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在地震工程中,经常观测到地震波受地表起伏的影响而产生地形效应.本文基于数值模拟,研究了地震远场区域起伏地形对地表瑞利面波传播影响和对应的地形效应特征.结果表明:起伏地形的转折点或面的散射或反射,产生反方向传播的反射RR波和向空间扩散传播的转换RS体波,导致通过地形的瑞利面波能量极大的减弱,地形总体表现出强的隔震效应.地形起伏与地震动的波长比越大,隔震效应越强.凹陷地形表现出远比隆起地形更大的隔震效应.起伏地形转折引起的地表张角变化,导致地震动能量分布密度改变,是地形出现局部放大或减弱特征的主要因素.地表张角小于180°,地震动放大,张角越小放大作用越明显.地表张角大于180°,地震动减弱,张角越大减弱作用越强.当地形对地震动产生放大作用时,地震动水平分量比垂直分量放大效果更明显,而当地形产生减弱作用时,相对于水平分量,垂直分量更容易被减弱.  相似文献   

地表不规则地形的存在往往会引起地震波的散射,进而产生局部地震动放大或衰减的现象.虽然地形效应最早在异常地震记录中被发现,然而利用地形影响台阵记录到的地震动数据却少之又少.基于1992年在我国台湾翡翠河谷上观测到的六条地形影响台阵记录,利用线源SH波入射下非对称V形河谷地震波传播解析理论,模拟得到了河谷台阵各点的地震动,...  相似文献   

局部地形条件对地震动放大有显著影响,解析法和数值法均可研究该问题,而解析法可以分析问题的物理本质和检验数值法的精度.将局部地形分为无盖层凹陷地形、有盖层凹陷地形(沉积谷地)、凸起地形和复合地形;分别综述了国内外关于各种局部地形对地震动影响的解析解研究成果.从以下4个方面分析和讨论当前研究成果:①研究方法;②计算介质模型;③各局部地形研究水平的不均衡;④研究存在不足之处.提出了未来发展方向:未来该领域应加强研究局部地形对Rayleigh波地震动响应规律,开展局部地形对多种波耦合入射下的地震动响应规律的研究,运用非线性波动理论研究局部地形对地震动的影响和开展三维非线性地震动数值模拟研究.  相似文献   

基于间接边界元法,首先采用Ricker波作为输入波,分别研究了SH波入射时均匀半空间凸起场地、两侧含覆盖土层的岩质凸起场地、匀质土质凸起场地、异质土质凸起场地的波传播特征,同时比较了凸起地形与土层对Ricker波的放大效应,研究表明,覆盖土层能增强场地对地震动的散射和反射效应并延长地震动持时,土层对地震动的放大效应比凸起地形对地震动的放大效应更为显著。在此基础上进一步以Taft波、El Centro波和天津波作为输入地震动,研究了异质土质凸起场地的地震响应,就本文所考虑的模型而言,这3种地震动输入下得到的凸起场地对地表加速度反应谱峰值的放大幅度分别为102.9%、149.9%和186.7%,大大高于建筑抗震设计规范中为考虑地形效应而对水平地震影响系数最大值进行增幅的取值。  相似文献   

利用汶川大震后在文县县城附近架设在同一地点不同高度的三个流动台获取的7次强余震的记录,通过对原始记录做零线调整并计算记录时程均方根值,研究了局部地形高差对强震地震动的影响.结果表明,局部孤突地形对地震动加速度有明显的放大作用,在进行山区建筑选场和城镇规划时必须充分考虑局部地形的放大作用和影响.  相似文献   

地震波散射问题的数值解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文将有限元法和人工透射边界相结合,系统地讨论了二维地震波散射问题的数值解法;并将这一方法应用于研究Rayleigh面波和体波入射时地面不规则地形对地震动的影响,得到了若干有参考价值的结论。本文提供的处理方法和数值结果对于在地震小区划中估算局部地形和地质构造对地震动的影响有一定实用价值。  相似文献   

以云南鲁甸6.5级地震中房屋建筑破坏严重的龙头山集镇斜坡地形为例,通过地脉动测试分析得出斜坡及坡顶测点相对于坡脚参考点谱比峰值均>1,顺坡向谱比峰值大于垂直坡向谱比峰值,且谱比峰值从斜坡坡脚到坡顶逐渐增大,坡顶处约为3;顺坡向谱比峰值对应的频率为4.57~5.39 Hz,垂直坡向谱比峰值对应的频率稍高,为5.42~5.96 Hz。通过结合黏弹性边界的时域动力有限元方法分析斜坡地形在垂直入射地震动作用下的响应,数值模拟结果表明,斜坡坡顶处的位移放大作用显著,坡脚处放大作用较小;介质剪切波速对斜坡地震动的影响较明显,尤其是坡顶点处不同介质剪切波速模型位移峰值差异较大。由于斜坡地形复杂的散射效应,在斜坡及附近测点均出现明显的转换面波,坡顶点处波形转换最显著。数值模拟结果进一步验证了龙头山集镇依坡而建的房屋建筑破坏严重是由局部地形地震动放大效应与地震动差动共同作用引起的。  相似文献   

