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试论我国海岸带综合管理中的边界问题   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
海岸带CoastalZone,又称海岸地区,是陆地与海洋相互作用的地区。最近十几年来,该地区倍受世人瞩目,尤其在1992年联合国环境和发展大会以后,开发海岸带综合管理IntegratedCoastalZoneManagement,简称ICZM已成为众多沿海国家的共同选择,各沿海国家纷纷制定了海岸带综合管理计划。海岸带综合管理是一种通过控制开发来保护海岸带资源与环境的特定政府规划SorensenMc-Creary19901,其主要价值乃在于对海陆一体化的认识,即海岸带的海陆相互联…  相似文献   

海岸带——全球变化研究的关键地区   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
工业革命以来,地球系统中人为--自然变化过程加剧,产生了一系列当代急需解决、危及人类社会可持续发展恶果。地球系统科学(ESS)因此在世界范围兴起,以国际地--生物圈计划(IGBP)为突出代表的全球变化研究工作相继展开,随IGBP研究的不 ,海岸带在全球变化研究中的重要性与优越性日益突出,以海岸带海陆相互作用(LOICZ)核心项目的确立为标志,建立起了完整的海岸带研究体系,海岸带成为当代全球研究的关  相似文献   

资源问题是人类所面临的几个重大的全球性问题之一。“可持续发展”是国际社会在研究全球环境与发展问题时所取得的共识,其实质就是以自然资源的持续利用为前提的发展模式。目前,陆地上的自然资源已无法满足人类发展的需求,有的资源已经开始衰退。为了解决陆地资源紧张的问题,人们开始将目光投向占地球表面积71%的海洋,而且首先把目光集中在海岸带。  相似文献   

莱州湾东岸海岸带陆海相互作用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海岸带是全球变化研究的关键地区,是海、陆、气相互作用的重要界面。在全球变化研究中的3个大型计划,即世界气候研究计划(WCRP)、国际地圈——生物圈计划(IGBP)和地球环境变化中的人类作用因素研究计划(HDP)中,由HDP与IGBP分别以人类活动和地球环境为中心并相互结合,从系统性变化和累积性变化的观点,通过个人、地区、国家和国际合作的共同努力而进行。物质与能量流动是全球变化研究的重点,而过渡带(即界面)是进行全球变化研究的最有效地区。海岸带是最重要的过渡带。查明海岸带各地球子系统间物质与能量的输入和输出,对各子系统的描述起到至关重要的作用。当代海岸带的新概念,以陆海相互作用为其基本特征。由国际地圈﹣生物圈计划(IGBP)提出的关于“海岸带陆海相互作用”(LOICZ)研究计划,在近几年中成为海岸带研究的热点以及全球变化中的研究前沿。  相似文献   

刘敬圃 《海洋科学》1994,18(5):23-24
近30年来,人类的地球观发生了深刻的变化,出现了以全球变化研究为对象的地球系统科学,并成为综合地球科学、生命科学、化学、物理学等的更高层次的学科。全球变化(Global change)研究主要包括3个计划:1.世界气候研究计划(WCRP);2.国际地圈生物圈计划(IGBP);3.全球环境变化的人为影响(HDP/GC)。国际科学联合会理事会已决定开展统观念岩石圈、生物圈、水圈和大气圈的国际地圈生物圈计划(IGBP),“全球环境变化的人为影响(HDP/GC)”与已经起步的“世界气候研究计划(WCRP…  相似文献   

我国海岸带资源潜力与可持续发展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
历史发展的大趋势表明,21世纪将进入海洋世纪。海岸带是陆地和海洋交互作用的地区,也是我国政治、经济、文化最发达的地区,在我国陆上资源、生存发展空间潜力愈来愈小的情况下,迫切需要强化海岸带意识.大力开发海岸带丰富的资源,保护海岸带环境,增强中国社会、经济的可持续发展能力建设。 1.海岸带的界定及海岸带地域系统 海岸带是陆地系统和海洋系统的一个接合部,是一个敏感带、过渡带,是全球生命支持系统的一个基本组成部分,是地球系统科学的重要组成部分 海岸带是海洋与大陆两大不同属性的地貌单元相互连接的地带,又可称为海  相似文献   

