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中国东部层积云发展过程中云微物理特征的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于2007—2010年的CloudSat卫星观测数据,以云层液态水路径为指标将层积云的发展过程划分为五个阶段,对比研究了中国东部降水与非降水层积云发展过程中云微物理特征和云微物理机制的演变,并分析了其海陆差异.研究表明:非降水层积云中,云滴增长主要通过凝结过程完成,但云滴的凝结增长有限,难以形成降水,在非降水层积云发展的旺盛阶段,云层中上部云滴发生较弱的碰并过程.降水层积云中云滴碰并增长活跃,当云层液态水路径小于500 g·m~(-2)时,云滴在从云顶下落至云底的过程中持续碰并,并在云底附近出现云水向雨水的转化;当降水层积云液态水路径超过500 g·m~(-2)时,云滴碰并增长主要发生在云层上部,在云层中部,云液态水含量、液态粒子数浓度和液态粒子有效半径达到最大,云水向雨水的转化最为活跃.层积云微物理特征的海陆差异主要是由海陆上空气溶胶浓度和云中上升气流强度不同导致的.在非降水层积云中下部,陆地丰富的气溶胶为云滴凝结增长提供了充足的云凝结核,因而云微物理量的量值在陆地上空更大,而在云层中上部,云滴凝结增长达到极限,海洋充足的水汽输送使云微物理量的量值在海洋上空更大.当降水层积云液态水路径大于500 g·m~(-2)时,陆地层积云中更强的上升气流使大量云滴在云层中上部累积滞留,云滴碰并增长活跃,云层中上部云微物理量的量值在陆地上空更大.  相似文献   

气溶胶对雷暴云电过程影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文在已有的三维雷暴云起、放电模式中加入了一种经典的气溶胶活化参数化方案,结合一次长春雷暴个例,进行了雷暴云起放电数值模拟试验.研究显示气溶胶浓度改变对雷暴云微物理、起电及放电过程都有重要影响.结果表明:(1)污染型雷暴云中气溶胶浓度增加时,云滴数目增多,上升风速加强;云中冰晶与霰粒子数浓度增加但尺度减小;(2)相对于清洁型雷暴云,污染型雷暴云非感应起电过程弱,感应起电过程强,起电持续时间长;(3)污染型雷暴云中首次放电时间延迟,闪电持续发生的时间长,总闪电频次增加,正地闪频次增加明显.  相似文献   

利用RAMS数值模式,研究了巨凝结核数浓度改变对半干旱地区春季冰雹云降水特征的影响,研究显示巨核浓度改变对冰雹云中微物理过程及地面降水都有重要影响.累积带对冰雹生成有重要贡献.巨核数浓度增加时,冰雹云中冰雹混合比含量及其云中水平覆盖面积增加;云中过冷雨水和大云滴生成的过冷云水增加,冻结作用增强;地面降雨量增加但降雹量减少;总的地面累积降水量增加但累积冰相降水量减小.对降水的作用在污染云中要比清洁云中明显.地面流场分布随着巨核数浓度的改变而不同.在不同背景气溶胶下,春季冰雹云的判别指标不同于夏季冰雹云.  相似文献   

本文基于北京地区快速更新循环同化和预报系统(BJ-RUC),通过对北京2014年汛期的32次降水过程进行数值模拟和敏感性试验,研究了气溶胶污染引起的云滴数增加对北京夏季降水精细数值预报的影响.研究结果表明:BJ-RUC系统中默认的云滴数浓度偏低,采用根据环境模式预测结果计算的云滴数浓度后(BJ-RUC-Nc算例)预报效果更接近实况;气溶胶增多可以增加或减少降水.具体表现在:(1)2014年汛期北京地区降水主要集中在东北区域(平谷、密云、顺义)、城区次之,数值模式能较好的反映出降水的整体分布和趋势;(2)BJ-RUCNc对于小雨、中雨、暴雨的预报优于BJ-RUC,更接近观测;(3)气溶胶浓度增加,当水汽供应充足(不足)时,会促进(抑制)降水性粒子形成,降水效率提高(降低),降水增加(减少).  相似文献   

