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Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are increasingly used to protect marine mammals from anthropogenic threats despite limited studies that assess their efficacy. The small population of Burrunan dolphins (Tursiops australis) that inhabit Port Phillip Bay (PPB), Australia, are genetically isolated, listed as threatened and are exposed to dolphin-swim tourism. This study aimed to identify areas within PPB where dolphins are most likely to rest, forage and socialise, and whether these behaviours occur frequently within Ticonderoga Bay Sanctuary Zone (TBSZ), the only protected area designated for dolphins within PPB. Here, a comprehensive activity budget for Burrunan dolphins was established and critical habitat identified. Behavioural data were collected from 51 independent dolphin groups during 67 boat-based surveys conducted in southern PPB between December 2009 and May 2013. Travel (63.9%) and rest (1.8%) were the most and least frequently observed behaviours, respectively. Forage (16.4%), mill (10.8%) and social (7.2%) accounted for the remainder of the activity budget. Results indicate that the broader PPB region is important for foraging, socialising and nursing dolphins, while TBSZ has proven importance for foraging dolphins. Thus, the implementation of TBSZ was a correct management decision and MPAs developed without baseline data can be effective for marine mammal conservation. Three candidate MPAs were objectively identified in areas that are hotspots for foraging and socialising Burrunan dolphins in southern PPB. The findings of this study will be used to inform current conservation management strategies. If implemented, the aim of the proposed MPAs will be to reduce impacts from anthropogenic disturbance, namely dolphin-swim tour vessels.  相似文献   

1994~ 1 999年 ,在厦门港 2 0个中华白海豚监视站进行观测 ,实施了87航次跟踪拍照 ,对 7头幼仔和 6头成体标本进行了现场测量和解剖。第二次下水的中华白海豚既具备哺乳动物纲最基本的特征 ,也在运动 (游泳 )、水下生殖和哺乳、呼吸和感觉 (包括声纳 )等方面产生了一系列对水环境的适应。  相似文献   

厦门港的中华白海豚Ⅴ.对水生生活的适应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1994~1999年,在厦门港20个中华白海豚监视站进行观测,实施了87航次跟踪拍照,对7头幼仔和6头成体标本进行了现场测量和解剖。第二次下水的中华第豚既具备哺乳动物纲最基本的特征,也在运动(游泳)、水下生殖和哺乳、呼吸和感觉(包括声纳)等方面产生了一系列对水环境的适应。  相似文献   

For more than a decade, interactions between humans and Hawaiian spinner dolphins in their resting bays have been a concern for members of the general public, managers, scientists, policymakers, and tour operators. Hawaiian spinner dolphins are the target of a large wildlife tourism industry due to their predictable daytime resting behavior and presence in coastal areas. Using results from passive acoustic monitoring between January 2011 and March 2013 on the Kona coast of Hawai‛i Island, USA, the relative importance of four known Hawaiian spinner dolphin resting bays, the contribution of anthropogenic noise including vessel noise to the four bay soundscapes, and the dolphins' response to human activities were assessed. Here the findings are summarized and visualized and recommendations are provided for action to regulate directed dolphin watching and ensuing unauthorized takes under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. These findings and recommendations have implications for the federal government's ongoing efforts to implement rules that protect Hawaiian spinner dolphins in their resting bays.  相似文献   

The small, genetically distinct population of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in Port Stephens, New South Wales (NSW), is the target of the largest dolphin-watching industry in Australia and falls within the recently created Port Stephens—Great Lakes Marine Park. The effectiveness of Speed Restriction Zones (SRZs) as a management tool in this area was investigated during their second year of implementation by comparing dolphin usage and behaviour to adjacent Control Zones (CZs) of similar habitat. For this purpose, boat-based surveys and focal follows of dolphin groups were carried out in the zones between August 2008 and August 2009. Results showed that SRZs were more intensely used by dolphin-watching boats in summer. There was no change in dolphins’ behaviour and group structure in the presence of dolphin-watching boats in SRZs when compared to dolphin groups within CZs in any season. Dolphin groups including calves used SRZs less during summer. The latter may indicate a shift in area utilisation for those groups during intense boat traffic by dolphin-watching operators. CZs were more important than SRZs as foraging grounds for dolphins in summer. This indicates that SRZs as specified are not effective at minimising boating impacts and that the location of these zones should in time be revised. This is important information for management of dolphin-watching within this marine park and an example of adaptive management in progress. Moreover these results are relevant for conservation of dolphins and the management of dolphin-watching industries elsewhere, particularly new industries, where management strategies may incorporate marine protected areas including zoning plans.  相似文献   

