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全球变化对草地土壤微生物群落多样性的影响研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球变化对人类生存环境的影响已成为当前全世界共同关注的焦点。草地分布十分广泛, 且大多位于生态脆弱带, 对全球变化响应十分敏感。当前, 有关全球变化对草地生态系统影响的研究主要集中于地上植被部分, 对于生态系统物质循环关键参与者和草地碳源汇的重要调节者--土壤微生物的研究相对较少。本文综述了全球变化因子, 包括CO2浓度、气温、降水及氮沉降等因素及其交互作用对草地土壤微生物群落多样性影响的相关研究进展, 并在此基础上对当前研究中的一些不足之处进行剖析, 对未来研究需关注的问题和研究方向进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

我国土壤动物生态地理研究进展   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
通过回顾我国近30年来土壤动物生态地理研究的进展,概述了我国土壤动物群落多样性及生态地理分布。包括我国从热带、亚热带到温带,从森林、草地、沙漠到湿地、农田乃至城市等诸多生态系统。总结了土壤动物群落对环境的响应及其指示意义研究的相关进展,从土壤动物对环境的营造、净化及其在生态系统凋落物分解和物质循环中的作用三个方面论述了土壤动物的功能,最后介绍了土壤动物与其他生物的互作、地上地下的生态学联系、全球变化对土壤动物群落的影响等热点领域的研究现状,并提出了未来土壤动物生态地理研究的热点问题。包括分子生物技术在土壤动物分类研究中的应用;土壤动物群落多样性的功能和机理;地上与地下生态系统的交互作用;干扰、污染、生物入侵和全球变化对土壤动物群落和功能的影响等。  相似文献   

中国土壤动物生态地理研究进展(英文)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This review summarizes main research findings in soil fauna eco-geography in China in the past 30 years.The subject areas and main results were overviewed including biodiversity and eco-geological distribution of soil fauna communities.Studies of ecological distributions of soil fauna and dynamic ranges in space from tropical,subtropical to temperate regions,and in categories from forest,grassland,desert,wetland,farmland to urban ecosystems,the responses and indications of soil fauna to soil environments.Ef...  相似文献   

Semi-arid ecosystems are privileged sites to address the effects of plant interactions on community structure and dynamics because environmental conditions are demanding and may change quickly, altering in significant ways the balance between positive and negative effects among neighboring plants. Plant interaction processes have been well documented in the semi-arid region of Southeast Spain over the last 15 years. In this article we review the growing body of research on plant–plant interactions available from this area, highlighting its importance in increasing our knowledge on this field of study. This review has been organized in five sections, i) facilitation mechanisms; ii) the nurse effect; iii) the balance of interactions and environmental, ontogenic, temporal, and spatial gradients; iv) the effects of facilitation on biodiversity; and, v) facilitation and ecosystem functioning. Mechanisms of facilitation in these systems are relatively well known, but not completely explored. In these environments competition, mainly for water, is intense between neighbors and switches in intensity from belowground to aboveground as productivity increases. By contrast, facilitation may decrease quickly with increasing productivity, although the balance between facilitation and competition is not fully understood, and is further complicated because shifts can also be driven by factors such as life history or physiology of interacting species. Positive interactions are critical for maintaining biodiversity in some ecosystems in SE Spain, but their role as a driver of ecosystem functioning is less clear. Research on plant–plant interactions in this region has been highly influential and has contributed to our overall understanding of plant community dynamics. Despite the important progress achieved during the last 15 years, there is still substantial scope for exploring the effects of plant interactions at the ecosystem level, and their role as modulators of disturbances such as the current global environmental change.  相似文献   

湿地与全球环境变化   总被引:71,自引:2,他引:69  
孟宪民 《地理科学》1999,19(5):385-391
湿地是地球上具有重要环境功能的生态系统和多种生物的栖息地之一。湿地环境由湿地水文,湿地生物地球化学循环与生物对湿地的适应和改造构造,各种因子之间相互依赖,相互协同,构建湿地的整体功能,湿地在全球环境变化中地地位,主要表现在湿地环境自身健康水平和湿地在全球环境长期变化中的作用,一个未受异常自然和人类活动扰动的湿地环境,因其生物种属的多样性,结构的复杂性,功能的整合性和抵抗外力的稳定性,而处于较好的健  相似文献   

植物多样性是生态系统结构和功能的基础,气候变化已对其产生了深刻的影响,甚至于严重威胁.植物多样性的减少或丧失必然会影响生态系统结构和功能的稳定性,导致严重的生态、经济和社会后果.植物多样性对气候变化的响应受控于气温和水分的动态平衡.本文系统总结了气候变暖和降水格局变化对植物多样性的影响,分析了气候变化对不同生态系统、群...  相似文献   

