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The increase in low flows (winter discharge and minimum monthly discharge), caused primarily by permafrost degradation, is common in high‐latitude permafrost regions, whereas the dynamics of low flows in high‐altitude permafrost regions remain largely unknown. Long‐term discharge data from 28 unregulated catchments in western China were analysed, and the findings showed that winter discharge/minimum monthly discharge significantly increased (p ≤ 0.1) in 82/82%, 55/64%, and 0/0% of the catchments in the higher‐latitude mountain permafrost regions (Tienshan Mountains), mid‐latitude mountain permafrost regions (Qilian Mountains), and mid‐ to low‐latitude plateau permafrost regions (the source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow rivers), respectively. The differences in permafrost type and the distribution of permafrost and alpine cold desert (which is similar to tundra) were found to be the main causes for the different responses in the low flows. The rate of change of low flows (winter discharge and minimum monthly discharge) was negatively and linearly correlated with permafrost coverage when coverage was less than 40% of the catchment area, whereas the low flows changed only slightly when the permafrost coverage exceeded 40%. A significant thickening of the active layer increased the low flows in the lower permafrost‐covered catchments, which are dominated by warm permafrost. However, in the higher permafrost‐covered catchments with cold permafrost and a cold climate, only an increase in permafrost temperature (without a notable thickening of the active layer) occurred, resulting in non‐significant changes in low flows.  相似文献   

The drought of summer 2018, which affected much of Northern Europe, resulted in low river flows, biodiversity loss and threats to water supplies. In some regions, like the Scottish Highlands, the summer drought followed two consecutive, anomalously dry, winter periods. Here, we examine how the drought, and its antecedent conditions, affected soil moisture, groundwater storage, and low flows in the Bruntland Burn; a sub-catchment of the Girnock Burn long-term observatory in the Scottish Cairngorm Mountains. Fifty years of rainfall-runoff observations and long-term modelling studies in the Girnock provided unique contextualisation of this extreme event in relation to more usual summer storage dynamics. Whilst summer precipitation in 2018 was only 63% of the long-term mean, soil moisture storage across much of the catchment were less than half of their summer average and seasonal groundwater levels were 0.5 m lower than normal. Hydrometric and isotopic observations showed that ~100 mm of river flows during the summer (May-Sept) were sustained almost entirely by groundwater drainage, representing ~30% of evapotranspiration that occurred over the same period. A key reason that the summer drought was so severe was because the preceding two winters were also dry and failed to adequately replenish catchment soil moisture and groundwater stores. As a result, the drought had the biggest catchment storage deficits for over a decade, and likely since 1975–1976. Despite this, recovery was rapid in autumn/winter 2018, with soil and groundwater stores returning to normal winter values, along with stream flows. The study emphasizes how long-term data from experimental sites are key to understanding the non-linear flux-storage interactions in catchments and the “memory effects” that govern the evolution of, and recovery from, droughts. This is invaluable both in terms of (a) giving insights into hydrological behaviours that will become more common water resource management problems in the future under climate change and (b) providing extreme data to challenge hydrological models.  相似文献   

Catchments in the Loess Plateau have been under the influence of human activities for centuries. In the last four decades, soil conservation measures have accelerated and intensified. These measures were designed to reduce soil erosion, improve agricultural productivity, and enhance environmental quality. It is important to evaluate the effects of these measures on hydrology in order to develop sustainable catchment management plans in the region. This study evaluated changes in stream flow data for four selected catchments in the Loess Plateau following large‐scale soil conservation measures. The non‐parametric Mann–Kendall test was used to identify trends in annual stream flow and the results showed significant downward trends in three of the four catchments. The Pettitt test indicated that a change point occurred in 1978 in these three catchments. Annual precipitation in all the catchments showed no significant trend during the period of record. Comparison of daily flow duration curves for two 20‐year periods (1957–1978) and (1979–2003) showed significant changes in stream flow regime. Reduction in most percentile flows varied between 20 and 45%, and the reduction in low flows was greatest. Overall, the reductions in daily flow were increasing with time, with significant changes occurring in the 1990s. However, it is not clear whether these catchments have seen the full effects of the soil conservation measures, so the results of this study might underestimate the final impact of soil conservation on stream flow regime. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Results of a study on change detection in hydrological time series of annual maximum river flow are presented. Out of more than a thousand long time series made available by the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) in Koblenz, Germany, a worldwide data set consisting of 195 long series of daily mean flow records was selected, based on such criteria as length of series, currency, lack of gaps and missing values, adequate geographical distribution, and priority to smaller catchments. The analysis of annual maximum flows does not support the hypothesis of ubiquitous growth of high flows. Although 27 cases of strong, statistically significant increase were identified by the Mann-Kendall test, there are 31 decreases as well, and most (137) time series do not show any significant changes (at the 10% level). Caution is advised in interpreting these results as flooding is a complex phenomenon, caused by a number of factors that can be associated with local, regional, and hemispheric climatic processes. Moreover, river flow has strong natural variability and exhibits long-term persistence which can confound the results of trend and significance tests.  相似文献   