海岸带可持续发展已成为区域可持续发展和全球变化科学等多学科交叉研究的重要内容和热点课题。加快推进海岸带可持续发展相关研究,对加强我国生态安全、海洋环境保护、海洋经济发展,实现我国经济社会的可持续发展具有重大的现实意义。在系统调查分析了相关文献资料的基础上,总结了国内外海岸带可持续发展相关的资源、环境、经济、技术、政策和规划等方面的研究现状和进展,分析了海岸带可持续发展研究存在的问题和发展趋势。  相似文献   

全面禁止TBT防污漆 保护海洋生态环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
有机锡化合物(organotincompounds)广泛应用于工业、农业、交通和卫生等部门。其中,三丁基锡tributyltin,TBT由于对多种海洋污损生物具有长期有效的杀生效果,被大量用作船体涂层添加物,以防附着生物在船壳上的附着和生长,被称为海洋杀生剂。TBT在防污的同时,也会影响到许多非目标生物,并且被认为是迄今为止人为引入海洋环境中的毒性最大的物质之一。TBT对海洋生态系统的各层次和各子系统都会造成严重的负面影响,甚至不可逆的破坏。20世纪80年代以来,TBT防污漆便开始被一些发达…  相似文献   

构建海岸带综合管理体制的设想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
海岸带管理问题的提出,是基于海岸带的重要性、特性及其所面临的种种问题而提出的。综合有关专家的研究成果,海岸带管理问题的提出主要基于以下两个方面:1.海岸带对人类而言极其重要,我们应当对其格外关注。首先,海岸带能源和生物、矿产等资源丰富且便于开发,自然环境适宜生活、生产,具有对当地和区域乃至全球都十分重要的“三生”功能(生活、生产和生态功能)。其次,海岸带是全球变化的耦合带,是近期全球变化的信息库。通过对海岸带沉积地层中全球变化信息的研究,可以帮助我们分析大气圈、水圈、生物圈和岩石圈与人类活动相互…  相似文献   

海岸带 (Coastalzone)是陆地与海洋相互作用的交接地区 ,一般由彼此相互强烈影响的近岸海域和滨海陆地组成 ,是人类社会繁荣发展最具潜力和活力的地区。近年来人类对海岸带资源与环境的掠夺 ,导致污染加重,大片湿地丧失 ,渔业资源退化 ,严重影响海岸带的可持续发展[3]。世界大多数国家认为 :地球上再没有任何一个地方比海岸带更需要综合管理了。然而 ,海岸带是地球上环境最复杂的区域之一 ,实现综合管理必须依靠一些先进的科学技术。1993年世界海岸大会宣言中认为海岸带综合管理的基本技术是数据和信息的收集、验证、检…  相似文献   

The Danish Straits are part of the transition area between the North Sea and the central Baltic Sea. More precisely, the Danish Straits connect Kattegat to the Arkona Basin and includes the relatively narrow and shallow sub-areas: Great Belt, Little Belt, Fehmarn Belt and Sound. The flow resistances in the straits are hydraulically determined by among other factors, the contractions, sills and stratification found in the straits. Close to the entrance to the Arkona Basin the Darss and Drogden Sills are located that trap inflowing dense water partially before it enters the central Baltic Sea. Hence, the resistances in the Danish Straits are of crucial importance for the stratification and ecosystems in the central Baltic Sea. The present work comprises calculations of flow resistance in the Great Belt based on measurements collected as part of the Great Belt Fixed Link investigations. The specific resistance in the Great Belt is determined to be an average of 41.2 × 10−12 s2 m−5, but it depends heavily on the interface position. When calculating long-term discharge time-series on the basis of the momentum equation it is advised to apply a seasonal varying resistance.  相似文献   