黑河流域荒漠生态系统地面土壤动物群落的组成与多样性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以中国西北内陆干旱区黑河流域典型的戈壁荒漠生态系统为研究对象,采用国际通用的陷阱法在6月和9月对天然戈壁荒漠草地土壤动物群落进行了调查,探讨了荒漠生态系统土壤动物群落组成与多样性及其季节变异特征。研究发现:①共捕获地面土壤动物3 407头(只),隶属1门2纲14目31科,优势类群是长椿科和蚁科,常见类群有拟步甲科、象甲科、平腹蛛科、皿网蛛科、赤螨科、长角跳科和蝗总科。②依据体型大小将捕获的土壤动物划分为大、中、小型3个类群,分别占群落总个体数的94.1%、5.6%和0.3%;依据取食类型将捕获的土壤动物划分为捕食性、植食性、腐食性、菌食性和杂食性5个功能群,分别占群落总个体数的10.8%、38.5%、18.2%、4.7%和27.8%。③土壤动物群落组成、数量及多样性表现了明显的季节变异,主要体现在群落结构与多样性以及不同类群个体数量的季节变异等方面。研究结果为进一步开展戈壁荒漠生态系统土壤动物生态学的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

流动沙地灌丛内外生境中土壤动物群落结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中国科学院奈曼沙漠化研究站为依托,调查了小叶锦鸡儿灌丛内外生境中土壤动物群落特征及土壤理化特性,分析了灌丛内外生境中土壤动物群落结构的差异性,并探讨了土壤动物对灌丛覆盖流沙地表产生小生境的响应特征。结果发现,共捕获土壤动物30科,优势类群有大赤螨科、等节跳科和虱啮科,常见类群有球角跳科,中型土壤动物占绝对优势。土壤动物密度、类群数和多样性指数灌丛内显著高于灌丛外(p<0.05);土壤动物群落均匀度和优势度变化趋势相反,但灌丛内外无显著差异性(p>0.05)。调查季节(夏季)灌丛内外小生境的土壤温度、酸碱度及有机碳含量差异是主要影响因素。流动沙地灌丛下生境中土壤动物分布表现出了明显的聚集现象,土壤动物多样性显著增加,表明小叶锦鸡儿灌丛覆盖流动沙地后能够显著改变土壤动物生存的微生境,从而导致土壤动物群落结构发生了深刻变化。而且,由于对灌丛内外微生境的选择性和适应性差异,动物类群产生了不同的响应模式。  相似文献   

陆地生态系统碳收支及其循环过程机制研究一直是全球气候变化的成因分析、变化趋势预测、减缓和适应对策分析等领域的热点,受到科技界和国际社会的广泛关注。本文在简要回顾中国陆地生态系统碳收支及其循环过程研究领域的发展历史,总结各个发展阶段主要特征的基础上,讨论了开展中国区域陆地生态系统碳收支综合研究的科技需求和社会需求,评述了中国在相关领域研究中存在的主要问题,探讨了当前的科学研究前沿领域及其关键科学问题。本文指出,现阶段中国开展区域尺度陆地生态系统碳收支及其循环过程机制综合研究工作不仅是提升中国生态系统生态学、地球系统科学与全球变化科学的创新能力的科技发展需求,更是中国参与应对全球气候变化国际合作、改进生态系统管理、保障生态安全的社会经济发展需求。同时还指出,中国现阶段在该领域的研究工作还缺乏各类生态系统碳收支的实际调查数据,缺乏国家尺度碳收支科学数据的整合,缺乏可用于碳收支计量与综合评估的模型工具,也没有形成国家层次的碳源汇计量、评估、认证及决策分析信息系统平台。本文通过国内外科技发展的分析认为,中国在该领域的研究工作,应在大力发展陆地生态系统碳收支和碳汇功能的定量监测、评价和认证的方法与技术基础上,重点关注并前瞻性地开展陆地生态系统碳-氮-水循环过程耦合关系及其对全球气候变化的响应与适应、碳-氮-磷生态化学计量学特征及其环境影响、碳-氮-水耦合循环过程的生物调控机制等前沿领域,以提高中国生态系统与全球变化科学研究水平,为国家的生态系统与温室气体管理提供基础理论、科学知识和先进技术的储备。  相似文献   