This study investigates changes in seasonal runoff and low flows related to changes in snow and climate variables in mountainous catchments in Central Europe. The period 1966–2012 was used to assess trends in climate and streamflow characteristics using a modified Mann–Kendall test. Droughts were classified into nine classes according to key snow and climate drivers. The results showed an increase in air temperature, decrease in snowfall fraction and snow depth, and changes in precipitation. This resulted in increased winter runoff and decreased late spring runoff due to earlier snowmelt, especially at elevations from 1000 to 1500 m a.s.l. Most of the hydrological droughts were connected to either low air temperatures and precipitation during winter or high winter air temperatures which caused below-average snow storages. Our findings show that, besides precipitation and air temperature, snow plays an important role in summer streamflow and drought occurrence in selected mountainous catchments.  相似文献   

Few studies have precisely documented the response of stream channels to short-term flow variability. This paper examines the impact of sequential flows of various magnitudes on the morphology of a low-energy river in northeastern Illinois, U.S.A. Between June 1986 and November 1988 channel cross-sections were surveyed on a semiannual basis at 26 locations along a 7.2 km stretch of the Des Plaines River. During this period an estimated 100-year flood, several bankfull flows, and an extreme low flow associated with a severe drought occurred. The response of the river channel to each of these events was relatively minor. Mean changes for the reach were generally less than 3 per cent for mean depth and less than 1 per cent for width. Statistical analysis indicates that net changes in width and depth over the entire period were not significantly different from zero. This lack of geomorphic response is attributable to low stream power, low hydrologic variability, fine bed materials, and cohesive banks along this stretch of river. Although dramatic changes in channel morphology did not occur, subtleties in geomorphic response were observed that reflect the temporal ordering of hydrologic events.  相似文献   

F. Worrall  T. P. Burt  J. Adamson 《水文研究》2008,22(16):3181-3193
This study considers three long records of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) flux from two catchments with peat‐covered headwaters. The catchments vary in size from 11 to 818 km2 and the records are at least 12 years old, with one record going back to 1965. The study compares both annual and monthly DOC flux records with a range of hydroclimatic indicators in order to test which component of droughts may contribute to increasing DOC flux. The study found that: (1) there was no significant correlation between any of the proposed drought variables and DOC flux in any of the study catchments over periods of up to 34 years; (2) the most important variable for explaining the DOC flux was the runoff from the catchments overlying a seasonal cycle and an underlying upward trend was present in some records; (3) the residual time‐series, after removal of the best‐fit models, showed no evidence of increased production after times of severe drought. The lack of any evidence for any additional biogeochemical reactions associated with drought supports evidence that DOC loss from peat is limited by its solubility and that its production is fast on the time‐scale of runoff events. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study models climate change impacts on the natural flow regime of braided rivers and inflows to hydropower lakes in a New Zealand mountain basin. Flow metrics include the magnitude, frequency, timing and duration of unaltered flows. The TopNet hydrological model was used to simulate impacts in the Upper Waitaki Basin of the South Island for the 1990s, 2040s and 2090s. An average emissions scenario and results from 12 global circulation models were used as input. Indicators of hydrological alteration and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to evaluate flow differences. Modelled total inflows increase over time for all lakes, with most increases in winter/early spring and small decreases in summer/autumn. High flows generally increase, while low flows decrease. Although these changes may benefit hydropower and floodplain ecology, they may increase flood risk in winter and spring and drought risk in summer and autumn, causing additional challenges managing hydropower operations.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman

ASSOCIATE EDITOR S. Kanae  相似文献   

Climate change is decreasing glacier cover and increasing the frequency and magnitude of precipitation-driven high flows and floods in many regions of the world. Precipitation may become the dominant water source for river systems in recently deglaciated catchments, with major rainfall events driving significant changes in river channel morphology. Few studies, however, have examined river channel response to repeated precipitation-driven high flows. In this study, we measured the geomorphological condition of four low-order rivers in recently deglaciated catchments (70–210 years ice free) before and after a series of repeated precipitation-driven high flows during summer 2014. High flows drove substantial initial morphological change, with up to 75% change in baseflow channel planform position and active channel form change from pre- to post-high flow. Post-high flow years were associated with increased instream wood and geomorphological complexity at all but the youngest river. Channel changes were part of an active relaxation stage at all rivers, where channels continued to migrate, and complexity varied through time. Overall, these measurements permit us to propose a conceptual model of the role of geomorphologically effective high flows in the context of paraglacial adjustment theory. Specifically, we suggest that older rivers in recently deglaciated catchments can undergo a short-term (<10 years) increase in the rate of geomorphological development as a result of the recruitment of instream wood and channel migration during and following repeated precipitation-driven high flows. Enhancing our knowledge of these geomorphological and paraglacial processes in response to high flows is important for the effective management of riverine water and ecosystem resources in rapidly changing environments.  相似文献   


Most climate change projections show important decreases in water availability in the Mediterranean region by the end of this century. We assess those main climate change impacts on water resources in three medium-sized catchments with varying climatic conditions in northeastern Spain. A combination of hydrological modelling and climate projections with B1 and A2 IPCC emission scenarios is performed to infer future streamflows. The largest reduction (34%) in mean streamflows (for 2076–2100) is expected in the headwaters of the two wettest catchments, while lower decreases (25% of mean value for 2076–2100) are expected in the drier one. In all three catchments, autumn and summer are the seasons with the most notable projected decreases in streamflow, of 50% and 30%, respectively. Thus, ecological flows in the study area might be noticeably influenced by climate change, especially in the headwaters of the wet catchments.  相似文献   


The rainfall–runoff process is governed by parameters that can seldom be measured directly for use with distributed models, but are rather inferred by expert judgment and calibrated against historical records. Here, a comparison is made between a conceptual model (CM) and an artificial neural network (ANN) for their ability to efficiently model complex hydrological processes. The Sacramento soil moisture accounting model (SAC-SMA) is calibrated using a scheme based on genetic algorithms and an input delay neural network (IDNN) is trained for variable delays and hidden layer neurons which are thoroughly discussed. The models are tested for 15 ephemeral catchments in Crete, Greece, using monthly rainfall, streamflow and potential evapotranspiration input. SAC-SMA performs well for most basins and acceptably for the entire sample with R2 of 0.59–0.92, while scoring better for high than low flows. For the entire dataset, the IDNN improves simulation fit to R2 of 0.70–0.96 and performs better for high flows while being outmatched in low flows. Results show that the ANN models can be superior to the conventional CMs, as parameter sensitivity is unclear, but CMs may be more robust in extrapolating beyond historical record limits and scenario building.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman; ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned  相似文献   

A numerical model (MARS-2D) was developed, with the aim of describing the hydrodynamics that prevail in Arcachon Bay. Direct model results as well as derived mixing and transport time-scales (tidal prism, local and integrated flushing times, age of water masses), were used to understand the behaviour of water masses and exchanges between the Bay and its frontiers. Particular attention was paid to the processes that drive the hydrodynamics (tides, wind and rivers), in order to understand their respective influence.The Arcachon Bay hydrodynamic system appears primarily to be highly influenced by tides; secondarily, by winds. About two third of the lagoon total volume is flushed in and out at each tidal cycle, which represent a mean tidal prism of 384 millions of cubic meters. The percentage of seawater flushed out during the ebb, that returns into the lagoon during the following flood flow is very high (return flow factor=0.95). This pattern leads to calculated integrated flushing times (IFT) ranging from 12.8 to 15.9 days, respectively, for the winter 2001 and summer 2005 simulations (two contrasting climatological situations: in summer, light northwesterly winds and low discharges in the rivers and, in winter, stronger southwesterly winds and higher river flows). Moreover, it has been found that northerly and westerly winds tend to reduce the flushing time, whilst southerly and easterly winds tend to hinder the renewal of the water in the Bay. The behaviour of the waters originating from the two main rivers of the lagoon, was studied also by means of the mean age assessment, under varying conditions of river flow and wind regime.  相似文献   


