcite, spurrite, periclase, hydroxylapatite, perovskite, spinel, pyrrhotite, and barite. The lava was readily altered; where meteoric water had access, spurrite and periclase are lacking, and some calcite is recrystallized. Vesicles in lava and rare dike rocks are partly filled with calcite, followed by jennite and thaumasite. Pyroclastic deposits cover 142 km2 and are far more voluminous than lava. Carbonatite ejecta were identical to lava in primary mineralogy, but are much more contaminated by crustal rock fragments and xenocrysts. At Fort Portal, eruption of a CaO-MgO-CO2-SiO2-P2O5-SO2-H2O-F liquid was unaccompanied by that of a more silica-rich or alkali-rich liquid. Alkali-rich carbonatite lavas and pyroclastic deposits have been documented elsewhere in East Africa, and calcite-rich volcanic carbonatites have been attributed to replacement of magmatic alkali carbonates by calcite. However, the alkali-poor volcanic carbonatites at Fort Portal were not formed by leaching of alkalis in meteoric water; tabular calcite is not pseudomorphous after alkali carbonates such as nyerereite. The Fort Portal magma was low in alkalis at the time of eruption.  相似文献   

The paper presents data on primary carbonate–silicate melt inclusions hosted in diopside phenocrysts from kalsilite melilitite of Cupaello volcano in Central Italy. The melt inclusions are partly crystalline and contain kalsilite, phlogopite, pectolite, combeite, calcite, Ba–Sr carbonate, baryte, halite, apatite, residual glass, and a gas phase. Daughter pectolite and combeite identified in the inclusions are the first finds of these minerals in kamafugite rocks from central Italy. Our detailed data on the melt inclusions in minerals indicate that the diopside phenocrysts crystallized at 1170–1190°C from a homogeneous melilitite magma enriched in volatile components (CO2, 0.5–0.6 wt % H2O, and 0.1–0.2 wt % F). In the process of crystallization at the small variation in P-T parameters two-phase silicate-carbonate liquid immiscibility occurred at lower temperatures (below 1080–1150°C), when spatially separated melilitite silicate and Sr-Ba-rich alkalicarbonate melts already existed. The silicate–carbonate immiscibility was definitely responsible for the formation of the carbonatite tuff at the volcano. The melilitite melt was rich in incompatible elements, first of all, LILE and LREE. This specific enrichment of the melt in these elements and the previously established high isotopic ratios are common to all Italian kamafugites and seem to be related to the specific ITEM mantle source, which underwent metasomatism and enrichment in incompatible elements.  相似文献   

Summary Ti-bearing phlogopite-biotite is dominant in Ugandan kamafugite-carbonatite effusives and their entrained alkali clinopyroxenite xenoliths. It occurs as xeno/phenocrysts, microphenocrysts and groundmass minerals and also as a major xenolith mineral. Xenocrystic micas in kamafugites and carbonatites are aluminous (> 12 wt% Al2O3), typically contain significant levels of Cr (up to 1.1 wt% Cr2O3), and are Ba-poor. Microphenocryst and groundmass micas in feldspathoidal rocks extend to Al-poor compositions, are depleted in Cr, and are generally enriched in Ba. In general, xenocrystic micas occupy the Al2O3 and TiO2 compositional field of the xenolith mica, and on the basis of Mg#, and high P, T experimental evidence they probably crystallised at mantle pressures. Mica xenocryst Cr contents range from those in Cr-poor megacryst and MARID phlogopite to higher values found in primary and metasomatic phlogopites in kimberlite-hosted peridotite xenoliths. Such Cr contents in Ugandan mica xenocrysts are considered consistent with derivation from carbonate-bearing phlogopite wehrlite and phlogopite-clinopyroxenite mantle. Olivine melilitite xenocryst micas are distinguished by higher Mg# and Cr content than mica in clinopyroxenite xenoliths and mica in Katwe-Kikorongo mixed melilitite-carbonatite tephra. Higher Al2O3 distinguishes Fort Portal carbonatite xenocrysts and some contain high Cr. It is suggested that the genesis of Katwe-Kikorongo olivine melilitite and Fort Portal carbonatite involves a carbonate-bearing phlogopite wehrlite source while the source of the mixed carbonatite-melilitite rocks may be carbonate-bearing phlogopite clinopyroxenite. Received January 24, 2000; revised version accepted September 27, 2001  相似文献   

