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张肖  张合  云萌  汪飞 《震灾防御技术》2022,17(2):401-408
本文基于雄安新区起步区区域性地震安全性评价工程435个钻孔剖面数据,选取其中300个钻孔剖面进行回归分析,利用剩余的135个钻孔剖面数据进行模型可靠性检验。研究结果表明,当钻孔剖面深度小于15 m时,Boore等模型明显低估了VS30;当深度小于10 m时,本研究中对数线性模型、对数二次模型、对数三次模型存在约3%的低估现象;对数三次模型相对误差、残差标准差均较小,因此,对数三次模型更适用于估算雄安新区缺乏钻孔资料或钻孔剖面深度未达30 m的 VS30。  相似文献   

土体剪切波速是进行土层地震反应分析的动力学参数,对场地地震动参数确定具有重要意义。基于地质地貌分析,将大同盆地划分为5类典型地质单元。对盆地1429个钻孔剪切波速资料进行分析,探讨VS30与VS20的相关性,研究土体埋深、岩性、地质单元、标贯击数及密实度等地质特征对VS的影响,并基于地质单元、剪切波速比、密实度系数及第四系上部覆盖层厚度相关性分析给出土体VS30预测模型。研究结果表明,基于典型地质特征的VS30预测模型拟合优度R2>0.90,预测精度很高,对于离散性较大、直接拟合估算较差及无剪切波速场地来说,以区分地质单元及土体类型的方式进行VS30分解预测是良好的研究思路。首次在区分地质单元及土体类型的前提下提出剪切波速比及密实度系数,并将其与第四系上部覆盖层厚度综合应用于VS30预测研究。研究结果可为大同盆地城市防震减灾规划、震害预测、区域性地震安全评价提供重要技术支撑。  相似文献   

基于决策树考虑地形特征的场地参数估计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展基于地形特征的场地参数VS30估计方法因其具有重要应用需求而成为研究热点.以我国新疆维吾尔自治区和河北省的DEM数据和工程钻孔资料验证了基于决策树理论考虑地形特征的VS30估计方法在我国的适用性,检验方法的准确性和对DEM数据精度的敏感性.得到如下结论:(1)基于决策树理论考虑地形坡度、表面纹理和局部凸度划分了两个地区的16类地形类别,建立了考虑这三项地形特征的VS30预测模型;(2)经验证基于决策树理论考虑三项地形特征的VS30估计方法具有普遍适用性,但同时存在区域依赖性,需要分区建立适用的VS30预测模型;(3)发现引入了表面纹理和局部凸度两项地形特征后,较使用单一的地形坡度对VS30预测的准确性有所提升;(4)地形分类对DEM数据精度存在敏感性,高精度数据对陡峭的山脉地区划分可能更为详细,而低精度数据则能够对平坦的平原地区识别可能更为充分,相比较而言900 m精度的DEM数据对于基于地形特征的VS30估计方法相对较为实用.上述模型和方法可为发展我国区域场地分类图提供一种有效的技术途径.  相似文献   

在工程地震场地条件评价中,地表以下30m深度范围内的等效剪切波速(vS30)是一个重要的分类参数,但由于客观条件的制约,在很多实例中等效剪切波速度的计算深度未达到30m,因此如何更好地估算vS30就变得尤为重要。详细阐述vS30估算模型的演化发展:首先介绍基于钻孔测井数据的3类模型,即常速度外推模型、速度梯度模型、双深度参数外推模型;然后详述基于地质、地形坡度和地貌等替代指标的vS30估算模型,以及基于HVSR的反应谱比的估算模型。文章分析各模型的特点和适用性,同时在此基础上简述了vS30在现今工程地震领域的应用。  相似文献   

利用四川和云南地区共973个工程场地钻孔资料,分别基于常速度外推模型、对数线性模型和条件独立模型的经验外推方法建立了该区域20 m和30 m平均剪切波速vS20和vS30的经验预测模型。研究表明常速度外推模型的预测误差最大,当波速资料深度小于10 m时,常速度外推方法会显著低估实际场地平均波速。基于对数线性外推方法建立了四川和云南地区波速经验预测模型,对比结果表明四川和云南地区平均波速预测结果与北京和加州地区较接近,明显低于日本地区。基于三种不同外推方法的预测误差对比分析结果表明条件独立性模型的预测结果在不同深度时误差均为最小,建议优先采用该方法建立的区域波速预测模型。   相似文献   

