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兰志刚 《海洋科学》2012,36(12):76-80
研究开发了一套依托于海洋平台进行安装的有缆潜标实时内波监测系统.该系统由温度传感器、温盐深传感器(CTD)、定点海流计(DVS)、终端接收机、绞车、钢缆、电缆及锚定重块等组成.温度传感器、CTD和DVS依一定的空间间隔串行连接并固定在系泊钢缆上.系统利用电缆实时供电、采用可寻址RS485总线进行控制和数据传输.集成的有缆潜标内波监测系统在中海油所属的PY30-1平台上进行了现场内波观测,成功捕获了多个内波过程,为获取长时间序列的内波实测数据、进而为开展南海内波机理和工程应用研究提供了有效的技术手段.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于海洋石油平台的海洋动力环境立体监测系统的系统组成和工作原理。该平台基监测系统由气象监测系统、浮标监测系统、有缆潜标监测系统、测波雷达、通信和岸站系统五部分组成,开展风、浪、流、内波等环境参数的长期、定点监测,并通过平台网络系统实时传输测量数据。经过海上长期试验表明该系统能够稳定可靠地在平台上运行,可为中国油气资源开发走向深海提供可靠的技术支撑和安全保障。  相似文献   

王蓓  陈永华  于非 《海洋科学》2021,45(7):81-94
论文结合中国科学院海洋研究所2017年至2018年在西太平洋布放的一套6000m深自容式锚泊潜标系统,利用其温、深、盐及海流数据,参考卫星观测的海面资料,依据潜标结构组成,创新性地选用多体动力学软件ADAMS建立柔性缆体有限元模型,进行复原式姿态模拟,对此潜标异常沉降情况进行原因探究,提出减小因潜标大深度沉降导致影响的方法。本文所提出的柔性体模型,可依据海流参数变化改变有限元长度,自定义流阻状态,已被证明在较小海流和海流异常大两种分布模型的拟下,计算机有限元模型分析所得绝对沉降误差达缆绳总长0.18%和0.41%。通过计算机模型依据实际情况的模拟结果,最终印证异常沉降值的形成原因:(1)在系泊结构既定且安全布放的前提下,其沉降异常值的出现只能与其当日所处环境的海流分布状态相关。模型锚泊最大受力8621N,合理选择布放地点、潜标材料可降低系泊损坏风险;(2)若大洋中尺度涡形成和临近导致流速激增,其对整个系统的作用将决定锚系系统布放期间异常沉降深度,由于中尺度涡的形成与迁移具有可预报性,结合系泊深度和位置的及时调整可减小超深度沉降所导致的影响。  相似文献   

自升式连体潜标测量系统的设计与实施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对有缆潜标系统测量质量不稳定,缆绳阻力大、浮球浮力不足,测量系统难以绷紧,导致潜标摇摆、缆绳倾斜,受海洋环境的其他外力作用,影响采集资料的质量等问题,设计了自升式连体潜标测量系统。该系统最大特点是把各种仪器设备与释放器搭载组合到同一平行面的潜标内,把仪器设备、释放器与浮体材料合成为单位体积最小的潜标测量平台。该系统还有体积小、质量轻、造价低、操作简便等特点,适用于水深1 200 m内的海区,采用座底方式进行测量。系统通过释放装置脱钩,脱钩后连体潜标可自行升浮到海面,并具有隐蔽性好不易被破坏的优点。经过近1 a的试验,已多次在南海水深400 m多的海区顺利完成了海上投放与回收试验,试验结果良好。  相似文献   

一种潜标的水下姿态变化规律分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采集了布放和工作过程中锚系结构潜标的姿态变化信息,分析了潜标布放和工作过程姿态变化的规律。水下潜标存在一个周期40 s左右的沿竖直轴线的旋转振荡,同时还存在倾斜和俯仰变化。经分析,造成潜标旋转振荡的原因是柔性缆的扭力与潜标转动时尾翼的阻力相互作用,使潜标沿回转轴振荡。造成潜标倾斜的原因是标志浮标受风浪影响对潜标产生拉力。提出了在缆绳上加装自由转环以消除缆绳扭力、改变标志浮标系留位置等改进措施。重点列出了不同阶段的姿态变化曲线,通过曲线显示的信息可以回溯当时的工作环境和过程。  相似文献   

