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ABSTRACT. Theme towns are an often‐overlooked but significant form of tourism in rural areas. Many a small town across the United States, faced with a declining resource‐based economy, has turned to “theming” as an economic‐development strategy. In hopes of creating an alluring landscape, the built environment is radically transformed, and a variety of invented traditions are instituted. This article explores one such place‐Leavenworth, Washington‐that “went Bavarian” in the 1960s and is widely viewed as a success story. We examine four interrelated concepts that produce the symbolic economy of Leavenworth: emulation of other theme towns, authenticity, visual difference, and place marketing. After discussing each, we turn to the questions of how residents are affected by tourism and what it is like to live in Leavenworth.  相似文献   

新疆小城镇经济发展的投资趋向与重点研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
在分析国内外小城镇投资情况的基础上,重点对新疆146个小城镇投资情况进行了汇总、分析及典型调查研究,分析了新疆大部分小城镇的投资效益,指出了小城镇建设存在的问题。在此基础上提出了未来5年新疆小城镇经济发展投资的总体思路:以国家和自治区财政资金为引导资金,以市场为导向,结合小城镇各自的实际,吸引民间投资、银行贷款、国外投资等各种社会资金来促进小城镇产业的发展,形成新疆干旱区绿洲环境条件下具有地方民族特色的小城镇经济发展投资模式。并首次提出农、林、水、牧业投资与小城镇建设相结合的农业资金使用方法。  相似文献   

增长与收缩是区域转型发展过程中的世界性议题,然而其判别标准与驱动机制研究还比较薄弱。因而,论文构建人口、经济增长与收缩的判别标准和理论(驱动力—结果—响应)分析框架,利用统计数据与NPP/VIIRS系列遥感数据,借助ArcGIS可视化分析工具和广义加性模型探究黄河流域5268个乡镇增长与收缩的格局及影响因素。结果发现:黄河流域乡镇人口、经济增长与收缩并存,人口收缩乡镇主要集中在“几字湾”地区,经济收缩乡镇主要集中在上、中游地区,关中、中原以及山东半岛城市群是人口—经济增长的核心区域。乡镇增长与收缩可分为持续增长型(6.4%)、转型增长型(5.8%)、缓慢增长型(42.4%)与持续收缩型(45.4%)4种,增长型乡镇主要分布在下游地区,收缩型乡镇主要分布在上、中游地区,其中技术密集型、劳动密集型城市的乡镇增长态势明显,资源型城市收缩型乡镇所占比重较大。自然条件的多个阈值表明平原地区、高海拔地区的乡镇均存在增长优势,规模经济与交通区位整体对乡镇增长具有促进作用,但涓滴效应与外部性会造成乡镇的收缩。不同增长与收缩类型的乡镇应当探索因地制宜的增长与转型路径。  相似文献   

中国小城镇产业结构特征及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李国平  席强敏  吴爱芝  孙瑀 《地理科学》2018,38(11):1769-1776
分析揭示了2015年中国小城镇产业结构特征与空间差异,并利用加权最小二乘法实证估计了中国小城镇非农产业占比的影响因素。研究得出中国小城镇非农产业占比呈正态分布,非农产业占比较高的区域主要集中在东部沿海、长江经济带和边境口岸地区。东部地区小城镇非农产业占比呈负偏态分布,中部地区呈正态分布,而西部和东北地区则呈现正偏态分布特征,产业结构相对落后。小城镇规模、所在县域经济发展水平与小城镇非农产业占比显著正相关。县域第二产业占比提高带来的拉动效应略高于第三产业,小城镇产业更多的是为县域第二产业发展提供配套支撑。地级城市(地区、自治州、盟)规模的扩大对辖区内小城镇产业结构升级产生的扩散效应强于虹吸效应。  相似文献   

