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The Songliao Basin, the largest oil-producing basin in China, was the centre of late Mesozoic rifting and lithospheric thinning in northeastern China. However, the rifts are still poorly revealed due to a thick cover of subsidence successions. By structural interpretation and sequential restoration of cross-sections based on new 2D seismic data and well data, this study presents the structural style, basin evolution, and horizontal crustal extension of the central Songliao Basin. We have developed a novel method to retrieve the regional extension principal strains. The results enable an assignment of rifting into two episodes. The earlier episode (ca. 157–130 Ma) was dominated by distributed faulting of numerous planar normal faults trending NNE–SSW, NNW–SSE, or near NS, probably reflecting pre-existing basement fabrics; in contrast, the later episode (ca. 130–102 Ma) was controlled by localized extension along several major listric faults. Horizontal crustal extension during rifting is estimated to have been 11–28 km (10.6%–25.5%), with the long-term average rate varying from 0.20 to 0.51 mm yr–1. Regional horizontal strains show a gradual evolution from biaxial extension at the beginning of rifting to WNW–ESE uniaxial stretching during the later rifting episode. Brittle crustal extension is interpreted to have been associated with vertical strain due to tectonic stretching, which is estimated to have contributed more in thinning the lower crust than the mantle lithosphere. Accordingly, a two-episode dynamic model is proposed to explain rifting in the Songliao Basin. We suggest that the earlier event was dominated by delamination of the thickened continental lithosphere, whereas the later event was probably controlled by regional crustal detachment due to slab subduction and stagnancy of the Izanagi lithospheric plate.  相似文献   

Quantitative studies on the extension and subsidence of the Wanan Basin were carried out based on available seismic and borehole data together with regional geological data.Using balanced cross-section and backstripping techniques,we reconstructed the stratigraphic deposition and tectonic evolution histories of the basin.The basin formed from the Eocene and was generally in an extensional/transtensional state except for the Late Miocene local compressoin.The major basin extension ocurred in the Oligocene and Early Miocene(before ~16.3 Ma) and thereafter uniform stretch in a smaller rate.The northern and middle basin extended intensely earlier during 38.6–23.3 Ma,while the southern basin was mainly stretched during 23.3–16.3 Ma.The basin formation and development are related to alternating sinistral to dextral strike-slip motions along the Wanan Fault Zone.The dominant dynamics may be caused by the seafloor spreading of the South China Sea and the its peripheral plate interaction.The basin tectonic evolution is divided into five phases:initial rifting,main rifting,rift-drift transition,structural inversion,and thermal subsidence.  相似文献   

蔡火灿  王伟涛  段磊  张博譞  刘康  黄荣  张培震 《地质学报》2022,96(10):3345-3359
青藏高原东北缘是高原由西南向东北方向扩展的前缘位置,其新生代构造变形对揭示青藏高原隆升、扩展的过程与动力学机制具有重要的意义。柴达木盆地是青藏高原东北缘最大的新生代沉积盆地,发育巨厚的新生代地层,这些地层所记录的古地磁极旋转信息是定量约束柴达木盆地新生代以来构造变形发生的时间、方式与幅度的载体。本文以柴达木盆地北缘新生代地层出露良好、具有精确地层年代控制的路乐河剖面为研究对象,开展了古地磁极旋转研究,统计分析路乐河剖面24. 6~5. 2 Ma之间1477个可靠古地磁样品的特征剩磁方向(ChRM),发现柴达木盆地北缘路乐河地区在24. 6~16. 4 Ma发生小幅度(不显著)的逆时针旋转,旋转角度约为8. 4°±6. 1°;16. 4~13. 9 Ma路乐河地区发生显著的顺时针旋转,旋转角度可达36. 1°±6. 0°;13. 9~5. 2 Ma 该地区未发生明显的构造旋转;5. 2 Ma以后路乐河地区逆时针旋转了~6°。结合柴达木盆地北缘区域构造变形的分析,我们提出柴达木盆地北缘路乐河地区在16. 4~13. 9 Ma 之间发生强烈的顺时针旋转构造变形(~36°)可能代表了盆地北缘中中新世遭受强烈的地壳差异缩短变形,从而成为高原最新形成的部分。  相似文献   