张肖  张合  刘思宇  刘书峰 《地震工程学报》2022,44(5):1160-1168,1184
选用国际最常见的vS30经验估算模型(常速度外推模型、速度梯度外推模型、双深度参数模型),利用雄安新区435个剪切波速剖面达30 m的钻孔数据,计算估算值vSE30和实测值vS30的相关性、vSE30的相对误差,验证经验估算模型的适用性。结果表明:双深度参数模型不需要对大量场地数据做回归分析,没有区域依赖性,准确度也有显著提高。该模型更适用于雄安新区工程建设中vS30的确定。  相似文献   

将地形数据经过坡度计算,利用坡度与vS30相关关系,计算宝鸡地区场地近似vS30。为了得到接近实际的波速分布,借助宝鸡地区钻孔资料,研究选定区域内vS30近似值与实测结果的差异,并对差异的空间变化趋势进行分析,在此基础上,对模型估算的vS30进行修正,进而得到接近实际的vS30分布,并给出基于NEHRP的宝鸡地区场地分类。  相似文献   

以鄂尔多斯西缘地区(34°N—42°N,103°E—109°E)为研究对象,基于2007—2020年研究区域内14个强震动台站记录到的116条强震记录(1≤MS≤8),采用加速度反应谱法,通过MATLAB软件编程拟合鄂尔多斯西缘地区kappa值与震中距的线性回归关系。研究结果表明,鄂尔多斯西缘地区强震台站高频衰减参数kappa0值为0.01545~0.06560 s;等效剪切波速(VS20、VS30)与震中距存在对数关系;随着VS20、VS30的增大,kappa0值逐渐减至0。  相似文献   

本文通过收集喀什—乌恰地区20个钻孔深度大于30 m的钻孔实测数据,分别获得了5、10、15及20 m深度处的等效剪切波速V_(SZ)与V_(S30)的对数线性关系,根据对数线性和对数二次回归的方法,得到了V_(SZ)与V_(S30)的经验关系。结果显示:速度梯度模型外推方法获得的V_(S30)经验模型,更加适合深度超过10 m的钻孔数据的估计。速度梯度模型外推方法中,对数二次回归和对数线性回归外推得到的V_(S30)经验模型呈现相同的规律,拟合优度差别不大,利用速度梯度外推方法获得V_(S30)经验模型,使用简单的线性模型就可以满足精度需求。  相似文献   

采用随机有限断层法进行地震动模拟时,选用合理的参数描述特定局部场地近地表高频衰减特征,对评价地震动模拟结果的正确与否具有重要的实践意义.在工程场址地震动参数预测中,如何快速确定参数的取值,是实际应用中亟需解决的问题.首先对场地高频衰减系数κ0与平均剪切波速vS30的相关性进行了分析;然后,基于国内外学者计算得到的546个κ0系数,采用一定时窗内的κ0均方根值,讨论其随平均剪切波速vS30增加的变化趋势.结果表明,虽然κ0具有明显的区域差异性,但其均方根值随着vS30的增大呈现出逐渐减小的趋势.为了得到合理的κ0估计模型,分别采用线性函数、多项式函数、对数线性函数和双对数线性函数对κ0均方根值与vS30的关系进行初步拟合,结果表明,对数线性函数能够较好地描述κ0与vS30之间的关系.最后,基于筛选得到的477个数据,采用最小二乘法对模型参数进行拟合,...  相似文献   

四川、甘肃地区VS30经验估计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目前我国建筑工程抗震设计规范中对于工程场地条件的判断依据主要是地表以下20m深度范围内土层的等效剪切波速,简称VS20。相比之下,国外应用较广的是地表以下30m深度范围内的等效剪切波速,简称VS30。这种差别导致国内科研工作者在应用国外的地震工程、工程抗震模型时经常遇到对场地条件描述不准确的困难。为了解决这个问题,本文根据147个四川、甘肃地区国家强震动台站20m左右深度的钻孔剪切波速数据,利用延拓方法、场地分类统计方法以及基于地形特征的VS30估计方法研究各台站VS30与VS20的经验关系,对比发现基于速度梯度延拓的结果最为可取。参考国际上通用的Geomatrix Classification场地分类标准,最终得到四川、甘肃地区各类场地的平均VS30,此结果可以为缺乏钻孔数据的工程场地的VS30估计提供参考。  相似文献   

