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地震波场可分解为三分量平动和三分量旋转运动.旋转分量包含重要的波场梯度信息,是地震波场重建的关键要素,但过去由于缺乏稳定的高灵敏度旋转测量仪器,它在不同的地震学应用中常被忽略.光纤旋转地震仪是率先打破测量仪器缺乏困境、最先实现商业化的旋转地震仪,也是目前最有发展前景的地震波旋转直接测量设备.光纤旋转地震仪基于Sagnac效应,并依托成熟的光纤陀螺技术实现振动的旋转分量测量.它具有纯光电传感不受平动影响的测量优势;并且能够在高灵敏度和宽频带旋转测量的基础下实现设备的小型化,有利于旋转测量的应用推广.因此,光纤旋转地震仪和传统的地震仪将形成互补,实现旋转和平动六分量(6C)的观测,更好地提取地震波场特征,提高振动监测能力,有效改善震源过程反演、地下结构成像和地震破坏机理研究等应用.本文主要介绍光纤旋转测量的基本原理、旋转地震学的应用及其潜在应用前景.  相似文献   

在淮南深地实验室布设了水泥固结的传感光缆,结合竖井中已有通信光缆,利用分布式光纤地震传感技术(DAS)构建了高密度的三分量立体台阵,开展了为期一年的连续观测.通过分析地下870 m的背景噪声记录,发现其日间变化幅度较小,这表明深地实验室受气压、温度和人类活动等的影响较小.然而,在低频段观测到明显增强的噪声,这给低频信号研究带来了一定困难.在连续记录中,识别出了多个地方震和区域震信号,尤其是获得了高质量的玛多地震P波信号.与共址地震仪数据的一致性表明DAS波形记录的可靠性.通过三分量DAS记录识别了Rayleigh面波信号,并利用多重滤波技术测量得到其群速度频散曲线;利用DAS应变率记录与共址宽频带地震仪的速度记录比值获得了相速度信息.两种方法测得的面波频散数据可用于研究速度结构.这些初步结果展现了深地实验室提供的超静环境以及三分量立体DAS台阵观测的优势,为后续进一步研究提供参考.  相似文献   

青藏高原东部Love波偏振研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用布设在云南西部的50个流动观测台站记录的三分量数字面波资料,采用频率域奇异值分解法,分析了中短周期Love波在青藏高原东部传播中的偏振状况. 结果显示Love波的传播呈现明显的有规律的偏离大圆路径的异常,地壳-上地幔速度结构显著的横向不均匀性可能是造成这些偏振异常的主要原因. 同时利用以前研究中得到的剪切波速度模型计算了Love波到达台站的理论偏离情况,大多数理论计算与实际观测结果的偏离方向基本一致,但理论偏离角通常小于观测值. 这样的结果在一定程度上验证了所采用的青藏高原速度结构模型是基本正确的,同时也说明了模型对研究区域复杂的速度结构的反映还不够精细.  相似文献   

长春地震台大震速报震级偏差研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本次研究选用了本台 2 0 0 0年全年的速报地震资料 ,重新测算了DK 1地震仪各分向记录的面波震级 ,并以《中国地震速报台网观测报告》给出的震级为标准震级 ,进行了震级偏差统计分析。研究结果表明 ,以长春台DK 1地震仪水平向高倍档记录测算的面波震级平均偏低 0 1 1 ,标准误差为± 0 2 1 ;以水平向低倍档记录测算的面波震级平均偏高 0 1 0 ,标准误差为± 0 2 0 ;以垂直向记录测算的面波震级平均偏低 0 2 4,标准误差为± 0 2 6。通过对统计结果的全面分析 ,分别给出了长春台DK 1地震仪水平向高低倍档和垂直向记录测算面波震级的台站校正值。  相似文献   

土层剪切波速结构是工程场地条件的重要的基本参数,许多研究者关注利用从地脉动台阵中推得的Rayleigh波或Love波的相速度频散曲线反演实际工程场地剪切波速度结构。探讨从地脉动台阵观测的记录中提取Love波相速度的频散曲线的方法,从厦门某工程场地的地脉动台阵观测三分量记录中提取了Love波相速度的频散曲线,将提取的结果与根据实际场地资料构成的水平成层介质模型计算的Love波相速度的频散曲线进行了对比,为下一步的反演奠定了基础。  相似文献   

