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终碛坝广泛分布于世界各地的高山和极高山区。为了探究终碛坝的溃决过程,了解溃口的演变特征,文章以嘉龙错终碛坝的原位实验,模拟了终碛湖漫顶溃决过程。通过分析实验结果发现:(1)根据观察,将终碛坝溃决过程划分为坝体下游坡面冲刷、“溯源侵蚀”、出水口下切和溃口拓宽四个阶段。(2)上游湖区崩塌体激发的涌浪会造成溃口内的瞬时流量增加数倍,从而使得在有涌浪和无涌浪的条件下,“溯源侵蚀”过程出现陡坎和斜坡两种下切型。(3)通过分析溃口下切侵蚀过程,发现溃口的下切侵蚀发展过程主要受到坝体孔隙比和细粒含量的影响,并且溃口中点侵蚀率与水流剪应力存在一定的线性关系,符合线性侵蚀模型。通过分析发现,嘉龙错终碛坝的侵蚀系数为0.051,临界启动应力为237.64 Pa。与堰塞坝相比,可侵蚀系数比更小,而临界启动应力更大。  相似文献   

终碛坝广泛分布于世界各地的高山和极高山区。为了探究终碛坝的溃决过程,了解溃口的演变特征,文章以嘉龙错终碛坝的原位实验,模拟了终碛湖漫顶溃决过程。通过分析实验结果发现:(1)根据观察,将终碛坝溃决过程划分为坝体下游坡面冲刷、"溯源侵蚀"、出水口下切和溃口拓宽四个阶段。(2)上游湖区崩塌体激发的涌浪会造成溃口内的瞬时流量增加数倍,从而使得在有涌浪和无涌浪的条件下,"溯源侵蚀"过程出现陡坎和斜坡两种下切型。(3)通过分析溃口下切侵蚀过程,发现溃口的下切侵蚀发展过程主要受到坝体孔隙比和细粒含量的影响,并且溃口中点侵蚀率与水流剪应力存在一定的线性关系,符合线性侵蚀模型。通过分析发现,嘉龙错终碛坝的侵蚀系数为0.051,临界启动应力为237.64 Pa。与堰塞坝相比,可侵蚀系数比更小,而临界启动应力更大。  相似文献   

为了解堰塞坝在不同沟床坡度地段的溃口展宽历程,进行了沟床坡度为7°~13°,间隔为1°的7组水槽试验。对比分析7组试验观测数据,评价不同沟床坡度对堰塞坝溃口展宽历程的影响。得到如下结果及结论:(1)漫顶破坏的堰塞坝在不同沟床坡度地段的溃口展宽历程是十分相似的,根据其溃决特征,可将其展宽历程划分为溃口贯通、突变和稳定边坡形成等3个阶段。(2)在突变阶段溃口边坡沿x轴方向会发生多次失稳,溃口顶部形态在背水坡呈“S”型,在坝顶呈“U”型,在迎水坡呈“弧”型。(3)不同沟床坡度条件会影响突变阶段的溃决特征,随沟床坡度的增加突变阶段溃口边坡单次失稳规模表现出先增大后减小的特征,溃口边坡失稳次数呈现出先减少后增加的特征。(4)溃口边坡的稳定性主要取决于溃口的侧蚀宽度和下蚀深度,其与溃口顶、底部侧蚀宽度之差呈负相关关系,与溃口下蚀深度呈正相关关系。(5)不同沟床坡度堰塞坝的溃决流量随溃决时间的延长具有相同的变化趋势,但不同沟床坡度堰塞坝的溃决峰值流量和峰值流量到达时间却不尽相同,随沟床坡度的增加峰值流量逐渐减小,峰值流量到达时间先提前后推迟。  相似文献   

针对缺乏地形条件和工程处置措施对堰塞坝溃决过程影响研究的现状,采用4种河床坡度(0°、1°、2°、3°)和3种泄流槽横断面型式(三角形、梯形、复合型),开展了堰塞坝溃决的模型试验。通过分析堰塞坝的溃决流量、溃决历时、溃口发展和坝体纵截面演变过程,研究了不同河床坡度和泄流槽横断面对堰塞坝溃决过程的影响规律。试验结果表明:...  相似文献   

