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中国浅层油气藏的特征及其资源潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国多年来对浅层地区未进行有效的勘探开发和给予应有的重视.对渤海湾盆地等主要大中型盆地浅层油气藏的类型、分布特征和地质特征等的分析表明,中国浅层油气在地质上总体具有埋藏浅、成因复杂、受构造-岩性等复合性影响显著、储量规模与丰度大小不一、油藏类型多且分布广、资源量分布不均等特征,在勘探和开发上具有易勘探、成本低和易出砂出水、稳产难度大等优点和不足.指出中国浅层油气的潜力区域在东部,对浅层油气资源潜力进行了分析,认为浅层油气资源潜力很大,要重视浅层油气资源的勘探开发,重视新理论、新技术、新方法等在浅层隐蔽油气藏勘探开发过程中的应用.  相似文献   

中国多年来对浅层地区未进行有效的勘探开发和给予应有的重视。对渤海湾盆地等主要大中型盆地浅层油气藏的类型、分布特征和地质特征等的分析表明,中国浅层油气在地质上总体具有埋藏浅、成因复杂、受构造-岩性等复合性影响显著、储量规模与丰度大小不一、油藏类型多且分布广、资源量分布不均等特征,在勘探和开发上具有易勘探、成本低和易出砂出水、稳产难度大等优点和不足。指出中国浅层油气的潜力区域在东部,对浅层油气资源潜力进行了分析,认为浅层油气资源潜力很大,要重视浅层油气资源的勘探开发,重视新理论、新技术、新方法等在浅层隐蔽油气藏勘探开发过程中的应用。  相似文献   

随着塔里木盆地中浅层油气勘探不断深入,深部油气勘探成为研究区必然选择。以塔里木盆地深部最新油气勘探开发资料为依据,揭示了盆地深部油气勘探现状,进一步结合前人研究成果剖析了盆地深部不同类型油气藏地质特征及成因机制,划分了深部油气藏类型并阐明分布特征。结果表明,塔里木盆地深部钻井数比例逐年增大,油气三级储量逐年递增,深部油气勘探潜力巨大;根据油气藏储层特征、物性演化机制及源储接触关系,塔里木盆地深部油气藏可划分为常规油气藏、致密油气藏及改造型油气藏3种8类,常规油气藏包括背斜、断块及岩性-地层类油气藏,致密油气藏包括先成型、后成型致密油气藏,改造型油气藏包括流体改造型、构造改造型及综合改造型油气藏;塔里木盆地深部油气藏分布规律复杂,构造格局与演化控制了其平面分区分带富集,沉积成岩背景与演化控制了其纵向分层分段富集;综合研究表明,当今塔里木盆地深部油气勘探应注重储层控油气作用,立足多目的层共同勘探,以致密油气为主导,改造型油气藏为重点,兼顾常规油气,逐步向盆地斜坡、坳陷处紧邻源岩的部位拓展。  相似文献   

