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The morphological evolution of the entrances and exits of abandoned river channels governs their hydrological connectivity. The study focusses on flow and sediment dynamics in the exit of a cutoff meander where the downstream entrance is still connected to the main channel, but the upstream entrance is closed. Two similar field and laboratory cases were investigated using innovative velocimetry techniques (acoustic Doppler profiling, image analysis). Laboratory experiments were conducted with a mobile‐bed physical model of the Morava River (Slovakia). Field measurements were performed in the exit of the Port‐Galland cutoff meander, Ain River (France). Both cases yielded consistent and complementary results from which a generic scheme for flow patterns and morphological evolution was derived. A simple analogy with flows in rectangular side cavities was used to explain the recirculating flow patterns which developed in the exit. A decelerating inflow deposits bedload in the downstream part of the cavity, while the upstream part is eroded by an accelerating outflow, leading to the retreat of the upstream bank. In the field, strong secondary currents were observed, especially in the inflow, which may enhance the scouring of the downstream corner of the cavity. Also, fine sediment deposits constituted a silt layer in a transitional zone, located between the mouth of the abandoned channel and the oxbow‐lake within the cutoff meander. Attempts at morphological prediction should consider not only the flow and sediment conditions in the cavity, but also the dynamics of the main channel. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

Rivers may dramatically change course on a fluvial plain. Such an avulsion temporarily leads to two active channels connected at a bifurcation. Here we study the effect of dynamic meandering at the bifurcation and the effect of channel width adjustment to changing discharge in both downstream branches on the evolution of a bifurcation and coexisting channels. As an example, we reconstructed the last major avulsion at the Rhine delta apex. We combined historical and geological data to reconstruct a slowly developing avulsion process spanning 2000 years and involving channel width adjustment and meandering at the bifurcation. Based on earlier idealised models, we developed a one‐dimensional model for long‐term morphodynamic prediction of upstream channel and bifurcates connected at the bifurcation node. The model predicts flow and sediment partitioning at the node, including the effect of migrating meanders at the bifurcation and channel width adjustment. Bifurcate channel width adaptation to changing discharge partitioning dramatically slows the pacing of bifurcation evolution because the sediment balance for width adjustment and bed evolution are coupled. The model further shows that meandering at the bifurcation modulates channel abandonment or enlargement periodically. This explains hitherto unrecognised reactivation signals in the sedimentary record of the studied bifurcation meander belts, newly identified in our geological reconstruction. Historical maps show that bifurcation migration due to meander bend dynamics increases the bifurcation angle, which increases the rate of closure of one bifurcate. The combination of model and reconstruction identifies the relevant timescales for bifurcation evolution and avulsion duration. These are the time required to fill one downstream channel over one backwater length, the time to translate one meander wavelength downstream and, for strong river banks, the adaptation timescale to adjust channel width. The findings have relevance for all avulsions where channel width can adjust to changing discharge and where meandering occurs. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lacustrine fills, including those of oxbow lakes in river floodplains, often hold valuable sedimentary and biological proxy records of palaeo-environmental change. Precise dating of accumulated sediments at levels throughout these records is crucial for interpretation and correlation of (proxy) data existing within the fills. Typically, dates are gathered from multiple sampled levels and their results are combined in age-depth models to estimate the ages of events identified between the datings. In this paper, a method of age-depth modelling is presented that varies the vertical accumulation rate of the lake fill based on continuous sedimentary data. In between Bayesian calibrated radiocarbon dates, this produces a modified non-linear age-depth relation based on sedimentology rather than linear or spline interpolation.The method is showcased on a core of an infilled palaeomeander at the floodplain edge of the river Rhine near Rheinberg (Germany). The sequence spans from ∼4.7 to 2.9 ka cal BP and consists of 5.5 m of laminated lacustrine, organo-clastic mud, covered by ∼1 m of peaty clay. Four radiocarbon dates provide direct dating control, mapping and dating in the wider surroundings provide additional control. The laminated, organo-clastic facies of the oxbow fill contains a record of nearby fluvial-geomorphological activity, including meander reconfiguration events and passage of rare large floods, recognized as fluctuations in coarseness and amount of allochthonous clastic sediment input. Continuous along-core sampling and measurement of loss-on-ignition (LOI) provided a fast way of expressing the variation in clastic sedimentation influx from the nearby river versus autochthonous organic deposition derived from biogenic production in the lake itself. This low-cost sedimentary proxy data feeds into the age-depth modelling. The sedimentology-modelled age-depth relation (re)produces the distinct lithological boundaries in the fill as marked changes in sedimentation rate. Especially the organo-clastic muddy facies subdivides in centennial intervals of relative faster and slower accumulation. For such intervals, sedimentation rates are produced that deviate 10–20% from that in simpler stepped linear age-models. For irregularly laminated muddy intervals of the oxbow fill – from which meaningful sampling for radiocarbon dating is more difficult than from peaty or slowly accumulating organic lake sediments – supplementing spotty radiocarbon sampling with continuous sedimentary proxy data creates more realistic age-depth modelling results.  相似文献   

The Andean Cordillera and piedmont significantly influence river system and dynamics, being the source of many of the important rivers of the Amazon basin. The Beni River, whose upper sub‐catchments drain the Andean and sub‐Andean ranges, is a major tributary of the Madeira River. This study examines the river in the south‐western Amazonian lowlands of Bolivia, where it develops mobile meanders. Channel migration, meander‐bend morphology and ox‐bow lakes are analysed at different temporal and spatial scales. The first part of this study was undertaken with the aim to link the erosion–deposition processes in the active channel with hydrological events. The quantification of annual erosion and deposition areas shows high inter‐annual and spatial variability. In this study, we investigate the conditions of sediment exportation in the river in relation to three hydrological parameters (flood intensity, date of discharge peak and duration of the bank‐full stage level). The second part of this study, focusing on the abandoned meanders, analyses the cutoff processes and the post‐abandonment evolution during 1967–2001. This approach shows the influence of the active channel behaviour on the sediment diffusion and sequestration of the abandoned meanders and allows us to build a first model of the contemporary floodplain evolution. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Neck cutoffs and their resultant oxbow lakes are important and prominent features of riverine landscapes. Detailed field-based research focusing on the morphologic evolution of neck cutoffs is currently insufficient to fully characterize cutoff evolution. High-resolution bathymetric data were collected over 3 years for the purpose of determining channel morphology and morphologic change on three actively evolving neck cutoffs. Results indicate the following general trends in morphologic adjustment: (1) a longitudinal bar in the upstream meander limb that develops near the entrance to the abandoned bend; (2) a deep scour hole in the downstream meander limb immediately downstream of the cutoff channel; (3) erosion of the bank opposite the cutoff in the downstream meander limb; (4) a cutoff bar in the downstream meander limb at the junction corner of the cutoff channel and the downstream meander limb; and (5) perching of the exit of the abandoned bend above the cutoff channel due to channel bed incision. The results presented herein were used to develop a conceptual model that depicts the morphologic evolution of highly curving neck cutoffs. The findings of this research are combined with recent analyses of the three-dimensional flow structure through neck cutoffs to provide a mechanistic explanation for the morphodynamics of neck cutoffs. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Channel meander dynamics in fluvial systems and many tidal systems result from erosion of concave banks coupled with sediment deposition on convex bars. However, geographic information system (GIS) analysis of historical aerial photographs of the Skagit Delta marshes provides examples of an alternative meander forming process in a rapidly prograding river delta: deposition‐dominated tidal channel meander formation through a developmental sequence beginning with sandbar formation at the confluence of a blind tidal channel and delta distributary, proceeding to sandbar colonization and stabilization by marsh vegetation to form a marsh island opposite the blind tidal channel outlet, followed by narrowing of the gap between the island and mainland marsh, closure of one half of the gap to join the marsh island to the mainland, and formation of an approximately right‐angle blind tidal channel meander bend in the remaining half of the gap. Topographic signatures analogous to fluvial meander scroll bars accompany these planform changes. Parallel sequences of marsh ridges and swales indicate locations of historical distributary shoreline levees adjacent to filled former island/mainland gaps. Additionally, the location of marsh islands within delta distributaries is not random; islands are disproportionately associated with blind tidal channel/distributary confluences. Furthermore, blind tidal channel outlet width is positively correlated with the size of the marsh island that forms at the outlet, and the time until island fusion with mainland marsh. These observations suggest confluence hydrodynamics favor sandbar/marsh island development. The transition from confluence sandbar to tidal channel meander can take as little as 10 years, but more typically occurs over several decades. This depositional blind tidal channel meander formation process is part of a larger scale systemic depositional process of delta progradation that includes distributary elongation, gradient reduction, flow‐switching, shoaling, and narrowing. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Floodplain wetlands are common features of rivers in southern Africa, but they have been little studied from a geological or geomorphological perspective. Study of the upper Klip River, eastern Free State, South Africa, indicates strong geological controls on the formation of alluvial meanders and associated floodplain wetlands. Along this river, pronounced and abrupt changes in valley width are strongly linked to lithological variations. Where weakly cemented sandstone crops out, the Klip has laterally eroded bedrock and carved valleys up to 1500 m wide. In these valleys, the river meanders (sinuosity up to ~1·75) on moderate gradients (<0·001) within extensive floodplains marked by numerous oxbow lakes, backswamps and abandoned channels, many of which host substantial wetlands. In contrast, where highly resistant dolerite crops out, lateral erosion of bedrock is restricted, with the Klip tending instead to erode vertically along joints or fractures. Here, valleys are narrower (<200 m), channel‐bed gradients are steeper (>0·003), the river follows a much straighter course (sinuosity ~1·10–1·34), and floodplains are restricted in width. Long‐term landscape development in the Klip and numerous similar catchments depends on the interaction between fluvial processes in the sandstone and dolerite valleys. In the sandstone valleys, vertical erosion rates are controlled by erosion rates of the more resistant dolerites downstream. Hence, in the short‐ to medium‐term (decades to tens of thousands of years), lateral erosion dominates over vertical erosion, with the river concomitantly planing sandstone in the channel floor and reworking floodplain sediments. The thickness of alluvial fill in the sandstone valleys is limited (<4 m), but the resultant meanders are naturally dynamic, with processes such as point bar deposition, cutoff formation and channel avulsion resulting in an assemblage of fluvial landforms. In the longer term (greater than tens of thousands of years), however, vertical erosion will occur in the sandstone valleys as the downstream dolerites are lowered by erosion, resulting in channel incision, floodplain abandonment, and desiccation of the wetlands. Identification of the geological controls on meander and wetland formation provides information vital for the design of effective management guidelines for these ecologically rich habitats, and also contributes to a better understanding of rivers that are intermediate between fully alluvial and fully bedrock. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The evolution of meander bends and formation of cutoffs, including a series of cutoffs developed simultaneously in a number of bends, have been investigated by many researchers. However, relatively little is known about factors that lead to the development of multiple cutoffs that are formed subsequently at one location. The present study aims to determine the influence of meander bend development on multiple chute cutoff formation in a single bend. The research is based on the sedimentary record of meander migration and cutoffs preserved in a lowland river floodplain (the lower Obra River, Poland). Analysis of changes in meander geometry was conducted to describe the influence of their migration on cutoff formation and in other rivers where multiple cutoffs occurred. The results showed that multiple cutoffs in the lower Obra River have occurred during the last 3000 years, owing to the interaction of upstream and downstream controls: migration of meander bends in opposing directions accompanied by an increase of flood frequency and sediment supply. The flow and sediment supply has been further altered since the nineteenth century due to anthropogenic impacts: an artificial cutoff of the downstream bend and elevation of channel levées. Similar mechanisms driving the formation of multiple cutoff have been found in other river courses, despite significantly higher energy of the compared rivers. Moreover, development of a confined‐shape bend (caused by artificial barrier or autogenic bend behaviour) may also favour the formation of multiple cutoffs. However, counter migration of meanders enhanced by increased flood frequency and sediment supply are primary triggers for such events. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We explore the fluvial response to faulting in three low‐gradient, sand‐bed rivers in south‐eastern Louisiana, USA, that flow across active normal faults from footwall (upstream) to hangingwall (downstream). We calculate sinuosity, migration rate and migration direction in order to identify anomalies spatially associated with fault scarps. In two of the rivers we model one‐dimensional steady water flow to identify anomalies in surface water slope, width‐to‐depth ratio, and shear stress. In each of these rivers there is one location where flow modeling suggests potential channel incision through the footwall, as indicated by relatively high surface water slopes and shear stress values. In one of these footwall locations, the river straightens and width‐to‐depth ratios decrease, likely contributing to higher surface water slopes and shear stress. This is in contrast to previous studies that have proposed increased sinuosity across fault footwalls and decreased sinuosity across hangingwalls. However, in two hangingwall locations we also observe relatively less sinuous channels. Other planform changes on the hangingwall include topographic steering of channels along and towards the fault and one example of an avulsion. The most notable anomaly in migration rate occurs on the hangingwall of a fault where a river has cut off a meander loop. Although fluvial response to faulting varies here, comparatively large and small channels exhibit similar responses. Further, Pleistocene fault slip rates are orders of magnitude lower than the channel migration rates, suggesting that faulting should not be a major influence on the fluvial evolution. Nonetheless, notable channel anomalies exist near faults, suggesting that recent fault slip rates are higher than Pleistocene rates, and/or that low‐gradient alluvial channels are more sensitive to faulting than previous studies have suggested. Rivers appear to be influenced by faulting in this setting, however background rates of meander loop cutoff may be just as influential as faulting. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although alluvial cutoffs record accurately the geometry, bedforms, and bed material of the channel when last active, few attempts have been made to use cutoffs in studies of channel changes. A detailed record of historical channel changes on the lower Hunter River in southeastern Australia has shown that this channel responds to naturally alternating periods of high and low flood activity, called flood- and drought-dominated regimes respectively. Sinuosity decreased from 3·84 in 1870, to 2·66 in 1893 and to 1·38 in 1970 through the development of eight cutoffs. The channel also aggraded with medium sand burying the former bed material of mixed mud, coarse sand, and gravel. Channel straightening was a response to increased flood frequencies during the flood-dominated regimes of the late 19th and 20th centuries, combined with localized river engineering works and increased sand load. Detailed stratigraphic studies were carried out on three neck cutoffs and one chute cutoff which were abandoned in 1890, 1950, 1952, and 1956. A comparison of former and present bed elevations and bed material size showed similar trends to those determined by the historical record, confirming the reliability of cutoffs as indicators of former channel conditions. The sedimentary infills of the cutoffs are not uniformly fine grained as recorded previously in the literature. Relatively thin, fine-grained fills were deposited during the drought-dominated regime of the first half of this century but thick, coarser-grained fills were deposited after 1949 during the flood-dominated regime. All fills fine upwards. Cutoff infills provide a record of changing flood activity and sediment loads.  相似文献   

Over a period of several decades, gullies have been observed in various stages of forming, growing and completing the cutoff of meander necks in Powder River. During one episode of overbank flow, water flowing over the down-stream bank of the neck forms a headcut. The headcut migrates up-valley, forming a gully in its wake, until it has traversed the entire neck, cutting off the meander. The river then follows the course of the gully, which is subsequently enlarged as the river develops its new channel. The complete process usually requires several episodes of high water: in only one of the five cases described herein was a meander cutoff initiated and completed during a single large flood. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The middle Amazon River, between the confluences of the Negro and Madeira Rivers in Brazil, shows an anastomosing morphology with relatively stable, multiple interconnected channels that locally enclose floodbasins. Additionally, this system is characterized by sinuous secondary channels with meander development, discontinuous natural levees concentrated on the concave banks and extensively distributed scroll bars mainly in the islands, related to subrecent and present‐day migration of mainly secondary channels. This distinguishes the Amazon from many other anastomosing rivers that have laterally stable, non‐meandering channels. We analyzed sedimentary processes using field data, morphology and channel changes trough a temporal analysis using remote sensing data and obtained optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to understand the genesis of this large anastomosing river and the development of its meandering secondary channels. Scroll bars have developed in a multichannel river system at least since 7.5 ± 0.85 ka. Avulsion is inferred to have played a minor role in the formation of this anastomosing system, with only one documented case while mid‐channel bar formation and chute cut‐offs of the main and secondary channels are the main formative mechanisms of anastomosis in this system. Differences in resistance to erosion control the relatively straight main channel and allow secondary channels to develop a meandering platform. Vegetation contributes to the relative stability of islands and the floodplain. Low gradient and high average aggradation rate (1.1 mm yr?1) are conditions which favor the development of anastomosis. Additionally, stable external conditions, low abandonment rate of older channels and independence from high avulsion frequency suggest a long‐lived, semi‐static type of anastomosing river in this reach of the Amazon. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Anastomosing rivers have multiple interconnected channels that enclose flood basins. Various theories potentially explain this pattern, including an increased discharge conveyance and sediment transport capacity of multiple channels, deltaic branching, avulsion forced by base‐level rise, or a tendency to avulse due to upstream sediment overloading. The former two imply a stable anabranching channel pattern, whereas the latter two imply disequilibrium and evolution towards a single‐channel pattern in the absence of avulsion. Our objective is to test these hypotheses on morphodynamic scenario modelling and data of a well‐documented case study: the upper Columbia River. Proportions of channel and floodplain sediments along the river valley were derived from surface mapping. Initial and boundary conditions for the modelling were derived from field data. A 1D network model was built based on gradually varied flow equations, sediment transport prediction, mass conservation, transverse slope and spiral meander flow effects at the bifurcations. The number of channels and crevasse splays decreases in a downstream direction. Also, measured sediment transport is higher at the upstream boundary than downstream. These observations concur with bed sediment overloading from upstream, which can have caused channel aggradation above the surrounding floodplain and subsequent avulsion. The modelling also indicates that avulsion was likely caused by upstream overloading. In the model, multi‐channel systems inevitably evolve towards single‐channel systems within centuries. The reasons are that symmetric channel bifurcations are inherently unstable, while confluenced channels have relatively less friction than two parallel channels, so that more discharge is conveyed through the path with more confluences and less friction. Furthermore, the present longitudinal profile curvature of the valley could only be reproduced in the model by temporary overfeeding. We conclude that this anastomosing pattern is the result of time‐varying sediment overloading and is not an equilibrium pattern feature, and suggest this is valid for many anastomosing rivers. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The process of channelization on river floodplains plays an essential role in regulating river sinuosity and creating river avulsions. Most channelization occurs within the channel belt (e.g. chute channels), but growing evidence suggests some channels originate outside of the channel‐belt in the floodplain. To understand the occurrence and prevalence of these floodplain channels we mapped 3064 km2 of floodplain in Indiana, USA using 1.5 m resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data. We find the following range of channelization types on floodplains in Indiana: 6.8% of floodplain area has no evidence of channelization, 55.9% of floodplains show evidence (e.g. oxbow lakes) of chute‐channel activity in the channel belt, and 37.3% of floodplains contain floodplain channels that form long, coherent down‐valley pathways with bifurcations and confluences, and they are active only during overbank discharge. Whereas the first two types of floodplains are relatively well studied, only a few studies have recognized the existence of floodplain channels. To understand why floodplain channels occur, we compared the presence of channelization types with measured floodplain width, floodplain slope, river width, river meander rate, sinuosity, flooding frequency, soil composition, and land cover. Results show floodplain channels occur when the fluvial systems are characterized by large floodplain‐to‐river widths, relatively higher meandering rates, and are dominantly used for agriculture. More detailed reach‐scale mapping reveals that up to 75% of channel reaches within floodplain channels are likely paleo‐meander cutoffs. The meander cutoffs are connected by secondary channels to form floodplain channels. We suggest that secondary channels within floodplains form by differential erosion across the floodplain, linking together pre‐existing topographic lows, such as meander cutoffs. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the assessment of relationships between flow and macrozoobenthos structure that was performed in a reconnected oxbow lake located in the S?upia River floodplain (northern Poland). The lake was created during river straightening at the beginning of 20th century by cutting off the right‐bank meander. The oxbow restoration was performed to enhance the ecological viability of this water body and restore riverine wetland. In July 2000 the oxbow was connected with the river channel through PVC pipes which enabled free water movement. Macrozoobenthos sampling, as well as chemical analyses of water and hydrological measurements, took place both before and after the oxbow reconnection. Before the oxbow reconnection, the dominant species was Asellus aquaticus, whereas after the reconnection the structure of benthic species changed significantly. During the first year it was replaced by bivalves and Chironomidae larvae and then A. aquaticus. After the reconnection, macrozoobenthos mean density was 5‐fold higher and the mean wet biomass was 77‐fold higher than before the reconnection. The number of taxa increased from 4 before the oxbow reconnection to 17 during the first year after the performed works and 20 in the next year. We stated that the revitalization process of the reconnected oxbow lake has long‐term consequences for the benthic communities. The most significant feature of the oxbow reconnection is the qualitative and quantitative recolonization by riverine macrozoobenthos species. The performed restoration significantly improved ecological status of the oxbow lake by the increase in biodiversity and water quality.