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This paper reviews the Kamchatka seismicity for a 50-year period of observation. These data were used to carry out a regionalization of Kamchatka’s seismic volume and adjacent areas. In all, ten zones were identified with differing activities and origins of seismicity. A comparative analysis was carried out for the seismicity in the more active zones. We found significant differences between the structures of the southern and the northern segment in the Kamchatka part of the Kuril-Kamchatka subduction zone. Seismological data corroborated a relationship between the subduction zone and the underthrusting of the Pacific plate under the Eurasian plate. These data from the 50-year period of observation helped identify a new Koryak seismic belt that encompasses the northwestern coast of the Bering Sea. We provide a brief review of macroseismic effects due to the most significant earthquakes for the 1962–2010 period.  相似文献   

AnalysisonrupturefeatureofagreatcomplicatedearthquakeinKamchatkaYUANGAO1)(高原)SIHUAZHENG1)(郑斯华)HUILANZHOU2)(周蕙兰)ZHENLIU2)(...  相似文献   

The time variations in the tidal response of the medium in 2011–2015 according to the measurements at the global seismographic network (GSN) in Kamchatka are considered. Based on the data from the horizontal pendulums recording the eastward tilts at the station, it is established that there was a linear growth in the tidal tilt amplitudes up to May 24, 2013 due to the changes in the elastic moduli caused by tectonic stress accumulation. The growth phase was followed by the decline in the tidal tilt amplitudes induced by the release of stresses after the Sea-of-Okhotsk earthquake.  相似文献   

Observations of the summit eruption of Klyuchevskoi volcano in the period from February 15, 2007 to July 9, 2007 are considered. This typical (for this volcano) summit eruption was explosive-effusive in character. The ejectamenta volume is estimated at 0.025 km3. Calculation of active phases of the volcano was carried out in accordance with V.A. Shirokov’s technique. The identified active phases agree well with the eruptive periods. The 2007 summit eruption corresponds to an active phase (May 2006 to May 2009) favorable for the volcano’s eruption. Geodetic observations carried out since 1979 along a radial profile have revealed uplifts and subsidences of the northeastern slope of the volcano. The maximum displacement of 23 cm was recorded in 2007 on the site closest to the volcano crater at a distance of 11 km from the summit crater center. In the course of two previous summit eruptions (2003–2004 and 2005) insignificant uplifts and subsidences of the slope were also noted, although the general ascent of the slope remained. This indicated possible repeated eruptions in the nearest future. Changes in the seismicity before, during and after the eruption are also discussed.  相似文献   

Systematic measurements of the height of the summit crater rim on the active Karymskii Volcano showed that the variation of that parameter has been greater during its last eruption, lasting, with short intermissions, from January 1, 1996 until now (October 2007) compared with the earlier eruptions. The periodic increases in the height of Karymskii Volcano were due to explosion discharges of unconsolidated pyroclastic material, with most of this falling on the volcano’s cone. The increased seismicity of Karymskii Volcano intensified the slope movement processes, resulting in a comparatively flat area forming periodically on the crater rim; during separate, not very long, periods the height of the volcanic cone was increasing in discrete steps and at a greater rate. The periodic decrease in the height of Karymskii Volcano is due to compaction of pyroclastic material and, to a much greater extent, after violent explosions which expand the crater by removing its nearsummit circumference. The other contributing factor consists in sagging of the magma column due to partial emptying of the peripheral magma chamber, which makes the internal crater slope steeper, hence causes cone collapse and the cone lower. These occurrences are generally similar to the processes of crater and caldera generation described by previous investigators for other volcanoes of the world.  相似文献   

The joint use of the magnetovariational (MV) and magnetotelluric (MT) data and the a priori information about the areal distribution of the deep electrical conductivity within the studied area and the integral conductance of the sedimentary cover enabled us to conduct a three-dimensional (3D) inversion of these data and construct the 3D model of the northeastern part of Kamchatka. The results show that within the Shiveluch volcano, north and south of it, there are northwesterly striking conductive faults penetrating up to the mantle which ascends from a depth of 41 to 35 km. The electrical conductivity of these crustal structures which accommodate high seismic and volcanic activity is probably accounted for by fluid saturation.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) in the area where the Bol’she-Bannyi hydrothermal springs are discharged. The MTS curves were inverted on the assumption of a twodimensional inhomogeneous model using longitudinal and transverse curves of apparent resistivity. It was found that the geoelectric section contains a nearly vertical anomaly of high electrical conductivity at depths of 5.5–8 km, which is the signature of a deep-seated fault. The resulting geoelectric section for the upper crust and data from regional magnetotelluric soundings were used as a basis for developing a conceptual deep model of the Bol’she-Bannyi hydrothermal system. We quote an approximate estimate of rock porosity. According to the model, deep fluids come from a crustal layer into the subvertical deep-seated fault then penetrate via fissures into the sedimentary–volcanogenic cover, and finally arrive at the ground surface in zones of high rock permeability. We provide a recommendation for drilling a deep well in order to determine the potential of the Bol’she-Bannyi hydrothermal field.  相似文献   