Various studies have revealed high concentrations of contaminants such as organochlorines (OCs) and heavy metals in Mediterranean cetaceans. A geographical trend of contamination (PCBs and DDTs) has been found for striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba). In this study we used a non-lethal approach (skin biopsy) to investigate bioaccumulation of OCs, including polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), DDTs, polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs), trace elements (Hg, Cd, Pb) and CYP1A activity (BPMO) in nine striped dolphins sampled in the Aeolian area (Sicily – Italy) in summer 2002. The arithmetic mean value of BPMO activity in this group was 43.46 AUF/g tissue/h. This value is approximately 3 times and 5 times lower, respectively, than the value found in the Ionian and in the Ligurian groups. Skin biopsies of striped dolphins emerged as a suitable material for assessing the toxicological status of the various Mediterranean groups.  相似文献   

A central question to any understanding of ecology is how animals use their habitat, and how habitat use is influenced by temporally changing features of the environment. Previous research on Hector's dolphins at Akaroa Harbour, New Zealand suggested that dolphins leave inshore, harbour environments during or after rough weather. To test this hypothesis, visual sightings (2000–2012) and acoustic detections (2007–2008) of Hector's dolphins in Akaroa Harbour were modelled to test for a relationship with swell height and swell direction. Sighting rates and acoustic detection rates in Akaroa Harbour were significantly lower on days after big swell events and in some linear models after swell events from the south. These results indicate that swell events influence Hector's dolphin movements in and around Akaroa Harbour. Possible reasons for this behaviour are diverse and need further investigation. However, this information can be used both to predict daily dolphin movement for conservation and research purposes, and to suggest how dolphins may react in future if extreme weather events are becoming frequent.  相似文献   

Line-transect data from sighting surveys conducted in the western Mediterranean (in 1991) and the Alboran Sea (in 1992) were analysed to estimate densities and numbers of striped and common dolphins in various areas of the western Mediterranean. Density of striped dolphins in the northwestern Mediterranean was estimated as 0.20 dolphins km−2 (CV = 0.24; 95% CI = 0.12 and 0.32) and was 41% higher than in the southwestern Mediterranean, where it was estimated as 0.12 dolphins km−2 (CV = 0.38; 95% CI = 0.05 and 0.25). The highest densities were observed in the Liguro–Provençal basin, with 0.24 dolphins km−2 (CV = 0.26; 95% CI = 0.14 and 0.40), and the Alboran Sea, with 0.20 dolphins km−2 (CV = 0.33; 95% CI = 0.10 and 0.36). These areas, and especially the Ligurian Sea, appear to be the most productive in terms of the food consumed by striped dolphins. Common dolphins were abundant only in the Alboran Sea with an estimated density of 0.16 dolphins km−2 (CV = 0.40; 95% CI = 0.08 and 0.35), scarce in the south Balearic area and almost absent in the northwestern Mediterranean. The magnitude of the dolphin by-catch in fishing operations in the Alboran Sea and other areas stresses the need for further assessment of densities and numbers, notably in the Alboran Sea and the North African Mediterranean waters.  相似文献   

The conventional design for a tanker terminal provides for two or more mooring dolphins on each side of the breasting dolphins. Head and stern lines are attached to the outer mooring dolphins and breast lines to the inner mooring dolphins. In exposed locations, the expense of construction may be significantly reduced if a way can be found to reduce the number of mooring dolphins required for the safe mooring of ships at a fixed berth.This paper, based on studies for a proposed terminal for tankers from 25,000 to 100,000 DWT in the Bay of Fundy in Eastern Canada, discusses the possibility of reducing the total number of mooring dolphins from four to two. Results of a static analysis of mooring loads due to wind and current and a hydraulic model test for mooring loads due to waves are presented.Operational aspects of the two mooring dolphin layout are discussed. It is concluded that the two mooring dolphin concept is an efficient mooring arrangement which will reduce the cost of fixed berth terminals. It is noted, however, that many of the smaller, older tankers in the world fleet do not have adequate mooring equipment to use such a berth and it is recommended that the necessary change in deck equipment be made to allow for such an arrangement. It is also recommended that ship personnel acquaint themselves with mooring procedures using breast and spring lines alone.  相似文献   

