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用Biot饱和多孔介质动力学理论模拟半球形两相饱和土沉积谷,用单相介质弹性动力学理论模拟周围半空间场地.利用Fourier Bessel 级数展开法,在频域内给出了半空间中半球形饱和土沉积谷场地在平面Rayleigh波入射下三维散射问题的解析解.利用这一解析解计算分析了入射波频率、场地特征(包括孔隙比)对地表位移幅值的影响,并与已有的三维半球形沉积谷场地在单相介质中的散射问题进行了对比分析.  相似文献   

波在饱和多孔介质与弹性固体介质交界面上的界面效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本利用Biot饱和多孔介质动力学理论及饱和多孔介质和固体介质交界面的连续条件,推导了平面PI波以任意角饱和多孔介质向弹性固体介质入射时,反射快P1波,慢PH波和SV波和透射P波、SV波系数的计算公式,并给出一算例,本不考虑饱和多孔介质中液体渗流的能量耗散。  相似文献   

圆弧形凹陷饱和土场地对平面P波散射问题的解析解   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
以Biot 饱和多孔介质动力学理论为基础,利用Fourier Bessel级数展开法, 得到饱和多孔介质半空间中圆弧形凹陷地形对平面P波的散射问题的解析解. 数值计算给出地表位移幅值,分析了入射波波长、入射角、圆弧高宽比对地表位移幅值的影响,并与现存的在单相介质情况下得到的结论进行对比.  相似文献   

半空间饱和介质内圆形洞室对平面P1波的散射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
考虑土颗粒和孔隙流体的压缩性以及孔隙流体与土骨架之间的粘性耦合作用,采用修正的Biot模型,假定半空间表面不透水,得到了平面P1波(快压缩波)在半空间表面的反射P1波、P2波(慢压缩波)和SV波(剪切波)的幅值.采用大圆弧假定将半空间内圆形洞室的散射问题转化为大圆弧和圆形洞室的多重散射问题,运用波函数展开法将入射波、反射波以及半空间表面和洞室的散射波的势函数展开成Fourier-Bessel函数的无穷级数形式,由Graf加法定理得到同一坐标系下的势函数的表达式,根据半空间表面和洞室完全自由的边界条件得到了待定复系数的理论解.通过数值计算,着重分析了平面P1波垂直向上入射时无量纲入射频率和洞室埋藏深度等对洞室的动应力集中因子和半空间表面的归一化水平和竖向位移的影响.  相似文献   

饱和土中平面应变波在圆柱体上的散射和折射   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
胡亚元  王立忠 《地震学报》1998,20(3):300-307
采用修改的Biot波动方程,考虑土颗粒压缩和固液两相的粘滞作用,推导出饱和土中平面应变波在圆柱体上的散射和折射问题的理论解答;并求出当圆柱体为空腔、刚性体、单相土介质和流体介质时散射和折射的势函数幅值方程.   相似文献   

针对饱和多孔介质中热弹性波的传播特性问题,基于多孔介质理论和广义的热弹性模型,研究平面S波在饱和多孔热弹性介质边界上的反射问题。以考虑流-固耦合的饱和多孔介质波动方程和热-弹耦合的广义热弹性基本方程出发,建立饱和多孔介质的热-流-固耦合弹性波动模型。通过引入势函数并考虑自由透水和绝热的边界条件,经过理论推导最终给出在饱和多孔热弹性介质边界上的四种反射波的振幅反射率的理论表达式。在此基础上进行数值计算,分别讨论平面S波的入射频率、入射角和热膨胀系数等参数对四种反射波的振幅反射率的影响情况。结果表明:各反射波的振幅反射率分别随频率和热膨胀系数的增大而增大,同时也受到平面S波入射角变化的影响。该结论对于土动力学的理论研究及其相关的工程勘探具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

三维半球形凹陷饱和土场地对平面P波散射   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
以Biot饱和多孔介质动力学理论为基础,利用Fourier Bessel 级数展开法,得到饱和多孔介质半空间中半球形凹陷地形对入射平面P波三维散射问题的解析解.利用这一解析解数值计算给出地表位移幅值,分析入射角、入射波频率对地表位移幅值的影响,并与现存的单相介质情况下三维半球形凹陷问题和两相介质情况下二维圆弧形凹陷问题得到的结论进行对比.  相似文献   

针对平面波耦合作用下饱和半空间中浅埋隧道二维动力响应的典型问题的解答进行探讨。首先基于Biot饱和孔隙介质理论建立饱和土场方程,并通过中间势函数的代入推导得到饱和土体中的快纵波、慢纵波及横波的Helmholtz势函数方程,随后引入柱坐标系下饱和土体和弹性衬砌的势函数通解,并代入边界条件中,建立以第n组参数为变量的多元一次齐次线性方程组。采用本文的推导思路,可以解决饱和土体中的浅埋隧道在地震作用时P波和S波耦合作用下的响应问题。  相似文献   

