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民族主义解构是20世纪末民族主义的主要思潮。它的含义有两种:一是民族主义的解构效应,表现为将原来统一的多民族国家一分为二甚至数个国家;另一种则是民族主义概念本身的解构,即对民族主义本身的淡化、搁置。对于当前的国际局势来说,威胁最大的是民族主义思潮的解构性效应。造成多民族国家解构成多个国家的原因是多方面的,既有原来统一基础薄弱的原因,也有民族主义思潮影响的因素,更离不开外力的推动。值得注意的是,这些新兴的民族国家在完成解构以后,在价值取向上均表现出要求加入区域经济合作组织或者地区安全组织,以求民族经济的恢复和发展。  相似文献   

正"土地财政"是指政府通过经营城市、出让土地获取的收入。"土地财政"实质是地方政府伴随城市化进程和土地资本化过程进行的大规模融资现象,对缓解地方财力不足、公共设施建设融资难,创造就业机会和提升城市化水平,促进地方发展等起到了巨大的推动作用,"土地财政"的确功不可没;但随着城市化的推进,土地财政也带来  相似文献   

村镇建设是我国现代化进程中的重大历史任务.数字化技术对全社会和全行业的发展具有极强的促进作用,加强"村镇数字化"管理建设是我国当今社会经济发展的必然趋势和客观要求,广泛应用数字化管理技术已成为发展村镇经济、富裕农民和加快现代化进程的重要技术手段,是实现社会主义新农村建设目标的重大技术选择.村镇数字化管理是信息技术在村镇社会经济发展全面渗透应用的过程,是村镇社会经济发展相互衔接与协调的基础,也是与城市发展衔接和协调的纽带,是实现村镇现代化的基础与保障.  相似文献   

英汉语“水”的认知语义分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从认知语言学的角度,以隐喻和转喻为手段,运用英汉语料,对英汉语"水"的语义认知进行分析和比较,可将投射的范围大致归纳为3个方面:1)自然/环境域,2)情感/态度域,3)社会/事物关系域。通过隐喻或转喻,"水"的概念向外实现了语义扩展。"水"语词认知语义结构的共性和差异,一方面表明人类最初对客观世界的认知基本相同,另一方面不同民族对同一事物的不同的透视角度使"水"的认知产生不同语义,带有鲜明的民族性,从而揭示其语义投射不仅应从认知角度,还应从社会文化角度着手进行研究。  相似文献   

采用后殖民主义理论,从多元文化主义角度分析论述《午夜的孩子》对印度民族道路的探讨:小说中东西方叙事模式的混合以及印度方言和标准英语的融合是对西方权力话语的解构;通过比较作为多元文化存在的午夜的孩子大会和英迪拉领导的独裁政府,重构多元文化主义而非激进民族主义,是应对权力话语的后殖民话语;小说中人物的混杂性,进一步强调东方和西方的相互依存性,印度民族道路有赖于尊重文化差异,让不同的文化相互碰撞、融合并共存。  相似文献   

有位哲人说过,时代的列车在拐弯处,常常会摔出一部分人.这部分人,都是灵魂浮躁的人. 一个人如果失去了精神信仰,就会成为了无根的游魂;而一个国家如果失去了自己的价值品格,就等于"在精神上解除了武装",就会丧失灵魂、迷失方向.所以说,"国之魂,文以化之;国之神,文以铸之."这个"魂"与"神",就是一个国家和民族共同的文化价值核心. 民无信不立,国无魂不强.任何社会,无论古与今、中与外,核心价值都是社会系统得以运转、社会秩序得以维持的基本精神依托,是民族生命力之源、国家凝聚力之基、政党战斗力之根.  相似文献   

在高房价催生下,"小产权房"在全国呈蔓延趋势。该文通过对淄博市淄川区(县级)"小产权房"情况的调查,厘清了"小产权房"的概念和内涵,摸清了"小产权房"的主要分布,从不同角度和层面阐释了"小产权房"的客观存在,更从国家政策制度上分析了为何这类房产只能"小产权",而不能"大产权",揭示了"小产权房"是我国加快城市化进程中住房建设政策缺位的必然,我国房屋建设管理体制还有待于进一步改革、协调和统一。  相似文献   

