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Seismic damage of highway bridges during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Many highway bridges were severely damaged or completely collapsed during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.A field investigation was carried out in the strongly affected areas and over 320 bridges were examined. Damage to some representative highway bridges is briefly described and a preliminary analysis of the probable causes of the damage is presented in this paper. The most common damage included shear-flexural failure of the pier columns, expansion joint failure, shear key failure, and girder sliding in the transversal or longitudinal directions due to weak connections between girder and bearings. Lessons learned from this earthquake are described and recommendations related to the design of curved and skewed bridges, design of bearings and devices to prevent girder collapse, and ductility of bridge piers are presented.Suggestions for future seismic design and retrofitting techniques for bridges in moderate to severe earthquake areas are also proposed.  相似文献   

服役曲线梁桥常存在爬移病害。为探讨爬移病害程度对曲线梁桥抗震性能的影响规律,通过总结服役曲线梁桥爬移病害,确定以不同梁端爬移位移量作为描述服役曲线梁桥爬移状态的对比分析工况,并以一座三跨预应力混凝土曲线梁桥为例,采用MIDAS Civil建立有限元模型,考虑桩-土相互作用、双向碰撞效应及材料非线性,分析曲线梁桥支座及桥墩等主要受力构件地震响应规律,探讨爬移状态对服役曲线梁桥抗震性能影响。研究结果表明:主梁的爬移病害对桥梁的抗震性能会产生不利影响,会导致支座位移的增长,增加支座破坏的风险,从而增加桥梁上部结构碰撞效应及落梁风险;随着爬移位移的增加,桥墩的损伤状态可能由爬移前的无损伤转变为考虑爬移后的严重损伤状态。因此,在进行服役曲线梁桥抗震性能评估时应量化其爬移状态,并采用合理的措施对主梁的爬移进行限制。  相似文献   

为客观预测在役公路梁式桥综合震害状况,考虑在役桥梁在运营期存在的病害问题,从压力和承压两方面建立在役公路梁式桥综合震害预测评价指标体系。以桥梁作为承灾体,建立在役公路梁式桥综合震害物元可拓模型,运用熵权法进行赋权,确定桥梁的综合震害状况。以一座在役梁式桥为例,运用上述模型确定算例的综合震害状况。研究结果表明,该桥的综合震害等级为Ⅲ级,破坏等级中等,且根据结果分析影响桥梁震害程度的主要影响因素;该模型通过对多个指标关联系数的综合分析来评价在役梁式桥的综合震害等级,极大地提高了该模型评估的准确率及可靠性,为桥梁震害等级的预测提供一定的参考,对提升桥梁综合抗震能力具有积极意义。  相似文献   

The development of an expansion double spherical seismic isolation (DSSI) bearing by modifying the fixed DSSI bearing is described in this paper.The expansion DSSI bearing is characterized by its good ...  相似文献   

曲线桥梁在役期间可能面临地震灾害,导致结构损坏甚至坍塌,为了评估在役桥梁的抗震性能,提出基于损伤分析的曲线梁桥抗震性能评估方法。建立旧曲线梁桥有限元模型,基于损伤分析的原理,提出适合曲线梁桥地震响应特性的构件损伤模型,在全桥有限元模型中输入不同类型地震动,计算各构件的损伤指数,并结合旧桥检算系数,由各构件损伤指数综合得到桥梁的整体损伤指数。结果表明:不同地震动下主梁会发生碰撞破坏,桥梁两端的支座容易发生移位,桥墩沿横桥向或顺桥向均会产生位移;不同地震动对主梁、支座、桥墩等构件造成的损害程度有较大差异,各构件的地震响应会影响桥梁整体结构的抗震性能,其中桥墩对桥梁整体抗震性能的影响最大,桥墩位移超过极限值可能导致倒塌;主梁反复碰撞会加剧桥梁的破坏程度,桥梁两端支座在地震作用下更容易发生损坏。  相似文献   