自升沉式潜标正式布放使用前应进行大量的测试试验工作。为了能够在岸边或实验室对潜标的各项性能进行验证和调试工作,开发了基于LabVIEW的潜标模拟测试系统。该系统充分利用虚拟仪器的特点,采用模块化编程技术,利用软件模拟潜标在水下的各种运动状态及传感器感应的测量参数变化,或通过对现场测量数据的回放查找分析潜标系统本身存在的缺陷,实现潜标不下水或少下水就可以进行全面测试的目的。实验结果表明,利用模拟测试系统可以进行固定值、极值和连续变化值模拟,能够缩短设备开发周期,优化系统控制方案,对提高产品质量具有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

极区海洋锚碇测流系统的设计和布放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国第二次北极科学考察期间,在白令海峡和北冰洋楚科奇海布放了一套潜标和两套明标,这是我国首次在极区布放锚碇观测系统。潜标和明标在本次考察结束前被成功回收,获得了最长为45 d的连续观测资料。文中通过介绍这次布放过程,对极区锚碇系统的相关技术问题进行了讨论,包括观测站位和层次的选择,锚碇系统的设计,布放步骤等,为在海冰存在的低温海域布放锚碇系统提供参考。  相似文献   

通过使用MATLAB仿真计算方法,研究了潜标锚系浮力配置方案对于动态布放过程力学性能的影响。文中列举了4种锚系浮力配置方案,运用集中质量法建立了4种锚系的弹簧-质量节点模型,通过编写MATLAB仿真程序,模拟了4种锚系的布放运动过程。通过对布放运动过程中的锚系姿态轨迹、垂向运动、水平运动、海床基着底过程和缆段张力变化等指标进行对比,得出4种锚系各自布放力学性能指标上的优劣。仿真结果表明:将多个浮球集成为单个大浮力节点的方案缩短了锚系整体长度,有利于锚系在水中维持垂直度,但降低了锚系抗漂移能力;将浮力节点分散布置在各非浮力结构节点上方,可以降低连接缆段上的张力极值,但会使张力变化幅值增大。基于仿真结果,建议潜标锚系浮力配置优化的设计思路为:集中小浮球为紧凑浮力节点,适当加长上部浮力节点与下部非浮力节点之间的距离,浮力节点分散布置和适量减少上部的浮力节点数量。  相似文献   

千米潜标系统是放置在1000m左右水深的海洋中的一套承载装置。该系统由布放船进行卫星导航定位,用声学释放器回收。系统上可以挂测量海洋环境参数的仪器,也可以挂试验框架,作挂板试验。千米潜标系统防护技术研究的任务是:保证潜标系统所有的连接部件,主浮体及所挂仪器与装置在90(+15)天内不发生影响其正常工作与回收的腐蚀与污损。国内没有深海腐蚀与污损方面的资料,参考浅海资料及国外有关资料,从各个分机每个零部件着手,又要考虑各分机在系统中的关系,使它们在海水中互相不影响其耐腐蚀性  相似文献   

海洋潜标技术的应用与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 海洋潜标系统 海洋潜标系统又称水下浮标系统,是海洋环境观测的重要设备之一。 海洋潜标系统一般由水下部分和水上机组成。水下部分一般由主浮体(标体)、探测仪器、浮子、锚系系统、释放器等组成。通常,主浮体布放在海面下100m左右或更大深度的水层中,因而避免海表面的扰动;锚系系统将整个系  相似文献   

海上钻井平台由于工作地点经常发生变化,工作环境条件随之改变,锚泊抛锚方式就要相应更改。本文针对深海半潜平台及其悬链线式系泊定位系统,运用平台与锚链耦合运动时域分析方法,对其水动力性能进行探索,并提出一种运用模糊算法计算平台抛锚方式优化设计方法,此方法可使钻井平台在风暴自存工况和钻井工作工况下更快更好地找到最佳抛锚方式。以一典型的半潜式钻井平台为例进行数值模拟,结果表明本文提出的方法是可行的,能够很方便地找到比较好的抛锚方式来满足相关要求。这种锚泊优化设计方法可为平台及其系泊系统设计提供参考。  相似文献   