We characterize the Kamchatka seismicity for the period 2005–2007. Regional catalogs of Kamchatka earthquakes were used to develop 2D distributions of parameters of background seismicity. The characteristics we consider include the activity A 10, the slope of the recurrence curve γ, the parameters involved in the methods RTL, ΔS, and the “Z-function”, as well as the control of earthquake clustering. We have detected the space-time agreement between the anomalies exhibited by several parameters.  相似文献   


Placer mines are located in river valleys, along river benches, or along the pathways of ancient channels. Open-pit mining alters the stream hydrology and enhances sediment transport. The present study focuses on sediment transport in the area of the platinum placer mining located at the north of Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula (Seynav-Galmoenan placer deposits). Based on hydrological field investigations, a conceptual model was derived to assess anthropogenic effects on the total sediment budget of rivers. The model illustrates key processes controlling sediment dynamics in the Vyvenka River basin. Field work included water-discharge and sediment-load measurements, assessment of annual channel change in rivers in mining site areas, and evaluation of the relative importance of sediment sources and transport processes. In this study, we estimated total sediment delivery from opencast placer mining of 60 t year-1; the annual mass wasting rate ranges from 2 to 5.5 kg m-2 year-1, which is three orders of magnitude higher than from non-mined streams. Mass wasting dominates surface erosion on the hillslopes and produces significant wastewater effluents; however, erosion of the artificially stratified channel reaches is the primary contributor to the annual sediment yield of the mined rivers (21.4%).
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Chalov, S.R., 2014. Effects of placer mining on suspended sediment budget: case study of north of Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (5), 1081–1094.  相似文献   

—To estimate for the first time the typical relation between peak acceleration A max?, moment magnitude M W and hypocentral distance R for Kamchatka, 101 analog strong motion records for 1969–1993 were employed as the initial data set. Records of acceleration and velocity meters were obtained at 15 rock to medium-ground Kamchatkan sites from 33 earthquakes with M W = 4.5–7.8, at R = 30–250?km. A max values were determined from "true" acceleration time histories calculated by spectral deconvolution of digitized records. The maximum value over the two horizontal components was used as the A max value in the further analysis. With the scarce data available, there were no chances to determine reliably the whole A max?(M W ?,?R) average surface; thus the shape of this trend surface was determined on a theoretical basis and only the level was fitted to the data. The theoretical model employed included: (1) source spectrum: according to the Brune's spectral model; (2) point-source attenuation: as 1/R plus loss specified by Q(f) = 250?f 0.8; (3) finite-source correction for a disc-shaped incoherent source, its size depending on M W ?; (4) accelerogram duration: including source-dependent and distance-dependent terms; (5) A max value: based on random process representation. Distance trends calculated with this model agree with the empirical ones of FUKUSHIMA and TANAKA (1990). To calculate the absolute level for these trends, observed A max?(M W ?,?R) values were reduced to M W = 8, R = 100?km using the theoretical trends as reference. The median of the reduced values, A max?(8,?100), equal to 188?gal. was taken as the absolute reference level for the relation we sought. Note that in the process of data analysis we were forced to entirely reject relatively abundant data of two particular stations because of their prominent local amplification (×5.5) or deamplification (×0.45).  相似文献   

The results of many-year field studies are used to discuss the issues of formation of the hydrological regime and the morphological pattern of the estuary of the Bol’shoi Vilyui R., belonging to the subtype of lagoon-lacustrine estuaries. A vast body of factual data, which characterize the estuary and the processes taking place in it, as well as the natural conditions under which it exists.  相似文献   

