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水下主动声探测是水下目标探测的主要技术之一,其目标回波信号的模拟技术对水下作战防御、声呐和水中兵器以及水下目标探测系统的研制、实战操作训练等多项国防及民用领域具有十分重要的作用。 针对常见的 CW 和 LFM 主动声探测信号,开展了运动目标回波信号波形的重构技术研究。 在捕获得到主动声探测脉冲的条件下,利用“波形存储重发”的基本方法,根据运动目标相对运动速度,重新设置回波信号采样频率,从而实现宽带回波信号(LFM 信号)及窄带回波信号(CW 信号)的多普勒频移模拟。 根据目标回波时延信息,给出了目标回波时延重构模拟方法,并根据不同目标类型和入射方位给出了目标强度参数设置的参考。  相似文献   

为提高我国海底掩埋目标的探查技术,以适应不断发展的探测需求,文章综述了现有三维合成孔径声呐在海底掩埋目标探查中的应用现状,并对关键技术的发展方向进行了展望。结果表明:尽管三维合成孔径声呐在海底掩埋目标探查中具有较大的技术优势,但是由于技术难度大、复杂程度高,可提供成熟商用设备的单位仅有两家,中科探海研发的三维合成孔径声呐系统多项核心技术指标领先。运动误差估计和补偿技术,掩埋目标特征提取和识别分类算法,多通道大规模数据并行处理算法等关键技术将成为三维合成孔径声呐系统未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

由于水中声速较低,主动声呐完成量程范围的探测往往需要花费几秒甚至几十秒的时间,这个时间即为主动声呐的扫描周期。 主动声呐对目标的搜索、跟踪等处理都是按扫描周期进行的,目标信息刷新率较低,其上报系统进行目标诸元解算时同样具有这一特点。 为了提高声呐效能及系统解算效率,提出了一种无迹卡尔曼滤波(UKF) 与野值剔除相结合的目标实时航迹解算算法:首先在以声呐扫描周期为间隔获取的目标信息基础上,采用 UKF 预测出目标每秒方位、距离信息,并对野值点进行处理,实时地调整滤波增益或者进行野值计算,最后利用目标的位置信息解算出目标每秒的航速和航向信息。 通过目标在不同航向、 航速下的仿真实验,验证了本文算法的有效性和正确性。  相似文献   

通信节点之间相对移动产生的多普勒频率变化将会造成正交频分复用(Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing,OFDM)系统子载波干扰,影响 OFDM 通信系统性能。针对由收发端相对运动引起的子信道干扰,提出了 PEMD-WFFT(Pilot Empirical Mode Decomposition -Wavelet FFT)自适应均衡算法,该算法使用相干检测方法分离信号中心频率处的频偏分量,并使用 EMD 技术分解相干检测处理后的信号频率分量, 进而估计出多普勒引起的信号频偏,随后用 WFFT 多普勒抑制算法补偿残余多普勒。采用差分相干检测技术联合自适应随机梯度算法获得信号重构过程中的抽头系数,该方法具有良好的导频性能和信道追踪能力。与 WFFT 算法相比较,可以补偿更大的移速带来的多普勒频偏。最后进行了算法仿真,并做了水池实验初步检验了算法的可行性。  相似文献   

正"声呐太强,我屎都喷出来了!"这是《美人鱼》里邓超饰演的地产开发商在亲身体验公司研制的声呐功率后得出的结论。人鱼族因为强功率的声呐而遭受了灭顶之灾。那么,声呐到底对海洋生物有多大的影响呢?声呐系统使用声能来刻画海面下物体的物理性质并且对其定位。声呐应用非常广泛。按照频率分类,可以分为低频声呐、中频声呐和高频声呐;按照工作原理,也可以分为主动声呐和被动声呐。主动声呐主动发射声波"照射"目标,而后接收水中  相似文献   

针对拖线阵声呐反潜作战运用问题,分析了拖线阵声呐战术决策过程,提出了基于射线理论的主动拖线阵声呐搜索航线搜索效能统计模型。通过台湾以东海域主动拖线阵声呐声场仿真实例,分析了台湾以东海域海底地形对主动拖线阵声呐探测的影响,给出台湾以东海域主动拖线阵声呐反潜运用的相关建议。  相似文献   

OFDM传输技术能够克服水声信道中的多径传播并获得高的频谱效率,不需要复杂的自适应均衡器,但其对同步误差非常敏感.在分析OFDM同步误差原理的基础上,设计实现了一个宽带OFDM水声通信接收机,并着重讨论了接收机中基于训练数据的定时和频率同步方法,以及多普勒频偏的估计和补偿算法.水下实验证明了方案的有效性.  相似文献   

