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覆盖型岩溶、风化壳与岩溶(双层)夷平面   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
厚层连续的岩溶风化壳只能形成于地貌发育的晚期,对应的地貌景观应为岩溶 夷平面.后者具有与 Budel双面模式相当的剖面结构——由松散的风化壳层和壳下风化 基面组成.就灰岩区而言风化基面即覆盖型岩溶.青藏高原、云贵高原及湘桂丘陵-线 覆盖型岩溶及红色风化壳具有良好的一致性,都是岩溶双层夷平面的组成部分,但处 于不同的后期夷平面分化阶段.不同亚类的覆盖型岩溶和红色风化壳均指示岩溶夷平 面及刻蚀平原的存在.可以作为讨论青藏高原隆升幅度、速率等基本问题的参照系.  相似文献   

利用现代地形资料鉴定断层活动性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文述及场地断层活动性与地震地质背景的问题。工程场地内存在若干条印支—燕山期逆断层。对探槽揭露的断层分析表明,这些断层自晚更新世以来未发生新活动。同时对场地及附近地区层状的夷平面、喀斯特溶洞及河谷侵蚀一堆积阶地等现代地形,进行地貌调查、第四纪地层分析和相应的计算,进而认为,这些断层自晚中更新世以来未发生新活动。因此,就断层活动性而论,该场地是适于工程建设的。 现代地形资料可资鉴定断层活动性  相似文献   

徐伟  刘旭东  张世民 《地震地质》2011,33(2):335-346
通过口泉断裂1/5万地质填图,调查了口泉断裂中段(上神泉至杨家窑段)晚第四纪以来断错地貌特征.从山麓麓原面到山间沟谷河床一共可以划分出5级层状地貌面,最顶部(第5级地貌面)为山麓剥蚀面,推测为形成于新近纪的唐县期夷平面;第4级地貌面由大河间T3阶地以及山麓地带发育的同期洪积台地组合而成,形成于中更新世末、晚更新世初;第...  相似文献   

华北山地地貌面与新生代构造运动   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
华北山地有三期山地夷平面,四期河流阶地面。表明新生代地壳运动具有垂直差异性质。以上升运动为主,平均升幅1700m,速度0.031mm/a。以第四纪为最大。全区新地壳构造形迹可划分为3大类,8亚类和32个小类。在新生代构造运动中,又划分出第四纪以来的新构造运动和晚更新世以来的最新构造运动。  相似文献   

夷平面、古岩溶与青藏高原隆升   总被引:100,自引:5,他引:100  
利用夷平面重建,查明了高原抬升前从南向北海拔约变化在500~1500m之间。用洞穴再结晶方解石测得的20个裂变径迹年代数据证明主夷平面形成时代是19~7MaBP,并得到相关沉积和热构造事件间歇时代等验证。同样,通过上述资料证明青藏高原经过3次隆起和两次夷平的论点是正确的。两次夷平后的高度均皆在500m以下,目前意义上的青藏高原起自5MaBP的最新一次抬升。在早更新世高原达到第一临界高度1500m。0.7MaBP又经过一次强烈的“昆黄运动”达到第二临界高度3000m。由此在理论上和方法上皆可对高原隆升的幅度、速度、时代做出更合理的说明。  相似文献   

五台山新生代隆升剥露的磷灰石裂变径迹研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
五台山是中国三级地貌重要分界线之一太行山脉海拔最高的山,其隆升历史的研究对中国三级地貌形成时代的确定具有重要意义.沿五台山最高峰北台顶向北自上而下至山根和阜平县境内长城岭地区海拔最高点向东自上而下至山根两条剖面,分别采集一系列岩石样品,最后挑选16个样品进行磷灰石裂变径迹研究.通过对封闭径迹长度分布直方图的分析,表明五台山样品自晚白垩纪末以来一直在单调冷却,即五台山在持续地隆升;通过对样品径迹年龄-高程图的分析,同时结合热史模拟及Excel数据拟合,表明晚白垩纪末以来五台山的隆升为分阶段幕式过程,共经历了三期快速隆升:74~58 Ma、46~31 Ma及15 Ma左右.五台山晚白垩纪末以来的隆升与太行山其他地区及周边张宣隆起、泰山等其他山系的隆升在时间上存在对应关系,所以,五台山新生代隆升为区域性构造演化的一部分.  相似文献   

