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The relative roles of waves and tidal currents in transporting bottom sediment on the continental shelf off Lands End, southwest England, are evaluated by study of (a) sediment grain size in relation to boundary layer measurements in tidal currents, (b) regional variation in sediment parameters in relation to peak tidal and wave-induced currents, and (c) visual observation of bedforms. (a) The sediments are mainly zoogenic sands. The average hydraulic equivalent median diameter is Mdφ=1.40φ (medium grade sand), and two-thirds of the median grain sizes fall between 0.97φ and 1.83φ. The linear bottom current which will just move this range of sizes is exceeded only slightly by the highest tidal drag velocities ū* measured in the area. Thus, sediment movement by tidal currents alone is restricted to areas of high bed roughness and strong peak tidal flows. In contrast, wave-induced oscillatory currents at 100 m depth (typical of the area) attain sufficient speed to disturb the same particle sizes over 3% of the time. This includes storm periods when much greater velocities occur. (b) The average Mdφ of the sediment decreases southwest and northeast from south of the Lizard. This correlates well with the pattern of maximum tidal current speeds, suggesting that tidal currents control the areal distribution of sediment median grain size. Most sediments are well sorted (mean σi=0.48φ). Sorting improves at shallower depths but does not improve in areas of faster tidal currents, suggesting that wave-induced currents exert the major control on sorting. Silt and clay proportions increase west of the Scilly Isles and are influenced by both wave and tidal currents. (c) Photographs and television pictures show that symmetrical bedforms due to wave action are dominant north and west of the western Channel. Asymmetric bedforms are more common in the western Channel itself, where tidal currents and bed roughness are both high. Results are used to construct a sediment transport model for the study area. Since medium grade well sorted sands occur in depths of over 100 m, many ancient, extensive, well sorted sand sheets may have been deposited at depths greater than previously suspected.  相似文献   

Subaqueous sand dunes are common bedforms on continental shelves dominated by tidal and geostrophic currents. However, much less is known about sand dunes in deep‐marine settings that are affected by strong bottom currents. In this study, dune fields were identified on drowned isolated carbonate platforms in the Mozambique Channel (south‐west Indian Ocean). The acquired data include multibeam bathymetry, multi‐channel high‐resolution seismic reflection data, sea floor imagery, a sediment sample and current measurements from a moored current meter and hull‐mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler. The dunes are located at water depths ranging from 200 to 600 m on the slope terraces of a modern atoll (Bassas da India Atoll) and within small depressions formed during tectonic deformation of drowned carbonate platforms (Sakalaves Seamount and Jaguar Bank). Dunes are composed of bioclastic medium size sand, and are large to very large, with wavelengths of 40 to 350 m and heights of 0·9 to 9·0 m. Dune migration seems to be unidirectional in each dune field, suggesting a continuous import and export of bioclastic sand, with little sand being recycled. Oceanic currents are very intense in the Mozambique Channel and may be able to erode submerged carbonates, generating carbonate sand at great depths. A mooring located at 463 m water depth on the Hall Bank (30 km west of the Jaguar Bank) showed vigorous bottom currents, with mean speeds of 14 cm sec?1 and maximum speeds of 57 cm sec?1, compatible with sand dune formation. The intensity of currents is highly variable and is related to tidal processes (high‐frequency variability) and to anticyclonic eddies near the seamounts (low‐frequency variability). This study contributes to a better understanding of the formation of dunes in deep‐marine settings and provides valuable information about carbonate preservation after drowning, and the impact of bottom currents on sediment distribution and sea floor morphology.  相似文献   

Bedforms of the Surtainville area, off the Cherbourg peninsula, include subtidal sandwaves, which are a good example of mega-structures associated with the strong tidal currents prevailing in the English Channel. A fine-scale study using a high-accuracy echo-sounder and side-scan sonar shows that some of these sandwaves have a crescentic shape and a strong asymmetry indicating a sand movement toward the north. The sandwaves range in height from about 3.5 m to 7.5 m, in width from 100 m to 500 m and in length from 70 m to 200 m; their internal structure, revealed by the simultaneous use of a high-resolution seismic source, is characterized by large 'foreset' beds dipping in the same direction as the lee sides of the sandwaves. Groups of foresets are limited by reactivation surfaces which we interpret as erosional surfaces created by subordinate tides. The presence of horizontal erosional reflectors inside the sandwaves and the truncation of the present-day profiles may reflect the effects of storms. The asymmetry of the tide in the area studied, shown by long-term current measurements, indicates that these sandwaves belong to classes III or IV of Allen's (1980a) classification; the observed structures correspond very well to the prediction of Allen's conceptual model, but we suggest that long term phenomena like equinox cyclicity, associated with storms, may be responsible for their origin rather than the neap-spring-neap tidal cycles responsible for the internal structure of intertidal bedforms.  相似文献   