基于数值模拟方法系统研究脉冲与正弦SH波及P波垂直入射半圆弧凹陷场地时的地表位移响应,并与相应解析解进行了对比分析。P波入射时,半圆弧凹陷场地由于P波与反射SV波的干涉产生Rayleigh波,会对场地自由表面的稳态位移响应幅值产生较大影响。凹陷内部的归一化Z向位移幅值相比没有考虑Rayleigh波生成时有较大的不同,其在凹陷边缘处没有什么变化,而在凹陷向两侧延伸的方向,会有压缩作用;归一化X向位移幅值在凹陷内部无太大变化,在凹陷向两侧延伸的方向,会有波动状的归一化X向位移幅值。  相似文献   

具有饱和土沉积层的充水河谷对平面波的散射   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
把波函数展开方法用于地震波散射问题的研究中,首次在频域内给出了具有饱和土沉积层的圆弧形充水河谷对平面P波和SV散射问题的解析解答. 其中半空间场地用单相介质弹性动力理论模拟,河谷中的饱和土沉积层用饱和多孔介质的Biot动力学理论模拟,河谷中的水用无黏性流体(理想流体)介质模拟. 文中还给出算例,计算了不同高宽比的河谷谷底的位移幅值,分析表明河谷地形的存在使得半空间介质表面的位移幅值随着观察点位置的变化变化较大.  相似文献   

以分层半空间内部含有一层孔隙介质为物理模型进行数值计算,研究半空间表面瑞利波的传播和衰减特性.为更加接近实际,结合瑞利波的激发特性,确定了瑞利波的主衰减曲线,并主要以此进行规律分析.针对速度递增和含低速层这两种典型的地质模型,讨论了瑞利波的传播衰减在不同地质模型下的特性,并分析了各自的规律.结果表明,在这两种模型下瑞利波的主衰减曲线都受孔隙介质所处空间位置影响产生比较明显的变化,但衰减系数极大值对应的波长与模型的表层厚度存在较明显的线性对应关系,利用这一关系,可以在实际勘探中快速得到表层介质厚度.另外,通过对比分析还可以看到,瑞利波主衰减曲线随孔隙介质的孔隙度和渗透率的变化都强于主频散曲线的变化,表明衰减曲线对孔隙度和渗透率的变化更加敏感,理论上更加适合进行介质参数反演工作.综合对比结果,我们认为瑞利波主衰减曲线中包含了更丰富的介质参数信息,如果能够有效利用,将可以提高瑞利波勘探的准确性和应用范围.  相似文献   

This paper presents a relationship between the focal depth in terms of Rayleigh-wave wavelength and the dominant frequency of Rayleigh waves generated in a homogeneous half-space. Rayleigh waves were simulated using a (2, 4) staggered grid P-SV wave finite difference algorithm with VGR-stress imaging technique as a free surface boundary condition. VGR is an acronym for vertical grid-size reduction. The simulated seismic responses using P-wave and SV-wave sources at different focal depths revealed Rayleigh-wave generation up to certain focal depth only for the considered frequency bandwidth. A shift of normalized spectral shape of Rayleigh wave towards lower frequency with increasing focal depth was inferred. Largest spectral amplitude was obtained in the wavelength for which the ratio of focal depth to the wavelength of Rayleigh wave was around 0.17 in the case of P-wave source and 0.9 in the case of SV-wave source. An exponential decrease of spectral amplitude of Rayleigh wave with the departure of the ratio of focal depth to Rayleigh wave wavelength from the above mentioned values was obtained.  相似文献   

For the case of a partially saturated porous medium, analysis of the conditions is carried out under which the properties of the Frenkel-Biot P waves are similar. The condition of dynamic compatibility (with fulfillment of which a wave of the first kind is propagated without attenuation) is generalized to the case of partially saturated porous media. It is found that the wave connected with the matrix deformation possesses a high attenuation coefficient in a porous medium saturated with a weakly-compressible liquid, but it is a weakly decaying wave in a gas-saturated porous medium. Asymptotic formulas for phase wave velocities are obtained within a low-frequency and high-frequency limit for the general case of a partially saturated porous medium. It is shown that in the domain of low gas saturation, the attenuation coefficient of a wave of the first kind (i.e., a wave connected with the compressibility of phases) depends on the state of the gas in porous space. The following three cases are considered: (1) the microbubbles occluded in the saturating liquid; (2) the microbubbles adsorbed on the walls of pores; and (3) the macrobubbles that completely occupy one or several pores. This characteristic can be used as the diagnostic parameter.  相似文献   