状元岩,因南宋状元邹应龙青年时期隐居于此读书而得其名。区内晚白垩世崇安维红色砂岩、砂砾岩,受新构造运动产生的断裂、节理及风化剥蚀、流水侵蚀、重力崩塌作用,发育了典型的丹霞洞穴、巷谷、线谷。状元岩是登高望远、观察古夷平面的理想去处。  相似文献   

广东深圳断裂带活动性的第四纪地质和地貌研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卢演俦  孙建中 《地震地质》1991,13(2):138-146
深圳断裂带分布着一系列第四纪盆地,发育了以晚更新世河流相为主的沉积物,其厚度一般小于10—15米。它们的出现与断裂破碎带、岩溶地层分布及断裂早期活动有关。但是,未见错动了第四纪沉积物的断层。从约180万年以来,断裂带内发育了四级夷平面和三级河流阶地。不同时期地壳相对升降平均速率估计为约0.04毫米/年至0.2毫米/年。 在第四纪地质时期,深圳断裂带总体处于区域性的间歇性抬升过程,断裂活动不明显  相似文献   

李献华 《地球物理学报》1998,41(Z1):184-194
综合了前人和作者最新的地质年代学和地球化学研究成果,对华南晚元古代晋宁期造山运动的演化提供了化学地球动力学制约晚元古代早期(0.97-1.0Ga)的皖南、赣东北和桂北蛇绿岩在元素地球化学上具有相似的岛弧特征,但它们的Nd同位素组成明显不同新获得的高精度结石U-Ph年龄资料表明,桂北地区的本洞、三防和元宝山等三个主要花岗岩岩体均形成于820-825Ma,排除了本区有中元古代晚期花岗岩的存在.扬子南缘中元古代到三叠纪各个时代地层中的泥质沉积岩的TDM在晚元古代早期从约1.8Ga急剧降低至约1.3Ga,反映了这个时期的沉积物源区有大量新生馒源物质的加入.根据研究资料,提出了华南和扬子块体晋宁期陆-弧-陆碰撞模式  相似文献   

珠江三角洲部分断裂晚第四纪垂直位移速率   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
珠江三角洲地区断裂比较发育 ,晚第四纪以来的活动方式皆具有垂直差异运动特征 ,且大多数都呈隐伏状态。文中在对三角洲发育阶段分析的基础上 ,利用已有钻孔资料 ,沿断裂两侧寻找位置相互靠近、且能揭露出时代和堆积环境相同的地层层位的一对或多对钻孔进行对比。根据断裂两侧相同层位现今所处海拔高度的差异确定它们沉积以来的垂直位移量 ,再根据该层位的测年数据计算断裂的垂直位移速率。共计算了 5条断裂晚第四纪以来的垂直位移速率 ,位移速率值为 0 14~0 4 7mm/a  相似文献   

The thick-bedded and continuous karst crust only formed in the old stage of geomorphic development. The corresponding landscape is the karst planation surface. The karst planation surface consists of the loose weathering crust and the base weathering front below the crust. Its profile structure is similar to “double surface of leveling” model built by Budel. In the limestone area, the base weathering front is the covered karst. From the Tibet Plateau to Yun-Gui (Yunnan-Guizhou) plateau and Xiang-Gui (Hunan-Guangxi) hills, the covered karst is concomitant with the red weathering crust; all of them are the component of the double-level surfaces of karst planation. But, they belong to the different disintegration stages of planation surface. The different subtypes of the covered karst and the red weathering crust indicate the existence of karst planation surface. Thus, they can be made as a reference system when the rising degree and the rising rate of the Tibet Plateau are discussed.  相似文献   

