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There has been increasing interest by cosmologists in applying Bayesian techniques, such as Bayesian Evidence, for model selection. A typical example is in assessing whether observational data favour a cosmological constant over evolving dark energy. In this paper, the example of dark energy is used to illustrate limitations in the application of Bayesian Evidence associated with subjective judgements concerning the choice of model and priors. An analysis of recent cosmological data shows a statistically insignificant preference for a cosmological constant over simple dynamical models of dark energy. It is argued that for nested problems, as considered here, Bayesian parameter estimation can be more informative than computing Bayesian Evidence for poorly motivated physical models.  相似文献   

We use the billion-particle Hubble Volume simulations to make statistical predictions for the distribution of galaxy clusters that will be observed by the Planck Surveyor satellite through their effect on the cosmic microwave background – the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. We utilize the lightcone data sets for both critical density ( τ CDM) and flat low-density (ΛCDM) cosmologies: a 'full-sky' survey out to z ∼0.5 , two 'octant' data sets out to beyond z =1 , and a 100 square degree data set extending to z ∼4 . Making simple, but robust, assumptions regarding both the thermodynamic state of the gas and the detection of objects against an unresolved background, we present the expected number of SZ sources as a function of redshift and angular size, and also as a function of flux (for both the thermal and kinetic effects) for three of the relevant High Frequency Instrument frequency channels. We confirm the expectation that the Planck Surveyor will detect around 5×104 clusters, though the exact number is sensitive to the choice of several parameters including the baryon fraction, and also to the cluster density profile, so that either cosmology may predict more clusters. We also find that the majority of detected sources should be at z <1.5 , and we estimate that around 1 per cent of clusters will be spatially resolved by the Planck Surveyor , though this has a large uncertainty.  相似文献   

We present a study of numerical effects in dissipationless cosmological simulations. The numerical effects are evaluated and studied by comparing the results of a series of 643-particle simulations of varying force resolution and number of time-steps, performed using three of the N -body techniques currently used for cosmological simulations: the Particle–Mesh (PM), the Adaptive Particle–Particle–Particle–Mesh (AP3M) and the newer Adaptive Refinement Tree (ART) codes. This study can therefore be interesting both as an analysis of numerical effects and as a systematic comparison of different codes.
We find that the AP3M and the ART codes produce similar results given that convergence is reached within the code type. We also find that numerical effects may affect the high-resolution simulations in ways that have not been discussed before. In particular, our study revealed the presence of two-body scattering, the effects of which can be greatly amplified by inaccuracies in time integration. This process appears to affect the correlation function of matter, the mass function, the inner density of dark matter haloes and other statistics at scales much larger than the force resolution, although different statistics may be affected in a different fashion. We discuss the conditions for which strong two-body scattering is possible and discuss the choice of the force resolution and integration time-step. Furthermore, we discuss recent claims that simulations with force softening smaller than the mean interparticle separation are not trustworthy and argue that this claim is incorrect in general, and applies only to the phase-sensitive statistics. Our conclusion is that, depending on the choice of mass and force resolution and the integration time-step, a force resolution as small as 0.01 of the mean interparticle separation can be justified.  相似文献   

We test the consistency of estimates of the non-linear coupling constant f NL using non-Gaussian cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps generated by the method described in the work of Liguori, Matarrese & Moscardini. This procedure to obtain non-Gaussian maps differs significantly from the method used in previous works on the estimation of f NL. Nevertheless, using spherical wavelets, we find results in very good agreement with Mukherjee & Wang, showing that the two ways of generating primordial non-Gaussian maps give equivalent results. Moreover, we introduce a new method for estimating the non-linear coupling constant from CMB observations by using the local curvature of the temperature fluctuation field. We present both Bayesian credible regions (assuming a flat prior) and proper (frequentist) confidence intervals on f NL, and discuss the relation between the two approaches. The Bayesian approach tends to yield lower error bars than the frequentist approach, suggesting that a careful analysis of the different interpretations is needed. Using this method, we estimate   f NL=−10+270−260  at the 2σ level (Bayesian) and   f NL=−10+310−270  (frequentist). Moreover, we find that the wavelet and the local curvature approaches, which provide similar error bars, yield approximately uncorrelated estimates of f NL and therefore, as advocated in the work of Cabella et al., the estimates may be combined to reduce the error bars. In this way, we obtain   f NL=−5 ± 85  and   f NL=−5 ± 175  at the 1σ and 2σ level respectively using the frequentist approach.  相似文献   