The continental shelf of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, is an open shelf area located 5°S and 35°W. It is influenced by strong oceanic and wind-driven currents, fair weather, 1·5-m-high waves and a mesotidal regime. This work focuses on the character and the controls on the development of suites of carbonate and siliciclastic bedforms, based on Landsat TM image analysis and extensive ground-truth (diving) investigations. Large-scale bedforms consist of: (i) bioclastic (mainly coralline algae and Halimeda) sand ribbons (5–10 km long, 50–600 m wide) parallel to the shoreline; and (ii) very large transverse siliciclastic dunes (3·4 km long on average, 840 m spacing and 3–8 m high), with troughs that grade rapidly into carbonate sands and gravels. Wave ripples are superposed on all large-scale bedforms, and indicate an onshore shelf sediment transport normal to the main sediment transport direction. The occurrence of these large-scale bedforms is primarily determined by the north-westerly flowing residual oceanic and tidal currents, resulting mainly in coast-parallel transport. Models of shelf bedform formation predict sand ribbons to occur in higher energy settings rather than in large dunes. However, in the study area, sand ribbons occur in an area of coarse, low-density and easily transportable bioclastic sands and gravels compared with the very large transverse dunes in an offshore area that is composed of denser medium-grained siliciclastic sands. It suggests that the availability of different sediment types is likely to exert an influence on the nature of the bedforms generated. The offshore sand supply is time limited and originates from sea floor erosion of sandstones of former sea-level lowstands. The trough areas of both sand ribbons and very large transverse dunes comprise coarse calcareous algal gravels that support benthic communities of variable maturity. Diverse mature communities result in sediment stabilization through branching algal growth and binding that is thought to modify the morphology of dunes and sand ribbons. The occurrence and the nature of the bedforms is controlled by their hydrodynamic setting, by grain composition that reflects the geological history of the area and by the carbonate-producing benthic marine communities that inhabit the trough areas.  相似文献   

海底水道-朵体体系内粗粒沉积物波的研究可以深化浊流搬运过程的认识。利用先进的地球物理成像技术,通过地震地貌分析,对东非鲁武马盆地海底水道-朵体体系内这种后期易被改造的特殊沉积体进行识别和解释,结合粗粒沉积物波的形态、尺度、移动方式、厚度变化、平面分布等特征,探讨其成因和影响因素。鲁武马盆地近海底水道-朵体体系内的粗粒浊流沉积物波具有多变的地貌和逆行砂丘的底形。水道内粗粒沉积物波规模较小,分布范围局限;水道-朵体过渡带的粗粒沉积物波规模大,波高约45~110 m,波长可达一千余米,总体规模大于其他地区已识别出的粗粒深水沉积物波。构造活动、超临界流产生的水跃作用、地形地貌的变化以及底流作用是鲁武马盆地粗粒浊流沉积物波形成的主控因素。  相似文献   

Sorted bedforms are widely present in sediment‐starved littoral and inner shelf settings; they are indicators for hydrodynamic conditions and a primary contributor for the subsurface structure. This study investigated the morphology and migration of sorted bedforms on the inner shelf of Long Beach Barrier Island, New York, USA , by repeat geophysical and geological surveys in 2001, 2005 and 2013 (following superstorm Sandy) involving swath bathymetry, backscatter, chirp seismic reflection data and grab sampling. Swath data revealed that the western sector, comprising the western 75% of the survey region, is dominated by NNE –SSW ‐oriented, 0·5 to 1·0 km wide sorted bedforms with highly asymmetrical cross‐sections, with steeper slopes and coarser sands on the eastern (stoss) flanks. Many secondary bedforms were also observed (north–south to north‐east/south‐west oriented lineation structures) at the western edges of coarse sand zones. The eastern sector displays an unusual sorted bedform pattern that is dominated by coarse‐grained substrate, with isolated patches of fine‐grained sands oriented north‐east/south‐west which are 0·15 to 1·0 km in length and ca 30 to 200 m in width, similar in scale and orientation to the secondary bedforms in the western sector. Comparison analysis of the swath data sets indicates that the primary transverse sorted bedform morphology within the western sector was largely stable over this time frame, although the swales were deepened following the storms. The coarse/fine sand boundaries did migrate, however, moving ca 1 to 5 m eastward between 2001 and 2005, and ca 5 to 20 m westward between 2005 and 2013; the higher migration rates (up to 2·5 m year−1) in the latter time period may be attributable to large storm forcing (for example, hurricanes Irene and Sandy). Significant north‐westward migration of the secondary bedforms and coarse sand patches in the western sector, as well as fine sand patches in the eastern sector were also observed; these features are far more mobile than the primary sorted bedforms, possibly because they are fine sand drifts that do not erode into the coarse substrate. Seismic reflection data revealed a transgressive ravinement beneath sorted bedforms, merging with the sea floor at the bottom of swales. The authors hypothesize that long‐term topographic migration of transverse sorted bedforms contributes to the formation and evolution of the ravinement.  相似文献   