Introduction With rapid development of national economy, urbanization has been speeded up in China, and several city groups or city belts with extra-large cities as their centers have been formed. For example, Pearl River Delta urbanized area surrounds Guangzhou City, Shenzhen City, Zhuhai City; Yangtze River Delta urbanized area surrounds Shanghai City, Suzhou City, Wuxi City, Nanjing City, Hangzhou City; Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan urbanized area surrounds Beijing City, Tianjin City…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe active blocks refer tothe geologic units that formedinlate Cenozoic (100 ~120 ka BP) andhave been highly active as fault zones since late Quaternary with relatively uniform motion styles(Zhang Guomin,et al .,2000 ;Zhang Peizhen,et al .,2003) .The active blocks are relativelyintactand have uniformmotion modalities ,their boundary zones (also called the active boundaries) are thelocalized or centralized zones of interactions and differential movement among the active block…  相似文献   

On the basis of distribution of active fault and regional rheological structure, a three-dimensional finite element model of Sichuan-Yunnan region, China, is constructed to simulate contemporary crustal motion and stress distri- bution and discuss the dynamic mechanism of crustal motion and deformation in the Sichuan-Yunnan region. Lin- ear Maxwell visco-elastic model is applied, which includes the active fault zones, the elastic upper crust and vis- cous lower crust and upper mantle. Four different models with different boundary conditions and deep structure are calculated. Some conclusions are drawn through comparison. Firstly, the crustal rotation about the eastern syntaxis of the Himalaya in the Sicuan-Yunnan region may be controlled by the special dynamic boundary condition. The drag force of the lower-crust on the upper crust is not negligible. At the same time, the main active fault zones play an important role in the contemporary crustal motion and deformation in Sichuan-Yunnan region.  相似文献   

Introduction With rapid development and advancement of economy and society, lots of city groups or city belts with ex-tra-large cities as their centers have been formed in China. The regions these city groups lie in usually have well-developed economy, dense population, and are regional politics and culture centers. Some groups lie in the regions with high level of earthquake activity, such as the Surrounding Capital City Group with the centers of Bei-jing and Tianjin. Once a large earthqua…  相似文献   

The specialized station of high-frequency seismic noise registration “Nachiki” is described arranged on Kamchatka in 1987. The instrument-methodical aspects of registration are considered, as well as history of observations development. New principal experimental results of surveys are represented. The results of use of high-frequency seismic noises are summarized to reveal strong earthquake precursors in the online mode in 1996–2008.  相似文献   

We discuss the water-level variations in the E-1 well for the time period between May 2006 and 2010, inclusive. A trend towards an increasing level at an abnormally high rate occurred from mid-2006 to December 2009. This increase is regarded as the response of the aquifer of gas-saturated ground water that exists in the volcanogenic-sedimentary deposits of the Avacha volcano-tectonic depression to volumetric compression strain changes during the precursory period and the occurrence of a swarm of small earthquakes $\left( {K_{S_{\max } } = 8.3} \right)$ in the area of Koryakskii Volcano and to its phreatic eruption. We estimated the volumetric compression as ??? = ?(4.1 × 10?6?1.5 × 10?5) from the amplitude of water-level rise using the elastic parameters of the water-saturated rocks. While the strain source was active, we observed a decreasing sensitivity of the hydrodynamic regime in the well to the precursory processes before large (M ?? 5.0) tectonic earthquakes.  相似文献   

This is a review of the geodetic monitoring of the horizontal component of recent crustal movements (RCMs) in Kamchatka and the Commander Islands for the period 1979–2007. Examples are provided of the RCMs recorded in Kamchatka and the Commander Islands for the period 1997–2007 by the Kamchatka regional GPS network (KAMNET) set up by workers at the Kamchatka Branch of the RAS Geophysical Service (KB GS RAS) in collaboration with the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology of the Far East Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences to study the geodynamic processes that are occurring in the Kamchatka subduction zone. An interpretation of examples of recorded RCMs is given.  相似文献   

Earth temperature is one of the most important factors influencing the mechanical properties of frozen soil. Based on the field investigation of the characteristics of ground deformation and ground failure caused by the Ms8.1 earthquake in the west of the Kuniun Mountain Pass,China, the influence of temperature on the dynamic constitutive relationship, dynamic elastic modulus, damping ratio and dynamic strength of frozen soil was quantitatively studied by means of the dynamic triaxial test. Moreover, the characteristics of ground motion on a permafrost site under different temperatures were analyzed for the four profiles of permafrost along the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Railway using the time histories of ground motionacceleration with 3 exceedance probabilities of the Kunlun Mountains area. The influences of temperature on the seismic displacement, velocity, acceleration and response spectrum on permafrost ground were studied quantitatively. A scientific basis was presented for earthquake disaster mitigation for engineering foundations, highways and underground engineering in permafrost areas.  相似文献   

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