The UNEP in its regional seas program in 1989 has included Pakistan in a group of countries which are vulnerable to the impact of rising sea level. If the present trend of sea level rise (SLR) at Karachi continues, in the next 50 years the sea level rise along the Pakistan Coast will be 50 mm (5 cm). Since the rising rates of sea level at Karachi are within the global range of 1-2 mm/year, the trends may be treated as eustatic SLR. Historical air temperature and sea surface temperature (SST) data of Karachi also show an increasing pattern and an increasing trend of about 0.67°C has been registered in the air temperature over the last 35 years, whereas the mean SST in the coastal waters of Karachi has also registered an increasing trend of about 0.3°C in a decade. Sindh coastal zone is more vulnerable to sea level rise than Baluchistan coast, as uplifting of the coast by about 1-2 mm/year due to subduction of Indian Ocean plate is a characteristic of Baluchistan coast. Within the Indus deltaic creek system, the area nearby Karachi is more vulnerable to coastal erosion and accretion than the other deltaic region, mainly due to human activities together with natural phenomena such as wave action, strong tidal currents, and rise in sea level. Therefore, The present article deals mainly with the study of dynamical processes such as erosion and accretion associated with sea level variations along the Karachi coast and surrounding Indus deltaic coastline. The probable beach erosion in a decade along the sandy beaches of Karachi has been estimated. The estimates show that 1.1 mm/year rise in sea level causes a horizontal beach loss of 110 mm per year. Therefore, coast eroded with rise in sea level at Karachi and surrounding sandy beaches would be 1.1 m during a period of next 10 years. The northwestern part of Indus delta, especially the Gizri and Phitti creeks and surrounding islands, are most unstable. Historical satellite images are used to analyze the complex pattern of sediment movements, the change in shape of coastline, and associated erosion and accretion patterns in Bundal and Buddo Islands. The significant changes in land erosion and accretion areas at Bundal and Buddo Islands are evident and appear prominently in the images. A very high rate of accretion of sediments in the northwestern part of Buddo Island has been noticed. In the southwest monsoon season the wave breaking direction in both these islands is such that the movement of littoral drift is towards west. Erosion is also taking place in the northeastern and southern part of Bundal Island. The erosion in the south is probably due to strong wave activities and in the northeast is due to strong tidal currents and seawater intrusion. Accretion takes place at the northwest and western parts of Bundal Island. By using the slope of Indus delta, sea encroachment and the land area inundation with rising sea level of 1 m and 2 m have also been estimated.  相似文献   

The UNEP in its regional seas program in 1989 has included Pakistan in a group of countries which are vulnerable to the impact of rising sea level. If the present trend of sea level rise (SLR) at Karachi continues, in the next 50 years the sea level rise along the Pakistan Coast will be 50 mm (5 cm). Since the rising rates of sea level at Karachi are within the global range of 1-2 mm/year, the trends may be treated as eustatic SLR. Historical air temperature and sea surface temperature (SST) data of Karachi also show an increasing pattern and an increasing trend of about 0.67°C has been registered in the air temperature over the last 35 years, whereas the mean SST in the coastal waters of Karachi has also registered an increasing trend of about 0.3°C in a decade. Sindh coastal zone is more vulnerable to sea level rise than Baluchistan coast, as uplifting of the coast by about 1-2 mm/year due to subduction of Indian Ocean plate is a characteristic of Baluchistan coast. Within the Indus deltaic creek system, the area nearby Karachi is more vulnerable to coastal erosion and accretion than the other deltaic region, mainly due to human activities together with natural phenomena such as wave action, strong tidal currents, and rise in sea level. Therefore, The present article deals mainly with the study of dynamical processes such as erosion and accretion associated with sea level variations along the Karachi coast and surrounding Indus deltaic coastline. The probable beach erosion in a decade along the sandy beaches of Karachi has been estimated. The estimates show that 1.1 mm/year rise in sea level causes a horizontal beach loss of 110 mm per year. Therefore, coast eroded with rise in sea level at Karachi and surrounding sandy beaches would be 1.1 m during a period of next 10 years. The northwestern part of Indus delta, especially the Gizri and Phitti creeks and surrounding islands, are most unstable. Historical satellite images are used to analyze the complex pattern of sediment movements, the change in shape of coastline, and associated erosion and accretion patterns in Bundal and Buddo Islands. The significant changes in land erosion and accretion areas at Bundal and Buddo Islands are evident and appear prominently in the images. A very high rate of accretion of sediments in the northwestern part of Buddo Island has been noticed. In the southwest monsoon season the wave breaking direction in both these islands is such that the movement of littoral drift is towards west. Erosion is also taking place in the northeastern and southern part of Bundal Island. The erosion in the south is probably due to strong wave activities and in the northeast is due to strong tidal currents and seawater intrusion. Accretion takes place at the northwest and western parts of Bundal Island. By using the slope of Indus delta, sea encroachment and the land area inundation with rising sea level of 1 m and 2 m have also been estimated.  相似文献   