在双参数云微物理方案中,云滴谱的相对离散度(ε)或者形状参数(μ,ε2=1/μ+1)通常假定为常数或利用统计关系求得.观测显示常数假定和统计关系并不适合所有的实际情况.为此,我们根据云微物理学和伽马函数的性质,得到求解云滴平均半径和云滴谱形状参数的方程.利用云滴平均半径、体积半径和它们的比求解云滴谱形状参数方程,可以得到云滴谱伽马分布的形状参数、相对离散度和云滴的谱分布.这个方法得到的是解析解.我们进一步利用观测的云滴谱资料检验了云滴谱形状参数的方程,结果表明该方法是可行的.同时,把这个方法应用到WRF模式的双参数云微物理方案中,进一步检验这个方法的可行性.模式结果显示新方法对降水的模拟有一定改善.说明该方法是可行的,可以应用到双参数云微物理方案中.  相似文献   

2006年"碧利斯"台风登陆中国大陆后,在湖南、广东和江西三省交界附近地区造成明显暴雨增幅,造成十分严重的灾害,影响巨大.本文利用高分辨率数值模拟资料,从微观云物理过程角度出发,研究了"碧利斯"暴雨增幅发生前和增幅强降水发生时段云微物理特征的差异,探讨了登陆台风暴雨增幅云微物理方面的可能成因,结果指出:暴雨增幅前后,强降水区云微物理特征存在明显不同,与降水强度的明显增强相伴,云中各种水凝物含量也明显增加,其中云冰、雪和霰等固态水凝物的增加尤为显著,冰相过程对地面降水的贡献明显加大,降水云系发展旺盛、高大;云微物理转化率的对比分析发现,暴雨增幅时段,由水汽凝结过程显著增强所带来的云水的增加,主要通过两个途径作用于暴雨增幅:一是通过云中雨水对云水的碰并收集,促进雨水含量显著增加,进而增强地面降水;二是通过云中雪粒子对云水的碰并造成雪粒子含量增加,增加的雪粒子又被云中霰粒子碰并收集造成霰含量增长,进而由霰粒子融化为雨水,并最终作用于地面降水的增幅.文中最后通过分析总结给出了"碧利斯"暴雨增幅云微物理成因示意图.  相似文献   

基于WRF和RTTOV模式实现了FY-2D红外模拟亮温图的制作,侧重分析了WRF模式微、宏观云参量模拟误差对FY-2D红外模拟亮温精度的影响.结果表明,在0~48h模拟时效内,本文模拟亮温的均方根误差基本上控制在10~27K,好于以往20~40K的研究结果;在0~24h,各通道模拟与观测亮温值的相关系数均大于0.5;相比其他3个通道,水汽通道模拟性能比较稳定,效果最好.4种云微物理方案的模拟结果均显示云区亮温模拟值偏大,云系分布不够饱满,尤其是在台风区;其中THOM方案的模拟效果最好;数值范围253~273K是各方案存在偏差最大的区间.微观方面,THOM方案的雪水物质混合比远大于其他方案,提高云微物理方案中云中固态水的生成效率或保有量是有必要的,但对亮温模拟影响不大.宏观方面,本文云量诊断方案获得云量数值偏小,对高云诊断方案的改进十分必要,选取精准的云量诊断方案更有利于提高模拟精度.研究结果可为预报员研判未来天气提供了一种更直观的参考资料,也可为开展FY-4红外模拟亮温图制作奠定了技术积累.  相似文献   

本文利用中尺度可分辨云模式(WRF,Weather Research and Forecasting)对2011年8月14日北京地区一次强降水过程进行了数值模拟和敏感性试验,研究了城市环境(包括城市气溶胶和城市地表)对北京地区云和降水的影响.研究结果表明:城市气溶胶污染增强和城市地表使得北京地区(城区和周边)降水量减少,对城区平均累积降水量的影响作用分别为-38.92%和-3.4%.降水系统向北京主城区移动过程中,城市气溶胶在城市环境影响降水过程中的作用逐渐减小为85.13%,城市地表的作用增加到14.87%.城市污染气溶胶增强,使得非降水性粒子增多,而降水性粒子减少,这不利于对流的发展增强,使得水汽的垂直输送减弱,导致区域降水量减小.城市地表对强对流的发展也表现为减弱作用,这使得水汽的垂直输送减小,区域降水量减小.  相似文献   

