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厦门东海域流刺网渔获鱼类种类组成及其多样性分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2005年7月至2006年6月对厦门东海域的流刺网渔获鱼类的种类组成及其多样性进行采样分析.总共获得鱼类67种,隶属于14目40科50属.以鲈形目种类最多,共计29种,占总数的43.3%.主要的优势种有:皮氏叫姑鱼、黄鳍鲷、杜氏棱鳀、棱鮻、中华海鲶、斑鰶、黄斑鲾和褐蓝子鱼等.渔获种类的季节变化比较明显,种类的月更替率比较高,与海洋表层水温变化有关.  相似文献   

舟山渔场及邻近海域鱼类种类组成和数量分布   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
根据2006年8月、2007年1、5、11月在舟山渔场及邻近海域(29°30′—32°00′N,127°E以西)开展海洋生态系统综合调查所获得的游泳动物调查资料,用渔获率作为鱼类资源分布的数量指标,对舟山渔场及邻近海域的鱼类种类组成、数量分布、季节变化趋势作了定量分析。结果表明,舟山渔场及邻近海域鱼类种类约有139种,隶属14目、56科、105属,其中日本红娘鱼、绿鳍鱼、六丝矛尾虎鱼、细条天竺鱼、海鳗、黑、星康吉鳗、小黄鱼、前肛鳗、短吻舌鳎、棘头梅童鱼等25种鱼类占鱼类总渔获量的84.18%,是调查海域桁杆拖网的主要捕捞鱼类,而其它种类的渔获量较少。不同季节的经济鱼类渔获物组成相差较大,而优势种种类组成变化较少。渔获量高峰期主要出现在夏季,从不同区域的渔获率分布趋势来看,春、夏、秋季的鱼类渔获率都以江外渔场最高,其次是长江口渔场,舟山渔场居第三,而杭州湾河口区的鱼类渔获率明显偏低。冬季鱼类渔获率分布趋势与春夏秋季不同,以长江口渔场为最高,其次是舟山渔场,而江外渔场和杭州湾河口区渔获率明显偏低。与以往(20世纪60年代初)调查结果相比,舟山渔场及邻近海域鱼类种数组成、种群动态及群落结构都发生了很大的变化。  相似文献   

南麂列岛岛礁区域鱼类种类组成和数量分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用底层拖网方法,以渔获率作为鱼类资源分布的数量指标,进行了南麂列岛岛礁区域2011年4月、8月、11月和2012年3月4个季节的鱼类种类组成、数量分布以及时空变化研究。结果表明:(1)调查海域鱼类有69种,鱼类种数夏季>秋季>冬季>春季;(2)六指马鲅、海鳗、棘头梅童鱼、龙头鱼、赤鼻棱鳀、白姑鱼、、中颌棱鳀、六丝钝尾虎鱼等15种鱼占鱼类总渔获量的89.13%,是调查海域底层拖网的主要捕捞鱼类;(3)不同季节的鱼类渔获量组成相差较大,优势种季节演替现象明显;(4)渔获率的季节变化明显,渔获率夏秋季明显高于冬春季,夏秋季渔获率较高的区域一般在调查海域西北方向的开阔海域。  相似文献   

正专家大致把有毒鱼类分为三类第一类是棘毒鱼类。这类鱼具有毒腺,能分泌毒液,通过鱼棘刺伤人体,把毒液输入人体,引起中毒。棘毒鱼类包括鳗鲇科、科、科、银鲛科、蓝子鱼科、躄鱼科、角鲨科和刺尾鱼科等许多种类,其中最毒的是魟科的毒(俗称石头鱼),其次是同科的鬼(老虎鱼)和蓑(狮子鱼),这类鱼的背鳍棘的基部有毒腺。  相似文献   

