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中美两国地震科技合作研究始于1974年春。此后,经过多次的互访、交流和考察,增强了双方的相互了解,确定了双方地震科技合作的科学领域、内容以及原则。1980年1月24日双方在北京签订了中美地震科技合作议定书,奠定了中美地震研究科学合作的基础。 五年来,根据议定书规定的合作项目和范围,双方科学家在共同感兴趣的领域内广泛地开展了学术交流和合作研究。议定书规定的七个方面的合作项目,都不同程度地得以执行,仅概述如下:  相似文献   

本文概括介绍了中美地震研究科技合作议定书美方协调人等一行四人于1984年10月22日至11月4日来华与中方协调人会晤的情况。双方对前一年双方合作项目的情况进行了回顾;确定了1986年继续执行原有的20多个合作项目;提出并讨论了双方各自需要开展的新合作项目。经初步商定,双方将于1986年适当的时候举行两个双边专题讨论会:“地形变测量在地震预报中的运用”和“中美双边地震预报讨论会”。美方一行还在北家、西安、上海等地进行了参观和学术讨论,并对中方为他们的访华安排表示满意。  相似文献   

新世纪中美地震工程研讨会于2000年11月8日至11日在北京西苑饭店召开。会议目的是纪念中美地震工程及减灾科技合作二十周年,并面向新世纪商讨地震工程的发展方向及中美乃至世界范围内在地震工程领域的广泛合作。这是世纪之交地震工程界的一次盛会。 会议是由中国地震局、中国建设部、中国国家自然科学基金会以及美国国家科学基金会共同主办,中国地震局负责具体寿备工作。会议中方主席由中国科学院院士胡聿贤教授担任,美方主席由B.F.Spencer教授担任。中国地震局陈章立局长、中国建设部叶如棠副部长、中国国家自然科…  相似文献   

为执行中美地震科技议定书“中美东部地震构造对比研究”的合作项目,美国哥伦比亚大学拉蒙特地质观象台西伯(LeonardoSeeber)博士,安布拉斯特(John Armbrus ter)博士和新墨西哥州立大学倪(James Ni)博士于1988年6月28日来华,与国家地震局分析预报中心的专家在华开展有关野外考察和合作研究工作.外宾与马宗晋研究员、张郢珍副研究员等一行8人于7月3日抵山西北部工作.他们先后考察了忻州水峪鸭儿坑1038年地震断层和地震形变遗迹、石岭关系舟山断裂、怀仁鹅毛口的推覆体、应县木塔和浑源悬空寺的抗震结构、应县镇子梁断层、大同火山群及新断层.考察过程中,中外专家密切合作、共同研讨,取得了宝贵的第一手资料.山西境内丰富的地质现象和清晰的地貌景观引起中外专家的极大关注.竣极神工的应县木塔和巧夺天工的悬空寺建筑令中外专家赞叹不已.  相似文献   

1 中国数字地震台网概况中国大陆邻接印度、欧亚和太平洋板块的边缘 ,其特点在于具有复杂的地壳构造和高地震活动性。中美合建的中国数字地震台网 ( CDSN)运行 1 5年来 ,在中国地震学研究中发挥了重要的作用。CDSN作为美国地震学联合研究协会 ( IRIS)部署的全球地震台网 ( GSN)的参与伙伴 ,为全球地震学研究做出了贡献。CDSN系中美地震研究科技合作议定书中的项目 ,也是两国政府间的科技合作项目之一。台网的建设始于 1 983年 5月 ,历经 3年的场地准备和技术实施 ,于 1 986年 7月建成。1 986年 1 0月 1日起 ,CDSN数据管理中心以…  相似文献   

1991年辽宁省地震科技档案工作会议7月23日至26曰在大连召开.出席会议的有省内各专业地震台、地震大队和省局情报资料室的代表共26人.省地震局副局长卢造勋同志出席了会议.会议总结交流了全省地震科技档案工作,检查了1990年地震科技档案;表彰了地震科技档案工作先进单位和个人.  相似文献   

根据“中美地震研究科学技术合作议定书”的计划安排,中美双边地震工程学术讨论会于1982年8月27日至31日在哈尔滨举行。这次会议是由中国国家地震局和城乡建设环境保护部与美国国家科学基金会共同主办的。会议的中方主席是中国科学院工程力学研究所所长、中国科学院技术科学部常务委员刘恢先教授和同济大学校长、  相似文献   

中美地震科技合作记事   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1974年起,中美双方经过多次互访、交流和考察,增强了双方的彼此了解,确定了双方地震科技合作的科学领域、内容以及原则基础。因此,在1980年1月24日,中美双方代表在北京签定了地震科技合作议定书。现将中美双方开展的一些重大交流合作活动汇编如下: 1974年4月以顾功叙教授为团长的第一个中国  相似文献   