2011年12月1~7日在华北地区发生了一次比较罕见、持续一周左右的低能见度重度雾霾天气,本文利用气象行业专项"京津地区低能见度雾霾天气监测与预报研究"观测试验资料,研究分析了此次持续性重度雾霾天气的气溶胶、云凝结核(CCN)、雾滴谱和含水量等微物理特征及大气能见度、边界层垂直结构特征,探讨了雾霾天气的产生、演变与转化特征及机理.结果表明,此次持续一周的雾霾天气过程发生在高压天气系统和静风条件下,暖平流和辐射降温形成的稳定逆温边界层结构有利于污染气溶胶的积累和雾霾的形成和发展,尤其是来自南方持续不断的湿平流使雾霾天气得以长时间持续和发展.整个雾霾天气期间能见度均小于2 km,最低能见度达到56 m,液态水含量在10-3 gm-3量级,最大达到0.16 gm-3,气溶胶数浓度均在10000cm-3以上,质量浓度范围为50~160μgm-3.进一步的研究表明,此次长达一周的雾霾天气发生了三次强弱不同的霾气溶胶积累、霾雾转化和混合及减弱三个主要阶段.霾气溶胶积累阶段先后有爱根核模和积聚模气溶胶数浓度的积累和增加.霾向雾转化和混合阶段中,雾滴凝结释放的潜热和高浓度气溶胶环境使布朗碰并加剧,导致气溶胶尺度向粒径大的方向转移,从而提供了大量可形成云凝结核的气溶胶粒子,促进了雾的爆发性增强,浓雾过程中气溶胶向CCN活化率可达17%,而CCN向雾滴的转化效率可高达100%,此期间雾滴谱具有爆发性拓宽的特征;冷锋系统过境或辐射加热增强导致了雾霾过程的减弱和消散.  相似文献   

本文在无线电掩星弯曲角射线追踪正演算子中引入水成物的影响,针对台风个例,利用FY-3c GNOS弯曲角资料的同化展开研究.通过分析水成物对掩星弯曲角正演精度的影响,指出当掩星剖面跨越一定厚度的台风区云雨大气时,多相态水成物对GNOS弯曲角正演精度的影响不可忽略.进而提出一种考虑云雨影响的掩星折射率正演算法,将掩星折射率的正演分别在晴空区和云雨区进行,在云雨区正演算子中增加多相态水成物含量对正演掩星折射率的贡献,改进了FY-3c GNOS弯曲角资料在云雨大气环境的同化方案.针对2018年24号台风个例,进行了同化的参照试验、未考虑和考虑水成物影响时GNOS弯曲角的3DVAR同化试验,考量云雨环境下的GNOS弯曲角资料同化对台风模拟的影响差异.试验结果表明,两种同化方案皆能改善台风路径预报,台风中心海平面气压模拟都能接近实际观测,台风最大风速也不同程度增大.而考虑水成物含量的影响后,资料同化能更有效缩小观测空间与背景场空间之间的偏差,同化后观测与分析的偏差更接近高斯分布,台风外围动力场和热力场环境能够得到更优的调整,使得96 h的台风路径模拟平均距离误差较不考虑水成物影响的情形减小了约14%.  相似文献   

The relative dispersion of the cloud droplet spectra or the shape parameter is usually assumed to be a constant in the two-parameter cloud microphysical scheme, or is derived through statistical analysis. However, observations have revealed that the use of such methods is not applicable for all actual cases. In this study, formulas were derived based on cloud microphysics and the properties of gamma function to solve the average cloud droplet radius and the cloud droplet spectral shape parameter. The gamma distribution shape parameter, relative dispersion, and cloud droplet spectral distribution can be derived through solving the droplet spectral shape parameter equation using the average droplet radius, volume radius, and their ratio, thereby deriving an analytic solution. We further examined the equation for the droplet spectral shape parameter using the observational droplet spectral data, and results revealed the feasibility of the method. In addition, when the method was applied to the two-parameter cloud microphysical scheme of the Weather Research and Forecast(WRF) model to further examine its feasibility, the modeling results showed that it improved precipitation simulation performance, thereby indicating that it can be utilized in two-parameter cloud microphysical schemes.  相似文献   

