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中医经典课程的临床属性,决定了中医临床基础专业硕士研究生培养应“注重经典,突出临床”。笔者结合自身教学体会,认为研究生阶段《伤寒论》的教学应以培养学生临证思维和实践能力为核心,加强原文记诵,深入理解原文内涵,开展专题讲座,介绍六经辨证诊疗思路、经方类方的临床应用、《伤寒论》治法及组方规律等内容,并通过名医医案选读、跟师随诊等方式,提高研究生阶段《伤寒论》教学质量,为培养优秀的中医临床人才服务。  相似文献   

根据《关于医教协同深化临床医学人才培养改革的意见》要求,我校已从2015级起对中医硕士专业学位研究生执行培养和住培并轨合一。近2年的培养过程中,我校研究生教育工作者在实践过程中发现问题、解决问题,不断探索培养新模式,形成系统的改革思路与完善的制度支撑,进一步提高了中医硕士专业学位研究生培养质量,开展了全面、系统、科学的培养综合改革。  相似文献   

培养基层中医康复人才是国家提高中医药健康服务发展的需要,培养“下得去,用得上,干得好”的基层中医康复人才是亟待解决的问题。我校以依托行业为基础,搭建中医康复医教协同“双主体”育人平台、开展广泛专业调研,了解人才需求及岗位胜任力、对接职业岗位,深耕基层中医康复人才培养内涵、立志立德立行,夯实扎根基层就业思想为实施路径,进行了医教协同理念下培养基层中医康复人才的实践研究,以提高人才培养质量,达到为“健康湖南”培养中医康复建设者和接班人的目标。  相似文献   

自2015年以来,中医硕士专业学位研究生按照中医住院医师规范化培训的基本内容和要求进行培养,即“双轨合一”,旨在培养具有中医临床思维能力的合格中医临床医师。本文回顾了中医硕士专业学位研究生培养与中医住院医师培训并轨的历史背景及意义,阐述了中医住培研究生临床思维能力不足的原因,主要包括临床培养“重西轻中”,中医临床培养“形同虚设”;临床带教“重用轻培”,未充分体现“教学相长”;临床培训“学而不用”,未做到真正“临床临证”。并提出了应对的方法与策略,包括围绕临床再现经典理论、围绕教学创新课程体系建设、围绕人才培养目标完善培养模式、 围绕效果建立考评体系,以期为进一步推进中医住培研究生培养改革提供参考。  相似文献   

中医住院医师规范化培训是培养中医临床人才的重要途径。目前,规培人才的培养质量受到诸多困境与因素的影响,包括培养理念严重弱化、学习模式趋向西化和考核评价流于形式化等,根源在于规培医师中医思维尚未有效构建。中医思维的形成与培养,关键在于经典医籍的“学”与“考”。中医经典是学习、体悟与应用辨证论治诊疗思维的源泉,而辨证论治的主观性、个体性、差异性特点,成为限制中医诊疗传承与创新的瓶颈。突破关键在于提升诊疗信息的客观性、准确性、规范性。迎合教育数字化转型战略,进行中医规培经典数字化转型探索,提出重塑经典教育共识的新理念,经典数字化学习的新模式以及经典数字化考核的新导向,为培养中医特色的临床人才提供新的对策与方案。  相似文献   

中医经典课程是中医学本科教学中的重要组成部分,其中《黄帝内经》为中医学理论根基,《伤寒论》与《金匮要略》为中医学临床基础,尤被历代医家所推崇,“学经典,做临床”成为无数中医学子的座右铭。然而,现代高校中医经典教学却存在着诸多有待改进的问题,本文试从中医学教学现状入手,讨论中医经典教学的改革与创新。  相似文献   

防治学说是关于疾病预防、治疗原则的理论,是连接中医基础理论和临床各科的中心环节,蕴含着丰富的防病治病思想和传统文化知识。以术载道、以道驭术,教师在防治学说的教学过程中以学生为中心,注重学情分析和课程教学规律,道术兼备、深化内涵,将知识传授与德育教育紧密结合起来,不仅有助于增强学生职业认同感,感悟文化和培养中医思维,对于实现“中医基础理论”课程目标和落实中医学专业人才培养方案也具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

