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Previous estimates of the world-wide input of oil to the marine environment by natural seeps ranged from 0·2 to 6·0 million (metric) tonnes per year with a ‘best estimate’ of 0·6 million tonnes per year. Based on considerations of the availability of oil for seepage from the world's known and assumed oil resources, we believe that the world-wide natural oil seepage over geological time should be revised to about 0·2 million tonnes per year with a range upward or downward of a factor of ten leading to estimates between 0·02 and 2 million tonnes per year. Our estimate of the amount of oil eroding from the land and being transported to the oceans is about 0·05 million tonnes per year with an order of magnitude uncertainty. Therefore, while the uncertainties are large, we estimate that the total amount of oil entering the marine environment by natural, geological processes, is about 0·25 million tonnes per year, and the estimate may range from about 0·25 to 2·5 million tonnes per year.  相似文献   

One of the tasks being completed while oil pollution monitoring in the Black Sea, was a study of natural seepage. Two known oil seeps are located in the southeastern section, the Georgian sector, from which crude oil enters the marine environment. The archives of European Space Agency and ScanEx Research and Development Center have a considerable quantity of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images acquired in 1993–2011 by the ERS-1/2, Envisat, and Radarsat-1 satellites, on which seep oil slicks are clearly visible in this region. Processing of the collected SAR images with detected slicks in combination with the geoinformation approach has revealed a link of these slicks with the bottom sources on the local sedimentary structure in the Southeast Black Sea; their analysis provides both new insight into this phenomenon and new information to help understand nature of these oil seeps. On the basis of an analysis of collected SAR images and detailed bathymetric data, information on the source positions on the bottom and estimates of oil volumes entering the sea surface are obtained.  相似文献   

Methane bubble fluxes in gas flares from bottom sediments in Lake Baikal were estimated for the first time using hydroacoustic methods. Earlier work has demonstrated the occurrence of gas seeps both inside and outside of areas where bottom simulating reflectors were identified in seismic profiles. Fluxes ranged from 14 to 216 tons per year, with the flux for the entire area of the central and southern basins ranging from 1,400 to 2,800 tons per year. Comparison with other water bodies showed that fluxes from the most intensive Baikal flares were similar to those in the Norwegian and Okhotsk seas. Gas hydrates decompose at the lower boundary of the gas hydrate stability zone due to sedimentation. Calculation of the amount of methane produced due to sedimentation gave a total of between 2,600 and 14,000 tons per year for the central and southern basins of the lake. Based on rough estimation, the total flux from shallow- and deep-water gas seeps is similar to the amount of methane produced due to sedimentation. This suggests that gas hydrates possibly occupy much more than 10?% of the pore volume near the base of the gas hydrate stability zone, or that there are other reasons for gas hydrate dissociation and bubble flux from these bottom sediments.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - Results are presented from research aimed at detecting natural seepage and oil seeps in the seas of Russia using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging....  相似文献   


Two groups of oil slicks have been repeatedly detected in the Southern Caspian Sea, off Cape Sefidrud and close to the Iranian coast of the sea on the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images acquired by the Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B satellites in April–June 2018. Analysis of the SAR images together with bathymetry, geological and geophysical data in geographic information system showed that these manifestations (oil slicks) visible on the sea surface have natural origin, related to the bottom seepage phenomenon and are associated with existing hydrocarbon system. Oil slicks are concentrated over the continental slope and related to local geological formations of the sedimentary cover having oil deposits related to paleo-delta of Sefidrud River. Our evidence shows that two seeps in this area are active and repeating. It is concluded that the SAR is an excellent tool for monitoring of seepage phenomenon. Moreover, results indicate that the use of remote methods to identify offshore natural oil seeps related to existing active petroleum system can be considered as a well-accepted approach to support oil and gas exploration in frontier areas such as the South Caspian Basin.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of applying a new polarization method proposed in [28] to identify the type of surface pollution and differentiate between mineral oil films (crude oil and its emulsion and petroleum products) and films of other origin in sea surface radar images. The method is based on calculation of the quantitative characteristics for the ratios of suppression or intensification of scattered radio signals of different physical nature, viz., caused by capillary ripples several centimeters long, or wave breaking. TerraSAR-X satellite coaxial-polarized (VV/HH) SAR images are used. The data for analysis have been collected in areas where spots and slicks of known origin regularly occur, such as oil spills and natural oil seeps in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caspian Sea, and biogenic films in the Caspian Sea. The results of analyzing radar images from the TerraSAR-X satellite with controlled experimental oil emulsion spills in the North Sea are used for comparison. Based on the analysis of ten TerraSAR-X radar polarization images with surface sensing angles greater than 30°, it is shown that this method makes it possible to distinguish between oil spills and slicks formed by natural oil seeps and biogenic films with an accuracy higher than 80% regardless of the observation area.  相似文献   