During the Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic, extension was widespread in Eastern China and adjacent areas. The first rifting stage spanned in the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous times and covered an area of more than 2 million km2 of NE Asia from the Lake Baikal to the Sikhot-Alin in EW direction and from the Mongol–Okhotsk fold belt to North China in NS direction. This rifting was characterized by intracontinental rifts, volcanic eruptions and transform extension along large-scale strike–slip faults. Based on the magmatic activity, filling sequence of basins, tectonic framework and subsidence analysis of basins, the evolution of this area can be divided into three main developmental phases. The first phase, calc-alkaline volcanics erupted intensely along NNE-trending faults, forming Daxing'anling volcanic belt, NE China. The second phase, Basin and Range type fault basin system bearing coal and oil developed in NE Asia. During the third phase, which was marked by the change from synrifting to thermal subsidence, very thick postrift deposits developed in the Songliao basin (the largest oil basin in NE China).Following uplift and denudation, caused by compressional tectonism in the near end of Cretaceous, a Paleogene rifting stage produced widespread continental rift systems and continental margin basins in Eastern China. These rifted basins were usually filled with several kilometers of alluvial and lacustrine deposits and contain a large amount of fossil fuel resources. Integrated research in most of these rifting basins has shown that the basins are characterized by rapid subsidence, relative high paleo-geothermal history and thinned crust. It is now accepted that the formation of most of these basins was related to a lithospheric extensional regime or dextral transtensional regime. During Neogene time, early Tertiary basins in Eastern China entered a postrifting phase, forming regional downwarping. Basin fills formed in a thermal subsidence period onlapped the fault basin margins and were deposited in a broad downwarped lacustrine depression. At the same time, within plate rifting of the Lake Baikal and Shanxi graben climaxed and spreading of the Japan Sea and South China Sea occurred. Quaternary rifting was marked by basalt eruption and accelerated subsidence in the area of Tertiary rifting. The Okinawa Trough is an active rift involving back-arc extension.Continental rifting and marginal sea opening were clearly developed in various kind of tectonic settings. Three rifting styles, intracontinental rifting within fold belt, intracontinental rifting within craton and continental marginal rifting and spreading, are distinguished on the basis of nature of the basin basement, tectonic location of rifting and relations to large strike–slip faults.Changes of convergence rates of India–Eurasia and Pacific–Eurasia may have caused NW–SE-trending extensional stress field dominating the rifting. Asthenospheric upwelling may have well assisted the rifting process. In this paper, a combination model of interactions between plates and deep process of lithosphere has been proposed to explain the rifting process in East China and adjacent areas.The research on the Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic extensional tectonics of East China and adjacent areas is important because of its utility as an indicator of the dynamic setting and deformational mechanisms involved in stretching Lithosphere. The research also benefits the exploration and development of mineral and energy resources in this area.  相似文献   