针对中医药人才院校培养模式中实践教学弱化,特别是中医特色实验教学项目匮乏的问题,提出开发并应用虚拟仿真实验教学项目,探索虚拟仿真实验教学在中医药人才培养中的应用。以“基于‘阳虚寒积证’的辨治及含附子方剂的安全使用和中毒诊治”项目为例,从“阳虚寒积证”的辨证论治、温脾汤煎煮、附子中毒诊治等方面介绍项目建设内容,阐释混合式教学过程,探讨中医方剂学虚拟仿真实验教学体系规划,虚拟仿真实验教学项目的应用,以有效提升中医药实践教学质量。  相似文献   

卓越医师视域下国医精诚班综合人才培养模式,旨在通过五位一体的综合素质培养、四线同步的专业素质培养、三步续进的实践能力培养、两感并重的职业道德培养等方法实现双一流人才培养;通过中医思维、创新能力、模式创新、加强责任感和使命感等方法培养中医文化传承创新的继承者;通过国医精诚价值观培养出社会主流价值观下国医精诚价值观的践行者;进而培育出具有优秀的中医文化传承创新能力、具备符合社会主流价值的国医精诚价值观、拥有高素质高水平的双一流卓越中医人才,对学生、学校乃至整个社会产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

基于中医专业学位研究生培养现状,积极探索本专业学位研究生培养模式的改革。采用“规培”基地医教协同的方式,包括符合实际的精品课程设置、重视医学人文教育、加强临床技能实践培训、加大培训考核力度、加强对经典及传统文化的学习等多个方面。目前已经培养了一批具有良好职业道德、较高人文素养、扎实医学理论知识和临床技能,并能独立、规范地承担本专业常见多发疾病诊疗工作的中医临床医师队伍。  相似文献   

本文基于南大洋环流研究最新资料,从资料来源、动力模式以及有待解决的问题几个方面较详细地阐述南大洋环流动力学研究动态。  相似文献   

选取长江口外赤潮多发区沉积物柱状样,在高分辨率测年基础上,通过有机碳、有机碳同位素(δ13C)、生物硅、绿素等多项指标的分析获得了调查海区古生产力的变化信息。并结合近几十年来营养盐浓度及组成结构的变化探讨了海洋浮游藻类组成结构的变化在海洋古环境中的记录。柱状样年代可追溯到20世纪40年代初。δ13C值在柱中的分布为-26.15×10-3~-19.5×10-3,表明有机碳为陆源与海生的混合。生物标志物在柱状样中的分布可大致分为三个阶段,50年代以前含量均较低;50年代至80年代含量均增加,表明海洋浮游藻类活动强烈且以硅藻为主,与此阶段长江口营养盐浓度迅速增加相对应;80年代以后,生物硅的含量下降至整个柱中最低水平,绿素有所降低,但高于50年代前的水平,而有机碳含量增加,表明在该时段硅藻生物量降低,其他藻类生物量有所增加,这与长江口营养盐氮盐持续增加而硅酸盐逐年降低、氮与磷的含量比值、磷与硅的含量比值迅速增大有关。沉积记录还表明此阶段陆源有机碳的贡献增强。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the global tendency of the sea level rise (SLR) and its long term influence on the sea level upstream drainage cascade based on the example of the level’s variation in the Vistula Lagoon of the Baltic Sea compared to the other lagoons and coastal regions of the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea. A steady positive trend in the water level variations was revealed; its magnitude varies significantly depending on the time period. In general, during the 100–150 year period, the rate of the SLR in the lagoons and coastal areas of the Baltic Sea (1.7–1.8 mm per year) is close to the SLR rate in the World Ocean. In the second half of the 20th century, the increased rate of the SLR in the lagoons and marine areas became stronger (up to 3.6 mm per year in the Vistula Lagoon and in 1959–2006 in the sea and exceeded the rate of global ocean SLR). It dramatically increased at the end of the last century both in the lagoons and in the sea (up to 10.0–15.0 mm per year). This is the response not only to the global climate warming but it is likely that it is also a response to the changes of the climate driving forces that influence the regimes of the local wind and precipitation in the catchment.  相似文献   

A numerical experiment on the reproduction of the variability in the state of North Atlantic water in 1948–2007 with a spatial resolution of 0.25° has been performed using the global ocean model developed at Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences (INM RAS), and the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (IO RAS) (the INM–IO model). The data on the state of the atmosphere, radiation fluxes, and bulk formulas of the CORE-II protocol are used as boundary conditions. Five successive 60-year calculation cycles have been performed in order to obtain the quasi-equilibrium state of a model ocean. For the last 20 years, the main elements of large-scale ocean circulation have been analyzed and compared with the WOA09 atlas data and the results of other models.  相似文献   