石树中  柏美祥 《内陆地震》1997,11(2):148-153
通过对地震断层陡坎演为过程的分析,应用均匀物质扩散理论建立地震断层陡坎的形态方程,推断古地震断层陡坎的年龄,从而确定古地震事件的期次及年代。用该方法对二台活断层古地震断层陡坎进行计算,所得结果与用其它方法确定的古地震事件的期次及年代对应较好。  相似文献   

忻定盆地周缘山地的层状地貌与第四纪阶段性隆升   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
忻定盆地位于汾渭地堑系北段,是一个典型的新生代张性断陷盆地,其周缘由持续隆升的断块山地围绕。断块山地的阶段性隆升在山麓地带形成了由山麓剥蚀面与河流阶地构成的6级联合地貌面,并在山区河段形成了由急流段与缓流段相间分布的河流纵剖面形态,急流河段的最高点对应阶地在上游方向上的消失点。急流段由多级跌水组成,是断层多期地表错动的结果,代表了山地快速隆升时期,而缓流河段代表了山地相对稳定期。根据河流阶地的断代以及急流河段与缓流河段的相对长度估算了山地阶段性隆升的时代,4个快速隆升期分别距今1200~1059ka,600~501ka,130~103ka,20~0ka,其间为3个相对稳定期  相似文献   

李光涛  陈国星  苏刚  杨攀新 《地震》2008,28(3):125-132
滇西地区自第四纪以来经过了复杂的构造抬升, 其上新世准平原面被差异抬升为不同高度的夷平面。 在抬升过程中, 怒江的侵蚀作用形成了深切的高山峡谷地貌, 并形成了能反映构造抬升过程的多级河流阶地。 这种高山峡谷地貌的形成不仅与构造活动有关, 还与气候变化有关, 但构造活动是主因。 通过河流阶地和夷平面的研究能够得到河流阶地特征和差异隆升特征, 并能够进一步反演该区的构造活动特征。  相似文献   

The usefulness of large‐scale, low‐relief, high‐level landscapes as markers of uplift events has become a subject of disagreement among geomorphologists. We argue that the formation of low‐relief surfaces over areas of large extent and cutting across bedrock of different age and resistance must have been guided by distinct base levels. In the absence of other options the most likely base level is sea level. We have analysed West Greenland landscapes in a recent study by combining the cooling history from apatite fission‐track analysis (AFTA) data with the denudation history from landscape analysis and the stratigraphic record. An important difference between our approach and that of classical geomorphology is that we now have the ability to document when thick sections of rocks have been deposited and then removed. The present‐day high‐level plateau in West Greenland is the remnant of a planation surface that was formed by denudation that lasted c. 20 million years during which up to 1 km of cover was removed after maximum burial at the Eocene–Oligocene transition. Here we present additional AFTA data to show that the planation surface is the end‐product of Cenozoic denudation even in basement areas and argue that Phanerozoic sediments – most likely of Cretaceous–Palaeogene age – must have been present prior to denudation. The planation surface was offset by reactivated faults and uplifted to present‐day altitudes of up to 2 km. The uplift occurred in two late Neogene phases that caused incision of valleys below the planation surface and their subsequent uplift. We therefore find that the elevated and deeply dissected plateau is evidence of episodic post‐rift uplift that took place millions of years after cessation of sea‐floor spreading west of Greenland. We suggest that other margins with similar morphology may also be characterized by episodic post‐rift uplift unrelated to the processes of rifting and continental separation, rather than being permanently uplifted since the time of rifting, as is commonly assumed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The classical explanation of the development of the Welsh landscape by the effects of a pulsed ‘eustatic’ uplift during the Cenozoic times is challenged by new data on the geology and geomorphology of Wales and the adjacent regions. The post-Caledonian surface developed over most of Wales in the upper Westphalian plays a major role in landform development. Since its emergence before mid-Cretaceous times, the Welsh Massif has suffered a long subaerial evolution which favoured a powerful chemical weathering. In Anglesey and St. David's Land, residual hills were formed by a process of differential weathering, and downwearing in saprolites. The Millstone Grit quartzites have been deeply weathered and dolines or flat-bottomed basins have been developed. From Cretaceous to Miocene times, a morphotectonic equilibrium has existed between uplift and denudation, so that, in the major part of Wales, the original planation surface was constantly maintained by lowering on itself and in some places it is possible to prove that no more than a few dozen metres of rock thickness disappeared during that period. Several main escarpments were produced by the warping of the planation surface along sharp flexures, during Neogene times. The Cenozoic vertical movements were controlled by the Caledonian or pre-Caledonian tectonic pattern which has divided the continental crust into major structural units. Welsh tectonic development is related to the opening of the North Atlantic, associated stresses reactivating ancient lines of weakness in the heterogeneous lower crust or upper mantle.  相似文献   