热带辐合带与南海气候   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
统计分析最近11a资料,得出热带辐合带(ITCZ)各月都有,其纬度以2月最低,8月最高。850hPa的ITCZ比500hPa明显偏多,尤其在冬季,更足偏多一倍以上,ITCZ对南海气候影响显著,主要表现在南海热带气旋的纬度和个数与500hPa ITCZ的纬度和频率着着一致的逐月变化趋势;南海各站的降雨、相对湿度和温度与850hPa的ITCZ关系密切。  相似文献   

The Huksan Mud Belt (HMB) has been extensively investigated with respect to its source and evolution since the 1980s. Studies on sediment budget or accumulation rates suggested two different origins, Korean and combined Korean and Chinese. However, neither of the suggested origins appears reliable because they were based on insufficient or inaccurate datasets on the basic sedimentological characteristics of the HMB. Although a major mud transport was inferred to be closely associated with either the Korean Coastal Current or the Yellow Sea Warm Current, their physical characters during the Holocene transgression have been rarely hind-casted thus far. The majority of studies on high-resolution seismic stratigraphy along with core log have suggested that the HMB stratigraphy consists of two units divided by an erosional boundary. The lower unit is further divided into two subunits by a subtle discontinuity that is laterally correlated with the erosional boundary. In line with the stratigraphy, the studies theorized that the erosion of the HMB had produced a re-deposited distal lobe, the younger lower subunit. In addition, this lobe was inferred to have prograded rapidly during the relatively short period of 6,500-5,500 yr B.P. Although the time interval of the erosion coincides with the decelerating rise in sea level, the hydrodynamic cause and effect of the erosion remain inexplicable. Therefore, the source and evolution of the HMB continue to be controversial, due largely to poor understanding of the paleo-physical oceanography of the Yellow Sea during the Holocene.  相似文献   

从海底地壳开裂处涌出一般带有大量生物的深海热泉的现象已众所周知。一开始在太平洋和大西洋中找到了它们 ,而在 2 0世纪和 2 1世纪交接期印度洋中也发现了热液 ,而后就输到高纬度的北极海区了。在极区盆地中应当有热液已有过报道。例如 ,1 993年 9月 ,俄 德联合北极考察队乘坐“极地”(Polarstern)号破冰船 ,在拉普帖夫海加克利 (Гакке х)海岭东端 (77°45′N、1 2 5° 55′E ,水深 1 990m) ,获得了对研究热液非常有意义的样品 ,证实了在这个海岭上存在着热液活动 ;但是 ,在 2 0 0 1年 ,美国和德国破冰船“健康”(Healy)号和“极…  相似文献   

日本海、鄂霍次克海和白令海的古海洋学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
边缘海的存在使大陆和大洋之间的物质和能量交换变得相当复杂。在构造运动和海平面升降的控制下,边缘海和大洋之间时而连通时而隔绝,各种古气候变化信号都在一定程度上被放大。基于近期有关西北太平洋边缘海的古海洋学研究成果,简要概述了日本海、鄂霍次克海、白令海以及北太平洋地区自中新世以来的古气候和古海洋环境演化特征,并认为它们与全球其它地区一样也受控于因地球轨道参数变化引起的太阳辐射率的变化,大尺度的气候变化具有与地球轨道偏心率周期相对应的100ka周期,而41ka的小尺度周期则受地球自转轴斜率变化的控制。一些突发性的气候变化则是由气候不稳定性、海峡的关闭与开启和其它一些地球气候系统的非线性活动所驱动。但同时作为中高纬度边缘海,它们的古海平面、古海水温度、古洋流等古海洋环境因子的变化特征还受到冰盖扩张和退缩、构造运动、冰川性地壳均衡补偿、东亚季风等因素的影响,具有一定的区域特点。  相似文献   

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