汶川大地震公路桥梁震害初步调查   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
2008年5月12日我国四川省汶川县发生8级大地震,造成大量公路桥梁破坏。本文详细介绍了百花大桥、小鱼洞大桥、庙子坪大桥、龙尾大桥等9座典型公路桥梁的震害情况及原因。这个地区的桥梁主要为桥面连续简支梁桥,支座多为直接搁置的板式橡胶支座,地震中稳定性较差,主梁与桥墩连接较为薄弱,更多地发生横、纵向移位,乃至最终落梁。这种薄弱连接一定程度上降低了桥墩的地震荷载,总体上看桥墩震害较轻,但从破坏的桥墩、拱肋、盖梁来看,直接剪切或形成弯曲塑性铰后的剪切破坏较为多见。提出了公路桥梁抗震设计若干建议,涉及桥台抗震稳定性及强度校核、曲线梁桥和高墩桥梁设计、支座及防落梁措施设计、桥墩及构件延性设计、场地液化等多个方面。强调了抗震构造措施能够维持公路桥梁大震后应急通行功能的"最强设计原则"。  相似文献   

Laminated elastomeric bearings have been widely used for small-to-medium-span highway bridges in China, in which concrete shear keys are set transversely to prohibit large girder displacement. To evaluate bridge seismic responses more accurately, proper analytical models of bearings and shear keys should be developed. Based on a series of cyclic loading experiments and analyses, rational analytical models of laminated elastomeric bearings and shear keys, which can consider mechanical degradation, were developed. The effect of the mechanical degradation was investigated by examining the seismic response of a small-to-medium-span bridge in the transverse direction under a wide range of peak ground accelerations (PGA). The damage mechanism for small-to-medium-span highway bridges was determined, which can explain the seismic damage investigation during earthquakes in recent years. The experimental results show that the mechanical properties of laminated elastomeric bearings will degrade due to friction sliding, but the degree of decrease is dependent upon the influencing parameters. It can be concluded that the mechanical degradation of laminated elastomeric bearings and shear keys play an important role in the seismic response of bridges. The degradation of mechanical properties of laminated elastomeric bearings and shear keys should be included to evaluate more precise bridge seismic performance.  相似文献   

宋帅  王帅  吴刚 《震灾防御技术》2019,14(4):781-789
从板式橡胶支座及混凝土挡块抗震设计角度,以一座典型的3跨预应力混凝土连续梁桥为例,结合概率地震需求分析及桥墩、支座等抗震关键构件极限破坏状态,建立不同支座及挡块分析模型的中小跨径梁桥地震易损性曲线,研究考虑支座滑移效应及挡块破坏的中小跨径梁桥的易损性特征。研究结果表明:不考虑橡胶支座的滑移效应及混凝土挡块破坏,桥墩地震破坏概率明显增大,且会低估支座破坏概率;桥梁系统易损性受支座破坏状态的影响显著,需设置合理的限位装置;在中小跨径梁桥地震易损性分析中,考虑支座的滑移效应及混凝土挡块的破坏十分必要。  相似文献   

防震减灾科普教育是提升公民防震减灾科学素质的重要途经。日本和美国是在防震减灾科普教育方面走在世界前列的国家。本文通过研究日本和美国关于公民防震减灾科学素质建设文献资料,分类归纳日本和美国公民防震减灾科学素质建设的历史背景、发展特点及主要路径,由此对我国公民防震减灾科学素质建设提出思考和建议。  相似文献   

汶川大地震简支梁桥落梁震害与设计对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了5.12汶川大地震中简支梁桥落梁震害及主要影响因素,发现除地震山体滑坡等地质灾害外,断层地表破裂、近断层地震动效应、桥台胸墙冲切破坏、防落梁构造措施单一及桥梁体型复杂等因素都是引起简支梁桥落梁震害的重要原因。提出了简支梁桥防落梁设计的基本理念及相关技术方案要点为允许墩梁间发生滑移,以降低桥墩承受的地震惯性力,以及盖梁提供允许的最大滑移长度及支座支承宽度,再辅助挡块或拉索限位器等共同防止落梁发生。最后结合现行规范,以拉索限位器为例给出了简支梁桥防落梁设计方法。  相似文献   