Summary The paper reviews the published work, and presents new data, on the four occurrences of carbonatite that have been recognised in Italy since 1990. All are Recent in age. Three are extrusive and comprise tuffs and breccias while the fourth is high level and consists of tuffisites. They form diatremes with tuff rings, three of them being intimately associated with melilititic tuffs and lavas. Two of the occurrences include carbonatitessensu stricto i.e. calcite is > 50% by volume, while the other two are `carbonatitic', primary igneous calcite generally being 20-40%, but thin ash layers are true carbonatites. The tuffs and breccias are mixtures of carbonatitic and melilitic lapilli and bombs set in calcite-rich ash. All occurrences contain mantle debris in the form of small xenoliths, xenocrysts and cores to concentric lapilli, of olivine, pyroxene and phlogopite characterised by high Mg#, Ni and Cr. In one occurrence concentric lapilli are built of sharply bounded layers of melilitite, carbonate-bearing melilitite and calcite-phyric carbonatite around wehrlitic cores. New whole rock analyses for all four localities are given and electron microprobe analyses of calcite indicate the presence of significant Sr, Ba and REE, which is typical of carbonatitic calcite. The melilitites and carbonatites are taken to be consanguineous and to have separated immiscibly during rapid transport to the surface, earlier solidification of the melilitite producing final carbonatitic liquids. The presence of the carbonatites and melilitites in central Italy is taken as evidence that this igneous province is unlikely to be subduction related; instead the spatial distribution of these rocks in a zone east of the Roman Igneous Province is considered to reflect thicker underlying lithosphere.
Die Karbonatite Italiens: Geologische Position, Petrologie und regionale Bedeutung
Zusammenfassung Diese Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über bereits veröffentlichte Ergebnisse und bringt neue Daten zu den vier Karbonatitvorkommen, die in Italien seit 1990 nachgewiesen wurden. Alle sind rezenten Alters. Drei davon sind extrusiv und umfassen Tuffe und Brekzien, während das vierte subvulkanisch ist und aus Tuffisiten besteht. Sie bilden Diatreme mit Tuff-Ringen, wobei drei von ihneneng mit melilithischen Tuffen und Laven assoziiert sind. Zwei der Vorkommen umfassen Karbonatite sensu strictu, i.e. Calcit > 50% Vol.%, während die anderen zwei karbonatitisch sind und nur 20–40% primären magmatischeu Calcit enthalten; dünne Aschenlagen bestehen aber aus echten Karbonatiten. Die Tuffe und Brekzien stellen Mischungen von karbonatitischen und melilithischen Lapilli und Bomben in einer Calcit-reichen Asche dar. Alle Vorkommen führen Reste von Mantelgesteinen in der Form kleiner Xenolithe, Xeno-Kristalle und als Kerne von kozentrischen Lapilli; hier liegt Olivin, Pyroxen und Phlogopit mit hohem Mg#, Ni, und Cr vor. In einem Vorkommen werden konzentrische Lapilli aus scharf begrenzten Lagen von Melilitit, Karbonat-führendem Melilitit und Calcit-phyrischem Karbonatit um Wehrlit-Kerne aufgebaut. Neue Gesamtgesteinsanalysen von allen vier Lokalitäten, sowie Mikrosondenanalysen von Calciten, lassen die Anwesenheit von beachtlichen Gehalten an Sr, Ba, und REE erkennen, was typisch für karbonatitische Calcite ist. Die Melilithite und Karbonatite sind gleichen Ursprungs und haben sich während raschen Transportes an die Oberfläche durch Magmenentmischung gebildet. Die frühere Verfestigung des Mililithites führte dann zur Bildung von karbonatitischen Schmelzen. Die Anwesenheit von Karbonatiten und Melilithiten in Zentralitalien wird als Hinweis darauf gesehen, daß diese magmatische Provinz nicht Subduktions-bezogen ist, die räumliche Verteilung dieser Gesteine in einer Zone östlich der römischen magmatischen Provinz wird vielmehr als Hinweis auf eine mächtigere Lithosphäre gesehen.

A suite of spinel lherzolite and wehrlite xenoliths from a Devonian kimberlite dyke near Kandalaksha, Kola Peninsula, Russia, has been studied to determine the nature of the lithospheric mantle beneath the northern Baltic Shield. Olivine modal estimates and Fo content in the spinel lherzolite xenoliths reveal that the lithosphere beneath the Archaean–Proterozoic crust has some similarities to Phanerozoic lithospheric mantle elsewhere. Modal metasomatism is indicated by the presence of Ti-rich and Ti-poor phlogopite, pargasite, apatite and picroilmenite in the xenoliths. Wehrlite xenoliths are considered to represent localised high-pressure cumulates from mafic–ultramafic melts trapped within the mantle as veins or lenses. Equilibration temperatures range from 775 to 969 °C for the spinel lherzolite xenoliths and from 817 to 904 °C for the wehrlites.

