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为跟踪国际上农业高技术的最新发展 ,在国家计委、北京市政府和北京市计委领导和支持下 ,北京市农林科学院承担了“北京精准农业示范工程项目”,率先在我国开展精准农业示范研究。精准农业是 80年代中期从事作物栽培、土壤肥力、作物病虫草害防治的专家们在进行作物生长模拟、栽培管理、测土配方施肥等专家应用系统研究中 ,为进一步了解农田内小区作物产量和生长环境条件的时空差异 ,从而实现定位、定量投入而发展起来的。迄今精准农业在美国、加拿大、法国等发达国家也不过 5~ 6年的应用试验历史。  相似文献   

精准水稻种植信息系统结构、管理与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
精准农业是当今世界农业发展的新潮流 ,中国 2 1世纪农业的发展方向之一。稻谷产量占我国粮食总产量的 4 0 %左右 ,实现精准水稻种植具有重大意义。在上海市农工商现代化农业园区“精准农业试验与示范基地”开展的水稻精准种植试验 ,结果与其他地块相比较 ,化肥使用量减少 1 5 % ,单产提高 8% ,总收益提高 1 8%。精准水稻种植信息系统是实现水稻精准种植的核心 ,目前完成 PRC/ INFO1 .0版本的开发 ,本文介绍了系统的结构、功能和技术特点。  相似文献   

农业循环经济发展的热点领域与技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,在我国农业实施循环经济已具备了切实的经济保障,但针对中国农业所面临的现状和主要技术性障碍,依然存在困难。本文在此背景之下,阐述了农业循环经济的内涵,并提出发展农业循环经济需要依靠的主要技术领域,同时指出环境保护、新能源开发、生物技术和节水农业等基础学科的发展对于实施农业循环经济的重要意义。  相似文献   

农业、农村和农民问题历来是我们党十分重视的问题,是现阶段关系改革开放和现代化建设全局的重大问题。农业始终是我国国民经济中的薄弱环节,是加入世贸组织后面临最大挑战的产业。发展农业经济,增加农民收入根本的出路是推进我国农业产业化经营。  相似文献   

农业地质学是地质科学向农业拓展并交融渗透构建的一门新的边缘学科。其研究对象为农业地质背景、农业土壤地质以及促进农业发展的农用矿质养分。上世纪70年代,农业地质学逐步在我国兴起,起始主要集中在为农业服务的区域地质、区域水文地质、农药农肥矿产勘查等传统地质领域;80年代发展为以地层、岩石和地貌等农业背景条件为研究对象的农业地质背景(系统);90年代,随着我国建设可持续发展农业、  相似文献   

我国农业科技推广体系经过长期建设取得了长足发展,为农业发展做出了积极贡献,但在市场经济条件下也出现诸多问题,如科技成果推广与实际需求相脱节,政府主导的农技推广工作与市场需要不适应,体制机制不尽合理,基层推广人员素质低,推广经费不足等。为完善我国农业科技推广体系,提出建立健全农业科技推广体系,建立多样化的经费投入体系,提高农业科技推广人员素质,促进我国农业科技成果转化等若干对策。  相似文献   

正矿产资源为人类社会发展和经济建设发挥了重要作用。据统计,我国一次能源的95%、工业原料的80%以及农业生产资料近乎全部都来源于矿产资源,很多农业用水、生活用水都属于矿产资源范畴内的地下水资源。矿产资源开发的健康有序发展,与我国社会经济的健康发展息息相关。  相似文献   

对鹤岗市新农村建设及实现农村小康的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十六大以来,各级政府出台了一系列有关积极扶持、保护、促进农业发展的新机制、新办法、农业产业化经营等措施,明确了建设社会主义新农村的发展方向。但是,如何发展农业,怎样建设小康,从而构建社会主义和谐社会,仍然是摆在我们面前的一个重大课题。笔者通过对鹤岗市农业、农村、农民现状的调查,认为发展智能化农业、实施土地整理、加快农村城镇化步伐、  相似文献   

土地整理是技术性、工程性很强的活动,它能带来十分显著的经济、社会和生态效益,是改善农业生产条件和生态环境,提高农业综合生产能力,促进农业增产、农民增收、农村发展的重要手段。近年来,我国土地整理工作取得了显著的成效,在保证耕地总量不再减少,优化农村环境和形象,使路林成行、沟渠成网,加快农村现代化建设进程等方面发挥了令人瞩目的作用,但也应该看到,我们的土地整理工作还存在一定的误区。我国当前和今后一个时期内,土地开发整理要以提高农业综合生产力为出发点,大力开展基本农田整理,促进补充耕地数量、质量、生态三者统一,充分发挥土地开发整理的综合效益。  相似文献   

实现农村土地集约经营是农业发展的必然趋势,是实现农业现代化和建设社会主义新农村的基础。要加快现代农业发展进程,推进新农村建设,实现农业增产增效,促进农民增收,必须要走土地集约经营之路。  相似文献   