Backstripping analysis and forward modeling of 162 stratigraphic columns and wells of the Eastern Cordillera (EC), Llanos, and Magdalena Valley shows the Mesozoic Colombian Basin is marked by five lithosphere stretching pulses. Three stretching events are suggested during the Triassic–Jurassic, but additional biostratigraphical data are needed to identify them precisely. The spatial distribution of lithosphere stretching values suggests that small, narrow (<150 km), asymmetric graben basins were located on opposite sides of the paleo-Magdalena–La Salina fault system, which probably was active as a master transtensional or strike-slip fault system. Paleomagnetic data suggesting a significant (at least 10°) northward translation of terranes west of the Bucaramanga fault during the Early Jurassic, and the similarity between the early Mesozoic stratigraphy and tectonic setting of the Payandé terrane with the Late Permian transtensional rift of the Eastern Cordillera of Peru and Bolivia indicate that the areas were adjacent in early Mesozoic times. New geochronological, petrological, stratigraphic, and structural research is necessary to test this hypothesis, including additional paleomagnetic investigations to determine the paleolatitudinal position of the Central Cordillera and adjacent tectonic terranes during the Triassic–Jurassic. Two stretching events are suggested for the Cretaceous: Berriasian–Hauterivian (144–127 Ma) and Aptian–Albian (121–102 Ma). During the Early Cretaceous, marine facies accumulated on an extensional basin system. Shallow-marine sedimentation ended at the end of the Cretaceous due to the accretion of oceanic terranes of the Western Cordillera. In Berriasian–Hauterivian subsidence curves, isopach maps and paleomagnetic data imply a (>180 km) wide, asymmetrical, transtensional half-rift basin existed, divided by the Santander Floresta horst or high. The location of small mafic intrusions coincides with areas of thin crust (crustal stretching factors >1.4) and maximum stretching of the subcrustal lithosphere. During the Aptian–early Albian, the basin extended toward the south in the Upper Magdalena Valley. Differences between crustal and subcrustal stretching values suggest some lowermost crustal decoupling between the crust and subcrustal lithosphere or that increased thermal thinning affected the mantle lithosphere. Late Cretaceous subsidence was mainly driven by lithospheric cooling, water loading, and horizontal compressional stresses generated by collision of oceanic terranes in western Colombia. Triassic transtensional basins were narrow and increased in width during the Triassic and Jurassic. Cretaceous transtensional basins were wider than Triassic–Jurassic basins. During the Mesozoic, the strike-slip component gradually decreased at the expense of the increase of the extensional component, as suggested by paleomagnetic data and lithosphere stretching values. During the Berriasian–Hauterivian, the eastern side of the extensional basin may have developed by reactivation of an older Paleozoic rift system associated with the Guaicáramo fault system. The western side probably developed through reactivation of an earlier normal fault system developed during Triassic–Jurassic transtension. Alternatively, the eastern and western margins of the graben may have developed along older strike-slip faults, which were the boundaries of the accretion of terranes west of the Guaicáramo fault during the Late Triassic and Jurassic. The increasing width of the graben system likely was the result of progressive tensional reactivation of preexisting upper crustal weakness zones. Lateral changes in Mesozoic sediment thickness suggest the reverse or thrust faults that now define the eastern and western borders of the EC were originally normal faults with a strike-slip component that inverted during the Cenozoic Andean orogeny. Thus, the Guaicáramo, La Salina, Bitúima, Magdalena, and Boyacá originally were transtensional faults. Their oblique orientation relative to the Mesozoic magmatic arc of the Central Cordillera may be the result of oblique slip extension during the Cretaceous or inherited from the pre-Mesozoic structural grains. However, not all Mesozoic transtensional faults were inverted.  相似文献   

Subsidence mechanisms that may have controlled the evolution of the eastern Black Sea have been studied and simulated using a numerical model that integrates structural, thermal, isostatic and surface processes in both two- (2-D) and three-dimensions (3-D). The model enables the forward modelling of extensional basin evolution followed by deformation due to subsequent extensional and compressional events. Seismic data show that the eastern Black Sea has evolved via a sequence of interrelated tectonic events that began with early Tertiary rifting followed by several phases of compression, mainly confined to the edges of the basin. A large magnitude (approximately 12 km) of regional subsidence also occurred in the central basin throughout the Tertiary. Models that simulate the magnitude of observed fault controlled extension (β=1.13) do not reproduce the total depth of the basin. Similarly, the modelling of compressional deformation around the edges of the basin does little to enhance subsidence in the central basin. A modelling approach that quantifies lithosphere extension according to the amount of observed crustal thinning and thickening across the basin provides the closest match to overall subsidence. The modelling also shows that deep crustal and mantle–lithosphere processes can significantly influence the rate and magnitude of syn- to post-rift subsidence and shows that such mechanisms may have played an important role in forming the anomalously thin syn-rift and thick Miocene–Quaternary sequences observed in the basin. It is also suggested that extension of a 40–45 km thick pre-rift crust is required to generate the observed magnitude of total subsidence when considering a realistic bathymetry.  相似文献   

The SE margin of the Yangtze Block, South China is composed of the Mesoproterozoic Lengjiaxi Group and the Neoproterozoic Banxi Group, with Sinian- and post-Sinian-cover. A geochemical study was undertaken on the Mesoproterozoic–Neoproterozoic clastic sediments in order to delineate the characteristics of the sediment source and to constrain the tectonic development and crustal evolution of South China.Our results show that the Mesoproterozoic clastic sediments have a dominant component derived from a metavolcanic-plutonic terrane, with a large of mafic component. There is a minor contribution of mafic rocks and older upper crustal rocks to the provenance. Strong chemical weathering in the source area occurred before transport and deposition. The provenance for the Neoproterozoic clastic sediments was most likely old upper continental crust composed of tonalite–granodiorite-dominated, tonalite–granodiorite–granite source rocks, which had undergone strong weathering and/or recycling. A minor component of older K-rich granitic plutonic rocks and younger volcanogenic bimodal rocks is also indicated.Based on the regional geology, the geochemical data and the inferred provenance, the Mesoproterozoic Group is interpreted as a successive sedimentary sequence, deposited in an extensional/rifting back-arc basin, adjacent to a >1.80 Ga continental margin arc-terrane. The progressive extension/rifting of the back-arc basin was followed by increasing subsidence and regional uplift during continental marginal arc-continent (the Cathaysian Block) collision at 1.0 Ga caused the deposition of the Neoproterozoic Group into back-arc to retro-arc foreland basin. Therefore, the depositional setting of the Proterozoic clastic sediments and associated volcanic rocks within the back-arc basin reflected basin development from an active continental margin (back-arc basin), with extension or rifting of the back-arc basin, to a passive continental margin.  相似文献   