河流堰塞的地貌响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
堰塞作为一种极端地表过程,深刻影响着河流地貌的变化,特别是河流纵剖面的变化。其对河流纵剖面的影响主要体现在两方面:一方面,堰塞坝将抬高局地的侵蚀基准面,阻碍了上游河道侵蚀,形成河流裂点;另一方面,堰塞坝溃决往往形成大型/巨型洪水,造成下游河道和岸坡的剧烈侵蚀。稳定的堰塞坝形成后,在1~105 a的时间尺度上对河流裂点的发育以及河流纵剖面变化上甚至会超过构造、气候和岩性作用,占据主导。本文在简要概述堰塞地貌相关概念的基础上,介绍了部分河流堰塞的研究方法和案例,以及河流堰塞的发育过程和研究意义。目前多仅从堰塞坝与河流纵剖面的空间关系的相关性来论证其地貌响应,并且发现一些堰塞坝与河流纵剖面的相关性,但是也有一些古堰塞坝对现代河流纵剖面的影响并不显著,原因可能与堰塞坝规模、溃决洪水次数、堵江的持续时间和距今年代的不同有关,目前还缺乏深入研究。  相似文献   

堰塞坝溃坝模型实验研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
堰塞坝是天然形成的坝体,结构比较松散、稳定性差、渗透作用强,发生溃决危险性大、概率高、突发性强,而且破坏可能性高及产生的洪水威胁人们的生命和财产安全,因此需要系统、全面的研究。作者从单坝溃坝、级联溃坝及堰塞坝处置的溃坝试验进行详细的回顾,总结及分析了国内外学者在堰塞坝溃坝模型实验取得的成果及局限性,进一步分析了单坝溃决的颗粒级配、密实度、含水率、沟床坡度等因素,最后讨论了溃坝因素与溃决模式、溃决特征、溃决流量、溃口演化的关系。基于模型实验相似理论及模型比尺、实验测试手段、堰塞坝处置三个方面,提出了今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

滑坡堰塞坝作为结构松散的堆积物,随着上游水位的不断上涨,其稳定性不断降低,并存在突然溃坝的风险。以唐家山滑坡堰塞坝为研究对象,基于相似原理,开展符合坝体颗粒级配的室内水槽物理模型实验,模拟了不同坝后蓄水量、不同水位和不同颗粒物质组成条件下坝体渗流、漫顶破坏的整个过程。监测结果显示:堰塞坝漫顶溃坝主要分为渗流、漫顶、冲刷和溃决4个过程;坝体堆积颗粒级配越差,坝体允许渗流坡降越小;相同材料配比的坝体,上游水位相同时,坝体底部水平位移最大,且漫顶溃坝时溃口尺寸与蓄水量正相关。该研究结果揭示了堰塞坝漫顶破坏规律,可为堰塞坝溃坝防治提供理论参考。  相似文献   

近年来,频发的地质构造活动和极端气候灾害诱发了大量堰塞坝,严重威胁上下游群众的生命财产安全。开挖泄流槽是最常用降低堰塞坝溃决风险的措施,由于时间非常急迫、交通极度瘫痪,其开挖量非常有限,因此如何利用有限的开挖量将溃坝风险降低至最小是亟待解决的问题。本文基于水土耦合冲刷机理,提出了考虑不同泄流槽方案的堰塞坝溃决机理分析方法,并应用于唐家山堰塞坝。该方法根据水力学参数和坝体抗冲刷性参数动态计算瞬时坝体冲刷率,进而分析泄流槽对溃决全过程的影响,从而自动获取最优的泄流槽设计方案。将此方法应用于唐家山堰塞坝案例发现:唐家山堰塞坝泄流槽最优设计时溃坝洪峰流量为1700m3·s-1,小于实际峰值流量6500m3·s-1,主要是因为增大泄流槽的纵坡率,显著增强溃坝前的冲刷并形成双洪峰,从而有效降低了溃决峰值流量。由于复合槽相对较小的水力半径限制了溃坝前的冲刷,使得临溃时水位较高,因此溃坝峰值流量比单槽大,溃坝风险降低效果不如单槽。  相似文献   

堰塞坝是由于崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等形成的天然坝体,不同于人工土石坝,堰塞坝坝体结构松散,颗粒级配不均匀,在较高水头作用下坝体可能发生渗透破坏而导致溃坝,严重威胁下游人民群众的生命及财产安全。由于堰塞坝存在较大粒径颗粒,常规的渗透试验装置难以满足要求,本文研制了直径为60cm的大直径渗透试验仪,进行了不同堰塞坝级配材料的渗透破坏试验,并探讨了堰塞坝体材料渗透特性的主要影响因素。研究发现:(1)堰塞坝材料的渗透破坏形式取决于材料级配,粗颗粒含量较多时为管涌破坏,细颗粒含量较多或粒径缺失时为流土破坏;(2)堰塞坝渗透系数随干密度的增大而减小,主要取决于细料填充粗料孔隙的程度,单独使用不均匀系数或曲率系数不适用于评价渗透系数的变化;(3)基于试验数据提出了用于堰塞坝渗流破坏形式的判别公式,并推导出堰塞坝管涌破坏的临界水力坡降计算公式。  相似文献   

