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选择相关法提高转换波速度分析精度   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用转换波速度分析拾取的横波速度是转换波共转换点(Common Conversion Point简称CCP)叠加技术中很重要的参数.它的拾取难度在于转换波时距关系在中—浅层或大偏移距情况下误差明显增大,以及在相邻薄反射层上叠加速度谱分辨率很低.本文对选择相关速度谱分析技术进行了研究,即在速度分析中不是利用所有道集,而是有选择的利用部分(可调)道集进行速度分析,研制了相应的实用软件.理论模型和实际资料均表明,该方法在中—浅层或大偏移距情况下,比传统方法有较大改善,分辨率明显提高,能大大提高速度谱估算的精度.  相似文献   

西南海海槽地震资料处理及其似海底反射层特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对西南海海槽的NT2-2地震测线进行了重新处理,突出了天然气水合物似海底反射层(BSR)的特征.比较了近炮检距剖面、叠加剖面、偏移剖面、瞬时振幅剖面与瞬时相位剖面上BSR的显示特征.指出了BSR在炮道集与共中心点道集上的分布.虽然在近炮检距剖面上能分辨部分BSR,但通过叠加与偏移可以得到BSR较清晰的图像.BSR的高振幅特征在瞬时振幅剖面上最为明显,而在瞬时相位剖面上容易勾画BSR的横向展布.  相似文献   

三维三分量(3D3C)陆地反射PS转换波共中心点(CMP)叠加成像方法,虽然抽道集简单,但是对实际资料处理结果往往不理想.尤其当反射界面为三维倾斜界面时,其成像质量较差.本文提出有三个主要因素影响其成像质量:第一,转换点离散.运用实例计算得出,转换点离散度随着纵横波速度比、偏移距和界面倾角的增大而增大.相同界面倾角,不同测线方位的转换点离散度不同,视倾角的绝对值越大离散度也越大;第二,道集内静校正量差异增大.CMP道集中,由于转换点离散使得转换点横向跨度较大,经倾斜界面反射转换的S波出射到近地表地层时的角度差异也较大,导致静校突出;第三,加大动校叠加复杂性.三维倾斜界面PS波CMP道集近炮检距时距方程可表示为双曲形式,但是曲线的顶点位置和动校速度同时随测线方位变化,使得CMP道集同相轴很难校平,动校叠加过程很复杂.  相似文献   

地震勘探中广义弹性阻抗的正反演   总被引:35,自引:3,他引:35       下载免费PDF全文
常规的地震道反演方法建立在反射P波垂直入射假设 的基础上,而实际地震资料采集时多数是非零炮检距的,反射振幅是共中心点道集叠加的结 果 . 因此,利用常规地震道反演方法就不能得到可靠的波阻抗或其他岩性信息. 本文利用Patr ick Connolly弹性阻抗的思想,通过对Zoeppritz方程的进一步简化,推导出适合常规叠后 资料的、非零炮检距条件下纵波反射系数递推公式,提出了广义弹性阻抗的概念,解决了非 零炮检距条件下,常规叠后地震道正反演的关键问题. 广义弹性阻抗不仅包含波阻抗,还包 含了纵横波速度等岩性信息,具有很好的实用价值. 进行广义弹性阻抗的反演,能较常规地 震道反演获得更多、更可靠的流体、孔隙度、砂泥含量等信息,有助于解释常规地震道反演 和道积分剖面中的假象,降低反演的多解性,提高储层预测的精度.  相似文献   

由共成像点道集抽取的共偏移距道集可以当成相同地下成像的多次观测.由于偏移误差的影响,在不同共偏移距道集上,同一采样点存在水平和垂直方向上的错位.本文提出一种基于地震图像校准的共成像点道集增强技术,实现了不同偏移距道集在时间和空间上的逐点匹配对齐.在本文中以2D局部归一化互相关来表征共偏移距道集和叠加道集在相同时空位置的相似度,假设在不同水平和垂直移动量时的互相关满足连续凸函数,利用求导方法估计共偏移距道集在该位置处的非整数校正量,最后采用双线性内插方法估计成像振幅.传统道集拉平技术在垂直方向进行校正量消除,本文方法能有效估计共偏移距道集中的水平和垂直校正量,并在亚像素域估计正确的成像振幅.模型数据和实际数据的处理结果表明,本文方法能有效增强共成像点道集中同相轴的一致性,提高叠加结果的分辨率.  相似文献   