This paper presents application of the EULAG model combined with a sophisticated double-moment warm-rain microphysics scheme to the model intercomparison case based on RICO (Rain in Cumulus over Ocean) field observations. As the simulations progress, the cloud field gradually deepens and a relatively sharp temperature and moisture inversions develop in the lower troposphere. Two contrasting aerosol environments are considered, referred to as pristine and polluted, together with two contrasting subgridscale mixing scenarios, the homogeneous and the extremely inhomogeneous mixing. Pristine and polluted environments feature mean cloud droplet concentrations around 40 and 150 mg?1, respectively, and large differences in the rain characteristics. Various measures are used to contrast evolution of macroscopic cloud field characteristics, such as the mean cloud fraction, the mean cloud width, or the height of the center of mass of the cloud field, among others. Macroscopic characteristics appear similar regardless of the aerosol characteristics or the homogeneity of the subgrid-scale mixing.  相似文献   

This paper describes implementation of the warm-rain bin microphysics in a LES model based on the EULAG fluid flow solver. The binmicrophysics EULAG is applied to the case of shallow nonprecipitating tropical convection to investigate the impact of the secondary activation of cloud droplets above the cloud base. In a previous study applying the EULAG model with the double-moment bulk warm-rain microphysics scheme, the in-cloud activation was shown to have significant implications for the mean microphysical and optical characteristics of the cloud field. By contrasting the simulations with and without in-cloud activation as in the previous study, we show that the in-cloud activation has qualitatively similar but quantitatively smaller effect. In particular, the concentration of cloud droplets in the bin simulation without in-cloud activation decreases with height not as strongly as in corresponding simulations applying the double-moment bulk scheme.  相似文献   

A simple 1D kinematic cloud model coupled to a two-moment bulk microphysics scheme is used to perform quasi-idealized simulations of snow, with a prescribed upper boundary snow field based on observed radar reflectivity and temperature, falling into a low-level melting layer. The model realistically simulates the formation of a nearly isothermal layer below the melting level, the surface precipitation rate, and the phase transition from liquid to solid, consistent with observations for this case. A series of test runs is performed to examine the sensitivity of modeling the timing and duration of the phase transition period to details of specific parameterization aspects related to snow in the microphysics scheme. The sensitivity tests include varying the number of prognostic moments, the mass–diameter relation, the fall velocity–diameter relation, the treatment of aggregation, and the lower limit for the slope of the size distribution. It is shown that the simulated transition period, for such a case with the initial melting level being close to the surface, can be quite sensitive to model parameters specified within realistic ranges and/or ranges within our physical understanding.  相似文献   

近地层参数化对海南岛海风降水模拟的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用WRF模式探讨了两种近地层参数化方案(MM5方案和Eta方案)对2013年5月31日海南岛一次海风降水过程模拟的影响.结果表明,改变近地层方案可对当地的海风环流及相应的降水特征产生明显影响,两个试验最重要的差别主要体现在模拟的海风及降水的强度差异上,与MM5试验相比,Eta试验的低层海风及辐合程度更强,相应的降水也更强,表现为岛屿总格点降水量、大于10mm的降水区域、最大格点降水三个量化指标均比较大.通过分析两种方案在不同降水阶段的地表通量及近地层变量场,发现Eta试验模拟的降水前环境场更有利于对流的启动,随着午后热力湍流的不断增强,将MM5方案替换为Eta方案可使近地层感热通量、潜热通量分别增加约3.57%、5.65%,动量通量减小约10.79%,感热、潜热的增加使Eta试验中近地层大气的加热加湿作用更加明显,相应的低层大气不稳定度更高,再配合海风锋前较强的辐合上升运动,局地不稳定能量的释放变的更加容易,因此降水强度更大.  相似文献   

