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盆地盐湖卤水矿产资源大规模开发利用工作中的不足或问题可归结为在资源储量评估中缺失可开采资源量评价;在尾卤矿产资源异地贮存保护中缺失对资源被分散贫化的风险评价;对大规模开采状态下卤水动态长期监测,是解决到哪儿采、怎样采、能采多少,是后勘查阶段实现最优开采方案的重要手段缺乏认知;对矿产品选矿工艺的优劣,缺乏有效监管等.以上不足或问题是对盐湖矿产资源大规模开发中,所暴露问题的理解与分析.目的是为采矿权人和矿产资源主管部门,为实现盐湖矿产资源的可持续利用,安排部署相关工作提供宏观决策思路.  相似文献   

正自2011年国土资源部、财政部将青海省柴达木盆地盐湖列为国家首批四十个资源综合利用示范基地以来,至目前已投入中央补助资金2.5亿元,支持青海盐湖工业股份有限公司、青海中航资源有限公司、青海中信国安科技发展有限公司3家企业实施9个示范工程,全部用于低品位钾矿、尾盐钾矿、氯化钠、氯化锂、氯化镁等资源综合利用的先进适用技术研发、推广应用相关工程建设和装备购置,带动企业投资60余亿元,使全省的盐湖资源利用水平大为提高,资源、经济、社会、环境四个效益突显。  相似文献   

青海盐湖资源的开发利用与发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐湖矿产是青海得天独厚的优势资源,在国民经济建设中有重要地位和作用。本文从盐湖资源开发利用、盐湖资源开发与环境保护、盐湖资源开发与发展前景三个方面分析和提出了我省盐湖资源开发基本情况及发展方向。以盐湖资源的开发而论,选准其开发利用方向是振兴我省区经济,乃至促进国民经济的可持续发展,都是十分必要和紧迫的。  相似文献   

湘西钾矿资源开发利用浅谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内钾矿资源极缺,而湘西分布有丰富的钾矿资源,合理开发利用湘西钾矿资源制取钾肥,将资源优势转化为经济优势,对处在西部大开发范围内的湘西具有重大意义.  相似文献   

文章分析了茶山矿资源开采中的损失与贫化率高的主要原因,指出加强矿山生产探矿和开采设计管理,制定合理的采矿技术经济指标是降低矿石损失与贫化的有效措施。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地盐湖镁资源开发前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、前言。柴达木盆地是一个陆相山间盆地,具有高山深盆的成盐环境。在漫长的地壳演化进程中,沉积形成了大量的盐湖矿产资源,主要有钾、镁、钠、硼、锶、锂等盐类矿物及其他微量元素。经过几代盐湖地质工作者半个多世纪的勘查,基本查明了第四系盐湖矿产赋存状况和开发条件。同时,盐湖矿产资源开发长足进展,其中钾盐、钠盐开采利用已具有成熟的产业化技术和企业管理经验,锶盐矿采选工程即将投产,硼、锂开发正在进行工业性生产试验,资源综合利用关键技术处于成功的前夜。  相似文献   

将柴达木盆地盐湖划分为10大矿产区域,认为在今后20年盐湖资源综合利用的开发中,要以开发察尔汗和台吉乃尔2个矿区为主,以开发镁、钾、硼、锂和锶资源的初级产品为主,并形成或逐步形成一定产业规模,即可形成青海的特色盐湖产业.初级产品生产技术的开发和选择,取决于产品的生产销售成本.为了合理开发盐湖资源,对具备大规模开发条件的盐湖区,提出了构建良性竞争局面的观点,对不具备大规模开发条件的盐湖,提出了"赠送"开发权的建议.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地盐湖钾硼锂资源概况及开发前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柴达木盆地分布有大量第四系盐湖,其中赋存大量钾、硼、锂、钠、镁资源,具有巨大的开发利用价值,已经成为资源开发的热点地区.通过对柴达木盆地盐湖钾、硼、锂资源概况、开发条件和开发前景作了介绍和分析,认为柴达木盆地盐湖资源大规模开发以后,可以解决我国硫酸钾供应问题,缓解国内氯化钾供应紧张的局面;综合产出的硼酸盐和锂盐产品能够参与国际市场竞争.  相似文献   

