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我国尾矿库数量多、规模小、安全度水平低,是重大危险源的一种类型。近年来,尾矿库溃坝事故频频发生,所造成的环境危害极其严重,尾矿库环境风险问题已成为环保部门最为关注的焦点之一。因此,对尾矿库进行有效的监测和评价刻不容缓,对尾矿库开展环境风险评价因而也具有重要的理论和现实意义。遥感技术与地理信息系统技术相结合,不仅可以满足大范围内尾矿库风险监测的需要,而且可以动态分析尾矿库及周边环境的变化情况,为环保部门进行尾矿库风险排查和风险管理提供重要依据。基于层次分析方法,对翁福尾矿库进行环境风险评价,对尾矿库环境风险管理有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

岳阳临湘市没有戈壁,却有一片大漠. 这片"江南大漠"并非天然而成,而是建设的历史烙印,是由临湘市桃林铅锌矿(简称"桃矿")半个多世纪开发留下的矿砂堆积而成. 如今,通过治理,这片"江南大漠"已经变成了绿洲. 7月初,来到尾矿库之中,映入眼帘的是满眼的绿色:一片片的松树已经成林,新开垦土地上的玉米和黄豆已是绿油油的一片. 临湘桃矿的复绿只是有着"有色金属之乡"和"非有色金属之乡"之称的湖南矿山地质环境恢复与治理的一个个案.  相似文献   

日前,安监总局、发改委、工信部、国土资源部、环保部五部门下发意见,要求进一步加强尾矿库监管,严格控制新建尾矿库、独立选矿厂建设项目,尤其是库容小于100万立方米、服务年限少于5年的尾矿库建设项目。  相似文献   

岳阳金都金矿尾矿库左岸山体出现多处地面裂缝,对尾矿库的安全运行已构成潜在威胁,如不及时采取有效措施进行处理,势必形成较大的地面塌陷区,构成地质灾害。对该矿地面裂缝成因、发展趋势进行了浅析,并建议对山体下老窿(采空)进行回填或灌浆处理。  相似文献   

针对尾矿库表面位移监测问题,文章以广西河池市南丹县灰岭尾矿库为例,设计了一套基于GNSS监测技术的尾矿库自动化监测平台。测试结果显示,该平台具有良好的监测精度,能够满足尾矿库表面位移监测的需要。  相似文献   

岳阳金都金矿尾矿库左岸山体出现多处地面裂缝,对尾矿库的安全运行已构成潜在威胁,如不及时采取有效措施进行处理,势必形成较大的地面塌陷区,构成地质灾害.对该矿地面裂缝成因、发展趋势进行了浅析,并建议对山体下老窿(采空)进行回填或灌浆处理.  相似文献   

  栾川县矿产资源丰富,矿业开发历史悠久,矿业经济发展迅猛,催生和孵化出了一大批与之相配套的选矿企业,也随之出现了与其相配套的277座各类尾矿库。在277座尾矿库中,目前已闭库73座、正常运行63座、试运行10座、停闭库131座。  相似文献   

正今年以来,河南省地矿局第一地质矿产调查院在洛阳大力开展尾矿库调查工作。目前,436座尾矿库全部完成野外地质调查,转入报告编写阶段。据了解,洛阳地区现存尾矿库436座,以山谷型尾矿库的湿式堆存为主,总库容量达3.53亿立方米。这些尾矿存量已是洛阳产出量最大、堆存量最多的固体废弃物,存在巨大生态环境及安全生产隐患,其中仅栾川一县头顶库数量就占全国的  相似文献   

美国现有各类矿山约11000个,尾矿库约2250座。其中煤矿尾矿库约1500座,坝高20英尺,占地20英亩以上的大中型尾矿库750余座;非煤矿山尾矿库约750座。近20年来,美国政府致力于安全法规的制定、完善和推行,使矿山死亡率、事故率大大下降,非煤矿山死亡人数已由20世纪70年代的每年死亡200多人降至1989年的48人。美国联邦政府的法典中有详尽的矿山安全卫生法规及条例,  相似文献   