大规模伸展构造是华北克拉通东部岩石圈减薄的重要表现形式。部分低角度韧性剪切带是地壳伸展变形后所展现的构造形式。本文研究了王格庄韧性剪切带的岩石学、几何学、运动学等特征显示:韧性剪切带走向近南北向,剪切带断层面倾向多变(倾向西、西南、西北方向)。大部分区域面理低角度倾向西,矿物拉伸线理近东西向,不对称旋转碎斑及S-C组构指示顶端指向西的剪切特征。结合研究区西侧与伸展构造相匹配的半地堑伸展盆地证据:本研究认为伸展构造的形成可能与西太平洋板块的后撤相关,即大规模伸展构造作用引发了华北克拉通东部的地壳减薄作用。  相似文献   

A tectonic and sedimentary facies model is proposed to explain progressive evolution of the late Proterozoic to early Paleozoic Adelaide Rift (Geosyncline) of southern Australia. Tectonic and stratigraphic similarities are noted between the Adelaide Rift and many post Permian rifts and passive continental margins. Also the time span of the pre oceaniccrust accretion stage of the rifting process may be of the same order of magnitude, both in the Adelaide Rift and in post-Permian passive margins. These observations suggest that the underlying cause of the rifting process and the resultant crustal response have not changed significantly since late Precambrian times. More specifically the so-called “breakup unconformity”, observed in stratigraphic sequences beneath many present day passive continental margins, has been shown by various authors to correlate in time with earliest oceanic crust accretion, and it often separates underlying non-marine or paralic from fully marine shelf strata. In the Adelaide Rift, the unconformable Precambrian—Cambrian boundary is proposed as the analogue of this breakup unconformity, thereby explaining the apparently sudden influx of largely marine metazoans in Cambrian strata immediately above this unconformity.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional numerical modelling that simulate the kinematic and thermal response of the lithosphere to thinning was used for the quantitative reconstruction of the late Neogene to Recent times tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of the North Sicily continental margin (southern Tyrrhenian Sea). The numerical study of the evolution of the North Sicily margin builds on the crustal image and kinematic interpretation of the margin obtained by Pepe et al. [Tectonics 19 (2000) 241] on the basis of seismic data and gravity modelling. Tectonic modeling indicate that different segments of the margin were undergoing different vertical movements, which are mainly expression of the rifting and thinning of the lithosphere occurred during tectonic evolution of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea. A prediction of the pre-rift basement topography and the Moho along the margin converges to a value of 6.5 km for the depth of necking and a temperature-dependent EET (500° isotherm). The model fails to reproduce the morphology of the Solunto High confirming its non-extensional origin. A polyphase evolution is required to reproduce the observed syn- and post-rift stratigraphy. During the first rifting stage (between 9 and 5 Ma), crustal thinning factors reach maximum values of 1.27 in the Cefalù basin. A similar value is predicted for the subcrustal thinning around 60 km NNE of the profile margin. Crustal thinning factors increase during the second rifting stage (from 4 to 2 Ma) and reach values of 2 and up to 3.5 in the Cefalù basin and in the continent–oceanic transition zone, respectively. Similarly, subcrustal lithospheric thinning factors reach values up to 2.5 in the distal sector of the margin. An uplift of more than 100 m is predicted for the North Sicily shelf and surrounding onshore areas during the post-rift stage. The evolution of thermal structure with time is very sensitive to the partial thinning factors describing the evolution of the thinning itself during time. The lithosphere preserved part of its strength during extension. The effective elastic thickness (EET) along the margin through time is 24 km at the onset of rifting and reaches values less to 8 km during the second rifting stage in the northeastern end of the margin.  相似文献   