青海省盐湖资源十分丰富,但是盐湖资源的勘查、开发利用与保护、管理中仍然存在一些不容忽视的问题,通过青海省盐湖资源状况、勘查、开发、管理现状分析,分析、总结了存在的问题,针对存在问题提出了对策和建议.  相似文献   

盐湖资源综合利用、分离技术与相平衡研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在简要介绍了盐湖资源的重要性和国外盐湖资源开发的概况后,着重从物理化学特别是从"相"的角度说明盐湖资源的特点.进而分析了盐湖资源开发中分离科学与技术的重要性,指出盐湖资源开发与相过程的关系.特别强调天然相分离技术的不可动摇的基础地位,以及天然相分离技术与水盐相平衡之间的关系.概括地介绍了水盐相平衡研究的历史和现状,进一步指出溶液热力学模型在水盐相平衡过程中的应用前景.文中列举了三种富锂盐湖卤水25℃等温蒸发理论预测的析盐顺序与实验测定的对比,结果表明两者是一致的.这证明溶液热力学模型完全可以用于水盐相平衡过程的模拟、预测、分析,从而大大减少人力、物力的消耗,达到多快好省地获得分离提取的最佳工艺条件.  相似文献   

胶东半岛位于山东省胶莱河以东,区内海岸线全长约1 700km,沿海滩涂面积约500km2。由于该区特殊的自然地理和地质环境条件,赋存有适宜海产养殖的地下咸水。该文依据大量的基础资料,阐述了胶东半岛区内海产养殖地下咸水的分布特征、富水地段资源量及开发利用现状,并针对开发利用中引发的地质环境问题提出了相应的保护建议,对于指导该区海产养殖地下咸水资源科学合理开发利用具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

根据现代科学技术水平的发展,定义了盐湖资源与环境的科学概念,表述了盐湖资源的范畴和内涵,对盐湖的水面位、相环境、成岩作用、变质作用及反馈作用进行了详悉论述;对盐湖系统研究的几个关键性问题及发展方向和应用前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Our sustainable environmental management must be based on adequate ecological concepts. The question arises: what concept is better to use for understanding and management of ecosystems? To look for an answer, we concentrate our attention on saline lakes. Every ecosystem has several alternative stable states and may demonstrate regime shifts, which are large, abrupt, persistent changes in the structure and function of a system. To understand the dynamics of ecosystems the Concept of Multiplicity of Ecosystem Alternative Stable States as a new ecological paradigm has been developed recently. The author analyzes the emerging paradigm using the case of saline lakes, and discusses how to base our adaptive environmental management on the developing paradigm. Different issues of development of the concept and its application to salinology as a scientific basis of an integrated management of a saline lake and its watershed are discussed. The concept may serve as one of the key theoretical elements of the scientific basis in sustainable environmental management.  相似文献   

银川平原盐渍土时空格局及其与土地利用强度变化关联关系的空间区位特征,可从土地利用强度的角度阐释土壤盐渍化的动因,为盐渍化因地制宜的治理提供参考依据。本文重点研究了盐渍土空间分布定量遥感生成方法,通过土地利用遥感制图、半方差函数的地统计学方法和灰色关联度分析法,对2004-2010 年银川平原的土地利用强度变化、土壤盐渍化程度变化及各类盐渍土与土地利用强度的关联度,进行了空间区位分布特征的可视化表达。研究结果表明:银川平原的发展仍具集聚效应,土地利用强度变化与城镇体系格局、交通干线、沟渠分布、土壤盐分含量密切相关;2004-2010 年间,银川平原土壤盐渍化存在整体减轻、局部加重的空间分布特征,与土地利用强度变化间的响应关系,存在较明显的空间差异;银川平原土壤盐渍化程度变化与土地利用强度变化间的关联度为0.7781,与水体、耕地这2 种土地类型间的关联程度最高。银川平原土壤盐渍化的干扰活动中,水体与耕地类型的利用行为是较重要的影响因子。  相似文献   

