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地球化学与环境样品分析标准物质和GeoReM数据库   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
在地球化学和环境样品分析中,标准物质发挥着越来越重要的作用。尽管通常要求分析者必须提供量值溯源的测量过程的信息;但大多数论著都未给出标准物质的数据。文章强调标准物质在地球化学分析工作中的重要性,同时将地球化学与环境样品分析标准物质数据库GeoReM介绍给中国的地质分析工作者。GeoReM数据库收录了1880个地球化学和环境样品分析标准物质的定值数据、汇编数据、分析数据及其他相关信息,其中包括156个由中国制备的标准物质的数据。GeoReM数据库还给出了所收录标准物质推荐使用的首选值及其不确定度。尽管这些首选值大多都不是按照国际标准化组织的有关规定而确定的,但是它们的置信度高,因而被广泛应用于仪器校准和分析数据的质量监控。文章还指出要将中国研制的、发表在中文期刊上的标准物质也收录到GeoReM数据库中,这对于促进中国的相关研究,增加国际认可度具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2010年北京标准物质国际研讨会综述   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
王亚平  袁建  许春雪 《岩矿测试》2011,30(4):514-520
2010年北京标准物质国际研讨会在北京召开,会议由中国计量科学研究院主办,中国分析测试学会和中国计量测试学会协办。大会围绕当前标准物质的现状、未来发展趋势和面临的挑战进行了探讨。会议主题包括标准物质与环境保护、国际贸易等行业的关系,标准物质的制备、测试方法及技术挑战和国内外标准物质的发展现状;分会报告主题是公共安全与大众健康,先进能源、能源科技与环境保护等领域标准物质的研制,标准物质的国际化发展、标准物质的应用及共性分析技术发展趋势。国内外学者就共同解决标准物质研制过程中遇到的困难和挑战进行了交流和沟通。通过这次会议中国向世界展示了我国在标准物质领域取得的成绩,提高了我国在标准物质领域的国际地位。本文总结了会议讨论的主题和我国标准物质尤其是地质标准物质的现状及发展趋势,指出截至2010年底,我国标准物质总数达到6011种,其中一级有证标准物质1701种,二级有证标准物质4310种,主要集中在钢铁、无机、工业材料等领域,在数量上已经达到国际先进水平,但是存在品种不全、门类欠缺、结构不合理的问题;地质标准物质得到快速发展,而一些重要发展领域,如新资源、新能源、新材料,生物及临床,有色金属,食品成分,有机污染物等标准物质相对缺乏。  相似文献   

The role played by geochemical reference materials in establishing and maintaining a quality control/quality assurance program in a geochemical/assay laboratory is discussed. It includes the development of in-house reference materials and their characterization with reference to internationally recognized reference materials. It also concerns reference materials for use in geochemical trace analysis, ore grade assays and the analysis of concentrates for establishing the values of shipments. Suggestions are given for the sources and preparation of various types of reference materials that may need to be developed for in-house use.  相似文献   

激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)是目前地球科学分析领域的重要技术手段,元素微区分析标准物质研制是该分析技术发展的重要方向。本文对当前LA-ICP-MS元素微区分析标准物质的种类、元素分布以及应用上的优缺点和标准物质的制备方法进行了评述。现有的有证标准物质数量不多、种类不齐全,部分元素浓度较低,定值不确定度较大,应用上受到较大的局限性;研制标准也不成熟,均匀性检验方面尚未有统一的方法。本文参照岩石粉末标准物质均匀性检验方法提出了两步均匀性检验法,同时指出在标准物质种类方面,铂族元素及Au元素浓度适当、Pb-S等不同硫化物基体标准物质,以及化学成分不同的碳酸岩和磷酸岩基体标准物质是当前的迫切需求;在标准物质研制技术方面,纳米岩石粉末压片技术的研发、原位微区分析标准物质(固体)均匀性检验判别标准研究是亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

中国的大洋多金属结核及沉积物标准物质系列   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1986~1996年间我国研制了两批共6个海洋地质标准物质:3个多金属结核标准物质GSPN-1~3和3个深海沉积物标准物质GSMS-1~3,形成了两个标准物质系列。与美国、俄罗斯、印度和日本的同类标准物质相比,这些标准物质的主要特点是:①实用性强:这些样品主要取自世界上锰结核最富集、也是各国“先驱投资者”开辟区最集中的太平洋CC区;②系列性好:这些样品还可与美、俄的标准物质构成既具有较大的元素浓度范围又具有适当浓度梯度的标准系列;③被测定组分多(达79个),定值组分达63个。其中包括58个组分的保证值和5个组分的参考值,全组分的加和均在99.5%~100.1%之间;④参加合作的国家数和实验室多:有18个国外实验室和包括台湾大学在内的14个国内实验室参加了合作分析。这就使这些标准物质具有较大的国际影响。  相似文献   