随着油气资源对外依赖度加大,中国的油气勘探已经拓展到深层和超深层领域,并相继在中西部盆地发现了塔河、普光、安岳、靖边、顺北等一批大型油气田,展示出广阔的勘探前景。中国已探明的深层和超深层碳酸盐岩油气藏特征与全球的有很大差异,经典的油气地质理论指导这类油气田勘探遇到了前所未有的重大挑战,需要完善和发展。通过调研和比较全球已探明的碳酸盐岩和砂岩油气藏地质特征,发现它们的油气来源条件、油气藏形成条件、成藏动力、演化过程特征等类同;同时,发现碳酸盐岩和砂岩油气藏的矿物组成、孔隙度和渗透率随埋深变化特征、孔渗结构特征、储层物性下限、油气藏类型等有着很大不同。中国深层和超深层碳酸盐岩油气藏与全球的相比较具有五方面差异:地层年代更老、埋藏深度更大、白云岩储层比率更大、天然气资源比率更高、储层孔渗关系更乱。中国已经发现的深层碳酸盐岩油气藏成因类型可以归为五种:沉积型高孔高渗油气藏、压实成岩型低孔低渗油气藏、结晶成岩型低孔低渗油气藏、流体改造型高孔低渗油气藏、应力改造型低孔高渗油气藏;它们形成的动力学机制分别与地层沉积和浮力主导的油气运移作用、地层压实和非浮力主导的油气运移作用、成岩结晶和非浮力主导的油气运移作用、流体改造介质和浮力主导的油气运移作用、应力改造和浮力主导的油气运移作用等密切相关。中国深层和超深层碳酸盐岩油气藏勘探发展的有利领域和油气藏类型主要有三个:一是低热流盆地浮力成藏下限之上自由动力场形成的高孔高渗常规油气藏;二是构造变动频繁的叠合盆地内外应力和内部流体活动改造而形成的缝洞复合型油气藏;三是构造稳定盆地内局限动力场形成的广泛致密连续型非常规油气藏。改造类非常规致密碳酸盐岩油气藏是中国含油气盆地深层和超深层油气资源的主要类型:它们叠加了早期形成的常规油气藏特征,又具有自身广泛连续分布的非常规特征,还经受了后期构造变动的改造;复杂的分布特征,致密的介质条件和高温高压环境使得这类油气资源勘探开发难度大、成本高。   相似文献   

近年来,银根—额济纳旗盆地哈日凹陷发现了多种类型油气藏,证实其有较好的油气勘探前景,但该凹陷油气地质条件极为复杂,特别是对多类型油气藏的共生特征及其成藏机理认识不足,限制了对油气分布规律的科学预测,制约了油气勘探的进程.基于对各类型油气藏的剖析,探讨多类型油气藏共生特征及其成藏机理,预测油气分布,分析勘探方向,以期为该...  相似文献   

中国海相碳酸盐岩的储层类型、勘探领域及勘探战略   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
中国海相碳酸盐岩有效储层成因类型主要包括古风化壳岩溶储层、礁滩储层及层状白云岩储层三大类。陆上中—古生界盆地三类储层均有分布,海上第三系盆地主要发育礁滩储层。针对我国海相油气地质特别是陆上中—古生界油气成藏的复杂性,提出应该加强对勘探及认识程度相对较低的礁滩储层形成的原生岩性-成岩圈闭油气藏的研究与勘探工作。石灰岩古风化壳岩溶储层具有强烈的非均质性,白云岩储层的含油气性比较依赖于有效储盖组合及构造圈闭。鉴于我国海相油气资源潜力巨大、勘探程度较低,故应该加强海相油气资源特别是陆上主要盆地海相油气资源及南海油气资源的研究与勘探开发,尤其要加强层序地层及岩相古地理编图等基础油气地质研究工作。  相似文献   

对巴西东部被动大陆边缘深水盆地群的构造演化和石油地质特征进行了系统性的对比分析,研究表明,盆地群经历了4个演化阶段:前裂谷阶段、同裂谷阶段、局限海过渡阶段和被动大陆边缘漂移阶段。受区域构造应力场、膏盐层、火山岩等方面的影响,各盆地表现出不同的盆地结构和构造样式,而膏盐层的发育对于油气成藏起着关键作用。这些盆地中,主要发育了三套烃源岩、三套储层和三套区域盖层,并形成了三种油气成藏类型:盐下裂谷地堑内的构造油气藏,膏盐层上下的碳酸盐岩油气藏,以及盐上的浊积岩构造—地层复合油气藏。根据成藏规律分析,并考虑各盆地的勘探现状,按勘探潜力由好到差的顺序将盆地划分为三类,指出Ⅰ、Ⅱ类潜力区应是主要勘探方向,具有广阔的油气资源前景。  相似文献   