Restoration of oiled mussel beds in Prince William Sound, Alaska   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural loss of hydrocarbons was often low from mussel (Mytilus trossulus) beds (which were typically not cleaned after the Exxon Valdez oil spill), thus this habitat remained a long-term source of oil. Consequently, experimental restoration of nine contaminated beds was attempted in 1994; mussels were removed, contaminated surface sediment was replaced (33 metric tons), and original mussels were returned. Hydrocarbon concentrations and mussel populations were monitored for 5 years thereafter. Post-restoration mussel population fluctuations were indistinguishable from regional changes. Increased short-term oil loss was apparent, but long-term (5 year) improvement was equivocal and difficult to distinguish from natural losses. By 1999, oil concentrations in mussels were typically at baseline levels in restored and oiled reference beds; concentrations in replaced sediment were elevated in one third of restored beds, indicating recontamination from underlying or surrounding sediment. Our results suggest mussel relocation is feasible but suggest oil might more effectively be removed from sediment mechanically or chemically than manually.  相似文献   

There are thousands of seeps in the deep ocean worldwide; however, many questions remain about their contributions to global biodiversity and the surrounding deep‐sea environment. In addition to being globally distributed, seeps provide several benefits to humans such as unique habitats, organisms with novel genes, and carbon regulation. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there are unique seep macrobenthic assemblages, by comparing seep and nonseep environments, different seep habitats, and seeps at different depths and locations. Infaunal community composition, diversity, and abundance were examined between seep and nonseep background environments and among three seep habitats (i.e., microbial mats, tubeworms, and soft‐bottom seeps). Abundances were higher at seep sites compared to background areas. Abundance and diversity also differed among microbial mat, tubeworm, and soft‐bottom seep habitats. Although seeps contained different macrobenthic assemblages than nonseep areas, infaunal communities were also generally unique for each seep. Variability was 75% greater within communities near seeps compared to communities in background areas. Thus, high variability in community structure characterized seep communities rather than specific taxa. The lack of similarity among seep sites supports the idea that there are no specific infauna that can be used as indicators of seepage throughout the northern Gulf of Mexico, at least at higher taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

High-resolution sonar surveys, and a detailed subsurface model constructed from 3D seismic and well data allowed investigation of the relationship between the subsurface geology and gas-phase (methane) seepage for the Coal Oil Point (COP) seep field, one of the world’s largest and best-studied marine oil and gas seep fields, located over a producing hydrocarbon reservoir near Santa Barbara, California. In general, the relationship between terrestrial gas seepage, migration pathways, and hydrocarbon reservoirs has been difficult to assess, in part because the detection and mapping of gas seepage is problematic. For marine seepage, sonar surveys are an effective tool for mapping seep gas bubbles, and thus spatial distributions. Seepage in the COP seep field occurs in an east–west-trending zone about 3–4 km offshore, and in another zone about 1–2 km from shore. The farthest offshore seeps are mostly located near the crest of a major fold, and also along the trend of major faults. Significantly, because faults observed to cut the fold do not account for all the observed seepage, seepage must occur through fracture and joint systems that are difficult to detect, including intersecting faults and fault damage zones. Inshore seeps are concentrated within the hanging wall of a major reverse fault. The subsurface model lacks the resolution to identify specific structural sources in that area. Although to first order the spatial distribution of seeps generally is related to the major structures, other factors must also control their distribution. The region is known to be critically stressed, which would enhance hydraulic conductivity of favorably oriented faults, joints, and bedding planes. We propose that this process explains much of the remaining spatial distribution.  相似文献   