本文的研究基于文莱湾浅水域的一头野生伊洛瓦底海豚水声定位信号的调查数据。在记录期间,有一艘渔船突然开启发动机,惊扰了其附近的一头伊洛瓦底海豚,接着渔船开始两次连续追逐海豚。这期间海豚回声定位信号的变化情况被记录下来。当伊洛瓦底海豚受惊吓被追逐时,信号的声压级、每分钟嘀嗒声信号串的发生次数、每个嘀嗒声信号串中的脉冲个数和平均脉冲间隔都发生了相应的变化。平均的脉冲间隔在事件发生的瞬间立即增大,并在追逐期间呈现轻微下降趋势。脉冲间隔的增大对应着探测距离的增加,代表着海豚对未知区域的探索能力,制约着它的逃离速度。数据记录结果的分析表明,伊洛瓦底海豚会根据外界干扰对发出的回声定位信号进行调整,改变自己对潜在危险的探查能力。分析结果同时提醒我们需要随海豚生存环境的噪声进行管理,避免突然的发动机操作或者追逐它们。  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins are the only cetaceans regularly observed in the northern Adriatic Sea, but they survive at low densities and are exposed to significant threats. This study investigates some of the factors that influence habitat use by the animals in a largely homogeneous environment by combining dolphin data with hydrological and physiographical variables sampled from oceanographic ships. Surveys were conducted year-round between 2003 and 2006, totalling 3,397 km of effort. Habitat modelling based on a binary stepwise logistic regression analysis predicted between 81% and 93% of the cells where animals were present. Seven environmental covariates were important predictors: oxygen saturation, water temperature, density anomaly, gradient of density anomaly, turbidity, distance from the nearest coast and bottom depth. The model selected consistent predictors in spring and summer. However, the relationship (inverse or direct) between each predictor and dolphin presence varied among seasons, and different predictors were selected in fall. This suggests that dolphin distribution changed depending on seasonal forcing. As the study area is relatively uniform in terms of bottom topography, habitat use by the animals seems to depend on complex interactions among hydrological variables, caused primarily by seasonal change and likely to determine shifts in prey distribution.  相似文献   

The presence and movement of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins Tursiops aduncus were investigated using shore-based observations made during a humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae migration survey at Cape Vidal, South Africa, undertaken between June and October 1988–1991. Occurrence was analysed as counts of dolphin sightings per hour within a generalised estimating equation framework. Bottlenose dolphin sightings decreased throughout the daily survey period, and there was a small seasonal peak in sightings during August. Data on movement trajectory were collected using a theodolite for 60% of the groups of dolphins sighted. Most groups were observed travelling in a northerly direction, with few groups recorded moving south. A generalised linear model indicated that northward-travelling dolphins were located closer to shore, travelled at higher speeds, and occurred in bigger groups under low-tide conditions, than those seen moving in a southerly direction. The southward-flowing Agulhas Current is close to shore at Cape Vidal, where the continental shelf is particularly narrow. We suggest that bottlenose dolphins in this area have adopted a specific movement regime to cope with the consistent fast-flowing currents that dominate their environment at Cape Vidal.  相似文献   

The relationship between trophic position through delta13C and delta15N and trace metal concentrations (Zn, Cd, Cu and Hg) was investigated in the tissues of six marine mammal species from the Northeast Atlantic: striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba, common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, Atlantic white-sided dolphin Lagenorhynchus acutus, harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena, white beaked-dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris, grey seal Halichoerus grypus stranded on French Channel and Irish coasts. White-beaked dolphins, harbour porpoises, white-sided dolphins, common and striped dolphins display the same relative and decreasing trophic position, as measured by delta15N values, along both the Irish and French channel coasts, reflecting conservative trophic habits between these two places. Hepatic and renal Cd concentrations were significantly correlated to muscle delta13C and delta15N values while Hg, Zn and Cu did not. These results suggest that Cd accumulation is partly linked to the diet while other factors such as age or body condition might explain Hg, Zn or Cu variability in marine mammals. Combined stable isotope and trace metal analyses appear to be useful tools for the study of marine mammal ecology.  相似文献   

The bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus is one of the most frequently sighted cetacean species in the Madeira Archipelago (North-East Atlantic); however, little is known about its population ecology in these waters. Photo-identification undertaken during systematic, non-systematic and opportunistic surveys conducted between 2001 and 2012 was used to assess group dynamics, site fidelity, residency and movement patterns of bottlenose dolphins in the archipelago. Three different patterns of residency were assigned, based on individual sighting histories. Group size ranged between 2 and 90 individuals (median 12), with no significant monthly difference in group size. All resident dolphins formed a core, complex network with migrant and transient dolphins. In contrast, satellite clusters were formed exclusively by transient individuals. The lagged identification rate (LIR) model indicated that a dolphin remained in the area for an average of 90 days, whereas the average time an individual spent outside the study area was approximately 313 days. The Madeira Archipelago appears to be only a section of a much larger home range for this population, with the dolphins exhibiting three different patterns of occurrence that associate with each other. The information gained about this poorly studied population contributes to the overall knowledge of bottlenose dolphins in insular oceanic habitats.  相似文献   