以往利用地震海洋学方法发现的内孤立波大多在东沙岛附近,本文在南海海盆东北部首次利用地震海洋学方法发现了海盆中的内孤立波.通过叠前偏移观察该内孤立波细结构的变化,发现内孤立波波形在采集时间段内整体较稳定,内孤立波浅层反射相对深层变化较大.通过改进前人的方法,利用共偏移距道集叠前偏移剖面计算内孤立波视相速度.该方法比直接使用共偏移距道集拟合的共中心点-炮点对曲线线性更好,其计算的内孤立波视相速度为0.82m·s~(-1),内孤立波视传播方向为从NW向SE(172°N方向,0°指向北).  相似文献   

在浅层地震勘探中,测线常常由于场地的限制而不能沿直线布设.而弯线地震勘探施工过程中炮检中点比较分散,影响共面元道集的叠加和最终剖面的真实性.加之浅层地震资料又有其自身的特殊性,所以选择合理有效的浅层弯线采集与处理技术非常必要.本文以甘肃陇南山区新文县一中测线为例,结合弯线共中心点面元叠加的时间、空间条件,在采集和处理两个环节分析控制炮检中点分散范围的具体方法,获得了真实且高品质的地震剖面.剖面有效波的能量较好,同向轴连续清晰,各种干扰波得到了压制,说明浅层弯线地震勘探的方法在理论上和技术上都是可行的.  相似文献   

浅层地震勘探资料处理中的速度分析参数选取   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
王辉  丁志峰 《地震地质》2006,28(4):597-603
浅层人工地震勘探是当前城市地震活断层探测的主要方法,勘探精度不仅受激发、接收等因素的影响,还与地震数据处理的精度密切相关。速度分析是地震勘探资料处理中的关键环节,它的准确与否对动校正、共深度点叠加、叠后偏移及时深转换等都将产生影响。针对浅层地震资料目的层较浅、叠加次数少和城市背景干扰大等特点,文中对速度分析的参数选取问题进行了研究。首先通过对相邻CDP道集内各接收道炮检距的分析,以及单个和多个CDP道集的对比,提出了用于速度分析的CDP大道集的抽取原则。并通过对不同的CDP大道集、速度扫描间隔、计算时窗长度、动校切除比例等所获得的速度谱的对比分析,对速度谱扫描过程中各参数的选取提出了建议,并对速度分析及时深转换过程中值得注意的问题进行了讨论  相似文献   

浅层面波法调查表层速度结构多用于非沙漠区的工程与环境领域。本文利用多道面波分析(MASW)技术针对塔克拉玛干沙漠地区特殊地质情况,对所采集的浅层多道面波资料进行处理分析得到沙漠区表层速度结构;同时对该地区所获得的地震大炮记录上的面波进行了处理、分析和对比,探讨了沙漠区利用大炮面波法调查表层结构的可行性。实践表明,多道面波资料可以得到很好的浅层速度结构,而大炮记录则可得到详尽的深层地质结构,将二者相结合便得到测区表层60m范围内的速度结构信息,也证明了在沙漠区利用大炮面波记录提取表层地下介质结构是可行的。  相似文献   

本文从测量射线参数出发进行反向射线追踪,导出倾角时差校正(DMO)的公式。经过DMO后,可以从一组等炮检距剖面得出共分角线点道集。用于对这些道集进行叠加的速度值与界面倾角无关。对经过DMO的资料的等时切片进行叠前成象(PSI),就可以把分布在圆上的绕射能量沿圆弧加起来,并放在圆弧上对应于最大炮检距的位置。经过这两种处理,再应用标准的速度分析和叠加方法,就可得出偏移后的剖面。这两种处理均与速度无关。最后用物理模型试验说明了DMO和PSI的效果是好的。  相似文献   