地震动旋转分量可以提供传统平动分量所欠缺的空间梯度信息,理论上可以提升对震源参数的约束.本文对旋转分量用于矩张量反演进行了较为全面的数值试验.首先分析了均匀无限空间中位错点源产生的旋转波场与平动波场在辐射花样上的互补性,由此推测旋转分量用于矩张量反演能提供额外的约束.随后基于层状介质模型合成的平动和旋转记录,开展了地震矩张量反演测试研究.我们通过对比反演得到的矩张量、矩张量差异角Δφ和地震矩,定量评估在矩张量反演中引入旋转分量的作用,发现在合适的条件下,在原平动记录基础上加入旋转记录来联合反演会显著提升反演结果的可靠性,可减小矩张量差异角Δφ30%以上,极端条件下70%以上;如保持总记录数量不变(即在部分台站添加旋转分量替换其他台站的平动分量),某些矩张量元素反演效果会变好,但某些元素可能会变差.整体而言,在多数台站分布的情况下加入旋转都能起到强于增加同等数目平动台站的作用.同时,我们还发现在低频情况下,旋转分量对于深度非常敏感,引入旋转分量对于约束矩心深度有非常显著的效果.此外,还尝试了不同的试验条件,发现在低频、震中距较小、信噪比较低、速度结构模型较为准确的情况下,加入旋转分量对结果的提升更明显.整体而言,尽管旋转分量的使用需要满足一定的条件,将旋转用于矩张量反演是可行的,它能为矩张量反演提供与平动分量互补的信息,在稀疏台站和密集平动的台站的情况下加入旋转观测将显著增强对地震的监测能力.  相似文献   

和其它地震成像方法比较,背景噪声成像方法能够较有效的获得地壳以及上地幔的速度结构.本研究将PhaseWeighted-Stack方法应用到了互相关函数的叠加过程中,有效的增强了Love波信号,压制了获得的格林函数中的噪声.本文将这种技术应用到了北京大学与中国地质科学院合作布设在秦岭及其周边地区的(69台)宽频带流动地震台阵,利用台站的水平分量噪声记录提取的Love波频散曲线来获得台站间Love波相、群速度,进而得到了从6 s到30 s周期的Love波相速度二维分布图像.进一步进行了三维SH波速度反演,获得了研究区地壳和上地幔SH波3D速度结构,为研究该地区构造运动和上地幔动力学提供基础观测资料.一个重要的结果显示秦岭造山带以及鄂尔多斯块体外部西北方向在50 km深度呈现较强的SH波低速异常,这个连贯的低速异常带是否对应于青藏高原上地幔物质在鄂尔多斯块体和四川盆地块体之间的向东扩展流动而形成的温度异常或者部分熔融体还有待于进一步验证.  相似文献   

地震槽波的数学-物理模拟初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对地震槽波在低速层的传播特性,开展了煤层内地震槽波勘探的数值模拟和物理模拟研究的初探工作.在数值模拟研究方面,采用交错网格有限差分法对煤层中的地震槽波进行三分量全波场模拟.基于波场快照和人工合成地震记录研究了不同模型中的波场特征和各种波型的传播规律.在物理模拟方面,通过选用不同配比的环氧树脂和硅橡胶类材料构建地震槽波物理模型,利用透射法和反射法观测系统获得了清晰的地震槽波记录以研究槽波的地震学特征.研究表明,在煤层内槽波的地震波场中,Love型槽波的能量小于Rayleigh型槽波的SV分量,大于Rayleigh型槽波的SH分量.相对于Love型槽波和Rayleigh型槽波的SH分量,Rayleigh型槽波的SV分量在围岩中的泄露能量较强.在煤层界面附近的围岩中,地震波仍以槽波形式传播,随着距离的增加能量逐渐衰减.随着煤层变薄,煤层槽波主频向高频方向移动,频散现象增强,传播速度增大.  相似文献   