本文设计了一套基于FPGA的鲸豚声信号实时数据采集与分析系统,在采集存储水族馆内声信号的同时,应用改进的HHT算法处理鲸豚叫声中的click信号,实现实时的甄别瓶鼻海豚和白鲸功能,可用于针对大型哺乳动物的远洋实时跟踪科考。  相似文献   

中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)是国家一级重点保护水生哺乳动物,在我国主要分布于东南沿海的近岸及河口水域。厦门湾是中华白海豚重要栖息地之一,同时也是东南沿海经济较为发达的地区。自改革开放以来,厦门进行了高强度的海洋开发活动,对中华白海豚及其栖息地造成了较大影响。为了保护该物种及其栖息地,厦门市制定了一系列的保护措施,如建立自然保护区、跨区域协同管理、鱼类资源管护与增殖放流等,取得了较好成效。本研究总结了厦门湾中华白海豚所面临的主要威胁,以及为保护中华白海豚及其栖息地所采取的保护措施;分析了目前仍然存在的问题并提出改进建议,如保护区优化调整、加强执法监管、开展栖息地生态修复等,可为厦门湾及其他海域中华白海豚的保护与管理提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

鲯鳅及等棘鲯鳅的后期仔鱼及稚鱼在东海的出现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲯鳅Coryphaena hippurus等棘鲯鳅C.equiselis 为鲯鳅科Coryphaenidae中仅有的鲯鳅属Coryphaena中的两个种。为广布于世界热带及亚热带水域中的快速游泳的大洋性上层鱼类。鲯鳅在日本、中国等国家和地区属于名贵的经济鱼类,为太平洋及加勒比海许多岛屿的重要食用种类。 有关该两种鱼类的研究报道已有不少,但东海水域内有关等棘蜞鳅的成鱼及仔、稚鱼的报道,在我国至今尚未见到。本文就该两种的  相似文献   

The abundance of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins Tursiops aduncus off the south-west coast of Mauritius was estimated using capture-mark-recapture modelling. Over the past two decades this population has been subjected to ongoing anthropogenic disturbance in the form of extensive coastal development. Furthermore, daily dolphin tourism, which started in 1998, has rapidly increased in intensity. Identification photographs were collected between April 2008 and June 2010 from dolphins occurring along a 30 km length of coast where a dolphin tourism industry is concentrated. A total of 137 groups were encountered over 229 survey days. Over 5 000 photographs were taken, from which 35 individuals were considered to be sufficiently distinctively marked to use in mark-recapture analyses. The majority (85.7%) were seen more than once and resighting frequencies indicated a resident population. Three newborn calves were recorded during the study. Open population models produced abundance estimates of <100 individuals in the population. These results will be used to make recommendations for the conservation and management of this small, resident population, which is a valuable economic resource for the island but is currently under threat from high levels of human activity.  相似文献   

Various studies have revealed high concentrations of contaminants such as organochlorines (OCs) and heavy metals in Mediterranean cetaceans. A geographical trend of contamination (PCBs and DDTs) has been found for striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba). In this study we used a non-lethal approach (skin biopsy) to investigate bioaccumulation of OCs, including polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), DDTs, polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs), trace elements (Hg, Cd, Pb) and CYP1A activity (BPMO) in nine striped dolphins sampled in the Aeolian area (Sicily - Italy) in summer 2002. The arithmetic mean value of BPMO activity in this group was 43.46 AUF/g tissue/h. This value is approximately 3 times and 5 times lower, respectively, than the value found in the Ionian and in the Ligurian groups. Skin biopsies of striped dolphins emerged as a suitable material for assessing the toxicological status of the various Mediterranean groups.  相似文献   

中华白海豚是国家一级重点保护水生哺乳动物,厦门湾是中华白海豚的重要栖息地之一。文章以厦门英春—围里海底电缆工程为例,评价工程建设对中华白海豚及其栖息地的影响,并提出中华白海豚的保护措施,以期为海洋工程建设对水生野生保护动物的保护管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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