<正>依据《行政处罚法》第二十四条的规定,对当事人的同一个违法行为,不得给予两次以上罚款的行政处罚。"一事不再罚"是法理学上的概念,目前在法学界存在较大争议。一般理解有四方面含义,一是同一行政机关对行为人同一违法行为不得给予两次及以上处罚;二是不同机关依据不同法律规范对行为人同一违法行为不得给予两次及以上同种类的行政处罚;三是出于一个违法目的,而违法方式或结果又牵连构成其他违法,对牵连行为也宜界定为"一事"作出处罚;四是  相似文献   

<正>壮族人无论走到哪里,在一个约定俗成的日子,一定会以各种方式祭祀自己的祖先。祖先血脉除了流传给我们厚重的历史文化外,还有亲情的温暖。农历"三月三"是壮族的传统节日。在广西崇左市宁明县,"三月三"期间的重要活动是万人公祭骆越始祖大典,除此之外还有中国—东盟跨境贝侬大联欢等文体活动。"贝侬"在骆越民族后裔的壮民族语言中是"兄弟姐妹"或者"亲友"的意思。大联欢时,来自宁明县和周边县市、还有越南等东盟国家  相似文献   

<正>19世纪以来,伴随着工业化的进程,世界各地的经济联系更加紧密,全球交往空前增加。应运而生的世博会,既是经济全球化进程的产物,反过来又有力地推进了经济全球化的进程。世博会为文明在全球的流动提供了理想场所,除大规模的科技、文化和人际交流外,还体现为无数国际组织和跨国机构的应运而生,通过世博会的举办,人类不断探索和达成各种各样的全球性"人类共识"。由于全球化浪潮中东亚现代化  相似文献   

As an effective livelihood approach to alleviate poverty without rural population migration, ethnic tourism has become the primary choice of economic development in ethnic areas worldwide in addition to traditional livelihood approaches. This article applies the theories of livelihood to study the community evolution driven by tourism livelihood and examine three mountainous tourism communities in different stages of tourist area life cycle. Drawing on the methods of GIS spatial analysis, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, this article proposes a sustainable livelihood framework for ethnic tourism to explore the evolution of ethnic tourism communities by identifying changes in livelihood assets (natural, financial, social, cultural and human capitals) in the process of tourism development. The results show that the development of ethnic tourism has led to changes in the increase of building land, and the diversification of land use functions with a trend of shifting from meeting local villagers' living needs to satisfying tourists, income composition and uneven distribution of tourism income spatially. Ethnic tourism also led to the deterioration of traditional social management structure, collapse of neighboring relationship, the over- commercialization and staged authenticity of ethnic culture, as well as the gradual vanish of agricultural knowledge with a trend of increasing modern business knowledge and higher education. In addition, these changes, involving livelihood assets from natural, economic, human, social and cultural aspects are interrelated and interactive, which form new evolution characters of ethnic community. This study reveals the conflicts over livelihood approaches which have formed new vulnerabilities to impact on sustainable evolution of ethnic communities. This research provides implications for achieving the sustainable development of ethnic communities with the driving force of tourism livelihood.  相似文献   