Droughts may be classified as meteorological, hydrological or agricultural. When meteorological drought appears in a region, agricultural and hydrological droughts follow. In this study, the standardized precipitation index (SPI) was applied for meteorological drought analysis at nine stations located around the Lakes District, Turkey. Analyses were performed on 3-, 6-, 9- and 12-month-long data sets. The SPI drought classifications were modelled by Adaptive Neural-Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Fuzzy Logic, which has the advantage that, in contrast to most of the time series modelling techniques, it does not require the model structure to be known a priori. Comparison of the observed values and the modelling results shows a better agreement with SPI-12 and ANFIS models than with fuzzy logic models.  相似文献   

Catchments with minimal disturbance usually have low dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) export, but disturbances and anthropogenic inputs result in elevated DIN concentration and export and eutrophication of downstream ecosystems. We studied streams in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA, an area dominated by hardwood deciduous forest but with areas of valley agriculture and increasing residential development. We collected weekly grab samples and storm samples from nine small catchments and three river sites. Most discharge occurred at baseflow, with baseflow indices ranging from 69% to 95%. We identified three seasonal patterns of baseflow DIN concentration. Streams in mostly forested catchments had low DIN with bimodal peaks, and summer peaks were greater than winter peaks. Streams with more agriculture and development also had bimodal peaks; however, winter peaks were the highest. In streams draining catchments with more residential development, DIN concentration had a single peak, greatest in winter and lowest in summer. Three methods for estimating DIN export produced consistent results. Annual DIN export ranged from less than 200 g ha?1 year?1 for the less disturbed catchments to over 2,000 g ha?1 year?1 in the catchments with the least forest area. Land cover was a strong predictor of DIN concentration but less significant for predicting DIN export. The two forested reference catchments appeared supply limited, the most residential catchment appeared transport limited, and export for the other catchments was significantly related to discharge. In all streams, baseflow DIN export exceeded stormflow export. Morphological and climatological variation among watersheds created complexities unexplainable by land cover. Nevertheless, regression models developed using land cover data from the small catchments reasonably predicted concentration and export for receiving rivers. Our results illustrate the complexity of mechanisms involved in DIN export in a region with a mosaic of climate, geology, topography, soils, vegetation, and past and present land use.  相似文献   

Summer flows in experimental catchments with different forest covers, Chile   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Runoff and peak flows in four experimental catchments with different land uses are analyzed for summer periods. The catchments have a rainy temperate climate with annual precipitations between 2000 and 2500 mm, 70% of which is concentrated in the winter period between May and August. The final harvest of the forest plantation in one of these catchments generated increases in summer runoff. Also, differences between the maximum instantaneous discharge and the flow at the beginning of the storm then almost duplicated those registered in rainfall events of similar magnitude when the catchment was fully forested. Runoff analysis in this catchment is difficult because the two post-harvesting summer periods are much wetter than the two pre-harvesting ones but a double mass analysis shows the effect of harvesting clearly. In a paired catchment study, low cover in one of the two neighbour catchments explains higher direct runoff and base flows although lower maximum instantaneous specific discharge occurred in the less vegetated but larger catchment. Low vegetation cover explains increases in summer flows, although the size, topography, rainfall conditions, road density, extent of affected area and runoff generation processes play an important role in the hydrological effects of different land uses.  相似文献   

A number of extensive droughts and destructive floods have occurred in Poland in the last 25 years; hence, projections of low and high river flows are of considerable interest and importance. In the first part of this paper, projections of low and high flows in the rivers of the Vistula and the Odra basins (VOB region), for two future time horizons, are presented. Projections are based on the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrological model simulations driven by results of the EURO‐CORDEX experiment under Representative Concentration Pathways 4.5 and 8.5. The VOB region covers most of Poland and parts of five neighboring countries, giving this study an international relevance. In the second part of the paper, a review of projections of low and high flows in rivers in Central and Eastern Europe is presented. Despite a substantial spread of flow projections, the main message of the modelling part is that increases of both low and high flows are dominating. The magnitude of increase of low flow is considerably higher than that of high flow. In other words, future streamflow droughts are projected to be less severe, whereas, in contrast, river floods are projected to increase, which is a challenge for flood risk reduction, water management, and climate change adaptation. There is an overall agreement of our findings for the VOB region with projections of hydrological extremes from large‐scale models forced by EURO‐CORDEX results in the European‐scale studies.  相似文献   