Laser ablation ICP-MS data for incompatible trace elements in primary clinopyroxenes and metasomatic amphiboles from the spinel lherzolites show moderate levels of LREE enrichment. Replacement clinopyroxenes in the wehrlites are less enriched in LREE but richer in TiO2. Fractional melt modelling for Y and Yb concentrations in clinopyroxenes from the spinel lherzolites indicates 7–8% partial melting of a primitive source. Such a volume of partial melt could be related to the 2.4–2.5 Ga intrusion of basaltic magmas (now metamorphosed to garnet granulites) in the lower crust of the northern Baltic Shield. The lithosphere beneath the Kola Peninsula has undergone several episodes of metasomatism. Both the spinel lherzolites and wehrlites were subjected to an incomplete carbonatitic metasomatic event, probably related to an early carbonatitic phase associated with the 360–380 Ma Devonian alkaline magmatism. This resulted in crystallisation of secondary clinopyroxene rims at the expense of primary orthopyroxenes, with development of secondary forsteritic olivine and apatite. Two separate metasomatic events resulted in the crystallisation of the Ti–Fe-rich amphibole, phlogopite and ilmenite in the wehrlites and the low Ti–Fe amphibole and phlogopite in the spinel lherzolites. Alternatively, a single metasomatic event with a chemically evolving melt may have produced the significant compositional differences seen in the amphibole and phlogopite between the spinel lherzolites and wehrlites. The calculated REE pattern of a melt in equilibrium with clinopyroxenes from a cpx-rich pocket is identical to that of the kimberlite host, indicating a close petrological relationship.  相似文献   

K, Na and Ca are the most common elements transported during mantle metasomatism and result in formation of phlogopite (K), amphibole (Na) and clinopyroxene (Ca) by various reactions. This review presents models for this type of metasomatism based on experiments on the pyrolite-K2CO3-H2O, pyrolite-Na2 CO3-H2O systems and on the pyrolite-CaCO3 system. The addition of K2CO3 and Na2CO3 lowers the liquidus of pyrolite providing a low temperature, alkali-rich hydrous melt which may ascend and metasomatize overlying mantle regions. Several reactions are proposed for the formation of phlogopite and amphibole (pargasite-edenite) in these systems. The compositions of amphiboles correspond to those found in metasomatized mantle xenoliths. In contrast, Ca-metasomatism is considered to be mainly an anhydrous process in which orthopyroxene and carbonate react to produce clinopyroxene, olivine and CO2. High pressure liquids in this model system are of carbonatitic composition and this low viscosity melt can ascend converting harzburgite mantle assemblages to olivine-rich wehrlite. Based on an inverse experimental approach, moderately high degrees of partial melting of a model metasomatized alkali clinopyroxenite xenolith yield liquids at 30kb which are very comparable in composition to the lavas enclosing such types of xenoliths. Experimental modelling of mantle metasomatism produces assemblages which are in good agreement with the mineral assemblages and textural relationships found in metasomatized mantle xenoliths from areas such as West Eifel and South-West Uganda.  相似文献   

Discovery of diamondiferous kimberlites in the Mainpur Kimberlite Field, Raipur District, Chhattisgarh in central India, encouraged investigation of similar bodies in other parts of the Bastar craton. The earlier known Tokapal ultramafic intrusive body, located beyond the 19-km milestone in Tokapal village along the Jagdalpur–Geedam road, was reinterpreted as crater-facies kimberlite. Its stratigraphic position in the Meso-Neoproterozoic intracratonic sedimentary Indravati basin makes it one of the oldest preserved crater-facies kimberlite systems. Ground and limited subsurface data (dug-, tube-wells and exploratory boreholes) have outlined an extensive surface area (>550 ha) of the kimberlite. The morphological and surface color features of this body on enhanced satellite images suggest that there is a central feeder surrounded by a collar and wide pyroclastic apron. Exploration drilling indicates that the central zone probably corresponds to a vent overlain by resedimented volcaniclastic (epiclastic) rocks that are surrounded by a 2-km-wide spread of pyroclastic rocks (lapilli tuff, tuff/ash beds and volcaniclastic breccia). Drill-holes also reveal that kimberlitic lapilli tuffs and tuffs are sandwiched between the Kanger and Jagdalpur Formations and also form sills within the sedimentary sequence of the Indravati basin. The lapilli tuffs are commonly well stratified and display slumping. Base surges and lava flows occur in the southern part of the Tokapal system. The geochemistry and petrology of the rock correspond to average Group I kimberlite with a moderate degree of contamination. However, the exposed rock is intensely weathered and altered with strong leaching of mobile elements (Ba, Rb, Sr). Layers of vesicular fine-grained glassy material represent kimberlitic lava flows. Tuffs containing juvenile lapilli with pseudomorphed olivine macrocrysts are set in a talc–serpentine–carbonate matrix with locally abundant spinel and sphene. Garnet has not been observed, and phlogopite is very rare. Very limited microdiamond testing (two 18-kg samples) proved negative; however, the composition of chromite grains indicate crystallization in the diamond stability field.  相似文献   