We interpreted marine seismic profiles in conjunction with swath bathymetric and magnetic data to investigate rifting to breakup processes at the eastern Korean margin that led to the separation of the southwestern Japan Arc. The eastern Korean margin is rimmed by fundamental elements of rift architecture comprising a seaward succession of a rift basin and an uplifted rift flank passing into the slope, typical of a passive continental margin. In the northern part, rifting occurred in the Korea Plateau that is a continental fragment extended and partially segmented from the Korean Peninsula. Two distinguished rift basins (Onnuri and Bandal Basins) in the Korea Plateau are bounded by major synthetic and smaller antithetic faults, creating wide and considerably symmetric profiles. The large-offset border fault zones of these basins have convex dip slopes and demonstrate a zig-zag arrangement along strike. In contrast, the southern margin is engraved along its length with a single narrow rift basin (Hupo Basin) that is an elongated asymmetric half-graben. Analysis of rift fault patterns suggests that rifting at the Korean margin was primarily controlled by normal faulting resulting from extension rather than strike-slip deformation. Two extension directions for rifting are recognized: the Onnuri and Hupo Basins were rifted in the east-west direction; the Bandal Basin in the east–west and northwest–southeast directions, suggesting two rift stages. We interpret that the east–west direction represents initial rifting at the inner margin; while the Japan Basin widened, rifting propagated southeastward repeatedly from the Japan Basin toward the Korean margin but could not penetrate the strong continental lithosphere of the Korean Shield and changed the direction to the south, resulting in east–west extension to create the rift basins at the Korean margin. The northwest–southeast direction probably represents the direction of rifting orthogonal to the inferred line of breakup along the base of the slope of the Korea Plateau; after breakup the southwestern Japan Arc separated in the southeast direction, indicating a response to tensional tectonics associated with the subduction of the Pacific Plate in the northwest direction. No significant volcanism was involved in initial rifting. In contrast, the inception of sea floor spreading documents a pronounced volcanic phase which appears to reflect asthenospheric upwelling as well as rift-induced convection particularly in the narrow southern margin. We suggest that structural and igneous evolution of the Korean margin, although it is in a back-arc setting, can be explained by the processes occurring at the passive continental margin with magmatism influenced by asthenospheric upwelling.  相似文献   

The geometry and thermal history of fractures have been determined at 59 stations from Reykjavik to Hvalfjördur in southwestern Iceland. The data provide information on crustal stress regimes in the vicinity of mid-ocean ridges.Two major, generalized fracture orientations are present
1. (1) a northeast system, trend 010°–030°, except on Akranes where the orientation is 040°–060°
2. (2) a broad east—west system containing one or more sets with strike between 070°–130°.
Thermal history of the host rock and fractures was determined from secondary minerals in vugs and fractures. The thermal history indicates that the northeast fracture set opened while the area was within the relatively hot axial zone of active volcanism and rifting. Some of the east—west trending fractures also opened at this time but many formed later, after the area had begun to cool and drift from the active zone.The northeast fracture set is essentially parallel to the trend of dikes and normal faults in southwestern Iceland. They have been interpreted as extension fractures (resulting in about 0.4% maximum extension) forming generally from the same stress field associated with normal faulting and dike injection in the active zone. Fracturing in an east-west direction (estimated 0.1% maximum extension), mainly near the edge and outside the active zone, indicates a reorientation of this stress field. The dominant mechanism related to the origin of the east—west fractures may be thermoelastic stresses arising from axial and basal accretion and cooling of lithospheric plates.Both fracture systems are inferred to have formed, in the Griffiths idealization, under nearly biaxial effective compressive loading on the order of 200 bar. The discrepancy between this value and the kilobar-order strengths of short-time laboratory tests reflects such factors as high temperature stress corrosion and fatigue. Fracture propagation is assumed to have been stable, but governed primarily by lateral load-diminishing mechanisms rather than by progressive loading. These relaxation mechanisms may have been episodic (northeast-system fissure swarm activity) or steady-state (thermoelastic contraction) in time.  相似文献   