地质标准物质粒度测量与表征的现代方法   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
地质标准物质是地质材料分析的计量标准,在分析质量监控、仪器校准和分析方法评价中发挥着重要作用。地质标准物质大多为粉体材料,而粒度是粉体材料的一项重要特性指标。长期以来,地质标准物质的粒度一直采用过筛法检测;近年来在超细标准物质研制中引入了以激光粒度仪为代表的现代粒度分析方法,并以直观的粒度分布图和简洁的特征粒度来表达分析结果,大大提升了粉体地质标准物质粒度特性的测量及表征水平。在此工作基础上,测量了正在广泛使用的典型地质标准物质的粒度分布,获得了前所未知的粒度分布信息,为这些标准物质的正确使用和取样不确定度评价提供了有益的资料。简单地介绍了检测粉体材料颗粒特性的现代方法,讨论了地质分析与粒度分析在概念上的差异,并就今后地质标准物质乃至地质分析样品的粒度检测与表征方法提出了建议。  相似文献   

This review gives an overview of the literature on reference materials of geochemical and environmental interest for the two-year period 2008–2009. Reference materials play an increasingly important role in all fields of geoanalytical research. This is demonstrated by the large number of publications containing data on reference materials. Although many reference materials exist, there is still a great need for certified samples, so-called delta zero materials for stable isotopic work and homogeneous microanalytical reference materials. This review focuses on six topics: developments of certification processes of reference materials mainly postulated in ISO guidelines and the IAG protocol, new developments of the GeoReM database, investigations of powdered rock reference materials, Chinese reference materials published in Chinese journals, microanalytical reference materials and isotopic reference materials.  相似文献   

地质标准物质的最小取样量问题   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
地质标准物质已是当今地质分析数据质量保证与监控系统中最重要的手段之一。正确使用标准物质的重要条件是遵循标准物质最小取样量的规定。然而当今高灵敏度、小取样量(20-30mg)的现代主流分析技术正向着当前普遍使用的地质标准物质100mg最小取样量的要求提出挑战。本文从历史演变和当前需求讨论了地质分析取样量问题以及地质标准物质最小取样量及其应用意义,并提出了解决当前这一矛盾的技术措施与步骤。同时也提醒分析方法研究者、质量管理者和标准物质研制者关注取样量问题,以使更新换代快的技术方法和相对滞后的监管方法(包括标准物质)得到协调发展。  相似文献   

中国地质标准物质研制和标准方法制定的成果与思考   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
简介了我国地质标准物质研制与标准方法制定的主要成果,重点讨论了其中在管理和技术方面值得思考的问题,并就提高我国地质标准物质水平,加速走向国际,提高国际影响力提出建议。  相似文献   

用于铂族元素分析的中外地质标准物质   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王毅民  王晓红  高玉淑  樊兴涛 《地质通报》2009,28(10):1486-1498
标准物质作为地质分析的计量标准,在分析质量监控、仪器校准、方法评价和仲裁分析中发挥着重要作用。铂族元素分析一直是地质材料分析中最棘手的任务之一,铂族元素标准物质研制困难,数量少,严重影响了对铂族元素分析方法的评价和分析数据的质量监控,成为铂族金属矿产资源勘查、评价和相关研究工作的瓶颈。收集了中国及国际上现有的34个铂族元素标准物质和52个其他地球化学标准物质中的101个铂族元素定值数据。为便于使用也收集了这些标准物质中其他元素的含量信息,给出了铂族各元素按含量大小排列的信息简表以方便选择。充分利用这些标准物质对促进铂族元素分析方法研究,保证铂族元素分析数据质量,提高中国和世界铂族金属矿产资源勘查、评价及研究水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

X射线荧光光谱用人工标准物质的研制   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
使用高纯物质人工合成的方法,成功研制了4个人工标准物质。该系列标准物质涵盖了钛、钒、锰、铬、钴、镍、铜、锌、砷、铅、铋、铷、锶、钇、锆、铌、钼、钨、钕、钽、铪、镱、锡、钡、铯、镓、锗、镧、铈等29个元素,不同分析元素的含量范围可扩大到0.00x%~8%。该系列标准物质不仅可以补充自然标准的不足,扩展校准曲线含量范围,而且能够修正干扰系数,解决了准确计算分析元素之间的干扰和仪器校正带来的实际困难。用4个人工标准物质取代单元素人工标准的配制方法,减少标准数量,节约了资源以及标准配制的时间,避免了X射线荧光光谱分析工作者的重复劳动,提高了工作效率。研制的4个标准物质经检验均匀性和稳定性良好,量值准确可靠,已被国家质量监督检验检疫总局批准为国家一级标准物质。  相似文献   

地质标准物质的研制方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
地质标准物质作为地质材料成分分析的计量标准,在分析质量监控、方法评价等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用.研制与应用地质标准物质是推动地质分析技术与方法发展必不可少的重要工作.通过介绍地质标准物质的研制过程和技术方法,重点讨论了地质标准物质的样品加工制备、均匀性检验、稳定性检验及定值等方面的标准要求及技术方法.  相似文献   

