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紫外线是太阳辐射中波长在(5~400)nm之间的电磁波,根据波长大小,紫外线辐射又分为紫外线A、B、C三个波段。紫外线A的波长在(320~400)nm之间,紫外线B的波长在(290~320)nm之间,紫外线C的波长在(5-290)nm之间。  相似文献   

紫外辐射增加对农业影响问题的综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫外辐射(UV)在太阳辐射中所占的比重虽然不大,但由于它具有特殊的生物效应和化学效应,因而受到重视。按其生物效应,UV 可分成三个部分:UV—A 波长约320—400nm,对生物的影响不大;UV—B波长约280—320nm,对生物有特别重要作用;UV—C 波长约200—280nm,是灭生性  相似文献   

1引言人们意识到环境的变化直接威胁着人类的健康,迫切需要掌握同自己生活密切相关的环境变化,以便采取相应的措施对生物及人类进行保护。紫外线辐射可能导致人体皮肤、眼睛受损,免疫力下降,对人类的健康造成严重的威胁。紫外线指数的预报能指导人们在日常生活中采取有效的方法来保护自己。2紫外线指数标准紫外线(U V)辐射是太阳辐射光谱中100~400nm间的范围,按照紫外线的不同波段可分为3部分:紫外线A段(U V-A):波长为320~400nm,对生物作用弱。紫外线B段(U V-B):波长为290~320nm,对人体影响较大。紫外线C段(U V-C):波长为100~290n…  相似文献   

美国国家气象局在每日天气预报节目中对其58个城市的紫外线辐射量同时作出预报。报出第二天它的最大辐射量,帮助人们免受太阳光的伤害。据研究,290~320毫微米的中波紫外线主要使皮肤发生日晒伤(日光性皮炎);320~400毫微米的长波紫外线主要使皮肤晒黑(色素增加)和引发雀斑。紫外线辐射还会抑制人体免疫系统,使潜在的病毒性感染复发。特别是近年来,大气污染日趋严重,干流层中阻止紫外线辐射的大气臭氧层被破坏,人类的健康受到了严重威胁。据测算.每减少10%的臭氧,紫外线辐射量增加20%,由此皮肤癌的发生率将增加20%,白内瘴…  相似文献   

紫外辐射如何影响人类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乜虹 《青海气象》2004,(1):71-71,81
太阳辐射能量的波长范围较宽,对人类而言,其中大部分的太阳辐射是肉眼无法看得见的。波长越短,辐射强度越大,并且对于生物体潜在的危害也就越大。到达地球表面的紫外辐射,其波长在290~400nm(十亿分之一米),这比可见光的波  相似文献   

臭氧·紫外辐射·紫外线指数   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于大氧臭氧含量日渐减少.世界各国对太阳紫外辐射及其危害越来越关注。近些年来,人类活动排放了大量的七。氟氟烃、含澳卤代烃等化合物质,这引起大气平流层臭氧相应减少。目前。已经证实,在南极和北半球高纬度地区的晴好天气下,地面紫外辐射有了明显增力*,这与两地上空臭氧含量下降密切相关。另据报道,我国科学家在青藏高原(地球第三级)上空屯发现了臭氧低值区。保护臭氧层、避免紫外辐射危害,这已成为世界各国的共识。紫外(UV)辐射位于太阳辐射光谱区100~400urn之间,其辐射能仅占太阳辐射能量总量的8%,臭氧主要吸引其…  相似文献   

紫外线辐射增加对大豆的影响及其估算   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
在田间及盆栽试验中观测到经超量紫外线(UV280~400 nm)辐射处理的大豆作物,其株型、生理活动及产量均受到不同程度的影响,其影响量随UV辐射强度,大豆品种以及环境条件不同而异。文章还给出了计算紫外线辐射对大豆影响程度的公式,该计算方法效果较好。  相似文献   

人们为什么对大气中大量的臭氧感兴趣呢?其原因在于臭氧对大气的结构、特性,以致于地球上有生命物体有着巨大影响。大气中臭氧的存在使得波长小于290nm的太阳强紫外辐射不能透过大气。另外,臭氧还大量吸收了波长在290-320nm之间的中紫外辐射,波长在320-240nm的近紫外辐射才能通过臭氧层到达地面,但它对生物没有危害。今天无疑可以认为:由于大气中“臭氧盖”的存在,才能使人类免遭紫外辐射的有害影响,人类才能得以生存和发展。大气中臭氧总量的变化(臭氧含量平衡的破坏)影响了平流层中不同高度太阳紫外辐散流入量的分布,这就导致了平流层温度和高层大气  相似文献   

散射辐射的气候学计算方法探讨李巧萍,闫冠华(忻州地区气象局034000)1前言太阳辐射能是地球和大气最主要的能量来源,而散射辐射是太阳总辐射中的一个重要分量,据祝昌汉 ̄(1)统计我国全区散射辐射年总量占总辐射总量的比率全年平均为46%,部分地区则高达...  相似文献   