刘甲美  高孟潭  陈鲲 《地震学报》2015,37(5):865-874
地形对地震动的影响比较复杂, 考虑地形放大效应的地震滑坡稳定性分析需要选择合适的地震动参数. 本文使用自贡地形影响台阵记录到的2008年汶川MS8.0地震主震加速度记录, 分析了地震动峰值加速度、 阿里亚斯烈度以及90%能量持时随地形高度的变化, 探讨了地形效应作用下峰值加速度和阿里亚斯烈度与地震动作用下斜坡稳定性的相关性. 结果表明: ① 地形场地对峰值加速度和阿里亚斯烈度均有显著的放大效应. 地形放大效应较为复杂, 其整体上随台站高度的增加而增大, 水平向的放大效应大于竖直向. 水平向峰值加速度的放大系数为1.1—1.8, 阿里亚斯烈度的放大系数为1.2—3.3; 竖直向相应放大系数分别为1.1—1.3和1.2—1.7. ② 地形对地震动持时也有一定的放大效应, 但不同高度、 不同分量的放大效应没有显著差异, 其放大系数均约为1.3. ③ 阿里亚斯烈度和峰值加速度均能很好地表征地形对地震动的影响, 与地震动对斜坡稳定性的影响具有很强的相关性. 与峰值加速度相比, 阿里亚斯烈度综合了地震动的多方面特征, 可以更好地表征地形对地震动的影响, 与地震动作用下斜坡稳定性的相关性更强.   相似文献   

自贡西山公园山脊场地地形和土层效应数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
利用自贡地形影响强震动观测台阵在汶川地震中获得的强震动记录,以位于山脚下基岩上的台站为参考点,采用传统谱比法对场地放大效应进行了初步分析;同时用显式有限元-有限差分方法模拟了自贡西山公园山脊场地地形和土层的地震动效应,并进行了数值模拟结果与强震动观测结果的对比分析.结果表明:上覆土层对地震动的放大作用相对于地形变化的放大作用更为明显;地形对地震动水平分量的放大效应要明显于对竖直分量的放大效应;采用二维模型对上覆土层的模拟与观测结果较吻合,对于基岩介质部分的模拟在低频范围内也能反映山脊地形对地震动的影响.  相似文献   

自贡市西山公园地形对地震动的影响   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
不规则地形和土层对地震动的影响较大,建(构)筑物选址及其抗震设防必须考虑地形和土层场地的放大效应,以避免或减轻其震害.利用自贡地形台阵记录的汶川地震(Ms8.0)的主震加速度时程,基于传统谱比法分别研究了地形和土层场地对地震动的放大效应.结果表明:(1)地形场地在低频的放大效应不明显,最大仅为1.24;在高频的放大效应较显著,在1~10 Hz频带,山顶的放大效应最大,EW、NS和UD地震动的最大放大效应分别为4.15、3.61和2.41,对应频率分别为5.72 Hz、6.46 Hz和7.44 Hz;在10~20 Hz频带,靠近山顶的山脊上某个地震动分量的放大效应最大,7#台站EW、5#台站NS和7#台站UD地震动的最大放大效应分别为9.10、5.56和2.52,对应频率分别为16.97 Hz、16.91 Hz和17.91 Hz.(2)地形场地的最大放大效应随高度有增加的趋势,且在0.1~10 Hz频带随高度增加的趋势更加明显.(3)土层场地水平向地震动在2 Hz以上开始明显放大,竖向地震动在4 Hz以上开始明显放大;EW、NS和UD地震动的最大放大效应分别为13.4、12.168和6.0,对应频率分别为6.94 Hz、7.55 Hz和10.8 Hz.(4)土层场地与地形场地的最大放大效应相比较,前者显著大于后者,对于水平向地震动,前者至少是后者的3倍以上;对于竖向地震动,前者至少是后者的2.5倍以上.(5)无论是地形场地还是土层场地,地震动的最大放大效应均有水平向大于竖向的特征.  相似文献   