We exposed the bat starfish, Patiria miniata, to the water-soluble fraction (WSF) of oil from a natural seep near Santa Barbara, California, during the first 48 hours of embryological growth. There were no consistent differences among populations whose parents were from areas with differing levels of hydrocarbon exposure. In a second experiment, the order of decreasing toxicity of crude oils to the embryos was: Monterey Zone > Rincon Zone > Prudhoe Bay > Isla Vista Seep. The results are discussed in relation to the effects of natural seeps and oil characteristics.  相似文献   

Effects of hydrocarbon-contaminated substrata on recruitment of three species of fouling organisms were studied along the Louisiana gulf coast. Clay tiles (232 cm2) were exposed to crude oil, 10% water soluble fraction of crude oil, or 25 g/kg artificial seawater, and placed out at two locations, in two seasons, and at two tidal levels in an estuary near Port Fourchon, Louisiana. Bryozoan (Membranipora savartii) recruitment was significantly reduced in all experiments on crude oil-exposed tiles. However, oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and barnacles (Balanus eburneus) exhibited recruitment facilitation, and oysters grew to larger size, on crude oil-exposed tiles in 1-4 of the five experiments. When oyster larvae were exposed to the same treatments in the laboratory, settlement was, however, significantly depressed on crude oil-exposed tiles as compared with controls, although oyster size was larger on crude-oil exposed tiles. Recruitment on tiles exposed to the water soluble fraction of crude oil was similar to control tiles in nearly all experiments for all taxa. We suggest naturally occurring biofilms (which hydrocarbons facilitate) may promote or inhibit recruitment, depending on the taxon, because hydrocarbons facilitated recruitment only in field experiments, not in lab experiments without biofilms. However, stronger currents in the field experiments may have more rapidly diluted hydrocarbons, and hydrocarbon effects were not large in comparison with natural seasonal and tidal variation in recruitment.  相似文献   

全世界每年流入海洋的石油多达数百万吨,超过了海洋的自净能力,造成污染。本文综述了海上溢油的处置技术,包括石油入海后的处理和回收技术以及海上溢油的最终处置技术。  相似文献   

Adequate conservation and management of shark populations is becoming increasingly important on a global scale, especially because many species are exceptionally vulnerable to overfishing. Yet, reported catch statistics for sharks are incomplete, and mortality estimates have not been available for sharks as a group. Here, the global catch and mortality of sharks from reported and unreported landings, discards, and shark finning are being estimated at 1.44 million metric tons for the year 2000, and at only slightly less in 2010 (1.41 million tons). Based on an analysis of average shark weights, this translates into a total annual mortality estimate of about 100 million sharks in 2000, and about 97 million sharks in 2010, with a total range of possible values between 63 and 273 million sharks per year. Further, the exploitation rate for sharks as a group was calculated by dividing two independent mortality estimates by an estimate of total global biomass. As an alternative approach, exploitation rates for individual shark populations were compiled and averaged from stock assessments and other published sources. The resulting three independent estimates of the average exploitation rate ranged between 6.4% and 7.9% of sharks killed per year. This exceeds the average rebound rate for many shark populations, estimated from the life history information on 62 shark species (rebound rates averaged 4.9% per year), and explains the ongoing declines in most populations for which data exist. The consequences of these unsustainable catch and mortality rates for marine ecosystems could be substantial. Global total shark mortality, therefore, needs to be reduced drastically in order to rebuild depleted populations and restore marine ecosystems with functional top predators.  相似文献   