Two suites of ultramafic xenoliths have been found in ultrapotassic lavas from the 0.9 Ma old Torre Alfina volcano sited at the northern border of the Vulsinian district (Central Italy). One group of Xenoliths consists of spinel-bearing lherzolites, harzburgites, minor wherlites and dunites with a maximum size of 3–4 cm. Some samples contain discrete laths of phlogopite. A second class consists of phlogopite-rich, glass-bearing peridotites. The first suite displays textural characteristics such as triple points, deformed olivine with well developed kink banding and porphyroclastic textures indicating equilibration at high pressure. Pressure estimates give values in the range 1.3–2.5 GPa, corresponding to mantle depths in the area, where the present-day Moho is about 25 km deep. Equilibration temperatures have been estimated in the range between 950–1000°C. The chemical composition of some phases, such as the very high Fo contents of olivines (up to Fo94 in harzburgites), Mg content of orthopyroxenes and Cr/Cr+Al ratios of clinopyroxenes and spinels, suggest that these xenoliths represent peridotites which suffered different degrees of partial melting before being incorporated into the Torre Alfina magma. On the other hand, the occurrence of phlogopite speaks for metasomatic events. The phlogopite-rich, glass-bearing xenoliths consist of phlogopite, olivine, clinopyroxene, rare orthopyroxene and glass. Apatite is the most common accessory. Olivine is present in both euhedral and strained crystals. A few relics of protogranular textures are also observed. Textural and chemical evidence suggests that these xenoliths represent mica-rich peridotites which have undergone phlogopite breakdown during rapid rise to the surface with the development of a K-rich liquid which reacted with mafic phases producing a rapid growth of olivine and, to a lower extent, pyroxene. Originally, these xenoliths may have represented intensively metasomatized upper mantle. However, a cumulitic origin from previous potassic magmatic events cannot be excluded. The host lavas have compositions intermediate between high-silica lamproite and Roman-type ultrapotassic rock. They have high abundances of incompatible elements and radiogenic Sr, coupled with high Mg content, MgO/CaO, Ni and Cr. These features support a genesis in a residual upper mantle which has suffered partial melting with the extraction of basaltic liquids, followed by metasomatic events which caused an enrichment in incompatible elements and radiogenic Sr. The presence of mantle-derived ultramafic xenoliths in the torre Alfina lavas testifies for a rapid uprise of the magma which reached the surface without suffering fractional crystallization and significant interaction with the upper crust. Accordingly, the Torre Alfina lavas represent an unique example of primitive potassic liquid in Central Italy.  相似文献   

Melting experiments on a mantle-derived nodule assemblage consisting of clinopyroxene, phlogopite and minor titanomagnetite, sphene and apatite have been done at 20 and 30 kbar between 1,175 and 1,300° C. The nodule composition was selected on the basis of modal and chemical analyses of 84 mantle derived nodules with metasomatic textures from the Katwe-Kikorongo and Bunyaruguru volcanic fields of south-west Uganda. At 30 kbar, 1,225 and 1,250° C, representing 20–30% partial melting, the compositions of glasses compare favourably to those of the average composition of 26 high potassic mafic lavas from the same region. Glasses produced by sufficiently low degrees of partial melting at 20 kbar could not be analysed. Glass compositions obtained for 20–30% melting at 30 kbar have high K2O (3.07–5.05 wt.%), low SiO2 (35.0–39.2 wt.%), high K/K + Na (0.54–0.71), K + Na/Al (0.99–1.08) and Mg/ Mg + FeT of 0.59–0.62. These results support the suggestion of Lloyd and Bailey (1975) that the nodules represent the source material for the high K-rich lavas of south-west Uganda. If this conclusion is correct it implies that anomalous mantle source of phlogopite clinopyroxenite composition could produced the Ugandan lavas by relatively higher degrees of partial melting than that normally considered for highly alkaline mafic magmas derived from a pyrolitic mantle source. Higher degrees of melting are considered likely from such a different source region, rich in alkalis, water and radioactive elements. Steeper geotherms and increased fluxing of sub-rift mantle by degassing would also produce higher degrees of partial melting.  相似文献   