Sensitivity analysis(SA) has been widely used to screen out a small number of sensitive parameters for model outputs from all adjustable parameters in weather and climate models, helping to improve model predictions by tuning the parameters. However, most parametric SA studies have focused on a single SA method and a single model output evaluation function, which makes the screened sensitive parameters less comprehensive. In addition, qualitative SA methods are often used because simulations using complex weather and climate models are time-consuming. Unlike previous SA studies, this research has systematically evaluated the sensitivity of parameters that affect precipitation and temperature simulations in the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model using both qualitative and quantitative global SA methods. In the SA studies, multiple model output evaluation functions were used to conduct various SA experiments for precipitation and temperature. The results showed that five parameters(P3, P5, P7, P10, and P16) had the greatest effect on precipitation simulation results and that two parameters(P7 and P10) had the greatest effect for temperature. Using quantitative SA, the two-way interactive effect between P7 and P10 was also found to be important, especially for precipitation. The microphysics scheme had more sensitive parameters for precipitation, and P10(the multiplier for saturated soil water content) was the most sensitive parameter for both precipitation and temperature. From the ensemble simulations, preliminary results indicated that the precipitation and temperature simulation accuracies could be improved by tuning the respective sensitive parameter values, especially for simulations of moderate and heavy rain.  相似文献   

This study simulated FY-2 D satellite infrared brightness images based on the WRF and RTTOV models. The effects of prediction errors in WRF micro-and macroscale cloud variables on FY-2 D infrared brightness temperature accuracy were analyzed. The principle findings were as follows. In the T+0–48 h simulation time, the root mean square errors of the simulated brightness temperatures were within the range 10–27 K, i.e., better than the range of 20–40 K achieved previously. In the T+0–24 h simulation time, the correlation coefficients between the simulated and measured brightness temperatures for all four channels were 0.5. The simulation performance of water channel IR3 was stable and the best. The four types of cloud microphysical scheme considered all showed that the simulated values of brightness temperature in clouds were too high and that the distributions of cloud systems were incomplete, especially in typhoon areas. The performance of the THOM scheme was considered best, followed in descending order by the WSM6, WDM6, and LIN schemes. Compared with observed values, the maximum deviation appeared in the range 253–273 K for all schemes. On the microscale, the snow water mixing ratio of the THOM scheme was much bigger than that of the other schemes. Improving the production efficiency or increasing the availability of solid water in the cloud microphysical scheme would provide slight benefit for brightness temperature simulations. On the macroscale, the cloud amount obtained by the scheme used in this study was small. Improving the diagnostic scheme for cloud amount, especially high-level cloud, could improve the accuracy of brightness temperature simulations. These results could provide an intuitive reference for forecasters and constitute technical support for the creation of simulated brightness temperature images for the FY-4 satellite.  相似文献   

Work done initially with Y. Ogura and later by the present author was reviewed, with special emphasis on physical concepts in a cloud model. The present paper consists of two parts: a warm rain study and a graupel cloud model. The process of continuous improvement on physical ideas taken to formulate warm rain are described in the first part of this paper. It is shown that the number concentration of cloud droplets is the most sensitive factor in determining rainfall, and that there is a critical drop size distribution for initiation of rain. The second part describes a graupel cloud model and shows that graupel formation is the mechanism most likely to lead to precipitation from continental shallow convective clouds.  相似文献   

本文利用搭载于我国风云三号B星上的微波成像仪(MWRI)观测亮温数据,结合戈达德廓线反演算法,对1102号"桑达"台风地面雨强和降雨云结构进行反演试验.利用AMSR-E业务降水产品对地面雨强反演结果进行了检验,结果表明,MWRI和AMSR-E反演的地面雨强在空间分布上非常吻合,相关性达76%,均方根误差约2.8 mm/h,二者的观测亮温及地面雨强反演结果具有较好的一致性.提取洋面台风雨区的平均水凝物廓线,其垂直结构显示,雨水和可降冰含量丰富,随高度变化明显,且具有明显峰值高度,云水和云冰含量则较少,且随高度变化不明显;当降水增强时,雨水和可降冰各层含量稳定增加,且峰值高度基本保持不变,云水和云冰含量则增幅不稳,且峰值高度有所改变.地面雨强随距台风中心距离的变化阐释了台风的螺旋结构及降水特点,距台风中心距离0.3°和0.6°附近分别出现了地面雨强峰值和次峰值,且66%的降水集中在距台风中心距离1°的空间范围内.MWRI提供的台风地面雨强和降雨云垂直信息具有较高的可信度,对于我们监测台风降水、分析台风降水结构的时空演变特征以及数值预报模式应用等具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

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