东海海域油气资源与选区评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为优化勘探目标的选择,加快东海海域的油气勘探与开发步伐,在油气勘探开发现状和资源潜力分析的基础上,采用油气地质综合研究的方法进行了东海海域的油气勘探战略选区评价。东海油气资源丰富,勘探前景广阔,但不同区域勘探潜力不一,以东海陆架盆地最为重要,冲绳海槽盆地次之。东海陆架盆地的油气勘探以西湖凹陷最具潜力,瓯江凹陷和闽江凹陷次之,其中西湖凹陷的油气勘探以始新统和渐新统为重点层系,瓯江凹陷以古新统为主攻目标,闽江凹陷以中生界为主要勘探层位。冲绳海槽盆地具备油气藏形成的基本地质条件,以陆架前缘坳陷最为有利,以中新统为重点勘探层位。  相似文献   

吐哈盆地三叠系油气资源丰富,勘探潜力巨大,但目前对该盆地的油气成藏与分布的主控因素尚存争议.本文应用成藏分析理论,从盆地整体出发,探讨油气藏形成与分布的主控因素.认为油气具有多期成藏、晚期调整的特征,成藏期主要决定于构造运动期次、圈闭发育与时空配置,以及断层活动时期等因素;油气藏的分布主要受前陆盆地的性质控制,盆地的不同区带、不同构造段和不同层位,其主控因素存在明显差异.  相似文献   

中国西部叠合盆地经历了多期构造变动和多旋回的油气成藏作用,研究叠合盆地油气藏的形成、演化和分布预测具有重要的意义。叠合盆地指不同时期形成的不同类型的沉积盆地或地层在同一地理位置上的叠加和复合,具有地层沉积不连续、地层构造不连续、地层应力应变作用不连续等三大标志性特征,依据构造剖面上地层年代的关联性,将叠合盆地分为五种类型,即连续沉积型叠合盆地、中晚期地层叠合盆地、早晚期地层叠合盆地、早中期地层叠合盆地、长期暴露型叠合盆地。叠合盆地普遍发育复杂油气藏,三种作用(剥蚀作用、断裂作用、褶皱作用)六种机制(渗漏、扩散、溢散、氧化、降解和裂解)形成复杂油气藏,依据成因特征分为五类,原成型油气藏,圈闭调整型油气藏,组分变异型油气藏,相态转换型油气藏,规模改造型油气藏。研究表明,复杂油气藏中天然气的地下产状特征和分布特征与地表产状特征和分布特征有很大差异。中国西部叠合盆地油气分布主要受烃源灶、古隆起、沉积相、断裂带、构造变动和区域盖层等六大因素的控制。其中烃源灶(S)、古隆起(M)、沉积相(D)和盖层(C)等四大要素控制着油气成藏的形成和分布,并建立了多要素匹配(T-CDMS)成藏模式,用以预测有利成藏领域。油气藏形成之后,多期的构造变动对早成的油气藏进行调整、改造和破坏,主要受构造变动强度、构造变动时间、构造变动次数、构造变动时盖层的封油气性能等四大要素控制,并以此建立了多期构造变动破坏油气藏后剩余潜力评价模型,利用这一模型可以预测出有利勘探区带并评价出有利勘探区带中的剩余资源潜力。油气藏经过改造,表现出晚期成藏效应,并受相势耦合作用的控制最后定位,利用晚期成藏效应和相势耦合理论可以预测有利勘探目标,并指出潜在有利勘探目标。  相似文献   

Current concepts of oil and gas generation by thermal decomposition of kerogen are reviewed. Primary oil migration mechanisms requiring large quantities of water to serve as a carrier for the movement of oil from source rock to reservoir are discussed. Previous investigators regarded the expulsion of interlayer water from montmorillonite and montmorillonite-illite mixed-layer minerals by transformation during diagenesis as the most important source of the carrier water.The process of diagenesis is subdivided into three stages based on the results of experimental compaction studies on montmorillonite clay, on studies of the expulsion mechanism of interlayer and interstitial waters, and on the observed changes in pores and mineral grains in argillaceous sediments during these stages. As a result, we concluded that the migration of oil chiefly occurs during the late compaction stage when the sediment's porosity ranges from 30 to 10%.This conclusion implies that a large amount of oil can move during the period when the active generation of oil corresponds with the primary migration of carrier water. For instance, in the oil-bearing Miocene sediments of the Akita area of northern Japan, the oil generation temperature ranged from 100 to 150°C and the average migration depth was between 1300 and 2600 m. Therefore, the possibility of large oil pool formation will be high in the basin where the paleo-geothermal gradient is about 5.0°C/100 m. In fact, it is expected that the paleo-geothermal gradients in the vicinities of large oil fields will be very close to this value.Prediction of the type and amount of hydrocarbons in the exploration area will be possible by an examination of the paleo-geothermal gradient in the area and by a study of the relation between absolute porosity and burial depth of argillaceous rocks.  相似文献   