纵向岭谷区地表格局的生态效应及其区域分异   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
中国西南纵向高耸山岭与深切河谷并列排布的特殊地表格局对该区自然环境与生态地理区域分异的效应明显。利用纵向岭谷区1:5 万DEM数据、建站以来至2010 的气象观测数据、水文观测资料、MOD13 与MOD17 的NDVI与NPP产品以及1:100 万植被类型数据等,选取地表大气水汽含量、降水量、干湿指数、地表径流等水分指标,平均气温、年积温等温度指标以及太阳总辐射等热量指标,基于ANUSPLIN样条函数、GIS空间分析、小波分析、景观格局分析等方法,分析该区水热格局、生态系统结构与功能的地域分异特征及其主控因子,揭示地表格局对生态地理要素区域分异的效应。结果表明:受地表格局的影响,纵向岭谷区的水分、温度与热量都表现出明显的沿纬线方向间断式差异和经线方向连续式延伸的分布特征,纵向山系与河谷对地表主要自然物质和能量输送具有南北向通道作用和扩散效应以及东西向阻隔作用和屏障效应;特殊地表格局对植被景观多样性、生态系统结构与功能的空间格局产生重要影响,是植被景观多样性与生态系统空间分布的主要控制因子;小波方差分析反映了环境因子以及NDVI、NPP的空间各向异性,而小波一致性分析揭示了NDVI与NPP空间分布的控制因子,及其控制程度的定量关系。纵向岭谷特殊地表格局是该区生态地理区域分异的主要影响因素,在地带性规律与以“通道—阻隔”作用为主要特征的非地带性规律共同作用下,形成了纵向岭谷区生态地理区域系统的特殊空间特征。  相似文献   

以祁连山排露沟流域干旱山地为研究对象,对海拔2 700~3 000 m典型草地群落的草本种类、高度和生物量等进行调查,并同步测定样地内的土壤水分,分析草地生物量随海拔高度的季节性变化特征以及草本生物量和土壤水分的关系。结果表明:(1)草地地上生物量平均值为135.36 g·m-2,并随海拔升高呈先增加后降低的"单峰"变化模式,在海拔2 900 m时最高,为176.79±28.37 g·m-2。地下生物量平均值为946.13 g·m-2,并随海拔升高生物量呈递增趋势,在海拔3 000 m时最高,为1 301.19 ±68.24 g·m-2。(2)草地地上、地下生物量在不同海拔高度间差异性显著(P<0.05);该流域干旱山地草地根冠比在4.14~11.95之间变化。(3)在生长季5~9月份,干旱山地草地土壤含水量在9.23%~31.31%之间波动,平均值为14.94%。(4)草本地上、地下生物量与土壤平均含水量均呈显著正相关(P<0.05),相关性系数分别为0.7784和0.7843。在不同海拔草地群落中,不同土层含水量对草地生物量的贡献不尽相同,但60 cm以上根系主要分布层内的水分对草地生物量具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

草本植物层片是古尔班通古特沙漠早春生产力的主要贡献者,为深入了解荒漠草本植物在群落水平上对荒漠环境的整体适应性,分析了沙漠中部1 hm2样地中草本植物层片地上与地下生物量分配关系,并验证了草本植物层片生物量与根冠比、物种丰富度以及植株密度之间的关系.结果 表明:(1)类短命植物囊果苔草(Carex physodes)是...  相似文献   

大庆草甸草原区大型土壤动物功能类群   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在中国土壤动物已有的3个功能类群划分研究的基础上,将杂食性动物从原有3类群分类中分离出来,并加以补充与完善,形成了相对完整的腐食性、植食性、捕食性、杂食性四个功能类群。对大庆草甸草原区土壤动物功能类群进行调查,共获大型土壤动物1432只,隶属于3门4纲39类。植食性动物个体数量最多但生物量最小。各功能类群在水平方向的分布上,腐食、植食、捕食性动物在林地和轻度退化草原等相对稳定的环境占优势,而杂食性动物则在不稳定环境占优势,表现出明显的对不稳定环境的适应;垂直分布上,各功能类群的个体数除腐食性动物第二层最多外,均表现为自表层向下逐渐减少;时间变化上,不同群落各功能类群5月、7月、9月的动态变化表现不尽一致,不具有明显的规律性。  相似文献   