比较分析了2017年南极中山站3种仪器测量地面太阳紫外B(UVB)波段和紫外A(UVA)波段的辐照度。以Brewer光谱仪测值为参考,国产宽波段FSUVB日射表在UVB(波段280~315 nm)的辐照度相对误差为(55±75)%,误差随大气臭氧总量的增加呈上升趋势,但在南极“臭氧洞”期间偏低。Yankee UVB宽波段日射表在UVB(波段280~320 nm)的辐照度相对误差为(-31±22)%;国产宽波段FSUVA日射表在UVA(波段315~400 nm)的辐照度相对误差为(23±5.9)%。太阳天顶角低于80°的晴天以Tropospheric Ultraviolet Visible(TUV)辐射模式计算结果为参考时,FSUVB,Yankee UVB和FSUVA辐照度的平均相对误差分别为(30±37)%,(-22±19)%和(27±6.4)%,而Brewer相对误差未超过3.5%。国产宽波段UV日射表测值偏高,反映出波长较长的杂散光对太阳辐照度测值影响明显。  相似文献   

利用国际权威期刊上发表的臭氧吸收截面观测数据,检验和验证了现有的紫外正演模式TOMRAD臭氧吸收参数数据库。结果表明,在Hartley臭氧吸收带上,观测数据与数据库参数吻合状况很好;而在Huggins臭氧吸收带上,观测数据与数据库参数在部分波长上存在较大偏差,某些波长上的偏差超过50%。鉴于此,FY-3紫外臭氧探测仪资料处理计算中,选取臭氧吸收参数,必须特别慎重。  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation has a significant influence on human health, the environment and climate. A series of measurements, including UV radiation (290 400 nm) and global solar radiation (Rs), were continuously recorded from August 2004 at the Lhasa and Haibei sites on the Tibetan Plateau. Both observation sites' altitudes are above 3000 m and have similar meteorological conditions. The data from 2005 2006 was used to identify the varying characteristics of UV radiation. It's relation to the clearness index Ks, the relative optical mass mr, and Rs were established. The annual mean values of total daily UV radiation are 0.92 and 0.67 MJ m^-2 at Lhasa and Haibei, respectively. The UV radiation in Lhasa represented 4.6% of the global solar radiation while in Haibei this percentage was 4.2%. In the case of clear days (Ks 〉 0.8), these percentages ranged between 4.0% and 4.5% in Lhasa and between 5.1% and 5.5% in Haibei. In the case of cloudy days (Ks 〈 0.4), these percentages ranged from 4.4% to 6.8% in Lhasa and from 5.1% to 5.5% in Haibei. The maximum values of UV radiation for each relative optical mass diminished exponentially with mr. Thus, for Lhasa and Haibei, UV=46.25mr-129, and UV=51.76mr-142, respectively. The results of this study can be used to obtain more UV radiation data for the study of UV climate characteristics, the effects of UV on ecological processes and the feedback of the thinning of the stratospheric ozone, from more routine measurements Rs data.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet (UV) spectra on cloudy days were compared to those on cloud free days to determine which part of the UV spectrum has the greatest enhancement due to the cloud compared to both corresponding measured clear sky spectra as well as other enhanced spectra. In this preliminary study, cloud enhanced UV spectra selected for maximum UVA enhancement compared to a clear sky UV spectrum at similar solar zenith angle (SZA) and ozone values, showed that the ratio of the two sets of spectral irradiances was approximately wavelength independent (approximately 1.1) above the cut-off wavelength of approximately 306 nm. Similarly, above 306 nm the average ratio of the spectral irradiances of a maximum UVB enhanced UV spectrum compared to a clear sky spectrum was 1.2 with maximum values generally above this average between 316 and 344 nm and generally below 1.2 above the wavelength of 344 nm. The UVA and UVB enhanced spectra were separated into five SZA ranges and the irradiance at each wavelength averaged for each range and compared to clear sky spectra in each of the ranges. Above approximately 306 nm, the ratios are wavelength independent for all SZA. However, with the exception of the SZA range centred on 20°, there is an increasing dependency with shorter wavelengths below the 306 nm. Also there appears to be two distinct groupings of the average irradiance ratios, corresponding to the SZA range centred on 20°, 37° and 49° (ratio of 1.2) and 32° and 42° (ratio 1.0), the latter cases suggesting that on average there is no enhancement for these SZA, except for wavelengths less than 306 nm.  相似文献   

Clouds are extremely important with regard to the transfer of solar radiation at Earth's surface. This study investigates Cumulus Solar Irradiance Reflection (CSIR) using ground-based pyranometers. CSIR events are short-term increases in solar radiation observed at the surface as a result of reflection off the sides of convective clouds. When Sun-cloud observer geometry is favorable, these occurrences produce characteristic spikes in the pyranometer traces and solar irradiance values may exceed expected clear-sky values. Ultraviolet CSIR events were investigated during the summer of 1995 using UVA and UVB pyranometers. Observed data were compared to clear-sky curves which were generated using a third degree polynomial best-fit line technique. Periods during which the observed data exceeded this clear-sky curve were identified as CSIR events. The magnitude of a CSIR event was determined by two different quantitative calculations. The MAC (magnitude above clear-sky) is an absolute measure of the difference between the observed and clear-sky irradiances. Maximum MAC values of 3.4 Win−2 and 0.0169 Wm−2 were observed at the UV-A and UV-B wavelengths, respectively. The second calculation determined the percentage above clear-sky (PAC) which indicated the relative magnitude of a CSIR event. Maximum UV-A and UV-B PAC magnitudes of 10.1% and 7.8%, respectively, were observed during the study. Also of interest was the duration of the CSIR events which is a function of Sun-cloud-sensor geometry and the speed of cloud propagation over the measuring site. In both the UV-A and UV-B wavelengths, significant CSIR durations of up to 30 minutes were observed. C 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.  相似文献   