This review gives an overview of the use and development of reference materials of geochemical and environmental interest in the literature of the years 2004 and 2005. In these years the performance of existing methods has been improved and new geochemical applications using new techniques have been developed. Accordingly, there was an increasing need for new reference materials, especially for in situ microanalysis and for precise stable isotope measurements. In addition, there was a notable trend for further characterisation of existing reference materials, mainly for the platinum-group elements. This review focuses on five topics: reference materials for platinum-group elements, reference glasses for in situ microanalysis, zircon reference materials, isotopic reference materials, and the development and certification of reference materials.  相似文献   

The Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences recently prepared four certified reference materials for hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes in water, which are called ‘China Standard Water' (CSW)‐HO1–HO4 (hereafter referred to as HO1–HO4). These reference materials are intended for calibration purposes and provide reference values of their relative difference in 2H/1H and 18O/16O isotope‐amount ratios expressed in delta notation, normalised to the VSMOW–SLAP scale. The certified values of the reference materials were determined by an interlaboratory comparison of results from eleven participating laboratories. This paper describes in detail the production and certification procedure of the four reference materials. The first analytical data for the reference materials are also provided using a variety of analytical techniques, namely CO2–H2O equilibration and laser spectroscopy for δ18O and Cr reduction, as well as H2–H2O equilibration, laser spectroscopy, and high‐temperature conversion for δ2H. The reference values for materials HO1–HO4 and their associated uncertainties are assigned.  相似文献   

Notations for Cd stable isotope compositions and the use of reference materials are discussed. It is proposed that Cd stable isotope data should be reported as variations of the 114Cd/110Cd ratio/ using either the δ114/110Cd or ε114/110Cd notations. Future publications should report results for BAM-1012 Cd, the only currently available international Cd isotope reference material. It is also recommended that "Münster Cd" and a range of specified geological reference materials are used as additional reference materials. The final choice of a primary "zero-delta" reference standard remains the most important outstanding question.  相似文献   

Isotopic reference materials are essential to enable reliable and comparable isotope data. In the case of boron only a very limited number of such materials is available, thus preventing adequate quality control of measurement results and validation of analytical procedures. To address this situation a unique set of two boron isotope reference materials (ERM‐AE102a and ‐AE104a) and three offset δ11B reference materials (ERM‐AE120, ‐AE121 and ‐AE122) were produced and certified. The present article describes the production and certification procedure in detail. The isotopic composition of all the materials was adjusted by mixing boron parent solutions enriched in 10B or 11B with a boron parent solution having a natural isotopic composition under full gravimetric control. All parent solutions were analysed for their boron concentration as well as their boron isotopic composition by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS) using isotope dilution as the calibration technique. For all five reference materials the isotopic composition obtained on the basis of the gravimetric data agreed very well with the isotopic composition obtained from different TIMS techniques. Stability and homogeneity studies that were performed showed no significant influence on the isotopic composition or on the related uncertainties. The three reference materials ERM‐AE120, ERM‐AE121 and ERM‐AE122 are the first reference materials with natural δ11B values not equal to 0‰. The certified δ11B values are ?20.2‰ for ERM‐AE120, 19.9‰ for ERM‐AE121 and 39.7‰ for ERM‐AE122, each with an expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of 0.6‰. These materials were produced to cover about three‐quarters of the known natural boron isotope variation. The 10B enriched isotope reference materials ERM‐AE102a and ERM‐AE104a were produced for industrial applications utilising 10B for neutron shielding purposes. The certified 10B isotope abundances are 0.29995 for ERM‐AE102a and 0.31488 for ERM‐AE104a with expanded uncertainties (k = 2) of 0.00027 and 0.00028, respectively. Together with the formerly certified ERM‐AE101 and ERM‐AE103 a unique set of four isotope reference materials and three offset δ11B reference materials for boron isotope determination are now available from European Reference Materials.  相似文献   

Recommendations for the certification of reference materials, as published by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), are reviewed and proposals made as to how they can be adapted for the certification of new geological reference materials. Whilst acknowledging the important contribution made by the large number of existing matrix-matched geological reference materials, it is recommended that future characterisation programmes should follow the ISO guidelines for certification, not the least so that laboratories can readily use the resultant samples to establish the traceability of geoanalytical results.  相似文献   

This article provides information on the standard reference materials prepared in co-operation by the CMEA-countries. Among the standards are materials of technological or geochemical importance - silicates, carbonates, ores, etc. The article briefly mentions the technology of their preparation, homogeneity control, analyses evaluation and certification used for these materials. It surveys the finished and planned SRM's. The last table gives the names of foreign trade companies in the individual CMEA-countries which are entrusted with the sale of the standard reference materials produced in that particular country.  相似文献   

金矿石化学物相分析标准物质的研制   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
介绍了金矿石化学物相分析标准物质的研制工艺及技术关键,列出了单体金、连生体金、硫化物包裹金、其他矿物包裹金及总金的原始数据和定值数据。经9个实验室共同分析协作,研制的5个标准物质已被国家质量监督检验检疫总局批准为国家一级标准物质。该系列标准物质主要用于金矿石化学物相分析质量监控、分析方法评价等。  相似文献   

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