Termit盆地位于尼日尔东南部,属于西非裂谷系的北延部分,是发育于前寒武系—侏罗系基底之上的中、新生代裂谷盆地。该盆地早白垩世—古近纪经历了"裂谷—坳陷—裂谷"的构造演化过程及"陆相—海相—陆相"的沉积演化过程,表现为晚白垩世大规模海侵、早白垩世和古近纪两期裂谷叠置的特点。基于构造作用影响裂谷盆地层序发育的观点,分析了Termit盆地下白垩统裂谷阶段内的层序地层充填样式。根据裂谷作用的强弱,将早白垩世裂谷阶段划分为裂谷初始期、裂谷深陷期及裂谷萎缩期3个阶段。裂谷初始期层序断裂活动弱,构造沉降小,长轴物源体系较为发育,陡坡带为加积至退积型河流或三角洲沉积,缓坡带发育加积型河流或三角洲体系。裂谷深陷期层序断裂活动强烈,构造沉降大,陡坡带形成退积型水下扇或滑塌扇沉积,缓坡带发育退积型三角洲体系,盆地中心为泥岩充填。裂谷萎缩期层序断裂活动减弱并趋于停止,陡坡带为进积型扇三角洲沉积,缓坡带发育进积型三角洲体系。研究表明:裂谷作用对层序地层充填样式具有明显的控制作用,以构造作用为主线的裂谷盆地层序地层分析方法,能有效预测沉积体系和储层分布。  相似文献   

周建勋  漆家福 《地质科学》1999,34(4):491-497
五种不同边界几何条件的平面砂箱实验模型表明,一个方向的伸展变形可因伸展边界方向的变化形成不同走向的正断层,伸展裂陷盆地中不同走向的正断层并非一定代表不同方向区域构造应力作用、或多期构造变形的结果。伸展裂陷盆地正断层走向受伸展边界走向和构造伸展的方向共同控制,伸展边界的控制力随距离增大而逐渐衰减。伸展边界附近的断层走向主要受伸展边界方向控制,大致反映伸展边界方向。盆地内部断层走向主要受构造伸展方向控制(趋向于垂直构造伸展方向),主要反映构造伸展方向。盆地伸展边界方向的变化可以引起伸展裂陷盆地内部断层走向的转向。因铲式正断层上盘滚动变形产生的正断层,其走向平行于铲式边界断层的走向。  相似文献   

The Donbas Foldbelt is part of the Prypiat–Dnieper–Donets intracratonic rift basin (Belarus–Ukraine–southern Russia) that developed in Late Devonian times and was reactivated in Early Carboniferous. To the southeast, the Donbas Foldbelt joins the contiguous, deformed Karpinsky Swell. Basin “inversions” led first to the uplift of the Palaeozoic series (mainly Carboniferous but also syn-rift Devonian strata in the southwesternmost part of the Donbas Foldbelt, which are deeply buried in the other parts of the rift system), and later to the formation of the fold-and-thrust belt. The general structural trend of the Donbas Foldbelt, formed mainly during rifting, is WNW–ESE. This is the strike of the main rift-related fault zones and also of the close to tight “Main Anticline” of the Donbas Foldbelt that developed along the previous rift axis. The Main Anticline is structurally unique in the Donbas Foldbelt and its formation was initiated in Permian times, during a period of (trans) tensional reactivation, during which active salt movements occurred. A relief inversion of the basin also took place at this time with a pronounced uplift of the southern margin of the basin and the adjacent Ukrainian Shield. Subsequently, Cimmerian and Alpine phases of tectonic inversion of the Donbas Foldbelt led to the development of flat and shallow thrusts commonly associated with folds into the basin. A fan-shaped deformation pattern is recognised in the field, with south-to southeast-vergent compressive structures, south of the Main Anticline, and north- to northwest-vergent ones, north of it. These compressive structures are clearly superimposed onto the WNW–ESE structural grain of the initial rift basin. Shortening structures that characterise the tectonic inversion of the basin are (regionally) orientated NW–SE and N–S. Because of the obliquity of the compressive trends relative to the WNW–ESE strike of inherited structures (major preexisting normal faults and the Main Anticline), in addition to reverse displacements, right lateral movements occurred along the main boundary fault zones and along the faulted hinge of the Main Anticline. The existence of preexisting structures is also thought to be responsible for local deviations in contractional trends (that are E–W in the southwesternmost part of the basin).  相似文献   