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influences of palaeohydrology and geological‐topographic inheritance in shaping the channel of the lower River Suir, southeast Ireland. Results of acoustic surveys of the lower River Suir and Waterford Harbour reveal two scales of pseudo‐cyclic river bedforms. Longitudinal elevation profiles of the geological topography (undulating bedrock and till‐mantled bedrock) bounding the present floodplain swath reveal pseudo‐cyclicity in that terrain too. Spectral and statistical analyses are used to quantify the cyclicity of the long profile and geological‐topographic series. These methods show that the dominant cyclicity of the long profile reflects autocorrelation more than inheritance of cyclicity from the bounding geological topography. The cyclicity of the long profile mainly reflects a hydraulic control on pool‐spacing, although some cyclicity probably has been inherited from the geological‐topography. Channel‐forming palaeodischarge is estimated based on the dominant pool‐spacing revealed by spectral analysis, validated using relationships between meander wavelength, channel cross‐sectional geometry and hydraulically‐informed discharge reconstruction. The palaeodischarge estimates are in close agreement and are two orders of magnitude greater than present flood maxima. Significantly, these palaeodischarge estimates also agree closely with palaeodischarge calculated for the submerged Pleistocene palaeochannel that extends across the near‐shore continental shelf from Waterford Harbour. The pool‐sequence of the lower Suir and the submerged palaeochannel represent a former land‐system that was active during a period of low relative sea level during the last glacial. More broadly, the paper offers insights into the landscape evolution of formerly glaciated regions that experienced very wide discharge variability during and after the transition from glacial to interglacial regimes, in a context of complex relative sea level change. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the Holocene valley floor of the River Lippe, Germany, are atypical for a river in central Europe. The valley floor consists of three terrace levels, which are not always clearly separated from each other. Analysis of the sediments making up the terraces indicates that they accumulated during the course of the entire Holocene, although there is insufficient information available to allow detailed determination of phases of fluvial change and stability responsible for terrace formation. Two of the terraces exist only in the lower reaches of the valley, where they converge and diverge with the third. The lowest terrace consists only of a narrow strip, running parallel to the river channel. The configuration of the valley floor may be explained by a series of anthropogenic influences. The earliest human impact probably occurred about 2000 years ago when, during their campaign against German tribes, the Romans built a towpath and may have changed the channel planform from its natural, anabranching pattern to a meandering form by building small dams on local distributary forks. Implementation of artificial meander cut‐offs to improve navigation on the river began in medieval times. The morphological response to these human interventions was primarily degradational. In the 19th century, artificial lateral fill was used to narrow the channel and the towpath was renewed several times. The trace of the most recent towpath is still discernible as a narrow strip parallel to the river channel, and it constitutes the lowest terrace level. Comparison between the bankfull discharge of a 4000‐year‐old abandoned channel and the formative flow for the modern channel supports the premise that, prior to anthropomorphic influence, the natural planform was anabranched. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Haiyan Yang 《水文研究》2020,34(17):3702-3717
Gravel-bed braided rivers are highly energetic fluvial systems characterized by frequent in-channel avulsions, which govern the morphodynamics of such rivers and are essential for them to maintain a braided planform. However, the avulsion mechanisms within natural braided rivers remain unclear due to their complicated hydraulic and morphodynamic processes. Influenced by neighbouring channels, avulsions in braided rivers may differ from those of bifurcations in single-thread rivers, suggesting that avulsions should be studied within the context of the entire braid network. In this study, braiding evolution processes in gravel-bed rivers were simulated using a physics-based numerical model that considers graded bed-load transport by dividing sediment particles into multiple size fractions and vertical sediment sorting by dividing the