南海北部陆架区底层渔业资源的空间分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据2006年10月至2007年9月南海北部大陆架海域4个航次底拖网调查资料,分析了该海域渔业资源的种类组成、种类丰富度和渔获率的空间分布。结果表明,渔获种类数以湛江断面最多(405种),汕头断面最少(337种)。种类数随水深变化呈非对称正态分布,以40—80m水深组种类数最多。物种丰富度指数D的空间分布与种类数基本一致。在总渔获物中,鱼类、头足类和甲壳类3大类群重量组成比例为80:12:8,在断面分布上,组成比例鱼类以珠江口断面最高,头足类以湛江断面最高,甲壳类以阳江断面最高。在水深分布上,鱼类占比随水深的增加而增加,头足类占比在40—100m水深较高,甲壳类在10—20m浅水区最高。鱼类最主要的优势种有6种,其中,深水金线鱼主要在90—120m水深占优势,黄鳍马面鲀在60—90m水深占优势,条尾绯鲤在60—120m水深占优势,单棘豹鲂鮄在120—200m水深占优势,六指马鲅在30—60m水深占优势,龙头鱼在10—30m水深占优势。鱼类渔获率断面分布以珠江口和粤西海域较高,汕头海域最低;水深分布渔获率随水深的增加而增加。头足类渔获率以粤西和珠江口海域较高,粤东海域较低;在100m水深范围内,渔获率随水深的增...  相似文献   

杭州湾海域春、秋季鱼类种类组成和数量分布   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用底层拖网法,用渔获率作为鱼类资源数量分布的指标,进行了杭州湾调查海域2012年5月(春季)、10月(秋季)2个季节的鱼类种类组成、区系特点、数量分布等研究。结果表明:(1)杭州湾海域春、秋两季共获得并鉴定出的鱼类有31种,隶属于9目15科,其中以石首鱼科和■虎鱼科的种类为最多,各有5种,分别占总种数的16.7%;鳀科鱼类次之,有4种,占总种数的13.3%,优势种有睛尾蝌蚪■虎鱼、龙头鱼、刀鲚、棘头梅童鱼;(2)根据鱼类适温性可将该海域的鱼类分为暖水性、暖温性和冷温性3种适温类型,以暖温性种类为主,暖水性种类次之,而冷温性种类极少,仅有1种;(3)根据其生态习性,可分为河口性、沿岸性和近海性3种生态类群;(4)渔获数量分布规律是春季在调查海域的内侧或者说中西部较高,而湾口较低,秋季则正好相反。  相似文献   

厦门东海域鱼类的群落结构及种类多样性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2003年7月至2006年6月对厦门东部海域用定置网和流刺网渔获鱼类进行周年逐月采样分析.结果表明,该海域鱼类至少有287种,录属于21目87科164属,以鲈形目最多,有151种,占总种数的52.6%.渔获物组成以近岸小型鱼类为主,底层鱼类和中下层鱼类合计有235种,占81.88%;中上层鱼类仅52种,占18.12%.鱼类的亚热带动物区系特征明显,暖水性种类达221种,占77%,暖温性种类66种,占23%,未出现冷温性种类及冷水性种类.鱼类种类存在明显的季节更替现象,月更替率大多在30%以上,最高达72.1%.定置网渔获鱼类年平均数量为277尾·网-1,年平均产量为1.93kg·网-1,平均数量和平均产量均以夏季大于秋季大于春季大于冬季;月平均数量和月平均产量均以8月最高,分别为700尾·网-1和5.0kg·网-1,2月最低,分别仅为55尾·网-1和0.38kg·网-1.种类丰度及数量变化与海域水温变化总体呈正相关关系.Shannon-Wiener种类多样性指数的月变化在1.555-4.337之间,多数月份的指数值在3以上,多样性水平较高.渔获鱼类中经济种类占比例较大,但绝大多数个体都比较小,年平均尾重仅6.97g.根据营养动态法估算潜在资源量为1 133.30t年-1,目前厦门东海域鱼类总渔获量已超过最大可捕量一倍以上,应加强资源的管理和保护.  相似文献   

南澎列岛近海海域底拖网鱼类组成的季节性变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1991年逐月对南澎列岛近海海域作底拖网调查,共捕获鱼类132种,其中软骨鱼类7种(4目6科6属),硬骨鱼类125种(10目58科95属),后 者以鲈形目居多(69种)。全年渔获优质种类为条尾鲱鲤、黑天竺鱼、二长棘鲷、大头狗母鱼、多齿蛇鲻、三线矶鲈、绿布氏筋鱼、多鳞Xi和乔氏台雅鱼等9种,其渔获尾数之和是渔获总数的71.1%。季节性优势种类除全年优势种类外,尚有粗纹Fu、半线天竺鲷、印白姑鱼、静Fu和翼红娘鱼等5种;各种类全的渔获尾数及出现月份数相关,各月份的渔获尾数和渔获种数不相关;渔获物中仅有少量的中上层鱼类(13种)。就适温性而言,该海区鱼类以亚热带性为主并兼有热带性特征,以Shannon、Brillouin、Simpson和McIn-tosh等多样性指标及相应的Hurlbert均匀度指标对逐月样本做估计,这8种指标之间高度显著相关;该海域鱼类的Shannon多样性指标及相应的均匀度指标皆以秋冬季为高,春夏季较低。  相似文献   

