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对流电场、场向电流和极光区电集流是磁层一电离层耦合的主要物理过程.它们的演化发展时间分别为几分钟至半小时的量级.本文用100°E和300°E的两个地磁经度链附近各11个台站的1min均值地磁H和Z分量资料,分析了1994年4月16-17日磁暴期间磁层耦合过程对极光区和中低纬区电离层扰动的地磁特征.强磁暴开始时,台站所处的地方时位置不同,则观测到的电离层和地磁响应也完全不同.这是磁层对流和一、二区场向电流共同作用的结果.一般说,扰时极光区的西向电集流变化更为强烈.随着耦合的发展,极光区范围会向南北扩展,电集流中心带则向低纬侧移动.在中低纬区,二区场向电流的建立能屏蔽一区场向电流所产生的扰动,并引起反向的电流及地磁变化.由此,中低纬区夜间有可能出现短时间的东向电场,又可通过EXB的垂直向上漂移作用抬升F层等离子体,并发生同一经度链附近的多站电离层h'F同时突增现象.另一方面,磁赤道附近的台站则更多地受内磁层赤道环电流和电离层赤道电集流的影响.  相似文献   

极光电激流是极区电流系的重要组成部分.本文利用CHAMP卫星10年的高精度标量磁场数据研究了极光电激流的地方时和季节变化特征,并对卫星与地面台站观测到的极光电激流进行了对比分析.结果表明,日侧极光电激流主要受太阳辐射的影响,而夜侧极光电激流主要受亚暴的影响.极光电激流具有明显的年、半年变化特征.夏季东向电激流和日侧西向电激流强于冬季,而夜间西向电激流冬季强于夏季.东向电激流和日侧的西向电激流在两至点增强,夜侧的西向电激流则在两分点增强.西向电激流与AL、SML指数有较好的相关性,东向电激流与SMU指数有较好的相关性,而与AU指数有一定差异,这与地磁台站的有效探测范围有关.  相似文献   

为了认识并了解磁层能量输入对极光电集流中心纬度变化的影响,本文使用1998-2006年的SuperMAG、OMNI以及EPI数据分别分析了西向和东向电集流中心纬度与行星际磁场Bz分量、太阳风速度、以及极光沉降粒子估算能量的变化特征.研究结果表明:(1)当Bz0时,磁场强度越大,西向和东西电集流中心纬度越低,西向电集流朝晨侧移动,东向电集流朝正午方向移动;(2)在Bz0时,电集流中心主要受太阳风速度控制,当太阳风速度较大时,电集流中心向低纬移动;(3)电集流中心纬度随其强度的变化特征与随EPI的变化特征一致.  相似文献   

极区电离层电流与极光电集流指数关系的定量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
极区电离层电流体系主要是由场向电流产生的. 在平静状态下, 极区电流由一对晨昏电流涡组成, 而当亚暴发生时, 强度为几百万安培的西向电集流造成极区地磁场的剧烈扰动. 极光电集流的强度通常用极光电集流指数AL, AU, AEAO来描述. 本文用国际磁层研究计划(IMS)执行期间, 由北半球71个高纬地磁台的资料所得到的极区电流函数, 定量分析极区电流特征与极光电集流指数的关系. 研究结果表明, AL, AU指数与AE指数有很好的线性关系, 所以可以用AE(乘以适当比例因子)近似代替ALAU, AE指数可以近似表征极区总电流以及晨昏电流涡强度, 定量分析表明, AE指数的1 nT对应极区总电流1000 A. AE指数与最大西向电流密度有很好的正比关系, AE指数的1 nT对应地磁子夜最大西向电流密度1 A/km. 在夜间扇区的不同地方时, 电流密度随纬度变化的趋势大体相似, 最大西向电流密度一般位于地磁子夜附近和地磁纬度65°~70°处, 而东向电流密度在80°附近达到极大值. 分析还表明, 就5 min平均值而言, AE指数的饱和值约为700 nT, AL的饱和值约为−500 nT. 所以, 在研究磁层-电离层过程时, 使用饱和值以上的极光电集流指数需十分谨慎.  相似文献   

本文用数值计算方法对极盖区边界变化、其上驱动电势突然增减以及粒子沉降边界随时间变化等情况下,中低纬电离层电位分布及赤道电急流变化进行了研究。结果表明,赤道电急流明显地受到磁层-电离层电动耦合的影响。在白天到午夜的大部分时间内,当驱动势增强和扰动源向低纬扩展时,产生扰时附加东向赤道电急流;反之,有较强的磁层源西向电急流。计算结果解释了观测的主要现象,也表明观测结果的复杂性可能与过程不同阶段上电急流位相变化有关。  相似文献   