Based on the investigation of melt inclusions using electron and ion microprobe analysis, we estimated the composition, evolution, and formation conditions of magmas responsible for the calcite-bearing ijolites and carbonatites of the Belaya Zima alkaline carbonatite complex (eastern Sayan, Russia). Primary melt and coexisting crystalline inclusions were found in the nepheline and calcite of these rocks. Diopside, amphibole (?), perovskite, potassium feldspar, apatite, calcite, pyrrhotite, and titanomagnetite were identified among the crystalline inclusions. The melt inclusions in nepheline from the ijolites are completely crystallized. The crystalline daughter phases of these inclusions are diopside, phlogopite, apatite, calcite, magnetite, and cuspidine. During thermometric experiments with melt inclusions in nepheline, the complete homogenization of the inclusions was attained through the dissolution of a gas bubble at temperatures of 1120–1130°C. The chemical analysis of glasses from the homogenized melt inclusions in nepheline of the ijolites revealed significant variations in the content of components: from 36 to 48 wt % SiO2, from 9 to 21 wt % Al2O3, from 8 to 25 wt % CaO, and from 0.6 to 7 wt % MgO. All the melts show very high contents of alkalis, especially sodium. According to the results of ion microprobe analysis, the average content of water in the melts is no higher than a few tenths of a percent. The most salient feature of the melt inclusions is the extremely high content of Nb and Zr. The glasses of melt inclusions are also enriched in Ta, Th, and light rare earth elements but depleted in Ti and Hf. Primary melt inclusions in calcite from the carbonatites contain a colorless glass and daughter phlogopite, garnet, and diopside. The silicate glass from the melt inclusions in calcite of the carbonatite is chemically similar to the glasses of homogenized melt inclusions in nepheline from the ijolites. An important feature of melt inclusions in calcite of the carbonatites is the presence in the glass of carbonate globules corresponding to calcite in composition. The investigation of melt inclusions in minerals of the ijolites and carbonatites and the analysis of the alkaline and ore-bearing rocks of the Belaya Zima Massif provided evidence for the contribution of crystallization differentiation and silicate-carbonate liquid immiscibility to the formation of these rocks. Using the obtained trace-element compositions of glasses of homogenized melt inclusions and various alkaline rocks and carbonatites, we determined to a first approximation the compositions of mantle sources responsible for the formation of the rock association of the Belaya Zima alkaline-carbonatite complex. The alkaline rocks and carbonatites were derived from the depleted mantle affected by extensive metasomatism. It is supposed that carbonate melts enriched in sodium and calcium were the main agents of mantle metasomatism.  相似文献   

火山碎屑密度流是一种危险的火山活动现象,也是一种重要的盆地物源供给方式,对其沉积机制的研究具有灾害预防和油气勘探的双重意义。松辽盆地东南隆起区九台营城煤矿地区白垩系营城组古火山机构保存良好,发育有典型的火山碎屑密度流沉积物。本文在精细刻画火山碎屑岩的岩石结构、沉积构造的基础上,运用薄片观察和沉积物粒度统计的方法,从物质来源、搬运机制和就位方式角度系统地分析了火山碎屑密度流的整个沉积过程,并结合国内外火山学、沉积学的研究进展探讨了不同浓度火山碎屑密度流的沉积机制。研究区内的火山碎屑密度流沉积物可以划分为五种微相:①块状熔结角砾凝灰岩微相;②无序含集块凝灰角砾岩微相;③逆粒序或双粒序角砾凝灰岩微相;④正粒序角砾凝灰岩微相;⑤韵律层理凝灰岩微相。第一种微相具有熔结结构,可能形成于高挥发分岩浆喷发柱的垮塌,火山碎屑密度流的就位温度较高;后四种微相具有正常火山碎屑岩结构,可能形成于火山口的侧向爆炸,火山碎屑密度流的就位温度中等。沉积块状熔结角砾凝灰岩微相的火山碎屑密度流具有黏性碎屑流的流体特征,沉积物整体冻结就位;沉积无序含集块凝灰角砾岩微相和逆粒序或双粒序角砾凝灰岩微相的火山碎屑密度流具有颗粒流的流体特征,沉积物整体冻结就位;沉积正粒序角砾凝灰岩微相和韵律层理凝灰岩微相的火山碎屑密度流具有湍流的流体特征,沉积物连续加积就位。火山碎屑密度流的颗粒浓度是一个连续变量,但流体性质可能会发生突变,稀释的火山碎屑密度流的沉积机制符合下部流动边界模型,稠密的火山碎屑密度流的沉积机制符合层流(碎屑流或颗粒流)模型。  相似文献   

We have examined Re, Platinum-Group Element (PGE) and Os-isotope variations in suites of variably fractionated lavas from Kohala Volcano, Hawaii, in order to evaluate the effects of melt/crust interaction on the mantle isotopic signature of these lavas. This study reveals that the behavior of Os and other PGEs changes during magma differentiation. The concentrations of all PGEs strongly decrease with increasing fractionation for melts with MgO < 8 wt.%. Fractionation trends indicate significantly higher bulk partition coefficients for PGEs in lavas with less than 8 wt.% MgO (DPGE = 35–60) when compared to values for more primitive lavas with MgO > 8 wt.% (DPGE ≤ 6). This sudden change in PGE behavior most likely reflects the onset of sulfur saturation and sulfide fractionation in Hawaiian magmas at about 8 wt.% MgO.