风化半圆形河谷对柱面SH波的散射解析解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
风化河谷地震效应对建在此类场地上工程结构(如大坝、桥梁)的动力稳定性具有潜在的威胁,为揭示河谷风化层对地面运动的影响,利用波函数展开法推导风化半圆形河谷对线源柱面SH波散射问题的解析解。计算不同震源位置条件下风化半圆形河谷的地表位移反应和地面运动放大因子,分析地面运动的幅值和形态,发现随着震源距离的增大,在河谷附近地震动的放大和衰减的交替更频繁。  相似文献   

针对现有地震波散射问题的解析解均在频域内给出,其适用的频带较窄,不能获取到可靠的瞬态反应解析解的问题,本文利用宽频带频域解析解进一步获取了不同空间点地震反应的宽频带频响函数,并基于傅里叶变换得出SH波入射下圆弧形凹陷地形瞬态动力响应的解析解.以上述为基础,研究了输入脉冲与实际地震动时凹陷的瞬态反应的基本特征,并重点分析...  相似文献   

This paper presents a step-by-step procedure using the three-dimensional boundary element approach to study the behavior of semi-circular canyons under seismic shear waves. The boundary element code TDASC allows utilization for various canyon geometries, evaluation of concurrent seismic waves and calculation of the ground motions on canyons due to an excitation at any arbitrary point of the incident field. Considering the widening ratio of the canyon(including prismatic, semi-prismatic and non-prismatic canyons), wave characteristics(wavelength, dimensionless period, direction) and maximum amplification pattern, the solution was applied to carry out a series of parametric studies. It was shown that canyon form can significantly affect the displacement amplification, especially at the points located on its edges. By increasing the wave dimensionless frequency(η 1), the amplification pattern becomes more complex. On the basis of the results from a variety of considered cases, a new expression has been presented for the limiting wavelength beyond which the widening of the canyon will not have a major effect on the displacement amplification. To verify the reliability of the proposed approach, the obtained results, expressed in terms of displacement amplitude, were compared with those from the available published literature and a reasonably good agreement was observed.  相似文献   

刘中宪  尚策  王小燕  王冬 《地震学报》2017,39(1):111-131
基于一种高精度间接边界元法(IBEM), 实现了沉积盆地三维地震响应的频域、 时域精细求解, 并以半空间中椭球形沉积盆地对平面P波和SV波的散射为例, 着重探讨了入射角度、 入射波型、 入射频率、 盆地长宽比和深宽比对沉积盆地地震动放大效应的影响规律. 结果表明: 盆地形状对地震波的放大效应和空间分布状态具有显著影响, 且具体规律受控于入射波频段. ① 随着盆地深度增大, 盆地边缘面波发育更为充分, 在较宽频段内均会出现显著的地震动放大效应, 且深盆地的放大区域集中于盆地中部. ② 圆形盆地对地震波的汇聚效应最为显著, 而狭长盆地对地震波的汇聚作用相对较弱, 高频情况下可在盆地内部形成多个聚焦区域. ③ 不同波型入射下, 盆地对地震动放大效应的机制有所差异: P波入射下, 竖向位移放大主要是由于盆地边缘面波由四周向中部汇聚所致; SV波入射下, 边缘面波汇聚效应相对较弱, 而当盆地较深时, 底部透射体波和边缘面波易形成同相干涉从而显著放大地震动. 按盆地内外介质波速比为1/2, P波和SV波垂直入射下频域最大放大倍数分别为25和15, 时域放大倍数约为4.0和3.7(雷克子波). ④ 低频波入射下, 位移从盆地中部向边缘逐渐减小, 且浅层沉积盆地对地表位移幅值的放大作用不明显. ⑤ P波和SV波的入射角度对盆地地震动放大幅值及空间分布特征也具有显著影响.   相似文献   