Ground motions recorded within sedimentary basins are variable over short distances. One important cause of the variability is that local soil properties are variable at all scales. Regional hazard maps developed for predicting site effects are generally derived from maps of surficial geology; however, recent studies have shown that mapped geologic units do not correlate well with the average shear-wave velocity of the upper 30 m, Vs(30). We model the horizontal variability of near-surface soil shear-wave velocity in the San Francisco Bay Area to estimate values in unsampled locations in order to account for site effects in a continuous manner. Previous geostatistical studies of soil properties have shown horizontal correlations at the scale of meters to tens of meters while the vertical correlations are on the order of centimeters. In this paper we analyze shear-wave velocity data over regional distances and find that surface shear-wave velocity is correlated at horizontal distances up to 4 km based on data from seismic cone penetration tests and the spectral analysis of surface waves. We propose a method to map site effects by using geostatistical methods based on the shear-wave velocity correlation structure within a sedimentary basin. If used in conjunction with densely spaced shear-wave velocity profiles in regions of high seismic risk, geostatistical methods can produce reliable continuous maps of site effects.  相似文献   

The compression wavefield is efficiently converted to shear-wave energy at post-critical angles in areas of high impedance contrast at the sea floor. We have analysed mode-converted shear waves in a data set acquired with a hybrid marine/land geometry in Isfjorden, Svalbard. Through a kinematic 2D ray-tracing modellingV p/Vs ratios for part of the uppermost 5km of the crust are obtained. Low values (V p /V s =1.65) are tentatively associated with the section of Devonian sandstones which appears to attain a minimum thickness of 1.5km below 3 km depth about 10km west of Kapp Thorden.  相似文献   

During the Mw = 7.4 Izmit earthquake of 17 August 1999, the Yeilyurt district of Istanbul underwent damage despite the epicentral distance of 90 km. At Avclar (20 km west of Yeilyurt), the ground motion was even stronger and has caused heavy damage and fatalities. We investigate whether the observed ground motions can be explained by theoretical site amplifications calculated from one-dimensional (1-D) shear-wave velocity models. For this purpose, microtremors recorded with sensor-arrays set up at two sites were analyzed to obtain phase velocity dispersion curves using both the conventional and the Capon frequency–wavenumber (f–k) methods. At the Yeilyurt site, the conventional f–k method offered reliable phase velocity estimations whereas the Capon method showed scatter in the estimations. At the Avclar site, on the other hand, the Capon method provided a higher resolution than the conventional method and hence, allowed estimation of wavelengths up to seven times the array size. At the Yeilyurt site, the shallow shear-wave velocity profile that is correlated with the lithology obtained from boreholes yields a ground motion amplification factor of about 3 at the frequency of 1 Hz. At the Avclar site, the phase velocity dispersion curve is comparable with the one previously obtained using the spatial autocorrelation method. The site amplification factors calculated from the 1-D shear-wave velocity model are around 2–3 at the frequencies of 0.4, 1.2 and 2.3 Hz, which are about 2–3 times smaller than the amplifications obtained from reference-site techniques using weak/strong motion records of earthquakes. We suggest that the discrepancy may be caused by a 2- or 3-D effect introduced by surface and/or bedrock topography not accounted for by the horizontally stratified model considered here.  相似文献   

从新疆乌鲁木齐市2004—2015年得到的841个钻孔中选择深度达30 m以下且钻孔资料记录完整的有效钻孔123个,通过计算5~30 m范围内不同深度的等效剪切波速,分别利用线性拟合、二次拟合和三次拟合对各深度vSd)及其vS30进行拟合。通过对比发现,三个方程的拟合误差都随深度的增加而减少,且三次拟合方程的误差始终小于同深度的线性拟合和二次拟合方程,因此推荐使用三次拟合方程来估计新疆乌鲁木齐市钻孔的vS30值。同时将此结果和Boore的结果进行比较后发现,不同深度处的等效剪切波速vSd)和vS30具有地域差异性;Boore得到的结果在钻孔深度小于20 m时明显高估vS30值,拟合曲线偏离实际数据点较远,所以本文拟合结果更适用于新疆乌鲁木齐市。综合比较可知,三次拟合得到的研究结果可以为新疆乌鲁木齐市钻孔深度不足30 m的地区求解vS30值提供参考。最后,利用新疆克拉玛依市2004—2015年钻孔资料检验三个拟合公式对克拉玛依市的适用性,发现深度越接近30 m,误差越小;线性模型和二次模型相对来说比较可靠,平均误差接近于0,并且对深度大于10 m的钻孔有高估现象;三次模型相对来说误差比较大,并且几乎在所有深度都有低估现象。  相似文献   