A considerable part of the world's population is currently experiencing a severe scarcity of freshwater and nutrition. Inland aquaculture has the fastest growth in fresh waters, and this contributes to the eutrophication of freshwater bodies. The increase in freshwater aquaculture impacts on the increasing demand for fresh water. A way to overcome this is to develop aquaculture in saline lakes. This article discusses how saline and hypersaline lakes may contribute to overcome this problem and gives a list of fish and shrimp species that can be cultivated in saline lakes. Successful development of aquaculture depends on a healthy cultured stock of commercial fish and shrimps. A sustainable healthy stock of fish and shrimps can be only maintained using live food for the cultured fish larvae, fry and fingerlings. As well as Artemia spp. there are many other crustacean species with the potential for growing in hypersaline waters. At least 26 copepod species around the world can live at a salinity above 100 g/L with 12 species at a salinity higher than 200 g/L, and these all have excellent nutritional value. There is a high potential to use eukaryotic organisms of diff erent taxa in saline/hypersaline aquaculture for food, agri-aquaculture, diff erent industries and as food supplements.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The preferential flow tends to result in the loss of irriga- tion water and nutrients. The formation of the preferen- tial flow was caused by various factors, such as soil structure, tillage, worm cavity and root channeling rup- ture (Pot et al., 2005). Besides, frozen rupture can not be ignored in the northeastern China where the lowest tem- perature reaches -40℃ (Wang et al., 1993). There are several types of preferential flow, such as bypass flow, channeling flow and macro…  相似文献   

本文以山东省寿光市北部数量众多的废弃盐田和盐碱地为例,结合基础现状分析,介绍了废弃盐田和盐碱地复垦的必要性,提出了综合开发利用的“六个模式”,以期多措并举,助力寿光北部盐田和盐碱地生态全面恢复,打造更高水平的“寿北粮仓”。废弃盐田和盐碱地治理需要遵循客观规律和科学理念,因地制宜,因地施策,创新性采用林盐结合、无土栽培、盐光互补等多种举措,为废弃盐田和盐碱地生态修复提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地矿产开发中环境地质问题及防治对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在柴达木盆地环境现状实际调查基础上,根据调查资料论述了柴达木盆地地区矿产开发引起的主要环境地质问题及其危害。分析了引起土地沙化.土壤盐渍化,水土污染,崩塌地面塌陷,生态环境恶化产生原因,并在地质环境保护方面提出合理化建议,以期为西部开发过程环境保护提供依据。  相似文献   

The southern coast of Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea, is one of the areas in China most seriously impacted by seawater intrusion. Based on the sources of intruding waterbedies, seawater intrusion can be divided into two types: intrusion of saline water derived from modern seawater, and intrusion of subsurface brine and saline water derived from paleo-seawater in shallow Quaternary sediments. There are some distinct differences in their formation, mechanism and damage. The subsurface brine intrusion is a special type, which can cause very serious disaster. The coastal landform and the Quaternary hydrogeological environment are predominant factors in the classification of seawater intrusion types. Various coastal environments in different coastal sections result in three types of intrusion: seawater intrusion, saline groundwater intrusion, and mixed seawater and saline water intrusion, in the southern coast of Laizhou Bay, which can be divided into four areas: the sea-water intrusion area in the northern Laizhou City coast, the mixed seawater and saline groundwater intrusion area in the Baisha River-Jiaolai River mouth plain area, the mixed seawater and saline groundwater intrusion area in the Weihe River mouth plain area northern Changyi county coast, and the saline ground-water intrusion area in the northern Shouguang plains.  相似文献   

1 RESEARCH BACKGROUND According to the modern wetland concept, inland saline alkaline wetland is a component of wetland. In the world, it is mainly distributed in inland plain, plateau and basin of the arid or semi arid areas where there are fragile ecosystems deteriorated environment and poor biological resources which result in backward economy and poverty. Therefore, the study on inland saline alkaline wetland is significant for improving environment and realizing sustainable d…  相似文献   

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