为了解极光电集流在sawtooth事件期间的响应情形,本文利用北半球高纬地磁台站的磁场数据,建立了以球元基本电流系反演法求得大尺度电离层水平等效电流系分布的方法,以此研究了2000年9月30日同步轨道LANL卫星观测到的sawtooth事件期间极光电集流的变化.本文将sawtooth注入事件后极区电离层夜侧西向电集流增长的特征,与中低纬地基磁场北向分量正弯扰的特征做比较分析.两者的观测结果都表明在本sawtooth注入事件期间有电流楔的形成,且电流楔约有11 h磁地方时(MLT)的宽度.此外,中低纬磁弯扰达到最大扰动值的时间一般比高纬电集流达到最大扰动值的时间长,说明影响中低纬磁弯扰变化的电流源较丰富.  相似文献   

电离层对流和极光区电集流的地磁链观测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文采用31个高纬地磁台站资料考察1997年5月15日一次中等磁暴期间极光区电集流和电离层对流的空间分布和时间变化;其中20站处于纬度60°N~80°N之间的西半球,而另11站是偶极磁经度约为120°E的欧洲IMAGE地磁站链.对此纬度链和经度链上各站1 min精度地磁资料的综合分析结果表明,极光区电集流中心的相对强度及其纬度位置是随世界时和地方时区不断变化的.电集流中心所处位置的变化可能是其中心的南北移动造成的,也可能是中心带与磁纬圈间的相互倾斜所致.另一方面,电离层对流形态和晨昏对流圈的经向跨度及其两端的位置是基本不变的.有关结论得到同期的非相干散射雷达EISCAT观测的证实和补充.  相似文献   

场向电流在不同的等离子体区之间传递能量、动量和质量,是磁层与电离层之间的关键耦合过程.本文利用CHAMP卫星高精度的空间磁场测量数据,研究亚暴期间极区电离层场向电流的统计学分布特征.研究表明场向电流的大小与所在位置呈现明显的日夜和晨昏不对称性,具体为:(1)场向电流的大小与亚暴极光电急流指数(AL)密切相连,AL愈大,电流愈强,亚暴期间电流强度相对平静期来说可增加约5倍,昏侧和夜侧电流强度与AL指数的相关性较好,晨侧和白天侧两者相关性较差;(2)电流的峰值密度所在位置与AL指数的相关性不高,昏侧电流所处纬度低于晨侧,而夜晚电流所处纬度低于白天侧.  相似文献   

地球极区电离层对行星际激波的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文就地球电离层对行星际激波的动力学响应进行三维全球数值模拟研究.背景行星际磁场为螺旋场,南北分量为零;初始电离层由Ⅰ区场向电流和相应的晨昏电场所主导;行星际激波沿日地连线方向撞击地球.模拟结果表明,在激波的作用下,电离层Ⅰ区电流系统向子夜方向运动,在向阳侧相继出现与原Ⅰ区电流反向的异常场向电流对和同向的新生Ⅰ区电流对.该异常场向电流对在极盖区形成瞬间昏晨电场,尾随原Ⅰ区电流向夜侧方向漂移直至湮没.与此同时,新生的Ⅰ区电流不断增强并向夜侧和赤道方向延伸,最终取代原Ⅰ区电流,相应极盖区又恢复到原来的晨昏电场状态.这一响应过程和行星际激波强度有关:激波强度越强,新生的Ⅰ区场向电流也越强,它向赤道方向延伸的距离也越大,能到达的纬度也越低.上述结果在趋势上与观测到的输运对流涡旋和亚极光块的运动特征一致.  相似文献   

南极中山站电离层的极区特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用1996年的电离层数字测高仪DPS-4所测的f0F2、f0E以及美国NOAA和DMSP卫星观测估算的半球功率指数和午夜极光区赤道侧边界纬度等资料,考察中山站电离层的极区特征。结果表明,在太阳和地磁宁静环境下,冬季极夜磁正午中山站处于极隙区中心时,电离层内的电离密度达全天的最大值;上、下午各有数小时间隔位极光带内时,高能粒子的电离作用也很重要;夜间进入极差区后,电子密度则很低。夏季极昼时,太阳EUV辐射的电离效应使电离层电离密度比冬季值大许多,而且,日变化的最大值时间也提前了1~2h,强磁扰时,极隙区和极光带均向低纬侧移动;中山站上空的电子密度会大幅度下降。在中等扰动环境下情况要加复杂:磁正午前后极隙区内软粒子沉降的电离强度有所减小,而上、下午极光区的高能粒子电离则有较大增加。  相似文献   