我国南海海域海洋环境条件复杂且海水密度垂直层化现象显著,内孤立波活动频繁,因内孤立波而造成海洋开采平台破坏的案例屡见不鲜。依托水动力计算软件AQWA二次开发功能,采用Kdv方程,借助Fortran语言将深水半潜式平台立柱、浮箱、系泊系统3部分的内孤立波作用力叠加到外力项中,联合求解半潜式平台的6自由度动力响应特性。数值模拟结果表明,在内孤立波作用下,半潜式平台的运动及系泊线张力均受到了显著的影响。在不考虑系泊系统受内孤立波作用时,平台在纵荡和横荡方向上产生较大的漂移运动,最大偏移量较无内孤立波情况下增加了8倍;系泊线最大张力提高了17%,增加了系泊线断裂的风险。在考虑系泊系统受内孤立波作用时,平台的纵荡和横荡运动响应在原响应基础上继续提高15%,但是系泊线张力变化不大。内孤立波不同浪向下的平台纵荡和横荡响应相差也很明显;系泊系统合力在不同方向上的大小决定了平台不同方向上运动的大小。  相似文献   

The real-time computer-controlled actuators are used to connect the truncated parts of moorings and risers in the active hybrid model testing system. This must be able to work in model-scale real time, based on feedback input from the floater motions. Thus, mooring line dynamics and damping effects are artificially simulated in real time, based on a computer-based model of the problem. In consideration of the nonlinear characteristics of the sea platform catenary mooring line, the equations of the mooring line motion are formulated by using the lumped-mass method and the dynamic response of several points on the mooring line is investigated by the time and frequency domain analysis method. The dynamic response of the representative point on the mooring line is analyzed under the condition of two different corresponding upper endpoint movements namely sine wave excitation and random wave excitation. The corresponding laws of the dynamic response between the equivalent water depth truncated points at different locations and the upper endpoint are obtained, which can provide technical support for further study of the active hybrid model test.  相似文献   

With the floating structures pushing their activities to the ultra-deep water,model tests have presented a challenge due to the limitation of the existing wave basins.Therefore,the concept of truncated mooring system is implemented to replace the full depth mooring system in the model tests,which aims to have the same dynamic responses as the full depth system.The truncated mooring system plays such a significant role that extra attention should be paid to the mooring systems with large truncation factor.Three different types of large truncation factor mooring system are being employed in the simulations,including the homogenously truncated mooring system,non-homogenously truncated mooring system and simplified truncated mooring system.A catenary moored semi-submersible operating at 1000 m water depth is presented.In addition,truncated mooring systems are proposed at the truncated water depth of 200 m.In order to explore the applicability of these truncated mooring systems,numerical simulations of the platform’s surge free decay interacting with three different styles of truncated mooring systems are studied in calm water.Furthermore,the mooring-induced damping of the truncated mooring systems is simulated in the regular wave.Finally,the platform motion responses and mooring line dynamics are simulated in irregular wave.All these simulations are implemented by employing full time domain coupled dynamic analysis,and the results are compared with those of the full depth simulations in the same cases.The results show that the mooring-induced damping plays a significant role in platform motion responses,and all truncated mooring systems are suitable for model tests with appropriate truncated mooring line diameters.However,a large diameter is needed for simplified truncated mooring lines.The suggestions are given to the selection of truncated mooring system for different situations as well as to the truncated mooring design criteria.  相似文献   

单铁兵 《海洋工程》2020,38(5):1-11
系泊系统是半潜式支持平台抵抗恶劣海洋环境作用、限制平台偏移、实现海上定位的重要设备,辐射状多点系泊是常用的布置方式。针对该平台系泊系统开展了设计方法和分析流程研究,阐述了系泊系统配置设计,包括系泊缆的数量、抛出长度、单根系泊缆的刚度、直径、破断负荷、定位锚的型式、最大抓力等;系泊系统的布置设计,包括系泊缆之间的水平夹角、系泊绞车、导缆器、定位锚的位置等;同时归纳风载荷、流载荷以及波浪慢漂载荷的常用估算方法;总结适用于该类平台系泊系统设计的规范要求。将上述方法和流程应用于某型半潜式支持平台系泊系统的开发和设计,采用系泊定位分析程序MIMOSA对该系统的定位能力进行分析,研究了系泊缆形状、夹角等参数随张力的变化特征,同时系泊缆按照船级社的规范要求进行衡准,反复调整和优化系泊系统的配置和布置方式,直至系泊系统满足要求,最终设计出较合适的系泊系统。相关方法、流程和结论为实际工程项目提供重要的设计思路。  相似文献   