For converted waves stacking requires a true common reflection point gather which, in this case, is also a common conversion point (CCP) gather. We consider converted waves of the PS- and SP-type in a stack of horizontal layers. The coordinates of the conversion points for waves of PS- or SP-type, respectively, in a single homogeneous layer are calculated as a function of the offset, the reflector depth and the velocity ratio vp/vs. Knowledge of the conversion points enables us to gather the seismic traces in a common conversion point (CCP) record. Numerical tests show that the CCP coordinates in a multilayered medium can be approximated by the equations given for a single layer. In practical applications, an a priori estimate of vp/vs is required to obtain the CCP for a given reflector depth. A series expansion for the traveltime of converted waves as a function of the offset is presented. Numerical examples have been calculated for several truncations. For small offsets, a hyperbolic approximation can be used. For this, the rms velocity of converted waves is defined. A Dix-type formula, relating the product of the interval velocities of compressional and shear waves to the rms velocity of the converted waves, is presented.  相似文献   

The method of common reflection surface (CRS) extends conventional stacking of seismic traces over offset to multidimensional stacking over offset‐midpoint surfaces. We propose a new form of the stacking surface, derived from the analytical solution for reflection traveltime from a hyperbolic reflector. Both analytical comparisons and numerical tests show that the new approximation can be significantly more accurate than the conventional CRS approximation at large offsets or at large midpoint separations while using essentially the same parameters.  相似文献   

For converted waves, stacking as well as AVO analysis requires a true common reflection point gather which, in this case, is also a common conversion point (CCP) gather. The coordinates of the conversion points for PS or SP waves, in a single homogeneous layer can be calculated exactly as a function of the offset, the reflector depth and the ratio vp/vs. An approximation of the conversion point on a dipping interface as well as for a stack of parallel dipping layers is given. Numerical tests show that the approximation can be used for offsets smaller than the depth of the reflector under consideration. The traveltime of converted waves in horizontal layers can be expanded into a power series. For small offsets a two-term truncation of the series yields a good approximation. This approximation can also be used in the case of dipping reflectors if a correction is applied to the traveltimes. This correction can be calculated from the approximated conversion point coordinates.  相似文献   

Static correction is a common step in a seismic data proccessing flowchart for land data. Here we propose a new algorithm for automatic short‐period static correction. The algorithm is based on the assumption that seismic events after short‐period static correction should be locally plane nearly everywhere. No other assumptions are made. Therefore the proposed method does not require a preliminary velocity analysis. The algorithm consists in two main parts: evaluation of second spatial differences of trajectories and subsequent regularized integration of these differences. The proposed method proves its robustness and shows results comparable with conventional residual static correction based on improving common‐midpoint stacking. In contrast to the conventional residual static, the proposed algorithm can estimate short‐period statics in complex cases where common‐midpoint stacking fails because of non‐hyperbolic events.  相似文献   

Radon transform is a powerful tool with many applications in different stages of seismic data processing, because of its capability to focus seismic events in the transform domain. Three-parameter Radon transform can optimally focus and separate different seismic events, if its basis functions accurately match the events. In anisotropic media, the conventional hyperbolic or shifted hyperbolic basis functions lose their accuracy and cannot preserve data fidelity, especially at large offsets. To address this issue, we propose an accurate traveltime approximation for transversely isotropic media with vertical symmetry axis, and derive two versions of Radon basis functions, time-variant and time-invariant. A time-variant basis function can be used in time domain Radon transform algorithms while a time-invariant version can be used in, generally more efficient, frequency domain algorithms. Comparing the time-variant and time-invariant Radon transform by the proposed basis functions, the time-invariant version can better focus different seismic events; it is also more accurate, especially in presence of vertical heterogeneity. However, the proposed time-invariant basis functions are suitable for a specific type of layered anisotropic media, known as factorized media. We test the proposed methods and illustrate successful applications of them for trace interpolation and coherent noise attenuation.  相似文献   