Fossil mammal-riched Neogene strata are widely distributed in the southeast corner of the huge Longzhong Basin at Tianshui, Gansu Province, northern central China. Hipparion weihoense, a typical member of late Middle Miocene Bahean stage, was recently excavated at Yaodian along a well-exposed outcrop. Owing to the importance of the Bahean stage in the mammalian evolution and its potential for environmental change, we suggested a name of Yaodian Formation for the stratigra- phy, which is correlated to the Bahe Formation at Lantian, Shaanxi. High resolution paleomagnetic dating of the section shows that the Yaodian Formation covers the period between 11.67 Ma and 7.43 Ma, with the site bearing Hipparion weihoense being estimated at about 10.54―10.30 Ma, providing first magnetostratigraphic chronology for the Bahean Stage. The Yaodian Formation consists of fluvial channel deposits (11.67―10.40 Ma) at the bottom, floodplain deposits in the middle (10.40―9.23 Ma) and shallow lake sediments at the top (9.23―7.43 Ma). This upward fining sequence suggests that the relief in nearby mountain ranges such as West Qinling to the south and Huajia Ling to the north was greatly reduced after long-term denudation, fluvial transport capacity was low, and finally the drainage system was disintegrated, replaced with broad-shallow lakes in which only fine sediments like mud and marlite were deposited, indicating an old stage of development of a planation surface. A remarkable shift in ecology and climatic environment was found at 7.4―7.7 Ma when paleoclimate changed from early warm humid to late dry as indicated by sedimentary facies changed from early shallow lake sequence to late eolian red clays and a former coniferous-deciduous mixed forest was replaced by grassland, leading to great growth of Hipparion Fauna of Baodean stage in the region. Therefore, it is estimated that the present high relief of Qinling and drainage pattern did not come into being until Late Pliocene in response to intensive neotectonism and climate change.  相似文献   

Based on a multi-proxy investigation into the deep core of the Cuoe Lake in the middle of Tibetan Plateau, a 2.8 Ma paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental evolution is reconstructed. The result of magnetic stratum indicates that the lake basin was formed at about 2.8 MaBP, while the multi-proxy analyses of lithology, grain size, magnetic susceptibility and geochemical elements reveal that there have been three major environmental evolution stages and at least two intensive uplifts of the Tibetan Plateau in the lake basin area, i.e. during 2.8-2.5 MaBP, the lake basin came into being as a result of the disaggregation of the planation surface and rapid rising of the Tibetan Plateau. During 2.5-0.8 MaBP, with gradual uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, the environment of this area was more effectively controlled by the climatic cycle of the alternative glacial-interglacial stages. After 0.8 MaBP, the middle part of the Plateau accelerated its uplift and entered cryoshere.  相似文献   

国外新构造研究进展述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过去10多年间,新构造学的研究前沿集中在地表过程和地壳过程相互作用的理论模型和实际观察方面。文中从造山带构造、地表侵蚀过程和气候的相互作用,大陆裂谷带中裂谷段的相互作用,横向水系和夷平面等4个方面介绍了国外的最新研究进展并给予评述。作者认为:在地球动力学模型中包括了地表过程是认识造山带和裂开边缘发育的明显进步;横向水系和夷平面成因的地貌学经典概念依然具有生命力  相似文献   

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