Ethnic mountain settlements are living heritage of varied vernacular cultures. The preservation of both the built form and the intangible socio-cultural associations with them are global concern in process of urbanization, and in the notion of sustainable development. However, there is a lack of multi-dimensional and cross-cultural quantitative research in settlement morphology, making it difficult to guide practice effectively. Therefore, this study focuses on exploring an automatic or semi-automatic quantification and classification method for the morphological identity of ethnic mountain settlements. We introduce and combine 3-D morphological indicators with existing 2-D indicators to build and test three different sets of indication systems for semi-automatic classification for the settlements' ethnic attribute basing on spatial morphology. Taking the Miao, Dong, and Tunpu(Han) ethnic settlements in Guizhou province, southwest China as research samples, we applied factor analysis and hierarchical clustering methods to compare the classification accuracy under the three systems using data from topographic map, field investigation map, satellite imageries, and ethnography or local chronicle. The results showed that, the 3-D indication system has succeeded in semi-automatic quantification and classification of settlement morphology and ethnic identity by greatly increasing the classification accuracy to 96.30%, which is a huge improvement compared with the basic 2-D indication system(42.59%) and the advanced 2-D indication system(61.11%). The settlement samples are further divided into two sub-types with significant morphological differences in each major ethnic category under the 3-D indication system. We then discussed the potential improvement and future large-scale application of this method with the help of machine learning and other smart techniques. We hope to provide a comprehensive quantitative perspective and a more scientific reference for the future preservation and sustainable development of the massive and diverse vernacular heritages across the world.  相似文献   

对“以后”和“后来”进行详细深入的对比分析。在语义上,“以后”可以表示时间和范围,“后来”只用来表示过去的时间;在句法功能上,方位词“以后”既可以单用也可以作后置成分,而时间名词“后来”常常单用,单用的“以后”和“后来”在同现副词、连词以及句式选择上都有着不同的特点。最后对留学生学习过程中出现的偏误作了简要分析。  相似文献   

《山东国土资源》网络采编系统,实行在线投稿、审稿、稿件修改、进度查询等工作流程。实现了从收稿、审稿、编辑加工的计算机网络化管理和流程控制,完成了作者、审稿专家、编辑及读者之间的实时信息传递,缩短了工作环节的处理时间。分析了网络采编系统使用过程中的问题,提出合理化建议,规范了工作程序,提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

Introduction Traditional agriculture based on indigenous knowledge (IK) has been practiced in many areas for centuries. Such practices are often the basis of very sustainable technologies, which are potentially suitable for developmental programs. Polthanee (2001) reported that such farmer practices have been repeatedly found to be valid, rational and usually suited to the local environmental conditions. Moreover, with increased under- standing of agro-ecosystems, professionals in agricultura…  相似文献   

《山东国土资源》是由山东省国土资源厅主管,山东省地质科学研究院主办的一个省级科技期刊,是山东地学工作者相互学习、交流的平台,在省内外学术界已经具有了一定的影响。该文概述了《山东国土资源》的发展历程,分析了期刊定位,认为期刊应立足特色,优化采编系统,完善审稿流程,提高编辑素养,促进稿源的多样化,才能更好地为地学工作者服务。  相似文献   

钢琴乐谱记忆是一个复杂心理过程,以“列依马尔-基泽基戈”法为例,提出钢琴乐谱记忆需在分析乐谱逻辑、视觉和声音等基础上,进行有意识记忆。  相似文献   

"坝体决口"孕震模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据中国大陆流动重力测量资料、跨断层流动测量资料、大面积水准测量资料、GPS测量资料、大震现场考察结果和地震活动特征提出了一种新的孕震模式,并认为这是地震孕育过程中可能存在的主要模式之一.  相似文献   

The impact of topography on social factors,a case study of Montenegro   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Relationships between environmental and social factors have long been studied by geographers.Nowadays,GIS-aided statistical analysis provides new tools to explore these relationships.In order to detect the impact of topography on social factors,we selected the country of Montenegro as a case example due to its high topographic variability.We compared the spatial pattern of population,settlements and ethnic minorities to physical geographic factors,especially to topography,but lithology and land cover data were also taken into consideration.We found that certain factors are closely correlated,e.g.the settlement density linearly decreases with elevation,while the characteristic settlement area shows an exponential increase upwards.The population density is not related to absolute elevation,but it is in close correlation with height(i.e.elevation relative to the local minimum).Population change and illiteracy are also topography-related social factors.On the contrary,the variable ethnic pattern of Montenegro is influenced by historical,political and economic effects rather than by environmental factors or topographic features.As a conclusion we state that in the scale of a country or a region,the environment can strongly impact some social factors.  相似文献   

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