This study analyses the three‐dimensional geometry of sedimentary features recorded on the modern sea floor and in the shallow subsurface of a shelf to upper slope region offshore Australia that is characterized by a pronounced internal wave regime. The data interpreted comprise an extensive, >12 500 km2 industrial three‐dimensional seismic‐reflection survey that images the northern part of the Browse Basin, Australian North West Shelf. The most prominent seismic–morphological features on the modern sea floor are submarine terrace escarpments, fault‐scarps and incised channels, as well as restricted areas of seismic distortion interpreted as mass wasting deposits. Besides these kilometre‐scale sea floor irregularities, smaller bedforms were discovered also, including a multitude of sediment waves with a lateral extent of several kilometres and heights up to 10 m. These sedimentological features generally occur in extensive fields in water depths below 250 m mostly at the foot of submerged terraces, along the scarps of modern faults and along the shelf break between the outer shelf and the upper continental rise. Additional bedforms that characterize the more planar regions of the outer shelf are elongate, north‐west/south‐east oriented furrows and ridges. The formation of both sediment waves and furrow‐ridge systems requires flow velocities between 0·3 m sec?1 and 1·5 m sec?1, which could be generated by oceanic currents, gravity currents or internal waves. In the studied setting, these velocities can be best explained as being generated by bottom currents induced by internal waves, an interpretation that is discussed against oceanographic background data and modelling results. In addition to the documentation of three‐dimensional seismic–geomorphological features of the modern sea floor, it was also possible to map kilometre‐scale buried sediment wave fields in the seismic volume down to ca 500 ms two‐way‐time below the present sea floor, indicating the general potential for the preservation of such bedforms in the sedimentary record.  相似文献   

内波单独作用形成的深水沉积物波   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
深水沉积物波是一种海底普遍发育、规模较大的波状沉积体,大多数学者将它们解释为等深流沉积或浊流沉积。本文结合内波理论的研究进展,考虑内波沉积作用的水动力学特征,探讨了深水沉积物波的内波成因机制。得出以下几点认识:①海底流动单独作用无法满足沉积物波形成所需的流动层厚度及流动速度,较难解释沉积物波的迁移方向及规则的内部及外部形态。②内波可以引起海底流动,内波比表面波更容易形成更大规模范围内的沉积床形。③内波可以形成大型沉积物波,用内波可以较合理地解释内波的对称波形单元、非对称波形单元及上攀波形单元的成因。波动面离海底距离较大的行进内波及内驻波可以形成对称波形的沉积物波;波动面离海底距离较近的行进内波及内孤立波可以形成非对称波形的沉积物波;内波引起的海底流动进一步增强时,可形成上攀波形沉积物波。④行进内波可以形成向内波传播相反方向迁移的沉积物波,向海盆内部传播的内波可以形成向上坡方向迁移的沉积物波。  相似文献   