2021年5月22日青海玛多发生了M7.4级地震,造成了共和至玉树高速公路部分损毁。首先,基于地震现场考察及资料查阅,介绍了该条公路在此次地震中主要的震害类型及总体的震害情况;其次,统计分析了共玉高速上桥梁震害情况与结构形式等的关系。发现此次地震大桥震害远比中小桥要严重,简支空心板梁桥震害要比连续箱梁严重。鉴于此次地震在极震区缺少强震记录,本文提出一种基于衰减关系和台站土层条件的推测地震动简化方法,从地震动特征角度分析玛多地震对共玉高速破坏机理。最后讨论了此次地震对我国高原地区交通结构抗震的经验与启示。  相似文献   

以某高速铁路线上一座连续梁桥为例,运用模糊综合评判法,结合基于位移的支座损伤分析和截面曲率的桥墩损伤分析,以全概率理论地震损失模型为基础,提出了基于模糊理论的桥梁系统地震经济风险评估方法。结果表明:综合考虑桥梁系统的模糊地震经济风险分析方法能更全面地计算出连续梁桥在地震作用下的经济损失,仅以桥墩构件代表全桥所得地震经济损失误差较大。基于模糊理论的年预期损失风险框架方法通过结构抗震性能的概率特征可对高速铁路连续梁桥的地震直接经济风险进行全面评估,为该类桥梁的抗震设计、维修加固和灾后重建等方案做出合理评价。  相似文献   

汶川大地震绵竹市回澜立交桥震害调查   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
绵竹市回澜立交桥跨越绵竹货运火车站,包括主桥及4个平面为圆形的曲线匝道桥,匝道桥为连续箱梁结构.5.12汶川大地震中,回澜立交桥遭到严重破坏,通过对震害的现场调查及分析发现,圆形匝道桥破坏严重,每个匝道桥破坏集中于1-2个抗弯刚度较大的低矮桥墩并引起上部箱梁横向断裂,其余桥墩发生轻度或中度破坏,主要为桥墩混凝土保护层脱落、混凝土开裂及墩顶橡胶支座的滑移,且总体来看,匝道桥破坏沿切向更为明显.主桥破坏相对较轻,主要包括桥墩顶部的支座滑移及主桥与匝道桥间的碰撞破坏.  相似文献   

不同约束方式对匝道桥动力特性的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,地震作用下的匝道桥表现出较高的地震易损性。为建立匝道桥的有效约束方式,以减小其地震损伤,本文基于汶川地震中连续梁桥约束方式的调研结果,建立了4种不同匝道桥支座约束方式,并以石家庄石环线某匝道桥为例,对比分析了不同约束方式下匝道桥的自振特性及地震响应。结果表明:板式橡胶支座具有一定的剪切变形能力,可降低桥墩与支座组成的体系刚度,有效分散了上部结构的地震惯性力,保护了下部结构,但应注意其引起的较大主梁位移;固定支座或墩梁固结形式会放大桥墩受力,增加下部结构的损坏,不宜设置在高度较矮、刚度较大的桥墩上;双层挡块和垫石凹槽分级限位支座具有较好的限位能力,并可耗散部分地震能量。  相似文献   

The end diaphragm of bridges are normally designed to resist lateral seismic forces imposed on the superstructure in earthquake prone regions. Using ductile diaphragms with high deformation capacity could reduce the seismic demands on the substructure and prevent costly damage under strong ground motions. The end diaphragms of steel tub girder bridges with high lateral stiffness and dominant shear behavior have a potential to be used as ductile fuse elements. In this study, a steel plate shear diaphragm(SPSD) is introduced as an external end diaphragm of tub girder steel bridges to reduce the seismic demands imposed on the substructure. Quasi static nonlinear analyses were conducted to evaluate responses of sixteen SPSDs with different boundary conditions, aspect ratios and diaphragm plate thicknesses. Moreover, nonlinear time history analyses were performed using three different ground motions corresponding to DBE and MCE level spectrums. Cyclic and time history analyses proved the proper behavior of SPSD and its efficiency to reduce seismic demands by more than 25%.  相似文献   