The homologous series of terpenoid sulfides previously reported to be present in Athabasca bitumen have been detected in a variety of petroleums from the Western Hemisphere. All 22 samples examined, ranging in age from Devonoan to Cretaceous, contained the terpenoid sulfides. A method is described for the isolation of sulfides from petroleums based on the selective oxidation of sulfides to more polar sulfoxides which are easily removed from the mixture and their subsequent reduction to sulfides. The sulfide content in the petroleum maltenes examined ranged from 0.3 to 16.1% w/w. In addition to the bicyclic and tetracyclic terpenoid sulfides a new series of tricyclic terpenoid sulfides has been identified, and the details of the isoprenoid side chain have been elucidated for all three homologous series. The distributions by carbon number of the bicyclic and tetracyclic homologous series of terpenoid sulfides show pronounced variations which are attributed to thermal maturity and degree of water washing of the petroleum, thus the ability to identify terpenoid sulfides should provide a useful tool for oil-oil and oil-source rock correlation studies. The bicyclic and tricyclic terpenoid sulfides have the same carbon framework as the carotenoids which suggest that these sulfides were accessory pigments in photosynthesis.  相似文献   

传统的石油成藏理论适用于中高渗透储层,流体的渗流特征是达西渗流,主要作用力是浮力,油气分布在构造高部位或砂体高部位,主要是寻找圈闭。但是在低超低渗透储层和致密储层中,流体的渗流特征是非达西渗流,传统理论不再适用,油水不能发生正常的重力分异,流体在超压作用下以幕式排烃方式发生初次运移,石油在储层中运移要以非达西渗流方式通过变形才能缓慢通过,这种运移必然降低流速产生滞留效应导致石油在低部位大量滞留并聚集成连续油藏。这种滞留油藏的产生,可以形成背斜区圈闭含油、斜坡区相对高部位含水、而相对低部位却连续含油的油水倒置现象。由于滞留油藏无需构造和岩性边界圈闭,无需统一压力系统和油水边界,改变了传统上的圈闭找油模式,拓展了油气藏的概念,形成了低超低渗透储层、非常规、致密油等成藏研究的理论基础。向斜成藏理论的提出,是对传统石油成藏理论的重要补充,拓展了油气勘探领域,使油气勘探从构造高部位转向构造低部位,增大了石油资源量,对勘探开发具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

A nonlocal dynamic model of petroleum formation is used to explore possible causes and consequences of the nonlinear behavior of large petroleum systems. As a result of this nonlinearity, migration and accumulation of oil starts only after hydrocarbons in a reservoir reach a threshold amount. Significant differences in the amount of in-place resources in macroscopically similar petroleum systems may be associated with minor random changes in initial conditions.  相似文献   

复合型含油气系统的特征与描述 : 以塔中含油气系统为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对塔中含油气系统的研究,发现它难以用传统的含油气系统方法来描述。它主要有二个油源区三套生油岩,发育有三套储层;不同油源在不同时期生成的油气在储层内共生、甚至相互混合,使油气成因复杂。据此提出了它是一个复合型含油气系统。在此基础上,进一步指出复合型含油气系统的特点是多油源、多期成烃、油气成因复杂,出现在迭合型盆地。并针对这些特点,初步提出了工作思路及描述方法。  相似文献   