造成全球暖化的主要原因是温室气体的过量排放,其中CO2的贡献率达60 %,贝类养殖具有碳沉积作用。依据农业部渔业局编制的《中国渔业统计年签》,以2001年到2010年的年平均产量计算贝类捕获和养殖的碳沉积能力,并评估其碳沉积潜力;计算牡蛎、蛤、扇贝与贻贝四种贝壳单位面积的碳沉积能力并与森林、珊瑚礁的碳沉积能力进行比较分析。本文对我国浅海贝类养殖所具有的碳沉积能力进行评估,以了解贝类养殖对海洋碳循环的贡献,可为争取国家碳份额的合法权益提供基础数据。分析表明我国近十年贝类总产量稳定在1100万吨以上,并有增加的趋势,其中海水养殖贝类约占87.34 %。贝类养殖和捕获总产量的碳沉积和海水养殖产量的碳沉积量分别为58.57、51.15万吨/年,碳沉积能力分别相当于122.28、106.78万公顷的造林,可分别减少大气CO2增加量的0.0125 %、0.0109 %。牡蛎、蛤、扇贝与贻贝的单位面积碳沉积速率分别为1.573、0.388、0.301、1.039吨碳/(公顷?年);牡蛎和贻贝高于森林的碳沉积能力0.479吨碳/(公顷?年);但低于珊瑚礁的碳沉积能力1.8吨碳/(公顷?年)。我国贝类淡、海水养殖产量可分别创造约268.4万元/年、12,711.2万元/年的碳权商机。  相似文献   

To date there is one proven hydrocarbon accumulation on the Ashmore Platform, Bonaparte Basin, Australia, with hydrocarbon charge remaining a key exploration risk. To the south, the neighbouring Browse Basin has proven lateral migration of generated hydrocarbons to the basin bounding highs, as evidenced by seeps located on the Yampi Shelf. This paper describes the findings of a natural seeps study carried out to establish if migrating subsurface hydrocarbons reach the southern flanks of the Ashmore Platform basement high. The integrated study combined remote sensing, geophysical, acoustic, photographic and geochemical techniques and has identified three areas of seepage; one area characteristic of persistent seepage and two areas of interpreted episodic leakage. Geochemical data collected from samples at one of these sites demonstrates the presence of thermogenic liquid hydrocarbons, with isotopic compositions falling within the range of values exhibited by oils sourced by the Lower Cretaceous Echuca Shoals Formation. The identification of active natural seepage along the southern flank of the Ashmore Platform provides evidence that hydrocarbons generated within the Caswell Sub-basin are able to laterally migrate onto the flanks of the Ashmore Platform structural high. As such, these findings reduce charge risk for the Ashmore Platform and regional exploration risks in the northern Browse Basin.  相似文献   

Sea floor responses to hydrocarbon seeps,Louisiana continental slope   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Observations and samples from research submersible dives confirm that brines, crude oil, fluid mud, and gases are common seep products. Through this mechanism a unique interplay of geochemical, geologic, and biological processes resulting in unusual sea floor features ranging from carbonate-rich nodular sediments to mounds with tens of meters relief. Stable carbon isotopes occluded in the carbonates provide a permanent imprint that links these authigenic carbonates to by-products of microbial breakdown of crude oil and gas. Recent DSV ALVIN dives confirm that hydrocarbon seeps and their accompanying chemosynthetic communities and authigenic carbonate mounds occur over the entire depth range of the slope.  相似文献   