The stratigraphic and structural evolution of the Pattani Basin, the most prolific petroleum basin in Thailand, reflects the extensional tectonic regime of continental Southeast Asia. E-W extension resulting from the northward collision of India with Eurasia since the Early Tertiary resulted in the formation of a series of N-S-trending sedimentary basins, which include the Pattani Basin. The sedimentary succession in the Pattani Basin is divisible into synrift and post-rift sequences. Deposition of the synrift sequence accompanied rifting and extension, with episodic block faulting and rapid subsidence. The synrift sequence comprises three stratigraphic units: (1) Upper Eocene to Lower Oligocene alluvial-fan, braidedriver, and floodplain deposits; (2) Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene floodplain and channel deposits; and (3) a Lower Miocene regressive package consisting of marine to nonmarine sediments. Post-rift succession comprises: (1) a Lower to Middle Miocene regressive package of shallow marine sediments through floodplain and channel deposits; (2) an upper Lower Miocene transgressive sequence; and (3) an Upper Miocene to Pleistocene transgressive succession. The post-rift phase is characterized by slower subsidence and decreased sediment influx. The present-day shallow-marine condition in the Gulf of Thailand is the continuation of this latest transgressive phase.

The subsidence and thermal history of the Pattani Basin is consistent with a nonuniform lithospheric-stretching model. The amount of extension as well as surface heat flow generally increases from the margin to the basin center. The crustal stretching factor (β) varies from 1.3 at the basin margin to 2.8 in the center. The subcrustal stretching factor (5) ranges from 1.3 at the basin margin to more than 3.0 in the basin center. The stretching of the lithosphere may have extended the basement rocks by as much as 45 to 90 km and has led to passive upwelling of the aesthenosphere, resulting in high heat flow (1.9 to 2.5 Heat Flow Units [HFU]) and high geothermal gradient (45 to 60° C/km). The validity of nonuniform lithospheric stretching as a mechanism for the formation of the Pattani Basin is confirmed by the good agreement between the level of organic maturation modeled on the basis of the predicted heatflow history and measured vitrinite reflectance at various depths measured in some 30 boreholes.  相似文献   

针对“973”项目中“南海大陆边缘动力学与油气资源潜力”这一研究课题, 对在南海南部陆缘礼乐盆地采集的NH973-2测线进行了研究.对地震剖面的解释共划分出6个层序界面, 将地层划分为4个构造沉积单元.根据地震解释, 对不同时期断层的水平断距进行了测量及分析, 获取了与脆性拉张相关的伸展信息: 研究区的拉张作用可以分为2期, 主要的拉张作用发生在大陆裂谷阶段(古近纪), 形成了一系列的地堑—半地堑以及翘倾断块; 第2期拉张作用的时期为晚渐新世—早中新世, 断层活动强度明显变弱.在南海南部陆缘广泛发育了碳酸盐沉积, 其发育的时代和南海的海底扩张时期一致.对穿越礼乐滩区地震剖面伸展特征的分析表明, 根据断层水平断距获得脆性伸展因子与根据重力反演获得的全地壳伸展因子之间存在差异, 表明研究区的拉张在纵向上并非是均一的, 新生代的拉张经历了深度决定拉张模式.   相似文献   

东海盆地中、新生代盆架结构与构造演化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于地貌、钻井、岩石测年和地震等资料,分析盆地地层分布、盆架结构、构造单元划分和裂陷迁移规律,结果表明东海盆地由台北坳陷、舟山隆起、浙东坳陷、钓鱼岛隆褶带和冲绳坳陷构成,是以新生代沉积为主、中生代沉积为辅的大型中、新生代叠合含油气盆地;古元古代变质岩系构成了盆地的基底。该盆地不仅是印度-太平洋前后相继的动力体系作用下形成的西太平洋沟-弧-盆构造体系域一部分,而且也是古亚洲洋动力体系作用下形成的古亚洲洋构造域和特提斯洋动力体系作用下形成的特提斯洋构造域一部分,晚侏罗世至早白垩世经历了构造体制转换,盆地格局发生重大变革,早白垩世以前主要受古亚洲-特提斯洋构造体制影响的强烈挤压造山和地壳增厚作用演变为早白垩世以来主要受太平洋构造体制控制的陆缘伸展裂陷和岩石圈减薄作用,经历侏罗纪古亚洲-特提斯构造体制大陆边缘拗陷和白垩纪以来太平洋构造体制弧后裂陷两大演化阶段。白垩纪以来太平洋构造体制的弧后裂陷演化阶段可细分为早白垩世至始新世裂陷期、渐新世至晚中新世拗陷期和中新世末至全新世裂陷期。  相似文献   