转塔式锚泊系统初步设计图谱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提供了一套设计图谱,用于转塔式锚泊系统的初步设计。图谱包含的水深范围为100~600m。锚泊线的布置形式分别为4根、6根、8根和10根均匀分布。锚泊线的构成有全链和索链组合二种方式。每种构成方式又对应着二种规格的索或链。从图谱中,设计者可以根据水深和定位浮体的运动及受力情况,方便地选择锚泊线的构成、尺寸及系统的布置状况,或对已选定的与图谱中参数相近的系统估算回复力。  相似文献   

从提高锚泊系统收放时效性入手,提出了一种半潜式钻井平台复合式锚泊系统组分配比优化设计方法,旨在尽可能降低复合式锚泊系统的钢链配比长度,提高收放效率。结合锚泊系统设计参数,制定优化设计准则,建立优化分析流程,采用ANSYS-AQWA建立锚泊定位半潜式平台水动力分析模型,获得平台运动参数和锚链动力参数,对平台漂移量、锚链最小安全系数、走锚临界张力、锚链最小卧底长度和起锚力进行无量纲指标分析,并综合考虑张力倾角与预张力对优化结果的影响,获得复合式锚泊系统钢链与钢缆的最优配比关系,确定最优钢链长度为395 m,较原钢链长度缩短225 m,钢链收放时间降低36%,进一步提高锚泊系统收放时效性,并降低平台可变荷载。  相似文献   

Dynamic behavior of offshore spar platforms under regular sea waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many innovative floating offshore structures have been proposed for cost effectiveness of oil and gas exploration and production in water depths exceeding one thousand meters in recent years. One such type of platform is the offshore floating Spar platform. The Spar platform is modelled as a rigid body with six degrees-of-freedom, connected to the sea floor by multi-component catenary mooring lines, which are attached to the Spar platform at the fairleads. The response dependent stiffness matrix consists of two parts (a) the hydrostatics provide restoring force in heave, roll and pitch, (b) the mooring lines provide the restoring force which are represented here by nonlinear horizontal springs. A unidirectional regular wave model is used for computing the incident wave kinematics by Airy’s wave theory and force by Morison’s equation. The response analysis is performed in time domain to solve the dynamic behavior of the moored Spar platform as an integrated system using the iterative incremental Newmark’s Beta approach. Numerical studies are conducted for sea state conditions with and without coupling of degrees-of-freedom.  相似文献   

Xu  Sheng-wen  Liang  Ming-xiao  Wang  Xue-feng  Ding  Ai-bing 《中国海洋工程》2020,34(2):185-197
In this paper, a methodology for designing mooring system deployment for vessels at varying water depths is proposed. The Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II(NSGA-II) is combined with a self-dependently developed vessel-mooring coupled program to find the optimal mooring system deployment considering both station-keeping requirements and the safety of the mooring system. Two case studies are presented to demonstrate the methodology by designing the mooring system deployments for a very large floating structure(VLFS) module and a semi-submersible platform respectively at three different water depths. It can be concluded from the obtained results that the mooring system can achieve a better station-keeping ability with relatively shorter mooring line when deployed in the shallow water. The safety factor of mooring line is mainly dominated by the maximum instantaneous tension increment in the shallow water, while the pre-tension has a decisive influence on the safety factor of the mooring line in the deep water.  相似文献   

Wang  Teng  Hao  Jun-jie  Wu  Xiao-ni  Li  Ye  Wang  Xiao-tong 《中国海洋工程》2021,35(6):841-851

Mooring system failure can lead to largely different dynamic response of floating structures when compared to the response under the condition of intact mooring system. For a semi-submersible platform with taut mooring system under extreme environmental conditions, the typical mooring system failure includes anchor line breaking failure due to the broken anchor line, and the anchor dragging failure caused by the anchor failure in the seabed soil due to the shortage of the anchor bearing capacity. However, study on the mooring failure caused by anchor failure is rare. The current work investigates the effect of three failure modes of taut mooring system on dynamic response of a semi-submersible platform, including one line breaking failure, two lines breaking failure, and one line breaking with one line attached anchor dragging failure. The nonlinear polynomial mooring line model in AQWA was used with integrating the load and displacement curve from the anchor pulling study to characterize the anchor dragging behavior for mooring system failure caused by the anchor failure. The offsets of the platform and the tension of mooring lines were analyzed for mooring system failure with 100-year return period. It is found that the mooring failure of one line breaking with one line attached anchor dragging is a case between the other two mooring failures. The traditional mooring analysis considering only the damaged condition with one line breaking is not safe enough. And the simple way of mooring analysis of two lines breaking is too conservative for the costly offshore engineering.


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