E. Nel  T. Hill   《Journal of Arid Environments》2008,72(12):2264-2274
Semi-arid areas are often considered to be environmentally and economically marginal, a situation which has been exacerbated by economic change, shifts in agricultural production and land use, and changing state policy. These themes are explored with reference to a semi-arid landscape, namely the Karoo, which covers some 40% of the geographic space of South Africa and is used primarily for extensive livestock farming. Despite long-term decline in agricultural output, the traditional mainstay of the region, and weakening small town economies, the Karoo's population and the economies of its largest service centres are growing. There are, real socio-economic needs and development backlogs, and the situation has been exacerbated by recent political marginalisation. In this study, the small towns of the region are focal points of investigation and provide a lens to investigate the changing demographic and economic dynamics of the Karoo. Most of the region's population lives in these centres which are service, collection, and distribution points for what traditionally has been an agriculture-based regional economy. This paper explores the concept of marginalisation with specific reference to historical, economic, and demographic change.  相似文献   

历史城镇的旅游商业化研究   总被引:71,自引:1,他引:70  
保继刚  苏晓波 《地理学报》2004,59(3):427-436
在实地调查苏州周庄古镇和云南丽江古城主要街道沿街铺面的基础上,通过对比不同时期的丽江古城的商业状况,以及丽江古城与周庄的商业状况,运用城市地租理论和集体选择理论,对历史城镇的旅游商业化进行动态的分析,结论是在缺乏外来预见性的干预下,旅游商业化出现在历史城镇中不可避免。通过同里的案例,表明在历史城镇的旅游开发过程中,政府的干预扮演比较重要的角色,政府的前瞻性措施能够控制旅游商业化。  相似文献   

李雪梅 《干旱区地理》2019,42(1):180-186
绿洲城镇组群是新疆特殊区域形成的规模相对较小的单一中心空间自组织模式。运用城市中心性指数、城市经济联系模型和Theil系数对新疆八大绿洲城镇组群内部城镇中心性、经济联系及空间差异测度。结果显示:绿洲城镇组群内部的中心城市的中心性职能较强,周边城镇的中心性职能相对较弱,形成了单中心的空间自组织模式;绿洲城镇组群内部经济联系量和经济联系隶属度大小的排序一致,离中心城市的距离越近、经济发展水平越高,经济联系隶属度越高;近10 a年来绿洲城镇组群的整体空间差异一直在扩大,且呈现出继续扩大趋势。在此基础上,提出了建立区域合作协调机制、明确城镇组群发展方向、增强中心城市的辐射带动作用、实现产业合理分工以及构建制度保障体系促进绿洲城镇组群的协同发展。  相似文献   

城镇建设是我国城市化发展和增加农民收入的重要途径。本文在肯定怀远县城镇化发展取得成就的同时,提出目前怀远县城镇建设中存在的问题主要有:城镇的规划和布局不合理、建设资金不足、基础设施发展滞后、高素质人才匮乏等。通过建立城镇发展水平评价指标体系对怀远县的城镇发展水平进行定量分析,认为怀远县小城镇发展目前处于由初级城镇化的前期向中期过渡的阶段。为促进怀远县小城镇的发展,作者选择了12个指标对怀远县各个乡镇的辐射力、潜力进行分析,并选取了8个中心镇进行重点建设。最后,作者就如何加快怀远县小城镇建设提出若干配套措施。  相似文献   

Development planners in arid areas face many difficulties in preparing appropriate strategies. Their task is made harder by the dearth of reliable demographic information. This paper presents population projections for the arid area of eastern Jordan covered by the Badia Research and Development Project and evaluates the economic and social implications of these projections over the next 20 years. The paper argues that conventional demographic forecasting methods are extremely problematic when applied to a population such as this. Furthermore, the pastoral economy, which has in the past been the main source of livelihood, cannot hope to sustain the region's future population. High fertility rates will continue to place great stress on the educational and health infrastructure. If appropriate planning responses are not achieved, the demographic regime of the Badia project area and the quality of life of the population may continue to diverge from the patterns found in other parts of Jordan.  相似文献   