Surprisingly few natural hydrocarbon seeps have been identified in Australia's offshore basins despite studies spanning thirty years. Early studies of natural hydrocarbon seepage around the Australian margin were generally based on the geochemical analysis of stranded bitumens, water column geochemical ‘sniffer’ sampling, synthetic aperture radar or airborne laser fluorosensor. Later studies involved the integration of these remote sensing and geochemical techniques with multi-channel and shallow seismic. A review of these earlier studies indicates that many seepage interpretations need to be re-evaluated and that previous data sets, when placed in a global context, often represent normal background hydrocarbon levels. Low Recent burial and subsidence rates are not favourable for high rates of seepage. There are also difficulties in proving seepage on high energy, shallow carbonate shelves, where seabed features may be rapidly re-worked and modern marine signatures are overprinted on authigenic seep carbonates. Thus, the relatively few sites of proven natural hydrocarbon seepage in Australia's offshore sedimentary basins can be reconciled relative to their geological occurrences and the dominantly passive margin setting. Active thermogenic methane seepage on the Yampi Shelf, the only proven documented occurrence in Australia, is driven by deposition of a thick Late Tertiary carbonate succession and Late Miocene tectonic reactivation. Therefore, to increase the success of detecting and correctly interpreting natural hydrocarbon seepage, data need to be analysed and integrated within the context of the local geological setting, and with an understanding of what is observed globally.  相似文献   

A suite of seep samples from the vicinity of the Marco Polo field in the Green Canyon area of the Gulf of Mexico provides an exceptional opportunity to study the impact of interference from sediment background organic matter and alteration by biodegradation on thermogenic hydrocarbons from seafloor seeps. These seep samples contain a range in both the concentration of seeped hydrocarbons present and level of biodegradation experienced. In addition, the subsurface oil that sources the seepage was available for comparison.  相似文献   

Significant offshore asphaltic deposits with active seepage occur in the Santa Barbara Channel offshore southern California. The composition and isotopic signatures of gases sampled from the oil and gas seeps reveal that the coexisting oil in the shallow subsurface is anaerobically biodegraded, generating CO2 with secondary CH4 production. Biomineralization can result in the consumption of as much as 60% by weight of the original oil, with 13C enrichment of CO2. Analyses of gas emitted from asphaltic accumulations or seeps on the seafloor indicate up to 11% CO2 with 13C enrichment reaching +24.8‰. Methane concentrations range from less than 30% up to 98% with isotopic compositions of –34.9 to –66.1‰. Higher molecular weight hydrocarbon gases are present in strongly varying concentrations reflecting both oil-associated gas and biodegradation; propane is preferentially biodegraded, resulting in an enriched 13C isotopic composition as enriched as –19.5‰. Assuming the 132 million barrels of asphaltic residues on the seafloor represent ~40% of the original oil volume and mass, the estimated gas generated is 5.0×1010 kg (~76×109 m3) CH4 and/or 1.4×1011 kg CO2 over the lifetime of seepage needed to produce the volume of these deposits. Geologic relationships and oil weathering inferences suggest the deposits are of early Holocene age or even younger. Assuming an age of ~1,000 years, annual fluxes are on the order of 5.0×107 kg (~76×106 m3) and/or 1.4×108 kg for CH4 and CO2, respectively. The daily volumetric emission rate (2.1×105 m3) is comparable to current CH4 emission from Coal Oil Point seeps (1.5×105 m3/day), and may be a significant source of both CH4 and CO2 to the atmosphere provided that the gas can be transported through the water column.  相似文献   

Marine plastic debris has been a pervasive issue since the last century, and research on its sources and fates plays a vital role in the establishment of mitigation measures. However, data on the quantity of plastic waste that enters the sea on a certain timescale remain largely unavailable in China. Here, we established a model using material flow analysis method based on life cycle assessment to follow plastic product from primary plastic to plastic waste with statistical data and monitoring data from accurate sources. This model can be used to estimate and forecast the annual input of plastic waste into the sea from China until 2020. In 2011, 0.547 3–0.751 5 million tons of plastic waste entered the seas in China, with a growth rate of 4.55% per year until 2017. And the amount will decrease to0.257 1 to 0.353 1 million tons in 2020 under the influence of governmental management. The amount of plastic waste discharged from coastal areas calculated in this study was much larger than that from river, thus it is suggested to strengthen the governance and control of plastic waste in coastal fishery activities in China in order to reduce the amount of marine plastic waste input.  相似文献   

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