针对侧扫声呐图像噪声干扰严重、分辨率低、目标轮廓模糊等特点,提出了一种基于LOG算子的侧扫声呐图像水下小目标检测算法。首先,根据侧扫声呐图像中水下小目标成像特点,对声呐图像进行滤波及聚类分割,大幅降低图像中噪声;然后,采用斑点检测思想,提取侧扫声呐图像中疑似目标区域;最后,基于自动阈值分割算法对声呐图像进行分割,获取目标区域二值图像,使用二阶矩估计目标尺度,剔除虚假目标,最终实现水下小目标准确检测。实验结果表明:该方法计算速度快、检测成功率高,对侧扫声呐图像中的水下小目标具有良好的检测效果。  相似文献   

发射信号波形的选择是主动声呐设计过程中必须要考虑的问题之一,不同的信号形式会直接影响声呐的性能。海洋哺乳生物通过叫声实现种群间的通信以及对水下环境的感知,这一常见的生物学行为激发了基于生物叫声的声呐系统的开发。但海洋生物在全球分布广泛并且叫声种类繁多,需要结合声呐系统的设计参数对采集到的叫声进行效能分析,才能在不改变传统声呐设计的基础上拓展仿生隐蔽探测功能。针对这一问题,提出了基于主动声呐信号分析的海洋生物叫声效能分析方案。以采集到的 6 种海豚叫声为例,基于同步压缩变换和贪婪算法重构样本信号,从 5 个维度对声呐系统仿生信号进行了分析。仿真结果表明,该效能评估方案可对海洋生物叫声进行有效筛选,以确定适合声呐系统的信号波形。  相似文献   

无人化、智能化的目标探测与跟踪是未来水下探测的必然趋势。针对水下移动小目标,通过固定位置的声呐接收的角度与距离二维信息,提出了一套自动跟踪方法。首先,对图像声呐进行恒虚警处理,同时引入时域参量,通过在门限计算中增加之前时间的权重,抑制位置恒定的静态强背景干扰。之后,基于空间上目标的连续运动,提出了小目标的自动跟踪算法。湖试数据实验处理表明:该方法能有效抑制干扰,实现水下小目标的自动探测跟踪。  相似文献   

A paradigm for massively parallel processing of matched filters, replica correlators, ambiguity functions, and time-frequency distributions is presented, using a SIMD (single instruction stream, multiple data stream) programming methodology. It is shown that active sonar detection algorithms, as implemented by frequency domain processing, can be a natural match to a SIMD methodology, meeting the extensive computational needs of enhanced active sonar systems. The decomposition process is presented, and examples are given of the output of the computer program CMASP (Connection Machine Ambiguity Surface Processor). CMASP can provide real-time simultaneous multiple-beam, Doppler, and waveform replica correlations. Synthetic data are processed, and the corresponding CMASP outputs are displayed as three-dimensional ambiguity surfaces on networked graphic workstations. Because of efficient problem decomposition, other time-frequency processing can be exploited. Specifically, real-time instantaneous-like time-frequency distributions have been realized in which the data set is presented and processed as time-varying spectral representations  相似文献   

In an attempt to investigate the technical feasibility of a CW Doppler sonar, we have examined a method of measuring low velocities with a high-velocity resolution, or frequency resolution, by use of a simple circuit configuration employing digital signal processing technique. The following discussion presents the results of the investigation. In the measuring method described, the fast Fourier transform (FFT) of undersampled data is calculated and the Doppler shift is obtained by searching for a peak frequency of the power spectrum. To achieve the intended frequency resolution of 1 Hz by FFT operation, measurement of data for a minimum measuring period of 1 s is essential. If the sampling frequency is set to 50 kHz, the number of samples obtained during the minimum measuring period of I s would amount to 50000. This is not practical in light of the time required for the FFT operation. To overcome this problem, our new measuring method employs a decimation technique for reducing the number of samples down to 1024 while maintaining a frequency resolution of about 1 Hz. This paper describes how the processing time can be drastically reduced to about 1/300th compared to the conventional technique by a combination of complex exponential functions, filtering and decimation, and thereby indicates the possibility of real-time CW Doppler data processing  相似文献   

A short finite impulse response (FIR) filter architecture for narrowband beamforming is presented that is well suited for active sonar applications. By applying the technique of adaptive modeling, a short FIR filter can be designed to carry out any required narrowband constant phase shift. A 4-tap FIR filter designed in this way can generate constant phase shift within bandwidths of 0.04 (relative to the sampling frequency), with an error of less than 1°. Thus a beam can be formed with a bank of short FIR filters, each filter corresponding to one sensor. Due to the light computational load of this method, it is rather convenient for digital signal processors (DSP) to implement beamforming in real time. Satisfactory sonar beam patterns are shown to result from a TMS320C25-based emulation of the architecture  相似文献   