The Bosphorus Strait accommodates two‐way flow between the Aegean and Black Seas. The Aegean (Mediterranean) inflow has speeds of 5 to 15 cm sec?1 in the strait and a salinity contrast of ~12‰ to 16‰ with the Black Sea surface waters on the shelf. An anastomosed channel network crosses the shelf and in water deeper than 70 m is characterized by first‐order channels 5 to 10 m deep, local lateral accretion bedding, muddy in‐channel barforms, and a variety of sediment waves both on channel floors and bar crests, crevasse channels entering the overbank area and levée/overbank deposits which are radiocarbon‐dated in cores to be younger than ~7·5 to 8·0 ka. This channel network accommodates the saline density current formed by the Mediterranean inflow. The density contrast between the density underflow and the ambient water mass is ~0·01 g cm?3, similar to the density contrast ascribed to low‐concentration turbidity currents in the deep sea. Channel‐floor deposits are sandy to gravelly with local shell concentrations. Low‐relief bedforms on the channel floor have relatively straight crests, upflow‐dipping cross‐stratification, heights 1 to 1·5 m and wavelengths 85 to 155 m. Bankfull flows are subcritical, so these probably are not antidunes. Bar tops are ornamented locally with mudwaves having heights 1 to 2 m and wavelengths ~20 to 100 m; these are potentially antidunes formed under shallow overbank flows. Towards the shelf edge, the degree of channel bifurcation increases dramatically and bar tops are dissected locally by secondary channels, some of which terminate in hanging valleys. Conical mounds on the shelf (possibly mud volcanoes or sites of fluid seepage) interact with the channel network by promoting accretion of muddy streamlined macroforms in their lee. This channel network may be one of the largest and most accessible natural laboratories on Earth for the study of continuously flowing density currents. Although the driver is salinity contrast, the underflow transports sufficient sediment to form levée wedges and large streamlined barforms, and presumably transports sediment into deep water.  相似文献   

Accurate benthic habitat maps are critical for resource management in coastal waters with competing uses. We used a 500 kHz phase-measuring bathymetric sonar (PMBS) and 900 kHz side-scan sonar to acquire seafloor data in estuarine and shelf environments. Grab samples and remotely operated vehicle video created geological and biological classifications for segmented maps produced by a backscatter clustering program. PMBS improves regional map resolution (<1 m), reduces the need for direct sampling, extends information on sediment–biological relationships to larger areas, and allows measurements of bedforms. Auto-segmentation was successful in environments with highly contrasting acoustic signatures and meters-scale homogeneity. Patchier communities are identifiable in PMBS data. Species preferences for sediment (i.e., tubeworm preference for sediment without shell hash) allowed us to determine potential habitat without identifying individual organisms in acoustic data. PMBS with sufficient ground-truthing offers an efficient way to map seafloor characteristics, which is critical in marine spatial planning efforts.  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic profiles, swath bathymetry, side-scan sonar data and video imageries are analysed in this detailed study of five carbonate mounds from the Belgica mound province with special emphasis on the well-surveyed Thérèse Mound. The selected mounds are located in the deepest part of the Belgica mound province at water depths of 950 m. Seismic data illustrate that the underlying geology is characterised by drift sedimentation in a general northerly flowing current regime. Sigmoidal sediment bodies create local slope breaks on the most recent local erosional surface, which act as the mound base. No preferential mound substratum is observed, neither is there any indication for deep geological controls on coral bank development. Seismic evidence suggests that the start-up of the coral bank development was shortly after a major erosional event of Late Pliocene–Quaternary age. The coral bank geometry has been clearly affected by the local topography of this erosional base and the prevailing current regime. The summits of the coral banks are relatively flat and the flanks are steepest on their upper slopes. Deposition of the encased drift sequence has been influenced by the coral bank topography. Sediment waves are formed besides the coral banks and are the most pronounced bedforms. These seabed structures are probably induced by bottom current up to 1 m/s. Large sediment waves are colonised by living corals and might represent the initial phase of coral bank development. The biological facies distribution of the coral banks illustrate a living coral cap on the summit and upper slope and a decline of living coral populations toward the lower flanks. The data suggest that the development of the coral banks in this area is clearly an interaction between biological growth processes and drift deposition both influenced by the local topography and current regime.  相似文献   

Well to poorly preserved sandstone surfaces with glacial grooves, longitudinal ridges, bulbous bedforms and large lodged clasts occur sporadically at the base of the Dwyka Formation along the western margin of the Karoo Basin. The bedforms developed when ice overrode a thin (0·1–2·0m thick) subaqueous icemarginal apron formed primarily during periods of ice front retreat. Bergstone mud and rain-out diamicton blanketed the glacial bedforms. The subglacial bedforms formed by (i) the lateral movement of water-saturated sediment into low-pressure zones, caused by crevasses and cavities at the base of the ice; (ii) the presence of areas of higher strength substrate, due to variations in bed lithology and porewater dissipation; and (iii) sediment flowage into low-pressure zones on the leeside of obstacles formed in areas of higher strength substrate due to dissipation of pore-water pressures and sediment compaction. The preservation of the bedforms, with their delicate slump fans, is attributed to separation of the glacier sole from the substrate during a sudden rise in sea-level. A series of dynamic ice-marginal events, including feedback relationships between sea-level oscillations, isostatic responses, ice-margin fluctuations, ice-margin type and the type of substrate, controlled the deposition of the basal sedimentary sequence and the formation of the associated glacial bedforms. The presence of a complex combination of glacier-related formative and depositional processes may have consequences for past interpretations of basal ‘tillites’.  相似文献   