利用共转换点叠加方法研究华北地区地壳结构   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
武岩  丁志峰  朱露培 《地球物理学报》2011,54(10):2528-2537
利用华北地震台阵L测线的35个台站记录的895个远震数据进行了接收函数的计算,并利用H-κ叠加方法得到华北克拉通西部陆块东侧和中部陆块内基岩台站下方的地壳结构.利用得到的基岩台站下方的地壳结构和通过波形模拟方法得到的渤海湾盆地的沉积层结构作为背景模型对测线进行共转换点(CCP)叠加成像.在渤海湾盆地,通过增大CCP叠加...  相似文献   

目前转换波处理主要局限在水平层假设的前提下,使用斜层共转换点叠加有助于缩短处理流程,提高剖面质量.基于射线定律和几何关系,推导出了单一斜层的转换点位置迭代公式和解析表达式,对不同的深度比,速度比和角度正弦对转换点位置的影响作出分析并与平层渐近转换点公式对比.应用斜层方法对单一煤层进行速度比扫描,提取该属性并对煤层叠加成像,比平层假设方法更能反映目的层的变化.进一步使用插值模型使连续层叠加不再使用拼接方式,而是采用逐个采样点归位叠加的方式形成完整意义上的剖面.对实际资料的三个煤层和新生界进行了方法实验,比单一斜层叠加和水平层假设的效果有所提高.  相似文献   

Extensive geophysical research has been carried out in southeast Tibet due to the complex geological structure and high seismicity. The study of the Moho interface can provide useful information for the geophysical research. SWChinaCVM-1.0 is the first version of a regional community velocity model for the Sichuan-Yunnan region and aims to provide a reference for seismological research in the region. Based on this model, a high-precision community Moho interface model can be obtained using common conversion point (CCP) stacking, to further expand the applicability of SWChinaCVM-1.0. Before CCP stacking, it is necessary to check the fit of the practical and theoretical travel times of the Ps phase and its multiples under the constraints of the model. Using this method, referred to as Hκ0 stacking, we determined the Moho interface. However, the multiples were poorly fitted with the theoretical travel times at many stations, and the crustal thickness obtained was inconsistent with previous findings. Therefore, we speculate that the SWChinaCVM-1.0 model has some limitations that render it incompatible with the CCP stacking method. To further verify this hypothesis, we performed H-κ stacking using the vP-vS model, vP model, vS model, and the regional average velocity vP0 and compared the results with those of Hκ0 stacking. The results of the comparison indicate that the SWChinaCVM-1.0 model requires improvements. In addition, by analyzing the SWChinaCVM-1.0 inversion process, we found that the vS model was more reliable than the vP model. Finally, we adopted the crustal thickness obtained using H-κ stacking based on the vS model as the initial version of a community Moho interface model for the Sichuan-Yunnan region (SWChinaCVM-MOHO-1.0).  相似文献   

动校正是地震资料处理的关键内容之一,直接关系到地震资料处理结果的精度.在浅层和大偏移距情况下,常规动校正使波形发生拉伸畸变,波形拉长、频带向低频方向移动,进而影响叠加效果.通常地震资料处理中大都采用切除的方法克服动校正拉伸畸变的影响,这对目的层较深时是可取的.以工程地质调查为目的的海洋地震勘探旨在了解海底之下较浅地层深度范围内的地质信息,一般勘探区水深较浅,数据叠加道数较少,如果仍然采取切除处理,势必严重影响资料的分辨率和准确度.本文阐述了一种无拉伸动校正方法,能较好地解决动校正后的波形畸变问题,理论模型和实际资料的处理结果表明该方法在近海浅层工程地震勘探中是行之有效的,有助于提高速度分析的精度和地震资料的分辨率.  相似文献   

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