Because total UV(TUV) in the UV-A region is 100 times higher than in the UV-B region,UV-A is a considerable component when calculating erythemal UV(EUV) and UV-index.The ratio of EUV to TUV in the UV-A value [EUV(A)/TUV(A)]is investigated to convert the EUV(A) from TUV(A) for broadband observation. The representative value of EUV(A)/TUV(A),from the simulation study,is 6.9 × 10-4,changing from 6.1 × 10-4to 7.0 × 10-4as aerosol optical depth,total ozone and solar zenith angle change. By adopting the observational data of EUV(B) and TUV(A) from UV-biometer measurements at Yonsei University [(37.57?N,126.95?E),84 m above sea level],the EUV irradiance increases to 15% of EUV(B) due to the consideration of EUV(A) from the data of TUV(A) observation. Compared to the total EUV observed from the Brewer spectrophotometer at the same site,the EUV(B) from the UV-biometer observes only 95% of total EUV,and its underestimation is caused by neglecting the effect of UV-A. However,the sum of EUV(B) and EUV(A) [EUV(A+B)] from two UV-biometers is 10% larger than the EUV from the Brewer spectrophotometer because of the spectral overlap effect in the range 320–340nm. The correction factor for the overlap effect adjusts 8% of total EUV.  相似文献   

Numerous factors can influence the radiative transfer simulation of hyper-spectral ultraviolet satellite observation,including the radiative transfer scheme, gaseous absorption coefficients, Rayleigh scattering scheme, surface reflectance, aerosol scattering, band center wavelength shifts of sensor, and accuracy of input profiles. In this study, a Unified Linearized Vector Radiative Transfer Model(UNL-VRTM) is used to understand the influences of various factors on the top of atmosphere(TOA) normalized radiance in the ultraviolet(UV) region. A benchmark test for Rayleigh scattering is first performed to verify the UNL-VRTM accuracy, showing that the model performances agree well with earlier peer-reviewed results. Sensitivity experiments show that a scalar radiative transfer approximation considering only ozone and a constant surface reflectance within the UV region may cause significant errors to the TOA normalized radiance. A comparison of the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite(OMPS) radiances between simulations and observations shows that the surface reflectance strongly influences the accuracy for the wavelengths larger than 340 nm. Thus, using the surface reflectivity at 331 nm as a proxy for simulating the whole OMPS hyperspectral ultraviolet radiances is problematic. The impact of rotational Raman scattering on TOA radiance can be simulated through using SCIATRAN, which can also reduce the difference between measurements and simulations to some extent. Overall, the differences between OMPS simulations and observations can be less than 3% for the entire wavelengths. The bias is nearly constant across the cross-track direction.  相似文献   

紫外辐射增强对菠菜种子萌发及出苗的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了紫外辐射(UA-B)增强对圆叶和尖叶菠菜种子萌发出苗的影响,结果表明,UV-B辐射增强将显著降低圆叶菠菜种子的出牙率和出苗率,延缓发牙进程,出苗速度,影响幼长势,而对尖叶菠菜的影响较小,增强UV-B辐射还能有效抑制菠菜种子发牙时因病菌感染而发生的霉变,并减少幼苗期病虫害的蔓延和发展。  相似文献   

Ultraviolet(UV) radiation has significant effects on ecosystems, environments, and human health, as well as atmospheric processes and climate change. Two ultraviolet radiation datasets are described in this paper. One contains hourly observations of UV radiation measured at 40 Chinese Ecosystem Research Network stations from 2005 to 2015. CUV3 broadband radiometers were used to observe the UV radiation, with an accuracy of 5%, which meets the World Meteorology Organization's measurement standards. The extremum method was used to control the quality of the measured datasets. The other dataset contains daily cumulative UV radiation estimates that were calculated using an all-sky estimation model combined with a hybrid model. The reconstructed daily UV radiation data span from 1961 to 2014. The mean absolute bias error and root-mean-square error are smaller than 30% at most stations, and most of the mean bias error values are negative, which indicates underestimation of the UV radiation intensity. These datasets can improve our basic knowledge of the spatial and temporal variations in UV radiation. Additionally, these datasets can be used in studies of potential ozone formation and atmospheric oxidation, as well as simulations of ecological processes.  相似文献   

NonlinearRetrievalofAtmosphericOzoneProfilefromSolarBackscaterUltravioletMeasurements:TheoryandSimulation①LiJun(李俊)andLuDaren...  相似文献   

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