为进一步了解堰塞坝溃坝过程,开展了9组水槽模型试验,对溃口纵向下切和溯源发展过程进行了系统分析,并讨论了上溯源点移动速度与溃口水深之间的关系。研究发现:非黏性堰塞坝溃坝过程中,冲刷面与底床的夹角时刻发生变化,上、下溯源点位置不固定但也不能完全发展到坝踵;上、下坡面坡度增大到最大值1:1.5时,下溯源点到下游坝趾的最大距离与坝体沿水流方向长度的比值(xp*/xd*,反映下溯源点最终相对位置)对应降低到最小值0.24和0.18;坝体相对尺寸从1减小到1/2时,xp*/xd*值从0.38增大到0.47。上溯源点的无量纲移动速度是不断变化的,在无量纲时刻为0.13时,其x,y分量分别达到峰值0.94和0.32;上溯源点处溃口水深出现时刻相对移动速度峰值点出现时刻有延迟,大概延迟0.04个无量纲时间。  相似文献   

Impact and analysis of geotechnical processes on earthfill dam breaching   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
For over three decades, emergency planners have used numerical models to predict breaching in earthfill dams due to extreme events such as overtopping. However, current models neglect the role of the unsaturated zone present within the downstream face of an earthfill dam. This leads to an incorrect estimation of the time and space evolution of the breaching process, as such models often oversimplify governing geotechnical aspects such as the presence of the unsaturated soil medium in the vicinity of the breach channel. The stress state in the soil due to matric suction acts as a stabilizing force for the breaching mechanism and influences the erosion of the breach channel, especially during the initial phases of the breaching. The side-slope failure mechanism observed along the breach channel is also influenced by the negative pore-water-pressures in the soil. Based on a comprehensive experimental research program carried out in the Hydraulics Laboratory at the University of Ottawa, Canada, several new concepts are proposed to incorporate geotechnical factors and techniques which must be considered during the construction of earthfill dam models for laboratory testing. Two main findings emerged from this experimental work. First, the installation of a drainage mattress at the downstream toe of the dam depressed the phreatic surface through the earthfill dam body, which caused a lag in the breaching process due to the infiltration and reduced erosion occurring in the breach channel. Second, it is essential to control compaction during the construction of the earthfill dam model, since this significantly influences the erosion, as well as the side-slope failures which occur in the breach channel. Future studies are under way by the authors with the purpose of scaling of parameters such as the matric suction and soil erodibility.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of landslide dam breaching due to overtopping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The breach of landslide dam often causes significant disaster in the inundated area; the prediction of breach hydrograph is in high demand for the dam breach risk evaluation. In this study, according to the model tests and Tangjiashan landslide dam breach case, the surface erosion accompanied by intermittent mass failure is known as the key breaching mechanism for landslide dam due to overtopping failure. The downstream slope angle would gradually decrease during the dam-breaching process, whereas a planar wedge failure occurs when the breach slopes at the dam crest and downstream breach channel fail. Based on the breach mechanism, a numerical model for landslide dam breach due to overtopping is developed to simulate the coupling process of water and soil. The model focuses on the breach morphology evolution during the breaching for the sake of the improvement of breach hydrograph prediction. Furthermore, the model can handle one- and two-sided breach, as well as incomplete and base erosion at the vertical direction. The case study of Tangjiashan landslide dam-breaching feedback analysis testifies the rationality of the present model with the relative errors less than 10% for peak discharge, final breach widths, and time to peak. The sensitivity analysis indicates that the final breach depth and soil erodibility affect the breach flow prediction of the landslide dam significantly, whereas the one- or two-sided breach mode is less sensitive.  相似文献   