China’s southwestern special terrain pattern as parallel arrangement between longitudinal towering mountains and deep valleys has significant effects on the differentiation of local natural environment and eco-geographical pattern in this region.The 1:50,000 Digital Elevation Model(DEM) data of Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region(LRGR),meteorological observation data from the station establishment to 2010,hydrological observation data,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) and Net Primary Productivity(NPP) products of MOD13 and MOD17 as well as 1:1,000,000 vegetation type data were used.Moisture indices including surface atmospheric vapor content,precipitation,aridity/humidity index,surface runoff,and temperature indices including average temperature,annual accumulated temperature,total solar radiation were selected.Based on ANUSPLIN spline function,GIS spatial analysis,wavelet analysis and landscape pattern analysis,regional differentiation characteristics and main-control factors of hydrothermal pattern,ecosystem structure and function in this region were analyzed to reveal the effects of terrain pattern on regional differentiation of eco-geographical elements.The results show that:influenced by terrain pattern,moisture,temperature and heat in LRGR have shown significant distribution characteristics as intermittent weft differences and continuous warp extension.Longitudinal mountains and valleys not only have a north-south corridor function and diffusion effect on the transfer of major surface materials and energy,but also have east-west barrier function and blocking effect.Special topographic pattern has important influences on vegetation landscape diversity and spatial pattern of ecosystem structure and function,which is the main-control factor on vegetation landscape diversity and spatial distribution of ecosystem.Wavelet variance analysis reflects the spatial anisotropy of environmental factors,NDVI and NPP,while wavelet consistency analysis reveals the control factors on spatial distribution of NDVI and NPP as well as the quantitative relationship with control degree.Special terrain pattern in LRGR is the major influencing factor on eco-geographical regional differentiation in this region.Under the combined effect of zonality and non-zonality laws with "corridor-barrier" function as the main characteristic,special spatial characteristics of eco-geographical regional system in LRGR is formed.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizas are worldwide symbiotic associations established between certain soil fungi and most vascular plants and are fundamental in optimizing plant fitness and soil quality. Mycorrhizal symbioses improve the resilience of plant communities against environment stresses, including nutrient deficiency, drought and soil disturbance. Since these stresses are paramount in the degradation of semi-arid ecosystems in the SE Spain, a series of basic, strategic and applied studies have been made to ascertain how the activity and diversity of mycorrhizal fungi affect plant community composition, structure and dynamics in this region. These investigations are reviewed here in terms of: (i) analysing the diversity of mycorrhizal fungi; (ii) assessing the ecological and functional interactions among plant communities and their associated mycorrhizal fungal populations; and (iii) using mycorrhizal inoculation technology for the restoration of degraded semi-arid areas in Southeast Spain. Disturbance of the target semi-arid ecosystems decreases the density and diversity of mycorrhizal fungust populations. Nevertheless, the mycorrhizal propagules do not disappear completely suggesting a certain degree of stress adaptation, and these remaining, resilient ecotypes are being used as plant inoculants. Numerous field experiments, using plant species from the natural succession inoculated with a community of indigenous mycorrhizal fungi, have been carried out in revegetation projects in the semi-arid Iberian Southeast. This management strategy improved both plant development and soil quality, and is a successful biotechnological tool to aid the restoration of self-sustaining ecosystems. However, despite a 20-year history of this work, we lack a comprehensive view of the mycorrhizal potential to improve the composition, diversity, structure and functionality of drought-adapted plant communities in the Region.  相似文献   

潜在自然植被研究与展望   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
植被-环境关系是全球变化与陆地生态系统关系研究的关键,由于受人类几千年活动的影响,全球原始自然植被所剩极少,植被的破坏掩盖了植被与环境之间的关系。如何重演反映环境决定特点的潜在自然植被,是植被-环境关系研究的起点。本文对潜在自然植被的概念、研究的时空尺度进行了论述,指出潜在自然植被研究2个发展阶段的特点:(1)传统的以经验为主的定性研究;(2)以潜在自然植被预测模型为基础的定量研究。在此基础上,提出今后我国潜在自然植被研究的重点应放在:针对我国自然植被分布的特点,构建适用于我国特定区域的潜在自然植被预测模型,对不同时空尺度下的潜在自然植被类型及其地理分布进行模拟与制图;单纯将气候作为潜在自然植被预测模型自变量的方法正逐渐为综合的环境变量方法所取代,并强调了潜在自然植被研究必须考虑与大气环流模式的耦合。  相似文献   