The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) and National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) launched a project to build an engineering geological database for strong-motion stations in Taiwan in 2000. The project measures shear-wave velocity using the suspension PS-logging method. In this study, we conduct array measurements of microtremors and apply the stress wave propagation method (SWPM) at seven free-field strong-motion stations in Ilan County to estimate shallow shear-wave velocity structures. We focus on the sediment layers of the top 100 m to compare the shear-wave velocity structures of the three different methods. There are some misfits among the results of the three different methods; so we calculate the values of Vs30, Vs100 and plot S-wave travel-time curves of these methods for each site to analyze the misfits effectively. This analysis helped us to prove the efficiency of the microtremor array method in investigating shear-wave velocity structures in the shallow subsurface. Moreover, the horizontal-to-vertical ratios of microtremors for each survey point show the existence of divergence at the same site. We considered this as evidence that misfits are caused by the heterogeneous nature of sediments and also due to the nature of the methods as being one-, two- and three-dimensional. Furthermore, the average shear-wave velocity structure of microtremor arrays may be more representative of the whole site.  相似文献   

IntroductionVelocityanditsattenuationinformationiscloselylinkedwiththeoreticalstudiesonthegroundmovementsduringearthquake.Therecentstudy(Malagnini,1996)showedthatthevelocitystructureofshearwaveinshallowsoilabove30mplaysanimpoftantroletoestimatestfonggroundmotionofsite.However,itishardtopreciselymeasurethesoilstructuresanddynamiccharacteristics.First,theloosesoilabsorbstheseismicwaveswithhighfrequencies;Second,theeffectsoffocusinganddispersioncausedbylocallyinhomogeneoussitecannotbeneglectedin…  相似文献   

In this paper, we give a brief introduction to the proposal and development history of the earthquake magnitude concept. Moment magnitude MW is the best physical quantity for measuring earthquakes. Compared with other magnitude scales used traditionally, moment magnitude is not saturated for all earthquakes, regardless of big and small earthquakes, deep and shallow earthquakes, far field and near field seismic data, geodetic and geological data, moment magnitude can be measured, and can be connected with well-known magnitude scales such as surface wave magnitude MS. Moment magnitude is a uniform magnitude scale, which is suitable for statistics with wide magnitude range. Moment magnitude is the preferred magnitude selected by the International Seismological community, and it is preferred by the departments responsible for publishing seismic information to the public.Moment magnitude is a uniform magnitude scale, which is suitable for statistics with wide magnitude range. Moment magnitude is a preferred magnitude for international seismology, it is preferred by the agency responsible for providing information about earthquakes to the public. We provide all formulas used in the calculation of moment magnitude, and the calculation steps in detail. We also analyzed some problems and rules to solve these problems by using different formulas and numerical value calculation steps.  相似文献   

宋秀青 《中国地震》2017,33(4):694-702
2017年8月9日精河发生MS6.6地震,随后发生一系列余震。本文采用PTD方法和新疆测震台网分析的震相数据,基于新疆“2015地壳速度模型”,计算了该地震序列的震源深度,得到MS6.6主震震源深度约为14km,MS≥2.5余震深度为9~18km。所有震相数据来自中国地震台网中心编目数据库。  相似文献   

We try to give a quantitative and global discrimination function by studying m b/M S data using Fisher method that is a kind of pattern recognition methods. The reliability of the function is also analyzed. The results show that this criterion works well and has a global feature, which can be used as first-level filtering criterions in event identification. The quantitative and linear discrimination function makes it possible to identify events automatically and achieve the goal to react the events quickly and effectively. Contribution No.05FE3018, Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administrtion.  相似文献   

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