高墩梁桥的地震冲撞效应及其应对策略初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内外多次地震表明了高墩桥梁的地震冲撞破坏现象,针对目前国内大量兴建的高墩梁桥,有必要研究高墩梁桥地震冲撞效应和减轻桥梁地震冲撞破坏的应对策略。本文根据高烈度震区的1座高墩梁桥建立全桥的空间有限元模型,并在墩-梁结合部伸缩缝处采用非线性接触单元模拟相邻梁间的冲撞行为,同时考虑了下部支座的影响;考虑不同的强震动输入,采用非线性时程分析方法,研究了高墩梁桥的地震冲撞效应及减轻冲撞的有效措施。研究结果表明:本文采用的冲撞力学模型能够合理地模拟地震作用下结构的冲撞现象;冲撞行为对结构的地震反应影响复杂;地震动特性对冲撞效应影响显著;调整伸缩逢宽度或设置弹簧-阻尼限位装置可有效缓解结构间的冲撞效应。  相似文献   

基于模态曲率法的大跨度斜拉桥损伤识别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大跨度斜拉桥是重要的交通结构,研究其在主梁损伤条件下的损伤定位问题具有重要的工程价值。合理选择设计参数并对其进行敏感性分析,根据现场实测的桥梁动力特性数据,通过调整选定的设计参数对初始的有限元模型进行修正。在基准有限元模型的基础上,通过模拟不同位置和不同程度的主梁损伤,探讨了模态曲率法对结构损伤识别的有效性。结果表明,模态曲率法能够对大跨斜拉桥进行初步的损伤定位,确定主梁单处损伤和多处损伤的损伤位置;对于单处损伤,在噪声水平3%的情况下仍具有较好的适用性。从而为后期更为精确的桥梁结构损伤检测提供依据。  相似文献   

Damage investigation of small to medium-span highway bridges in Wenchuan earthquake revealed that typical damage of these bridges included: sliding between laminated-rubber bearings and bridge girders, concrete shear keys failure, excessive girder displacements and even span collapse. However, the bearing sliding could actually act as a seismic isolation for piers, and hence, damage to piers for these bridges was minor during the earthquake. Based on this concept, an innovative solation system for highway bridges with laminated-rubber bearings is developed. The system is comprised of typical laminated-rubber bearings and steel dampers. Bearing sliding is allowed during an earthquake to limit the seismic forces transmitting to piers, and steel dampers are applied to restrict the bearing displacements through hysteretic energy dissipation. As a major part of this research, a quarter-scale, two-span bridge model was constructed and tested on the shake tables to evaluate the performance of this isolation system. The bridge model was subjected to a Northridge and an artificial ground motion in transverse direction. Moreover, numerical analyses were conducted to investigate the seismic performance of the bridge model. Besides the test bridge model, a benchmark model with the superstructure fixed to the substructure in transverse direction was also included in the numerical analyses. Both the experimental and the numerical results showed high effectiveness of this proposed isolation system in the bridge model. The system was found to effectively control the pier-girder relative displacements, and simultaneously, protect the piers from severe damage. Numerical analyses also validated that the existing finite element methods are adequate to estimate the seismic response of bridges with this isolation system.  相似文献   

The results obtained from a parametric study on the influence of horizontally propagating waves for the earthquake behaviour of continuous girder bridges are presented. The investigation is performed for floating-supported bridges excited by an earthquake acting in their vertical planes. The shallow foundations are assumed to be supported on the surface of either a visco-elastic halfspace or a visco-elastic layer resting on an elastic halfspace. Steady-state response for harmonic excitation and transient response for an artificial time history are investigated. Approximate equations describing the influence of horizontally propagating waves are presented and criteria are derived indicating when an increase of the internal forces and of the relative motion between the girder and the abutments can be expected.  相似文献   

The Gorkha earthquake in Nepal led to many landslides and severe damage to the transportation infrastructure. After careful comparison of the aerial photographs and satellite images before and after the earthquake, partially verified by a field study, more than 2,064 landslides and many road failures were observed. Many bridges, especially steel-truss and suspension bridges, suffered little damage from inertia loads during the earthquake, but were severely damaged due to rockfalls. Potential geological hazards hindered the delivery of supplies in mountainous areas, and road closures impeded the overall speed of rehabilitation.  相似文献   

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