The 2 to 5 km thick, sandstone-dominated (>90%) Jura Quartzite is an extreme example of a mature Neoproterozoic sandstone, previously interpreted as a tide-influenced shelf deposit and herein re-interpreted within a fluvio-tidal deltaic depositional model. Three issues are addressed: (i) evidence for the re-interpretation from tidal shelf to tidal delta; (ii) reasons for vertical facies uniformity; and (iii) sand supply mechanisms to form thick tidal-shelf sandstones. The predominant facies (compound cross-bedded, coarse-grained sandstones) represents the lower parts of metres to tens of metres high, transverse fluvio-tidal bedforms with superimposed smaller bedforms. Ubiquitous erosional surfaces, some with granule–pebble lags, record erosion of the upper parts of those bedforms. There was selective preservation of the higher energy, topographically-lower, parts of channel-bar systems. Strongly asymmetrical, bimodal, palaeocurrents are interpreted as due to associated selective preservation of fluvially-enhanced ebb tidal currents. Finer-grained facies are scarce, due largely to suspended sediment bypass. They record deposition in lower-energy environments, including channel mouth bars, between and down depositional-dip of higher energy fluvio-ebb tidal bars. The lack of wave-formed sedimentary structures and low continuity of mudstone and sandstone interbeds, support deposition in a non-shelf setting. Hence, a sand-rich, fluvial–tidal, current-dominated, largely sub-tidal, delta setting is proposed. This new interpretation avoids the problem of transporting large amounts of coarse sand to a shelf. Facies uniformity and vertical stacking are likely due to sediment oversupply and bypass rather than balanced sediment supply and subsidence rates. However, facies evidence of relative sea level changes is difficult to recognise, which is attributed to: (i) the areally extensive and polygenetic nature of the preserved facies, and (ii) a large stored sediment buffer that dampened response to relative sea-level and/or sediment supply changes. Consideration of preservation bias towards high-energy deposits may be more generally relevant, especially to thick Neoproterozoic and Lower Palaeozoic marine sandstones.  相似文献   

Subaqueous dunes are formed on the KwaZulu-Natal outer-shelf due to sediment transport by the Agulhas Current (geostrophic current). These dunes occur within two dune fields at depths of ? 35 to ? 70 m. The net sediment transport direction is south, but short-period reversals form northward-migrating bedforms. The dune fields are physically bounded by late Pleistocene beachrock and aeolianite ledges. A bedform hierarchy has been recognized in the dune fields comprising a system of three generations of climbing bedforms. The outer dunefield has given rise to a sand ridge (H=12 m; L=4 km; W=1.1 km; and an 8° lee slope) whereas the inner dune fields have achieved large-scale dune status. Bedload parting zones within the dune fields occur where the sediment transport direction switches from north to south due to reversals in the geostrophic flow; these zones occur at depths of ? 60, ? 47 and ? 45 m. An interpretative stratigraphic model is presented on what such geostrophite deposits would look like in the ancient sedimentary record.  相似文献   