厦门海域鱼类群落分类学多样性的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
根据厦门海域鱼类种类组成历史资料和调查资料,系统整理了厦门海域的鱼类总名录和现有名录,并应用分类学等级多样性指数和分类差异变异指数分析了厦门海域鱼类群落分类学多样性的时空变化。结果表明:厦门海域有记录鱼类共649种;现有鱼类有331种,隶属2纲22目90科181属,其中软骨鱼纲共5目9科9属15种,辐鳍鱼纲共17目81科172属316种。厦门海域鱼类总名录的等级多样性指数Δ+和分类差异变异指数Λ+分别为79.267和220.96;现有鱼类群落分类多样性指数Δ+和分类差异指数Λ+分别为77.504和245.34。分类多样性指数Δ+在冬、春季较高,秋季次之,而夏季最低;而分类差异指数Λ+夏季较高,秋季次之,冬春季较低。秋季和冬季鱼类组成的相似度最高,其次为夏季,最后为春季。与历史总名录相比,厦门海域的现有鱼类群落分类学范围较小,生态幅变窄,群落稳定性较差。  相似文献   

浙江南部外海鱼类种类组成和数量分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据2006年5月、9月、11月和2007年2月浙江南部外海渔业资源调查结果,用渔获率作为鱼类资源分布的数量指标,对浙江南部外海的鱼类种类组成、数量分布、季节变化趋势作了定量分析。结果表明,浙江南部外海调查海域鱼类种类约有205种,其中海南鲽鲆、长臂沙鲽是2个东海区新记录种。刺鲳、竹笑鱼、发光鲷、条尾鲱鲤、尖牙鲷、短鳍红娘鱼、短鳄齿鱼、带鱼、多棘腔吻鳕、花斑蛇鲻等22种鱼类是调查海域底拖网的主要捕捞鱼类,约占鱼类总渔获量的64.58%,而其它种类的渔获量较少。不同季节的经济鱼类渔获物组成相差较大,渔获量高峰期主要出现在夏、秋季,主要捕捞刺鲳、竹笑鱼、条尾鲱鲤、短鳍红娘鱼、黄鳍马面钝等,而带鱼主要出现在春、夏季和冬季。资源数量分布较高的海区是27°30′-28°30′N海域以及26°00′-27°00′N、121°30′-123°00′E海域,而春季、秋季和冬季虽然资源密度没有夏季高,秋季和冬季调查海域的鱼类资源数量明显下降,但其数量的地理分布趋势与夏季基本相同。主要种类的空间分布特点如下:刺鲳、带鱼、海鳗、日本红娘鱼、日本方头鱼等的主要渔场分布在80-100m水深海域;黑鲮蟓、真鲷、鲐鱼、高体若鳕等的主要渔场分布在100-200m水深海域;而竹笑鱼、条尾鲱鲤、短鳍红娘鱼等则在整个调查海域都有分布,属于分布范围广的种类。  相似文献   

基于2016年8月(夏季)、11月(秋季)、2017年3月(冬季)、5月(春季)浙江南部近海的鱼类调查数据,利用生态位宽度、生态位重叠、聚类分析、方差比率法、卡方检验、联结系数以及种对共同出现百分率对主要鱼类种间关系进行研究.结果表明:(1)调查共采集鱼类169种,主要鱼类共有26种;(2)在空间维度上,日本鲭(Sco...  相似文献   