Jiankang Wu  Bo Chen 《Ocean Engineering》2003,30(15):1899-1913
Based on Green–Naghdi equation this work studies unsteady ship waves in shallow water of varying depth. A moving ship is regarded as a moving pressure disturbance on free surface. The moving pressure is incorporated into the Green–Naghdi equation to formulate forcing of ship waves in shallow water. The frequency dispersion term of the Green–Naghdi equation accounts for the effects of finite water depth on ship waves. A wave equation model and the finite element method (WE/FEM) are adopted to solve the Green–Naghdi equation. The numerical examples of a Series 60 (CB=0.6) ship moving in shallow water are presented. Three-dimensional ship wave profiles and wave resistance are given when the ship moves in shallow water with a bed bump (or a trench). The numerical results indicate that the wave resistance increases first, then decreases, and finally returns to normal value as the ship passes a bed bump. A comparison between the numerical results predicted by the Green–Naghdi equation and the shallow water equations is made. It is found that the wave resistance predicted by the Green–Naghdi equation is larger than that predicted by the shallow water equations in subcritical flow , and the Green–Naghdi equation and the shallow water equations predict almost the same wave resistance when , the frequency dispersion can be neglected in supercritical flows.  相似文献   

The natural motion of a ship at sea produces undesirable effects on sonar displays. To overcome this problem some form of stabilization is desirable. A practical sonar display system, which uses image processing techniques to stabilize the displayed sonar image against rotational motion is described. The stabilization method provides the capability of image enhancement as well as improved image interpretation due to an increased area of view and a geometrically correct conversion to polar display. Details of the three processing stages required in the system are provided. These processes are ship motion analysis, image integration, and polar display conversion. Stabilized results are given for simulated ship motion  相似文献   

提出了一种可用于船(舰)载的Ku波段微波波高计,它是一种非接触式的波高测量设备,可架设于船头,动态测量海浪波高参数.为了修正船体颠簸对测量结果的影响,在微波探测单元上设置了加速度传感器,提出了两种不同的数学模型——加速度匀变模型和简谐振动模型,分别计算船体的实时颠簸位移,并对理论上可能出现的最大误差进行了分析.测量结果表明,两种模型均能有效地校正船体颠簸的影响,实测海浪波高的平均误差小于8%.  相似文献   

In an active sonar system setting, a novel method is evaluated that extracts range and Doppler information from a Doppler-spread active sonar echo. The Doppler spreading is based on H. Van Trees' (1971) Gaussian amplitude modulating model, and the new method is based on the Fourier transform of a special case of the fourth-order cumulant. Specifically, from the envelope of the Gaussian amplitude modulated echo of a transmitted coded pulse train, the second-order spectrum and the Fourier transform of a special case of the fourth-order cumulant are derived and analyzed for this ability to extract range and Doppler information. It is shown that the method can theoretically extract range and Doppler information without degradation. The reason for this result is that a special case of the fourth-order cumulant is independent of the covariance of the Gaussian amplitude modulating function. These methods are also simulated and compared with the simulated results of the range-Doppler ambiguity function. This shows that the ambiguity function and the second-order spectrum are degraded due to the Gaussian amplitude modulation. The results are further demonstrated by simulating the three range-Doppler extraction methods for the received echo in noise  相似文献   

船载低频多波束测深声纳、侧扫声纳可以对深海海底地形地貌进行快速、高效、大面积探测,但其测量精度有限,难以满足深海科学考察、资源勘探开发对高精度海底地形地貌的需求。随着各类大深度水下移动载体(如深海拖体、水下机器人、遥控潜器和载人潜水器)的涌现,特别是各类耐高压测绘声纳的商业化,使大深度近海底精细地形地貌探测成为可能。首先分析了多波束测深声纳、侧扫声纳和测深侧扫声纳等3种测绘声纳的基本原理,然后分别介绍了各类测绘声纳的国内外典型商业化产品,并通过典型实例分析了其在大深度近海底精细测绘中的应用情况。  相似文献   

为研究西沙宣德环礁海底地貌特征及珊瑚分布情况,采用舷挂侧扫拖鱼的方式对环礁区域海底进行地貌扫测,从采集的侧扫声呐图像上可以识别出环礁区域珊瑚分布情况及珊瑚礁区地貌特征,利用侧扫声呐图像识别方法结合实物样品比对可以圈定出珊瑚分布范围、暗礁区域及环礁区域底质类型分布,采用基本的数学处理方法定量分析了水下珊瑚礁体的海底高度及疑似沉船的大小,分析了侧扫声呐图像显示的调查船转向效应。  相似文献   

多波束反向散射强度数据处理研究   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
在探讨多波束测深系统反向散射强度与海底底质类型的关系基础上,研究影响反向散射强度的各种因素,主要分析了海底地形起伏、中央波束区反射信号对反向散射强度的影响,并给出了消除这些影响的方法;将处理后的“纯”反向散射强度数据镶嵌生成海底声像图,为海底底质类型划分以及地貌解译提供了基础数据和辅助判读依据.  相似文献   

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