中国地震学会地震电磁学专业委员会于2007年10月15—22日在四川省成都市召开第四届委员会换届暨学术讨论会。本次会议由中国地震学会地震电磁学专业委员会主办,北京鸿基国际旅行社协办,主管部门中国地震局监测预报司和挂靠单位地震预测研究所对会议的筹备和组织工作给予了很大关注,对会议的召开提供了大力支持。四川省地震局王力副局长到会祝贺,监测处杜斌副处长、监测中心杨贤和副主任出席了会议;地震预测研究所科技发展处杨林章处长参加会议,和与会代表一起进行研讨。中国地震局地震预测研究所、地球物理研究所、地壳应力研究所、防灾科技…  相似文献   

第三篇文章介绍了中美地震研究科技合作议定书双方代表第三次工作会晤的概况。应美国科学基金会和美国内政部地质调查局的邀请,以中美地震研究科技合作议定书的中方代表、国家地震局副局长高文学为首的中国地震代表团一行7人于1984年7月11~26日赴美访问。本文就中美双方代表的这次会晤情况、议定书延长协议的签字仪式以及中国代表团的有关参观访问活动作了概述。  相似文献   

引言解释星球和原子的內部运动和活动情况的理論比关于地球的类似理論发展得更为完善,更广泛地为人接受,这是令人惊奇的。但如比較一下,地球比較容易接触到,而星球和原子則十分遙远,那么上述的情况应正好相反。这种情况之所以产生,一部分是由于許多星球和原子有強烈的輻射,因而透露出它們的性貭,一部分是由于原子和星球数量很多,因而我們有时可能对它們其中之一所发生的不寻常变化.  相似文献   

Rapid polar shifts relative to Gondwanaland are identified in the Late Ordovician and Carboniferous. These shifts form part of the “Common polar wander path” interpretation of the palaeomagnetic poles for the Gondwana continents during the Palaeozoic. For western Europe a transition occurs between the Ordovician and Silurian poles, but is of smaller magnitude than the Late Ordovician Gondwana shift. Similarly Carboniferous shifts with respect to Europe and North America are smaller than the Gondwana shifts. A third shift in Europe is dated as mid-Devonian, but could be as old as Late Silurian, and has no counterpart in Gondwanaland. The differences in timing and magnitudes of these shifts provide evidence of the predominant role of continental drift rather than polar wandering. Attempts to explain the data exclusively in terms of polar wandering lead to geologically and geometrically untenable conclusions. Whilst there were one or perhaps two supercontinents in most of the upper Palaeozoic, it seems Laurasia was itself a set of separate fragments.  相似文献   

Two key research projects in geoscience field in China since the IUGG meeting in Birmingham in 1999, the pro-ject of“East Asian Continental Geodynamics“ and the project of“Mechanism and Prediction of Strong Continental Earthquakes“ are introduced in this paper. Some details of two projects, such as their sub-projects, some initial research results published are also given here. Because of the large magnitude of the November 14, 2001 Kunlun Mountain Pass Ms=8. 1 earthquake, in the third part of this paper, some initial research results are reviewed for the after-shock monitoring and the multi-discipline field survey, the impact and disaster of this earthquake on the con-struction site of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) railway and some other infrastructure.  相似文献   

Summary Continental dispersion curves for Love and Rayleigh waves have been determined by means of the Uppsala seismograph records for three earthquakes near the south coast of Turkey in April, 1957. To the authors' knowledge this is the first time dispersion curves have been determined for a relatively homogenous path across the whole of continental Europe and covering a good range of periods, namely from 3 to 86 sec for Love waves and from 5 to 61 sec for Rayleigh waves. The dispersion curves obtained are relevant to determinations of the average structure along the path traversed in particular, and to determinations of crustal structure of the European continent in general.
Zusammenfassung Kontinentale Dispersionskurven für Love-und Rayleigh-Wellen wurden vermittels Registrierungen an der Station Uppsala von drei Erdbeben in der Nähe der Südküste der Türkei im April 1957 bestimmt. Soweit es den Autoren bekannt ist, wurden damit erstmalig Dispersionskurven für einen relativ homogenen Weg über das gesamte kontinentale Europa mit einem beträchtlichen Periodenbereich, der 3 bis 86 Sek für Love-Wellen und 5 bis 61 Sek für Rayleigh-Wellen umfasst, ausgearbeitet. Die erhaltenen Dispersionskurven haben ihre Bedeutung in der Festlegung der mittleren Krustenstruktur entlang dem durchlaufenen Wellenweg und überhaupt in der Festlegung der Krustenstruktur im Bereich des europäischen Kontinents.