In the northeast Atlantic, much of the deep cold water flow between the Norwegian Sea and the main North Atlantic basin passes through the Faroe‐Shetland and Faroe Bank Channels, generating strong persistent bottom currents capable of eroding and transporting sediment up to and including gravel. A large variety of sedimentary bedforms, including scours, furrows, comet marks, barchan dunes, sand sheets and sediment drifts, is documented using sidescan sonar images, seismic profiles, seabed photographs and sediment cores from the floor of the channel. Published information on current velocities associated with the various bedforms has been used to reconstruct the pattern of bottom currents acting on the channel floor. The results broadly reflect the current pattern predicted on the basis of regional oceanographic observations, but add considerable detail. The internal consistency of the results suggests that the methods used are robust, giving confidence in the fine detail of the observed bottom current structure. Bottom current velocities in the range < 0·3 to > 1·0 m s?1 are indicated by the range of observed bedforms, with the strongest currents associated with south‐west transport of Norwegian Sea Deep Water (NSDW) at water depths of 800–1200 m. The main NSDW flow forms a relatively narrow core that follows the base of the Faroes slope. This core follows the 90° change in trend of the Faroes slope at the junction between the Faroe‐Shetland and Faroe Bank Channels. The strongest currents within the NSDW core are found over the shallowest sill in the Faroe‐Shetland Channel and in the narrowest part of the channel immediately downstream of the sill, and are generated by topographic constriction of the flow. Eastward flow of deep water along the northern flank of the Wyville‐Thomson ridge suggests a complex current pattern with some recirculation of deep water within the deep Faroe Bank Channel basin. The observations suggest that Coriolis force is the main agent controlling the westward deflection of the NSDW into the Faroe Bank Channel, contradicting a previous suggestion that this was controlled by the topography of the Wyville Thomson Ridge.  相似文献   

The monitoring of turbidity currents enables accurate internal structure and timing of these flows to be understood. Without monitoring, triggers of turbidity currents often remain hypothetical and are inferred from sedimentary structures of deposits and their age. In this study, the bottom currents within 20 m of the seabed in one of the Pointe-des-Monts (Gulf of St. Lawrence, eastern Canada) submarine canyons were monitored for two consecutive years using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers. In addition, multibeam bathymetric surveys were carried out during deployment of the Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers and recovery operations. These new surveys, along with previous multibeam surveys carried out over the last decade, revealed that crescentic bedforms have migrated upslope by about 20 to 40 m since 2007, despite the limited supply of sediment on the shelf or river inflow in the region. During the winter of 2017, two turbidity currents with velocities reaching 0·5 m sec−1 and 2·0 m sec−1, respectively, were recorded and were responsible for the rapid (<1 min) upstream migration of crescentic bedforms measured between the autumn surveys of 2016 and 2017. The 200 kg (in water) mooring was also displaced 10 m down-canyon, up the stoss side of a bedform, suggesting that a dense basal layer could be driving the flow during the first minute of the event. Two other weaker turbidity currents with speeds <0·5 m sec−1 occurred, but did not lead to any significant change on the seabed. These four turbidity currents coincided with strong and sustained wind speed >60 km h−1 and higher than normal wave heights. Repeat seabed mapping suggests that the turbidity currents cannot be attributed to a canyon-wall slope failure. Rather, sustained windstorms triggered turbidity currents either by remobilizing limited volumes of sediment on the shelf or by resuspending sediment in the canyon head. Turbidity currents can thus be triggered when the sediment volume available is limited, likely by eroding and incorporating canyon thalweg sediment in the flow, thereby igniting the flow. This process appears to be particularly important for the generation of turbidity currents capable of eroding the lee side of upslope migrating bedforms in sediment-starved environments and might have wider implications for the activity of submarine canyons worldwide. In addition, this study suggests that a large external trigger (in this case storms) is required to initiate turbidity currents in sediment-starved environments, which contrasts with supply-dominated environments where turbidity currents are sometimes recorded without a clear triggering mechanism.  相似文献   

Morris  Kenyon  Limonov  Alexander 《Sedimentology》1998,45(2):365-377
Side-scan sonar, seismic and core data are used to identify mega-flutes, transverse and ‘V’ shaped bedforms in turbidites around the Valencia channel mouth, north-west Mediterranean. Long-range side-scan sonar data reveal a broad, curved, asymmetric, channel, that widens and terminates downfan. The western channel bank near the channel mouth has been partly eroded by turbidity currents that spilled out of the channel. Transverse bedforms on the east of the channel floor are interpreted as antidunes and, if this interpretation is correct, they indicate that the flow was probably supercritical at least locally within the channel. Trains of mega-flutes, are incised into coarse-grained sediments of the channel floor near the channel mouth. The association of mega-flutes and antidunes is thought to be diagnostic of channel–lobe transitions on deep-sea fans. The mega-flutes pass downfan into an area of streaks that diverge at up to 45° and indicates flow expansion from the channel mouth. About 75 km downfan from the channel mouth, deep-towed side-scan data record transverse bedforms (interpreted as antidunes) passing downfan into an area covered by ‘V’ shaped bedforms with upflow pointing apices (named chevrons here). The chevrons are commonly c. 200 m from limb to limb and c. 2 m in amplitude with flow-parallel wavelengths of c. 400 m. We propose that chevrons were formed by a strong, probably supercritical (or near critical) turbidity current spreading from the channel mouth and flowing towards the Balearic Abyssal Plain. Thinning of the turbidity current, resulting from flow spreading would allow the Froude number to remain high up to 100 km from the channel mouth and could explain the observed reduction in antidune wavelength.  相似文献   