Understanding the connectivity of fish among different typical habitats is important for conducting ecosystembased management, particularly when designing marine protected areas(MPA) or setting MPA networks. To clarify of connectivity among mangrove, seagrass beds, and coral reef habitats in Wenchang, Hainan Province,China, the fish community structure was studied in wet and dry seasons of 2018. Gill nets were placed across the three habitat types, and the number of species, individuals, and body size of individual fish were recorded. In total, 3 815 individuals belonging to 154 species of 57 families were collected. The highest number of individuals and species was documented in mangroves(117 species, 2 623 individuals), followed by coral reefs(61 species,438 individuals) and seagrass beds(46 species, 754 individuals). The similarity tests revealed highly significant differences among the three habitats. Approximately 23.4% species used two habitats and 11.0% species used three habitats. A significant difference(p0.05) in habitat use among eight species(Mugil cephalus, Gerres oblongus, Siganus fuscescens, Terapon jarbua, Sillago maculata, Upeneus tragula, Lutjanus russellii, and Monacanthus chinensis) was detected, with a clear ontogenetic shift in habitat use from mangrove or seagrass beds to coral reefs. The similarity indices suggested that fish assemblages can be divided into three large groups namely coral, seagrass, and mangrove habitat types. This study demonstrated that connectivity exists between mangrove–seagrass–coral reef continuum in Wenchang area; therefore, we recommend that fish connectivity should be considered when designing MPAs or MPA network where possible.  相似文献   

南海北部上层鱼类浮游生物多样性和丰度的季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study was to investigate the seasonal variations of ichthyoplankton diversity and abun-dance in the northern South China Sea based on the data collected during summer, winter and spring. In total, 95 taxa of larval fishes were identified. The greatest number of species was recorded in spring, followed by summer and winter. The number of species was distributed mainly in the coastal waters from the east of Leizhou Peninsula to the southeast of Hainan Island during the surveyed periods of summer and spring, but in the offshore waters during winter. The abundance of larval fish was lowest in winter, increased in spring, and reached the maximum in summer. High abundance of larval fish was generally restricted to coastal waters with the isobaths less than 50 m. Seasonal variations of larval fish richness, abundance and diversity index were significant (P〈0.001). Carangidae was the most common and abundant taxon in summer and winter, whileSardinella sp.,Thrissa mystax andLeiognathus sp. were dominant in spring. High diversity and abundance of larval fish might be attributed to increased temperature and coastal upwelling in spring and summer.  相似文献   

厦门港及邻近海域的浮性鱼卵和仔,稚鱼   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
蔡秉及  王志远 《台湾海峡》1994,13(2):204-208
本文报道厦门岛区和大嶝岛区海域浮性鱼卵和仔,稚鱼的种类组成与数量分布。其记录44种鱼类,其中有8个主要种类,鱼卵和仔,稚鱼和总密度季节变化较大,均以冬,春季高,夏秋季低。  相似文献   

The present study explores the distribution of the invasive herbivore fish Siganus luridus (Rüppell 1829) and its relationship to native herbivores and macroalgal assemblages in the shallow sublittoral of the Cyclades Archipelago, Aegean Sea, Greece. In situ underwater surveys of herbivore abundance (fishes and sea urchins) and algal coverage were carried out at 180 sampling sites in 18 islands. Siganus luridus accounted for 17% of the total herbivore abundance, with a decrease in relative abundance from the southeastern to the northwestern islands. In Santorini Island (in the southeast of the study area) S. luridus abundance accounted for 90% of the total herbivore fish abundance, while in Kea Island (at the northwestern limit of the study area), S. luridus was absent. The spatial variation of minimum sea surface temperature is possibly the reason for its distributional pattern. Siganus luridus abundance was found to be positively correlated to the native herbivore Sparisoma cretense (Linnaeus 1758). A significant negative relationship was found between the abundance of the invasive species and the sum of erect and canopy algae cover (Dictyotales and Cystoseira spp.), which are the main components of its diet in the region. On the other hand, its occurrence was particularly high in barren sites. The results arising from this study reinforce evidence from studies in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin that the expansion of the invasive species S. luridus may have profound impacts on native communities in the Mediterranean infralittoral zone.  相似文献   