In this review we compile results on interactions above and below ground and food web functioning in an arid environment at the Baza Basin, in the Iberian southeast. Our data reveal that herbivory is difficult to estimate in our system. Some herbivores (rabbits) and granivores (Messor ants) create nutrient and detritus-rich patches, with important effects on the diversity and abundance of species both above and below ground. Fluctuations of prey availability, especially those caused by changes in their circadian rhythms, provoke seasonal migrations and omnivory in predators. We also present experimental evidence of the effects of interactions between aboveground and belowground macroarthropods on litter degradation; belowground detritivores are responsible for a high percentage of ground surface litter decomposition. We demonstrate that belowground herbivores and decomposers can dramatically change aboveground multitrophic interactions. Finally, we identify the biotic and abiotic factors controlling aboveground and belowground macrofaunal distribution at a broad scale. We conclude that trophic interactions in this semi-arid area are numerous and complex with many of the interactions involving more than two or three organisms. The interactions between above- and belowground organisms added complexity to this system. These habitats in which organisms deal with extreme abiotic conditions promote odd interactions resulting in an increase of biodiversity. Finally, despite the large research effort devoted to understanding food web structure and dynamics in this area recently, our state of knowledge is still far from providing a complete picture of interactions and their implications in the regulation and functioning of the system.  相似文献   

Despite the well-documented effects of global climate change on terrestrial species' ranges,eco-geographical regions as the regional scale of ecosystems have been poorly studied especially in China with diverse climate and ecosystems.Here we analyse the shift of temperature zones in eco-geographical study over China using projected future climate scenario.Projected climate data with high resolution during 1961-2080 were simulated using regional climate model of PRECIS.The number of days with mean daily temperature above 10℃ and the mean temperature of January are usually regarded as the principal criteria to indicate temperature zones,which are sensitive to climate change.Shifts due to future climate change were calculated by comparing the latitude of grid cells for the future borderline of one temperature zone with that for baseline period(1961-1990).Results indicated that the ranges of Tropical,Subtropical,Warm Temperate and Plateau Temperate Zones would be enlarged and the ranges of Cold Temperate,Temperate and Plateau Sub-cold Zones would be reduced.Cold Temperate Zone would probably disappear at late this century.North borderlines of temperature zones would shift northward under projected future climate change,especially in East China.Farthest shifts of the north boundaries of Plateau Temperate,Subtropical and Warm Temperate Zones would be 3.1°,5.3° and 6.6° latitude respectively.Moreover,northward shift would be more notably in northern China as future temperature increased.  相似文献   

Despite the well-documented effects of global climate change on terrestrial species’ ranges, eco-geographical regions as the regional scale of ecosystems have been poorly studied especially in China with diverse climate and ecosystems. Here we analyse the shift of temperature zones in eco-geographical study over China using projected future climate scenario. Projected climate data with high resolution during 1961–2080 were simulated using regional climate model of PRECIS. The number of days with mean daily temperature above 10℃ and the mean temperature of January are usually regarded as the principal criteria to indicate temperature zones, which are sensitive to climate change. Shifts due to future climate change were calculated by comparing the latitude of grid cells for the future borderline of one temperature zone with that for baseline period (1961–1990). Results indicated that the ranges of Tropical, Subtropical, Warm Temperate and Plateau Temperate Zones would be enlarged and the ranges of Cold Temperate, Temperate and Plateau Sub-cold Zones would be reduced. Cold Temperate Zone would probably disappear at late this century. North borderlines of temperature zones would shift northward under projected future climate change, especially in East China. Farthest shifts of the north boundaries of Plateau Temperate, Subtropical and Warm Temperate Zones would be 3.1°, 5.3° and 6.6° latitude respectively. Moreover, northward shift would be more notably in northern China as future temperature increased.  相似文献   

殷秀琴  薛文丽  马辰 《地理科学》2016,36(7):1106-1114
于2014年春、夏和秋季对长白山玄武岩台地原始针阔混交林、次生针阔混交林、次生落叶阔叶林及耕地土壤动物进行研究。结果表明:大型土壤动物的多样性,春季次生针阔混交林为最高,夏季和秋季原始针阔混交林为最高,耕地在3个季节均为最低;中小型土壤动物的多样性,春、秋两季原始针阔混交林为最高,夏季次生针阔混交林为最高,耕地在3个季节仍为最低。根据一维方差分析可知春、夏、秋3个季节原始针阔混交林、次生针阔混交林和次生落叶阔叶林土壤动物类群和平均密度均显著高于耕地(p<0.05);而各生境土壤动物的类群和平均密度季节变化差异不显著(p>0.05)。各生境土壤动物的多样性呈现出随土层深度的增加而降低的趋势。土壤温度、速效P、有机质和土壤湿度的变化是影响长白山玄武岩台地土壤动物多样性地理分布的主要因子。  相似文献   

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