中国东、西部小城镇比较研究--以甘肃与江苏为例   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:5  
王跃  史守正 《干旱区地理》2003,26(4):391-395
以江苏、甘肃两省56个中心小城镇的调查统计数据为基础,定量揭示了我国东、西部小城镇的一些主要社会、经济指标差异,探讨了造成差异的原因。指出要全面实现小康社会,要缩小城、乡差异和东、西部差异以及要顺利实现西部大开发的战略目标,西部小城镇的加速发展是必要条件。西部有大量相对贫困的农村剩余劳动力等待转移。只靠大中城市是无法吸纳他们的。由于多种条件所限,西部不可能发展建设东部那样许多大中城市,城市的规模应该小一些。西部目前迫切需要的是更多、更有活力的小城镇。西部小城镇发展虽然在地理环境和区位条件上不如东部,但只要在小城镇建设中注重地方特色、规划管理以及科技教育等方面的工作,就有可能逐步缩小与东部小城镇的差异。  相似文献   

王雪芹  刘盛和 《地理学报》2022,77(6):1490-1505
特色化发展模式对助力小城镇突破发展困境具有重要意义。本文从微观到中宏观视角提出“特色识别—特色优势度评价—特色综合定位”逻辑框架,构建“特色三步定位法”:① 特色识别基于多种传统方法及文本大数据处理,依据特色要素类别进行差异化方法构建;② 特色优势度评价主要根据不同特色要素类别选取不同指标或方法,采取同市域同类别横向比较的思路构建评价体系;③ 特色综合定位是结合国土空间类型分析,依托“自然要素类—文化要素类—区位要素类—产业要素类”的优先贯序构建方法。此外,以安徽省15个国家级特色小城镇为例开展实证研究,检验了“特色三步定位法”的可操作性及实践指导作用,并发现两成案例地特色要素定位不准,根源在于特色要素定位方法及技术规范的欠缺。未来,建议特色小城镇及时检验当前主导特色,其他小城镇需以特色要素准确定位为前提进行特色化开发。  相似文献   

Australia's large regional cities and towns display a wide variation in their adjustment to the socio-economic transitions that have occurred over the past decade. In terms of socio-economic advantage and disadvantage, these changes, often associated with globalisation, wider economic and technological restructuring, the changing demographics of the population and shifts in public policy, are not evenly dispersed across non-metropolitan regions. Such outcomes have been discussed across a variety of academic disciplines using a variety of data and methods, and the research undertaken has provided a useful grounding for contemporary studies both theoretically and methodologically. Analysis of new data provides an opportunity to extend and update our understanding. This paper presents an analysis of secondary data aimed at analysing non-metropolitan cities, towns and regions based on differential levels of socio-economic performance. Using an alternative clustering method, this paper groups non-metropolitan cities, towns and regions according to the degree to which they share similar socio-economic and demographic outcomes. These clusters form the basis of a typology representing the range of socio-economic and demographic outcomes at the non-metropolitan level.  相似文献   

华北平原城镇地名群的发展及其地理分布特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
孙冬虎 《地理研究》1990,9(3):49-56
本文分析了华北平原城镇地名群形成和演变的历史过程,以及经济、政治、军事、文化等因素在这一过程中的作用,探讨了区域城镇地名群的地理分布特征及其形成的历史地理背景,并预测了该地名群的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The economy of Western Australia has long been characterized by a heavy dependence on extractive industries. The past decade, however, has seen the mining industry expand very rapidly, with significant implications for the small towns that support the sector. In this article, we consider the socio-economic performance of these towns through an assessment of unemployment, welfare dependence and incomes. In contrast to many other studies of resource boomtowns that typically focus on a single locality or time period, in this study we focus explicitly on spatial and temporal variability. We examine the ways in which place-specific characteristics—the commodity produced, local economic diversity and basic demographic features of a town—interact and have contributed to change in socio-economic well-being of mining communities across Western Australia over a 10-year period.  相似文献   