Recent research provides the first significant information about sedimentation on the continental shelf of northern Portugal. This paper presents data and interpretations obtained from textural and compositional studies of surface sediment. The shelf primarily contains sand-sized particles of lithogenic quartz (<80m water depth) and biogenic carbonate (80m). A nearshore deposit (<30m) is actively forming from fine sand composed of immature quartz particles (subangular, hyaline) which are transported southward by prevailing waves and currents from fluvial sources in the northern part of the study area. Near the northern rivers (e.g., Minho, Lima, Porto rivers), mica also is found nearshore in high concentrations (20 %). The mid-shelf region (30 to 80 m) is dominated by coarse sand and gravel composed of mature quartz particles (rounded, frosted, iron-stained), which probably were excavated during the Holocene transgression from terrestrial deposits and redistributed by littoral processes. During low stands of sea level, lithogenic sediment was carried off the shelf through submarine canyons, resulting in reduced contribution of lithogenic particles to the outer shelf region. This has caused biogenic carbonate to dominate the sediment there. Grain size decreases across the outer shelf from medium to very fine sand, as the predominant carbonate material changes from mollusk fragments to foraminifera tests. Glauconite has formed in many of the foraminifera tests, and glauconite concentrations are high (20%) in some localities near the shelf break.  相似文献   

L. Liu 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》2001,158(9-10):1583-1611
— This paper reviews some remarkable characteristics of earthquakes in a Stable Continental Region (SCR) of the South China Block (SCB). The kernel of the SCB is the Yangtze platform solidified in late Proterozoic time, with continental growth to the southeast by a series of fold belts in Paleozoic time. The facts that the deviatoric stress is low, the orientations of the major tectonic features in the SCB are substantially normal to the maximum horizontal principal stress, and a relatively uniform crust, seem to be the major reasons for lack of significant seismicity in most regions of the SCB. Earthquakes in this region are mainly associated with three seismic zones: (1) the Southeast China Coast seismic zone related to Guangdong-Fujian coastal folding belt (associated with Eurasia-Philippine Sea plate collision); (2) the Southern Yellow Sea seismic zone associated with continental shelf rifts and basins; and (3) the Downstream Yangtze River seismic zone spatially coinciding with Tertiary rifts and basin development. All three seismic zones are close to one or two major economic and population centers in the SCB so that they pose significant seismic hazards. Earthquake focal mechanisms in the SCB are consistent with strike-slip to normal faulting stress regimes. Because of the global and national economic significance of the SCB and its dense population, the seismic hazard of the region is of outstanding importance. Comparing the SCB with another less developed region, a pending earthquake with the same size and tectonic setting would cause substantially more severe social and economic losses in the SCB. This paper also compiles an inventory of historic moderate to great earthquakes in the SCB; most of the data are not widely available in English literature.  相似文献   

Continental break-up: The East African perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cynthia Ebinger discusses the evolution of continental rifts through the example of the East African Rift system, in the Bullerwell Lecture, given at the European Union of Geosciences meeting in Nice, April 2004.  相似文献   

— Large seafloor relief, shallow metamorphic basement, and seismic activity in the California Continental Borderland combine to produce major submarine slides capable of generating local tsunamis. The Catalina Schist basement complex of the Borderland contains melange units, faults between metamorphic facies, and foliation derived from a history of deep subduction underthrusting and subsequent tectonic exhumation along regional low-angle fault systems. Neogene volcanic and sedimentary rocks covered the exhumed metamorphic basement forming an interface with a strong contrast in material properties. Neogene transtensional block-faulting formed steep escarpments that cut through and elevated the low-angle detachment surface, providing slip surfaces with free faces susceptible to failure along the rheological boundary. Two basement-involved slope failure examples west of San Diego are described, including large block-glides and progressive rotational slumps along the steep northeast-facing Thirtymile Bank escarpment and along the southwest flank of Fortymile Bank.  相似文献   

Monitoring Continental Surface Waters by Satellite Altimetry   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The monitoring of continental water stages is a requirement for meeting human needs and assessing ongoing climatic changes. However, regular gauging networks fail to provide the information needed for spatial coverage and timely delivery. Although the space missions discussed here were not primarily dedicated to hydrology, 18 years of satellite altimetry have furnished complementary data that can be used to create hydrological products, such as time series of stages, estimated discharges of rivers or volume change of lakes, river altitude profiles or leveling of in situ stations. Raw data still suffer uncertainties of one to several decimeters. These require specific reprocessing such as waveform retracking or geophysical correction editing; much work still remains to be done. Besides, measuring the flow velocity appears feasible owing to SAR interferometer techniques. Inundated surfaces, and the time variations of their extent, are currently almost routinely computed using satellite imagery. Thus, the compilation of the continuous efforts of the scientific community in these various investigative directions, such as recording from space the discharges of rivers or the change in water volume stored in lakes, can be foreseen in the near future.  相似文献   

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