Propagation of surface waves is studied at the pervious boundary of a porous solid saturated with a mixture of two immiscible fluids. An approach, based on continuum mixture theory, is used to derive a secular equation for the propagation of harmonic waves at the stress-free plane surface of this non-dissipative medium. Numerical analysis shows that this secular equation may not represent the propagation of true surface wave in the porous aggregate. Then, this equation is solved numerically for the propagation of pseudo Rayleigh wave or the leaky surface waves. To ensure the existence of pseudo Rayleigh wave, capillary effect between two (wetting and non-wetting) pore-fluids is related to the partial saturation. Effects of porosity and partial saturation coupled with capillary effect are observed on the phase velocity of pseudo Rayleigh waves in sandstone saturated with water-CO2 mixture.  相似文献   

瑞利波具有能量大、信噪比高等特点,可以用来反演介质内部的力学信息,近年来在浅层地球物理勘探、深层地震学研究以及超声波无损检测等多个领域都有较广泛的应用。目前大多数瑞利波的应用中都假设介质是弹性的,然而实际中岩石、土壤和金属等介质都在一定程度上体现出了黏弹性。当介质的黏弹性较强时仍然采用弹性假设研究其中瑞利波的反演将增大误差,因此有必要考虑黏弹性介质中的瑞利波反演,但是目前这方面的研究仍不够深入。本文研究黏弹性介质中瑞利波频散曲线和衰减系数曲线的反演问题,给出其在半空间中联合反演的方法,并对该方法的误差进行分析。  相似文献   

An analytical model for describing the propagation and attenuation of Rayleigh waves along the free surface of an elastic porous medium containing two immiscible, viscous, compressible fluids is developed in the present study based on the poroelastic equations formulated by Lo et al. [Lo WC, Sposito G, Majer E. Wave propagation through elastic porous media containing two immiscible fluids. Water Resour Res 2005;41:W02025]. The dispersion equation obtained is complex-valued due to viscous dissipation resulting from the relative motion of the solid to the pore fluids. As an excitation frequency is stipulated, the dispersion equation that is a cubic polynomial is numerically solved to determine the phase speed and attenuation coefficient of Rayleigh waves in Columbia fine sandy loam permeated by an air–water mixture. Our numerical results show that, corresponding to three dilatational waves, there is also the existence of three different modes of Rayleigh wave in an unsaturated porous medium, which are designated as the R1, R2, and R3 waves in descending order of phase speed, respectively. The phase speed of the R1 wave is non-dispersive (frequency-independent) in the frequency range we examined (10 Hz–10 kHz) and decreases as water saturation increases, whose magnitude ranges from 20% to 49% of that of the first dilatational wave with respect to water content. However, it is revealed numerically that the R2 and R3 waves are functions of excitation frequency. Given the same water saturation and excitation frequency, the phase speeds of the R2 and R3 waves are found to be approximately 90% of those of the second and third dilatational waves, respectively. The R1 wave has the lowest attenuation coefficient whereas the R3 wave attenuates highest.  相似文献   

A numerical procedure for the analysis of Rayleigh waves in saturated porous elastic media is proposed by use of the finite element method. The layer stiffness matrix, the layer mass matrix and the layer damping matrix in a layered system are presented for the discretized form of the solid-fluid equilibrium equation proposed by Biot. In order to consider the influence of the permeability coefficient on the behavior of Rayleigh waves, attention is focused on the following states: ‘drained’ state, ‘undrained’ state and the states between two extremes of ‘drained’ and ‘undrained’ states. It is found from computed results that the permeability coefficient exerts a significant effect on dispersion curves and displacement distributions of Rayleigh waves in saturated porous media.  相似文献   

A problem of reflection and transmission of elastic waves at a plane interface between a uniform elastic solid half-space and a porous elastic half-space containing two immiscible fluids is investigated. The theory developed by Lo, Sposito and Majer for porous media containing two immiscible fluids is employed to find out the reflection and transmission coefficients. The incident wave is assumed to propagate through the uniform elastic half-space and two cases are considered. In the first case, a beam of plane longitudinal wave is assumed to be incident and in the second case, a beam of transverse wave is assumed to be incident at the interface. By taking granite as impervious elastic medium and columbia fine sandy loam containing air-water mixture as porous medium, reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained. By neglecting the inertial coupling coefficients, these coefficients are reduced to those obtained by Tomar and Arora using the theory of Tuncay and Corapcioglu. It is found that the inertial coupling parameters significantly affect the phase speeds and the amplitude ratios of the transmitted waves.  相似文献   

Multi—transmitting formula for attenuating waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The MTF is extended to case of attenuating incident wave by introducing an attenuation coefficient.The reflection coefficients of this modified MTF and MTF are evaluated and compared when an attenuating wave impinges on the boundary,and the results demonstrate that MTF can be used to absorb slightly attenuating waves and the modi-fied MTF is more capable of absorbing heavily attenuating waves than MTF.The accuracy of modified MTF is also tested by numerical examples of fluid saturated porous media.  相似文献   

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