Effect of the equatorward shift of the eastward and westward electrojets during magnetic storms main phase is analyzed based on the meridional chains of magnetic observatories EISCAT and IMAGE and several Russian observatories (geomagnetic longitude ≈110°, corrected geomagnetic latitudes 74°>φ>51°.) Magnetic storms of various Dst index intensity where the main phase falls on 1000 UT - 2400 UT interval were selected so that one of the observatory chains was located in the afternoon - near midnight sector of MLT. The eastward electrojet center shifts equatorward with Dst intensity increase: when Dst ≈ −50 nT the electrojet center is located at φ ≈ 62°, when Dst ≈ −300 nT it is placed at φ ≈ 54°. The westward electrojet center during magnetic storms main phase for intervals between substorms shifts equatorward with Dst increase: at φ ≈ 62° when Dst ≈ −100 nT and at φ ≈ 55° when Dst ≈ −300 nT. During substorms within the magnetic storms intervals the westward electrojet widens poleward covering latitudes φ ≈ 64°–65°. DMSP (F08, F10 and F11) satellite observations of auroral energy plasma precipitations at upper atmosphere altitudes were used to determine precipitation region structure and location of boundaries of various plasma domains during magnetic storms on May 10–11, 1992, February 5–7 and February 21–22, 1994. Interrelationships between center location, poleward and equatorward boundaries of electrojets and characteristic plasma regions are discussed. The electrojet center, poleward and equatorward boundaries along the magnetic observatories meridional chain were mapped to the magnetosphere using the geomagnetic field paraboloid model. The location of auroral energy oxygen ion regions in the night and evening magnetosphere is determined. Considerations are presented on the mechanism causing the appearance in the inner magnetosphere during active intervals of magnetic storms of ions with energy of tens KeV. In the framework of the magnetospheric magnetic field paraboloid model the influence of the ring current and magnetospheric tail plasma sheet currents on large-scale magnetosphere structure is considered.  相似文献   

About the relationship between auroral electrojets and ring currents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between the storm-time ring current and the auroral electrojets is investigated using IMAGE magnetometer data, DSt and H-SYM, and solar wind data. Statistical results as well as the investigation of single events show that the auroral electrojets occur also during nonstorm conditions without storm-time ring current development and even during the storm recovery phase of increasing DSt. A close correlation between electrojet intensity and ring current intensity was not found. Though the eastward electrojet moves equatorward during the storm main phase there is no unequivocal relationship between the movement of the westward electrojet and the ring current development. All these results suggest that the auroral electrojets and the ring current develop more or less independently of each other.  相似文献   

The characteristics of substorm-associated Pi2 pulsations observed by the SABRE coherent radar system during three separate case studies are presented. The SABRE field of view is well positioned to observe the differences between the auroral zone pulsation signature and that observed at mid-latitudes. During the first case study the SABRE field of view is initially in the eastward electrojet, equatorward and to the west of the substorm-enhanced electrojet current. As the interval progresses, the western, upward field-aligned current of the substorm current wedge moves westward across the longitudes of the radar field of view. The westward motion of the wedge is apparent in the spatial and temporal signatures of the associated Pi2 pulsation spectra and polarisation sense. During the second case study, the complex field-aligned and ionospheric currents associated with the pulsation generation region move equatorward into the SABRE field of view and then poleward out of it again after the third pulsation in the series. The spectral content of the four pulsations during the interval indicate different auroral zone and mid-latitude signatures. The final case study is from a period of low magnetic activity when SABRE observes a Pi2 pulsation signature from regions equatorward of the enhanced substorm currents. There is an apparent mode change between the signature observed by SABRE in the ionosphere and that on the ground by magnetometers at latitudes slightly equatorward of the radar field of view. The observations are discussed in terms of published theories of the generation mechanisms for this type of pulsation. Different signatures are observed by SABRE depending on the level of magnetic activity and the position of the SABRE field of view relative to the pulsation generation region. A twin source model for Pi2 pulsation generation provides the clearest explanation of the signatures observed.  相似文献   