The Os-rich primitive lavas (≥ 8 wt.% MgO, > 0.1 ppb Os) display a narrow range of 187Os/188Os values (0.130–0.133), which are similar to values in high-MgO lavas from Mauna Kea and Haleakala Volcanoes and likely represent the mantle signature of Kohala lavas. However, Os-isotopic ratios become more radiogenic with decreasing MgO and Os content in evolved lavas, ranging from 0.130 to 0.196 in the shield-stage Pololu basalts and from 0.131 to 0.223 in the post-shield Hawi lavas. This reflects assimilation of local oceanic crust material during fractional crystallization of the magma at shallow level (AFC processes). AFC modeling suggests that assimilation of up to 10% upper oceanic crust could produce the most radiogenic Os-isotope ratios recorded in the Pololu lavas. This amount of upper crust assimilation has a negligible effect on the Sr and Nd-isotopic compositions of Kohala lavas. Thus, these isotopic compositions likely represent the composition of the mantle source of Kohala lavas.  相似文献   

Mayon is the most active volcano along the east margin of southernLuzon, Philippines. Petrographic and major element data indicatethat Mayon has produced a basaltic to andesitic lava seriesby fractional crystallization and magma mixing. Trace elementdata indicate that the parental basalts came from a heterogeneousmantle source. The unmodified composition of the mantle wedgeis similar to that beneath the Indian Ocean. To this mantlewas added a subduction component consisting of melt from subductedpelagic sediment and aqueous fluid dehydrated from the subductedbasaltic crust. Lavas from the highly active Taal Volcano onthe west margin of southern Luzon are compositionally more variablethan Mayon lavas. Taal lavas also originated from a mantle wedgemetasomatized by aqueous fluid dehydrated from the subductedbasaltic crust and melt plus fluid derived from the subductedterrigenous sediment. More sediment is involved in the generationof Taal lavas. Lead isotopes argue against crustal contamination.Some heterogeneity of the unmodified mantle wedge and differencesin whether the sediment signature is transferred into the lavasource through an aqueous fluid or melt phase are needed toexplain the regional compositional variation of Philippine arclavas. KEY WORDS: Mayon Volcano; Philippines; sediment melt; subduction component; Taal Volcano  相似文献   

At Mt. Vulture volcano (Basilicata, Italy) calcite globules (5–150 μm) are hosted by silicate glass pools or veins cross-cutting amphibole-bearing, or more common spinel-bearing mantle xenoliths and xenocrysts. The carbonate globules are rounded or elongated and are composed of a mosaic of 2–20 μm crystals, with varying optical orientation. These features are consistent with formation from a quenched calciocarbonatite melt. Where in contact with carbonate amphibole has reacted to form fassaitic pyroxene. Some of these globules contain liquid/gaseous CO2 bubbles and sulphide inclusions, and are pierced by quench microphenocrysts of silicate phases. The carbonate composition varies from calcite to Mg-calcite (3.8–5.0 wt.% MgO) both within the carbonate globules and from globule to globule. Trace element contents of the carbonate, determined by LAICPMS, are similar to those of carbonatites worldwide including ΣREE up to 123 ppm. The Sr–Nd isotope ratios of the xenolith carbonate are similar to the extrusive carbonatite and silicate rocks of Mt. Vulture testifying to derivation from the same mantle source. Formation of immiscibile silicate–carbonatite liquids within mantle xenoliths occurred via disequilibrium immiscibility during their exhumation.  相似文献   

A remarkable variety of unusual melilite and feldspathoid-bearing lavas characterises the volcanism of Katwe-Kikorongo and Bunyaruguru, central South West Uganda. The magmas were silica undersaturated, mafic, highly potassic and volatile-rich. The most peralkaline compositions are found in rapidly quenched small bombs and lapilli, which are invariably glass enclosing olivine and melilite phenocrysts. Slowly cooled lava flows and ejected blocks are non-glassy, feldspathoid-bearing, clinopyroxene-rich assemblages with mol. Na2O+K2O∶Al2O3 close to unity or less. One atmosphere melting experiments were carried out between 1,330 and 1,050° C for two glassy olivine melilitites. Both have identical mineralogy and similar chemistry, except that one is more hydrated, carbonated and oxidised and has lost alkalis, principally sodium. The fresher material crystallised, in the following order, olivine-melilite-leucite-clinopyroxene-kalsilite. The other sample crystallised olivine-leucite-clinopyroxene-kalsilite and melilite was absent at all temperatures. The separate addition to this sample (BN20,A) of (i) Na2CO3 (ii) K2CO3 (iii) CaCO3, in each case induced melilite to crystallise. Adition of ammonium carbonate, however, did not, showing that melilite appearance is not linked solely with the presence of CO2. The separate and combined roles of Na, K and Ca, in the crystallisation of melilite, were examined by comparing the chemistry of melilite-bearing with related melilite-free, highly alkaline lavas, that had been melted and recrystallised at one atmosphere (this study and published material). The data indicate that high Na∶Si + Al favours melilite separation, while K and Ca, and by inference any element capable of reducing the influence of Si and Al, serve effectively to increase this ratio. Loss of Na and K from BN20,A led to direct and indirect reduction of the Na∶Si+Al ratio and consequent inhibition of melilite crystallisation. Thus loss of alkalis, in particular Na, can relate olivine melilitite to leucite clinopyroxenite and leucite kalsilite clinopyroxenite. This implies that mode of eruption, cooling history and extent of degassing, with concomitant loss of alkalis, is capable of explaining much of the diversity of mineralogy that typifies the volcanic products of the South West Ugandan fields.  相似文献   