被动源海底地震仪(OBS)探测是海洋深部结构研究的重要方法之一.受投放区洋流、海底地形崎岖,以及海底温压环境等多种因素影响,OBS数据预处理面临时钟漂移,姿态及水平方位角偏差等问题.本文基于国产OBS硬件结构特点与其观测数据特性,针对仪器姿态校正、时间校正和水平方位角校正三个关键环节构建技术解决方案.通过硬件架构特征构建仪器姿态校正方案;结合仪器记录的石英晶振特点和背景噪声互相关方法提出时间校正技术;基于最小化P波切向分量能量和P波主成分分析两个技术方法进行水平方位角校正.上述预处理技术体系在苏拉威西海域被动源OBS数据预处理中取得了良好的应用效果,综合背景噪声水平与地震信号的时频分析结果,表明该预处理技术能有效提高被动源OBS观测数据质量,为进一步的科学研究奠定坚实基础.  相似文献   

新近建成的中国地震台阵(CEArray)由中国国家数字地震台网(CNDSN)、31个区域地震台网以及几个小孔径台阵构成,台站总数逾千,其中宽频带台站850多个。这一巨大台阵的建成为日常的地震活动监测及窥探地球内部结构提供了前所未有的契机。许多现代地震学研究都要进行垂向和水平分量的旋转,用以分离不同类型的地震波。因此两个水平分量的方位信息构成了正确旋转的关键。我们分析了CEArray台阵记录到的远场P波质点运动,并用以估测每个台站的BHN分量方位角。我们提出了一种基于信噪比的多事件方法来获取最佳方位角,可以很好地解释台站记录的P波质点运动特征。该方法可以给出方位角的稳健估值,包括基于背景噪声水平的误差。我们发现近1/3台站存在不同程度的方位角相关问题,包括水平分量方位角偏差、分量命名错误、以及单个或多个分量的极性反转等。这些问题在基于旋转的地震学分析中必须要慎重考虑。  相似文献   

The sorption capacity of two natural sorbents of different origin and of Wofatit KPS is determined by dynamic laboratory investigations and the influence of a thermal pretreatment of clinoptilolite, of the type and quantity of regenerants and of the presence of other cations is investigated. There are represented results of the ammonia removal from biologically treated municipal wastewater and of the removal of caesium-ions from laundry wastewaters. The capacity of clinoptilolite is lower than that of the ion-exchange resin, but clinoptilolite has the advantage of a considerably higher affinity for ammonium-ions, so that it can be used also in the presence of other salts in water to be treated. The ammonium concentration should not exceed 30 mg/l, in order to avoid too short filter runs.  相似文献   

The interpretation of magnetotelluric (MT) measurements carried out on shallow (several hundred metres deep) basins and on the surrounding highly resistive rock outcrops can be difficult due to different forms of distortion, mainly 3D effects. A good example for study of this problem is the Mór Graben, which is the transition zone between the Bakony and Vértes Mountains (W-Hungary), where more than 20 MT soundings have been made with stations spaced about 2 km apart to determine the structure of a conductivity anomaly at a depth of about 3–4 km.

The statistical treatment of the different distortions due to varying sediment cover (the S-effect or static shift) and to the steep wall of the resistive basement outcrops (edge effect), etc., enabled the estimation of the actual parameters of the conductive formation. The interpretation of the field data is supported by numerical modelling.  相似文献   

Time-domain theory of edge and edge-and-vertex diffraction is briefly reviewed and its applications to diffraction by polygons, pyramids and curved reflectors are discussed. The time-domain theory is based on canonical functions defined in terms of inverse trigonometric and algebraic functions, which ensures its numerical efficiency.  相似文献   

电磁卫星和地震预测   总被引:7,自引:11,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
地震前几周、几天、几小时甚至几分钟,电磁场的强度、相位或者谱密度等将发生异常变化,电离层的电子、离子浓度和温度等会发生异常扰动,这些现象的出现向人们发出地震即将来临的信号.这些现象不仅在地面可观测到,在卫星上也能观测到,它们在确定异常现象发生的地点和时间等方面具有各自的优势,把两种观测相结合,对异常信号进行立体监测,是实现地震预测预报的发展趋势.至今,对地面观测已经进行了大量的研究和实践,利用卫星进行观测近几年刚刚开始,但已经显示了它监测地震异常的独特能力,引起各方面的高度重视,成为各国建立立体预警系统不可缺少的组成部分.本文重点介绍利用卫星等观测空间电磁异常现象的研究结果.  相似文献   