基于A-T-R的旅游小城镇分类、评价与发展模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶慧  刘家明  朱鹤  李玏  王磊 《地理科学》2015,35(5):529-536
在科学界定旅游小城镇基础上,梳理旅游小城镇的分类标准,确立一类基于核心吸引物(A)—小镇(T)—乡村环境(R)的新分类方法,将旅游小城镇分为AT一体、AT分离、A+T+R联动与ATR创意再造4种类型。结合旅游小城镇发展中的实际状态,依据A、T、R三类初始条件不同组合情况提炼出六大旅游小城镇的发展模式,为旅游小城镇深层次研究提供参考和依据,进一步推动旅游小城镇的健康发展。  相似文献   

Yonghua Zou 《Urban geography》2018,39(7):1060-1069
The characteristic town program is one of China’s latest industrialization and urbanization strategies. Originating in Zhejiang, characteristic towns are expected to serve as platforms for industrial upgrading and the promotion urbanization. This paper attempts to analyze the characteristic town program by examining the reasons behind the origination of characteristic towns, as well as elucidating the towns’ components. The paper argues that this exploratory local program has been leveraged into a national-level strategy because the primary idea underlying characteristic towns has been in accordance with several of China’s critical policies. Furthermore, the paper presents the challenges that the characteristic town program has encountered. The characteristic town program can be viewed as a new effort of entrepreneurial governments and a spatial fix for capital during the period of industrial upgrading. This paper helps us to better understand one of China’s explorations in searching for a new dynamic of industrialization and urbanization.  相似文献   

新疆小城镇人口规模预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
小城镇人口的发展对新疆城镇化发展具有重要意义,其人口变动的各种信息将对新疆城镇的发展起到重要的参考作用。在对人口预测的主要方法进行比较的基础上,采用一元线性回归法、指数法、增长速度法和灰色系统GM(1,1)模型等对新疆小城镇2010、2015和2020年的总人口进行了预测。由于近年来新疆经济的加速发展,城镇化速度也将加快,小城镇人口将会出现较快的提高。故而,在综合考虑新疆小城镇人口发展的多种因素及未来新疆城镇发展趋势的基础上,针对各种预测方法的优缺点综合得出了新疆小城镇2010、2015和2020年的总人口数量。  相似文献   

Small towns are often considered as losing out in the current trend towards urban development. However, research from around Europe shows a great diversity of small town development, including successful development trajectories despite geographical disadvantages. Investigations into this are predominately done in the context of economic development and urban systems, but such approaches fail to explain why a number of small towns that are not centrally located near a metropolitan region are not in decay. This paper examines how the restructuring of retail and service sectors, demographic composition, residential migration, social organisation and community engagement form and affect small town (1000–5000 inhabitants) development patterns in Denmark and specific place-based endowments. The study is carried out with mixed methods, comprising a quantitative analysis of development trends, complemented by qualitative case studies in six small towns. Our findings show how favourable development paths are a combination of a positive development in population, provision of daily commodities and attractive housing, and a high number of local voluntary social organisations. Introducing the concept of ‘residential urbanism’, the paper discusses the extent to which a residentially driven urban development can compensate for the generally unfavourable regional development context.  相似文献   

大学城建设对广州城市发展的促进分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
肖玲 《地理科学》2003,23(4):499-503
知识经济时代的到来使得大学城成为最具时代特色的城市空间形态之一,大学城因此成为社会各界的关注焦点。在系统梳理中外有关大学城的概念,尝试从新角度重新认识大学城及其与大学园区、大学卫星城、大学城市、新科技城市的关系基础上,通过对广州大学城的实证研究,分析大学城对建设学习型城市、强化城市教育、文化、科技功能,改善城市空间结构,催生城市经济新增长点等方面的作用。  相似文献   

We discuss case studies of three South Island small towns: Ashburton, Timaru and Oamaru and their wider local authority jurisdictions, focusing on how local stakeholders are defining the issues facing these places and identifying, prioritising and investing in regeneration initiatives, sometimes with the support of central government and other external agencies. Our key finding is that small‐town regeneration is complex, demands a long‐term local collaborative approach, and significant investment in skills, information sharing and programme development, some of which needs to be provided by external, central government, agencies.  相似文献   

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