For four geomagnetic storms of middle intensity the relationship between the low-latitude magnetic field asymmetry using ASY indices and the intensity of the auroral eastward and westward electro-jet was considered. It was asked whether there exists a connection between ASY and the eastward electrojet. To answer this question equivalent current systems were estimated in mid-latitudes. It was found that the observations obviously show no correlative relationship between the low-latitude magnetic-field asymmetry and the eastward electrojet, whereas one exists between ASY and the westward electrojet. To explain the generally accepted common three-dimensional current system between the partial ring current and the eastward electrojet, a condensor model of the three-dimensional current system was developed. It could be shown that the short periodic variations of the partial ring current are shielded by the condensor and cannot influence the eastward-electrojet current.  相似文献   

Research results concerning the main ionospheric trough (MIT) in the afternoon sector are present. Data are used from the meridional chain of stations located in the East Asian region. The analysis of ionospheric storms with different intensities reveals that the depletion in the F2 layer ionization in the afternoon/evening sector can be observed in the subauroral latitudes in the storm recovery phase predominantly during equinoxes and is associated with the formation of the MIT equatorward wall. Model calculations of the evening trough show that its location coincides with the belt of westward drift in the geomagnetic latitudes 55–65° at 13–17 MLT. Hence the simulated results support the assumption that the narrow and deep trough in the afternoon sector is formed by the westward drift with high velocities (~700 m/s). the drift transports the low-density plasma from the night side. The eastward drift with high velocities (~1000–1200 m/s) transports the low-density plasma from the night to morning side forming a trough in the morning sector.  相似文献   

Magnetic storms and substorms are principalprocesses of energy transition from the solar wind intothe magnetosphere-ionosphere system and dissipationin the system. They are also important events whichthe space physics study and space weather predictionhave been focused on. Magnetic storms are describedby means of the magnetic index Dst, which is calcu-lated using the magnetic disturbances of horizontalcomponent recorded at 5 low-latitudinal stations, rep-resenting approximately the symmetric r…  相似文献   

The simultaneous measurements of the boundary of the trapped radiation region, where auroral electrons precipitate, on the Meteor-3M satellite (the circular polar orbit at an altitude of ∼1000 km) and the westward electrojet dynamics during the main phase of a strong (Dst = −263 nT) magnetic storm that occurred on May 15, 2005, are analyzed. At the end of the first hour of the storm main phase, the nightside boundary of the trapped radiation region and the peak of the precipitating electron fluxes with a energies of ∼1 keV shifted toward the Earth to L ∼ 3. The westward electrojet center approached the same L shell. Near the boundary of the trapped radiation region, the auroral electron spectrum had the shape of typical inverted V. The differential spectrum maximum shifted to an energy of ∼100 eV, when the latitude decreased by ∼1°. The nightside boundary of the trapped radiation region, the electron precipitation equatorward boundary, and the westward electrojet center are compared with the known empirical dependences of the position of these structures on the Dst variation amplitude.  相似文献   

We document the detailed dynamics of the dayside aurora in the ≈1200–1600 MLT sector in response to a sharp southward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) under negative IMF By conditions. Features not documented in previous work are elucidated by using two meridan scanning photometers (separated by 2 h) and an all-sky auroral imager in Ny Ålesund, Svalbard (75.5^MLAT) in combination with magnetograms from stations on Svalbard, covering the latitude range 71^–75^MLAT. The initial auroral response may be divided into three phases consisting of: (1) intensification of both the red (630.0 nm) and green (557.7 nm) line emissions in the cusp aurora near 1200 MLT and ≈100 km equatorward shift of its equatorward boundary, at ≈75^MLAT, (2) eastward and poleward expansions of the cusp aurora, reaching the 1430 MLT meridian after 5–6 min, and (3) east-west expansion of the higher-latitude aurora (at ≈77^–78^MLAT) in the postnoon sector. The associated magnetic disturbance is characterized by an initial positive deflection of the X-component at stations located 100–400 km south of the aurora, corresponding to enhanced Sunward return flow associated with the merging convection cell in the post-noon sector. The sequence of partly overlapping poleward moving auroral forms (PMAFs) during the first 15 min, accompanied by corresponding pulsations in the convection current, was followed by a strong westward contraction of the cusp aurora when the ground magnetograms indicated a temporary return to the pre-onset level. These observations are discussed in relation to the Cowley-Lockwood model of ionospheric response to pulsed magnetopause reconnection.  相似文献   

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