We present mineral chemistry, geochemistry and Sr and Nd isotope data of drillcore samples from the Late Cretaceous (65 Ma), diamondiferous Behradih ultramafic pipe, Bastar craton, Central India, which is emplaced synchronous with the Deccan flood basalt eruption. The rock is affected by pervasive serpentine–talc–carbonate alteration and consists of pelletal lapilli and variously sized olivine and phlogopite macrocrysts, set in a groundmass of abundant clinopyroxene, chrome spinel, apatite, Fe-rich perovskite (<50 μm), zircon, titanite, rutile and calcite. Mineralogical studies identify the Behradih pipe as orangeite (formerly termed as Group II kimberlite) and establish the occurrence of such rocks outside the Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa. As the age of the Behradih orangeite overlaps with that of the main phase of the Deccan flood basalt magmatism, we infer a common tectonomagmatic control vis-a-vis the Deccan-related mantle plume. Trace element ratios and the Nd isotope signatures of the Behradih pipe imply that the Deccan plume has only contributed heat, but not substantial melt, to the Behradih magma with a cause-and-consequence relationship between them. Our study highlights (a) a striking similarity in the genesis of Late Cretaceous orangeites associated with the continental flood basalts in the Kaapvaal and Bastar cratons but related to different mantle plumes and (b) the role of plume–lithosphere interaction in the generation of orangeites.  相似文献   


We present petrographic and mineral chemical data for a suite of samples derived from the De Beers dyke, a contemporaneous, composite intrusion bordering the De Beers pipe (Kimberley, South Africa). Petrographic features and mineral compositions indicate the following stages in the evolution of this dyke: (1) production of antecrystic material by kimberlite-related metasomatism in the mantle (i.e., high Cr-Ti phlogopite); (2) entrainment of wall-rock material during ascent through the lithospheric mantle, including antecrysts; (3) early magmatic crystallisation of olivine (internal zones and subsequently rims), Cr-rich spinel, rutile, and magnesian ilmenite, probably on ascent to the surface; and (4) crystallisation of groundmass phases (i.e., olivine rinds, Fe-Ti-rich spinels, perovskite, apatite, monticellite, calcite micro-phenocrysts, kinoshitalite-phlogopite, barite, and baddeleyite) and the mesostasis (calcite, dolomite, and serpentine) on emplacement in the upper crust. Groundmass and mesostasis crystallisation likely forms a continuous sequence with deuteric/hydrothermal modification. The petrographic features, mineralogy, and mineral compositions of different units within the De Beers dyke are indistinguishable from one another, indicating a common petrogenesis. The compositions of antecrysts (i.e., high Cr-Ti phlogopite) and magmatic phases (e.g., olivine rims, magnesian ilmenite, and spinel) overlap those from the root zone intrusions of the main Kimberley pipes (i.e., Wesselton, De Beers, Bultfontein). However, the composition of these magmatic phases is distinct from those in ‘evolved’ intrusions of the Kimberley cluster (e.g., Benfontein, Wesselton water tunnel sills). Although the effects of syn-emplacement flow processes are evident (e.g., alignment of phases parallel to contacts), there is no evidence that the De Beers dyke has undergone significant pre-emplacement crystal fractionation (e.g., olivine, spinel, ilmenite). This study demonstrates the requirement for detailed petrographic and mineral chemical studies to assess whether individual intrusions are in fact ‘evolved’; and that dykes are not necessarily produced by differentiated magmas.