长江口鱼卵仔鱼资源现状的调查与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2003年5月至2004年11月长江口海域7个航次、115个站次的鱼卵仔鱼调查采样资料分析,共鉴定出该海域的鱼卵仔鱼51种,隶属10目27科45属;其中,5种仅鉴定到科,4种仅鉴定到属,还有两种未能鉴定。在长江口门附近鱼卵较为集中,绝大部分为凤鲚鱼卵,占鱼卵总数的95.7%,其它小部分分别为鮻、斑点马鲛、长蛇鲻、中华小公鱼、小带鱼以及鲆科的鱼卵。中华小公鱼的仔鱼出现次数最多,占仔鱼总次数的38.4%;凤鲚、虎鱼科、棘头梅童鱼、鮻和斑鱼祭的仔鱼分别占仔鱼总次数的19.7%、14.4%、6.6%、6.2%和3.5%。长江口门内分布的主要仔鱼种类为凤鲚、赤鼻棱鱼是、中华小公鱼等;长江口门以外分布的主要仔鱼种类为凤鲚、鮻、鲆科、小黄鱼和长蛇鲻等;其中凤鲚、中华小公鱼等的仔鱼和鱼卵较多。5月鱼卵仔鱼的种类和数量较多,2月和11月的较少。与历史同期相比,该海域部分种仔鱼类已经消失,棘头梅童鱼等经济种类的鱼卵仔鱼资源补充量急剧下降,表明长江口海域经济种类仔鱼资源已受到衰竭的威胁。  相似文献   

Twice monthly sampling over two 16 month periods at a shallow site on Newfoundland's east coast showed the fish assemblage to be dominated by four taxa (Gasterosteus aculeatus, G. wheatlandi, Osmerus mordax, Gadus spp.) that accounted for 96% of the individuals collected. Of the 16 479 fish measured, 65% were adults based on the estimated size of first spawning. The fish assemblage was dominated (86%) by species with demersal eggs, several of which spawn at the same shallow sites used by juveniles as nursery sites. Coastal spawning and demersal eggs maintain offspring in coastal nursery areas where survival is thought to be increased. Number of species and number of fish were both correlated with water temperature being highest from mid-summer to early autumn and lowest in winter. Temperature, time of spawning, and movements of juveniles and adults facilitated grouping species into five assemblages based on seasonal abundance: seasonal periodic species (summer and winter), regular species, regular species collected in all seasons except winter, and occasional (rare) species. At the diel scale, two consistent species groupings were observed: species that showed no significant difference between day and night and species caught primarily at night. Number of night species exceeded day species by a factor of two. No seine-caught species in shallow water exhibited significantly higher catches during the day. Observations by SCUBA divers indicated some species were more abundant during day time at slightly deeper depths. This observation in conjunction with day and night seining in shallower water, suggests these species aggregate in deeper water during day and move to shallow waters at night.  相似文献   

The muscle tissue of 266 fish caught along the coast of Lebanon from Beirut to Tyre (85 km) were analysed for total mercury content. The mean levels for the 13 species ranged from 0·028 mg/kg of wet tissue for Siganus rivulatus to 0·0.54 mg/kg for Mullus barbatus. Whereas no significant differences (P < 0·05) in mercury levels were noted between species, in most cases a direct relationship was found between the weight or length of fish of the same species and total mercury content. Similarly, there were no significant differences (P < 0·05) between herbivore and carnivore species, nor between resident and migrant ones. All of the values obtained in the present study fall below the widely accepted limit of 0·5mg/kg of edible tissue.  相似文献   

Marine ecosystems provide a wide variety of diverse habitats that frequently promote migration and ecological adaptation. The extent to which the geographic distribution of marine organism has reshaped by human activities remains underappreciated. The limitations intrinsic to morphology-based identification systems have engendered an urgent need for reliable genetic methods that enable the unequivocal recognition of fish species,particularly those that are prone to overexploitation and/or market substitution. In the present study, however, an attempt has been taken to identify two locally adapted fish species, Siganus sutor(Valenciennes, 1835) and Seriolina nigrofasciata(Rüppell, 1829) of order Perciformes, which happens to be the first record in Odisha coast,Bay of Bengal. The diagnostic characteristics of Siganus sutor are: dorsal fin XIII-10, anal fin VII-9, pectoral fin 15,pelvic fin II-3, while that of Seriolina nigrofasciata dorsal fin VI-I-35, anal fin I-17, pectoral fin 16, pelvic fin 5. All COI barcodes generated in this study were matched with reference sequences of expected species, according to morphological identification. Bayesian and likelihood phylogenetic trees were drawn based on DNA barcodes and all the specimens clustered in agreement with their taxonomic classification at the species level. The phylogeographic studies based on haplotype network and migration rates suggest that both the species were not panmitic and the high-frequency population distribution indicates successful migration. The result of this study provides an important validation of the use of DNA barcode sequences for monitoring species diversity and changes within a complex marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

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