riverbed into several vertical layers. The numerical model successfully produced braiding processes and avulsion activities similar to those observed in a laboratory river. Results show that bend evolution of the main channel was the fundamental process controlling the occurrence of avulsions in the numerical model, with a cyclic process of channel meandering by lateral migration that transitioned to a straight channel pattern by avulsion. The radius of bend curvature for triggering avulsions in the numerical model was measured and it was found that the highest probability for a channel bend to generate an avulsion occurs when its radius of curvature is approximately 2.0–3.3 times the average anabranch width. Other types of avulsion were also observed that did not occur specifically at meander bends, but upstream meander evolution indirectly influenced such avulsions by altering channel pattern and discharge to those locations. This study explored the processes and mechanisms of several types of avulsion, and proposed factors controlling their occurrence, namely increasing channel curvature, high shear stress, tributary discharge, riverbed gradient and upstream channel pattern, with high shear stress being a direct indicator. Furthermore, avulsions in a typical gravel-bed braided river, the Waimakariri River in New Zealand, were analysed using sequential Google Earth maps, which confirmed the conclusions derived from the numerical simulation.  相似文献   

This study presents the first detailed field‐based analysis of the morphology of bifurcations within anabranching cobble–gravel rivers. Bifurcations divide the flow of water and sediment into downstream anabranches, thereby influencing the characteristics of the anabranches and the longevity of river islands. The history, morphology, bed grain size, and flow vectors at five bifurcations on the Renous River, New Brunswick, Canada, were studied in detail. The angles of bifurcations within five anabranching rivers in the Miramichi basin were investigated. The average bifurcation angle was 47°, within the range of values cited for braided river bifurcations. Bifurcation angle decreased when anabranches were of similar length. Shields stresses in channels upstream of bifurcations were lower than reported values for braided rivers. Stable bifurcations displayed lower Shields stresses than unstable bifurcations, contrary to experimental results from braided river bifurcations. Bifurcations in anabranching rivers are stabilized by vegetation that slows channel migration and helps to maintain a uniform upstream flow field. The morphology of stable bifurcations enhances their stability. A large bar, shaped like a shallow ramp that increases in elevation to floodplain level, forms at stable bifurcations. Floodplains at stable bifurcations accrete upstream at rates between 0·9 and 2·5 m a?1. Bars may also form within the entrance of an anabranch downstream of the bifurcation node. These bars are associated with bifurcation instability, forming after a period of stability or an avulsion. Channel abandonment occurs when a bar completely blocks the entrance to one anabranch. The stability of channels upstream of bifurcations and the location of bars at bifurcations influence bifurcation stability and the maintenance of river anabranching in the long term. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Avulsion, the natural relocation of a river, is a key process in the evolution of subaerial fans, river floodplains and deltas. The causes of avulsion are poorly understood, which is partly due to the scarcity of field studies of present avulsions. At present, two avulsions are occurring on the middle and lower Taquari megafan, Pantanal basin, south‐western Brazil. Here we present an analysis of the causes of these avulsions based on field and remote sensing data and show that avulsions on megafans can be controlled by both upstream and downstream processes. The middle fan avulsion (started in 1997–1998) is a result of upstream control: overbank aggradation was caused by the (variable) input of sandy sediment into the system, which caused channel‐belt superelevation and also created an easily erodible subsurface favouring bank retreat, crevassing, and scour of deep floodplain channels. The sandy subsurface in this area is inferred to have been a major factor in the causation of this avulsion under conditions of little gradient advantage. The lower fan avulsion (started c. 1990) results from interplay of upstream and downstream controls, the latter being related to the local base level (the Paraguay River floodplain) at the toe of the fan. Channel and overbank aggradation on the lower fan was influenced by fan sub‐lobe progradation and channel backfilling. Fan sub‐lobe progradation caused a significant gradient advantage of the avulsion channel over the parent channel. Avulsions are commonly supposed to be preferentially triggered by high‐magnitude floods, when there is considerable channel‐belt superelevation. However, both avulsions studied by us were triggered by small to average floods, with modest channel‐belt superelevation. We conclude that flood magnitude and channel‐belt superelevation have been overrated as causes of avulsion, and demonstrate additional causes that influence the growth of crevasses into avulsions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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