Coastal cliff erosion is caused by a combination of marine forcing and sub-aerial processes, but linking cliff erosion to the environmental drivers remains challenging. One key component of these drivers is energy transfer from wave–cliff interaction. The aim of this study is to directly observe cliff ground motion in response to wave impacts at an individual wave scale. Measurements are described from two coastal cliff sites: a 45-minute pilot study in southern California, USA and a 30-day deployment in Taranaki, New Zealand. Seismometers, pressure sensors and video are used to compare cliff-top ground motions with water depth, significant wave height (Hs) and wave impact types to examine cliff ground motion response. Analyses of the dataset demonstrate that individual impact events can be discriminated as discrete events in the seismic signal. Hourly mean ground motion increases with incident Hs, but the largest hourly peak ground motions occurred across a broad range of incident Hs (0.9–3.7 m), including during relatively calm conditions. Mean hourly metrics therefore smooth the short-term dynamics of wave–cliff interaction; hence, to fully assess wave impact energy transfer to cliffs, it is important also to consider peak ground motion. Video analyses showed that the dominant control on peak ground motion magnitude was wave impact type rather than incident Hs. Wave–cliff impacts where breaking occurs directly onto the cliff face consistently produced greater ground motion compared to broken or unbroken wave impacts: breaking, broken and unbroken impacts averaged peak ground motion of 287, 59 and 38 μm s−1, respectively. The results illustrate a novel link between wave impact forcing and cliff ground motion response using individual wave field measurements, and highlight the influence of wave impact type on peak energy transfer to coastal cliffs. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Concurrent observations of waves at the base of a southern California coastal cliff and seismic cliff motion were used to explore wave–cliff interaction and test proxies for wave forcing on coastal cliffs. Time series of waves and sand levels at the cliff base were extracted from pressure sensor observations programmatically and used to compute various wave impact metrics (e.g. significant cliff base wave height). Wave–cliff interaction was controlled by tide, incident waves, and beach sand levels, and varied from low tides with no wave–cliff impacts, to high tides with continuous wave–cliff interaction. Observed cliff base wave heights differed from standard Normal and Rayleigh distributions. Cliff base wave spectra levels were elevated at sea swell and infragravity frequencies. Coastal cliff top response to wave impacts was characterized using microseismic shaking in a frequency band (20–45 Hz) sensitive to wave breaking and cliff impacts. Response in the 20–45 Hz band was well correlated with wave–cliff impact metrics including cliff base significant wave height and hourly maximum water depth at the cliff base (r2 = 0.75). With site‐specific calibration relating wave impacts and shaking, and acceptable anthropogenic (traffic) noise levels, cliff top seismic observations are a viable proxy for cliff base wave conditions. The methods presented here are applicable to other coastal settings and can provide coastal managers with real time coastal conditions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on our numerical model for wave scattering problems due to P and SV wave incidences and the frequency domain analysis procedure, the effect of canyon topographic and geologic conditions on ground motion due to P and SV earthquake wave incidences has been extensively studied in this paper. The numerical results from this research illustrated that: (1) canyon topographic and geologic conditions can dramatically affect both peak value and frequency contents of the free field motion along the canyon surface during an earthquake; (2) a canyon may be subjected to stronger ground motion when its predominant frequency is in coincidence with the predominant frequency of the incident earthquake wave; (3) a stronger wave mode conversion effect can be induced by a steeper canyon bank or a softer weathered stratum on the canyon surface in the case of an earthquake wave incidence; (4) compared with harmonic wave incidences, the amplification effect of a canyon on the incident earthquake wave is a little weaker due to the average self-healing effect of the earthquake wave.  相似文献   

To improve the understanding of the near-field soil and topographic amplification effects, an analytical solution by the authors for the scattering of plane SH waves by a radially inhomogeneous semi-cylindrical valley is extended to the case of a line source of cylindrical SH waves. Upon confirmation of its accuracy with past exact solutions for a homogeneous and an inhomogeneous semi-cylindrical valley under far-field plane SH waves, the extended solution is used to calculate the ground motion amplification factors for both the homogeneous and inhomogeneous valleys subjected to near-field waves. A comprehensive parametric study is conducted with respect to the location of the wave source, the dimensionless frequency of the incident waves, and the inhomogeneity degree of the covering soil layer. It is found that more amplifications and reductions of ground motions will occur within a certain range in and around the valley as the sources are located further. Consistent with the far-field case, it is confirmed that an increase of the degree of inhomogeneity of the covering soil layer generally amplifies the ground motions significantly.  相似文献   

探讨了基于差分进化-人工神经网络构建沉积河谷地震响应代理模型的可行性。首先建立沉积河谷对地震波散射的求解方法,以半圆形、V形沉积河谷为例,以入射波条件、沉积内外介质属性、场地形状为特征参数,以沉积河谷地震动放大系数为预测目标参数,构建数据集;其次,建立沉积河谷地震动放大效应人工神经网络、差分进化-人工神经网络算法预测模型,对比两种算法计算精度和稳定性,并进行了特征参数敏感性分析。结果表明:人工神经网络能较好地预测沉积河谷地震动放大效应,使差分进化-人工神经网络预测模型的精度和稳定性显著提高;入射波频率是影响沉积河谷地震动放大系数的主要原因,沉积内外介质密度比的影响较小。本研究结论可对地震作用下更为复杂的局部场地效应预测和评估提供参考。   相似文献   

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