Two C28H48-pentacyclic triterpanes were isolated from Monterey shale. X-ray crystallography of a crystal containing both compounds proved their structures as 17β,18α,21α(H)-28,30-bisnorhopane and 17β,18α,21β(H)-28,30-bisnorhopane. Several differences are found between 28,30-bisnorhopanes and the regular hopanes. Unlike the regular hopane epimers, for practical purposes the three epimeric 28,30-bisnorhopanes [17α,21β(H)-, 17β,21α(H)-, and 17β,21β(H)-]cannot be distinguished by their mass spectra. Special conditions are needed to separate them by gas chromatography. The diagenetically first-formed epimer is thought to be 17α,21β(H)- because it predominates in immature shales. The order of thermodynamic stability is 17β,2lα(H) < > 17α,21β(H) > 17β,21β(H), and all three epimers are present in petroleum. 25,28,30-Trisnorhopanes can be analyzed in similar fashion and are found to have similar thermodynamic characteristics. The percent of the ring D/E cis epimer of 28,30-bisnorhopane and/or 25,28,30-trisnorhopane is a useful maturation parameter similar to the 20S/20R sterane ratio. Evidence indicates 25-demethylation of 28,30-bisnorhopane to 25,28,30-trisnorhopane during advanced stages of biodegradation. Hence, percent ring DEcis 25,28,30-trisnorhopane has an application to maturation assessment in heavily biodegraded oils.  相似文献   

950 samples were analysed to study the possibility of using information on hydrogen in the evaluation of regional, zonal and local hydrocarbon potential. The main method for identifying that hydrogen is of natural origin is by comparison with the δD of hydrogen of technical origin that is ?792‰. As an added criterion for recognizing the origin of hydrogen in wells the investigation of changes in gas composition within the borehole section is proposed. The distribution of hydrogen in the free and adsorbed states and the role of hydrogen in hydrocarbon gas formation have been evaluated. These data combined with tests on hydrogen absorption establish a difference between oil and gas generation in terrigenous and carbonate rocks caused by different types of organic matter and by the ability of hydrogen to be preserved in the crystal lattice of carbonate minerals. This absorbed hydrogen promotes HC generation and also changes the physical properties of limestones producing fundamentally different styles of fracture genesis.  相似文献   

Carbazole, its alkyl derivatives and higher benzologs have been selectively isolated from six different crude oils. In all samples, benzocarbazoles are major constituents of a series which may extend up to dibenzocarbazole derivatives. The distribution includes unsubstituted parent compounds and shows a maximum content of methyl and dimethyl substituted species. Sixteen individual constituents have been identified by means of comparison with reference compounds using gas chromatography, mass spectrometry and high resolution spectrofluorimetry. So far, no generally acceptable explanation has been given for the origin of these compounds, which presumably are the most stable ones in their respective series of aromaticity. Thus, carbazole derivatives may result from a complex sequence of reactions during kerogen formation, not allowing the recognition of precursing molecules. The geochemical significance of this series of nitrogen compounds needs to be clarified, requiring further studies.  相似文献   

The treatment of diesel-contaminated soil with hydrogen peroxide oxidation is investigated in this paper. The factors influencing reactions such as initial oil content, H2O2 dosage, pH-value, catalyst and so on are studied. The results indicate that it is feasible to remediate diesel-contaminated soil by adding oxidant directly at room temperature because of higher absolute removal content although the degradation efficiency is low for the contaminated soil of 1%, 2% and 5% initial oil content. The more the H2O2 dosage, the better the degradation efficiency; it is economical and efficient to add 4 mL H2O2 to 10 g diesel-contaminated soil (2% or so) directly in-situ chemical oxidation (ICO). For the contaminated soil of 5% initial oil content, when pH-value is 5-8 and H202 dosage is 20 mL, the removal efficiency reaches more than 96%; when pH-value is 1-3 and volume ratios of H2O2 to Fe^2+ are 1 : 1, 2:2, the degradation efficiencies are all very high (i.e., 86%-88% or so). It can be concluded that the degradation efficiencies are comparative when adding 1 mL or 2 mL H2O2 of Fenton Reagent or adding 4 mL of H2O2 only to 10 g diesel-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

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