陈国勇 《地质与勘探》2022,58(4):703-718
黔西北地区是上扬子西缘成矿带重要矿集区,区内分布许多大中型铅锌矿床,其构造复杂,找矿难度大。为实现黔西北地区铅锌找矿突破,系统收集该区及邻区勘查和研究资料,通过类比美国密西西比地区铅锌矿床和相邻云南矿山厂、麒麟厂、毛坪等铅锌矿床,结合在黔西北地区实施的调查和勘查项目,开展野外调查和取样测试等,解剖区内典型矿床;以地史时期构造演化为线索,探索黔西北地区地壳裂陷、地壳隆升、玄武岩浆喷发、地层褶皱倒转、逆冲推覆与铅锌成矿关系。研究表明,海西期裂陷作用产生裂陷槽,深部成矿流体沿裂陷槽边界断裂上升,Pb、Zn等组分在裂陷槽内与岩层同沉积,形成高含量背景层;裂陷槽两侧地壳隆升拉张变薄,玄武岩浆喷发,强大的岩浆热能驱动,岩层中Pb、Zn等组分与岩浆携带的含矿热液,运移至垭都-紫云等大断裂及次级断裂、断裂旁侧的有利岩层中聚集,形成铅锌矿体(矿化);印支早期构造运动,地层褶皱倒转、断裂、逆冲推覆,沿断裂上升的含矿热液,改造早期的铅锌矿体(矿化)。该区的铅锌矿床不属于MVT型,是叠加(复合/改造)型矿床。印支晚期、燕山期、喜山期的构造运动,没有明显铅锌成矿作用发生,破坏早期形成的矿床。  相似文献   

钟焱  相振群  初航 《岩石学报》2019,35(8):2377-2406
华北克拉通是划分我国中元古代地层序列的标准地区,查明华北地区各中元古代盆地的发育与演化机制、寻找长城系下部1. 80~1. 65Ga的沉积盖层、完善1. 4~1. 0Ga待建系标准剖面,是我国中元古代综合地层学研究亟待解答的三个主要问题。现有资料显示,华北北部的燕辽盆地缺失长城系底部地层,南部熊耳盆地各地层小区的蓟县纪-待建纪盆地演化过程差异较大。与之相比,北缘盆地的中元古界相对完整且较连续出露,是系统开展中元古代年代地层学和盆地动力学研究的理想对象。鉴于狼山地区的"中、新元古界"已被重新厘定为新元古界狼山群,中元古代的华北北缘盆地应以渣尔泰群、白云鄂博群、腮林忽洞群和化德群为代表。由于缺乏火山岩夹层年龄的有效约束,与这些地层单元的时代划分、区域对比和盆地类型有关的认识分歧,普遍发端于对碎屑锆石年代学数据的不同理解。因此,本文对渣尔泰群和白云鄂博群的部分层位进行了碎屑锆石年代学研究,并全面收集了北缘盆地碎屑锆石年代学研究的相关数据,参考新近提出的两种统计学分析方法,对渣尔泰群、白云鄂博群(含腮林忽洞群)和化德群的碎屑锆石年龄数据进行了真实沉积时代和盆地构造属性的统计分析。通过设置单点精度高、但样本库计算总量降低的对照组进行方法可信性的对照分析,结果显示样本库总量对统计结果的影响更大,因此利用相关方法解析前寒武纪哑地层的沉积时代和盆地属性,应当遵从"合理降低单点精度限制以谋求更大样本库"的原则。结合前人建立的中元古代沉积-岩浆事件序列,本文分析结果显示中元古代的北缘盆地是在长城纪造山后伸展盆地之上、叠加了蓟县-待建纪裂谷事件而成的多旋回复合盆地。通过北缘和燕辽地区沉积、岩浆事件的综合对比,提出华北克拉通北部的中元古代盆山耦合过程,可分为:由造山后向陆内伸展转换的构造反转期阶段(1. 82~1. 60Ga)、被动裂谷早期的陆内伸展阶段(1. 6~1. 4Ga)、裂谷作用阶段(1. 4~1. 3Ga)和成因机制不明的长期沉积间断阶段(1. 3~1. 0Ga)。  相似文献   

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