A Kelvin wave in a semi-infinite ocean with a narrow (compared with the wavelength) continental shelf is diffracted by a narrow gap that feeds any of a second semi-infinite ocean, a semi-infinite channel, a closed channel of finite length, a small bay, or a channel terminated by a bay. An equivalent electrical circuit is constructed, in which the incident-wave displacement in the gap appears as the input voltage and the flow into the gap appears as the input current. Approximations to the elements of this circuit are constructed from a quadratic functional that is derived from the integral equation implied by the boundary-value problem. The phase shift in the diffracted Kelvin wave is calculated, and numerical results are given for representative configurations. The general results are applicable to other tidal waves in the semi-infinite ocean, e.g., a Poincaré wave. A model of San Francisco Bay, opening into the ocean through a short, narrow channel (the Golden Gate) and fed by rivers through a long channel (Carquinez Straits), is constructed. It yields a resonant period of 4.6h and a time delay of 3.6 sec for a semi-diurnal (12.4h) Kelvin wave.  相似文献   

We study the relative importance of sea-land and mountain-valley thermal contrasts in determining the development of thermally forced mesoscale circulations (TFMCs) over a mountainous peninsula. We first analyse the energetics of the problem, and using this theory, we interprete the numerical simulations over Calabria, a mountainous peninsula in southern Italy. The CSU 3-D nonlinear numerical model is utilised to simulate the dynamics and the thermodynamics of the atmospheric fields over Calabria. Results show the importance of orography in determining the pattern of the flow and the local climate in a region as complex as Calabria. Analysis of the results shows that the energetics due to the sea-land interactions are more efficient when the peninsula is flat. The importance of the energy due to the sea-land decreases as the mountain height of the peninsula increases. The energy stored over the mountain gains in importance, untill it is released by the readjustment of the warm mountain air as it prevails over the energy released by the inland penetration of the sea breeze front. For instance, our results show that over a peninsula 100 km wide the energy over the mountain and the energy in the sea-land contrast are of the same order when the height of the mountain is about 700 m, for a 1500 m convective boundary layer (CBL) depth. Over the Calabrian peninsula, the energy released by the hot air in the CBL of the mountain prevails over the energy released by the inland penetration of the sea air. Calabria is about 1500 m high and about 50 km wide, and the CBL is of the order of 1500 m. The energy over the mountain is about four time larger than the energy contained in the sea-land contrast. Furthermore, the energetics increase with the patch width of the peninsula, and when its half width is much less than the Rossby radius, the MAPE of the sea breeze is negligible. When its half width is much larger than the Rossby radius, the breezes from the two opposing coastlines do not interact. Over Calabria peninsula, numerical simulations show that the flow is highly ageostrophic, and that the flow intensity increases from sunrise to reach its maximum in the afternoon but before sunset, which suggests that, in the late part of the day, the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy is balanced by the dissipation.  相似文献   

Bioretention flow-through planters manage stormwater with smaller space requirements or structural constraints associated with other forms of green infrastructure. This project monitored the hydrology of four bioretention planters at Stevens Institute of Technology to evaluate the system's ability to delay runoff and fully capture small rain events. The water depth in the outflow and the volumetric water content near the inflow were measured continuously over 15 months. Rainfall characteristics were documented from an on-site rain gauge. This monitoring determined the time from the start of a rain event to the onset of outflow from each planter, which was defined as the lag. The initial moisture deficit (difference between pre-event volumetric water content and maximum measured volumetric water content), approximate runoff volume, and approximate runoff volume in the first half hour were analysed to determine their effect on runoff capture and lag. During the monitoring period, 38% of observations did not produce measurable outflow. Logistic regression determined that the initial moisture deficit and approximate runoff volume were statistically significant in contributing to a fully captured storm. Despite the large hydraulic loading rate and concrete bottom, the planters demonstrate effective discharge lag, ranging from 5 to 1,841 min with a median of 77.5 min. Volumetric water content of the media and inlet runoff volume in the first half hour were significant in modelling the lag duration. These results represent a combination of controllable and uncontrollable aspects of green infrastructure: media design and rainfall.  相似文献   

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