We use Bayesian model selection tools to forecast the Planck satellite's ability to distinguish between different models for the re-ionization history of the Universe, using the large angular scale signal in the cosmic microwave background polarization spectrum. We find that Planck is not expected to be able to distinguish between an instantaneous re-ionization model and a two-parameter smooth re-ionization model, except for extreme values of the additional re-ionization parameter. If it cannot, then it will be unable to distinguish between different two-parameter models either. However, Bayesian model averaging will be needed to obtain unbiased estimates of the optical depth to re-ionization. We also generalize our results to a hypothetical future cosmic variance limited microwave anisotropy survey, where the outlook is more optimistic.  相似文献   

In the absence of any compelling physical model, cosmological systematics are often misrepresented as statistical effects and the approach of marginalizing over extra nuisance systematic parameters is used to gauge the effect of the systematic. In this article, we argue that such an approach is risky at best since the key choice of function can have a large effect on the resultant cosmological errors.
As an alternative we present a functional form-filling technique in which an unknown, residual, systematic is treated as such. Since the underlying function is unknown, we evaluate the effect of every functional form allowed by the information available (either a hard boundary or some data). Using a simple toy model, we introduce the formalism of functional form filling. We show that parameter errors can be dramatically affected by the choice of function in the case of marginalizing over a systematic, but that in contrast the functional form-filling approach is independent of the choice of basis set.
We then apply the technique to cosmic shear shape measurement systematics and show that a shear calibration bias of  | m ( z )| ≲ 10−3 (1 + z )0.7  is required for a future all-sky photometric survey to yield unbiased cosmological parameter constraints to per cent accuracy.
A module associated with the work in this paper is available through the open source icosmo code available at http://www.icosmo.org .  相似文献   

赵飞  罗煜  韦成亮 《天文学报》2019,60(4):87-102
为了研究空洞的演化以及暗物质空洞和星系空洞的差别,使用一组高精度的N体模拟数据以及基于此给出的半解析模拟星系数据,在红移2.03到红移0之间取了6个红移的数据,并使用VIDE (Void Identification and Examination toolkit)算法来找空洞,对星系空洞和暗物质空洞的统计性质比如丰度、数目、大小、形状、叠加密度轮廓等演化的比较的结果表明,随着红移的减小,空洞的数目逐渐减少、内部密度逐渐变小、体积逐渐增大、空洞的形状越来越扁.暗物质空洞和星系空洞的数目、平均大小、平均椭率的比值与红移呈线性关系.此外,不论是暗物质空洞还是星系空洞,小的空洞密度比在分布上比大空洞的低,更容易贯通并合,演化效应更明显.另外由于星系总是形成于暗物质密度场的高密度区域,使其不容易示踪暗物质空洞的一些薄弱的墙结构,导致星系空洞提前贯通.而对于已经形成的星系空洞而言,即便是其墙上最薄弱的地方也往往堆积着显著的暗物质,使得星系的位置保持稳定,甚至形成新的星系,从而抑制星系空洞的贯通.整体上暗物质空洞的演化要比星系空洞的演化更加明显.  相似文献   

We use the Point Source Catalogue Redshift Survey galaxy redshift catalogue combined with constrained simulations based on the IRAS 1.2-Jy galaxy density field to estimate the contribution of hot gas in the local universe to the Sunyaev–Zeldovich (SZ) effect on a large scale. We produce a full-sky healpix map predicting the SZ effect from clusters as well as diffuse hot gas within  80  h −1 Mpc  . Performing cross-correlation tests between this map and the WMAP data in pixel, harmonic and wavelet space we can put an upper limit on the effect. We conclude that the SZ effect from diffuse gas in the local universe cannot be detected in current cosmic microwave background (CMB) data and is not a large-scale contaminating factor  (ℓ < 60)  in studies of CMB angular anisotropies. We derive an upper limit for the mean temperature decrement of  Δ T < 0.33 μK  at the 2σ confidence level for the 61-GHz frequency channel. However, for future high-sensitivity experiments observing at a wider range of frequencies, the predicted large-scale SZ effect could be of importance.  相似文献   