In this study, a series of natural dam overtopping laboratory tests are reported. In these tests, the effect of seven different sediment mixtures on the breaching process was investigated. According to the test results, three stages of the breaching process of natural dams made of different materials were observed. Backward erosion was the primary cause for the incising slopes. The effects of backward erosion became stronger with the larger fines contents of the materials. With an increase in the median diameter (d 50) of particles, the breaching time became longer. However, the peak discharge became smaller. With an increase in the fines contents (p), the median diameter of the particles and the void ratio were changed, which resulted in a decrease in the breaching time and an increase in the peak discharge. The breaching time and peak discharge were more sensitive to the median diameter than to the fines contents. The relation between breach width and depth was found to follow a logistic function \( W\kern0.5em =\kern0.5em \frac{\zeta }{1\kern0.5em +\kern0.5em {e}^{\left(-k\left(D\kern0.5em -\kern0.5em {D}_0\right)\right)}} \). The parameters ζ, k, and D 0 are defined by a linear relationship with the median diameter and fines content. A breach of the side slope occurred as a tensile failure when the fines contents of the materials were large; otherwise, shear failure occurred. Furthermore, when the materials had fewer fines contents, the volume of the collapsed breach side slope became larger.  相似文献   

粘土心墙坝漫顶溃坝过程离心模型试验与数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用作者研制成功的溃坝离心模型试验系统,对粘土心墙坝漫顶溃决过程进行了试验研究,结果发现粘土心墙坝与均质坝溃决机理与溃口发展规律明显不同,随着漫坝水流对下游坝壳冲蚀程度的增加,粘土心墙发生剪断破坏,溃口洪水流量迅速增大.基于上述试验结果,提出了一个描述粘土心墙坝漫顶溃坝过程的数学模型,并建议了相应的数值计算方法.该模型...  相似文献   

为研究粉质黏土堤防漫溢溃决破坏过程及其对水流要素和土体性质的响应规律,以河道流量、筑堤土体含水率和孔隙率为变量,在弯道水槽中开展了9组堤防漫溢溃决概化试验.通过试验发现,粉质黏土堤漫溢溃决溃口发展过程可分为垂向侵蚀和横向扩宽两个阶段,垂向侵蚀阶段以"陡坎"后退为主要形式;筑堤土体含水率与孔隙率不仅影响了溃口垂向侵蚀以及横向扩宽速度,而且决定了溃口最终形态,河道流量主要影响堤防溃口的横向扩宽速度;溃口处流速以及下游水位变化受溃口高度的制约.拟合得到土体黏聚力与土体含水率、孔隙率的相关关系式;通过试验数据提出了由土体黏聚力和水流参数表达的"陡坎"侵蚀后退速度计算公式,证明具有一定合理性.  相似文献   

无粘性均质土石坝漫顶溃决试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对当前土石坝溃决机理试验研究中泥沙粒径取值偏小、各砂样粒径相差不大的现状,采用粒径对比明显的两组砂样进行了土石坝漫顶溃决试验.试验表明,在给定的较强的初始冲刷条件下,粗细两种颗粒坝体的溃决过程基本一致,均是以水流的下切侵蚀为主,在坝顶下缘位置有溯源冲刷现象出现.整个溃决过程可明显分为3个阶段,第1阶段为坝顶下缘处陡坎形成阶段;第2阶段为陡坎坍塌,冲刷加剧阶段;第3阶段为出现逆行沙垄的冲刷终止阶段.试验还发现,下游坝坡对溃决过程的影响比较显著,坝坡越陡,坝顶侵蚀速率越快,洪峰值越大.另外,由于粗颗粒抗冲刷性强,同等条件下粗颗粒坝体溃决洪水过程偏矮胖,洪峰值偏小,但是值得注意的是,相比于较大的颗粒粒径差距而言,其洪峰值的差异并不是太大.  相似文献   

The Hattian landslide, which was triggered by the 2005 Kashmir earthquake, formed one of largest landslide dams in the world and it has posed a serious threat of flooding to people living in the lower reach of the Jhelum River. In order to understand deformation occurring in the body of the dam, physical measurements using a Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) were conducted. Gradual deformation and slowly developing backward erosion initially were observed, leading eventually to a sudden creation of a deep hollow on the downstream slope of the landslide dam. The dimensions of this eroded gully were determined by laser scanning, and the results showed a significant loss of soil volume and a large change in the body of the dam. A breach formation model was used to predict the outflow hydrograph generated by constant downcutting of dam during a breaching event. A run-off analysis of the outflow hydrograph was conducted to evaluate inundation levels of flood waves in case the dam is breached. Hazardous downstream locations were identified near the junction of the Karli and Jhelum Rivers, suggesting a need for early warning system in order to avoid loss of lives.  相似文献   

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