近30年来莱州湾滨海湿地景观格局变化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于莱州湾滨海湿地特征以及野外实地观测数据,利用landsat遥感影像手段,揭示1990—2018年莱州湾滨海湿地景观格局变化特征,并结合景观指数分析莱州湾滨海湿地异质性.结果表明,1990—2018年间,莱州湾滨海湿地呈现人工滨海湿地面积增加而天然滨海湿地面积减少的趋势.截至2018年莱州湾滨海湿地面积总计1954 ...  相似文献   

1Introduction Besidestheprecipitationandriverdischarges,the watersinthePacificOceanandtheAtlanticOceanare thesourcesoftheArcticOceanwater.TheAtlantic waterenterstheArcticOceanviatheFramStraitand theBarentsSea.Foritsdenserfeatureduetohigh salinity,mostofitsinkstothenorthofSvaldbardand circulatesinallthedeepbasinsintheArcticOcean, formingthedeepandbottomwatersoftheArcticO- cean(Aagaardetal.,1985;Rudelsetal.,1999).The BeringStraitistheonlychannelforthePacificwater toflowintotheArcticOce…  相似文献   

Field data in the Oman ophiolite show that the Moho transition zone (MTZ), which is on average 300 m thick above mantle diapirs, reduces to 50 m away from diapirs, with a sharp transition at the outskirts of the diapirs. We show here that this reduction is dominantly due to compaction of a dunitic mush present above diapirs in the MTZ, with upward injection of a wehrlitic magma in the crust, and, to a lesser extent, due to tectonic stretching. In order to explain the fraction of wehrlites injected into the crust, which is in the range of 25%, it is necessary that mantle upwelling is active, with a mantle flow velocity away from diapirs several times faster than the spreading velocity. If this velocity exceeds 5 times the ridge spreading-rate, a significant part of the MTZ may be entrained down into the mantle, flowing away from the diapir as tabular dunites.  相似文献   

以1997年8月中旬和2011年10月中旬对三门湾附近海域开展的海域水质现状调查为依据,分析了近15 a间该海域水体环境氮、磷营养盐的分布现状及变化特征。结果表明:近15 a来,三门湾海域的无机氮和活性磷酸盐含量均成倍增长,水体营养程度由轻度富营养化逐步上升为重度富营养化;从营养结构来看,活性磷酸盐仍为限制性富营养化因子;大量的海水养殖是导致该海域营养盐大幅提高的直接原因。因此,为控制三门湾的富营养化现象进一步加剧,建议适度控制海水养殖规模,调整海水养殖结构,加强对三门湾沿岸排污控制,以获得养殖经济效益和生态环境效益的协调、可持续发展。  相似文献   

Variations in the speciation of iron in the northern North Sea were investigated in an area covering at least two different water masses and an algal bloom, using a combination of techniques. Catalytic cathodic stripping voltammetry was used to measure the concentrations of reactive iron (FeR) and total iron (FeT) in unfiltered samples, while dissolved iron (FeD) was measured by GFAAS after extraction of filtered sea water. FeR was defined by the amount of iron that complexed with 20 μM 1-nitroso-2-napthol (NN) at pH 6.9. FeT was determined after UV-digestion at pH 2.4. Concentrations of natural organic iron complexing ligands and values for conditional stability constants, were determined in unfiltered samples by titration. Mean concentrations of 1.3 nM for FeR, 10.0 nM for FeT and 1.7 nM for FeD were obtained for the area sampled. FeR concentrations increased towards the south of the area investigated, as a result of the increased influence of continental run off. FeR concentrations were found to be enhanced below the nutricline (below 40 m) as a result of the remineralisation of organic material. Enhanced levels of FeT were observed in some surface samples and in samples collected below 30 m at stations in the south of the area studied, thought to be a result of high concentrations of biogenic particulate material and the resuspended sediments respectively. FeD concentrations varied between values similar to those of FeT in samples from the north of the area to values similar to those of FeR in the south. The bloom was thought to have influenced the distribution of both FeR and FeT, but less evidence was observed for any influence on FeR and FeD. The concentration of organic complexing ligands, which could possibly include a contribution from adsorption sites on particulate material, increased slightly in the bloom area and in North Sea waters. Iron was found to be fully (99.9%) complexed by the organic complexing ligands at a pH of 6.9 and largely complexed (82–96%) at pH 8. The ligands were almost saturated with iron suggesting that the ligand concentration could limit the concentration of iron occurring as dissolved species.  相似文献   

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