The physical processes that define the spine of the galaxy cluster X-ray luminosity–temperature ( L – T ) relation are investigated using a large hydrodynamical simulation of the universe. This simulation models the same volume and phases as the millennium simulation and has a linear extent of  500  h −1 Mpc  . We demonstrate that mergers typically boost a cluster along but also slightly below the L – T relation. Due to this boost, we expect that all of the very brightest clusters will be near the peak of a merger. Objects from near the top of the L – T relation tend to have assembled much of their mass earlier than an average halo of similar final mass. Conversely, objects from the bottom of the relation are often experiencing an ongoing or recent merger.  相似文献   

Many physical properties of galaxies correlate with one another, and these correlations are often used to constrain galaxy formation models. Such correlations include the colour–magnitude relation, the luminosity–size relation, the fundamental plane, etc. However, the transformation from observable (e.g. angular size, apparent brightness) to physical quantity (physical size, luminosity) is often distance dependent. Noise in the distance estimate will lead to biased estimates of these correlations, thus compromising the ability of photometric redshift surveys to constrain galaxy formation models. We describe two methods which can remove this bias. One is a generalization of the V max method, and the other is a maximum-likelihood approach. We illustrate their effectiveness by studying the size–luminosity relation in a mock catalogue, although both methods can be applied to other scaling relations as well. We show that if one simply uses photometric redshifts one obtains a biased relation; our methods correct for this bias and recover the true relation.  相似文献   

We have used the largest cluster statistics and the average filamentarity to quantify respectively the connectivity and the shapes of the patterns seen in the galaxy distribution in two volume-limited subsamples extracted from the equatorial strips of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release One (DR1). The data was projected on to the equatorial plane and analysed in two dimensions (2D). Comparing the results with Poisson point distributions at various levels of smoothing we find evidence for a network-like topology with filaments being the dominant patterns in the galaxy distribution. With increasing smoothing, a transition from many individual filamentary structures to an interconnected network is found to occur at a filling factor of 0.5–0.6. We have tested the possibility that the connectivity and the morphology of the patterns in the galaxy distribution may be luminosity dependent and find significant evidence for a luminosity–morphology relation, the brighter galaxies exhibiting lower levels of connectivity and filamentarity compared to the fainter ones. Using a statistical technique, Shuffle, we show that the filamentarity in both the SDSS strips is statistically significant up to 80  h −1 Mpc but not beyond. Larger filaments, though identified, are not statistically significant. Our findings reaffirm earlier work establishing the filaments to be the largest known statistically significant coherent structures in the Universe.  相似文献   

We study the formation of galaxies in a Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) universe using high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations with a multiphase treatment of gas, cooling and feedback, focusing on the formation of discs. Our simulations follow eight isolated haloes similar in mass to the Milky Way and extracted from a large cosmological simulation without restriction on spin parameter or merger history. This allows us to investigate how the final properties of the simulated galaxies correlate with the formation histories of their haloes. We find that, at   z = 0  , none of our galaxies contains a disc with more than 20 per cent of its total stellar mass. Four of the eight galaxies nevertheless have well-formed disc components, three have dominant spheroids and very small discs, and one is a spheroidal galaxy with no disc at all. The   z = 0  spheroids are made of old stars, while discs are younger and formed from the inside-out. Neither the existence of a disc at   z = 0  nor the final disc-to-total mass ratio seems to depend on the spin parameter of the halo. Discs are formed in haloes with spin parameters as low as 0.01 and as high as 0.05; galaxies with little or no disc component span the same range in spin parameter. Except for one of the simulated galaxies, all have significant discs at   z ≳ 2  , regardless of their   z = 0  morphologies. Major mergers and instabilities which arise when accreting cold gas is misaligned with the stellar disc trigger a transfer of mass from the discs to the spheroids. In some cases, discs are destroyed, while in others, they survive or reform. This suggests that the survival probability of discs depends on the particular formation history of each galaxy. A realistic ΛCDM model will clearly require weaker star formation at high redshift and later disc assembly than occurs in our models.  相似文献   

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