经验:设计标准高、工程质量好首先是尾矿库设计方面。尾矿库的洪水设计标准高,最低标准为百年一遇的洪水,大中型库均需按最大可能洪水或1/2最大可能洪水进行设计;尾矿坝设计稳定性安全系数高,规定标准为1.5,大于我国的标准;尾矿库上有或库外一般设截洪设施,最大限度减少入库洪水量;尾矿库内保持较长的干坡段,尽力降低库内水位,使水面远离坝体;  相似文献   

归纳总结了四川盆地珍珠冲组植物化石7类50属128种,须家河组植物化石10类71属267种,并将珍珠冲组植物群划分为上、下两个组合.通过分析两组植物群的发育特点及演化规律,结合区域有关资料,对侏罗系与三叠系界线进行了厘定.在四川盆地北部大巴山前缘地区,依据珍珠冲组(白田坝组)的岩性特征和所含植物化石特征,将侏罗系与三叠系的界线置于含Coniopteris植物化石的珍珠冲组(白田坝组)底部石英质砾岩或石英砂岩之下的假整合面或剥蚀面上;在四川盆地东北部的云阳、奉节及长江以南万县地区,侏罗系与三叠系的界线划在云阳南溪剖面上含Coniopteris murrayana植物化石8.3 m之下的珍珠冲组黄绿色泥质粉砂岩夹粉砂质泥岩地层之底.  相似文献   

Impact factors on the salinity budget,especially the eddy salt fluxes and smaller-scale diffusive salt fluxes for the upper 50 m of the Bay of Bengal(BoB) in 2014 are investigated using a box model based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System(ROMS) daily outputs.The model results reproduce that the precipitation and river runoffs are the dominant factors modulating the sharp salinity decrease during the summer monsoon season.The analysis shows that the salinity increase after the summer monsoon is mostly due to the meridional advective and diffusive salt fluxes.The vertical advective salt flux,which is sensitive to the different signals of the wind stress curl,plays an important role in balancing the salinity change induced by the meridional advective salt flux during both the summer and winter monsoon seasons.Distinctive spatial mesosc ale structures are presented in the eddy salt flux throughout the year,and their contributions are sizeable(over 30% in the meridional direction and about 10%-30% in the vertical direction).The meridional eddy salt flux is larger in the monsoon seasons than that in the inter-monsoon seasons,and in a positive pattern near the western boundary during the winter monsoon and autumn inter-monsoon.The vertical eddy salt flux makes an important contribution to the salinity budget,especially along the coastal area and around the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.The vertical eddy salt flux becomes large when a tropical cyclone passes the area.  相似文献   

异常筛选工作优于传统方法,本次研究的成果对桐柏山-大别山地区寻找钼、钨矿床具有较强的指导意义。   相似文献   

Among the factors influencing tourist trail network development are political issues, including the presence of state borders, the possibility of crossing them and the accessibility of border zones. In the article, it was decided to look at changes in the offer of tourist trails(hiking and cycling) along the entire border of the Czech Republic after the extension of the Schengen area(within this area, crossing the border is possible anywhere, and not only at official border crossings). It should be emphasized here that the borders of the Czech Republic over most of their length run through mountainous areas and, apart from political factors, natural features should have a major impact on the development of tourist routes. In order to determine the coherence of the current network of trails on both sides of the Czech Republic state border, modern tourist maps have been analyzed, determining the number of places where it is possible to cross the state border with the help of a marked tourist trail. Based on that, two indicators were introduced to determine the degree of openness with all neighboring countries as regards the opportunity to cross on a tourist trail. Changes in the historical situation, a comparison of the accessibility of the border area before entering the Schengen area and 2019, were analyzed for two study areas using archival maps. Over a decade after the extension of the Schengen area, the number of places where tourist trails of neighboring countries approach the border has clearly increased. Crossing is more often made possible using hiking trails than cycling routes(trails of the first type cross the border every 7.91 km, while the latter every 13.3 km), but considering the speed of movement, it can be assessed that the openness for cyclists is higher than for hikers. Moreover, in many places there is still significant potential for further integration of tourist trail networks as trails created in one country often do not have a continuation on the other side of the border.  相似文献   