Sedimentation on the Newfoundland rise is strongly influenced by the Western Boundary Undercurrent (WBU). The upper rise (2600-2800 m) is swept by a rapid (ū= 8·5 cm sec?1), south-flowing core of the WBU which has generated a sandy contourite facies characterized by coarse gravelly, sandy sediments; current-induced bedforms such as scour moats, lineations and lee drifts; ferro-manganese-stained gravel clasts; a high proportion of broken foraminiferal tests and a diagnostic benthic foraminiferal assemblage. The overlying nepheloid layer, when compared to adjacent waters, is thickest (800 m), most sediment laden (80 μg 1?1), contains the highest proportion of terrigenous sediment and exhibits the best developed bottom mixed layer (~ 15 m thick). Comparisons with earlier data from the same area imply the dimensions and sediment load of the nepheloid layer vary with time. Empirical considerations, based on near-bottom current meter records from Labrador and Newfoundland, suggest the WBU is capable of transporting bedload with threshold friction velocities (u*) of around 0·87-1·14 cm sec?1 for between 1 and 15% of the time. The prevailing transport direction is southwards along the rise, but this may be punctuated periodically by brief incursions to the north. The erosional regime of the upper rise is bordered by a regime of fine-grained deposition typified by muddy contourites. Both the lower slope and lower rise are mantled by bioturbated muds, the former zone having terrigenous mud and the latter, biogenic calcareous mud. The accompanying nepheloid layer is thin, biogenic-rich and devoid of an identifiable mixed layer.  相似文献   

Flat-bottomed depression 50–150 m in diameter and 60–80 cm deep occur in the floor of Norton Sound, Bering Sea. These large erosional bedforms and associated current ripples are found in areas where sediment grain size is 0.063–0.044 mm (4–4.5 φ), speeds of bottom currents are greatest (20–30 cm/s mean speeds under nonstorm conditions, 70 cm/s during typical storms), circulation of water is constricted by major topographic shoals (kilometers in scale), and small-scale topographic disruptions, such as ice gouges, occur locally on slopes of shoals. These local obstructions on shoals appear to disrupt currents, causing separation of flow and generating eddies that produce large-scale scour. Offshore artificial structures also may disrupt bottom currents in these same areas and have the potential to generate turbulence and induce extensive scour in the area of disrupted flow. The size and character of natural scour depressions in areas of ice gouging suggest that large-scale regions of scour may develop from enlargement of local scour sites around pilings, platforms, or pipelines. Consequently, loss of substrate support for pipelines and gravity structures is possible during frequent autumn storms.  相似文献   

The deeply dissected Southwest Grand Banks Slope offshore the Grand Banks of Newfoundland was investigated using multiple data sets in order to determine how canyons and intercanyon ridges developed and what sedimentary processes acted on glacially influenced slopes. The canyons are a product of Quaternary ice‐related processes that operated along the margin, such as ice stream outwash and proglacial plume fallout. Three types of canyon are defined based on their dimensions, axial sedimentary processes and the location of the canyon head. There are canyons formed by glacial outwash with aggradational and erosional floors, and canyons formed on the slope by retrogressive failure. The steep, narrow intercanyon ridges that separate the canyons are composite morphological features formed by a complex history of sediment aggradation and degradation. Ridge aggradation occurred as a result of mid to late Quaternary background sedimentation (proglacial plume fallout and hemipelagic settling) and turbidite deposition. Intercanyon ridge degradation was caused mainly by sediment removal due to local slump failures and erosive sediment gravity flows. Levée‐like deposits are present as little as 15 km from the shelf break. At 30 km from the shelf, turbidity currents spilled over a 400 m high ridge and reconfined in a canyon formed by retrogressive failure, where a thalweg channel was developed. These observations imply that turbidity currents evolved rapidly in this slope‐proximal environment and attained flow depths of hundreds of metres over distances of a few tens of kilometres, suggesting turbulent subglacial outwash from tunnel valleys as the principal turbidity current‐generating mechanism.  相似文献   

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