农业决策支持系统的概念设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业生产对信息的需求越来越强,对各种信息的采集、分析和处理,是农业生产决策必不可少的环节;根据农业生产系统的自组织特征,日益复杂的农业信息处理需要现代地理信息技术的支持,农业决策支持系统可以作为农业信息化建设的示范性实用技术之一。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of agricultural informalization in the world, the demand of agricultural information has been a focus in the international agriculture and information fields. Based on the investigation, this paper presented the four characteristics of the demand of agricultural information in China, includingregionality, seasonality, great potential demand and variation in kind and level. The factors infuencing the demand of agricultural information were analyzed by the Optimized Less Square (OLS) method. The result shows that, of all factors influcing agricultural information demand, the most important one is economy, the second is facility of information pass, and knowledge and education of user, credit of agricultural information service system and production situation follow. Taking Jilin Province as an example, this article also elaborated the agricultural information demand status, and deduced the regression model of agricultural information demand and verified it by the survey in rural Jilin.  相似文献   

当前农业地理信息管理系统在农业信息资源的有效统一管理和共享方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文主要讨论了如何在地理信息服务平台的支持下构建农业地理信息系统,从而加快系统建设步伐,减少财政投资,合理管理现有农业资源,为农业部门提供辅助规划和决策,加快农业现代化进程。  相似文献   

China is a great agricultural country with large population,limited soil resources and traditional farming mode,so the central government has been attaching great importance to the development of agriculture and put forward a new agricultural technology revolution-the transformation from traditional agricultrure to modern agriculture and from exten-sive farming to intensive farming,Digital agriculture is the core of agricultural informatization.The enforcement of digital agriculture will greatly promote agricultural technology revolution.two agricultural transformations and its rapid develop-ment,and enhance China‘s competitive power after the entrance of WTO.To carry out digital agriculture,the frame sys-tem of digital agriculture is required to be studied in the first place,In accordance with the theory and technology of digi-tal earth and in combination with the agricultural reality of China,this artile outlines the frame system of digital agricul-ture and its main content and technology support.  相似文献   

Climate changehasprofound impacts onhumanl-splratlon Intense,and Is unfavo毗Ie to crop’s growth,ty·Lllmale change and a series ofconsequences caused 帅s沏ds ic reducmn of crop yle恰.We什angjlangby It have been paid more and more attention In evew Delta Is one of*theari< most lmpoFtant grain-producingarearesearch held.Climatic warming In the future will have of China.Though the Chan用fang Delta provides largegreat Influence on the China’s agriculture.As the report amo…  相似文献   

基于网格计算环境下的空间信息多级格网研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文提出一种适应网格计算环境下的空间信息多级格网(SIMG,Spatial Information Multi-Grid)技术,通过将网格计算技术与地学格网相结合,提出SIMG的构想并探讨其关键技术的实现;通过研究格网内细部地物表示的精度,力求建立SIMG的划分标准,从而建立我国空间信息多级格网的体系结构。  相似文献   

城乡建设用地增减挂钩项目可视化监管系统为省国土资源部门开展城乡建设用地增减挂钩工作提供了重要的技术支持。它以地理空间数据为基础,提供多种空间的和动态的地理信息并实现信息可视化的系统。可视化监管系统的基本功能是将表格型数据(数据库数据或直接在程序中输入的数据)转换为地理图形显示,然后对显示结果浏览、操作和分析。该文对城乡建设用地增减挂钩项目可视化监管系统的开发环境、总体设计、关键技术及应用进行阐述。  相似文献   

Based on dynamic theory of system, agriculture is a complex system composed by element, structure, function and development. Firstly, this paper analyzes their connotation and relationship, which could be simply described that in virtue of element integrating and structure optimizing, agricultural system may achieve multifunctionality to meet increasingly diverse demands. As a case study of Suzhou, it concludes that Suzhou has a LP-dependence on agricultural element, and the growth extent of agricultural productivity correlates to the ratio of agricultural labor reducing rate to farmland reducing rate. Agricultural structure of Suzhou changed with time, and in the early 1980s and 2000s it was most notable. Correspondingly, agricultural function has experienced a succession process: ‘production’, ‘production-living’, and ‘production-living-ecology’. At last, based on questionnaires and interviews, some new characteristics and problems of agricultural development in coastal developed region of China have been put forward. Meanwhile, some typical patterns of modern agriculture in Suzhou which adapt to system evolving are also brought up such as export-oriented agriculture, enterprises-leading agriculture, agricultural science and technology parks, characteristic and stereoscopic agriculture, tourism and sightseeing agriculture. Foundation item: Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40635029, No. 40771014)  相似文献   

随着我国农业现代化发展,传统农业逐步向现代农业转变,尤其是近年来农村土地承包经营权流转进程加快,农业生产经营规模不断扩大,农业设施快速增加,势必要占用大量的农用地。因此,为适应现代农业发展需求,必须加强和完善设施农用地管理,防止以发展设施农业为名,滥占乱用土地,促进耕地保护和设施农业的健康有序发展。  相似文献   

Ecological security is the main task and applied ficld of present geography, resources and environment sciences and ecology. Ecological security evaluation will efficiently promote ecological security and environmental construction in regional land use. In this thesis, the authors put forward the index system of ecological security evaluation in karst mountainous area on three aspects, the pressure of resources and eco-environment, the quality of resources and eco-environment, and the ability of environmental protection and ecological improvement. Using the evaluation method with single index, based on the case study of Du'an Yao Autonomous County of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the system of synthetic regionalization of ecological agricultural economy was formed, which includes three regions, south region with basic security and synthetic agricultural development, east region with critical security and agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry balanced development, mid-west and south region with eco  相似文献   

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