Habitat richness influences and even determines biological diversity. Plant habitat suitability assessment can provide technical guidance and information support for ecological restoration. Thirteen factors in three categories of terrain, meteorology and soil were chosen to build a habitat suitability assessment index framework in the Upper Reaches of the Min River, based on the local natural environment and the actual influencing factors of vegetative growth. Combined with the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) and entropy method, which were used to calculate weights of indexes, habitat suitability was studied by using a multi-objective linear weighting model and geographic information systems(GIS) spatial analysis techniques. The assessment results are as follows: Altitude, soil stability, aspect and slope have more important effects on plant habitat suitability in the Upper Reaches of the Min River, and their weights are 0.311, 0.260, 0.198 and 0.125, respectively. Suitable and sub-suitable habitats cover 4431.80 km2 and 6171.12 km2, respectively; most of which are distributed along both sides of rivers and have higher suitability. Unsuitable habitats cover the largest area(6679.76 km2), accounting for 29.83% of the whole area; and the worst unsuitable habitats are 5107.23 km2(22.81%); they account for more than half of the studyarea. These results indicate that the plant habitat in the Upper Reaches of the Min River is poor and ecological restoration is both urgent and difficult. Therefore, based on the principle of taking measures suitable to the habitat in ecological restoration projects, ecological and engineering measures should be combined to have better effects, while increasing the strength of ecological protection.  相似文献   

介绍了泰州市在推进国土资源管理走上法制化轨道的过程中采取的一系列措施.从健全规章制度,规范执法行为,实行责任追究制度,制约行政权力到严格考核奖惩,确保各项措施落到实处,便民服务,公开接受社会监督等,取得了明显的成效.  相似文献   

CTD data on standard levels coolected during July and December in 1998 and the cubic spline interpolating method were used to study the characteristics of the transition layer temperature and salinity.The thermocline undergoes remarkable seasonal variation in the South China Sea (SCS),and especially in the region of the north shelf where the thermocline disappears in december.The thermocline is stronger and thicker in July than in December,There is no obvious seasonal variation in the halocline.Due to the upper Ekman transport caused by monsoon over the SCS,the thermocline slopes upward in July and downward in december from east to west in the northern SCS.The characteristics of the thermocline and halocline are influenced by local eddies in the SCS.The Zhujiang diluted flow influences significantly the SCS shelf‘s halocline.  相似文献   

煤矿断层导水是引起煤矿水害问题的主要因素之一,对煤矿断层的导水性勘查与评价是煤田水文地质研究中的重要课题,也是煤矿采区布置与安全开采必须解决的问题。在煤矿开采初期查明矿区内断层构造的空间分布及其含导水性,对指导煤矿安全生产具有重要的意义。在充分收集新安煤矿矿区地质、水文及物探资料的基础上,利用瞬变电磁技术,对区内断层等构造的含导水性进行了勘查,取得了良好的效果,为煤矿的开采设计和施工提供了参考依据,有效地预防了煤矿开采过程中安全事故的发生。  相似文献   

对广东省中山市三角镇的低盐度鱼虾混养池进行连续采样分析,结果表明,混养池中的蓝藻主要有螺旋藻(Spirulina sp.),鱼腥藻(Anabaena sp.),颤藻(Oscillatoria sp.)、铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)等,其中盐泽螺旋藻的优势度为0.52~0.73。蓝藻是水体中的优势微藻种群,蓝藻细胞数量占微藻细胞数量的88%~99%,蓝藻细胞数为0.99×10~9~5.89×l0~9 cell/L。混养池微藻多样性指数(H’)为1.16~2.49,养殖水体处于中度污染状态。溶解性无机氮的质量浓度为0.13~2.30 mg/L,正磷酸盐质量浓度为0.25~2.39 mg/L,化学需氧量的质量浓度为1.94~13.79 mg/L。微囊藻毒素(MC-LR)在水中质量浓度为0.18~0.79μg/L。蓝藻细胞数量与化学需氧量之间呈显著的正相关关系,表明蓝藻的生长情况与养殖池中的有机污染程度有密切联系,低盐度的富营养化的水体能促进蓝藻的生长,成为微藻群落中的优势种群。MC-LR的质量浓度与蓝藻细胞数量之间无显著相关。  相似文献   

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