The upper Niger and Volta rivers exhibit a great and highly contrasting variability of inter-annual runoff. The Bani River, the largest tributary to the Niger River in Mali, shows a dramatic decrease in runoff after the 1970s, with the result that many boreholes in the region have dried up since the drought began. In contrast, the Nakambe River (Upper Volta basin, in Burkina Faso) shows an increase in runoff for the same period, leading to unexpected flood peaks that damaged infrastructures. The contribution that the groundwater and its variability make to surface runoff variability is assessed in this study by comparing the data of the national groundwater monitoring networks of Mali and Burkina Faso to surface runoff. Several variables are compared at the basin scale: the date of the maximum level of the water table, the annual rainfall, discharge, low flows and depletion coefficients. Variability in the low flows of the Bani River is well correlated to a decrease in the water table. Since 1970, the greater decrease in runoff in comparison to the rainfall decrease is due to a reduction in the baseflow, related to the cumulated rainfall deficit. Concerning the Nakambe River, the runoff increase is not supported by a water table increase, but is due to the increase in runoff coefficient related to land degradation.  相似文献   


We present a procedure for estimating Q95 low flows in both gauged and ungauged catchments where Q95 is the flow that is exceeded 95% of the time. For each step of the estimation procedure, a number of alternative methods was tested on the Austrian data set by leave-one-out cross-validation, and the method that performed best was used in the final procedure. To maximise the accuracy of the estimates, we combined relevant sources of information including long streamflow records, short streamflow records, and catchment characteristics, according to data availability. Rather than deriving a single low flow estimate for each catchment, we estimated lower and upper confidence limits to allow local information to be incorporated in a practical application of the procedure. The components of the procedure consist of temporal (climate) adjustments for short records; grouping catchments into eight seasonality-based regions; regional regressions of low flows with catchment characteristics; spatial adjustments for exploiting local streamflow data; and uncertainty assessment. The results are maps of lower and upper confidence limits of low flow discharges for 21 000 sub-catchments in Austria.  相似文献   

The water quality of rivers in the eastern part of the Humber Basin, north-eastern England is described from a baseflow survey (11–13 August 2006) of a wide range of water quality determinants, and long-term nutrient records of the Environment Agency of England and Wales (EA). The baseflow survey shows that the rivers are oversaturated with respect to dissolved CO2 and calcite. They are sodium, potassium, lithium, boron, chloride, sulphate and fluoride bearing from a combination of atmospheric, within-catchment, agricultural and sewage effluent sources. Nitrate concentrations are uniform for rivers draining permeable bedrock but decrease for clay drainage areas. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations are variable across the catchments reflecting the importance and variability of point sources and within-river processing. The EA data show annual oscillations for both NO3 and SRP concentrations. Average NO3 concentrations vary between 3.3 and 18.8 mgN/l and concentrations are low during the summer months. Average SRP concentrations vary between 23 and 1959 μg/l. Highest SRP concentrations generally occur when there is effluent input from sewage treatment works and agricultural point sources (e.g. overflow from slurry tanks, farmyard washings). Despite many of the rivers being nutrient rich, they are generally of good biological quality when point source inputs are not important.  相似文献   


The effects of climatically deviating periods of at least four years on discharge were investigated employing flow duration curves in the Upper Loire basin, France. The periods were determined using the standardized cumulative yearly deviation from the mean precipitation for ten climate stations. Flow duration curves from 27 catchments were determined and parameterized for each period. Results show that the effect of precipitation on discharge is more pronounced than the effect of temperature. They also show that the parameter values that determine the flow duration curve differ significantly between dry and wet periods. Furthermore the effect of drought on discharge is larger than the effect of wetness. Catchments with a high variability of discharge are more sensitive to changes of precipitation than catchments with a low variability of discharge.  相似文献   

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