Ultrapotassic basaltic lavas erupted 3.4–3.6 m.y. ago(K/Ar) in the central Sierra Nevada and originated by partialmelting of a phlogopite-enriched, garnet-bearing upper mantlesource. Ultrapotassic basanites (K2O: 5–9 per cent), whichare spatially related to contemporaneous potassic olivine basalts(K2O: 3–5 per cent) and alkali olivine basalts (K2O: 1–3per cent), contain the K2O-bearing minerals phlogopite, sanidine,and leucite as well as olivine, diopside, apatite, magnetite,and pseudobrookite. The presence and modal abundance of theK2O-bearing minerals closely reflects the east to west increasein K2O throughout the basaltic suite. Many lines of evidence support the derivation of the ultrapotassicbasanites and the related basalts from an upper mantle source:TiO2 in phlogopite phenocrysts and groundmass crystals, 2–3and 7–9 per cent respectively, support phlogopite phenocrystcrystallization at high pressure, whole rock Mg values (100Mg/Mg + 0.85 Fe) range from 66–78, phlogopite-rich pyroxeniticand periodotitic nodules are included in some flows, and geobarometriccalculations indicate depths of generation at 100–125km. Also, model calculations show that the major, rare earth,and trace elements, except for Ba, Rb, and Sr, can be accuratelygenerated by 1.0–2.5 per cent melting of a phiogopite-and garnet-bearing clinopyroxene-rich upper mantle source. Partialmelting occurred after a general upper mantle enrichment beneaththe Sierra Nevada, the phlogopite- and clinopyroxene-rich sourceof the ultrapotassic lavas being the extreme result of the enrichmentprocess. Clinopyroxene enrichment of the upper mantle probablyoccurred by introduction of a partial melting fraction intothe upper mantle source areas. Enrichment of the upper mantlein the alkali and alkali-earth elements was not accomplishedby a partial melt, but resulted from influx of a fluid phaserich in Ba, K, Rb, Sr, and, probably, H2O The continuous rangein K2O of the erupted lavas implies that the upper mantle enrichmentis a cumulative process. The inverse relationship in the SierraNevada between uplift and the K2O content of the erupted basaltsimplies that a critical relationship may exist between upliftand upper mantle enrichment.  相似文献   

黄建  黄方  肖益林 《地球科学》2019,44(12):4050-4056
贫碳酸盐的蚀变洋壳具有与新鲜洋中脊玄武岩一致的Mg同位素组成,说明低温和高温洋壳蚀变不会导致Mg同位素分馏.大别山港河和花凉亭的早期变质脉比榴辉岩具有偏高的δ56Fe-δ26Mg值,而且早期到晚期变质脉的δ56Fe-δ26Mg值逐渐降低.这些结果说明,在流体-岩石反应和流体演化过程中,Fe-Mg同位素发生了显著的分馏,且矿物溶解-再沉淀是同位素分馏的控制因素.相比洋中脊玄武岩,蚀变洋壳和变质脉具有相似或偏高的δ56Fe-δ26Mg值,说明蚀变洋壳脱水产生的流体富集重Fe-Mg同位素,不能解释弧岩浆岩的轻Fe/重Mg同位素组成.因此,弧岩浆岩异常的Fe-Mg同位素组成是熔体提取和富集54Fe-26Mg的蛇纹岩流体交代地幔楔两个过程共同作用的结果.   相似文献   

The Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc is remarkable for the abundance and variety of erupted plutonic xenoliths. These samples provide a window into the deeper crust and record a more protracted crystallisation history than is observed from lavas alone. We present a detailed petrological and in situ geochemical study of xenoliths from Martinique in order to establish their petrogenesis, pre-eruptive storage conditions and their contribution to construction of the sub-volcanic arc crust. The lavas from Martinique are controlled by crystal–liquid differentiation. Amphibole is rarely present in the erupted lavas, but it is a very common component in plutonic xenoliths, allowing us to directly test the involvement of amphibole in the petrogenesis of arc magmas. The plutonic xenoliths provide both textural and geochemical evidence of open system processes and crystal ‘cargos’. All xenoliths are plagioclase-bearing, with variable proportions of olivine, spinel, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and amphibole, commonly with interstitial melt. In Martinique, the sequence of crystallisation varies in sample type and differs from other islands of the Lesser Antilles arc. The compositional offset between plagioclase (~An90) and olivine (~Fo75), suggests crystallisation under high water contents and low pressures from an already fractionated liquid. Texturally, amphibole is either equant (crystallising early in the sequence) or interstitial (crystallising late). Interstitial amphibole is enriched in Ba and LREE compared with early crystallised amphibole and does not follow typical fractionation trends. Modelling of melt compositions indicates that a water-rich, plagioclase-undersaturated reactive melt or fluid percolated through a crystal mush, accompanied by the breakdown of clinopyroxene, and the crystallisation of amphibole. Geothermobarometry estimates and comparisons with experimental studies imply the majority of xenoliths formed in the mid-crust. Martinique cumulate xenoliths are inferred to represent crystal mushes within an open system, through which melt can both percolate and be generated.  相似文献   

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